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About The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1899)
THE DALLES T.T CHRONICLE. SATURDAY. JANUARY 7. 1899 The Weekly Chronicle THE TOROSTO WORLD RAVES If the Toronto Daily World should grow ft trifle moie rabid in it rantr- inT3 agamsj r.ngssim " - States, it will be in need of a straight iscket, Through some peculiar process or reasoning it has discovered that tbe existing cordial feeling bet ween tbe United States and Great Britain is a dark eon-piracy against the Dominion of Canada. Listen to some or its rant: : v lias trie !tuurauMi ut been suggested as the grand eh max of the Anglo-American entente? We would not be surprised to learo the fact. Are we to remain passive ana allow Great Britain and the United States to settle our destiny as they please? If Great Britain is prepared o place Canada under the guardian hip of the United States, would it not be prudent on our part to advo cate annexation pure ana simpler Annexation would at least involve nothing dishonorable, Canada would escape tbe wrath to come, but how about Great Britain?' - Having th is dilated on the bor rible thought of forcible annexation, the World proceeds to point the mo.ul and adorn its awful tale. A political or partisan climax was ex pected by the intelligent reader, and thai expectation is borne out. The World is after the scalp of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, the Canadian premier, and concludes its jeremiad with a vicious lunge: "And woe betide hny political party in this country, or any politi eian who would surrender any of our positions. Neither Sir Wilfrid Laurier Bor any other man can seek refuge voder Lord Hersckell's robe- Any kind of national concessions for an ephemeral trade advantage would be regarded by Canadians as suicidal. Canadians are not contemplating national suicide at this great junc ture." - An 1 thus the cat jumps out of the bag. XCUHLY MARRIED. Congressman elect Roberts of Utah "is a Mormon not only in church but polygamous practice, and there are rumors in the air that an effort will be made to prevent his being seated when he appears in Washington to take the oath of office. . Tbe gentile does things in a more quiet way. It is a matter of com mon notoriety that not a few of our national solons maintain two estab lishments, one at home, and tbe other at ibe national capitol. What tbe Jlormon does under color of his church law the gentile does in dis regard of all law, and , contrary to public sentiment. But he only in troduces one woman to the world as Mrs. Congressman. Therein be bas the better of tbe Mormon brother who seeks to invest several women with the appellation contrary to all just ideas of decency and morality. . Roberts should be kept out, at least until he purges himself . of tbe offense. For the other practicing polygamists that infest Wanhington there is no adequate remedy except a proper cultivation of public opinion to the point where such, conduct will not be tolerated. Eugene Register. Tbe Charleston News and Courier says that Senator Hoar has laid 41 this state and city under great obligation to him by bis speech" at tbe recent New England society's dinner in Charleston. According to that paper the speech "was worthy of him and of Massachusetts." When we hear this sort rt talk from the leading paper of South Carolina about one of tbe most radical of Republicans in one of the most radical of Republican states we see that nothing is left of the old sectional spirit. In tbe con troversy which convulsed tbe country iii the 40s and 60s, and which brought the civil war, Massachusetts and South Carolina were the leaders lespectively, on their sides. When these two states get together, as they nave done now, the reconciliation of the sections must be completed. The president's sympathetic and apprecia tive words for the South on Lis re- . . throughout that locality, taken in connection with this clasp- iDg of bands by Massachusetts and South Carolina, shows that all trace of the old sectional hostility bas been effaced. THE PASSIM OF SOUTH L'RX VEX OCR ATS. Not one straight Democrat from the Northern states will be a mem ber of tbe next senate whose term begins March 4th. Thirty euator end their period of eervice on that day, and in filling the rents ibe Democrats ot the North will be en tirely unrepresented. It is an ex traoiJinary fact in American politics. Tbe senators from Utah anJ Montana will be elected by fusion legislatures and are as much Populist as Demo cratic. A close estimate of tbe next senate is fifty-four Republicans, twenty-six Democrats and ten Popu lists and silventes, a Republican ma jority over all of eighteen. The twenty-six Democratic senators are from the South, but that section is no longer solid. It sends ten Republi cans to the next senate. In five years the Republicans have gained eighteen scats in the senate. They have been strengthened most in the branch where stability is the great est, a matter or unusual political significance. The Democrats in the next senate will number less than one-third of the whole body, while tbe Republicans will luck but six votes of two-thirds. A remarkable change has occurred in the senate, but it has been spread over several years and its full importance ha? hardly been realized. There is still, in a technical sense, a Democratic party in the North. It claims the name and is in possession of tbe machinery. But the Demo cratic party as it was has rasscd away. The situation in tbe next sen ate proves it. Gorman, of Maryland, is among tbe missing. Murphy of New York, Smith of New Jersey, Gray of Delaware, Mitchell of Wis consin, White of California, Turpic of Indiana and Faulkner of West Virginia are in bis company. There are Republican gains over the Popu- isls in the transmississippi region. The passing of the Democratic party occurred there some time ago. All that remains of it is a minor element available for nothing except fusion combinations. Here is tbe remnant of the fusion Democracy and Popu lisra in the next senate: One mem ber from Colorado, one from Idaho, ono from Kansas, one from Montana, two from Nevada, two from South Dakota, two from Utah and one from Washington. To this total of eleven senators, of nil shades of opinion, is the opposition reduced in tbe North. As far as the senate is concerned, the Northern Democrats are virtually ex tidguished. So much for the Chicago platform experiment. Looking over the whole field, there is no encouragement whatever for another debased money campaign. Tbe senate blocks the way for a long period. Even if the tide could set in that direction during tbe next two years, the fifty-sixth congress will be in full accord with the president, and will put up the legislative bars against every form of tampering with the 100c dollar. Mr. Bryan's friends may insist on bis rcnominalicn, but they can not restore the conditions of 18'JO. Their opportunities lor mis chief in 1900 will be infinitely less than in the "first battle." Then they had the senate, which will now be against them. Sound money legisla tion was then impossible. For the next two years it will be easy. Tbe fusionists two years ago bad a pro gramme which they could have en forced the moment they came into power. All that is changed. Their chance to upset the currency of the country has petered out. Globe Democrat. The attorneys for Mrs. Botkin are hanging their chief hope on the issue of jurisdiction which they wiil raise against the court in which the poison er was convicted. Tho woman was tried under the criminal code of Cali fornia which covers crimes committed in whole or in part in that stale, nnd her lawyers raise the quibbling point that the crime for which the was tried was committed In another state. This is flippant. If a murderer standing on the California side of the line should fire a rifle and kill a man standing Just across the line in Ore- gon. it would not be conteude.1 that the crime was not committed in r"!Tlir L.d. wh h.t About in California. In the IJotKin ease I .. - ... it.. n,..nmittj l rn tuc crime wiw it wij - - tirely in California, although the eon seoucnees developed in another state. Tbe malignant deed was conceived ,nd executed in California. There u,. r there she should suner me vnau. Spokesman Review. New York Tribune: Senator Faulkner is another who bas been classed as an nnti expansionist. He is still opposed to expansion. But be will vote for tbe ratification of the treaty of pace. He sees what others of the anti-exonnsionists appear not to see, that the treaty does not ir revocably fix every detail of our national destiny for all time to come. It closes the issues of the war and it oiens tbe vast oppoitunities of peace. That is all. The rest is left to con gress that is, to the Ameiican'peo ple. It is for the nation to determine, after ratification, what it will do with the Philippines. The treaty does not settle that question. It merely takes the islands from Spain and puts tbem under our control, and that is something it had to do, unless this nation was to be branded with bad faith and wanton inhumanity such ps it would be difficult to find paiallelcd in history. The prevalence of grip in Eastern cities has placed an embargo upon that, most disgusting of all practices promiscuous kissing. Sensible physi cians plainly tell people that they must stop this or take the conse quences, as administered by that dread malady, in aching bone's, fevered bodies, slow convalescence and big doctor's bills. "A word to the wise," etc. It is doubtful, how- ever, whether the wise need the word here spoken, and equally doubtful whether the foolish will heed it. Oregonian. A new train between New York and San Francisco will make the run in four day", and the time from the great metropolis to Oregon and Washington points will from now on be made almost as short. Yet when these Pacific coast regions were an nexed there were prophets who said the country would be ruined by tak ing in such distant territory. Three hundred years ago a British Admiral said the Spanish armada "did not in all their sailing about England so much as take one ship, bark, pinnace or cockboat of ours, or even burn so much as one sheep cote on this land." History repeats it self, but with more emphasis. riHSOXAL MENTION. Wednesday' Dally. G. Wingfield is a visitor from Endert by. H, R. Blue is in the city from Wapi nitia. C. A. Monger came in from Grass Valley today. Marcus Long in confined to bis borne today by sickness. Dr. Chas. Adams is in the city from Tygh, visiting relatives. John W. Watson, formerly a Dalles ite, is in tbe city from Portland, Contractor Frye, of the Pacific Bridge Co., left this afternoon ior Portland. B. E. Snipes, an old Dalleeite of for years, is on the streets of the city today. Mrs. A. Slnsher accompanied her daughter to the city yeslerdav from Dufur. Mr. II. Glenn went to Portland this morning, where he will meet Miss Ed na, who is returning from a visit to San Francisco.- Miss Eva Slnsher, accompanied by her voung lady friends who spent the holi days with her, came in from Dufur yes terdav, and left for Portland this morn ing, to resume her stndies at the uni versity. Thursday. Mrs. Wm. VanBibber left thi morn ing on a business trip to Olympia, Wash. rank Wood left this morning for Portland to attend the business college in that city. Dr. Hollister hat Just returned from a professional trio into 8hrmnn county, being called to consult with Dr. Smith. C. McPherson, who has been spend ing the holidays with his family in this city, returned to his ranch near Hay Creek this afternoon. NOTICE. Came to my place in May, one bav mare, weight about 000 pounds, and branded with a cspital A. the cross line of tbe letter resembling the letter v, on the left shoulder. Owner can have th me by cabin at my place and paying ill charges. B. E. SiM.rca, lOJecltn Boyd, Oregon. m-LMF DIIMAUAV BOYS. j nt i ! Being niucb interested in the three . , wh0 ere d;8COvered in the box ear 0( fright train which arrived here j early yesterday morning a reporter re- r,r.J r'ibLL:":r,rr,."; run in to wie ciiy jan, u-io foimd three boys, sitting side by side against the wall in a dejected looking condition. They were clad in a manner which would not admit of tailing a trip in winter without suffering from cold. Being asked if they were cald on their journey up, they answered that they were nearlv froteu, which the night- watchman said was the case when he found them. As is ueual with mis chievous children they teem very bright, and there was no hesitancy as they answered the questions asked, although we afterward learned tbey had their story well learned and hd told it so often tbey had begun to think it true. Tbey gave tbeir names as Fred Matton, Guy Cooney and Martin Tuney, aged 14, 12 and 10 respectively. The youngest wat particularly bright and said when asked bow they got here: "We live in Albina and was tweepin' wheat out of a box car when old 'Spider Legs,' a man who alius shuts boys in when they play in cars, shut ns up and we couldn't git out. 'I ben the train started, and we yelled, but nobody heard us cause the cars made such a Doiee, till we got here, then a man brought us up here." The reporter then said, "Did you sleep any laBt night?" "Nop, didn't eleep none." "When are you going home?" The little fellow spoke up and said: "Guess my god father, who works on the train Ml come and take me." Mr. Lauer informed us that a man called to gut him, but as Superintendent Gardner, of tbe Boys' and Girls' Aid Society, had answered his telegram last evening saying the boys bad ran away from the Society and ask ing him to hold theui until he arrived, he could not well let him go. The little fellows teemed quite peni tent last night and were said to le crying as a gentleman passed the jail. Afterwards the man returned and in company with Mr. Lauer visited them, and found them better contented. To day he brought down some apples and books, wLicb pleased them immensely. The marshal has been very kind to them; but the boys have been taught a lesson which they will never forget, and no doubt have decided it is better to be under Mr. Gardner's kind protection, than to come near freezing and then spend several days in a jail. COLUMBIA RIVER ROAD. Mora Talk About tha Same Old Koad Wonder Kit Will Materialise? The Telegram bas the following con cerning tbe much-talked-of railroad from Crate's point to Columbus, rVe wonder if its the same old talk, or whether there's anything in it: In a recent interview, Paul F. Mohr, president of the Columbia River Naviga tion railroad, around the rapids of the Dalles, in Columbia river, said bis line would be completed and ready for busi ness before the end of next summer. The road will be 20 miles long and of stand ard gauge. It will extend from Crate's point, below The Dalles, to Columbus, opposite Grant's, on the Oregon side, and tbe grade will Me through Washing ton. Speaking of bis line, Mr. Mohr said : "This line will be valuable chiefly for the traffic it will get fro.u vessels bring ing grain down tbe Columbia river. The rapids around The Dalles are 13 miles long, extending from Celilo to a point a short distance above the town of The Dalles. My road will cut across a level land along the foot of the Klickitat hills, opposite The Dalles, and run several miles below The Dalles. "The Klickitat valley sends out a mil lion bushels of grain yearly, and a large amount of this will probably come to my road at Columbus. "Work is not progressing on the line just now, and will not be begun till tbe winter passes. "It wonld not pay to complete the road nntil the Cascade bcks were open, so the road was not rushed. Now the locks are open, and the steamer taking grain at Crate's point fiom our cars will he able to carry it to the mouth of the Columbia. The hauling of the grain on tho Upper and the Lower Columbia river by water will admit of a lower transportation rate down the Columbia. This reduced rate will not only redound to the benefit of the shippers along that route, but also to those shipping by rail roads across the state of Washington to t'uget sound. They will have to reduce their rates to a comparative equal basis so as to meet the water competition. Paper and SJouvanlrs from Manila. Through the kindness of Mrs. Arm strong we have been permitted to peruse "Freedom," an American paper pub lished at Manila. Its contents was ex tremely interesting, and contained many articles by the volunteers. Beside the papers tent her by her sons, was a novel new year's card, npon which was pictured a water bufXtlo hauling a num ber of small natives ; across U e corner of the card were the wordt "A Happy New Year. A souvenir tong book, which has 1 vtyfc unuLp liine of No. 7 Woodland k stove $ 7.50 No. 8 " -". 8-50 No. 8 Wood Garlai jr., cook stove 15.00 No. 8 Wood Garland, jr., reservoir and base 25.00 No. 8 Bridal Garland 23.00 No. 8 Bridal Garland and reservoir 33.00 No. 8 Home Garland cook stove 25.00 No. 8 Home Garland cook and reservoir 35.00 No. 8 Home Garland range 40.00 No. 8 Home Garland range and reservoir.... 45.00 No. 8 Empire Garland steel range 45.00 Also a full line of Cole's Hot Blast Air Tight Heaters just received. Everybody knows that "Garland" stoves and ranges are the world's best. They combine elegant finish, durability, and con veyance, with economy of fuel, and in tpite of all competition hold their station lar in advance ol all others. We take pleasure in call ing attention to our list of stoves on hand. Sold exclusively by MAIER & BENTON, KiEKSr: rocery The Dalles, Or. t recently been issued, is filled with origi nal songs and poems by members of the various regiments of the Eighth Army Corps. The following song was written by Howell, of the Second Oregon, and is sung to the air of "Nellie Grey" : We are volunteers for freedom, We've remembered well tho Maine, We came west o'er the rolling of tbe sea; We have beard the battle's thunder And we've seen tbe fall of Spain Now we long for our home-land of the free. Chorus Oh, Oregon out home Sweet Oregon so fair for tby beauty we will e'er remember thee We'll recroM tho rolling billow To our Oregon bo dear And our loved one in that home-land of tbe free. We have een our Hag unfurling From the shore to distant iliore We have teen our glorious colors borne afar. We have seen the famous Dewey And his proud ship Baltimore And hi squadron that fought the Spanish war. Now we're waiting only waiting For the order to return Toour home In tbat great land beyond tbe sea For the flame of love for Oregon Shall e'er be seen to beam, Oregon, In that home-land of Jtbe free. McNail Howell 2nd Oregon V. S. V. A tlo WeltlDg A party of appreciative friends laden with tin ware, invaded tho pleasant home ot James Dixon and wife of En- dereby, on tbe second day of the new year to help them celebrate tho tenth anniversary of their wedding. Among; the many presents were, a boiler, a col ander, two sonp ladles, two comb cases, two pie pans, a broiler and a dipper. The presentation was made in a humorous manner by P. P. Underwood. About 2 p. m. the guests were invited to partake of a most bonnteons dinner. The way tome of tbem tackled and staid with the turkey, chicken, cakes, pies and other good things showed plainly that tbey bad prepared for the occasion. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. L, Rice, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fligg, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Cummings, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Endersby and son, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Follmer, Mr. and Mrs. Urint Smith and child, Mrs. Still and ton, Mr. and Mrt. P. P. Underwood and daugh ter, Bertha, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Covert and son. About four o'clock the guests departed to enjoy a gay sleigh ride Domevrara. One or Them. Market Report. And Kill the wheat market fails to look brighter, the price remaining at 64, with small "hope of recovery." Local markets are as follows : Hy and grain Wheat hay, $12. Timothy,$14. Oats, $.'4. Barley, (rolled) $24. Bran and shorts, $18. Potatoes 55 cents a sack. Cabbage lucent a pound. Cauliflower 90 cents a dozen. Celery 60 cents a dozen. Onions $1.35 a sack. Carrots, beets, turnips and narsnioi 1 cent a pound. Egge Eastern, 22; Oregon, 27n' cts. Butter Creamery, 53; dairv. 30 and 40 cents. Chickens, $2.75 adocen. Turkeys, live,12cents a pound idressed. 14 cents. Water Commissioners' Rprnal Meeting;. A special meeting of ih w ater com. missloners was called hiet night lor the purpose of making a settlement nith the Pacific Bridge Co., which has jimt com pleted tbe work on the new water system. Including extra work of extending mains, etc., the bill of tbe company was 10,033.89, which was allowed and or dered paid. Other bills allowed were: Wm Morganfield labor $u 00 Wm Nicholas, labor 15 IH) Geo Reno, labor 4 t)Q Wm Micbell, filing aw.'.'.'!!!!!!.' 25 J B Goit, work on map .', 21 00 wVfcfc Just Received. COUNCILMEN MEET. Mayor Nolan III Tha Sewer System sad Other Matter Discussed. Thursday' Dally. ' Tbe first meeting lor the year 1899 wm held last night, and at roll call the fol- lowing councilmen answered present: Kuck, Gunning, Keller, Stephens, k Michelbach, Clough, Butts. Mayot I Nolan being absent on account of sick-! ness, C. F. Stephens took the chair. The minutes of the last regular and ' special meetings were read and ap- ' proved. ' j O. D. Doane, chairman of the board of jchool directors, presented a petition for i three new cross walks. One on Tenth, east side of Court; one on Tenth, east? side Union; and one on Union, south side of Tenth. It was referred to the I committee on street; and public prop- erty, with power to act. On recommendation of Kuck, Chas. Schmidt was appointed to investigate ' the claims of the City against the county 1 for taxes. The bill of Douglas Dufur for premium on insurance, which had been referred to the finance committee at the last meeting, was ordered paid at the recom mendation of Kuck. Committee on streets and public property was granted further time to in vestigate tbe matter of buildings situated on streets and public property, which bad been referred to them at a previous meeting. C. F. Stephen! then took'the floor and in a forcible manner referred to the bad condition of our sewer system, speaking of the endless expense constantly re quired to repair the same. This sugges tion was timely as the city is certainly in need ol a new sewer system. A motion wat made and carried tbat the committee on etreets and public property be authorized and directedto ascertain what system is necessary for present needs. Kuck then presented tbe need of a finking fund, and on motion thejrecard- er was authorized to draw a warrant on the treasurer, in favor of the finance committee, for $1000, to be invested in county.warrants for the purpose of creat ing a sinking fund to meet the future obligations of the citv, the warrants to draw interest at six per cent. Other warrants for that amount to be drawn until the surplus money is expended. The blanket ordinance was then brought up by Councilman Stephens, the purpose of which is to create a sink ing fund. Council then appointed a committee of three, consisting of Steph ens, Butts and Gunning to act with tbe recorder In drawing up an ordinance to be presented to the council. The follow ing bills were then allowed, at the close of which the meeting adjourned. C F Lauer, marshal $75 00 G J Brown, engineer 75 00 Adolph I'hirman, nightwatchman 0 00 U J Crandull, treasurer 20 00 N II Gates, recorder 60 00 I) 8 Dufur, premium on insurance 50 66 Maiera lienton, mdsu 1 06 R Cooper, nine corde oak wood. . . 45 00 111 llpnzle, hauling Jew T Peters A Co., lumber V H (tunning, repairs Dalle 1. 11111I1 Co, Immirr i' K II111 ham, Imiilirnf E lleiij iiiiinx, mw liik! wniiil Dalle Water works, atr rent. M T Nolan, tiiil. .1 W U'llitiinori, lull r John Hi ehner, reeling hose. . . . Chat .tones, lulxir Chas Kletirer, labor Mrs Frazier, mealt Calif Restaurant, meals 1 25 7 H 1 80 0 00 25 7 tiS 32 00 1 10 8 10 1 60 21 20 6 H) 14 e 2 Cash In tear Chech. All coutitr warrant! registered prior to Feb. 1, 18P5, will be paid at my office. Jnterett ceases after Nov. 14, 18!H. C. L. pHii-tiPf, County Treasurer.