Wednesday, May 6, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon LETTERS Continued from page 2 kids every day. I9m hoping people will take the time this week to reach out to a teacher and let them know how much we value them. Thank you teachers of District No. 6. We love you! Debra Lajko and family s s s To the Editor: I just wanted to write to express my con- cern about the new prevalence of orange park- ing notices that I have been seeing all around town. This greatly frustrates me that the city and sheriff have decided that now is a great time to crack down on parking 4 during a worldwide pandemic. It was already frustrating enough to hear a while back about the city9s new, very unreasonable policy for the Sisters Folk Festival parking and now this? What is hap- pening to the small little town that used to be so quaint and reasonable about things? What is happening to common sense? Should people really be getting threats of having their own vehicles towed for parking in a city parking spot in a town with a little over 2,000 people and PLENTY of parking spaces? And during a pandemic when people are struggling just to make it and get by? To me it just seems ridiculous, especially right now considering the circumstances. The tons of parking spaces in Sisters are not even close to getting filled up and that9s what annoys me so much about seeing all these orange notices. It hasn9t even happened to my vehicle, I just think it9s so unfair con- sidering the size of this town and amount of available spaces. One of the greatest things about Sisters was free parking and it looks as if that doesn9t even exist anymore. Why in the world would any- one want this place to end up like all of the other cities? I moved away from the city to get away from that crap and I don9t like that I see it happening here! Let9s keep the corporate, big city mentality OUT of Sisters. Please. Andrew Roe s s s To the Editor: I am buffaloed by the non-reopening action of our Governor related to deaths by COVID-19. It is my understanding that all state parks have been closed until the spring of 2021. Our schools and colleges seem to be closed indefinitely. We cannot conduct community business in any normal kind of manner. We are told to stay at home and to not congregate in large groups. The states do have the power to protect citizens from harm or danger. But in doing so the leaders have an obligation to communicate clearly the reasons for each decision. The state • Re-Roof & New Construction • Composite, Metal, Flat & Cedar Shake Products • Free Estimates • Transferable Warranties • 10-Year Workmanship Guarantee Family Owned & Operated for 20 Years 541-526-5143 ccb#203769 does not have the right to issue unexplained orders and ignore the appeals of its citizens, regarding decisions made. People in a democ- racy need to understand the