The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current, March 25, 2020, Page 7, Image 7

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Continued from page 4
compelled to go ahead and approve the proj-
ect. That is, only five members made the deci-
sion that so adversely affects the entire com-
munity of Sisters. That is not right. I have spo-
ken to many people who agree with me.
I feel that the citizens of Sisters should
have the right to vote on this enormous proj-
ect instead of it being forced on us by so few. 
That is how a democracy works. We are losing 
our rights.
People have come here for years to view 
the majesty of all the mountains and to enjoy
the charm, quaintness, peacefulness and
serenity of our unique town. They come here 
to shop.
Please do not destroy what we have left by 
allowing the multi-family project to go for-
ward. Consider the increased amount of traffic 
that will occur in that already congested area.
Instead of more housing, what we need is
another grocery store located away from the
core of the city. 
Donna Holland
To the Editor,
Today we are in a seriously dangerous
time, but we are fortunate to live in a commu-
nity like Sisters where we care for each other. 
There has been much discussion about what
to do and what not to do during this pandemic. 
I9d  like  to  add  one  other  suggestion  along 
those lines: be sure you are getting accurate 
information and don9t share that information 
unless you are certain it is from a reliable
news, government or medical source.
I personally witnessed how important that
is  over  the  past  week.  First,  I  had  a  phone 
conversation with a friend who asked how
we were doing. I said we were working from 
home and practicing social distancing.
<You9re overreacting,= he said. <I9m going 
to send you a link to an article written by
someone who had coronavirus and says it was
no worse than the flu.=
I told my friend I had read that same article
and felt it should never have been printed and
that he should not be passing it along, because
it was written by someone in their 30s. I had 
just read about a study of people who died
from coronavirus which revealed that of 117 
deaths, 116 were elderly and one person was 
in their 30s. My friend and I are both in our 
70s. The article my friend wanted me to read 
was creating a false sense of relative safety
about the disease.
Then yesterday we got a phone call from
our  son  in  California  who  was  extremely 
agitated and angry. He said that a friend of a 
friend worked for FEMA and that this person
Wednesday, March 25, 2020 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon 
4 who is highly reliable, my son asserted
4 said the president is going to enact some-
thing called the Stafford Act and bring out the
National Guard to take away our freedom.
For the second time I had to correct mis-
information. This isn9t something secret that 
only <a friend of a friend= knows about, I told 
him. If you watch reliable news reports, you 
would know that the president already used
the Stafford Act to declare a national emer-
gency. This act allows FEMA to send funds 
to cities and states in a time of crisis. And if 
the National Guard is called up, I said, it will
be to quickly set up tent hospitals in soccer
stadiums and Safeway parking lots, not to take
away your freedom.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt told the nation 
on the brink of The Great Depression that <the 
only thing we have to fear is fear itself.= He 
was  half  right. We  also  have  to  fear  misin-
formation. My fellow citizens, please follow 
the news closely, it is important. But be sure 
of your source. You can generally trust The
Nugget, Bend Bulletin, CNN, ABC, NBC and 
CBS. Be cautious about texts, tweets, emails 
and Fox News. Stay safe, my friends.
David Purviance
To the Editor:
Five  days:  500  masks.  The  Center  for 
Disease Control has issued guidance for health 
care providers facing the possible exhaustion
of all supplies of approved face masks. As a 
last resort, the CDC is pointing  health care 
providers to homemade masks. 
Sisters  Country  can  help  providers  be 
ready. Let us challenge ourselves to make 500 
masks in the next five days. 
I am assembling kits from which even a
novice could complete five masks in less than
three hours. I invite your help. Here9s what 
you can do:
1.  Highest  priority:  Donate  used  or  new 
100 percent cotton T-shirts. I9ve placed a curb-
side collection box outside my home. We need 
approximately 63 shirts. 100 percent cotton 
only, please.
2. Sign up with me by email if you are will-
ing to help assemble kits (some sewing/cut-
ting skills required), 
3. Sign up with me by email if you are will-
ing to pick up a kit on Wednesday. Each kit 
will make five masks. You9d need to return 
to me all five completed masks the next day
(Thursday). A sewing machine and minimal 
sewing skills are all that would be required. 
Printed and online video instruction will be 
All contacts will be completed with the
appropriate social distancing. Thank you for 
considering this request. 
Pete Shepherd
Superior Service, ASE Master Techs
Bank offers lines of
credit for businesses
Washington Federal Bank
is offering small businesses
lines of credit up to $200,000 
interest  free  for 90 days  for 
those  affected  by  COVID-
19.  The  bank,  which  has  a 
branch in Sisters, has com-
mitted $100 million in lines 
of credit to help small busi-
nesses weather the crisis
brought on by restrictions
mandated to slow the spread
of the coronavirus.
<Businesses  are  really 
struggling as our neighbors
limit shopping and eating at
restaurants to follow public
health orders to avoid large
crowds,=  said President  and 
CEO  Brent  Beardall.  <We 
want to offer these affected
business owners a lifeline to
help them make it through
this crisis.=
The bank has expedited
lines of credit up to $30,000, 
available for creditworthy
businesses that have been in
operation at least two years
and  can  show  a  10  percent 
loss in revenue due to coro-
navirus impacts.
For more information visit
Good News in Tough Times!
We are expanding & moving! We are working
hard at gett ing the new space ready for our
unveiling and will reopen as soon as possible!
Family-first has always been a priority for Sisters Rental
as long as we have had our doors open. This value extends
to not only our employees and their families, but also to you
as a member of our community. As we see it, our job has
always been and will continue to be providing essential
services to our community. As such, we want to lend a
hand during this evolving situation and off er free delivery
and pick up of the majority of our rental equipment to
your door step. In addition, free pick up and return of any
outdoor power equipment that you need serviced within
“Sisters Country.”
Our doors will remain open at Sisters Rental and
protocols are in place to ensure the safety of our employees
and customers. Part of these safety protocols include
off ering alternatives for our customers to decrease
in-person activity. We understand the challenges and
concerns during this time and want to alleviate your
worries as much as possible.
You can also trust that all equipment will be cleaned and
sanitized as it always has been and that our delivery team
will be kind and considerate when delivering and picking
up. This off er will be available through the end of March as
we continue to monitor everything.
Give us a call 541-549-9631, we look forward to talking
with you. We are all in this together.
— Pat Thompson & The Sisters Rental Team
See or for breaking news and COVID-19 updates