C O Wednesday, September 2, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon M M U N I T 3 Y ODOT crushing at Zimmerman Butte Shooters are being asked to avoid one of the most pop- ular shooting areas in Sisters Country during a cinder- crushing operation. A contractor with the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) began crushing and process- ing materials in Zimmerman Cinder Pit last Friday. ODOT will stockpile the cinder for winter sanding on local highways. They plan to take 8,000 cubic yards of cinder out of the pit, which lies on Deschutes National Forest lands. Zimmerman Pit, on land managed by the Sisters Ranger District, lies approxi- mately 3.5 miles northwest of Sisters off Highway 20. The contractor may oper- ate Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. and on Saturday and Sunday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Once started, the project is planned to last approximately 10 days, but could last longer if fire restrictions impact the con- tractor9s operations, the Forest Service reported. The contractor can operate in the pit until October 15, if needed. Once the processing of the cinder is completed, ODOT will haul the material from the pit. Hauling operations will occur Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. ODOT plans to have the material removal completed by November 20. The public is asked to See ZIMMERMAN on page 23 Bridging the digital divide in Sisters By Sue Stafford Correspondent PHOTO PROVIDED Alana Lukens at Tamolitch Blue Pool. Sisters grad promotes empowerment By Charlie Kanzig Correspondent How does a 2018 gradu- ate of Sisters High School manage to have an upcom- ing meeting scheduled with a member of the British Parliament? The answer to that is easy for those who know Alana Lukens, who seems to have a knack for immersing her- self in issues that she finds important. Lukens, who will be starting her third and final year at the Warrington campus at the University of Chester in the United Kingdom, is remembered not only as the lead in two musi- cals while at Sisters High School, but for her ability to not only