Wednesday, June 17, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon C O M M U N I T 3 Y Students forged ahead with Mr. SHS Despite being pushed off track by the COIVID-19 pan- demic school shutdown, stu- dents found a way to present their annual Mr. SHS pag- eant at Sisters High School to raise money for Sisters Family Access Network (FAN). A group of students is chosen by the Sisters High School staff for their lead- ership and outstanding student qualities; as con- testants they commit to working hard to fundraise and represent Sisters High School in the community. There are four main events for the fundraiser including the pasta feed, a dodgeball game against Redmond High School, pie in the face, and the main event, the pageant itself. This year9s pageant was coordinated by four juniors: Emilie Turpen, Olivia Bertagna, Shelby Larson and Tatum Sitz. They put in countless hours towards all of the events including cho- reographing dances, leading weekly meetings, doing the behind-the-scenes prepara- tion work for the events, getting donations, putting together all the contestants videos and so much more in the hopes that SHS and each See MR. SHS on page 21 Middle school students promote Sisters Strong of unity in tough times. SMS student Jack Turpen got busy working on a design. He took a hard look at the Outlaw horse logo for ideas.