The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, May 06, 2020, Page 8, Image 8

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    Wednesday, May 6, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon
Continued from page 2
kids every day. I9m hoping people will take 
the time this week to reach out to a teacher 
and let them know how much we value them. 
Thank you teachers of District No. 6. We 
love you!
Debra Lajko and family
To the Editor:
I just wanted to write to express my con-
cern about the new prevalence of orange park-
ing notices that I have been seeing all around 
This greatly frustrates me that the city and 
sheriff have decided that now is a great time to 
crack down on parking 4 during a worldwide
pandemic. It was already frustrating enough 
to  hear  a  while  back  about  the  city9s  new, 
very unreasonable policy for the Sisters Folk 
Festival parking and now this? What is hap-
pening to the small little town that used to be 
so quaint and reasonable about things? What 
is happening to common sense? 
Should people really be getting threats of 
having their own vehicles towed for parking 
in a city parking spot in a town with a little 
over 2,000 people and PLENTY of parking 
spaces? And during a pandemic when people 
are struggling just to make it and get by? To 
me it just seems ridiculous, especially right 
now considering the circumstances. 
The tons of parking spaces in Sisters are 
not even close to getting filled up and that9s 
what  annoys  me  so  much  about  seeing  all 
these orange notices. It hasn9t even happened 
to my vehicle, I just think it9s so unfair con-
sidering the size of this town and amount of 
available spaces.
One of the greatest things about Sisters was 
free parking and it looks as if that doesn9t even 
exist anymore. Why in the world would any-
one want this place to end up like all of the 
other cities? I moved away from the city to get 
away from that crap and I don9t like that I see 
it happening here! Let9s keep the corporate, 
big city mentality OUT of Sisters. Please.
Andrew Roe
To the Editor:
I  am  buffaloed  by  the  non-reopening 
action of our Governor related to deaths by 
It is my understanding that all state parks 
have  been  closed  until  the  spring  of  2021. 
Our schools and colleges seem to be closed 
indefinitely. We cannot conduct community 
business in any normal kind of manner. We 
are told to stay at home and to not congregate 
in large groups.
The  states  do  have  the  power  to  protect 
citizens from harm or danger. But in doing so 
the leaders have an obligation to communicate 
clearly the reasons for each decision. The state 
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does not have the right to issue unexplained 
orders and ignore the appeals of its citizens, 
regarding decisions made. People in a democ-
racy need to understand the <why= of what is 
going on.
Our Governor has tied herself and our state 
politically  to Washington  and  California  in 
deciding when it will be appropriate to open 
up Oregon. That is crazy logic. The following 
information should help explain why her logic 
in doing so is faulty.
Oregon9s death rate per 100,000 citizens is 
two! Washington9s is 11, and California9s is 
five. Regarding a comparison of death rates 
between the 50 United States and our four ter-
ritories: Washington is 15th highest in deaths; 
California is 26th highest and Oregon is near 
the bottom at 44th highest. There are only six 
states that have a death rate of 1 per 100,000 
citizens, which is the lowest.
It makes no sense to say that Oregon is even 
closely  related  to Washington  or California 
regarding reopening the economy because of 
COVID-19 recovery circumstances.
It is time to make realistic plans for open-
ing the state economy. It is time to make plans 
for starting school sooner rather than later. It is 
time to <give a little.= It is time for my lovely 
wife to get her hair cut. 
This  data  came  from  state  and  federal 
health sources through internet sites, such as 
U.S. COVID-19 death rates by states. Get on 
Siri and ask.
Gene Carlson
To the Editor:
Michael Wells recently criticized Mr. Tom 
Donohue9s letter to  the  editor summarizing 
what he thought Mr. Donohue9s points were 
in handling COVID-19, and then dismissing 
them as <right-wing talking points.=
When we label our neighbors we devalue 
and  disrespect  them.  Disagree  with  points, 
logic or presuppositions leading to conclu-
sions, or the conclusions drawn but let9s please 
not label others views as <liberal left-wing, 
right wing etc.= 
Let9s  show  respect  for  our  neighbors 
thought processes, values and individuality.
Gretchen Honan
To the Editor:
There  are  seven  Republican  candidates 
vying for the 2nd District U.S. Representative 
nomination: a crowded field to say the least. I 
believe Cliff Bentz is by far the best candidate 
to represent the 2nd District. He has a proven 
record of conservative leadership as a state 
representative and state senator over the past 
12 years. 
Cliff  is  pro-life,  pro-second  amendment 
and has proudly supported President Trump. 
Unlike  some  candidates  who  have  recently 
See LETTERS on page 15
Sisters writer receives
grant from PEN America
Freelance  journalist  and 
poet Tiffany Lee Brown
received a grant of $1,000
from  the  PEN  America 
Writers9  Emergency  Fund 
this week.
<As  a  community  of  lit-
erary  professionals,  PEN 
America  is  sympathetic  to 
the  struggle  many  face  in 
making a living as a writer,
and  the  added  hardship 
resulting  from  the  extraor-
dinary  ramifications  of  the 
COVID-19  epidemic,=  the 
organization  wrote  in  its 
granting letter. 
<With the help of gener-
ous supporters, we are glad
to be able to offer assistance
to a colleague during a dif-
ficult time.=
Brown is a freelance
writer and contributor to The
Nugget Newspaper.
In the wake of World War 
I, PEN was formed to foster 
international literary fel-
lowship among writers that 
would transcend national
and ethnic divides. Founding 
members  included  Willa 
Cather,  Eugene  O9Neill, 
Robert  Frost  and  Booth 
PEN  America9s  current 
mission  is  to  <defend  free 
expression  in  the  United 
States and internationally
and to celebrate the power of 
words to change our world.= 
Brown  said  she  was 
deeply grateful for the grant.
<Like so many parents, I 
find myself juggling a lot,= 
she  said.  <Raising  our  son, 
doing  school  from  home 
now, freelancing for The
Nugget,  doing  work  in  the 
T h a t   w o r k   i n c l u d e s 
Tea  &  Poetry,  the  Sisters 
See BROWN on page 15
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