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About The nugget. (Sisters, Or.) 1994-current | View Entire Issue (March 16, 2016)
32 Wednesday, March 16, 2016 The Nugget Newspaper, Sisters, Oregon Serving th e Sisters, Camp Sherman and Black Butte Ranch Areas Ponderosa Properties R E A L T O R S 541-549-2002 A N D 1- 800-650-6766 P R O P E R T Y L LLC The Locals’ Choice! M A N A G E M E N T www. P onderosa P 221 S. Ash St., Sisters New Listings 1406 NW KINGSTON AVE Beautifulu Craftsmanu locatedu inu Bend’su desirableu westu side.u Closeu tou downtownu andutheu roaduthatu leadsutouMt.uBachelor.uBuiltuinu2000,uthisuuniqueu homeufeaturesucomfortuinusoumanyuforms.uFromutheu openuentrywayuwithubeautifuluvaulteduceilings,utou theumasterubedroomuandubathuw/soajutubulocatedu onu theu mainu level.u Inu addition,u au completelyu remodeledu900usq.uft.u(notuincludeduinusqufootage)u in-lawusuiteuwithu½ubathuandu2uroomsuisulocatedu onutheufenced-inuandulandscapeduproperty. $649,000. MLS#201601941u ROOM FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY… GRANDMA TOO! Overu4.200usquareufeetuofuupdateduanduupgradedu homeu onu 1+u acreu inu theu pines.u Au totalu ofu 5u bedroomsu(3umastersuwithuprivateubaths)uandu4.5u bathrooms.uSeparateulivinguspacesuupuandudown,u oru useu thisu fluexibleu fluooru planu tou suitu youru ownu needs.u Customu cabinetry,u vaultedu ceilingsu andu au washuofunaturalulightusetutheutoneuonutheumainufluoor.uu Auhugeudecj,ulandscaping,u2-stalluhorseusheduandu augreenhouseuaddutouthisusuperuvalue.$529,000. MLS#201602021 METOLIUS RIVER RETREAT Well-maintainedu 2-bed/1-bath,u 1,296u sq.u ft.u cabinu onu theu banjsu ofu theu wildu andu scenicu Metoliusu River.u Locatedu inu theu heartu ofu Campu Shermanu andu adjacentu tou Nationalu Forestu andu trails.uTheulivinguroomufeaturesuaubeautifulurocju fiureplace,u hardwoodu fluoorsu andu warmu woodu paneling.u Thereu isu au modernu jitchenu andu largeu updatedu bathroom.u Main-levelu masteru suiteu andu largeu upstairsu bedroomu thatu sleepsu fiuve.u Theu cabinu isu insulatedu andu setu upu foru year- roundu use,u hasu updatedu electrical,u wateru andu septicusystems.uuThereuisuaunewuroof,uplumbingu andumuchumore.uuThereuisuaudetachedustorage/ studio,u woodu shedu andu pumpu house.u Walju outu youru dooru tou hije,u bije,u fiushu andu x-countryu sji.u Owneru willu carryu contract.u $479,500. MLS#201507177 BEAUTIFUL HOME/FORESTED SETTING Simplyubeautifulupanoramicumountainuviewsuareu providedu fromu thisu forestedu 4.7u acresu centrallyu locatedu betweenu Sisters,u Bendu &u Redmond.u Wellu builtu andu maintainedu 3-bedroom,u 2-bath,u 2,642usq.uft.uhomeuwithusoaringuinterioruspaces.u Lightu andu brightu roomsu withu lotsu ofu windows.u Charminguloftuplusuexpansiveudaylightubasementu provideu ampleu spaceu foru additionalu bedrooms,u den/offiuce,u or?u Wraparoundu decjsu foru outdooru enjoyment.u Spaciousu 2-caru garageu andu ampleu parjingu foru extrau vehicles.u Goodu soilu coversu theu levelu terrainu whichu hasu simpleu &u easy- maintenanceu facilitiesu readyu foru youru horsesu oru livestocj.u Sistersu Schoolu District.u $519,000.u MLS#201505476 1061 E. DESPERADO OutstandingulocationuinutheuFivePineucommercialu developmentu whereu ponderosau pinesu stillu thrive.u Currentu establishmentsu includeu Threeu Creejsu Brewingu Co.,u anu athleticu club,u Sistersu Movieu House,u restaurant,u variousu medicalu andu businessuoffiuces,uShibuiuSpa,uandutheuFivePineu Lodgeu &u Cabins.u Bringu youru businessu tou Sisters,uwhereuourumodernuWesternucommunityu encouragesu nature-basedu resources,u lightu industry,usmalluretail,uanduwellness.u$167,000.u MLS#201410494 ROCK SPRINGS RESORT AND GUEST RANCH Auonce-in-a-lifetimeuopportunityutouownuanduop- erateuanuiconicurecreationaluretreat.Sprawlingu78+u acreu ranchu withu 31u guestu roomsu plusu secludedu lodgeuanduconferenceucenteruoverloojinguaunaturalu ponduwithuextensiveuparj-lijeugroundsuunderuma- jesticu ponderosau pines.u Tennis,u swimmingu pool,u horseufacilities.uBordersupubliculanduyetujustumin- utesufromuBend’sucharminguwestusideuandudown- townu shops.u Breathtajingu potentialu tou developu au dreamulifestyle.u$3,500,000.uMLS#201601563 Ponderosa Properties, LLC The Locals’ Choice! 66979 CENTRAL STREET Overu 2u acresu convenientu tou Sisters,u Bendu oru Redmond.u CCRsu allowu youru horsesu andu cattle.u Liveuinumanufactureduhomeuorureplaceuwithunewu homeuanduyourulanduvalueuincludesupower,uwater.u 1983u septic,u pumpedu 2015.u Levelu site;u easyu tou buildu youru newu home,u andu it’su locatedu inu theu desirableu Sistersu Schoolu District.u Assumableu loan,u callu foru detailsu today! $179,000u MLS#201511590 PREMIUM LAKEFRONT… …homesiteu inu Aspenu Lajesu Golfu Estates.u 1.27u acresu withu niceu pineu treesu andu wateru views.u Protectiveu CC&R'su inu thisu gatedu communityu ofu fiuneuhomes.u2uyearsuofugolfumembershipuincludedu withu theu purchase.u Utilitiesu tou theu lotu line.u Justu minutesu tou theu townu ofu Sisters.u $479,000.u MLSu201506535 BEAUTIFUL TREED LOT IN METOLIUS MEADOWS Thisu .40±u acreu lotu withu matureu ponderosau pinesu bordersu openu space/commonu areau overloojingu Lajeu Creeju tou theu northu andu Blacju Butteu tou theu south.u Pavedu roadu andu undergroundu utilities.u Ownershipu includesu common-areau privileges,u tennisu courts,u poolu andu more.u Closeu tou Nationalu Forestu andu Metoliusu River.u Thisu isu au greatu lotu tou buildu youru vacationu getawayu cabin.u $209,500. MLS#201108987 FOUR PRIME LOTS IN PINE MEADOW VILLAGE Primeu Pineu Meadowu Villageu lotsu inu au cluster.u Threeu ofu theu 7u haveu beenu builtu andu plansu areu availableu foru theu remainingu lots.u Lotsu canu beu purchasedu asu au groupu oru individually.u Closeu tou townu andu THEu BESTu DEALu INu PINEu MEADOWu VILLAGE!u$100,000/each. MLS#s:u2014053 21/201405338/201405341/201405351 SECLUDED ACREAGE… …onu theu canyonu overloojingu theu Deschutesu River.uAdjoinsuBLMulanduonu2usides.uThisuprivateu sanctuaryu isu perfectu tou designu andu buildu youru dreamu home.u Possibleu views.u Justu au hijeudownu touDeschutesuRiverubelowuforuexcellentufluyufiushingu andu mountainu bijeu trailsu nearu by.u $195,000. MLS#201410856 YOU BELONG HERE 2.5-acreu parcelsu withu communityu water,u poweru andu phoneu available.u Allu lotsu offeru youu treedu privacyu andu easyu paved-roadu access.u Beu oneu ofutheufiurstubuyersuinutouclaimuaumountainuview.u Justu minutesu tou Sisters.u Pricedu $142,500 to $225,000. CallulistinguoffiuceuforuMLS#. BEAUTIFUL HOME IN CAMP SHERMAN… …withu excitingu architectureu andu interioru style.u Extensiveu useu ofu pineu andu logu accentsu foru mountainu charm.u Spaciousu jitchenu facingu multipleu livingu roomsu withu fiureplacesu andu lotsu ofu windows.u Wonderfulu upperu masteru suiteu withu fiureplaceu andu patiou facingu intou theu forest.u 4u additionalu roomsu idealu asu au combinationu ofu bedrooms,uden/offiuceuorubonusurooms.uPlentyuofu outdoorulivinguarea.uBordersuNationaluForestuwithu easyuaccessutoutheuLajeuCreejuNatureuPreserve.u Auveryuspecialu3-bedroom,u3-bathu2,672usq.uft.u home.u$499,000.uMLSu201503499 OVERLOOKS THE DESCHUTES RIVER Thisu premieru buildingu siteu isu perchedu lijeu anu eagle’su nestu onu theu westu rimu ofu theu Deschutesu Riveru Canyon.u Beautifulu riveru viewsu andu viewsu ofu Smithu Rocj,u theu Ochocosu andu theu southernu horizon.u Pavedu access,u existingu well,u utilitiesu andu septicu available.u Propertyu directlyu frontsu theuDeschutesuRiver,uanduBLMulandsuareunearbyu offeringu hijingu and/oru fiushingu opportunities.u $295,000.uMLS#201506294 Kevin R. Dyer 541-480-755 Rad Dyer 541-480-8853 Carol Davis 541-410-1556 Catherine Black 541-588-9219 Ali Mayea 541-480-9658 Shane Lundgren 541-588-9226 Debbie Dyer 541-480-1650 Carrie Koepke 541-419-1575 Desmond Boots 541-977-1125 Greg Davidge 808-281-2676 CRS, GRI, Principal Broker ABR, CCIM, CRB, CRS, GRI, Principal Broker ABR, GRI, Broker CRS, Broker, Realtor Emeritus Broker, GRI, Green Broker GRI, Broker Broker Broker Broker