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About The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1899)
THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 31. 1899 -v-v'i illltl LUM Jf'.l I Miss Js L Vcliwl, wla las) ivaa STr--f. i I Tnr .LIU uid ca Us ai;ti't frla to ;4 tier TVSUM at boe. e M .; g ! 0,1. V T .1 i,J mi aLa Lav I 'iA.3l UMrKVrwfnfttJtll AT.T-r.: a' ?ld TJ ia tbe rite iat aifll c-a t:r way la' . ur bint ( Via r- , ;!12 Izl EaS FiaiTX "1 233 "VVi Dr. Prmrt arJ too. O-arV. I ; An Excellent Combination, j . .iwj CAPTURED C-L 3"A -ra avei.i onaiB ua wsrrx-u cicia ewriar. ava c .a.f-Bv a 1.0 I THE DRLLES iSTEAEVi LAUNDRY. ! Dewey while wah? Yes, ami wash white. You can Havana thing washed at the Steam Laundry. The Maine point i qualit.v ami the 'Merrittcf our work is such that people go i Miles to patronize us. Our prices are not Hobson's choice, but the standard rates, which are not Cevera hlch as some ieople think, and we want to ttr .'jtr. V it ( Jarv. w bo Lai J tra rji;tf M m Myrve Mtiti. let i lii4 iia:i a ti boat l.r fort 3- ' ibis ci:y, at .or this a&orairr . J ra-3 j. .' it,Jih lScb. Fiaxk Raab ud Oeorg-a i IFite ILllci, Twesrt-Fite cca i -pvp-3 3-il Oar Teial list tf Cisaalucv .' Srarr er Fl-fc. Eiiaiilaxiwred It lie CaixF&xjrLa rs Mtrr Ca . Llsm: Ue ralae of ot-ti-i ii liqd hn fcrer priaeple c4 y--kiti Lacwa to he .' n' - n l '. T iautt ard pr--rit-xf i &tm is lirf f era skk rt fnriiir r to Use - i- frv-m. 1 t .v . t - v. SGeaeral Wbf-m?ja in conomitd :KJCKit-: jxatT 1 scb- to Mr. ai Vrt. E. li- Webtr, atnianiirr to re ooojltr toward Pei Corner of First and Court Street, THE DALLES. OR. Miv.ii, Jtu 19. A Uta! Foaru iriatur, wLich jeft HWasco Warehouse Company r imliUi; Una, Ba&ke it tie Wm-jU J aaxasx-ne. i la Lae proona of mnaxitsxiirf f j arc as Orr are pieaut to lac - taste, bat te orcinsil aaauea of ttoe d are otiaiad frra antaa aad KnnlM Lmm. Deana.aaiatiackeJia tf war I, j XieatiqUaXl CrS lUr Ot3t!U VJIttlU 01 ail KUia5. Jnead'.T aaUre. Th: i T7on it o fTiar fVT PflQl .Train 4TI lrina i'jc ttiaxu. rr a Bx-tlol caorc Icr ltr tva-sa auj anrecaieea to tie CAtmira F Srrrr ' (v ..rt.wvl - Cl oaJr. la cr-der to r it laSal . . . tx U Mm paAoSc at Tb DtJ on- j trer&J boon &s J Cre Ac erica lief Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds. efclirf k Jaae, 1U. Peraou vr.Vd aad taeetT-Sr woaiiid. The ; TT 3 . i. T3 PV. and all kinds - rtHHIHl 11 HI Lrf ITS 11U t311Ul LH. .,r kwa ol tbe rtbela a Terf beary. ; - ' ' Tb tatailioa aooa txhaaFtei ha am- i Headquarters fcr "Byers' Best" Pendle- a arr the falJ aaac tA tie Ccaapasr jOaea.EC 4 GraBD-d. Jat F!.ta CAUPORTOA FIG SYRUP OD. uo.'. i t P.aue. bTler Eoifea. Wai Tboeca. B ! S.j-i, Mary : MfG.-e. : A:s. Bailie T- irr to ax. a t. Tai aalr aJi Incpu-Pin &c pe tncu GLrer. E T Knrk;trkk. E C jtti, Wi:eu Lerber, A Price, H B Rotjerw, A!lrt Ttavoof, Carry Vaodrne McAl.ier, Cta !rzi!b, IItrt W. H. II. DUar ia toaa 'rota Defer Gofct. Mr taday. iJotte.JF . - r . tTTr. M a. i-i kf u s iimiirM r S'uw irciss J. A. LdTcxvk arrired ia Tie Pa j ' Ijrooa!ries4, lrao' J HttKg, J F .er. F F Farioa. Jgha D W Garnfer, F A H,icbf;rk. Etlie fcrrke-.t. A McWiuaa., VI Fraoca. H. H. E:rDiii, P. M. (lrajf-4 r arlaw Tao fay bone, a bjbt anl dirk ( r l-racdrd dari one yeeteid t tico Cany-oa City J. E. Sberar, of Croia Ker. retimed lact r doaa a no to i'un.nd. i H. M. G;:! .id fe, cf Baker ! W3"-J Tte try ia Cty. are rt-rtered at ibe l aan: a. j a v 'n tiaociJer; tb Wa. B.raa i ctt today frasa ,?f j S S oo Jeft hip. aaoa oa Ue aii-.tat : idc U I be.1 Tea depart reaaid be (irea to "'- J asy cte tur ickti.a;kn aJo tbeir a bf- C F. Ca'.beart, cf tit f Laf c'f ir : atK-olr, or tJe irericr tbem to ot at rrttn-! trjta Pcrtaod Utl . Eadet by. Kits Bso. Mir. CXIt Pattera aad dacjb?er. I " c' Mm Z , irf: ikj ie bul ti.'t o.ot titf j A circt:!ar b( Uea U aed by tbe O. Piaai. s E. A X. auronccauc chai.j ia Xr-ipbl M'.a BT.t a J--e. wbo hat beea at- , ratet eretire Jc'y 1 tkicb are in JaTjr leading s-t. Miry'e Atsiesy tere. aj.l t-fthe i .bberr. A!i r-Ul eommoJ.iT rm-Mw b.tiiixa i -t ter &ta.e is UejKT. armed iaiUc;:r ye"e4aT. sad mi,j , ... rtra4a ak alsa ber iritiKd, Mifrfj Tbe arcaJar ancooocet that t?ie W eft Mm i:b. j' era Cia.5cuoa X.. CV to t ng:ibed Mr J. P. Ebet iLimit ia tbej1' Ja'? l- 1S. " oftaia city Iri-aa lite. Tbey nzt lr lie tir-; aanaber of iicp-ortaat ebacrea. Partica aec4 a-.aiirr ibe iitrt iH U 1 lai aUt,tion i tailed to rale Xo 6 whicb j -var.oaa ne jT.t ai.i t ratta and ccarrej ace.rtiiQ( to tee rorrer.t (oreroic mix rcam acd micimom 1 i rairt in fftct httatea locai txi:.: on tbe company 'a iice and tnbj-rt tj ti.e Dr. L:.iWf e l. fatter of Un. W. L. Rradtt a a. arrired ia tbe city at sight. Mra Brad.Ka, abo baa beea con r.J ta fcer Ud ijr tbe pat aek, it in.-r.-Tit -j tue bat eaeb dy. Jt' a :y . rHi:.T. Bert Barrett if cp frssn PcTt:atd. Mr aad Mra. Lent Earjen are &n",Tca tscar. aeirbta of carloadt, at aathorized by tbe coui:-aa;e ad optica; tbil c'afjifcaiion, but in co case, unli ercUl)y fro rideJ fc-r in h c'.icitii n, will a car load t coask'etd left than 20,000 1-otinU, co freijbt rated naaiuoa and W" beaten and bia ttal ailit to Daooataia foot and ccs teli piece aeet to reicforc the troopt abirb ere attacked. Geaera! Wheat on was fired oa ia Ibe road aiJ had a aarrov ecaf. Tie third battalion via ordered to tbe front cod formed oa tbe Lai Minai road. : Heary rC( on both cidrl fj '.lowed, I artiUery beirc freely oJ. Tfca enemy i a aa located ia tbe voodt at 4 o'cknk, " bo:trt:rci of rtliiicr ai tbe reb:a atre ruted T-ry bard. One inn of ' tbe Sixth artillery did great extcation. Tbe jbtine in f till in progren at 5 o'clock, at abicb time tbe Auerican ' bad HXiTeA a qatnlily of Filipino ary-.f , ahich bad been abandoned in tbe vooda. ! Tbe ecene of tbe btin; is 20 icilet , from Manila. Offered a Kcgimt ob Wat bixgtox, Jane 19 Tbe aar de partment today rc:TeJ a ttram;i tinned I y Seaatora Pirrkini acd Wbitej? C'Svrirg for iaaa-(-d:at4 tervice ia tbe i I Pb:l:;.jnff a loll re":meLt of infantry ' iiota frtLfra uorn'.a. . 3 action i can be taken in Theqtieatioa ; I) of calling far vol a otters baa cot bee determined, beside it bai not leea d- cidrd whether state trocps aoold be ac cented, tbcn'd rola.nteer le called for." tOTl FlOllT Tbii Floor it mannfactored expreesly fcr family ' ose: evert aack ia guaranteed to Rive satisfaction. Wj seJ oar poo's lover than any bonae in tbe trade, and if yoo don't tnink so call and get cor prior acd be cunrinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats ! lmwmi CYCLOIME Hagazine- "?-.-t ..-.-.- -.ifn 3-Shuttar Autom Zi.'yitij,Stxf 4Shutter Locks. ;t-f'Jt Aluminum PI FOR 1899. Ten Points to Consider: 1-12 Pictures In 12 Seconds. 2 -Shutter Bulb Release. atlc. Plataholdnm. 6- Set stops. 7- Special Quick Lens. 8- Automatic Register. -A'l parts Interchangeable. lO Exposed plates removed without disturbing unexposed. No. 4 size 3l4' x 4) S3.00 No. 5 Z3 4x5) 10.00 1899 Catalogue with com plete information FREE. Just Arrlveo. Ice onli V .2;:ne Axaera ml. a buib ih otter. M. Z. D0NNELL. Administrator's Notii i. BcrrDj rlrcn that ih. . aal account tJl baaCledkitHoalaccou'iit ai d.,, the a.4 d., , July, ai oi kid d.r mi ti. " "'luei T m (Ton, hv b. u xed by t"i' L"' ""T Juuue ,( Wasro Cuin.r, Orru. t,te u. if uuyiUrre it! " .J..-.Udii..tin.ll thine be .PPru,.5 . order be mle'i'K-hrKiiiiMii,irtn,i ' ,n Ia e4 tbi. lttuday Jt li," t"lh" AdminUtrator of the eiuti'of .PC,ENT- S0TICE OF FIXAL SETTLEMENT. Ute if irh McAte- ith t . lX.'Suf! c.unty eviirt of ihe.tate of Urw (,:. 2 " efmutr, and that Tburwl.T.Ihe l;jil,'d.M l,atthel..urof lu ocloea a m Bied a. the time aud the county Von'tt Ii hwi iMlle. City .. the p ,ce for tbe tZl SdSiia"" fi"1"C,unt Jan MJ J U'J I3 1W9- TU0S- H0V AL Ewcato:, yjoiAioPlit SABT roB I Faxt Mail ll:SUp. nr. Spokane Klyer 5:40 p. m. 1p.m. t p. m. naa acHKDCLa, Faoa Ealt Lak, Denver, Ft Worth, Omaha. Km- tity, fct. Louli, vuiuagu ana ..(. Walla Walla. Bookine. Mincmpolis. I'anl.l xJalutb, Miln.ukt, Lmcago ana tut Fao PoiTLAsn. Oemn 8teamibiba, For ban Franrirco Jar u.l y '.U, and every live duyg thereafter. Aiti Faua. UiiL 1:15 p. B Bnoktin Flyer. t:00ais tp.m. t p. n. Ei.suuJay ColumbU Rr. gteamervEi.biindit o. .... i'" r. ""'I 10 p. m. ttaated. Two and fucr-borre teams, aitb drirers. Moclb'a wcrk; gxd afs, I payable weekly cr CiOtitLly. Arply to V. H. Escws, ColaasLla Hotel. That Throbbing lies Jack e WocM jti:cklr leire yoo, if yon oed Dr. King's New Life rl:s. ThoniatJi of saflVrert bave proved their niatcblcrt merit for siik acd terrcci l.eadirbt. . They make J ere bloud and strong cerves L ..tea ia iiu,l,.j i-ai .,.,i,,,!,i1 V. 1 IVir1 ..M an 1 I.: .1 . . . .- fWk 1 - I ----- - " ' i Oba.. Hil-ii is ia tbe city oa bis air ! Vr, " " " 1 i Tr tLem. 0.ilr S3 fn!f. Mocer Uck IrPldttib:. raacaaear FoU. j .'f" ' ler .L jif Bot eBrfJ ' WJ fcr j. ,. &; Cbaa. C.rke .r,ir.t from Hoe4 Rrer ! ,rdvc li!-. i I tor Cited rat- j KooebtoB. drorgiftc, ' 5 ' yrriay acd a:.4 return oa this af:er-. Ia lLo"B ,a t C-asfificaiicn Till apply j - - i aooa't train. ; :oc!y open ib'pm?r.ta r."ctlred in oce ar Agaia fjr rifrj i Mr. A. R.Tb?xr ard f.rr S't U(, , daT from oa co'icor, tinker oae bill Tlm' ," r'- tbi afie-o-n f rPortiard to a'.ietd ibe ! c lJ'r. and Oe .:Trr?d nnler olc ex I awoke 1U Bijtht with SfTere px-r.j ' n:cr ot ler Lratter, Edam Mart. pecse bill to oze cats'. n-e. Carload io m7 st. natch. I never ft!: so bad.r in CUhiskcy. This brand cf Whiskey is gaaraniecd to the consumer as a FIRE HAXD MADE SOI K MASH WHISKEY for Family and Medical I'se. Said by Ben Wilson, - The Dalles, Or. a. m. i Willi tte Ttivia. t aOn . Ex.buutlay Oreeon t ilv, Kewberg, Ex.Sundif CM.cuj a ti ay una ., I Vt'iu.rrr and Ya-! 3:30 ra. Mon.,Weil 7 a. m. lues.lbur.j hiix Kirau. aud tat. Urecon City, lMyton and Way-landing's. and fit 6a.m. I Wiliahcttc Rivrs. t:30p.a Tue..Thur. Portland to CorvlH,.Tue., lhai and Sat. acd Way LauiJliigii. , tudtlt. Lt Rlparlo dai.y Ekake r.ivia. Riparia to Lawi.ton. l.BAVI Liwinoit dally Fur.ii s deklrina torn to Ileum er thouU miie .in. 4, leavtne Ibe Dailea at s:: p. n niakinir airect connection, at Henpner Junction KeiurnliiK making direct eivmerlion at Heppim Jnnrtloii with No. 1, arriing at The Uavllcra at 1:15 . m. No. tl, thmucht frelirht. caM bouwl, d( not carry pauenaera; arrivea a. iu dcpttli 3: CO a. in. No loral freight, car-lea pawngen, rf bound: arrives 4:;) p. m., deart. :16 p.m. No. jl, et biui'd through fnlKht, doea mt carry paaatngera; arrive. 8:15 u. m depwti 9: p. m. No. 23, wr.t bnnnd local freluht, rarrlet pu eugera; arrivea 4:15 p in., cepaxte S;3Ut. m. For (nil particular, call on 0. R. N, O'l ngent Tbe ballea. or addrera w. h. ncRi-nrBT, Oen Paa. Art., 1'nrUand, Or, " wWvk4'l' 60 YEARS' , Vre. J. L. Tboa; n left on y!er-! rte " app L-atle rn JrrUht ccn- ' aheraoa trale fir Jlvc mouth, to ' airned :o railroad senis." M preeect at the er.tcaicfaieLt exer- j case daring U.e week. j Usr Trad Kaasber. IV. Prerot. cf .-..1 r. V.'ork i ra;.:d y prorettt.f; on oar r. ml o s;-fM sets ia ntb jn ; T' 'e Xoa,br, and ibe liter: ta.poit .7. i .'"'''f'1 ,e foesu it bss already received n.tks it a we u3.r w a.. c':grp. i tared success. Tbe licmber aiil as be M ETelrn Frte) t rt c- from ! pab'.isbcd in bo'.h the Caiiy snl wee' y a.b:;.r F. fcl-arp, oaJil lorrorroa. j P-e aitn and biographical all nay Jiff. When I carce ia to work this morning I felt s erejk I conld hardly work. I went to M lier fc McCordr's drciT store and th?y recotEtaend'd Cbarnbe-rlain't C-.-!:c, Cholera ar.d Iisr- rboea R?niHl. It worked like macicj atd ore iloe Csei cie all rbt. It i l c?r!a;a'y is t.e fir.est th:c I eTfr oe.i c. Mr- 1- E- Croee was a pngr rtm-Tjjy wr r jrtiri.l. where she wiili tketcLct cf She irorcir.tLt u.en and represecutive t c?inn bootei of The J. STUBLING- Wholesa'e and Retail Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agency for the Grsate t American Liquor rirur.5:jY8llovvstonB Sour Mash Whiskev cf Uft tight sfain f.r fifty times its' ",MW" IIMOIiUfi ! f T li . . ! lirYTViTrw " " " 1". . r- - - - . " ii.r Tor.riL1 1 Dane,, m. ,.. ''"rr0- VKr- uytv' i i fu??' 1 l - v ... - ... . " I r I fTs't n i a hie, irtnn I- Tl t- 1 IU VATrfi I C I a- , . . . . . ar.wbicb will occar Wedneiay -nb especial care, and is designed to j" "'V' W"1'iln C,.. Fa. This j IEfOETED :JC0G5A0..iuj7S6.! 12.W rlrall77H toWyX hL ' redound greatly to the wel'ar. of tbe ra"!T " " '' IIcch- Artbor gtablirr, who I as been a c-' i tereftt rerresend acd Id the city at ,J DrBit tat at the fate Oiiverr tr .nice ba Jige. ... , retara frotn Maaila, ani Jlie. A ' U M" t'1'-". of Bryen, Pa., KaVlmg, who t satenid U H jrrjtr I I '-? "Fr f jrty years I baretiied vir a.usees to-efe, rettirced borne Saicr day abxbL. A UK HJi IPilM iJh iMnrVy:5lo1t((ltr. f,li,n--74 ; , , jeKTt'ui ONLY THE PUREST LIQUORS SOLD. W I an 1 . .-- 1 J Tcc Mabki, rrf1" Crt.vm&HTt AC. A neon aendliig a attetrh and dewrlpti m" quickly ax-ertam rmr opinion free wheln-r A; HiTeiiH..n l. proh.My pxlemabl. ronimoniifc lliii.trtellyeonnitentlal. Hanitbookiin I .tmia cut fna. IM.teM .ifn.'r for .Tinn pa"""' 1'xienia uon tnn.iwri llunn i Co. rcceir. rfv-1,.1 not lea, if hmit In tbe scientific America A hmi 1 1 cornel v llltitrnf4 wrktr. Tt-rini. aKisrilirlit ioitrtial f"ir: (nur moniba, U Sold by ail new. .iel MUNN Co. Hew Tort; Uiancfc umc. at F fU Waabimiton. D, U Mass Era S osi er, who bas lecn at teadmg tbe I'urt'an.t n- eritr, came lat sven nr from llool Il.rer. here ehe ba t-een 1r j-r,l, for a few aaya. aa I wiJI !ct t ,r ber boat i near Iaar tti.s a!ternin. Cl.arcer .'.x,re. a t,o was cal ed ti tr e eeath lei of ,,a brother .t l ai ,r, re. twrnel to b- h-oje in CTitx las' a ght. 1 was ed br l i. n.ouerj Mrs. A. B. lf,re. ),.. wl. I spend time weeks tis '.nvat b s fiorre. Taevday t I .i:y. F.iail afge'.'rr is in from Wrp a t i today. Ptf R. R BfjdU vr. i. E. Pa: ce' Allard is ia t!o c;t firm rel-imel t bis f.on e n Carper er atd wie ctrs cvtr - Cecf rTi.V yeaterJar. Eer. Jr. rvF r.s; ant U I.Vd Birer OTtbe lit ii.; ra rr.trg. X. McCtid, the bo!el ker-er at nvideooae. :,, , Tetier.jay on ti:e way t ore from IVrra-.d. Mies Kate M tk nuslf ar.d X"m Z Eayore came Op iiwa IVitlaci Ittt' For Sale. Three houses and four lot? in The Dalle?, a a j whole or separately. Lo- I cation healthy aiv Ie?ir- j alio, near school. I'avs ; e.cvjtionall3 g-xnl inter- j ' est o:j investment. lVor- j i erty in goo 1 condition. I I AdJre??, Mrs. A. Fitz Gerald 839 Golden Gata Av San Francisco, Cal. l-jos c-jch CVogb Core is best fr all." OLTMFIA BEER on draught. .n,t v.i m... Oae Minute lajporua Alo acd Porter. ind Olympia Beer ia bottle It relieves ' instantly and ct-res all throat and lnnj; trooblee. cnipes-K:c?rt!y Trug Co. j icyefe PEPAtR SHOP. JOBBERS IN IMPORTED and DOMESTIC CIGARS. Rockford "Quick Shot" c Simplicity Durability I 1DI.(. m . . -- 1 nidgazins Uamera "Tern Ihe levfr and von are res ir for :";her." N.i j.lue h .hlers with sii li-s No Quick Sellers No Complaints itooraw. .Not.reve or changing hag. , i. i ig p aid, .mi lallarrs. i If yon want 12 pirtore quuk. bnr Ihe U iirk-Sl.ot, , the cn'y inagaiinecatus holds II, e plalrt seturely after , they a-f exposed. No rattling or break- ng of plates. Best cn earth. AGENT TO" THE ..RAMBLER.. Lock and Gunsmith, and Machine work. s,4.' $6.0O 45 $9.00 lib one doacn plate bclJer. rr- ':.Vu- -! ,:- v -ai Cures Impotency.NifihtEmls"'3'11 wastlnr; diseases, all effects 0: abuse, or excess anc MotMl bulhler. 1'rinfjs the LT T rlnt F'ow tojaiecnrc."- BvW restore. She flrf of VOUtn. flt lly mall fiOc per box : bof lor $-'.r.(); with a written piwraif too to euro or refund tlo iiioucy NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton ft Jackson Sta, CHICAC0, IU A(dl Charles Burchtorf.. VaVaFSaBfNJ7SgrNa,ma I j Nanofeetre4 andertbe ( onley patent, fcr the ; Z: ' :V v -,s ' ' 'j . Rockford Silvor Plato Co., C.v'- -' I- ..,,4 I I BOi k FORI), ILL. We e! rrly tliriMieh In.-. H'uu 10 ouw j ua t'.i. -vj .i, a eh.t " Aikour The Snlpoa. Klnorsty Druw Co. AtiKMS, 1 ho pall,.,, ,,, Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you cat. , Itartlfleialiy digest the foodandaldi Watura In airrmrthpnlnir nnd recon atructlnutlio exhausted dltfestlve or ffnns. 1 1 U t he latest dlscovcrod diRW ninnd tonic No other preparaiw" enrt nnpronrh It In efflnlenry. H 'n tantly relieve nnd permanently cures ypeiwi. indnrentlon, Heartbiiro, r'futuleni'e, Sour F.toir.ifh, 'ausei SMi'kllondnclie.GastnilRla Cranip.n0 HI other re!iltif tmperfeet Jlwr-ttoo-'rnoarad by E. C DaWiU Co- Crjlcofl For sale by 8:ilpes-Klno rsly Ih'".' C'