Wednesday, October 21, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon STA: New board members will help organization LT. DAVIS: Lieutenant is longtime Sisters resident Continued from page 3 Continued from page 1 surrounding peaks. With a great finish in Village Green Park, this event has been a favorite for many! We love giving back and being able to help support the work of Sisters Trails Alliance.= Runners from far and wide spent a beautiful week- end in Sisters. The race had nearly 300 participants from 18 states and three coun- tries. STA volunteers Leanne Rowley, Felix Leahey, David Duehren, Catherine Hayden, Paula Gallego and Ann Richardson supported the STA aid station. STA announced that Paula Gallego and Mark Thompson have joined the board of directors of Sisters Trails Alliance. Paula Gallego brings her skills in marketing and social media along with her passion for the outdoors. With his 20-year relation- ship with Oregon Adaptive Sports, Thompson has a laser focus on promoting the use of trails by people with disabilities. Both new board members have a passion for making the outdoors accessible to everyone.