The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, September 02, 2020, Page 3, Image 3

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Wednesday, September 2, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon 
ODOT crushing at Zimmerman Butte
Shooters are being asked 
to avoid one of the most pop-
ular shooting areas in Sisters 
Country  during  a  cinder-
crushing operation.
A  contractor  with  the 
Oregon  Department  of 
Transportation  (ODOT) 
began crushing and process-
ing materials in Zimmerman 
Cinder Pit last Friday. ODOT 
will  stockpile  the  cinder 
for  winter  sanding  on  local 
highways. They plan to take 
8,000  cubic  yards  of  cinder 
out of the pit, which lies on 
Deschutes  National  Forest 
lands.  Zimmerman  Pit,  on 
land managed by the Sisters 
Ranger District, lies approxi-
mately 3.5 miles northwest of 
Sisters off Highway 20.
The contractor may oper-
ate  Monday  through  Friday 
from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. and on 
Saturday and Sunday from 8 
a.m. to 5 p.m. Once started, 
the  project  is  planned  to 
last  approximately  10  days, 
but  could  last  longer  if  fire 
restrictions  impact  the  con-
tractor9s  operations,  the 
Forest Service reported. The 
contractor  can  operate  in 
the  pit  until  October  15,  if 
Once the processing of the 
cinder is completed, ODOT 
will  haul  the  material  from 
the  pit.  Hauling  operations 
will  occur  Monday  through 
Friday from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. 
ODOT  plans  to  have  the 
material removal completed 
by November 20.
The  public  is  asked  to 
See ZIMMERMAN on page 23
Bridging the digital divide in Sisters
By Sue Stafford
Alana Lukens at Tamolitch Blue Pool.
Sisters grad promotes
By Charlie Kanzig
How does a 2018 gradu-
ate  of  Sisters  High  School 
manage  to  have  an  upcom-
ing  meeting  scheduled  with 
a  member  of  the  British 
The answer to that is easy 
for  those  who  know  Alana 
Lukens, who seems to have 
a  knack  for  immersing  her-
self  in  issues  that  she  finds 
Lukens,  who  will  be 
starting  her  third  and  final 
year  at  the  Warrington 
campus  at  the  University 
of  Chester  in  the  United 
Kingdom, is remembered not 
only as the lead in two musi-
cals  while  at  Sisters  High 
School, but for her ability to 
not  only  <think  outside  the 
box,=  but  <act  outside  the 
For  example,  as  a  fresh-
man in high school, Lukens 
convinced a teacher to let her 
See LUKENS on page 22
Editor9s note: In 2020
America, Internet connec-
tivity is as vital a piece of
infrastructure for many folks
as roads and electricity. This
is the first in a series of arti-
cles about Internet services
in Sisters.
The  current  COVID-19 
pandemic has brought to the 
public consciousness a num-
ber of inequities that exist in
the America of today. One of 
those is the <digital divide= 
that  exists  between  large 
urban areas of the U.S. and 
smaller  rural  towns,  farms 
and  ranches,  Indian  reser-
vations,  and  lower-income 
urban dwellers. 
Providing  Internet  ser-
vice to densely packed large 
and medium-sized cities is a 
financially viable enterprise. 
The more subscribers in an 
area, the less impact on pro-
viders9  bottom  lines  when 
installing and upgrading the 
necessary infrastructure to
provide high-speed Internet, 
TV packages, and phone ser-
vice to residential and busi-
ness customers.
Sisters  is  a  small  rural 
town  with  a  population 
under 3,000. Sisters Country 
(loosely  defined  as  the 
boundaries of Sisters School 
District and Camp Sherman), 
is  home  to  roughly  10,000 
people  and  covers  miles 
and miles of Central Oregon 
wide open space, with moun-
tains, hills, ridges and buttes. 
The land is dotted with farms 
and  ranches,  occasional 
developments  like  Tollgate 
and  Crossroads,  the  resort 
community  of  Black  Butte 
Ranch,  the  city  of  Sisters, 
and  houses  on  small  and 
large acreages 4 plus those 
who live completely off the 
Broadband  is  high-
speed  Internet.  The  fastest 
speed  available  in  the  U.S. 
is  2,000  mbps.  Average 
speed  is  133  mbps  and  the 
Federal  Communications 
Commission (FCC) defines 
broadband  as  20  mbps. 
According to that definition, 
millions  of  communities 
have  broadband  4  but  it9s 
too  slow  for  most  peoples9 
Currently  there  are  five 
types  of  Internet  service 
providers  (ISPs),  but  what 
is  available  to  the  average 
consumer depends on where 
they live and the ways they 
use the Internet. Speed, reli-
ability, and cost are usually 
the three factors that figure
in  when  choosing  Internet 
service, if there are choices.
In  Sisters,  according  to 
See INTERNET on page 21
As the COVID-19 crisis continues to affect gatherings, please contact individual organizations for current meeting status
Al-Anon Mon., noon, Shepherd of the
Hills Lutheran Church. / Thurs., 10 a.m.,
Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church.
Alcoholics Anonymous Thurs. &
Sun., 7 p.m., Episcopal Church of the
Transfi guration / Sat., 8 a.m., Episcopal
Church of the Transfi guration / Mon.,
5 p.m., Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran
Church / Big Book study, Tues., noon,
Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church /
Gentlemen’s meeting, Wed., 7 a.m.,
Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church /
Sober Sisters Women’s meeting, Thurs.,
noon, Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran
Church / Step & Tradition meeting, Fri.,
noon, Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran
Church. 541-548-0440.
Alzheimer’s & Dementia Caregiver
Support Group 1st Tuesday, noon,
SPRD bldg. 800-272-3900.
Black Butte Ranch Bridge Club
Tuesdays, 12:30 p.m., BBR community
room. Partner required. 541-595-6236.
Central Oregon Fly Tyers Guild
For Saturday meeting dates and
location, email: steelefl
Central OR Spinners and Weavers
Guild One Saturday per month, Jan.
thru Oct. For schedule: 541-639-3217.
Council on Aging of Central Oregon
Senior Lunch Tuesdays, noon, Sisters
Community Church. 541-480-1843.
East of the Cascades Quilt Guild 4th
Wednesday (September-June), Stitchin’
Post. All are welcome. 541-549-6061.
Sisters Area Woodworkers
1st Tuesday, 7 to 9 p.m. 541-639-6216.
Sisters Astronomy Club 3rd
Friends of the Sisters Library Board
Tuesday, 7 p.m., SPRD. 541-549-8846.
of Directors 2nd Tuesday, 9 to 11 a.m.,
Sisters Bridge Club Thursdays,
12:30 p.m., The Pines Clubhouse.
Go Fish Fishing Group 3rd Monday,
Novices welcomed. 541-549-9419.
7 p.m. Sisters Community Church. All
Sisters Caregiver Support Group
ages welcome. 541-771-2211.
3rd Tues., 10:30 a.m., The Lodge in
Heartwarmers (fl eece blanketmakers)
Sisters. 541-771-3258.
2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 1 p.m., Sisters City
Hall. Materials provided. 541-408-8505. Sisters Cribbage Club Wednesdays,
11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Ray’s Food Place
Hero Quilters of Sisters Thursday, 1 to community room. 541-923-1632.
4 p.m. 541-549-1028 or 541-719-1230.
Sisters Habitat for Humanity Board
Citizens4Community, Let’s Talk
of Directors 4th Tuesday, 6 p.m.
3rd Monday, 5:30 to 8 p.m. RSVP at
Location information: 541-549-1193.
Sisters Kiwanis Thursdays, 7 to
Military Parents of Sisters Meetings
8:30 a.m., Brand 33 Restaurant at
are held quarterly; please call for details. Aspen Lakes. 541-410-2870.
Sisters Parent Teacher Community
Oregon Band of Brothers – Sisters
2nd Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. at Sisters
Chapter Wednesdays, 11:30 a.m.,
Saloon. 541-480-5994.
Takoda’s Restaurant. 541-549-6469.
Sisters Parkinson’s Support Group
SAGE (Senior Activities, Gatherings 2nd Tuesday, 2 p.m., The Lodge.
& Enrichment) Monday-Friday, 11 a.m. 541-668-6599.
to 4 p.m. at Sisters Park & Recreation
Sisters Red Hats 1st Friday.
District. 541-549-2091.
Location information: 541-279-1977.
Sisters Aglow Lighthouse
4th Saturday, 10 a.m., Ponderosa Lodge Sisters Rotary 1st and 3rd Thursdays,
Noon, Aspen Lakes. 541-760-5645.
Meeting Room. 503-930-6158.
Sisters Area Photography Club
2nd Wednesday, 4 p.m., Sisters Library
community room. 541-549-6157.
Sisters Speak Life Cancer Support
Group 2nd & 4th Wednesday, 1 p.m.
Suttle Tea. 503-819-1723.
Sisters Trails Alliance Board 1st
Monday, 5 p.m. Sisters Library.
Public welcome. 808-281-2681.
Sisters Veterans Thursdays, noon,
Takoda’s Restaurant. 541-903-1123.
Three Sisters Irrigation District
Board of Directors 1st Tuesday,
4 p.m., TSID Offi ce. 541-549-8815.
Three Sisters Lions Club 2nd
Tuesday, noon, Ray’s Food Place
community room. 541-419-1279.
VFW Post 8138 and American Legion
Post 86 1st Wednesday, 6:30 p.m.,
Sisters City Hall. 541-903-1123.
Weight Watchers
Thursdays, 8:30 a.m. weigh-in, Sisters
Community Church. 541-602-2654.
Black Butte School Board of
Directors 2nd Tuesday, 3:30 p.m.,
Black Butte School. 541-595-6203.
Sisters Christian Academy Board
of Directors Monthly on a Friday. Call
541-549-4133 for date & time.
Sisters School District Board of
Directors One Wed. monthly, SSD
Admin Bldg. See schedule online at 541-549-8521 x5002.
Sisters Middle School Parent
Collaboration Team 1st Tuesday,
2 p.m., SMS. 541-610-9513.
Sisters City Council 2nd & 4th
Wednesday, 6:30 p.m., Sisters City Hall.
Sisters Park & Recreation District
Board of Directors 2nd & 4th Tuesdays,
4:30 p.m., SPRD bldg. 541-549-2091.
Sisters Planning Commission
3rd Thursday, 5:30 p.m., Sisters
City Hall. 541-549-6022.
Black Butte Ranch Police Dept.
Board of Directors Meets monthly.
541-595-2191 for time & date.
Black Butte Ranch RFPD Board of
Directors 4th Thursday, 9 a.m., Black
Butte Ranch Fire Station. 541-595-2288.
Cloverdale RFPD Board of Directors
3rd Wed., 7 p.m., 67433 Cloverdale Rd.
541-548-4815. cloverdalefi
Sisters-Camp Sherman RFPD
Board of Directors 3rd Tuesday,
5 p.m., Sisters Fire Hall, 541-549-0771.
Sisters-Camp Sherman RFPD Drills
Tuesdays, 7 p.m., Sisters Fire Hall,
301 S. Elm St. 541-549-0771.
This listing is for regular
Sisters Country meetings;
email information to