The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, October 21, 2020, Page 31, Image 31

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    Wednesday, October 21, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
STA: New board
members will
help organization
Lieutenant is longtime
Sisters resident
Continued from page 3
Continued from page 1
surrounding peaks. With a
great finish in Village Green
Park, this event has been a
favorite for many! We love
giving back and being able
to help support the work of
Sisters Trails Alliance.=
Runners from far and
wide spent a beautiful week-
end in Sisters. The race had
nearly 300 participants from
18 states and three coun-
tries. STA volunteers Leanne
Rowley, Felix Leahey, David
Duehren, Catherine Hayden,
Paula Gallego and Ann
Richardson supported the
STA aid station.
STA announced that Paula
Gallego and Mark Thompson
have joined the board of
directors of Sisters Trails
Alliance. Paula Gallego
brings her skills in marketing
and social media along with
her passion for the outdoors.
With his 20-year relation-
ship with Oregon Adaptive
Sports, Thompson has a
laser focus on promoting the
use of trails by people with
Both new board members
have a passion for making
the outdoors accessible to
<I enjoy introducing peo-
ple of all abilities to new out-
door adventures and encour-
aging them to stretch their
High School to go into law
enforcement. He had con-
sidered becoming an attor-
ney but, when he realized
how much time would be
spent sitting in an office or
in a court room, he decided
the opportunity to be work-
ing out in the field, but still
involved with the law, was
a better direction for him to
Davis and his wife, Darcy,
have three children, two
daughters and a son, aged 16,
14, and 12. Darcy is a sub-
stitute teacher in the Sisters
School District and has spent
years as a volunteer for
Sisters Little League. Davis
said they love being part of
the community where he will
now be working full-time.
Weekly meetings will
take place between Davis
and City Manager Cory
Misley, he will make
monthly reports to the City
Council, and will be report-
ing to Capt. Paul Garrison,
DCSO. He looks forward to
working with Misley to cre-
ate a strategic plan for City
law enforcement and public
safety which will help guide
law enforcement here for the
next five years, the length of
the initial contract between
Sisters and the DCSO.
Over his 25 years in law
enforcement, Davis said the
biggest shift in how officers
do their job is related to the
influx of technology in all
areas of policing.
<I started out with a note
pad, pen, and map as my
tools,= Davis said.
Now the patrol deputies
Paula Gallego has been named to
the board of STA.
limits=, said Thompson.
Gallego, who is fluent in
Spanish, said, <I want to be
able to help support and share
the Sisters trails within all
groups of the community.=
For more information
about Sisters Trails Alliance,
to become a member, or
to volunteer, visit www.
Mark Thompson will serve on the
STA board of directors.
Sisters salutes...
On behalf of Sisters
High School, Tim Roth,
Rand Runco, and Joe
Hosang wrote:
<We would like to salute
the Sisters Athletic Club
(SAC), Tate Metcalf, and
every employee at SAC for
their generosity and service
to the youth of our com-
munity. Since the start of
the 2020-2021 school year,
Tate and his staff have gen-
erously donated time and
resources at the Athletic
Club (after hours, between 7
and 8 p.m.) to our students.
<This donated time is
offered to our students
enrolled in personal fitness
free of charge in order to
run supervised, physically
Have a story
idea for
distant exercise classes for
the youth of Sisters. This
is an act of kindness, com-
passion, and service to our
<Thank you Sisters
Athletic Club!=
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Davis looks forward to
the return of the city-wide
events to Sisters and having
his deputies plugged into the
<I am very excited about
the opportunity to serve the
people of Sisters by being
present and involved,= he
shared. <We are all feeling
the excitement of starting a
new department.=
Part of that excitement
involves a remodel and
update to the police substa-
tion, including redesigned
space, new workstations
for the deputies, lieuten-
ant9s office, and a cov-
ered area for patrol cars.
The County bought the
building where the office
is located several years
To Davis and his depu-
ties, the quality of life in
Sisters is a priority.
<We want the community
to be as safe as it can be and
the schools to be as safe as
they can be,= he said.
Classifieds are online at
Coming Soon
• Established Sisters community
• Single and two story home plans
• Surrounded by beautiful trails and parks
• Near schools, downtown and outdoor
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have computers in their cars.
He indicated that not only
do they have much more
sophisticated tools at their
disposal, but overall polic-
ing is much more complex,
with the actual technology
involved in the commission
of crimes.
Officers need to have
an understanding of case
law as it applies to crimes,
criminals, and the role of
the police. He also points to
the increasing population,
which means the number of
residents dealing with men-
tal illness and homelessness
are also rising. Working with
those populations requires
different skills and an under-
standing of when it9s appro-
priate to contact Deschutes
County Behavior Health for
As a part of the Sisters
community, Davis said natu-
rally he wants Sisters to be a
safe place.
<I am committed to mak-
ing that happen,= he said.
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