The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947, August 11, 1893, Image 8

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A !Mqrll rraak.
An Individual not a thousand miles
from The Dalles, particularly the ele
rated portion of said city, advertised
not thousand years ago (or a wife.
Hundred of picture of his fair counte
nance were demanded, as result of his
advert isement, and quite recently an
engagement wag made, to meet a iair
correfwndent ou the hill, lie met her
on a moonless night in an unfrequented
of the citv where the darkness is
I DofrautUU rraia Wan Thohl
Jackson, Tenn., Aujr.--Nes was re
Iceived here today of the arrest of lr.
j Frederick Howard, of this city, in Chi-
.uli u itr lie anil HIS niuiiiv i-
tending the world's fair. Howard if'
charged with using tlie United States' j
mails for fraudulent purHses in
rendered yet more impenetrable by tall
trees and luxuriant grass. He began
bis lover-like attentions, when he was
tartled by a smothered laugh near by,
and later by an nmpieetionably uiascn
liue snort, and then lie discovered he
had been duped by a youth in female
attire. Several witnesses enjoyed bis
discomfiture, though such a practical
joke is truly of a low order of merit.
Marie Cunntluu.
The Oregon Telephone and Telegraph
Company made connections on the east
of this city with Walla Walla and Spo
kane yesterday afternoon about 4
o'clock, and the line works beautifully.
The Spokane end connects with the
Postal Telegraph companv, we under
stand. Tiie construction force will be
put on the Portland end of the line and
will push to completion the unfinished
part, which is that section between
Hood River and Troutdale. As soon as
the entire line is completed telegraphic
service will be given where telephone is
not desired. It is understood this com
pany will furnish the Inland Associated
Press dispatches to those who desire
What lie Know About Hone-Halnlng.
A few weeks ago Editor tiourlay, of
the Sentinel, sent over to bis ranch in
Wasco county for his driving mare. The
mare arrived in due time, and she was
swelled up like a poisoned pup. Gour
lay assured his friends that the animal
was only "grass fat" and a tew days'
driving would bring ber down to her
normal size. A few days after Mr. Don
nell had a longing desire to visit his girl
at The Dalles, and making the fact
known in the presence of Mr. Gourlay,
he at once tendered Mr. Donnell his
buggy and grass fed animal. The oiler
was accepted, and the next morning the
stable was visited for the purpose of
hitching np, when, behold, some of the
luxurious grass from Mr. Gourlay 's ranch
had turned into legs, head, eves and
ears. In short, old Dobbin bad a colt
Klickitat Leader.
After the Ball."
The following parody on "After the
Ball'' being picked up on the Regulator
wharf, it is thought the lalenltd writer
must have finished the task and imme
diately committed suicide. However,
be it said, with all due respect, that for
the good of the community it is hoped
such is the case. The base ball boys
may find some consolation in it at least :
Nine handsome Dalle bora, in a wagonette,
Croaainir the mountain after sonnet.
Where are they Koing ? why look n glad?
They tnoiiKht they 1 beat them, it a too bad.
They had a ohallenre: I.oluemlnle they'd how.
How they con id plav ball rou will toon know.
Li-ten the tory, I'll tell it all:
luey were badly beaten atter the ball.
After the ball iover: after the vamewaaplared:
After the boys were beaten; alter the aeore n an
Many a hin la achinir. If ther would tell you all;
Many a pocket waa empty after the ball.
Theunn waa shlninir on the diamond bright;
The boya were looking quite "out of eighi "
But they were beaten by a bad aeore:
touch a poor record they'll have no more.
The crowd waa yeMiiiirfor loldendale.
Max tried to beat them, but hail to tail.
Art. Hal and Ireland really were all
Jbeering theUallea bo) after the ball.
Bright lights were dashing in the grand ball
room ;
floftly the muAir playing sweet tune.
There came the iJaile boys, ready for fun.
That's where they each one got iii a run.
They took the floor there, while the rest stood
Hot a fair partner dl. I they all lack.
That's why they re happy, not sad at all.
They were fairly "in It it the grand ball.
After the ball is over: after the boys returned.
This was the little lesson they had so sadly
learned :
They would hare gotten the game sure: never
been beaten at all.
If they had taken the Halle girls when they
played ball.
nection with Ins r.uroix'Bii claims agency
business. His reported victims, who
had paid fees for fictitious claims across
the Atlantic, kicked vigorously when
their liritish possessions were not forth
coming, and especially when the doctor
broke off correspondence, and a lively
correspondence sprung up between Sec
retary Gresham and Premier Gladstone.
Hoke Smith's attention w as also directed
to the matter, and federal officers were
put to work to run the man down.
Howard returntd from Europe last
winter, where he claimed to have been
appointed by a syndicate as president of
the proposed Gulf & Ship Island rail
way, extending southward from Jack
son, with Its southern terminus at Ship
island. The scheme has been most
valuable to him in his collecting busi
ness, as he used the printed stationery
of the proposed road, bearing his name
as president. Local officials and citi
zens have received liundredsof inquiries
concerning hiui from reported victims.
Howard is an Englishman and a doctor
of divinity, a minister of the Baptist
church, and a lawyer. He became
widely known in IS89 in his suit for
50,000 against two newspapers and
leading members of the First Baptist
church of thi9 city who had published
an article ventilating his record, and ac
cusing him of bearing a false name.
The jury awarded him one centdamages.
Inspector McLaughlin was put on the
case, and after swearing out a warrant
for the arrest of the doctor he went to
the address given with a deputy marshal.
It was the right place, but the doctor
was -not at home. McLaughlin went
again the same night alone for the pur
pose of catching the doctor on his re
turn to the house. When in sight of the
house the inspector met Marshal Hitch
cock unexpectedly, who had come on a
similar errand. While waiting outside
a tine-looking, well Ureseu man came
out of the house and walked slowly up ( ivor or ji,jneV!,
the street. ilia appearance exactly
tallied with the doctor's description
furnished in the telegram. Securing
the warrant from Inspector McLaughlin,
the marshal stepped up to Dr. Howard
and placed him under arrest. Then the
two went back to the doctor's rooms.
What happened there is best told in the
words of the marshal :
"He was a nice-appearing iii.m. hm1
had a very manly way about him. I'm
telegram which I had did not day any
thing about the seriousness of the of
fense, so when lie showed me his rail
way passes and letters of introduction !
prominent people here and told me he
was an old acquaintance of Hoke Smith.
I did r.ot feel like taking him along. I
am sorry now of course that I trusted
him, but he gave me his word of honor
that he would come to the office in the
Inspector McLaughlin, who was with
the marshal, appears to have been per
fectly satisfied with the course of action
taken and both officials, retired. As to
what the doctor did. subsequently, opin
ions differ. In one instance it is claimed
that he left the house immediately after
the officers went away. Marshal Hitch
cock says be knows that Dr. Howard
bought a ticket for some Tennessee point
and left on the Illinois Central. The
wires between here and Jackson were
kept busy this morning, but no trace of
the doctor was reported.
The success of Mrs. Annie M. Meant,
of McKeesiort, Pennsylvania, in the
treatment of diarrlm a in her children
will undoubtedly lie of interest to many
mothers. She says: "I spent several
weeks iu Johnstown, Pa., after the great
flood, on account of my husband being
employed there. We had several chil
dren with us, two ot whom took the
diurrhiea verv badly. I got some of
con-,,, ... , i;.. ri. u,..l
l t. n.llll oeriniu a vunv., vnwn-,..,
I Uiiirrhua Kemedv from Uev. Mr. Chap
I man. It cured both of them. 1 knew
of several cases where it wan equally
successful. I think it cannot lie excelled
and cheerfully recommend it." and
no cent bottles for sale by Blakeley A
Houghton, Druggists. lni.
He Waa 4 ay Off.
"There is a tide in the a fairs of men whirl, it
-''Juki-h at
leads on to fortune," ""-
The poet unquestionably had rofom,,,.. .
v e i(,
V'fj rSJ, - rfT
V I - ill (l
PlnriniLlliit Mp nf fa.
ii i ii n jj it i -,
V .V-
i5 NniiTiifnun 0 PL.
I fca U V 111
An iniiuirv made about the rock
crusher elicited the reply that "Wi
don't know anything alxiut where it is.'
Killoon says, "I have sent out a tracer
Another party believed it had been un
loaded en route for use at some silver
mine, but he was promptly silenced by
a listener with the remark : "You durn
fool, don't you know they aint goin' to
use any more silver after this tnontli
Mr. Thomas Batte. editor of the
GrMnhic. Texarkana. Arkansas, has
found what he believes to be the best
remedy in existence for the flux. His
experience is well worth remembering,
He says: "Lust summer I hail a very
severe attack of flux. I tried almost
every known remedy, none giving relief
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar-
rho a Remedy was recommended to me.
I purchased u bottle and received almost
immediate relief. I continued to nw
the medicine and was entirely cured
I take pleasure in recommending thi
remedy to any person suffering with
such a disease, as in my opinion it is the
best medicine in existence." 25 and 50
cent Iwttles for sale bv Blakeley A
Houghton, Druggists. Im.
A Leader.
Since its first introduction, electric
bitters has gained rapidly in popular
favor, until now it is clearly in the lead
anions mire medicinal tonics and alter
atives containing nothing which per
in its its use as a beverage or intoxicant,
ii is recognized as the best and purest
medicine for all ailments of stomach,
It will cure sick head
ache, indigestion, constipation anu drive
maleria from the system. Satisfaction
guaranteed with each bottle or tht
money will lie refunded. Price-only iilK
r Ixjttle. So'd by Snipes it Kinersly.
. JFX. 77T , srT,
Heal Estate.
la ( lipid's Net.
It is reported Hymen is to give a cel
ebration in the near future. A fine cot
tage was purchase) a few days ago, and
the Pacific Express business has in
creased wonderfully of late.
Ksees pleasant, but btuhing, p-s me,
e'ometirnes twoor three iu a day;
And I know that whll it's a ws-ret,
1 heir express package give them away.
Now, why photiM wwie f,,lk b- favored,
And to bliss liud soeany the key?
I Is'lieve that the same kindly fortune
W ill sometime, have bundles lor me.
4 -. Z
A reeent discovery try an old
physician. A'aeeesur.'a used
AmonfAy fcj thousand of
' Lalitm, Is the oo!y p- rfectly
safe and reliable aiedlrfao ls
Beware of anprinclpled Anzz'aU ruo
Her Inferior nedklnes In place of this. Ask for
Cook's Cottow Reot Cosneoaad. tah no tubtlL
fete, or Inclose f 1 and 0 cents In postage In letter
and we will send, sealed, by return mall. Full scaled
sartktuars In plain envelope, to ladles only, t
Stamps Adores Toad Lily Compear.
ftt.3 ) lsber Block, betrult. Mica.
Cold in The Dalles by Hnlpes A Kiuersly.
Htockboldera' Meeting.
Tub, Or., July 28, 1893.
Notice is hereby given that there will
be a stockholders meeting of the Wasco
Independent Academy, at the Academy
building on Monday, August 2111, h'.).i,
at 3 o'clock p. in., for the purpose of
electing seven directors, and transacting
such other business as may properly
come before said meeting.
Ily order of the board.
8. L. Brooks, Fec'y.
C. W. Magill to John H. Cunningham,
home and farm in sections 32 and 5, tp
6 south, range 12 east, f.2,000.
A. H. Curtis and wife to W. Lucinda
Whealdon, lot 1, block 6, Meyer ami
Gibons addition to Dalles city; $1 and
other valuable considerations.
An exchange says that a carefully
prepared table of the world's annual
output of gold and silver from 18"j1 to
ISiiJ shows that the quantity of the
precious metals has continually fluctu
ated. Also that during the period
named the world has produced more
than 40 per cent, more gold than silver,
or to the value of $1,371,000,000 in ex
cess of the value of silver. From lH."d
to 1S72 the world's output of gold ex
ceeded that of silver 3"1 percent. And,
remember, this did not affect the coin
age ratio of the two metals. The cry
that the product of silver has Wen o
great over thaf of gold is a very poor
plea for the demonetization of the white
metal. Since the demonetization act of
1873 the world's output of silver has
only exceeded that of gold by about 8
per cent.
Believing tliat an effort was being
made to make the government pay more
for the silver bullion it purchases than
the same bullion was worth in market,
the secretary of the treasury has not
bought for the month of July even one
half of the 4,000,000 ounces which the
law calls upon him to purchase every
Karl's Clover Root, the new Wood
purifier, gives freshness and clearness to
thecomplexion and enres constipation.
20c, 50c. and $1.00. fcold by Snipes A
Kinersly, druggists.
ev c V
' -', m
nr)ev vj is-. t.y mn ki
$L00 per ItotJo.'C'frjl
Cures Oonirlis, tfnnrel.,w,hore Xlitont,
Cm up nriiniin. .-; re'"fVC- WiioopincCoiitrli
and Atliutiu P t t.ousuiAtiun ft hfia no
riv:ii: hascurt'd tlio.isandsv7bTenll otlien
fulh-'l; williuiiu v:; if in time. Hold
by lirugitisf.4 on a 'T.r.irl.-o. Kor Inme Hack
or Lhest, use HHI l.infis I'i.AJSVL ZScU.
ila re y..ti i uuirrh ? ThsrnuslT lamiArnn-
tccd to cure yuU. i' f jcta. iuie.Ur trv
Far sale by Snipes St Kinersly.
Tis the twink of nn eve.
T tne dntuirht. of a breath,
Kroin th blossom vt hnutu,
Tu the pal -mao n( di-uth."
When suddeu falntiiifr srn-Hs corns
npon a lady, you may always suspect
some uterine disturbances or trouble, or
some great disorder in the circulation find
nerve centers. A remedy that h:is al
ways pro veil successful in wardlugoffatid
removing the tendency to a recurrence of
fainting spells that remove the cause
of them, corrects the circulation of blood,
and gives to the system that even run
ning nervous Tneruy an essential, U Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription.
Tho " Prescription " Is puarantted to
give satisfaction iu every case, or money
refunded. Nothing else does as much.
You only pny for the good you get.
Can you ask morel"
As a regulator and promoter of func
tional action, nt the critical perloil nf
chriuga from girlhood to womanhood,
"Favorite Prescription" U n perfectly
sate remedial nireut, and can produce
only good results. It Is equally ellica
ciourt and valuable In Its effects when
taken for those disorders and derange
ments Incident to that later and most
critical period, kuown as "The chniig
of Lif e."
Ii called to the faot that
Hugh Glenn,
Dealer in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement
and Iluilding Material of all kinds.
Carries the r I neat Una of
Picture Mouldings
Who are selling these goods out at grea'tly-roducet
.foriwr Ham, VSWS STOCK Y.HiDS, Vhirwju, UU
Tli largest and only strictly commission doalorin
wo world, win Hold His extensive Halo of
ern nninded iiorses tor s(nson IH'M
Entries should be made at once.
The California Wineho
1st now oix'ii, and its proprietor will Bell high,
I. jiroduced Wine at prices in the rttach of eveM,
T Also, best lVanuts to le found. Goods guars.
y to le Pure and First-CHass in every respect.
Thompson's Addition.
c BECl
And the Most Complete and the latest Pntterns anil IWigii
WALL IE3 A. 3?
To Da foand in the City.
72 LUashington Street.
USSTTructical I'uintera and PMr llangiirs. None hut tlic Imil-
' uml A W 1 iidtiiv 'm liii.tB it.u.1 i, ull M-...L .
the most skilled workmen employed. Agents for Mum.ry l.iiuid i
chemical combination or soup mixture. A first cIhss article in si! r
orders promptly attenduj to.
I Faint Shot) oorner Thirdand Wa.ihinc'.on Bu.. Ihtl
The Boston Tailor
East End Second St.
Suits Made to Order from
$18.00 Tip.
Pants from $5.00 up.
I'ttrfeet fit 4i(iarMlfl.
Worlds Fsir Accoaimodation
6414 Str AvCNur Cn.cacio Ills.
A O GmlosmiTii HkorsiEioi.
.40 ar
"V I
7$ Itnxitm .tu oin-l-l KvorT-
liliif Iirl- H an. i) :l lilfM-Ua Iroal
B-llll SI. iili intr- lriia...00 nrrdil
r krt ulitra.
fwr ucli i-rai
oMl Iti
Ecientiflo American
Agency for
TRAoa Mamri.
.T,' JT?."a ilawlhoolr write to
Ml NN (ovl HMiiAlar, Naw yoiis;.
Ol.liMit baraau for aw-urliiK inta In Anrli.
Krrr imlant lakon ntl,r Uk la l-r.,ra
Uw vubua bj uouoa f iru (rao ul ciiarsa Iu uaj
fnrtc1 rrnlat Inn ot anrivirntlflnparrln th
world, hiluli!llr lllu.trabol. No liirlllf-lit
man ahoiilrt tx wlthou It. Wtmmr H l.mi . I .' . 1 x morjthn. .Mrv- Ml fix A "tZ
UUiuua, aol llrvauau), Htm kuaa Ut.
Letters of Credit issued availahle in he
Eastern Slate.
8ighi Kzchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St.
I)nis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon,
Seattle Wash., and various points in Or
egon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms.
Rational Bank,
Cashier, ...
- Z. F. Moony
Charms Hilton
M. A. Moour
General Banking Business Transacted.
Sight Exchange fcold on
Collections made on favoreble terms
at all accessible points.
s. ncHtnca,
H. M. Biau.
First National Bank.
A Genera! Banking Business transacted
Depotiits received, subject to bight
Draft or Check.
Collection made and proceeds promptly
remitted on duj of collection.
Kight ami Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New York, Shii Krancisco and Portland.
The Dalles
Gigar : Factory
Hid A PC"' tl,B Brands
VlvJiVltO manufactured, and
orderu from all parts ol the country filled
on the shortest notice.
The reputation of THE DALLES CI
GAR has become firmly established, and
the demand for Uie home manufactured
article is increasing every day.
r. WIS. EM AN. Wl. MAltltKIt.
The St. Charles Hotel,
This old, popular and reliable r"tt
has been entirely refurnished, and .ery
room has been re papered und repuinlei
and newly carpeted throughout. The
house contains 170 room and is supplier
with every modern convenience. Let
reasonable. A good restaurant attache1
to the house. Kror tins to and from all
C. W. KNOWLES. Prop.
From TERUIINfll of ITS
I. P. Thompson. .Ino. H. N;iikncx.
Ki. M. Williams, Gko. A. Likhk.
II. M. Hkai.i..
A 1
II .
II I f L .
J 1 L'J J
w a
la Um lloetokif
It la th Hitting t ar Km llnu 1
twatlbulatl IraiiiaanrttqaiMit
fit. paul aiil ft?
.'omto"H ol IHnlnir Cam iwl
Bian ilrawlng UiiumMlrewniia
Dmt that pan be cotntrartal. i
ac'nmm.Mlallmia are laith fm
fur buiUurauf Ural arid Koui0
A routliiumia lluv, ronnarSa
aniinllns illr't ami unlnlamH"
Hnlllnan MUwtir rrrTTtt'I
III ailvauce tliruuicb anjr m"'l
Km: 1 1 anil Kur.' oan f
le krt ntllcc nf the cuniiaiir
full Information ronwrni"
trnlna, ri.nlna ami other
,.i.ll,.atl..f. I.k
W. C. A
AKont I). P. a A Nar. Cft,1"
j)alle. Or., or ,
A. I. rilAP'""'
Aaa't, (iaiierai I'aaauLpif w1.
Trade .ivc
M Ocjicns.
r.T" .f It 1 f' '"" ""- .-i...l. ..i
-,li',V.Ul'' I .F"".il.lennl.-
t" gj'" F 'tiniltn. I. .'
w --w, irta nr if tA
' ki
ill psVaktytl for I
All Watch Work Warranted
Jewelry Made to Order.
ISM Nii,i at., I'll llalUa "r
First preniiuin at the Wasco countr
air for best portraits and view.
Art Tkachkr
Moum S, lUltinten lluihling,
Will lira lwons Mnnrliiya and Thnrxlaya ot
ich not k, or nl teller 11 ilcalreil,
General Illicksmitl'i 'ff
promptly, and
Horse Shoeingj"
Candies andjuts
toiiam o, i i ' vnnf
Finest Peanut Roastr
2 titrwet