The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, October 31, 1894, PART 1, Image 4

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I i 1 1 I'll 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 II I i
1 ill1 iivuuuvi iJiui !
! C j
There is no medicine to often needed
in every home and o tlmirably adapted
to the purposes tor which it is interned,
ma Chamberlain's Pain Halm. Hardly a
week passes but ouie member ol" the
family has need of it. A toothache or
headiu lie may lv cured by it. A touch
of rheumatism or neuralgia quieted.
The fevere pain of a burn or scald
promptly relieved and tlie aore iiealeil in
much less time than w hen medicine has
to he sent for. A sprain may be
promptly treattd before intlamation sets
in, which insures a cure in alnnit one
third of the time otherwise require.!.
Cuts and bruises should receive im
mediate treatment before tin virts be
come swollen, hich can only lie done
when Tain Halm is kept at hand. A
ore throat may be cured before it be
comes serious. A troublesome corn may
be removed by applying it twice n day
for a week or two. A lame back may be
cured and several days of valuable time
saved or a pain in the side or chest re
lieved without paying a doctor bill. Pro
cure a 50 cent bottle at once and you
will never regret it. For sale by lilakeley
& llotightou Druggists..
Dick I see that dollys old lover has
turned up. Madge What? His trous
ers? Pick No ; his toes. Dolly's hugo
metre got out of order, and (lie tied four
of his ribs in a hard knot without knowing!:.
Kleetrle ltlttara.
This remedy is becomiug so well
known and so popular as to need no
special mention, All who use Electric
Bitters sing the game song of praise.
A purer medicine does not exist and it
ib guaranteed to do all that is claimed.
Electric Bitters will cur all diseases of
the liver and kidueys, will remove
pimples, boils, salt rheum and other
affections caused by impure blood.
Will drive malaria from the system and
prevent as well as cure all malarial
fevers. For cure of headache, consti
pation and indigestion try Electric Bit
ters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed or
nionev refunded. Price 50c and $1
bottle at Snipes & Kinersly's.
In his annual report to the secretary I
of the interior, Governor Hughes of 1
Arizona estimates that when the irrig.i- I
tion works now in progress are com-
pleted 1,000,000 acres will be added to
the cultivation of the territory.
Mranirer i.ot fur a IVany at mu
Klovute.1 ttimtl Matlou.
i At the 1'onjrrefi.N street elevated sta
tion at evening duritnr a rush a man,
evidently a btrunger, cume ulong mid
, halted iu front of the machine which
: o Iters a stick of gum for one penny
shoved into the slot. This man, says a
Chicago pa)vr. carried uu overcoat, u
! larirv valise und un umbrella, lie cvi
1 ilently tigured out in his mind that it
would Iv u good idea to take some gum
; home with him. So he took out a pen
ny, but held it for a moment us if loath
to part with it. lie knew that the
penny was good, it was backed by a
! good government, but he appeared to
! be doubtful us to the quality of the
! gum.
! The throng of people jostled him ami
I the train gong was sounded. Carefully
I he selected a shit, and still more care
' fully did he insert the coin into the
t small opening. It went nliout three
I fourths of the way in and stuck. He
grablied hold of the machine and shook
j it. The penny remained stuck fust.
I He put down his luggage, his coat and
umbrella, took out a new knife, opened
a hawk blade and with it strove to re
cover his money.
The people ran against him, swore at
him. almost knocked him down. He
broke the blade of his knife, and just
then a man hurrying to catch a train
stumbled over the valise, pot his foot
hung in the armhole of the overcoat,
plunged forward, kicked the valise
open and smashed a bottle of horse
The man dropped his knife nnd ran
after his valise, und when he jrathereil
up the fragments of his b::g;rujre and
his torn coat he returned to tiie slot
machine to find that some one had
stolen his knife. Hut he didn't swear.
He simply s:iid: "And they call this
... i
Liniment i
Caked & Inflamed Udders,
Rheumatic Pains,
Bruises and Strains,
Running Sores,
Stiff joints,
Harness if: Saddle Sores,
Insect Bites,
All Cattle Ailments,
All Horse Ailments,
All Sheep Ailments,
The Dalles, Portland and Ji
Navigation Co.
Freioat aafl Passenoer Line
cepted) IsHween
lltli I ail) lll v.-uuuays r
bot ween 'The Palled and Port
land. Ktfuiiier K'.'t'iil.Uor leaves 1 he
DulleH at 7 a. in., connecting at the Can
! cade, liocks with Steamer l)allen City.
' Steamer Pallets City leave? l'ortland
I (Yamhill st. dock at" ti a. in., connect-
iiitf with Steamer Keiruhitor for The
i Dal leu.
i r,NsrNn:i; k.uks.
Hew York Weekly Tribune
a tventv-uu;e journal. i the leading Kepuhlieim family puner of tlm
I'nited Statea. It Ih b NATIONAL FAMILY I'Al'KK, and givi-i ,
the general new of the I'nited State. It "iveti the events of foreiim
IiiiuIh in a nutshell. It Ali UKT I TTKA I. department hint no ,.
perior iu the country. It MAKKKT ItlTOKTS are rnenuuix,.,!
thorltv. Separate departmenlH forTHK FAMILY' OIKCLF., OI'R
ANI SOCIFTY columns rouimand the aduiiratioii of the wives n,j
datthtera. It ironerul political now, editorial and (iiacunHioun sre
comprehensive, brilliant and exhaustive.
un to oiler this iplendid journal u,
One wav .
Round trip
.2 00
The Ilunted Wolf nt Lat Turna Vpon
the llnuiKtn.
There were three of us in a wnpm
driving from Spri";rdale, on the rail
road, to Hunter's in,t .Spriufs. says the
Northwest Magazine. We hail forded
the slour.'h that during the m'iisuii of
high water iu the Yellow,
the approaches to the I riur
tilling the wagon box an'!
horses almost off their f -o(
the swirl of the current,
dogs from the hotel j.uneii
tirtna a r.dl.'-facctl yellow
lighting :-.;.iiths. lie v
along on
the hor
"Look up, and not down," if you're a
suffering woman. Every one of the
bodily troubles that come to women only
has a guarantttd cure in Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription. That will bring
you eafe and certain help.
It's a powerful general, aa well aa
uterine, tonic and nervine, and it builds
up and invigorates the entire female
system. It regulates and promotes all
the proper functions, improves digee
tion, enriches the blood, brings refresh
ing sleep, and restores the health and
""'f"1' I ' ' in it u-olf anil "cr.i ,t Tl,..
For ulceration, displacement, bearing-, landlord yelled encoun r -i'l nt to
down sensations, periodical pains, and , Stub, the dog-, but Stub jia.i r.o mind
all "female complaints," "Favorite Pre
scription" is the only guaranteed rem
edy. If it ever fails to benefit or cure,
you have your money back.
Colonel So Ada caught her baron,
eh? Do yon consider her well married?
Mrs. Hamfat v'stifilv' Well, I gue?s!
cut off
the water
ta!;inr the
times in
no of the
us on terra
cur with no
as trottiii'r
road a few nxls ahead of
when there came lop-
in; aero. : the open country a biff
coyote. ns'iUiiirr straight fir him.
Away went the i'oj: and aiU".' him the
wolf. The ;: maiie a Man.! aiu! took
a nip nt tho wolf; then the v ol; ran
ami the do; puiv-ued, but a.-, m on as
the do.'r had overtaken his t i..' . he
changed his mind about attachi:',' him
and turned back. Now the wolf -.-nincd
courap-r and took up the chase, runnin;
the yellow cur clear up to the porch of
the hotel at the springs.
The party in the team jrot a tro-Jil
deal of fun out of the novel, turn-about
hunt. Mcndenhall, the landlord,
whipped up the team and we bounced
alonr at a tremendous pace, shouting:
Penetrates Muscle,
Membrane and Tissue
Quickly to the Very
Seat of Pain and
Ousts it in a Jiify.
Rub in Vigorously.
Mustang Liniment conquer!
fllakes flan or Beast well
Freight Rales Greatly Reduced.
All freight, except car lots,
will be brought through, with
out tie lay at Cascades.
Shipments lor l'ortland received at
any time day or night. Shipment for
wav laudinc must lie delivered before
' 6 p. in. Live stock nhipmentH solicted.
' Call on or address.
) ml A)itt'
J F. FORD, Evannelist,
lt Mntne. Iowh. nrlttM unilor ilni- M
Mun'li as, lvi):
S. 11. Mki. JIkg. Co.,
Dufur, Oregon.
(itntlemen :
On arriving home lat week, 1 found
all well and anxiously awaiting. Our
little girl, eight and one-half years old,
who hail wanted away to 'M pounds, ir
now well, strong and vigorous, and well
tleshetl up. S. it. Cough Cure has done
its work well, lloth of the children like
it. Y our b. II. Cough Cure has cured
and kept away all hoarseness from me.
Ax electric railway mail service has So Kive il 10 every one, with greeting
OabIi lxi AcItthiico.
(The regular subscription for the two piiHri is $2.50.)
Address all ordeis to
V rite vour name and aihlrcM on a postal card, semi it to deorgn W. IUi
Ivoom Tribune Ilulhliiig, New Y'ork City, ami a sample copy of THE Ntt
YOKK W hi. K 1. 1 l KllH'M. will be inalleil to you.
been established in Montreal.
An extension ladder for upper berths
of sleein;.' cars ha.-, I e.-n ileviseil.
The brill iai:ce of caudh- llamc can be
measured with compasses and calpers.
Plneapplf juice is a valuable medi
cine for indigestion and thront trou
bles. The two swiftest runners of the ani
mal creation are the kangaroo and the
Eaki.y Christians inherited their be
lief in witchcraft from their pagan
forefathers. j
Oii::EK national elections are held;
every four years. The polling places
are churches.
for all. Wishing yon pronmritv, wo art'
Yours, Mit. & .Mita. J. , Foimj.
Ifrou with tofctsl fro-.Ii and cheerful, snd ready
(or tho SprtnR woik, cleanu 7 our lyitem with
the Headache and Urer Cure, by taking tworti
three duaea each week.
Mold under a poittlve Kuara.itev.
50 cvnti per bottle tiv nil dnirirtiit-
J. a. tcnc.
J. M.
first Rational Bank.
i for a tussle with the ti:
j louff-uosed brute, and .
j ?ain the shelter of the
1 unvote trotted off
"What things a fe
hasn't his r,mn
one of the men in
low v
ilii liii
Pa didn't hire two bishops, four rectors
and the mayor to do the job and then
have a slip-up, you bet.
When person? are weak and languid,
from sickness or overwork, feel debil
itated and depressed, it is an indication
that the blood is out of order, aud th"y
need help to throw off the miserable
feeling. The best remedy for this pur
pose is Ir. J. IL McLean's Strength
ening Cordial and Blood Purifier. It re
stores lost strength, gives vigor to cir
culation, promotes good appetite and a
Thoae Who Are AMf to Pay
What They Strii). I
"What do yor. do with ldeptoma-
I niacs?" was the question rec jntly put i
; to the propiietor of c. lanre iiop. I
"We send them bills for what the- j
' take when we know them. K they are
1 strangx-rs. we act accordin',' to cireum- i
j stances. A few days ago a lady was in '
i the shop with her daughter a Wauti-
! ful little pirl of twelve years. The I
1 girl was seen slipping a roll of costly !
j ribbon into her satchel. We :poke to !
1 the mother, who became indignant.
! tLa I K.. t:n..lw.l . .' .... I
now 01 cneerlul sptnts. I'nce f 1.00 per , that we were mistak,,n, when it was
bottle. For sale by the Snites-Kinersly ! found to pont.iin thrn.. linn.iUr.r-
,r,.t')othed, ,
happy to I
. -e when he ,
remarked !
A General ilankiiig Business transacts)
Deposits received, stlliject to (right
Ih-alt or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on ilay ot collection.
Hight and Telegraphic Kxchang- sold on
j New Y'ork, San Francisco and l'ort
i laud.
Well for
1. 1'. Tl'OMt'SON. Jmo. ft.
Kl. M. VVtl.l.lAMH, liHU. A
H. M. llKAI.1..
The Dalies
aily and llfeeldy
Drug Co.
ft Whoulil lie In Erery llouae '
J. E. Wilson, oTl Clay St., Sharps-!
burg, Pa., says he will not be without
Dr. King's New Discovery for consump-1
tion, coughs and colds, that it cured his j
wife who was threatened with pneumonia
after an attack of "la grippe," when
various other remedies and several phy-1
sicians had done her no good. Itobert
Barber, of Cooksport, Pa., claims Dr. 1 paid?"
chiefs, two paint of gloves, and the rib- i
bon. All these articles had been ap-
propriated." 1
"That was a plain case of stealing. :
What did you do?" '
"Well, we took the things back anil
said nothing. We can't afford to ar- j
rest wealthy people and injure our
trade by making enemies among our j
rich cusomers.
"Y'ou were speaking of sending out
bills lur stolen gootls; are thev ever
lor Infants and Children.
Caatoria promntfln TJifreation, aiid
overcomes Fiatuleuy, Conajtipation, Kour
Btomoch, DiarrhcFtt, and FeverUhnesA
Thus the child is rendered healthy and it-;
sleep natnraL Caatoria contaiiu no
Morphine or other narcotic property.
"CaatorU la so well adaptor! to children that
I recommend lb aa auperior to anr prearriptKm
known to me. H. A. Akchkb. M. !.,
Ill Sooth Oxford lit., liruoklyn, K. Y.
" For several years I haro rerommerSled your
Cirtjria,1 and shall always conliniia to do
aa ItnaauiTariAoly produced beneficial r-wulta.
Knwiir V. 1'ardee. M. I).,
12th Street and 7th Are., Mew York City.
"Tho use. of 'CaMorta la an nnirenvil and
Its niefita ao well known that It seems a work of
supererotratlon to endorse it. 'ew am Ute in
telutrent famlllea who do not keep Oaatorla
wiLUiueasy reacb."
CuiLoa IUhttk, T). D.,
New York City.
Tb CsMTAoa CoMPAjrr, 77 Hurray Stmt, K. Y.
ri'.c-ji . . i.l Sr.KAI.HANKiKU UUHlNKatl
01 i'rij issued available in the
Kaatern Mates.
SgM Kxcbange and Telegrajihic
iraiisfen'soldou New York, Chicago, St.
Iiuis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon,
Seattle Wash., and various points In lr
voii and Wasliington.
Collections maile at all points on lav-o-ahl
i'Hi: CIIKOMCLK was ustablishfd for tho ex
press purpose of faithfully representing Tho Dallo6
and the surrounding country, and the satisfying
effect of its mission is everywhere apparent. It
now leads all other publications in Wasco, Sher
man, Gilliam, a largo part of ('rook, Morrow and
Grant counties, as well as Klickitat and other re
gions north of The Dalles, hence it ia tho best
medium for advertisers in tho Inland Empire.
The Daily ('hi:o.mclk is published every eve
ning in the week Sundays excepted at $0.00 ier
annum. The Wf.kkly Ciikomci.k on Fridays of
each week at $l..r)(.) p(.r annum.
For advertising rates, subscriptions, etc., address
Tlxo iDetllois. Oroeou.
I Si. Mary's Academy
King's New Discovery has done him
more good than anything he ever used
for lung trouble. Nothing like it. Try
it. Free trial bottles at Snipes & Kin
ersly's. He I wieh I could take a nap every
afternoon, because it makes me so much
brighter in the evening. She What a
pity you can't. Detroit Free Press.
Timber-Culture, Filial I'rool.
f. 8. Lamd Office, Thi ImIImi, (r..i
lift. -".I, I ' ii. i
Economy and ArtlMee.
., . ,,, ... The duchess of llukinghf--. in her
Kvery mother should know that croup , ..(jiim of Fourr(.ntim,nt.V' tellH an
can be prevented. The first symptom of amasinir -Maori htory lwlontrine to the
Always where the person is a klep- :
tomaniac. We never have any trouble j
in that way. I have known of hops
which kept a regular list of kleptoma- j
macs. Whenever tiu'v lust anvthinir
they sent hill to all of them. As they I h" !" .''.T!7,,'!","? "'V? r""
J , has tuii ni)tH'- 1 inl'-nlioii to make limil i,nMif
all bettled lor the hlib?u ifixxla, you ; before lUKibT an I Kwviver at tiieir oiinw in
can imagine that the business was a ,""' '". '.' Haturdav, tue ath ilaj of
. ,, .. 1'ic-mlxT, 1HM, on timuei cnltnr.. hi nlimtiou
profitable one, can t you." No i.117. f..r the WS NK1.. n-i iiwu sV',.. ami
! UK'. BVVJ41 ol acrtfon No. JO, In biw imhip No. i I
t)iui, rHiiire 10. i .eMKi.
,-tnUw per term of t'n W4-ekn,
payabit- in lulvalice:
B.winl anrl Tuition 941 no
Kntranee Keei,ayablv biltouccj h m
Ittil ami liivl'llntr ;i ih
IiiKtriiiiieiital Mniin, Tyiuvwrltliiir, Teli-ifMphy,
DrawliiK anil falntiiiK form entriichaniiii.
Krenoh, i,errnnii, lxtln, Nelluwors ami Vor-al
Mul' tauirht frwof rlmrire u nttnlnr t-'i il In.
RAThrt KH DAY FIil"lli.-,,fo,Horlu iwr
t;nu aeeoiilinir to a;rile.
or lurtlier iMrUeulnri aiMreaa.
nl.VihK MI.I'KRtOK.
r P
a it!
an! H
t I SI q
true croup is hoarseness. This is fol- i
lowed by a peculiar rongh cough. If
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ia given
freely as soon as the child becomes
hoarse or even after the cough has de
veloped it will prevent the attack. 50
rent bottles for sale by lilakeley &
Houghton, druggists.
From the fair grounds, one black
mare, white hind foot, small white spot
in forehead, and one light sorrel horse,
white bind foot, small white strip in
face and saddle marked, both branded
on left stifle. Horse also branded A
on the right hind leg. A liberal reward
will be paid for information which will
lead to their recovery, by the under
signed. A. S. JIacalmhtkh,
period when these natives were at war
with Ln''lantl. All sorts of tricks
went on, Mich a are not only fair but
commendable in war. When the Maoris
were in want of bullets they used to
show a dummy in the bush; of course,
it was immediately fired at. A man in
the background pulled it down by a
string. "Oh!" thought the llritish sol
diers, "we've done for him." f 'peame
the dummy again, cautiously;
He namt-a a witneHHen: A. F. IIavn, Dufur,
Oreion: 1-rnnk Hathaway, Klwanl iirlilin, Reu
ben llavnen. Hoytl, Ortiron.
octll ilee.) JA3. If. MOOKE, Kegiiter.
Timber La ml, Act June 3, l;t.
I.Asn Office, The linNi-n. Or.,
rt. T,. Is'U
Notice i l.eretiy riven thatln com pi in net; with
the proTtftton of the act of .onirr-n of .lune:t,
1S7S, enlitlnl "An act for thealol timber laul
In th- ttatnnof California, ir-iroii, Nevada aifl 1
v. DIliKIon lerrlbiry," Ijtr-ayelb- liavln, of
KiiiFley, t'ounly of Vhico, Hbile if Ortiron, haa
ttiiMilay filial in 'thin office hit sworn ntxtemen.,
1,'inr.l , "" u" piircliaaeol the N VV 1 4 Nt1.' ill acetloll
J.tllK- I v.. t,, ,..w.,,hln N'f '1 k.,,,11, p.i.o,. 1
uang: went. Itie lirilisn rules, imwn et. and will oII.t inif ti tiow thai the Inn. I
fell dummy, and this went on till oim; 1 '''""' ' more valuable for n timber or .i.,m
, . than for Mirrlculiiiriil piirtio-. and ti et illih
worsti marksman than usual cut tliu hi-cbom u.-.o. i,,uli the Ke,n.i..r and
dummy's rope. No .Miiori would tfo up Kfciverof thuofliee nt The Dull. .. ''rtiron, on
,, , ., . i feKtnrday, the ulii day of lanuarv. ii-.',.
the tree to t.plice it, for that exposure H. .. W,P'..: K..t .,1Vh..w.Tim
meant certain death. The bullets were . Mnyhew. Ilenrr May hew, iv-re,hiuo btt-n of
all taken out of a little enrth bank i'l'T, H.fml. ,.dver,ev the
which the .Maoris hail made Ix.-hind the , above fwriieil Inndt are r. 'iii' "i. d i.. ii!c their
tree where the dummy npfK-ared, anil 5i1"n"f(.")V,V; ' '" '"' 'l,,y "'
i'iT u-il ov r iif.'ain. It was a lone;1 M-t.ii'irj Jas. MooliK. cii-t'-r
tin.. L, i ic this ai'tiilc- was discovered.
Undertakinir Establishment.
' 'WV;i x sXXTrrz
Furniture and Carpets.
We have added to our business !
complete Lmlertaking Kstablishinent,
and iii we are in no way connected with
the Undertakers' Trut , our prices wil
be low ai rordinirlv.
Reasonably Ruinous Rotes.
Blakeley Sc Houghton,
175 Second Street,
full lino
The Dalles, Oregon
of all tho Staiid.arfl Piitont
Drugs, ChemicalH, Etc.
Country and Mail Order will receive prompt attention.