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About The Dalles weekly chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1947 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1893)
THE DALLES WEEKLY CHRONICLE, FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1893. Weekly Chronicle. pAI.I.KH. - - OH SOON LOCAL A1 PIBHOMl. Krlday'a Ially. ..mind hnr waist I put my erme, It felt soil as : ..,,h iWht," y she, liberty, v.iii prlnteriiieii iln Ink 2,ii'i 1 a"1' bT ltum' HhI'I 1 dnen"i. I mllmr, snrliir, klu.l.-r like llii(r.l'uoltlioprf-. lt Moii.lHy the apportionment will L,e tor the county ecnooi iiinu. I dollar will be Kcn each district the balance distributed pro rata. ,.i the linen of tlie northern L an rnor lock of ",al ,,H quarried which win ' 'ni l.l'a fir. It weitfiu " n"- A i.i.ium of the "OecHtrielc Skule" MarH to l pr.-Mt toniKht. lie nsilwr Hint 't Tuesday occurs the nc'Jic nuilnti.iu you must have UT . , .f..,.L your Ii'hhoii" r F I I I Wo have receive" " ul K"""1" Kin with th compliment" of Senator Jchell. intended to fiiriiiHh the airri Itiirul (li'irtment with information an .lu Ik-hI adapted to our Boil. 'mil Kreft i doing ome very hand- umrk iu J. ( Muck'a wholesale r Iiiiiipw. It hui Ixien attractively ami papored throughout, and k J club room", are nodola of cozinciui a X witness. tgUit ily w" t'"rvexl in the ... ....., I todav an mitlnisiaHticallv . In former occasions. There wan, r . . ... . i JT-THr, a llltri lll.l"rl mwi,i,, nuu uf tlie fact that tlie janitor nan jtitly planted about twenty trees, L were jilunted today. ii(lreironian today furnishe "newi" ttTlie 1'ullen which Tiik Ciiuonici.k puliliHhed nearly a month ago. hi1, tnku Tn Ciiuomclk. The pil- al the 1). P. ft A. wharf, Winans' 'nMn and the electrical phenomena all been digested and forgotten I llL'O. 'A" M'iro Olwcrvor in battling against Ihein'iHtukBii miiioiny of leeaening mil- kriui Klmriiniu county if talking alKiut Iwl ini; the nulury of itchool miperin fc-Acnt to the pitiable tuui of :IU0 a Cannot mime 1io1k be found w xiHt on tlnit sum? t oiinictmicv m Hilary consideration. rt William wan kicked this morn' I'V hia horMe. I In waa atruck by V'K'f on the hip mid the other lu the t t!it Ktumach. It In thought at thix ihat the accident ia not an aerioiiK inn;ht liuve leen, and thut be will lie on the atruet j,-ain. rmintv cniirt met U)day In accord- it) with an adjournment and truim- V V' the remaining tnimneaa that wna over Iroui hint wwion. They iur.iiittMJ.ti.Taiiy a liceiiao to will 1 illliri-. etc.. t anil sit. ;(-jr"cii. it "i. l'liil AfntitclmiL, dlate treaHurer, waS'ii PeriiJejun yesterday. The Tri Ibmj Hiiva .Mr. MetHi:liun i a memlier nf isUllt tlHVl tl 111 Pi ill i in iMwiittiitrti t ii nuegiu ltH duty of going over wlern Oregon towna aeuin to do- khrre that iiiHtitution will be lo- rwitliHtnnding the cold, backward ;Mra. I. J. Norman baa 00 little tin hatched out already thin year, I'vcn more liens netting. Thmie inure all of line breed, part of lieing a mixture between the white rn and the Uruhina, and the bal-iilll-hliKided lAngahama. Ten lit- puary birda have also Uten hatched. I" cuuntieH of Wbhoo, Shermaii and Vm entitled to three more fViia at tho atale agricultural They may lie apKinted by the "nntDrt or ri'pruiicntativea from !'r county, or all from one countv. if those aiiiKiinUd may be a female. arulli-gii i I)liri f olir public achool IJin, ami in in a llouriMliing condition , f K n eiiriillment the pant eoaaun of "tudenta. Wntiinliijr'i Piilly. wported thut a duuirbter of I. C H (lied at Wumw. city pri-writed a lively appear K,ay. The beautiful day brought ""lyont lor an airing. !rUn liiiiulred empty buildinga in lml' Only 88 in. lea cant on tho U. " ia scarcely one. fH,rs- Rltmaraho & Co. will ship a beef cattle fn.m their vanla tu- '"'His Port Tow naend market, ''"h aro kiing caught, and the "ve abut down. Tho river la '"''"K now only 8.0 above low 11 Mill( ( Weston baa invented " hic, wn run t(H,lf ftft(,r j, ;'lt,"il. The forces of gravity and re utilized. NiIimii Journal arrivea in Tho 'fiiiu New York nearly every day. knoW More they published 'a wieoua" edition. jp'hil study of the appointment wiministration brings out - "n uio -ex a" re getting '""Imroof plums. Krtft and f '-lneA. O. U. W. will go to i'''vur tonight to initiate a half " "mates into fun membership "dor. r '"lay'a Kxaminer relates that "yi of The Dallea, won the 22U- yard race, with a splendid burnt of sieed at the finish, at the California state university gronnds. The street sprinkler informs ns that be will make an etlbrt to complete the contract for street sprinkling and begin on Monday. The former contractor fulled to come to time today. Linus Hubbard showed us some very beautiful specimeua of silicacixed wood poliabed by a Portland firm. The color ings are brilliant, varying from a rich black through all the hues to palest reds and yellows. Union fishermen in the lower Colom bia have resorted to force or compel can nerymen to pay (1.15 per fiah. They board non-union boats and throw out their ChIi into the river and have even attempted to intimidate dealers. Some very pretty styles of wall paper are shown at Snipes Si Kinersly's. This firm have lately received several thous and rolls of wall paper of new design, perhaps the largcat shipment ever made in The Dalles of this kind of stock. A notice on Troy Khelly's office door read: "Absent Saturday; leave your note under the door." The reporter was reminded of a certain Dalles lawyer who was in the habit of writing on a card: "Absent; will be back in ten minutes." A wag supplemented it with: "When in did you leave?" Messrs. Saltmarsh & Co. shipped for tho Tygh Valley Land and Live Stock company, a fine lot of sheep to the Cas cado Ixx'ks by the Uegulator this morn ing. Toduy's advices report that Harbison, who last winter made himself famous chiefly for his infirmities of mind, is dis missed from the service. Apropos, it may lie mentioned that Cnpt. Lewis still bangs out at the old stand. Lewis is bard to kill. The dreary interior of the county jail is enlivened nowadays with choice mimic. M. P. Thomas, one of the pris oners, is a master hand with the banjo and plays the liveliest sort of inarches, guliops and waltzes in a manner that la uiOHt entertaining and inspiriting. Mnmltijr'B Pally "Will vnn m'tit mT wiit"" he mild And he amllfri littl.- tilt Whfn tlie lull)- In ttic h'K ivlieri. "oli, lluiiik.'" tint did nut ml. Tim wi'll lie underHtiMHl tlieritniie. And hi nnille her fury fnmied I'tili'tm two men Humid ntler Hcuta The lair one hud to Htuud. The King's Daughters will meet at Mrs. Kandull'e tomorrow afternoon. There waa a sharp front luxt night in places, and ice froze over a wooden bucket full of water at the race track. A. M. Williams Si Co., and E. Jacob sen A Co. are painting their storeB, making them very neat and attractive looking. The name of the young lady who died at lioldcndule is Ienora Kichardp, and she is not related to I. C. Kichards, as rejiorted. A sewer on Washington street has been choked for several daya and a force of men were at work on it today who succeeded in ojietiing it. Jan. Cautrell arrived with hie big freight team yeaterday, and will load with freight for Prineville merchants and return in a day or so. Mrs. Joseph Vierra heartily thanks her many friends for the kindness and symputhy in her loss of her brother and tlie assistance during hia late illness. Many people yesterday went down to the Uegulator store-house to see a ver itable curiosity. They were two turkeys of pure white, destined for Mt. Angel, and are worth $18. Fifteen coils of wire reported by The Ciiuonici.k to be used for a telephone line between The Dulles and Prineville, are suld by the Ochoco Keview to lie in tended for hop-growing. J). C. Herrin returned yesterday from Ia Craude. He exhibited to ua today an electrotype of the Court bouse, photo engraved and mounted by himself, which ia a tine piece uf workmanship. 8. 13. Adama left on the Regulator this morning, with a model of the Chrlsmiin fruit dryer, for Willamette valley points. It is very likely be will have good suc cess in introducing it throughout the weet, as the dryer is pronounced to be perfect by all those best informed. Mr. Thorburn, a well-to-do sheop raiser of Kingsley, of Scotch, extraction, Has asked how Ida sheep waa coming out, when be made this extraordinary remark: "Oh, vera weeljl'll have fully a hundred percent increase. There are three fours, seven threes, and God knows how many twos." Pease A Maya is one of thoso enter prising firms who have discovered that there is a great dcul in judicious adver tising. Their curiously-worded display advertisement lust week aliout the "Van tine" special sale resulted in a perfect jam at their store ail Saturday afternoon and evening. Tho Koslyn bank robbers were be trayed by a girl, the sister-in-law of a man at whose home, in Coulee city, the conspiracy waa hatched. Kay Chris tiansen is his name, the woman's being Miss Surah June Morgan, a beautiful young woman of about "0 years of age, who lives in Salt Lake. She betrayed the robbers through revenge, but they have not yet been arrested, as tho otli cers are after more evidence. Oo to 8. A N. Harris for stiff felt hats. A fine line only (0 cents each. Illiplt; of (told ttrlcfcs. At the counter of the First National bank can be seen a pyramid of gold bricks, the largest the output of the horn mine for the month of April, valued at about $10,000. Another from the Virtue mine, worth !9 per ounce, valued at 3,000, the result of a mill run of about one week, an ore from the npfier levels of the mine. Other smaller bricks are from properties of lesser prominence. Baker Democrat. W. ;. T. V. CoBvtintlnn. The W. C. T. U. will bold conven tion in The Dalles on Tuesday and Wed nesday of next week. Mrs. Iligs, the state president, will occupy the chair and will deliver an address on Tuesday afternoon, and Miss Trumble, of La Grande, will address the convention on Wednesday afternoon. Good music will be furnished, and a number of enter taining talks are promised. Hpara th Trao. The bell tower will goon be moved to the small lot adjoining Kirby'e grocery store. It ia too bad, however, that for this purpooe a handsome tree was cut down. Trees are what makers The Dalles so beautiful, and while one more or less will not affect the general appear ance it makes a bad precedent, when they are to be cut down for such a trifling job as this. Flandy with Ills Con. Pinrsix, Arix., Apr. 14. Pete Spence of the Sentinel, yesterday killed another Mexican, making in all five in the last ten days. About a week ago Spence, who is a Texan, with no love for Mexi cans on general prir.cip'ei, found it ne cessary to kill one while keeping a sa loon at Gila Pend. After that the greasers formed a combination to do him op, but so far be haa kept on top. All his killings have been in self de fense. Th Condition Month of I . Mr. J. D. Parish, of The Dalles and Prineville stage line, came in from over the road Saturday evening, and we are informed that the winter holds on re markably out on the route, frequent snow storms being encountered, and that in consequence the roads are ren dered slippery and in places bad. Mr. Parish reports stock as doing fairly well, and that the lambing season ia progressing as favorably as could be ex pected. The lossea in young Iambs will be very considerable, especially in the high country. Telephone Company. The Pendleton Tribune says of the Sunset Telephone and Telegraph com pany that the president, vice-president, secretary and general manager are in that city. These gentlemen say that it is the intention of the Sunset Telegraph company to build a line from Pendleton to Baker City, passing through I'nion and La Grande. They have al ready started a line from Spokane to Portland and forty men are employed on it at present. About fL'OO.OOO will be spent by this company on these lines and the greater part will be expended in Eastern Oregon and Washington. Their plans have been laid and work will soon begin in earnest, and Pendle ton will have telephonic connections with La Grande, Union, Baker City, Spckane, The Dalles, Portland, and by the Blue Mountain Telephone Co., with Long Crevk. The Coining; Comedj. "What ia this 'deestrick ekule,' as they call it is it a sort of a 'go' on the old-fashioned backwoods style of fifty years ago?" was overheard on the street this morning. That is just it. It is one of those rol ickiug comedies that have become pop ular nowadays by furnishing an equiva lent for money to be used for church or charitable purposes. The "Deestrick Skule" is designed just to make you laugh, and this is guaranteed, from the time the innocent, gawky, guileless, careless school children (of 40 or 50 years) recite their ABC lesson until the reading of "compositions" aud re marks by the school board, who, while they are aa ignorant as horse blocks, make a great display of wisdom and succeed in showing a denseness that colud not be phased by a pile driver. Go, then, and laugh; laugh till the blues are dissolved aud the world smiles again; laugh till the teara come, ami through half-closed eyelids make danc ing automatons of the characters and projiertica on the stage; laugh till youth is renewed iu memories of "Ye olden time When life wii nr the imet's rhyme: When my feut were hiiro Md my check Here hroun, And my heart win Hunt ui the eider down." IIIKII. In Boston, April 10th, Mrs. W. W. Barrage, sister of S. V. M. Briggs, at Pease A Mays. In The Dulles, April 15th, Carl Floch, aged 'M years. Funeral will take place tioin mo residence at i p. m. tomorrow . H. D. Ilinehart, the Canyon City or chardist, has loaded two freight teams with apples and started them toward The Dulles. If he does not find a market there lie will ship to Portland. It seems like turning the tables when Eastern Oregon cau ship fruit to the land of "big, red apples." Ochoco Keview. THROTTLE AND CAB. Meaty Honda of News and Ooealp for Tralmen. All trainmen are rei-tfiilljr ankeil to eon trilinie to fhm column, 1I14 editor reierviim tlm HKlit to rt'jeet miMllilV wlllfll, ill hl JMilKinellt, wou d be delMuieiilul to the InturehU of tho par. Mrs. Frank Adama ia quite sick. Switch engine 13!i5 ia undergoing a thorough overhauling. Johnnie Osborne ia out on 378, in Adama' place. The coal bunker ia being rabidly filled with Gillman coal. Barrett sayg the wind blew a perfect gale all the way from Umatilla yeater day, the rate of speed being fully gixty miles an hour. See Haslam and Young'g cab' now. It will dazzle your eyes to see the bright works. Jack Garaons (engine 547) haa the most handsome cab of any on the road. It is adorned with four photos, of the big tlide, two beautiful looking glasses and two bronzed eagles, with an amount of hard polishing that renders it very handsome indeed A stock train of twenty-four cars went through this morning, from near Baker City id Portland without unloading for feeding. Quick time had to be made and Engineer Montgomery made a record for himself by wheeling them through from Umatilla to The Dalles in four hours, the fastest time made on freight for a good while. "Monty" can make "time" if he is given half achance. PERSONAL MENTION. Friday. Hon. W. R. Ellis returned home to day. Harry Lonsdale returned on the noon train. J. B. Crossen returned on today's pas senger. Louis Matlock left for Portland this morning. Ex-Governor Z. F. Moody arrived in town last night. Miss Stella Masters of Goldendale ia the guest of Misa Laura Thompson. Mies Daisy Hampshire of Omaha, arrived in The Dalles, and will visit her aunt. Father Bronsgeeft returned home yesterday afternoon from his missionary trip to Kingsley and neighboring places. Dr. K. W. Davis of Saginaw, Mich., called on us today. He makes a flying trip to Oregon and returns to hia home tomorrow noon. Mrs. J. C. Hostetler and Misa Wini fred Mason leave tomorrow noon for Concordia, Kan., on a visit to friends. They will be absent about two months. Mr. Chaa. Bruen of Klickitat, ia in the city today. We regret to learn that Mr. S. M. Gil more is quite ill again. W. A. Langille of the Cloud Cap inn, was in the city yesterday. J. D. Tuny of Antelope, made Tub Ciiuo.niclk a call laet evening. Mrs. F. P. Mays will return to her home in Portland tomorrow. J. A. Gulliford of 15-Mile is in town today. He reports light frosts daily and fruit trees very backward. Grant Maya of Antelope came in town today. He says that he encountered a snow storm yesterday, which lasted all the way from Bakeoven to Sherar's Bridge. Mr. M. Fisk, an old-time stockman of Eastern Oreaon, arrived from the Willamette with his family on the Reg ulator last night. He proposes to settle in the eastern part of Sherman county. Monday. Mr. John Shaw of Union ia in the city on business. Mr. Wallace Husbands of Mosier, spent Sunday in this city. J. Hawarton and family left by boat for Portland thia morning. Mr. J. E. McCormack of Pleasant Ridge is in the city today. S.J. LaFrance of Hood River was a passenger to Pendleton today. Mr. A. J. Mcllaley, one of 8-Mile's solid men, paid Tub Ciikoniclb a call today. Messrs. C. H. Stranahan and W. C. Stranahan of Hood River gave Tiik CiiKOMci.a ollice a pleasant call today. Fred Huntington, a mining man of Bnker City, and a brother of j. M. and B. S. Huntington of this city, ia in town today. Win. Lyle and wife left this morning on the Regulator for Portland. Mr. Lyle loaded four head of fine horses on the boat. Judge and Mra. A. S. Bennett left yes terday for the east to be gone a month. Thev will v if it relatives aud take in the world's fair before returning. Mr. J. I). Whitney of Kingsley, one of our prosperous farmers, is in the city today. He informs us that the outlook for tine harvests ia very encouraging. Mr. Grant Maya left on the morning train for Berkeley, Calif., where be will remain to attend the commencement exercises of the University of California, w hen his brother, Edwin, will be gradu ated. Mra. IiOchhead, while attending the Episcopal church yesterday morning, sutl'ered a fainting apell, with which the lady ia subject, ami was carried to the rectory, where, it ia reiwrted, she ia now, aa it was not deemed expedient to remove her until sue 18 better. Director' Meeting. At the D. P. & A. N. company di roctor'a meeting held today, the follow ing persona were elected officers of the lioard: B. F. Laughlin, prcaidentjD. M. French, vice-presideut; S. L. Brooks, secretary; G. V. Bolton, treasurer. The rralt Urower. Emil Schanno returned Sunday morn ing from the meeting of the state horti cultural board at Eugene. There was a full attendance of professors and a good deal of information derived. Their next meeting of the horticultural society will be held at Salem iu July. At the Eu gene meeting, of particular Importance were the papers in regard to spraying and trimming fruit trees. Mr. Schanno advocated the lime, sulphur and aalt re ciie as lieing cheap aa well aa effective, and quoted Prof. Riley in a letter to him aa saying that it was the best re cipe, being generally used in California for a winter wash. The matter of prun ing la much abused, few understanding how to prune trees to obtain tho best re sults. Thia matter was well presented, showing how proper pruning not only improves the condition of the fruit, but also prevented to a certain extent the ravages of the insect pesta that are be coming so destructive in this country. The suggestions are that pruning be done so as to leave an open tree where the sunlight can obtain admittance without interference. Another matter that left a good im pression was the discussion of the sub ject of packing fruit. The speaker on this subject showed that many fruit raisers iiave lost a great deal by not sorting their fruit and by mixing their first grade fruit with the lower grades, thereby getting the market price for the lower grade when making a sale. The matter of sorting the fruit ia a trifling one, but of great benefit to the growers when his fruit is placed in the market. For the World's Fair. A man CI years old, with a wheelbar row, arrived on the Regulator Saturday night, bound for the world's fair. He stated that he started from South Bend in the Gray'a Harbor country, Washing ton. He wins $320 if he gets to Chicago by the first of September, and loses that amount if he fails. The effects trundled weigh 60 pounds. He was only allowed to Btart with $1.50 to pay for ferriage and medicine. He ia to solicit meals, but is not to ask for them until the meal hour. He must take the name, address and former residence of all those who fur nish him with food. So far none has re fused him. This is a harmless vagary, and doea not even have the merit of originality, but the stakes seem small for so great an amount of discomfort. To the llomeleaa. Persons desiring to secure free homes will do well to examine the government land yet remaining in Tp. 2 N. R. 14 East. This land ia surrounded with military, state and other unfenced land, on all of which ia fine grazing, supplied with abundance of stock water. Much of thia government land ia good for agri culture and excellent for fruit raising and ia close to market. Remember that The Dallea is, and always will be, the only seaport within the Inland Empire. It ia destined soon to become a great metropolis. Now is the time to get a home for the taking. It will soon be too late. The undersigned will show home-seekera the government land with out charges. The Divine injuction ia "Go up and possess the land." P. Rkdman. County Convention W. C. T. V. The convention of tho Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Wasco county will occur Tuesday and Wednes day, April 18th and 19th, at the M. E. church. The following ia the program for TUESDAY A7TEBNOON. 2:00 Music. Devotional Exercises, Misa Margaret Eaton. 2:30 Organization and appointments. 3:00 Reports of local unions. 3:30 School of Methods, Mrs. Anna R. Riggs. 5 :00 Announcements. Prayer and adjournment. There will be no eession on Tuesday evening. The convention will meet Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock. The program for Wednesday will appear in Tuesday's paper. The local union ex tends a most cordial and hearty invita tion to everybody to come out to all the sessions. A sensational story is now going the rounds of the English proas to the effect that Charley Mitchell, the prizefighter, intends abandoning the ring and enter ing the pulpit. Columns have been de voted to thia apparently important piece of news, and some of tho writers on the other side have even mapped out a lecture route for the British champion. According to these stories, Mitchell is to travel about Great Britain in com pany with several well-known evange lists, speaking an hour each evening on "The Dark Side of London." When Mitchell reached London he was too much occupied to give any attention to the report. He laughed and asked what the papers would have him do next. Large Reward. The amount of money offered for the capture of Tom and Bill McCarty, the alleged Roslyn bank robbers, who es caped from the officers at Haines last week, is reaching a snug sum and is a big incentive for vigilance on the part of all. The amonnt is $3,700 $2,700 for Tom and $1,0ih) for Bill. The association of the former with tho Denver bunk rob bery accounts for the larger reward. THE ATTORNcV GENERAL. llrlef akelrli of the Currnr of lion. Mell aril Oltly. Richard Olney. w ho has been select-)! fur attorney (ri-ncrsil in l'rc hide tit Clevis luml'H cabinet, is one nf the t"t known corporation lawyer in New England. I lu bus liocn for M'vern) years attorney for the Host. ,u A Maine ruilroad and Ls conhultinjf lawyer for many other cor porations. His fitness for the position to wlucti lie lias tieen appointed is un questioned and hit personal character commands respect from inch of all parties. His appointment was a ftur priho to democrats, a Mr. Olney haa aj waya refused to accept pulilic ollice. but it cannot be objected to by any faction of the democratic party, us he haa been IIOX. RICH AUD OLHEV. recognized an a leader in that organiza tion. Mr. Olney is a man of large wealth and his income from his prac tice is believed to be fully S.0,000 a yeur. Ilia winter residence is in the fashionable part of Boston and he has a summer place near Gray Gables on Buzzard's bay, where he has been the friend and companion of President Cleveland. Mr. Olney has twice re fused the proffer of a seat on the su preme bench of Massachusetts. One year, merely to oblige his party friends, he accepted the democratic nomination for attorney general, but was defeated. The only time he went outside of party lines was when Butler was nominated for governor and he refused to support him. When tho vacancy occurred in tho ofBce of chief justice of the United States Mr. Olnoy's name was presented to Mr. Cleveland, but the appointment went to Melville W. Fuller because he was a western man. In addition to be infr counsel for the Boston & Maine sys tem, Mr. Olney is general counsel of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe and Chi cago, Burlington & Quincy roads. A Custom In Madrid. Many of the houses in Madrid have a long palm branch twisted along the railings of one of the upper balconies. This was blessed in one of the churches at Palm Sunday, and is kept until an other is substituted in the following rear. JAMES R. YMITE, HUaaf-T cf Waltc'i CeletinVxi Comedy Oo Premium Band and OrohMtia, 2r. Xilrt Ktdienl Co., Elkhart, Znd. You will Tememher tlie comlitlon I waa n flr yran afn, when I wu Mllieiol with a combina tion of diseases, and thr.uKhl Ihpre waa no hilp roe ft I tred a" kludiut'mcilictnea.amlioiirea c.r eminent pb ysiclaue. M y norvea wore prostrated, tiroiiui'iiiir diiiine-e, lieart trouble and all the ilia leal make Lie miserable. I commenced to talta DR, MILES' NERVINE and In three month wu pcarteTiv cuaco. In rriT iravelaeiich year, ue.ii i aee the inou&nuua ol piiyuual rec, suuvriug from nervous tro- tralion, tak:n? prescription! from l Aw lcal physicians who hare no knol II mw toVe i f Ihetr cane, and whose death. U certain, I leel liie going to them and tayin. err pa. Mitta- mcrvini ano aa cyaio." la aresoruanyiurri I RED "V8 frola c.erork.nien' 1 t prostra tion and nervona nhaustlon, brought on by the rlia.-uoter of the buauies engaged la, I would SSS THOUSANDS a sucu cure fur all luHaring from these causes, Jaiua H. Wina., OLD ON A POSITIVt QUARANTCC. TRY OR. MILES' PILLS, 50 DOSES 23 CTS. SOI.l ISY III. AKKLKV HOKillTON. OWE DAY CURE HAT TEES OWR. MFC C9 PORTLAND. O lor hale by Nnlpea A Klnersly. ' Plo's Rpmnly for rstarrh la tha Best, Faofrst to I tr, and I neapesl. Suid tt UruaitUn or arnt by mall. Kc K. T. HaesUlae, Warns, fa. f