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About The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1893)
li S M f l. "V M I II VOL. III. THE DALLES, OliKCSOX, FKIDAY, JUNK 2, 181K5. NUMIJEU 2."). DECISIVE BATTLE nc Nicurapan lusnrscnls Were Vic- L KAKlV. FIKE OF ARTILLERY i . . f r.niirnminr Trtinna rye mi 1,11 ,CI" ' - Killed a"1' Wounded United States Warship Needed. Nxw Yokk. M.v 25. The Herald's . r-ut.lo from Granada. Nicaragua. I ,.; additions! details of the decisive n - - - battle of Barranca Pass, May 1!). near Masava. Keliable data mow mat tne government's losses were 155 killed and f,7 wounded, This was largely due to tde rrible raking fire of the revolution nrv Ui'ry, which occupied a Wrong lMiiti- on Covet etui hill and threw out tiuiurucrtiiii messengers of death Witn crnti.ic precision and deadly effect. ; revolutionists outfought the govcrn ueiit troops. The half-paid and undia- nlinol aoldiera were in no sense S match lor the well-paid and well-fed mops which tiave joined the revolution. Carrying aBV their wounded with them, Sacasa's troop were finally f - "1 lo Iriive the field. When the 1., . ; had ui led thev filled three ear w ilh their minded soldiers !ind Sent them hack to Huimgna. None ol ttie revolutionists were injured. The real battle, however. wan loiipht on May 20. It liegan with Uki cannonading at 8 o'clock in the liiHirnii(. Thirteen hundred govern ment trc.n attempted to fight their war i.iit l- tlie position held hy the insnrg--ntp. aim nu inhered a little more than 1 ,000, and were commanded hy General barranca, hut they attempted what it a! timet imosible to accompli!), "lie revolutionist held so strong posi i m iu the mountain pass that a much irger attacking force wou.d have been i-iiired to dislodge, even if they had t ta-eu harked by artillery. Supported v their field pieces on Coyetepe hill, urever, they mode it no uncomfortable the attacking party that the enemy its forced to retire with heavy loss. , To hours later the government forces (W tieen re-formed, and were ordered t(ain to the attack, and after an honr'a 1 terrific fighting the government fones iwertlwwd to retreat. Disorganization 'and cU-niuralization prevaileil in the ftnkt. In Managua it in reported that 11 government troopa were about to I'wrrt and go over to the revolutionists iien their plana were revealed and they ere imprisoned. President Sacasa ia f-'Kirted to have fled to Cortnto and it Kady to go on board a ateauier and i-ave the country the moment he la cou ' need hecanuot w in. Ilia government in a desperate situation, and haa now iule chance to gain what it haa lot. he preaencc of a Unite! States warship n N iearaguan w aters is needed for ro irtinn of American interests. I.lni I. tb. re There Will It. I Nu.MWloa of Culnac. I Wahiiinotok, May 25. Owiug to the Wu amount of gold bullion deposited, V'wrttHKUKiO per mouth, and the heavy I eXenses of coinage eJ at the mint at Car son City, Nev., Secretary Carlisle haa directed the suspension of coin aee at that mint t, after June 1. Uold ' , , ,V. ana aiiver imiiion Y A win, iiuwuver, ue -t w neeiveu lor pnrini OHNUCAMJOlL.nd refining. ;old Mill be paid for in coin or fine V an preferred bv the debitor. Iie 'iia for aiiver depoeita will be made in flrtwl or tine hart as deaired. I'ur 9"xrs of silver bullion tinder the set of f-T M. 1WK), will lie continued aa here- I'hia and New Orleans w ill prolhly fedticed. With the euspeualon of "tte at Caraou Citr the wjinaga of vr dollars w ill be discontinued forthe "ent, as there is no demand for this f of money. Th Hal now Indualrr. hwoRu, May 25. The fish catch to- reached the 6,000 mark, the boats ruling 0' salmon per boat, with an rnge weight of 23', iiounds. The ruen are retroerad I Ilk?. van 4mtn r meager caUh of yesterday. In the principal feature of tl.i. " will unilonhtedly lie the extinction trap industry on the lower river, "rts from above Tongue oint show " te of things. The catch for "anon to (late reaches 2l) 1. 1, lut 07.7:k) canes, Astoria's contrl- ''niieiog 47,040 raaes. KinIi forthe ix days have averaged 2.11-0 THE CAKHdN MINT. poundH, anil Indications are that the next seven days w ill bring the weight up to 24 kiuiiiIi. Notw itliHtauding the talk nlxiut bit; fih, it is a fact that only 5 per cent of the catch so far has aver aged over 40 pounds each. The finher men, however, are making excellent wages ami doing lietter than they have done for the lant four years. Hugh M. l.a Km. Hugh M. La Rue, superintendent of the bureau of viticulture, of the Colum bian exposition, has been identified with the agricultural and wine industries of California since the war. He was born at Klizatiethtown, Ky., in H?,0. In 18.10 he removed to Missouri, where he received a common school education. In 1S57 he planted a seventy-five acre orchard in California, which was ut the time the lurgest in the Mate. Since lSti7 he has lieen promi nent in California olitic, serving as nherilT of SiuTamento in 1 873, and as member of the state constitutional con vention in 1871. For several terms he was s-aker of the state house of repre sentatives. For seven years he was presi dent of the California State Agricultural society. For the past ten years he lias lieen superintendent of the State Board of Agriculture. Mr. a line was ap pointed to his present position Sept. 1, 1 S".2. t'urit.ltle. nMila.a MaktBf ht. llli ll-.ul,lP. The art ofglana manufacture goes hack into antiouitv to a tune "when the mind of man runneth not to the contrary yet we cannot penetrate the mists w hich hang over the infancy of what has for ages lieen a useful industry. Itsoriginal discovery is alleged, on the authority of several reputable writers, to have leeu the result of an accident in w hich some nitruui (supposed by some to have been suit) was fused with sand. The date of this event is not even approximately given, but it is said to have taken place on the banks of the IV us, in Palestine, where some mariners had landed and were cooking their meals, using blocks of iiitrutu to hold their pots in position. Sir Gardner W ilkiuson gives a cut of s piece of Kgyptian sculpture work which represents two-glass blowers ply ing their art in a manner w hich strikes one as being surprisingly like that prac ticed at the present time. Sir. Gardner informs us that this sculpture was ex ecuted :',.r)0 years airo, during the reign of Itenj. Hassan. Theban paintings and sculptures, which are knowu to date back to the time of FCxodus, 1,400 years H. C, show g'ass drinking vessels of delicate patterns and fine workmanship, in some instances rivalingsimilar vessels of modern m.tke. Straho and Josephus both a Hi rm that the Kgyptian glass workers were ao well skilled in their art that they imitated the amethyst and other precious stones to perfection. Malleable glass w as one of the secret arts of the ancient, the formula for making it being now reckoned as lost. Strabo mentions a cup of glass which could tie hammered into any desirable shape, the material of w hich it was composed being as ductile as lead. THE SUNDAY OI'EMNG Attorney-General Olney Issues His Instructions. WILL APPLY FOR AX INJUNCTION District Attorney Gilchrist Lost No Time ia Complying With Instructions. Washington, May 25. As a result of United States District Attorney Gil christ's talk with Attorney-General Olney yesterday, he left last night with explicit instructions, if he should find on arrival at Chicago that the plan was still adhered to to open the world's fair Sunday, to "Present the matter to the federal court and ak for an injunction, or any other legal process which the facts would warrant, and which would prevent a violation of the laws of the Cnited States." District Attorney Gi!chrit loct no time in complying with the instructions of the attorney-general. He telegraphed ahead to the assistant attorney-general, instructing him to prepare a bill for an njtinction restraining the management of the fair from opening the gates next Sunday. The bill w ill he filed as soon as it can 1 prepared, probably Frday or Saturday. ALLISON Al IVEt. jAJf.3 AtLliOH. I SKI AH A TKAMNPOItT. A MImIob; Mraragua Hteamer covered. Ila- Panama, May 26. It has been learned that the Nicaragua Canal Company's lake steamer Victoria, the whereabouts of which had been shrouded in mystery, is being used as s troop transport boat by the revolutionists. As such it was of great service in conveying 500 soldiers, commanded bv General Montiel, to San Carlos, w hich fort was surrendered to the insurgents on the 12th inst, without S shot being fired. Inasmuch as Koma, the most important point on the Mos quito Coast, ia in the hands of the revo lutionary general Chamberlain and Alfaro, there is no doubt but w hat San Juan Del Norte will be quietly sur rendered. The proclamation of Natiago Morales as president ia not construed as a temporary makeshift to give credit to the revolutionary party. Crops la St. Piteksbi'ko, May 26. Abundant warm rains, followed by sunshine, have improved the prospect of harvest. On the w hole, crops promise ! fairly good. Most of the winter crops, however, in Podolia, Kief, F.katerinoalav and Khar kov are ruined. The spring crops will be excellent. Shiloh's Vitalixer is what you need for i.fppejwia, torpid liver, yellow skin or kidney trouble. It is guaranteed to give yon satisfaction. Price Ac Id by & Kirernl;. , druisl. Chlfa of the Departments of Manufac ture and Fine Art.. James Allison, chief of the department of manufacturers, has command of the largest exposition ever erected, and the manner in which he has handled the ex hibits in the depart ment demonstrates the witdom of his appointment to the nioet important di vision of the fair. Mr. Allison is of Scotch descent. He w as born at Frank ford, Pa., in 1S43. Until he was seven teen years of age- his life was that of the ordinary farm lad. At an early age he developed a taste for mechanics, hut his studies were interfered with by the out break of the war. He enlisted as a private and served with credit to him self throughour the war. Haleey C. Ivee. head of the art depart ment of the world's fair, has aroused the wrath of the gentlemen in charge of the French art exhibit and A. A. Anderson, of New York. In the French depart ment is a picture painted by Anderson entitled, "A Woman Taken in Adultery." When Anderson ollered it for exhibition in the United States art department, it was relused. The reason given was that it was immoral. Several foreign countries at once offered Ander son space for the picture, and he ac cepted the courtesy of France. Today Ives visited the French department and caused a cloth to lie stretched before the picture. The French gentlmen strongly objected, and threaten to take the mat ter into the courts and have Ives and the crimson cloth enjoined. Halsey C. ives, chief of the fine arts department of the exjiosition, was liorn in Havana, N. Y.f in IMS. His entire life since arriving at manhood's estate has been spent in the pursuit of art. Mr. Ives was educated iu the public schools of his native town, and received academic instruc tion at the Union Academy of Havana. He was compelled to start life on his own account at an early age, and chose art as s career. To learn the technical! ties of his profession, in 1K62 he started a draughtsman in the government service. Ill health caused him to abandon this. Later he studied In New York, St. Ijuis and Kurope. He was apjwinted chief of the fine arts department, May 1st, 1801, and through his efforts, the art exhibits at the fair will be the greatest the pro fession lias ever had. forged a (hick, J. P. Wager, at one time s prominent man in Oregon, is on lined in thecounty jni! in Portland to answer to the grand ury for the crime of obtaining money under false pretenses. Wager gave C. Donoghiie of that city a check liearing the forged signature of George H. Moflitt, manager of the Portland Tele gram. Mr. Wager was a senator from Umatilla county in the legislature of 1W and S.H!, and was the hryhtet-t and i-rtst eioout-rit of tint lrl He was editor and proprietor of tho Pendle ton Fast Oregonian for several years and had the honor of I eing the only democrat whom H. W. Scott, of the Portland Oregonian, thought s foeman worthy of his steel. Wager was em ployed npon the editorial staff of the Kvening Telegram a few months and then tried to practice law at Condon, Morrow county. Drink has caused his downfall. Statesman. SHOT ItV EVANS AMI HONTAd. A I nlit.l Hiatr. Ilrputjr Marshal Is Very Badly Wounded. VisAMA.Cal., May 27. Officer Black, w ho is s deputy United States marshal from San Diego, and s companion named Thomas Burns have been at a cabin near Camp P.adger, about (our months, lying in wait for Evans and Sontag. Their business was well known to the latter About 0 o'clock last night, after passing the evening at Camp Badger. Black and Burns returned to Black's cabin, a short distance away. Upon opening the door they heard a noise in the rear of the cabin. Black stepped back from the door to ascertain the cause, when Evans and Sontag, who were in hiding, im mediately opened fire. Black fell, shot through the thigh. Burns says the fir ing was so rapid it resembled a bunch of fire-crackers. Black, as he fell, sung out: "You dirty cuss, you are loo cowardly to give a man a chance for hia life." "urns, seeing Black fall, called to him, and getting no reply concluded he was dead and left for assistance. Evans and Sontag meantime retreat d up the hill, firing as they went. Black then crawled into the cabin and secured his Winchester rifle and fired two Bhots at the retreating bandits. Burns re turned with help, secured a wagon and brought Black here, arriving about six o'clock this morning. Black's clothes are perforated in several places with buckshot. The wound in his thigh is serious. Parties living in the neighbor hood claim to have seen one bandit alone after the fight, and it is possible one was wounded. A Woman burned to Death. Kocklin, Cal., May 25. At 2:40 this morning, fire started in the kitchen of the Davie, hotel ; its origin is unknown. It burned 25 buildings, including two thirds of the business section of the town. The total loss is $75,000, insurance about one-third. Mies Alice Irish, of Georgetown, workingat the Davies hotel, got out once, but went back for her clothes, was caught in the flames and burned to death. A heroic attempt was made by William Davies and Will Laudis to save her, but the building collapsed. The other occupants of the hotel barely escvped with their lives. Now Try This. It will cost you nothing and will sure ly do you good, if you have a cough, cold, or any trouble w ith throat, chest or lungs. Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds is guar anteed to give relief, or money will lie paid back. Sufferers from la grippe found it just the thing and under its use had s speedy and thorough recov- eay. try s sample bottle at our ex pense, and learn for yourself just how good a thing it is. Trial bottles free at Snipes & Kinersly'a drug store. Large size 50c and 1 1. Amerlran Ke.ltlenta luiprlaoned. La Lihkutad, San Salvador, May 28. Advices have reached here from Mana gua which indidate that President Sa casa of Nicaragua is treating the foreign residents of that country with as much harshness as he visits upon the citizens who oppose him. Many Italians and Americans w ho reside iu Managua are said to have lieen sent to prison liecauee they spoke in opposition to Sacasa's government. laa Made an Assignment. Bcffai.o, F. Y., May 26. FMward Newell, agent for the Domestic Sewing Machine Company, haa made s general assignment; liabilities between 140,000 and $50,000, and assets about the same. The failure was caused by financial trouble of the company in New York, to whom he had given accommodation paper. Wall Htreet Mot Astonished. Nkw Yohk, May 26. The Foster fail ure caused no astonishment tu Wall street. In certain circles it was known for some time the firm was in s tight place for money. One hanker said Fos ter had lieen caught between seed time and harvest. The trouble with him, he said, was he was Interested in too many things. Will lie Open Munilajr. Chicaiso, May 26. This afternoon United States District Attorney Gil christ said it would bo imossili!e to prepare n bill lor an injunction in time to prevent the opening of the world's f ui r gates next Sunday. Ei-Sccrctary of the Treason in Fi nancial Trontle. MICH EXCITEMENT IN F0ST0R1A His Assets and Liabilities Not Yet Ac curately Known Wall Street Not Astonished. Fostaria, O., May 20. Ex -Secretary of the United States Treasury Charles Foster and the banking house Foster & Co., have assigned. There is great ex citement at Fostoria. This city was shaken to its circum ference this morning by the announce ment of the Foster assignment, as it w as recognized this meant the downfall of Bonie of Fostoria's most prominent institutions. The assignment was made to J. B. Gormley, president of the First National bank of Bucyrus, of the bank ing house of Foster & Co., the wholesale house of Davis & Foster and Charles Fos ter individually. The affairs of the Mambury Crock & Calcined Glass Co., the brass and iron works and the Fos toria Light & Power Company are so in volved it is expected they will be in the hands of an assignee before the close of the day. Everything is in a chaotic condition. The bank carried several hundred thousand dollars in deposits, and had negotiated loans for the brass works and glass houses, giving its own indorsment. This caused the crash. Banks holding the governor's paper de manded payment, and having bo much paper out. he was unable to respond. Governor Foster has issued a statement expressing his deep distress and humilia tion over the failure, saying his indor sement for the window glass companies and the brass and iron works company were very large and precipitated "the failure. THK N1CAKAGUAS TKOUBt,:. No Appeal Haa Been Made to the Inlted atatea f. r a Protectorate. Washington, May 2S. Dr. Guzman, the Nicaragnan minister, has received no official information that the Nica raguans desire the United States to es tablish a protectorate over the country, as stated in a New York paper. Dr. Guzman is of the opinion, however, that such will be the ultimate issue under the condition of affairs existing there. The Nicaragtian canal project, he says, closely connects the two countries, and its in terests would be greatly enhanced if the United States were given supremacy. Private advices received here state that the revolutionists have found that they have undertaken a greater task than they can manage since gaining the upper hand and will be willing to relinquish control, provided they are granted am nesty and representation in the cabinet. A Woman Cremated. Atlanta, Ga., May 25. Dora Schun, a woman of bad character, recently had her thoughts turned to the evil of her ways, and became convinced that burn ing was her lot. Last night she decided to settle her fate at once. Seizing a lighted lamp, she smashed it on her head. The oil fell on her clothing, and she was soon s pillar of tire. Her inju ries were such that she died today. A Hmuggllnc Oan( t'nrarthed. Boston, Mass., May 27. The United States special treasury agents are of the opinion that an extensive smuggling of Chinese laborers and laundrymen is or has been carried on along the Canadian line, and have been active in their en deavors to put s stop to it. There is nothing I have ever used for muscular rheumatism that gives me as much relief as Chamberlain' Pain Biilin Iocs. I have been using it for aliout two years four bottles in all as occa sion required, and alway keep s bottle of it in my home. I believe I know a good thing when I get hold of It, and Pain Balm is the best liniment I have ever met wmi. w. li. l'cnny, dairy man, New Lexington, Ohio. 60 cent bottles for sale by Blakeley & Houghton. mi Subscribe, for Tim Chkonii i.k. AS IT SHOULD BE TAUGHT. The Mound View, of an l.itelltKff.t I'-du-ratur on the (.iikUm!, Lmiikuhko. The followiiiifextriictfrnm l'ruf. K. J. Robinson's article; in tho llomih tic Re view presents in compact form a truth that is becoiuinif more, and more evi dent each day, and one tlint applies not alone to the education of ministers: "The most manifest defect in our sys tem of education is its insufficient at tention to the English hinfruafru, not merely to the science and genius of it aa emtxxlyintf one of the richest liter, aturea and as beinpr the most widely spoken tongue in the world, but, to such study of it and practice of it as will (five to the student a correct and facile and forcible use of it in tho expression of his thoughts. It is hard ly possible to overestimate the valu.i of a mustery of English in any calling1 that requires the use of it in inllu encinff the thoughts of others, but in preparing for the Christian ministry or almost anything else whoso chief func tion consists in endeavoring1 to move others to riffht action hy public ad dress, the attainment of this mastery should yield precedence to the attain ment of no other. And yet, struncely enough, candidates for the ministry and law and journalism and author ship are taken in hand and for tun years are scientifically drilled in a va riety of subjects, some of which they never so much as once afain recur to when done with them as students, sell ing1 the text-books they have been com pelled to use; while of English, on their use of which their final failure or success will no largely depend, tlu-y are mainly left to acquire their knowl edge in any haphazard way they can, receiving' at most, at the very time when most needing it. only such in structions as may be gathered from brief study of some college text-book in rhetoric and from writing' a few compositions, on which the professor in rhetoric scratches in red ink scant words of general criticism; anil so they stumble on in their course, reaching the theological seminary or law school only when it is too late for the profes sor (of homiletics) to do for them what ought to have been done for them oil the way along1 from the start, and what no amount of instruction or personal effort can then do for them. In no sin gle respect are established methoili of education so glaringly and so radically defective as in rhetorical discipline. For no one department of instruction do colleges not one, but all of them make so inadequate provision in the number of teachers; in none are the results of the instruction, on tho whole, so unsatisfactory. In no grad uates are these results more painfully apparent than in the occupants of our pulpits," and law chairs, and legislators, and writers in all departments. Haas Cheeks. Bass' cheeks is the very latest gas tronomical novelty. They do not figure on cafe menus yet and are found only at the most gorgeous and extrava gant private dinners. The dish comes very high because it takes about a ton of bass to furnish a small dish of cheeks. The cheek of a bass is a tiny nugget of the teuderest and most deli cately llavored meat, found in the lower part of the head on either side. This is lifted out and the remainder of tho bass is tossed away. One Philadelphia hotel man hns achieved a reputation in that city and New York hy his prepara tion of bass' cheeks, and every time ho receives a big order he creates a corner in the bass market. Nouth Amerlran N'ews. Valpasaiho, May L'li. The Herald's correspondent in Itiviera telegraphs that the Bio Grande revolutionists are acting entirely as guerrillas. They have no organization. Karl's Clover Hoot, the new blood purifier, gives freshness and clearness tr tho complexion and t ines constipation. 25c, 50c. and fl.00. Sold by & Kinersly, t'ruggists. Hprliii f'e. S. 11. Clifford, New C:isel. Wis., whs troubled w ilh m iliaria mid rheumatism. Iih stomach was disordered, his liver was affected to an degree, ap- ielite fell away, and he was terribly re duced in flesh and stiemith. Three bot tles of Electric Hitters cured him. F'dwnrd Shepherd, Harrislmrg, 111., had a running sore on his leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and his lei; ia sound and well. John Speaker, Cats wabu, O., had liva large fever sores on his leg, doctors said he was incurable. One bottle Electric Bitters and one box Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured him eu tirely. Sold by Snipes A Kinersly. Highest of all in Leavening Tower. Latest (J. S. Gov't Report Powdei AQSOULrjcJ-Y PURE