LETTERS Continued from page 4 compelled to go ahead and approve the proj- ect. That is, only five members made the deci- sion that so adversely affects the entire com- munity of Sisters. That is not right. I have spo- ken to many people who agree with me. I feel that the citizens of Sisters should have the right to vote on this enormous proj- ect instead of it being forced on us by so few. That is how a democracy works. We are losing our rights. People have come here for years to view the majesty of all the mountains and to enjoy the charm, quaintness, peacefulness and serenity of our unique town. They come here to shop. Please do not destroy what we have left by allowing the multi-family project to go for- ward. Consider the increased amount of traffic that will occur in that already congested area. Instead of more housing, what we need is another grocery store located away from the core of the city. Donna Holland s s s To the Editor, Today we are in a seriously dangerous time, but we are fortunate to live in a commu- nity like Sisters where we care for each other. There has been much discussion about what to do and what not to do during this pandemic. I9d like to add one other suggestion along those lines: be sure you are getting accurate information and don9t share that information unless you are certain it is from a reliable news, government or medical source. I personally witnessed how important that is over the past week. First, I had a phone conversation with a friend who asked how we were doing. I said we were working from home and practicing social distancing.