Tillamook herald. (Tillamook, Tillamook County, Or.) 1896-1934, May 02, 1913, Image 1

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Largest Circulation of any Paper in Tillamook county
Tillamook, Okkcox, May 2, 10i;j.
NO. 29
First National Bank
Tillamook, Oregon
VVM. G. TAIT, Proiilcitt.
J. C HOI.DEN, Vice PrcMdenl.
Interest JPnitl on Time nntl Snvinn
Under United States Government
l This Week FREE
W i tit livery r,(c I'uubiise of
A JOc Box of Laxative Tablets FREE
H.H. KOCM. Vu Ci.
ft . , tIH "
5.ttifactttn Goaranlcrd. Money Hack if Not Satiifaclory
irst Class Tin Shop
in, Copper and Sheet metai none,
Plumbing and General Repairing
illamook Sheet Metal Works
Next Door to Tillamook Bakery
Root Paint
Lime : Brick
Drain Tile
i . .v . . v i W
ths unci Warehouse Pront St. between 2d and 3d Ave. West
Atlomry .l Uw and Notary Public
Cent 1 1 Mull, congrrttman from
Tennenre. who wff!.. ihc Income lax
tcel'on al h, tariff bill.
losing Dcbato on Tariff Bill is
I Marked by a Flood
f of Oratory
l Washington. General debate on tha
ipemocrat to tariff dill in the how
wound up in a (liml outburst of on
Vrj Monday, Democrat lauding lb
Jiiuaituro. while nltnniutely llepubll
can anil Progressives sttacked It
I liinltrw) debate lUld hosted wrangles
inrMl tho reading of thu bill In the
Lous when It wit taken up paragraph
iy iniKraih (or ninondmenL
l'rncros on the perfection of the ,
measure was Mow, but thu talk was 1
loud and vociferous and on otic occa-
!i.;i brought Hpakrr Clarlf on the
loor with a vigorous speech.
The Republicans offered amend
ment to thu various ncmnar.iit In ttis
bhemJcal schedule n ml avery am-nd-infill
was tstlmly voted down by lh
Uk Democratic majority. Svrt-rai
minor aii)icdmuitU n(f.ri.Hl by thu
Kay nuil imviuh couiiiilttiju to cornel
lb :ihniiK)loK)' of Lh" bill wore adopt
ti. Democratic Record Debated. j
Miwi of tli" talk turn id on tho roc- i
ord ot thu Democratic tIUc of ibv
homo on ih- iiustlo!) of cnmtlng a
UrUf couumUhIou. The ItepnblicitDa.
by Ite.irKontJiUv..' Mnnn, of 1111
r.uln. britan ihir ultnckH on ihi vnrt
(rur. provlolotiB of th fintt Hchixltile
fi 'm' bill, t! w chninlcnl cheilul(. by
He. n.;g taut tho "woHUnosiios" In
Gambling CtUbtlihmcnt Uncovered In
MrtiHmec Ulelricl of Oakland, Cal.
Odk'fid, rl TI Hiliro tiuoovor
m 4 poulroom for vouiii In a mid
vtt pr.t houf In lh hrart of n
rftdl at iM-iion Mr Julln Ackor
wtti). the nllogiMl proprli'lruMi; Mr.
Adrll Bumtt, Mr Jopb Itohlln
nil llodolpb Abmbnin Hr urmttl.
Ilnlf n datn oilirr voiin-u ami cnpntl
ni"tk wittv tmppod. hot tilt polio rrjK? mt nbowd tho ni:-d of Inveiitl
tnat ihtm rtwlns. It uiplnlnt'd, j t .Uoo of i.lrrlW tMrd.
to bfk of mifftcloitt Mvldoncn, T KprcMti(tlv Underwood In ruply
- Tor l-fto wtik acuurdluK to th potetirl tltit ih lfnUx;raU liad pro
llc, natubor of wonimi bad lu'Wi nn- s Jwl the b-Tiail of torolRn and do-tt-rin
Uie Arl.cnniin rimtdnneo. In- mciilc aommcrco In the dcp.irtuiwnl
pM-ton Tliomn Vool mid St. Clulr ' i;f ccminorce nd that tlu fnlluro of
Event3 Cccurrir.g Throughout
Ihc State During tho Past
Ralph Henry Is Free
Silrrn ftalph Hriry. who was rc
flul:ted of the cbarp of tnurderlnff
ficorm; DrxJd In Unn coTinty on tho
plcn of Insanity, aad a few weeks ago
wh committed to tho state Insane
fuiylum. hns been dlchs.rged from that
"We kpt Hneo' under close obser-
ration for a full month, and could not
deti-ct the least trace of insanity,"
said Dr. H. K. U. Stelarr, superin
tendent of lh asylum. "He was not
Inaant? when be was brought here,
and he was not Insane when he left.
Neither do I boiler he was lnsano
when h committed the crime. This
optr.ion 1m held by all tho members of
our staff."
James M. Lynch, head of the Inter
nat cnal Typographical Union, who
was named public printer by President
Brief News of the Week
NtvlKfcln Hlole Up to tho front door
and forrvil an ontrnud1. Mrs. Acker
man. Wood roporti'd. leaped nt htm
and rliilrlicj his tlinxit. Il uniil ho
shook hor off mid with HodBklus ran
into a riMiin fully equipped as n pool
rmin lt'iult of tho Alan. Idaho.
ra.-i- tTo beiti ri't-elved over n tele
phono win- from Hut Kranelsco.
Portland -Uiind In Oregon iikkto
CjtliiK 2. 373.000 ncros. held by the
Htitilhurn Pacific by virtue of j;nnis
miido by cmtKroMN to Ita predecessor,
tho OrKii ritllfontln llallroad com
pany, to 1S6C and 1S70. worn declared
forfeited to tho United Stales govern
ment In a decree pronounced by Judge
I'hnrles H Wolvertou, of the United
States district court.
The decree wtm lumed on the fact,
which Judge Wolvertou mummed to
hne been provml. that tho railroad
compaiiy violated the terms under
which the tcnint was nmifV, In not
soIIIiir the InndH to actual suttleiH al
12 hO an acre. In selllni; IiuiiIh al a
higher price tlmn J2.G0 an acre, and In
soiling more than 100 acres to ono
As soon an tho decree Is formally
entered I ho Southern I'aolflc will ap
peal tho case to tho United State
circuit court of nppealH, which meaits
that It will lie tried In the ninth cir
cuit dlhirlct at San lYauelHco,
Whichever way It l decided In IiIh
court, an appeal will be taken to tho
United .'-lutes supremo court
the Tart adra!' nitration to vitalize that
bureau with sufficient approprlnlious
had preatrd Ita doing the work of
tariff InvectUallou.
Republican M nators Decide Policy
Ily utiHi.it-.to. s vote the republican
senate cnuct agreed there should be
no general reprisal or. President Wil
son for the democratic holdup of the
Tafl nominations In tho last sehslon
of congress, but that republican oppo
sition Mould be shown In the follow
ing enses-
In appointments to tho consular ser
vice or the minor diplomatic pests,
such nu secretaries of embassies or
legatlous, where tho merit "-ystem re
sorted lo by ex-Presldenta ltoosovelt
ami Taft was not followed.
When' vacancies are created by re
movals from office which carry fixed
tenure, unless made for cause, antf
particularly where removals are mada
from offices which require technical
or special knowledge.
Expert Arraigns Forest Service
A scathing Indictment of Iho presea
day management of the forest service
is contained In a momor.Midum filed
with the secretary of agriculture by
Untile! W. Adams, who, after five years
as export lumberman In the forestry
bureau, voluntarily retires, to engage
in private business. Impracticability,
had business management. Improvi
dence, and an excess of bureaucratic
methods are the general cluwges he
.Railroads Gale Point
Tho commerce court upheld tho In-let-state
commerce commission's or
dern In Die Slueveport, Tex., rate cases
i. ml In many respects sustained prin
ciples which the railroads are asking
the supremo court to adopt, In the 45
state rate cases now awaiting decis
ion. Tho powers of congress and the
interstate commerce commission to re-
Northern Pacific as Railway Company mm) ,i8l,rin,mtloit caused by a state
railroad rates lower limn Interstate
rutea which have been held to lie rca
bouublo. National Capital Orevltlco
Tho Interstate cominorce commis
sion announced that It Iihh about com
pleted tho personnel of tho board of
1 engineers, who will l'lnco a physical
value ou all railroads,
I Important Improvements and exten
sions are to bo made In Iho postal
. bank aystom, according to nn an
nouncement made by the postmaster
' general,
Former Governor Oeorgo Curry of
New Mexico, la reported to have been
selected by President "Wilson ait the
i first member of the new Philippine
Kouator Jouea of Washington hua
By order of the secretary of war,
the 55 saloons In the Panntn CAni.l
oi,e will bo cloed during the com ins
fiac.il year.
When tho Montenegrin vIcttj' enter
ed Sctiuirl they r' surrounded by
half i-tnrved men and women clamor
ing for food.
The territorial legislature nt Hono
lulu adopted a report tabling the rso
lutlon of protest asalnsi California-
proposed alien law,
Tlie directors of the Panama-Pacific
International exposition have lined up
with the opposition against the pass
j ago of tho nntl-allen land bill In Call
' Sight California senators are urg'i?
the adoption of their constitutional
amendment to abolish the present sen
ate and assembly in that state and to
substitute a single law making bod;,
of -10 members.
A youth of IS and a girl of 19 climb
ed to the clock gallory In the tower of
the Notre Dame cathedral at Antwe-p
arm In arm, and leaped to the ground
from n height of ISO feet. Every bone
In their bodies was broken.
The 075 employes of tho internation
al Harvester company, who walked
out of the twine mills Mnrch 21 at
Auburn, N. Y., have stnee rejected
every proposition made to them to
return to work. Further effort to
bring about to a settlement has been
abandoned by the board of mediation.
Ily a vote of 41 to 12. the assembly
of tho California legislature turned
down a resolution to Invite tho gov
ernors of Oregon. Washington. Nevada
and Arizona to come to Sacramento to
confer with the lawmakers and Sec
retary of State William J. Ilryan om
the question of anti-alien laud legta
lntlon. At the meeting of the American
Society ot International Law, held at
Washington, most of tho speakers
nnreed with Richard Olnoy, ex-secretary
of state, who hold that tills coun
try was entirely within Its rights, as
the owner of the Panama canal, to
make whatever rules regarding thu
canal It desired.
Father Returning Home Finds Family
In Throes.
1 Portland. In a moment of emotion
1 a! Immnlty Mrs. Lillian Strang, 25. liv
ing at HS0 Mac rum street, administer
: ed bichloride of mercury- to two of her
' three small children and herself and
! then shot herself and two of the cblld-
ren In the heads with a small rifle.
Recovering her seruscs. probably at
tho shock of the bullet wound, she set
about administering emetics to the
children and was found at this occu
pation by her husband, returning:
In one room at the Good Samaritan
J hospital the v oman, with a terrible
j wound in her brain and her condition
! further imperiled by the corrosive pol-
son, lies surrounded by her moaning
I children, slowly siuklng, but rational
jrand languidly remorseful for her mad
m,.. P.iv Obllantlon as "Railroad."
Washington.--In u tibial"' of mo
mentous Importance, especially as to
railroads, tho mipromo court laid down
tho general principle that a creditor
of u corporation, not a party to Its ro
orgiinUiitloii. amy hold Its successor
for lis debt.
In this specific case, tho couit, 6 to
4, In a decision which Justice Lurton,
who dissented, declared "waa alarm
ing," held tho Northern Paolflu rail
way company responsible for $125,000
judgment against tho Northern Pacific
railroad company, which It miereoded.
despite the fuct that tho court ox
piessly utated that no mora! wrouc
doing waa to bo found In the reorgan
ization. Subscrlbo for tho Herald Now.
Indian War Veterans Paid
Monmouth. After 57 years of pa
tient waiting and coutentment, the
only eight survivors out of tho 200
who enrolled In the North Ynklma
Indian 'war of 1S55-1S56 from Tolk
county have received pay for the
horses and mules they lost while on
duty. The lecent reni'ineratlon Is due
to tho action by ths last Ustnluture
inti-niiiicod lu congress a bill for the
direct election of United States sena
tors lu tho sumo mauner as represen
tatives are elected. It Is Intended as
u temporary measuro to tide over
until tho Btatea themselves enact di
rect election lawfi.
Republican senators havo bo far
held up 40 of President WlUon's nom
inations for small postof floes. Thoy
aro planning to mako their hardest
fight against W. J. Harris of Georgia
for director of tho census. Tho presi
dent was assured, however, by sena
tors who called upon him, that his
nomination of Charles P. Nelll to bo
c-mmlsBlouyr of labor statistics would
bo confirmed.
Mrs. Bourne Is Given Divorce
Portland. Affection for the two
elderly sisters of her husband and
the feeling that she owed the state of
Oregon a duty on account of the hon
or of United States senator -which
had been conferred upon her hus
band. waR given by Mrs. Lillian Eliza
beth Bourne as her reasons for not
having sued Jonathan Bourne, Jr.,
while he was a member of the United
States senate.
Mrs. Bourne was granted n decree
of divorce by Circuit Judge Gatens.
Senator Bourne made no contest.
Chamberlain Offers Land Law Change
Washlnzton. Senator Chamberlain
has Introduced bills as follows:
To adjust claims of Sermaa county
settlers: making lands withdrawn or
classified as oil lauds subject to en
try under homestead or dosert land
laws, to make It easier to file on
mineral lands.
S. P. Must Analn Raise Fill
Chemaw-.L For many years the
Southern Pacific company experienced
difficulty lu crossing Lake Labish, us
ing a trestle which was a menace,
ono wreck occurrlug a number ot years
ago and some lives being lost. Some
few years ago the company removed
tho trestle work from tho lake and
mado a partial fill of gravel, which
has not yet solved tho difficulty. Tho
lowest part of the fill In the lake will
now be raised six feot. When the
partial fill was made a few years ago
the gravel used dropped from sight
ovor ouo night, which caused tlie wa
ter to rlso ou each side of tho right of
Subscribe for the semi-weekly Herald.
Fifty Gold Bond Trading- Stumps with
n year's subscription.
Tillamook, Ore.
IW, 1 iiiamooK,