The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, November 24, 1894, PART 2, Image 4

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The Weekly Chronicle.
ort'lClAL rWPfc OF abVO tVl'STY.
M ltik mm Uitam Bawanttac
fm Mnl at tti fusfcKBcv !
aa aWHK$-aae anT
T ntu. ronibi rumr. is apc.
Owrar J1
rus atonf
TTare uinlki
Advertnttis; ratta msaooahle. and made kaown
CM app.l.-'alfc'U.
AMre all MmmnmraUtm to "TUE CKRuS
U'Lfc. The latltea. im.
IV i'tuis asai H"riV l'nruirt- mi)
to found am taU ml I. C. Xickekm' f.rr.
Tilrpkom An. I.
rM Pwa wHa
Juir la Their rriaa.
Indian travel k- full of surprise,
pleasant and other ia. A gentleman,
wishing to purchase tome of the beau
tiful tahmere shawls which are made
not far from ltelhi, wnt to one of the
largest establishment in the city. The
merchant showed him a book in w hich
was written recommendations of hit
goods by lien, drant and his son, as
well as by many others.
Anion? the recommendations was
this one in tVersuan: 'I have bought
absw's t-f this man and think 1 got
them cheap; but do not offer him a
third of what he asks."
The gentleman selected two Tery
beautiful shawls, and asked the price.
The merchant, after a little consulta
tion with his clerks said:
'I have not sold a shawl to your
party. 1 sell you rery, rery cheap.
Tou" may haTe these beautiful shawls
for fourteen hundred rupees."
"Absurd: Let us fro'.' said the gen
tleman, having in 'mind the German's
advice, and he started for the door.
"Don't go," said the merchant;
"make me an offer."
I will give you four hundred rupees
for both shawls."
To his astonishment the merchant
Take them; I wCl send them to your
At Jaipur the same traveler lodged
in a hotel conducted by a native, but
owned by the rajah. He found the
following amiming notices posted in
various places:
Nine persons out of every ten with a
! cinder or any foreign substance in the j
i eye will instantly legin to rub the eye
! with one hand while hunting for their '
j handkerchief w ith the other. They !
j may and sometimes do remove the of- i
; fending cinder, but more frequently .
I they rub until the eye become iu- ,
i flamed, bind a handkerchief around j
, the head, and go to bed. This is all ,
wrong. The better way is not to rub j
the eye with the cinder in it at all. but
i rub the other eye as vigorously as you '
i. like, according to a writer in the Med- '
i ical Summary, who relates the follow- J
' ing experience:
j - "X few years since I was riding on
j the engine of a fast express. The en- ;
. gineex threw open the front window. ,
and 1 caught a cinder that gave me the
most excruciating pain. 1 began to j
rub the eye with both hands. 'Let j
your eye alne and rub the other eye' j
(this from the engineer!. 1 thought he i
was chaffing me. and worked the
harder. '1 know you divtors think ,
you know it all. but if you will let that ,
rye alone and rub the other one. the f
cinder will be out in two minutes,' per- j
sisted the engineer. I began to rub j
the other eye: soon I felt the cinder i
down near the inner canthus. and I
made read to take it out. 'Let -it j
Assignee's Notice.
SntM U berehv fives that J.'hs F Knot has
du!v ronvvymi u the unUrisuTued. hj pmpar
01 ot atfliment. all ( hi. nat and pt'ro'Sal
S m'ln. for the twnt lil M a.i til hi'rreUl or.
All por..n hat III rkimi a.aml aalil John
i f. ku are heevl-T Ui prvawut the aaiue.
j prxporlv leiiprf, l' me ai tha oihrv "t I'ulut A
j VtonitlM, lu twlltat iiv. onii. ailhln uihvIt
3 imti imm uir IUW I'l MJl.
liatitl Una lth lav ol V.vemher. vi.
Bo17arc U. il.kN. Assistive.
alone and keep at the well eye." hont"d
the doctor pro tern. 1 did so for a mm- t
ute hrcger. and looking in a small '
glafs he gave nie found the offender on ,
my cheek. Since then 1 have tried it j
many time, and have advised many i
others, and have never known it '
fail in one instance, nnless it was as :
sharp as a piece of steel or something ,:
that cut into the ball and required an j
operation to remove it."
A Racking Cough
Cuml by Aycr'a Cherry Pectoral.
Mrs. 1. I). IU Lt, 17 (irm-ssee SL,
Lockport, N. Y- s:ty :
"Over thirty yfsr 5t, I reniemVr
hearing my futlier ilnu-rsbe the wonder
tul curativ HiH-fc of Ayers Cherry
Pectoral. Ii.r;i- a recent s stack of La
Grippe, -a huli aMiiuicd the form of a
eatarr h. soreness of the lungs, acrom
panied by an asrivutin; eoujea, I
used vsrioi rvniiHlie snil freiTiptmnv
Th:l some of the- me.lii inf partia!!y
allevisted hr conliir.;: tlurin; thr rtay,
none of them sfTrUit me any n li. f fnra
that spaamoriV a iiim of the luna which
would ri nie the rem:. eat 1 attempted
to lieiloa D a' lulil. Ader ten or twrlre
such nil.T. I was
Nearly In Despair,
and had aKm derU-.! to si; nja:: ri.-lit
in my ea-iy t ha-t. ?;i.I prnenre liat
sleep I rould in ths ; v. It then oc
rurred to me that 1 l.p'J a bo: lie of
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I t.wk a
spoonful of th:s pn'rrs::ra iu a liu'e
water, aod wax Ebie to I t u. v, u r. i:u:c:
coughing. It: u fer r..-.i-.;-,. 1 nil
Spleen, auil in :'. - l.t-rv.;i;
greatly refrelcvl ; -i '. i-: M- -a:k
better. I ttK-k a ' - .; o' :! J';c
toral every nipht r.: s v e !.. i!.ir r
Bally decreased tha ). and ::i two
week? my couch ws rnn-if."
Ayer's Cherry Pectcral
Prompitc -c.iursiocure
Wasco V72renou5e Co.,
Receives Goods on Stor
age, and Forwards same to
their destination.
Receives Consignments
For Sale on Commission.
Spates Reasonable
W. W . Oo.
flew York Weekly Tribune
a tventv-ige journal, i the
United Slates. It if a N iTION
lea.ling Kepnblican family paper of tl
t . .1 1. .1 .1 . ' ail
tne general ueas m ioe i oii"i t-iai-. u sun ium vventi ol ioreim
lands in a nutshell. Its AtiKlCl l.TTKAL department has no "
lerior in the country. Its MAKklKT KK1DKTS are reencjiixad , S
tliorilv. Separata departments for THK FAMILY ClkCLP or
YOING Hl.Kti, and SUKNCK AM) MKCUAMCS. lu iioilt
AND OClKTY columns romrnsnd the admiration of the wives sad
daughters. It general political news, editorials and discaBniom 1
comprehensive, brilliant and ethanstive.
"If visitors are not satisfied with the
food or cooking the can deduct from : stronevr'n ve look.
the bill what thev consider fair." ; that better mvwll
"Guests are requested not to strike . sawin'. I guess. Bobby. Eh? He can't?
the Hervanta. i Yes. he kin. I believe, lieat ye all hol-
"tiuests wbiing ice are requested to ler. What? You'll saw two sticks
give a day's notice and name how much j qnicker'n he sawed that? NonsuntC
they require. j "Uokey! ye went through that like
; lightnin"; but one stick ain't two sticks.
have mail mnmmnti witl! th ! No. sir. ne ain't never two. Goin' to
Ta Old Maa fTa mavvkat P,
Baauu Tatw.
"Mornin", boys." said t)ld Jack, who
believed in judicious flattery, and j
whose doings are reported in Harper's :
Young People. As he spoke he laid
down his saw. "Feelin' well. 1 hope? ;
Yes? Good. Nothin' like feelin' well :
to make a feller feel good. You don't
look powerful strong though. Tommy;
you re imn. j
" V hat s that? 1 on re wiry, he ye? ,
I dont believe that. You couldn't saw (
one o them sticks through. You kin? '
Ho! eein's believin": 1
"Whv, ye t' saw purty well. Yer THE DALLES.
I eouldn t o done '
He beats von on A Gneral TSankinr RnainMUi tranaartMl
. a scHsaca.
J. M.
First HatioDal Bank.
Deposit received, subject to Sight
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day of collection.
Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
l ork
A. A. Brown,
Kaafs a tuil aaaonmcut ol
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
and Provisions.
woica a offer at Low Figures
to Cash Buyers.
EilEst Casl Prices for Iqi ui
ether PrciECB.
do the other? Well, well! Tommy. ;
he's goin' to do the other: whatever j
you goin" to do? You'll do two?
'Don't brag. Hobby. Aint brairgin'? '
Ye'll do three? Waal, go ahead: dont j
let me interfere. Allem glad to see
tor the accommodation of the democratic j bovssnunkv. Y hat: the hnii lot saweri?
nerohora of Tne Cnnnxic-i famDr. i VVaaL I'm surprised. That Win' the
Both papers, the Weekly Examiner and
, San Francisco and Port
San Francisco Examiner to furnieh it in
connection with Thm Chbowiclk. Ilav-1
ing a eiubbing rate with the Oregomati j
and 2. Y. Trihune for oar republican i
patrons, we have made this arrangement 1
D. P. Thohpsok. Jso. S. busses.
En. K. Williams, Gto. A Liksc.
H. M. Btm.L.
6a-WEEaXT Cbbomclx will be fur
nished for one year for $-.25, cash in sl-
Do you want The Chko.mcls and San
Francisco Examiner for a year? If so '
send n $2.25 and you can have them,
156 papers for f2.25 or les than a cent
and a haf a pioce. If you would rather
have the Sew York World, we will send
you that and the Sejti- Weeklt Chbok
ici one year for 2.2o. The World i
also a semi-weekiy to you wiil gut 2l
papers for t2.25.
case. I think 1 11 go incioors an rest.
Sawin" allers did make tie tired."
The old man waik tl into the house,
and Ikibbr and Tvnimr went home,
wondering if their friend hadn't put np
a little game on them, after all.
Earlv la TbJa Oatarv. It Maw
AaBaaata tm Abawt 370.000.
The Concience Fund" has figured I
in the statements of the treasury de- j
part inert for over eighty years, says f".
L. (rismin in Linpinc-if.'s. It was
Notice i taemhT tivea that tne undenift-nad
baa bwn duly appointed bv the Hotxirabie
oonrr t onrt ot br hlatr nt Umpra. fir a aaeo
njMiity. administratrix of th caul of Charka
t. Haicbt. d r tailed. All persona barinr rlaim
aeaiD Mid tatate are bcrvbv DotilWd tt pnraent
th same, dilr r-nbl. to me at bit reaidenee
In Daiiea ( itr. a aaro county, orarnn, wiuno
luted tnu 1-tb dar ot Onntr. lM.
rwi ht J. HAli.IIT
Administratrix of the vt charm E.
ilaicnu daanl. Of 3t-H 17
Xte GclmnDia PscKiDg Co..
Pork aod Beef
Fine Lard and Sausages.
A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables us to offer this splendid knn..i
Caaaali lxa avd'ravaao.
(The regular sabscriptioo for the two papers is 12.50.)
SfBrk RimoN MAY ItElilM AT AXV TlktK.
Address all ordei. to CHRONICLE PTJBLISHINa a
Vi rita vour name and address on a nostal rani aatnd it (a i a
Room 2, Tribnne Kailding, New York Citr, and m sample copy of THE Vn
YORK WEEKLY TR1BL NE will be mailed to you. "
Government, Slaie, or Dalits Military Road Lands,
Thomas A. Hudson
Buertaaor to Thorn bo rj A Bndsna,
83 Washington SL. THE DALLES. OR.
If yrm want InlnrnatioB ennernilnc Hrrra
snent lands, or tha lav rriattnr toeretn. yon emtt
ronault hlra fnra ul cbanra. Mabaa ask a apa
rla'.ty ni this buiinaaa, and has prartlvvd bHiira
tac I' nltad stair Land Ufflat tut orar aw jnua.
Ha ta Afrnl 1 the Kaatrra Oraeim
I'unipanr. and ran aril vim (.rmitiua. or I n
Impmvad Asricultural Land In any quantltr ,
deaind, and U1 arad a Hamphiet dcarnhtnf
thaw lands to an Tuna applying; ta him ttsr tt.
He ta A sent for aakf of lots In Taoarans' Aa
Ttoa loTtir Ialla. This AddlUnn ta lalSnfa
arr Iota, and dotinod to ha Uia nriitrlusj n.
denrv part ot tb oJty. tt)r mlnulra wala
tnia Courtuuuas.,10 auluutaa Irma k. K. iaraot.
Sattlara I.
If waat ta Borrow Sfaaer,
WrltM Fir. tAtm,
If yoa caaaol call, writa.
ad (iovoraaaaat Laa4a.
Loag or Kkart tlsaa, ho saa ooeoaaaaoalaas fm
asM) AwMsst laaauaaea).
and y oar lottors will k prosaptly mm
Administrators Notice.
Sat ia herebr riven that hr an nrArr nt ttt
' ourt of tne state of rrrs,a "f the OHintT of
I w apo. duiv made and 'entered on tne 1st dar of
i i iw-T . i-m. tne niiaenian.en waa appointed
opened by the reei-ter "f the treasury j adminntntur f the emavr of Julius lobteieh.
department in 1M1 and appears in the
rreneral fund of the nimrnwnt nnAr
The regular tubecnpiion price ot the the head of miscellaneous receipt.
j Like other assets of the treasnrv it can
Wbeelt Ckkomcle is (1.50 and tie
regnlar price of the Wceclt Oesgosia
ia 1.50. Acy one su'uscribing fiar The
Cflau.vicLC and paying for one year in
advance can get both The Cbboxicls
and the Weeklt Oekgo.yiax for $2.00.
All old subscribers paring their snb
eriptiona a vear in sdvsnce will be en
titled to the same offer.
I see," said Mr. Wickwire, "that the !
newspaper liar is at it again. This time j
he has a story of a hen adopting a lot of :
kittens." "That story may be true,"
aid Mrs. Wickwire. "The hen may
have been deceived by the similarity in
the sound of the word. Kitten and
chicken sound a good deal alike." In
dianapolis Journal.
be used for any purpose that congress
may deem proper. Its origin was dne i
to the fact that away back in the be- '
ginning of the present century some j
nknown person began to feel the sharp
thrusts of conscience. In some wsy he ;
had defaulted the government, and !
could find relk-f only by returning the '
money to the treasury. This was the
beginning of the account showing the
receipts of moneys by the government
from unknown perwms. Since then the
fund has been accumulating in large
and small so ins. until at the present
time it aggregates nearly ."70.fJUO. Ke
mittances are received neariv everr
o-eal. All pprsiir.s haTinc elaims aaainirt
toe eUk- of said deceased are hetvP? notified to
preaenl them, with the proper voucher Xbere
fiir. ( me at toe oflieeirf Hunuaston a a liana,
Tne Jsille Orvsjuti. within six anaiths f on the
date hereiif
Lasted Th baliea. Oregon, 'nv 1
ArtnunistTator of the talale of Julina (ob
leiRli. lMcvaaed. novl-dees
Curerscf BRAND
iu 11 J Ban
Dried Beef, Etc.
New - Umatilla- House,
Ticket and Baggage Office of the U. P. K. R. Company, and office of Lbs Wsticn
Union Telegraph Office are in the Hotel.
Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables.
T. S. Lasp (imrt. The Imlle.. ttr .
Koiemhar l. Imu
N-itjee is heretiT riren that tie
named settler baa filed holier of hu intention
b maLe nnal proof in supnurt nt his eiaim. and
that said pnaif will be made tv-fore the reenter
and rrreiter if the I . a. land ofhee at The
Iwlle. in., on bacembcr . ikm, vu. :
Baalll tselaira.
Hd E. So . 'taw. for the
l. W if.
He names the f..ll"wtn vttnenv tn prove his
omuiimiw yrwii-nee upon ana enirivatlim i'l
aio laiia. vw : frank Oabel. W
bee 1J, Tp 5. 8 K K
11 U.kiWiaul
wee la Imring the prevalence of the 1 'han w. kwe. Tna liallaa. orecon: UaniatoB
Mrs. Houser I aoppose you'll I sur
prised to bear that Mrs. Tanglasb's
mind is completely gone? Bouser Not
a bit. I've heard her give Tnnglasba
piece of it to often I've wondered at it ,'
bating as long as it hat. Buffalo !
hard times the receipts have fallen off
considerably, end sometimes a fort
night elapse before a communication
is received, showing that even a man's
conscience can feel the effect of tight
keiiv, Wapimtia. Ot.
iSaccessors to L. I). Frank, dweaeL)
OP -A. T.T,
Fay for Sea Who Are Lifer ty
Aay Tina tm Be HwfToratvaL
Great and mystically dreadful is the
earth from a mine's depth, savs Me-
the im-
l.v ;htiv, i i "ore's Magazine. Man is in
t x-s v U a M IV U at, Ul UU 1 1 j a l g . . ,
ftir4ilaon Sa1 i trfst 1 r onH aw,.-
, i "v - "'J aa-t. sa v.1 vi-liswjv
soonpt" you were going to marry bim ! j Uke a bug. His loudest shriek of
Mis Lakeside I am, and I'm afraid 111 ! agony would be as potent as his final
Lasa Omc, The Palle. Or..i
Kov a iu t
X itiee herebv riven that tne f..l,ina.
' named settler baa bled sotie of hia Intentkio to
1 maae nnal pnari in support of his etaim.
j that said prtpf wil! be made before toe hesri
t j and keeeiver at The Lwlka. Urnrai. on lie-1
cwinoer M, H!h, nz:
j Asa . Storadlll.
! ltd r.. So. rji fo, the gw. Bee ,TII I II
i . a X.
! He names the followinc wttneaaea to prove his
I ennuauoua reaideiaee upon and ealtlvaUoa ol
said tand. via
t has. Havward. R. I). Pitrher. F.mel M&ru.
oiejm.-aaa, sui or ijrn aii. t rr .
r. Moore, kerirtcr. alurty-hve head for IWi, aired by
Oenter Free Trade, son of the Great
Free Trade hog of Ohio, sold for $W0,
the highest priced hog ever sold in the
L mted Mate, asaiated bv son Tecnmseh
Chip Jr ZlHAV, sold for -iJ.
Owing to the hard times. I wiil sell
aod ' for the next three months, rov pigs for
j f 20 each, or ti per pair. Wi!l box and
deliver at nearest nation free.
Come and see them or write.
No businees done on bundavg.
Centervilie, Wash.
i. V.
M'lOkZ. keristcr.
just go on loving bim, so that it'il break
my heart to get a divorce boo. boo;
moan to bring help from that fair land I
that Imcs. like heaven, over Lis head.
i nere is an msiaioua silent enemy in
the gas. If the huge fanwheel on the
This is the bunting season, when men
bandie their grins with the mussel point- j UT.of the emrVl 'hojld uUlP i brief
asd toward .l ;j . r" " aeain. ana a
olonjDi ia the newspapers are kreg and
lameii table. Enffaio Express.
Tma5aa-r a wEmtAHAirEIJU. arsiSKoa
there la certain
panic more terrible than any occurring
where the sun has shone ensues down
under the tons of rock. If a man may
escape the gaa. the floods, the "squeezes"
of falling rock, the ears shooting
through little tunnels, the precarious
elevators, the hundred perils.
usually eomes to him an
Xsettart of Credit iseoed svaueb.e in fie 1
Eastern elates.
Exebanre and TeieazraphN: .
Tranrrtersaolon New York. Chicago. K. ,
Lotis. fan Franciaoo. Fort.and OTvm,
Beattie W ash., and v a-ions points in 4 -. .
gon sod Waahir.gUin.
Colieetionf male st . po.nia nn . i
0b!e terms.
"miners asthma" that slowly racks;
and shakes him into toe grave. Mean- j
while, he gets three dollars a day and '
his laborer one dollar. ,
C. 8. Lass Omcc. The Iiollea. Or..f
Ortooer ,, IMM. t
Notiee ia berebr riven that tne following-,
named settler baa filed souea of his IntmUoa
o snaAe h naj prif ia support of hia eiaim.and
that aaid priaaT will he aude before the reiriatev
and rcreiver of the I, to. Laud office at The
lalla. Or., oa baeesaber 1. UtH, vtt :
aasfc A. Wscssr.
Bd. t. Bo M. for the r4
See. IT. T. 1 S. R l.l r... w. If
He aasaea th follow ln witniasis to prove bis
eontinoooa resadeaee usoa and eniuvatba w
i aaid land. vtx. :
" 1 tUt i f Xj i
attack of w. russ. t-ndwor. Onwoa.
. M. Harrliaan. a.
Do you want a
Fruit and Hop Farm?
of BAKI OVCS, baa i4 some splendid Farms
and good paring Town fropertv ia the V illa ,i
atte V alloy lor sals very cheap and on easy terms.
bosm ef the farms to esrhanjf for Eaatern
Orea-os property. Write for 11 sod terms.
A General Line of
Horse Furnishing Goods.
Wtolesale ani Eetail Dcslsrs in Earaea, EritUcs, flaps, Eorse BlHtlcts, Etc.
Fell Asssrtmcnt of Ksiican SauiIlerT Plain or Stamp!
67 Washington Street. . . The Dalles.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers and Manufacturers of
Buildup Mrial ud h'mmot Timbtr, Doors, Wiiduwi, MuMiags, Boost FaraiiuLfi, &
Special Attention given to the Manufacture of Fruit and P
Boxes and Packing Cases.
Factory aazact Xnuuber "VmrA eat Old art. XJeOa
DRT Pine, Fir, Oak and Slab WOOD Delivered to
any part of the city.
jar. r.
Assbee's Mce of final Accent
Caaardaw as ftoldiara.
The liank of (rermanr. like most
othT German jujl lii- boiidinpn, has
military p-oard to pnA'-vt it. Ja a very
HtroBirlr-fiBTliaed niiJitarr furtmai at
";'iso ia k-pt the (rreat war treasare
'4 tlie imra-riiil srovt-rnrw nt. part of the
n-m-h iniliTtnity, amounting to sev
eral million punnds.
j ottee ia hereby rtven that the asitentrnen.
a awocnee ot tne ! of . t. jarr-tan. in
w.lvent difir. has h -ti his Snal mmmnt in tne
ireoit Court til tne lle ot ov-sou, ta- em
"hi tr. ao thai the same will rm up hrr
ha) inr ia saM "t on M'rrHlar. to l th d t
Ntfveiotjer, jh. at wh'rh time aiairfe will
a-K fca- aa mdw llt'llitin sau4 aalale and Hi.
Cha virr sawl swrsw.
lasted ibis i:u Oar ul a-Ver. l-t
Fracl Perchsmn Stallion,
Weirht la grt flesh 1sj pound, and Snre Toal
(matter a in el feasn or naa with
approvcft sennr.or will trwle
lor horse or eatle.
: Address
A It TH'MP!ic.
A"lcseeof rrtate a . K.. ,mrrUt,u. '
This well-known Erewerv ia now tnrnin. nn t),a kmmt Raatr and for
U C k ! ey ' e"t of the C4W-a1' 7X45 ltet Ppnnoe lor tU maanlacture of food belt
Val'.eT, Or. j r1 Er Ur UB nd oiLf the finrt-clase article wUl be i"0
i he niarkit