The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, June 17, 2020, Page 3, Image 3

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    Wednesday, June 17, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
Students forged
ahead with Mr. SHS
Despite being pushed off
track by the COIVID-19 pan-
demic school shutdown, stu-
dents found a way to present
their annual Mr. SHS pag-
eant at Sisters High School
to raise money for Sisters
Family Access Network
A group of students is
chosen by the Sisters High
School staff for their lead-
ership and outstanding
student qualities; as con-
testants they commit to
working hard to fundraise
and represent Sisters High
School in the community.
There are four main events
for the fundraiser including
the pasta feed, a dodgeball
game against Redmond High
School, pie in the face, and
the main event, the pageant
This year9s pageant was
coordinated by four juniors:
Emilie Turpen, Olivia
Bertagna, Shelby Larson
and Tatum Sitz. They put in
countless hours towards all
of the events including cho-
reographing dances, leading
weekly meetings, doing the
behind-the-scenes prepara-
tion work for the events,
getting donations, putting
together all the contestants
videos and so much more in
the hopes that SHS and each
See MR. SHS on page 21
Middle school students
promote Sisters Strong
of unity in tough times.
SMS student Jack Turpen
got busy working on a design.
He took a hard look at the
Outlaw horse logo for ideas.
<I had always tried to
look for hidden symbols in
the Sisters Outlaws logo,
however, I had never noticed
any clear ones, except for the
faint shape of an arm in the
middle of the horse head,=
he said. <After Mr. Schiedler
brought this project up, I
By Charlie Kanzig
The leadership class at
Sisters Middle School (SMS)
wanted to make a difference
in the community, especially
in light of the coronavirus
pandemic, and came up with
a way to do so while under-
scoring a message of strength
and togetherness.
Led by teacher Jeff
Schiedler, the class decided
to design and market <Sisters
Strong= T-shirts as a symbol
See T-SHIRTS on page 22
Gary Radmacher’s mission trip to Ghana has grown beyond any expectation due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Ministry trip extended by COVID-19
By Lisa May
Sisters resident Gary
Radmacher is in Ghana, West
Africa 4 a trip that has gone
beyond his expectations in
more ways than one. The trip
was planned for eight weeks.
It has now extended to 14
weeks and Radmacher has
yet to return home.
Gary and his wife, Barby,
moved to Sisters six years
ago, coming here to join with
a local pastor in ministry to
Latin American countries.
His full-time ministry has
spanned nearly five decades
serving as a youth pastor,
solo pastor, senior pastor and
Christian college professor.
To equip him for a life of
ministry, he earned an under-
graduate degree in Bible from
Biola University, multiple
graduate degrees in ministry,
and he is currently working
toward a doctorate in bibli-
cal theology. Radmacher sees
all of this training and expe-
rience as a resource to draw
on for the benefit of others.
As he explained, <The Bible
says that 8To whom much
is given, much is required.9
I9m just driven to freely give
away what God has freely
given to me.=
In this spirit of giving,
Radmacher has made sev-
eral trips to Ghana. The
first was a three-month stay
right after graduating from
college in 1972. Then, in
2018, Pastor Steve Stratos of
Sisters Community Church
(SCC) invited Gary to par-
ticipate in a pastor9s con-
ference in Ghana. That trip
was just under two weeks,
during which Stratos and
Radmacher trained 40 to 50
pastors in the capital city of
Accra. The trip was so well-
received that the pair were
invited back in October 2019,
when they brought along
two more members of SCC.
The Sisters church has
developed a vision for
See MINISTRY on page 22
As the COVID-19 crisis affects gatherings, please contact individual organizations for their current
meeting status or alternate arrangements. See Announcements on page 10 for more information.
Al-Anon Mon., noon, Shepherd of the
Hills Lutheran Church. / Thurs., 10 a.m.,
Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church.
Alcoholics Anonymous Thurs. &
Sun., 7 p.m., Episcopal Church of the
Transfi guration / Sat., 8 a.m., Episcopal
Church of the Transfi guration / Mon.,
5 p.m., Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran
Church / Big Book study, Tues., noon,
Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church /
Gentlemen’s meeting, Wed., 7 a.m.,
Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church /
Sober Sisters Women’s meeting, Thurs.,
noon, Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran
Church / Step & Tradition meeting, Fri.,
noon, Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran
Church. 541-548-0440.
Alzheimer’s & Dementia Caregiver
Support Group 1st Tuesday, noon,
SPRD bldg. 800-272-3900.
Black Butte Ranch Bridge Club
Tuesdays, 12:30 p.m., BBR community
room. Partner required. 541-595-6236.
Central Oregon Fly Tyers Guild
For Saturday meeting dates and
location, email: steelefl
Central OR Spinners and Weavers
Guild One Saturday per month, Jan.
thru Oct. For schedule: 541-639-3217.
Council on Aging of Central Oregon
Senior Lunch Tuesdays, noon, Sisters
Community Church. 541-480-1843.
East of the Cascades Quilt Guild 4th
Wednesday (September-June), Stitchin’
Post. All are welcome. 541-549-6061.
Sisters Area Woodworkers
1st Tuesday, 7 to 9 p.m. 541-639-6216.
Sisters Astronomy Club 3rd
Friends of the Sisters Library Board
Tuesday, 7 p.m., SPRD. 541-549-8846.
of Directors 2nd Tuesday, 9 to 11 a.m.,
Sisters Bridge Club Thursdays,
12:30 p.m., The Pines Clubhouse.
Go Fish Fishing Group 3rd Monday,
Novices welcomed. 541-549-9419.
7 p.m. Sisters Community Church. All
Sisters Caregiver Support Group
ages welcome. 541-771-2211.
3rd Tues., 10:30 a.m., The Lodge in
Heartwarmers (fl eece blanketmakers)
Sisters. 541-771-3258.
2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 1 p.m., Sisters City
Hall. Materials provided. 541-408-8505. Sisters Cribbage Club Wednesdays,
11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Ray’s Food Place
Hero Quilters of Sisters Thursday, 1 to community room. 541-923-1632.
4 p.m. 541-549-1028 or 541-719-1230.
Sisters Habitat for Humanity Board
Citizens4Community, Let’s Talk
of Directors 4th Tuesday, 6 p.m.
3rd Monday, 5:30 to 8 p.m. RSVP at
Location information: 541-549-1193.
Sisters Kiwanis Thursdays, 7 to
Military Parents of Sisters Meetings
8:30 a.m., Brand 33 Restaurant at
are held quarterly; please call for details. Aspen Lakes. 541-410-2870.
Sisters Parent Teacher Community
Oregon Band of Brothers – Sisters
2nd Tuesday, 6:30 p.m. at Sisters
Chapter Wednesdays, 11:30 a.m.,
Saloon. 541-480-5994.
Takoda’s Restaurant. 541-549-6469.
Sisters Parkinson’s Support Group
SAGE (Senior Activities, Gatherings 2nd Tuesday, 2 p.m., The Lodge.
& Enrichment) Monday-Friday, 11 a.m. 541-668-6599.
to 4 p.m. at Sisters Park & Recreation
Sisters Red Hats 1st Friday.
District. 541-549-2091.
Location information: 541-279-1977.
Sisters Aglow Lighthouse
4th Saturday, 10 a.m., Ponderosa Lodge Sisters Rotary 1st and 3rd Thursdays,
5:30 p.m., Takoda’s. 541-760-5645.
Meeting Room. 503-930-6158.
Sisters Area Photography Club
2nd Wednesday, 4 p.m., Sisters Library
community room. 541-549-6157.
Sisters Speak Life Cancer Support
Group 2nd & 4th Wednesday, 1 p.m.
Suttle Tea. 503-819-1723.
Sisters Trails Alliance Board 1st
Monday, 5 p.m. Sisters Library.
Public welcome. 808-281-2681.
Sisters Veterans Thursdays, noon,
Takoda’s Restaurant. 541-903-1123.
Three Sisters Irrigation District
Board of Directors 1st Tuesday,
4 p.m., TSID Offi ce. 541-549-8815.
Three Sisters Lions Club 2nd
Tuesday, noon, Ray’s Food Place
community room. 541-419-1279.
VFW Post 8138 and American Legion
Post 86 1st Wednesday, 6:30 p.m.,
Sisters City Hall. 541-903-1123.
Weight Watchers
Thursdays, 8:30 a.m. weigh-in, Sisters
Community Church. 541-602-2654.
Black Butte School Board of
Directors 2nd Tuesday, 3:30 p.m.,
Black Butte School. 541-595-6203.
Sisters Christian Academy Board
of Directors Monthly on a Friday. Call
541-549-4133 for date & time.
Sisters School District Board of
Directors One Wed. monthly, SSD
Admin Bldg. See schedule online at 541-549-8521 x5002.
Sisters Middle School Parent
Collaboration Team 1st Tuesday,
2 p.m., SMS. 541-610-9513.
Sisters City Council 2nd & 4th
Wednesday, 6:30 p.m., Sisters City Hall.
Sisters Park & Recreation District
Board of Directors 2nd & 4th Tuesdays,
4:30 p.m., SPRD bldg. 541-549-2091.
Sisters Planning Commission
3rd Thursday, 5:30 p.m., Sisters
City Hall. 541-549-6022.
Black Butte Ranch Police Dept.
Board of Directors Meets monthly.
541-595-2191 for time & date.
Black Butte Ranch RFPD Board of
Directors 4th Thursday, 9 a.m., Black
Butte Ranch Fire Station. 541-595-2288.
Cloverdale RFPD Board of Directors
3rd Wed., 7 p.m., 67433 Cloverdale Rd.
541-548-4815. cloverdalefi
Sisters-Camp Sherman RFPD
Board of Directors 3rd Tuesday,
5 p.m., Sisters Fire Hall, 541-549-0771.
Sisters-Camp Sherman RFPD Drills
Tuesdays, 7 p.m., Sisters Fire Hall,
301 S. Elm St. 541-549-0771.
This listing is for regular
Sisters Country meetings;
email information to