The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, September 20, 1893, PART 1, Image 4

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letters o( Critdit i sailed available in be
Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on Iew t ork, Chicago, M.
Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon,
Seattle Wash., and various points in Or
egon and ashington.
Collection made at all point on lav
orable term.
J. M.
first Jlational Bank.
A General Banking; Business transacted
Deposit receiyed, subject to bigat
Draft or Check.
Collection made and proceed promptly
remittea on aay 01 collection.
Bight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
few York, ban rrancisco ana rort-land.
D. P. Thompson. J mo. 8. Schince.
Ed. M. Wiu.iams, Go. A. Lissa.
H. M. Bkau..
Rational Bank,
President - - -Vke-Presidont,
Cashier, -
- Z. F. Moody
Cqarlis Hilton
M. A. Moodt
Ccaeral Banking Business Transacted.
Sight Exchanges Sold on
Collections made on favorable term
at ail accessible points.
The Fifth Annual
The Grand Work Ituno by Duke Carl The
oilor of IhtvurUi.
Puke Carl Theodor of Havnrra now
has three hospitals in active service
for persons sutlVruur frotu discuses of
the eyes. One in ut Meran. another ut
Munich, and a third at Tegernsee. At
this last he passes most of his time.
Poor patient are treated without cost.
Second Eastern Oregon District
October 10th, 1893,
Continuing five. days.
and all payments by those who can
afford to make them are employed for
the good of the poor of the district.
The duke is a general in the Bavarian
army, and is the brother of the em
press of Austria. In 1874 he married
as his second wife Princess Maria
Josepha of Ilraganza, who assists him
in his charitable work. Ilis eldest
daughter by this second marriage is
Princess Sophie, born in 1ST5. She
has inherited her father's skill, and is
his principal assistant in his work as
an oculist. The duke always enters
his consulting room by seven o'clock
in the morning; and the young prin
cess takes her share in soothing the
sufferers and enters with enthusiasm
into the charitable work. As an ex
ample of the duke's skill, it may be
mentioned that he recently removed a
splinter of iron from the eye of an iron
turner, an operation which had defied
the skill of several other oculists. The
duke is the heir presumptive to the
throne of the palatinate of Bavaria,
as his elder brother, Ludwig, who
married a commoner, has renounced his
Urmine Allrgr-d to lie Out or Fashion,
TVhUe Mnacle Is Worshiped.
rThe "school board boy" is knocking
at the door, and the young gladiators
turned out at Eton, Harrow and Rugby
are rapidly coming, in their favorite
parlance, to be 'nowhere." This is
the opinion of Dr. Mitchell Banks, pro
fessor of anatomy at I'niversity col
lege. Liverpool, and his reason is, says
the London Duily News, that "brains''
in this country have gone out of fash
ion, while "the worship of muscle and
bone have been carried too far." Well
'tine of the f Iwm ' from Which, Ureal
Mo Hate Often to Suffer.
1 While in Africa some years ago Sir
Samuel Baker was engaged in an expe
dition of research which involved many
long and tedious journeys. Having
inuite a stop at one of the native set
; Moments, he at length mude prvpuru
' tious for resuming his travels. Among
i the men whom he had engaged to ac
' company him was one Mahomet, who
: was employed as dragoman,
i Mahomet, Sir Samuel says, who wus
1 a great man, suffered from the same
compluiut to which great men are in
those countries particularly subject;
wherever he went he was attacked with
claimants of relationship; he was over
whelmed with professions of friend
ship from people who claimed to he
connections of some of his family.
Family pride waa Mahomet's weak
point. He yielded if stranger
claimed connection with his anuieut
The lady whom he had honored by
an admission to the domestic circles of
the Mahomets was suffering from a
broken arm, and had been left behind
when he started from Egypt. She had
cooked the dinner badly, and tho "gad
dah," or large wooden bowl, hail been
thrown at her bv the naturally in
dignant husband, precisely as be had
thrown the ax at one man and the
basin at another while in our service.
Mahomet met several relatives at
Kassala; one borrowed money of him;
another stole his pipe; the third, who
declared that nothing should separate
them, now that "by the blessing of
God" they had met, determined to ac
company him on our expedition, if Ma
homet would allow him to serve for
love, without wages.
I gave Mahomet some advice upon
this point, reminding him that, al
though the clothes of the party were
worth little, the spoons and forks were
silver; therefore I should hold him re
sponsible for the honesty of his friend, j
lie assured me that Aehmc our quou
rara acquaintance, was so near a rela
tive that he was:
"Mother's brother's cousin's sister's
mother's son? Eh, Mahomet?"
"Yes, sar; that's it"
"Very well, Mahomet; mind he doesn't
! steal the spoons, and thrash him if he
j doesn't do his work!"
I "Yes, sir," replied Mahomet, "he all
same like one brother, he one good
! man, will do his business quietly. If
not master lick him." Youth's Com
It l
and Eipert-
Aaawered by an Old
enred Engineer.
"It make;, rue mad." said the old en
gineer to a corrc-pondent of the Car
and Loc'imotivc I :u:tdcr. "to hear peo
ple ask why a ma u don't do so and so
when his engine fctrihci,. It all comes
might the German schoolmaster say like a strode of lightning. When we
From TEUHIHAIi or IflTERIOH Points j
Irn nc
I the line to take
It U the Dining Car Route. It runs Throngs
' estibaled '1 reins every day In toe year to
$1 pauI and dhicago
Cotnpneel of Din In Can nnsarpaeefd. full
Bun 1 rawing Koomoieeueraof lata t equipment
Beat that can be emmtnieted, and tn wblrti
eennnm.xlatiiiria axe both frrv arid Furnltrwd
for holders of first and second-clana TlcseU.and
A ennttnuom line, emnertlng with all line,
affording direct aud uniiilerrupud aervloe
Pullman sleeper reservation can be aemimi
in advance Ui rough any ageut of Uie road.
point. In America
Kiutiaud and Kurupe van be purchased at an.
beset offiee of the company
Pull Information concerning rates, time o
trains, rrritea and other details famished oc
application to
Agent D. P. A. NaT. Co., Keen la tor office, Tn
iMliea, Or., or
Aas'L General Psaseurer Agl. Portland. Jea
General Blacksmith ing and Work done
promptly, and all work
"... Guaranteed.
Horse Shoeing a Speciality
Tniri Street sm Licfce's old Stani
that the English boy plays at his work
and works at his piav. Irr. Mitchell
Banks has asked many a proud mother
about her son at some public school,
and has been told with a radiant nir:
"Oh, he is doing splendidly, petting on
so well."
This means that he is captain of the
school eleven, or has got into the iirr.t
football team, or is stroke of the
school boat. Never by any chance has
he heard of j the boy's position in his
class or form, or his progress in his
studies, of the prizes he has gained.
"In fact," continues this authority, '
"the studious boy is regarded with
contempt by the great majority of his
fellows. The very ma-tern have to le
athletes. One knows the usual style
of advertisement for a junior muster
Must lie Church of England and a
good cricketer,' like the crack emi
grant ship of former days which was
advertised to carry a 'cow and an ex
perienced practitioner.' " Hence too
often the expensive education of the '.
Eton, Harrow and Rugby bovs is found
only to have fitted them to go farming ' tx Jimmy's funeral
in Manitoba, cattle ranching in Texas, 1 want any man to
sheep raising in .New Zealand, or bar
tending in Australia.
piled 'em up in the U hiwsville cut and
killed elyiit. year before lust, 1 was sit
tiutr in niy window that night, looking
ciicud ns careful as anyone could. We
Lad r turtcd on the curve and she was
r.'oicfr as far.t as the wheels could turn,
forty minutes behind time, and the
deuce to pay if we didn't make it up by
morning. .1 immy Hurtsell was feeding
'cr every minute.
"I thought I saw a glimmer of light
on the bank ahead. It wus the flash
from tho headlight around the other
bend of the curve. Between the time
I canht that Hash end when I saw the
hcadli;ht swing around the cut as big
as a tub it couldn't have been u hun
dredth part of a second. We were nose
to no:.e before I realized no. 1 don't
think I reclined -hut 1 put tin the air
with one yank, yelled to Jimmy, and
fell out of th.? window. 1 wu:, cut all
up. The wreck wus on fire end people
were hollerin' underneath. 1 hpd
there fccliu' of myself, cxpeetin' every
minute to find u toft place, but I was
nil r;frnt. and taree t:nvs after 1 went
After that I don't
tell me what you
ought to do.''
In the Za7s When the Sing Cruse Kelsncd
at usar.
The mania for collecting beer-mugs.
an girl says, according to
tho Xe-.v York World, is an old Vassar ;
cu .torn rediviva. - j
"Xcarly every girl in Vassar, in my '
time." :-hc explained, "had among her
colic,';'.- properties an immense glass :
lx-cr-tui:;'. the larger the better. How
the custom originated I cannot say.
but the frlaw. Iiecr-mug was then con- i
sidervd nn indispensable adjunct to ;
every stylish young woman's education i
litcause it looked 'weird,' I presume. 1
You rvracmlicr at one time the Vassar
craze for pronouncing everything :
weird' from a comic opera to a mid- '
night lunch on pretzels and lemonade.
" 'What u:-.e did the beer glass serve?'
Oh. dozens of uses; we used them to
drink from in our rooms, to keep flow
ers in. to cor.coet the hot lemonade po- j
tions for bad colds, to carry to picnics,
to smuggle ice-cream in and for lots of I
athcr interesting affairs. Of course !
nost of the girls bought their beer- ,
-nug;., but the girl who was so fortun- !
ate o to have one given her by a mas- 1
culinc admirer one who was a trifle'
wild preferred was
consequence among her mates. One
fortunate girl, I remember, had a
'Black Jack' from Heidelberg, with
heavy old silver mountings. Mhe was
the most envied girl in college.
"I confess to attaching some senti
mentality to my beer-mug," concluded
the ex-Vassar girl with a deprecatory
laugh. "It is still among my cabinet
treasures at home and is really a high
ly cultured mug, having gone through
four college courses at Vassar with
myself, two younger sisters and a girl
friend. I have often wondered if the
beer-mug fashion still reigns in Vas
sur's classic halls."
ONK-riFTn of the familes in Glasgow
, live in single rooms.
London has forty restaurants in
which only vegetable food is served.
In Norway persons who have not been
vaccinated are not allowed to vote at
any election.
1 In Manchuria dogs are raised for
their skins. A fairly prosperous Man
' churian dog farmer will own 1,000 or
more dogs.
Performance at theaters of ancient
, Greece sometimes lasted twelve hours,
i Seven o'clock in the morning was the
. time for the rising of the curtain, so to
. speak.
1 iJURiNtr the reign of Henry VIII. 71,
00 persons were legally executed in
, England, the larger portion of whom
were guilty of no offense worse than
' misdemeanor. In one year 3D0 starv
j ing beggars were hanged for asking
The imperial canal of China is the
longest in the world and greatest in
point of traffic. Its length is 2. lot)
miles, and it connects forty-one cities
situated on its banks. It was com
pleted in 1350, after 600 years spent on
O-i. wV.'iC bUVAL,
The Foreign" Hoiuuiluun M'll'H ThIU
liit li llinr Our Milne' Hells Hlnc
The best gift thut uny American city
husmudc to the cruiiT named after
it was Sun I'niiieisco's Hcrviee of phito
to the H-;nitiftil ship of thut inline.
Then. is so muchof this great and cost
ly set of plate, says the New York Sun,
that the cubinets contuluing it are
found above mid below stairs, in the
admiral's and ciiptnin's qtiurtcr and in
the wardroom. All the pieces are
large and heavy, the biggest lietng a
huge punch Wvl of great In auty and
design. Every lid In the service is sur
mounted by a'solid gold licur, the sym
bol of Culiforuiu, and the effect of the
bright yellow on the white silver is
very pleasing. Philadelphia did very
MMirly by her ship, now the llugshlp of
Kear Admiral Ghcrardl. This gift is a
great bronxe clock that wou't keep
time; indeed, it wou't go. It hear the
name of a Philadelphia Arm of Jew
elers, who would Iks wise either to put
the thing In order or chisel the firm
name off. This clock is not beautiful.
Its design is artistic, but does not work
out effectively in bronxe.
If the silver 1m-11 that this city is to
give to the new cruiser New York is as
melodious as a silver licll should tie the
gift will be prized. Few know It, but
the Ik-Us that ring out the hours and
half hours-in our white squadron were
the delight of our foreign naval visit
ors here and in Hampton Hoads. All
the hells or. the white ships contain a
prcat deal of silver, aud produce clear,
sweet and extra musical notes. Sir
John O. Hopkins, the llritish vice ad
miral, would stop his own part in a
conversation at any time on his quar
ter deck on the liluke to listen to the
bells of our Yankee ships. He said
that they were the sweetest liells he
had ever heard, and he wished they
had such ones in the llritish navy.
In that navy the tielU go from ship to
ship, as fashions in war change, and
on some ship to-day the bell that rang
out the time for Nelson or for lllake is
tolling away as it did in its hour of
glory. One of Nelson's bell may lie
on the Australia or the Partridge, but
alas! the llritish do not carve the dates
and names of the ships nn their bells,
and so their especial merits are lost.
The old bells are thrown in the dock
yards aud kept there until one is need
ed for a new vessel. They are deep
voiced, gruff bells, whose sound soon
dies out, while the silvery peals of our
bvllscling to the air and reach far out
upon the waters.
William Swan, a waiter, was recent
ly fined twenty dollars for purloining
a sandwitch at a summer resort near
Lorn? Island sound.
The first divorce ever granted to
Indians of full blood and married with
Indian ceremonies has been registered
in Oklahoma territory.
In the early days of Virginia a law
was made punishing with death the
man who killed a hog, goat or sheep.
This was done to provide for the In
crease of these animals.
The sum of five hundred dollars was
offered by a company of llritish chem
ists for a case of gripjie which attacked
any person using their preventive, a
"carbolic ball." The preventive wus
a failure in one cow;, and the sufferer
sued for the five hundred dollars in a
London court, and got it.
A Jersky City jury were considering
the case of a triminal. but could not
agree upon a veriilct- Iliey unani
mously agreed, however, that they
needed alcoholic stimulants, and these
through tiie connivance of an outsider,
were huuled up by a string to the win
dow of their room. I'nder the influ
ence of the stimulant they liecame so
bilunons that they bad to be rebuked
by the judge.
i person of great ; its construction.
WOO l WOO 1 1, WOOD.
Beat grades of osk, fir, and slab cord
wood, at losreat market rale nt Ji. T.
Peters & Co. (Otlice Second sud JHI'or
on treet.)
La Orlppe. .
During the prevalence of the grippe
the put season it was a noticeable (act
that those who depended upon Dr.
King's New Discovery, not only had a
tedy recovery, but escaped all of the
troiihlceiiiie after effects of the malady.
This remedy seem to have a peculiar
power In frlXertinir rapid cure not only
in cae of la gripiie, Imt in all disease
of throat, chestand Innga, and has cured
case of asthma and liny fever of long
itandihg. Try it and Imj convinced. It
won't disappoint. Free trial Ixiltl
Snie A Kinersly's dni(f store.
e nt
Fresh oyster
tionery store.
at A. Keli.
Crcphlr KUrtcli of the renpM In Well-
(ovc-mcd rrciirh-t.aimdlMn Villa.
In the q'.iL t village, where the good
n:rv s w--. ru lr. law. mere is iinciy to ue
.lo bniwlincr end less drinking, for
the French-Canadians are neither
quarrelsome nor intemperate. 1 nere
may bo a tavern, or iierhups two tav-
zu, where not gisj sts ore re
ived, but where liouor V wild, but
i he cur-.- sees to it thut they uro closed
v.ry early In the evening. lori." lie fore
:ni;t.:i'.-!'t tliJ streets of the pluce are
da-iert .'.. und a late wanderer need
linvi- no fear of dn;r.!:rti hoodlums. A
'..vll-.'fi-verued I-'rc:u:h-'u!iudiin vil
';-;re, where the cure i:. thoroughly re-
p-ctc! lx-cnube of bin wisdom and
,iely. iifVords a decided contrast to
man; rural communities in English'.'a and on our own side of the Isir-
" .r.
The people ore not enterprising. At
icust this seems to be true of all but a
,-w exceptions. They nre content to
takt? what comes in their wuy, with
Jie happy faith that the morrow will
firing with it its duily bread. They
ere averse to breaking; in new hinds,
and, as the families lire large, the
division of the farms generation after
generation finally results in such small
portions thut some of the children
must seek employment elsewhere if all
-ru to live. Very few of them ure
villing to go to the new lunds of Man
i.oba und the northwest, but they find
congenial occupation in the citias.
They are admirable mechanics and
nre numt loyal and devoted servants,
ays Henry Loom Is Nelson, in Harper's
The Scotchman or Englishman who
is at the liejul of a great establishment
prefer:! the Frctich-Cunndiuns to his
own countrymen as subordinates. He
will tell you that the Frenchmen will
remuln with him all their lives; that
no such thought as seeking new em
ployment or leaving the old for the
purixwe of engnglng in ventures for
himself will ever enter a French-Canadian's
h ad. He will stay by his old
employer all his life, and his son will
Miuceed to his own or a better place in
ll.e service of the house. On the other
hand, the Englishman or Scotchman
will take the first opportunity to go
into htisincr-s for liim,elf, n rid will use
his employment os u stepping-stone to
something better
For Sale at a Bargain.
Tho untlorsi";tHiJ, havinp S(cdircltlo machine
nxturcs oi wnai wns inunH'ti lor h nrsU-lass shoTv
will poll tiie ramie at a Larpiin."limriV anT i
lx)il(r of -Urotiiijiorso power, ami alarpiraniouJi--nuxcliim'ry,
JatsHno shaft mg, tullejiC in'TUti'l
inge almost a complete shoo factory. 4
llero is also one of the Lest sites for succeJ?-'
atinp a factory of this kind to tn fouruFin UnTi '
rite for articulara at w?1'0''
Tllo Xalloa,
"TAere is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at j
leads on to fortune?
The poet unquestionably had reference to th
Fnrnltnre & ts
Who are Celling these goods out at greatly-red ucect
.Familiar Faces in a New Place.
Late Hjtrcial Aijent (Jeneral Land Ojtice.
J. E. 13 ARM
Jtje Ieal Instate, IjDai, Iura
Purtii-e having IVnperty they wish to Sell or Trade, Hounaafctt.
Alntract of Title furnished, will find it to their advantage tos
We sliall make a specialty of the prosecution of Claim sol i
before the Uuitep States Land Oflice. I
85 Washington St. TIIE DALLES, 01
And the Mmt Complete and the latent Pattern and Ira
Vai-tii-jil l'aintni and Paiwr llanvnr. None but the bMlbnsdi
Sherwin-Wilham and J. W. .M usury Taints ueU in all jur wort.tMM
th most skilled workmen emplovefl. Agents lor Maaury Luait ruA
, i A n. -1... l. .11 ml it
(TlteilltCHi Ctlllioillniion fir mmy iiiiaiiirv. n urmt, i:ipn siiviuiv ih ' -
order promptly attended to.
Paint Shot) oorosr Thirdand W stbinrto Bts.. Tht Dall
The California Winehod
Is now ojien, and its proprietor will sell his ho
produced Wine at prices in the reach of everyR
Also, best Peanuts to le iund. Goods guaranty
to be Ture and First-Class in every resjiect.
Thompson's Addition.
The Dalles
Gigar : paetory
pip A T C of the Best Brand
V-IvJT.aVIVO nianufactured, and
ordera from all part of the country filled
on the shortest notice.
Tha reputation of THE DALLES CI
GAR ha become firmly established, and
the demand for the home manufactured
article i increasing" every day. t
ilorlds fai? IcconnnoliilM
0414 St) Avinuc Cmicaoo. III.
A C. CoLpsMiTa. PaoPRiiToa.
ft Jtigy
j , , I L J nt
jr-e, oe,0 a, aotf aatr motcc
5 Knoina All Onolrfe Ones Keerr
thing lirlTlN mill .1 hlorks frotsi
6-ttli l ruiiKiit r I , no. I OO per day
Iwr eecli ii-rait i,u r 4 Ireiilars
I oalled to thf!'
Hagh w.
r, i i -n f i. Plaster
imimr ill oisai, i-.i:, - , a
ami KnShline- M ttteriil I
- Varrlea the rineet
Picture Moold
72 LUttshiPfltooj
The St. Charles E
run i k.i-M-i -
TUs old, WHjStf
ha been entirely njfi
hou conUin 170 ro-.n
with every modern
reasonable. aH.V
tothahonsa. S'rba.a-1
trains. . cC n
C. W. KNOWi-