Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, May 30, 1902, Image 7

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100 Doses
Fdr One Dollar
ICuoiioiuy In nicilii'lnn niiint lin
inoiiHiircil hy two IIiIiikh ciinI. mill
lill'i'ot, It ciiniliil lin iiiciihiii'imI liy
uithur nliiiin. II Ih grrulcNt In Unit
iiictlli'ltiu Unit iIiioh Imi iiiohI for
llio niciitity Unit nnlli-ully unit mr
1111111111)1 1 V (llll'I'H nl Hid IciihL I'X'
iuiiko I'liiil ini'ilii'inii In
Hood's Sarsaparilla
II pinilliK ntnl cnrirliuH tln lilootl.
cimm iiiniliH, cczi'inii uikI ull
IIIIlllllll8, llll'll, Illiquid U'l'IMIKH,
Iush of (i 1 1 1 1 uiiil ci'iii'iul di'liilily.
"I hum Inki'U llnnd'a )miiii IU 'i'l fonml
It rrllKl'lf Hill) IV nil leflri'l aallafai'lltlll It
tales away tlml lit fi'i llii',li's cnnm all'l
pula lti IiIii.mI in ui.ii.1 riiinlii Inn " Miaal'.rrM
UllUlXht, IKiMUIIl M , V U , allllllUlll,
Ilaoil'm Cnrtanrrllla ftfomlmae lo
aura mini nauum rnu iramime.
Qulclln. huipklon.
"My dear," mill tlui FuaplrlniiM
Wlfo, "UiIh hi'jM.iii Jui'knt ymi Kvo
inu fur ClirUtmiiH bus tlm odor o( kiiho.
"Very IHtny," iinnniiii'il tho Crafty
lltmlj.tiiil. "Hut you know Hiiutn Chum
Is tndiiu; nn nutimioblli! now."
NovPrttiPlnm, Mm hud her doubts
111 mtlt t, fltllflntf I HI llllll llll('llllKI.'ll llm
garnii'iit HTimiMiaiiilniI ol 11 cit'iincr.
mitlinuii' Aiiiurii-iin.
Mothers will iluil mm. Window's Booth.
I nn Hru Uik Im-si rained v to un lor tlirlr
Dliililtcn during iliu tccililnir pcrM.
Sure Six".
Junior IlnlixliT linn In lilin tin) innk
Ini! ((! until iirtUl.
Jimwiii What makes you tlilnk niT
Ji-ett'r lti'iniiHi lin palutod n plrturi)
rrnuilly, iiihI Hlii'li lin Innki'il lit It,
Inter, liu rntililn't lull hat Him unli-Jui-t
won. Ohio Statu Journal.
mo 1'efmaw.Mir ruiM. r fiu wtfnM
i all.r nr.l i..fir Mle.'sllrr! iltlll
ii.ur, riliii I'll i:i!SJ.iiniii.ii.iil.i.iii.i
its. lis.iut Kui.i i wirtliil..riilli.lir.l,i'
Al I In I'tiki.
"Humph!" wiiil Mm. Ilinry Twit,
"till lMiur linn n lot of aliened Juki's
nbout uiniifii ulvitiK thuir linrliiuuln
cigars for CMirintuuii proH'iita. I think
that nny unman who Ih foot t'iioii;li to
jjlvo lier liimlmml it Imh of tlion) vllo
tilings ouiilit to ttliy, wlmio linn
Iltmry Rune?"
Hut Henry wns nut' In tho Imll link
Ing hands with IiIiiihoII. Ilnltlmoio
Ask Vnr llrnlr rur Alleles I'mit-las,
A powder, itt'iu- Nwollen, utire, Hut, Callous,
Acltllli,Hweatli,f rWlandlliffrnwIngNalla. Males
WW ut llshl shoee e.y. ,t nil tlruitatsts and Hum
Blures, SA ' .nt.. Antpl No HulniTtiitp. Hamrte
11m. A4drrH Allru H. Ulmilial, Ulto, N. V.
I'lincc Lotetn Kiln lor Thonci.
Tho tnliiUtiT of niH'0 ninl tclf
ttrnpliD, M. Milli'raiul, niiiiotinrt'H it
goiipml roiliu'iiiii in lliu prlro of !!
phono H'tvlro thmtlKlioiit Kmnru. Ill
rutin tho mtoii nro umIiki'iI from (80 to
100 pr yi'itr.
Anothor tuforin In Iho rcilticini: of
tlm tlmrii for pnviiiiiittic triiininltltil
tuegc from 10 to 11 cents.
Blop ciii'iIiik! Try n rertnln euro for
nil pnlnfiil iilliiiciitN lv Kt'ltlni; nt on it
lx)ttlo of IlnmlltrM Wlmiril Oil.
The Kd rlnt
"Scull a Joko on Mr. Onyhny! Wo
wero out on tho hitlcony K'tMriMi tho
ilitncmi, ninl ho Kot tho ltiunf IiIh cont
nil over nil lutlnt from ono of thu potto
Hint wuto jiiht ntlnt(sl."
Mntnl Ami ilhl you go n,'r Hn
"No. Why?"
"JlwniiMi yon hnvo roil pnlnt nil over
thu hnck of yoiirnint." Ilitrh'in I.ifo.
Thoro It n ilenl of Mtliifnctlon
In tlio luifiy hotiMiwIfo In tho thought
that elm run pcihI to hor jjroror for n
iTrlnln hrnml of cniini'il pooiln ami fool
mro tliat hho will Ihi plraticil with her
ptircliitKO. Yon fan nlnnyg haio eonll
ili'iuo in tho remilt if you ask for ami
limlat upon Monopolo rnnneil k0"1'"
Thoy nro ui puro ami noml iik oxlrvmo
rn r n nml careful (election ran ninko
Needed Invention.
Tho man who hml renohwl tho plnn
do of wealtli liy it xuihluii iipurt ilrow
tho typewriter niIi'hiiiiui iihIiIii anil
until: "Kr haven't you somo klml of
ii.mnchiuo thnt will help n ninn who
linn bcon rnrolem with lila Hpulllng?"
"Oil, yoc," lenpomleil tlio mlesninnj
"hero It one thnt will hlur nny wonl
when It in ilotihtful; nil you Imvo to ilo
Into presa tho key." Chlcn?o Dully
A Kinui Obituary.
A KaiifiiH oilltor wrolo llila olilttmry
notlco: "Ilo wnn liom May 3, 1876,
nml therefore eecnpeil tliin enrtli in tlino
to celohrato li Ih l!7tli hirtliilay in tho
hoimo of 1 1 Ih eternal uhoilo heyoml tho
urchin ekieH, leitvitii; torrontrinl html on
Friday, Murcli 10, 1002, at 0:110 p. m.,
central tiuio.
I liavn lrn( Aver's Clierrv I'ec.
toral In my house for a great many
years, u is mo dcsi nicuitmc m
the world for coughs mid colds."
J. J. Williams, Ainca,n. i.
Ail serious lung
troubles begin with a
tickling in the throat.
You can stop this at first
in a single night with
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
Use It also for bronchitis,
consumption, hard colds,
and for coughs of all kinds.
Tbrei ! I lc, ttc, II. All 4rmiUI.
rtAn.Hlt .nn, ilnnlnr. If 1)0 ItTI tftlf It,
J, O. AVBU CO., Lowuli, Hill.
Hip MmIio I lie Dmiuli Nonniliiyi) will
llm Hlun of Ilia Cii, Jimt u Ilia
Aiiclmit I'i ii tl n l)lilHiliartltliiii
Hint lliu Hlnwlr.
It would ho Niirirl"liiK, Imli'i-d, I
there wero not ninny Niipi'intltlomi
ilhnilt In end. The one liiilliciiHiihlu
iiillclo of rood In iiiilumlly In every nil'
linn n fiivoi'llu Niihject of folk lore. No
French pi'iiHiiul Im'kIiin it new hmf with
out cronxliiK it with tlio knife. Tho
KiiiiIInIi Hiipi'iHtllluii Unit hreiid erueliei!
In tlio IiiiMiik piiitendn uilnfortiliieN In
tlio rmiilly him lukeu root In Amerleu
In lieriiiiiuy, loo, the lioimowlfo mill
lielleven Unit ernckN mi tlm top of tho
lour of hrcnil Imlli'iilu the ileiilh of nomo
one In the hoimeliolil, or, pi-rluipx, iiiIh
fort inio to it ilenr friend, while crack
on llm loner nidi of tho hreiul inn
ui I, en in imllnite n hlrtli.
Ah ninny nf iih ttnow', our ImliiTH
murk the hIl'M of n itiihh upon the
diiiiKh hcrore plueliiK It III thu oven
The I en urn for iiinklni; thin nlgn hi
I'omeo plnlu when we know the orlKln
or the ciiitom. AlniOHt nil our nupcr
Kllllniifi nliiitit liri-nil ilnle hack to
"III piiKnti duyi, though Ihey have lieeu
Hi i'ii t ly uioilllleil no iih to conform to
ClirlKtlun liellefH. With lliu lllicleiit
'UminiiiK. the ImkliiK of hniid nml ouken
wnn ofli'ii Itireiiliil with u rellKloiiH
HlKiillleniiei'. cHpeclnlly the cnkiM of
fercil to the koiIh nml (,'iHhlenneH. TIipho
cnken wero prepnred In n pnrtlctilar
wny, ami nfler hehiK miirked wlllt tlio
(ijiiihiil of the deity In wIiohc honor
they were offered. Ihey were 8iippocd
to pomewt Kiiperiinlurnt vlrtuex.
The otil iIiimeHtli' prmilee wnn iiimll
llediihen i 'lirlHtuiuliy lieeitine triumph
mil, nml. In pluee of it puKiio nytnhol
the cnrly t'lirlHllmi hmmewire mil only
lined to mnke the kIkh of the crofin
w lieu Nile hi'Knn lo Intend the ilotiijli
hut nhe mnrliiHl Hint hIrii upon her loaf
hefnre plnrliiK It 'In the oven. Why7
Simply lieiuine the hIkii at the eroit Ik
tho reiiiijnlipit I'lirlHtlnn iirolectlux
mnrl. iiKiilnit the nttneliH of evil npIrltN,
wllihivi mid the like. Hence, hreuil
lunrked with Ihe rnns In suppoNtil to
he wlli'h prinif. will liuke nil rljiht, not
ernek nrnm ihe lop. ele.
JtHt it.n tho .leWN hnre 1'nNnorcr
cuke, mid other people Imvo liml nive
1 1 1 1 1 ' prepnreil iimkI for their religion
femlt nU, ho I'lirlKlInu hnve enke for
'rlnlii minNoiiH. ilur hut itonn hliiiN
nit llootl I'rliluy nre dimply modern
repreniMitutlvcH of Ihe enke uned nt
Hume olil pmemi fextlvnl. Ill dnys koiic
liy. Ihe i' mid Uiiiih IhiUihI nt Dl
ler were Ntlppiweit to puvti'M urent vlr
tile. Thun. It I mi old belief Hint the
nliNervnnee of oat I iik criwi liuui on
!ihm) I'rhlny ItiKtirei. no to Npenk, the
limine from lire for the roiolui; yenr.
We uiiil vat n rertuln klml of pum nke
ui Sliruve Tuemlny. The practice I
referreil to III "AH'n Well Thnt Knil
Well." where the clown upenkt of n
"pnnenke for Klirove Tueihty." In
"I'crleleV they lire cnlleil "IhipJnckK"
n term hIIII mill In country dlMrlcK
In Irutli. to Mtidy Hie MiperxtllloiiN
nhnilt Itli'.lil M lo tnke n whle leou
In folk lore. Thene KtipcrNtltlniiN relnle
to the kiieudlm; troiiKh, the oven, link
cm nod hrcnil. I'or liislnnce. In ninny
pitrt of France the "nrche" or knend
Ins troiiKh, I more than n rude kitchen
tilcnill: It In often n pretty hit or furni
ture. M. Sehlllot, who li.-l h eollis'ted
uiiiiiy of tlio hiiperntltliii of the
rreneh folk relntlve to hrend. ipuite
the mory of n thief who entered the
whitlow of n hoiiM' with Intent to rem
tnlt hnrulury, hut rcfimeil lo step on
the trough mi 111 coutnlnliiK the iIihirIi,
hellevlii); Hint lo tin ko wmihl he nn
Impiety. Till I idmlhir to the Amerl
enn story of two htlUKry hurnlnrs who
refused to sntlBfy tl.elr hunger with
the nieut which they found In n well
slocked Inrder hecnuse It wiih Friday.
A writer In one of eur iii.ikiizIiic
anyn that In (iottluml the crois In still
signed hefori) the oven lire Is lighted
or tho dough Kneaded. This practice
In very common In the country ilMtrlrtx
nil over Knrope. In Ilrlttutiy the liimse-
wlfe mnke the Nlgn of the cross with
the right huml while nhe (iIuccn Hie
oft 1 in 11 .1 In the trough. After Ihe
dough In knendeil the llil or the trough
s tdiut, nml no In Hie door; for If n
cut Miould cuter the room thu hrend
would not TIkc. t'erlulu clinrmt or In
vocation nre used to cause the hreail
to multiply Itself. Thin, the peasant
housewife adjures the dough to luil
tnto the Icitvcii, the whent. the miller,
and to rise. Sho would lie very nngry
If nny one Khoiild slug or whistle In the
room while she Is making the loaf.
In some part of Kuropo the hnkc
oven Is nlmofit n sneriil ohject. In cer"
tnln plnci'H of llrlttnuy, for exnmple,
It Is dcdlcnted with ccrciiionlcs; thu
wooil Is sprinkled with hlesseil water;
tho proper hent la nttesteil hy the incit
ing or n iHitlle, and, llnnlly, nu egg is
hroken for luck, llcshlcs, there nro
ccrtulu dnyn on which hrend must not
ho linked, ns on (Joixl Friday or during
tho night of All rlnluls, when the
gliosis would ho Bine to cat It. House
hold Words.
How Mr. I'm lie Miiilnuril to (let on
a Coin in It Ice.
How much enihiirrnssnicnt a very
siiiull deviation from thu customary
paths of proccdui'u can catisu tho one
who makes It on the Hour of the
IIouso of Keprcsciitiitlves wns Illus
trated one morning when Mr. I'uyuc
of New York, Republican lloor leader
and chairman of the Wnys and Menus
Committee, undertook to secure thu
appointment of a conference commit
tee on n hill wiiich thu Semite had
passed with slight amendments over
the provision as It passed tlio House.
To llioso who do not know Iho meth
od pursued hi thu appointment of con
ference committees, the versatility of
tlm speaker hi selecting such commit
tecs Is usually Burpi'lslng. All Is ensy,
however, when thu chairman of Iho
committee from which tho hill comes
compiles with tho practice, Ilo simply
phis a llltle slip of paper to tho docti
mem on which is written thu mimes
of tho mmnhers ho desires appointed
nml tho speaker in announcing Iho
cpuimlttco reads these names, of
which the clinlriunii r.lmMr firsti lbs
In Iho en mi in quciilliiii Mr. 1'nyno
forgot to prepnre hi lit I Id slip, ami nf
ler he liml Hcriirril im iliiniilmous con
sent (he Hpeuker suddenly noticed Itio
hiuu on llm part or tl gentleman
from Now Voilt," nml with n twinkle
hi hi eyo he very distinctly iUuHtlii
ed, "who would the gentleman from
Now York llku appointed on that com-
A profusn blush mounted Chairman
I'nynu's broad roinitotimico. Ilo
glanced hurriedly urouml at his col
league nml tho merriment ho saw on
Ihclr faces only produced another
blush. It wns "up lo" Mr. I'nyne to
nume himself as the head or tho con
ference commttlei). He uttered nn au
illhlo "nh" nml stopped ngnln. Hy i ..s
limn nil Ihe old hniid nl legislation
on thu Hour were enjoying Mr. I'nyne's
dllciumn, nml it hush sprend over the
chamber. Mr. I'uyim mudo n bold
plunge In huvu It over mid haltingly
nml hliishlugly pronoiiiici'il the words:
"I suppose It ought lo be tho chair
man of the commlttco and Mr. Dnlzell
nml Mr. Itlclmiilson."
At thl point, snys tho Wmhlngton
Star, the smllo beciumi nuillhle around !
Mr I'nyne mid Ihe speaker, who wus I
nlso enjoying the Juke, niiiioiineed In a I
ringing voice, "The chair appoints Mr.
I'ayiie, Mr. Dnlzell nml Mr. lib-hard-sun."
After Mr. I'nyne hail received I
the inni'lt cuiigrutulnllon of a dozen
or so uieuiber he hastened to Iho of
ficial stenographer and whispered In
structions Hint untiling unusual be
imide to appear In the Itecord.
It Won't Hurt Wotiiun' Complexion
In An? Wcullier.
"New York women will continue to
Imvo to run to the complexion spcclnl
1st," snld n physlcinn, "until they
learn lo appreciate fresh nlr better.
The air need not neeessarllr he cold.
hut It must bo flesh. It should be re-
mcmbcrod that catching cold depends
a great ileal inure on stale air anil
draughts than upon cold nlr, and tho
ery worst cold am cnught when one
Is tired mid goes out lino the ulr feel
ing fagged- To avoid cold and keep
one's health ho sure -Hint tho air is
good. Let there he free ventilation.
With care this can he secured without
draughts or nu oversiipply of cold ulr.
I went Into a living room a few
days ago. Tin; wulls were hung with
pictures and tho door with tapestries.
Thu windows wcru richly decorated
with hangings mid on thu pnnes hung
costly transpnreneles. Hut they wero
lightly closed, mid though the room
wus neither too hot nor too cold. It
wiib Intolerably close. M hen I escnp-
1 Into tho nlr I remumliercd having
noticed a large swelling upon the chin
of ono of the two dnughtcrs. The
mother wns nursing n cold sore. Tho
other daughter had simply a wretched
complexion. 1 thought It doubtful If
merely opening the window would
Imvo cured these women, hut I am
sure that they would hnvo lind Infin
itely better health could they havo had
heller ulr In which to sit nnd wrk.
No danger to tho complexion need
be fen red, even from tho freezing nlr
of winter, ir proper precautions nro
taken. If I were a wotiinu with n dell
i ate skill berore I went out on n very
inlil day I would rub a llttlo cream
Into my skin, mid I would wear n veil
without dots, at least without dots
where the eyes came, and I would get
one as thin as possible, so as not to
interfere with my enjoyment of the
ulr. Then I would go out Into tho
went her. htiru that 1 would not bo
roughly used. A healthy woman, tak
ing such enre of herself, may chap a
little mid redden much, but the clear
pfiik mid white or olive and red of her
omple.ilon will always show to ad
vantage. New York Sun.
Cnrltm l.uwsiill Heccnlly Tried In tlio
Imultsli Cimrt.
The Ihigllsh medical Journals con
tain reports of u curious law suit
with h has Just been on trial In an lhi-
gllsh court. A nurse brought action
against her physician for alleged mnl
praellce In prescribing morphine for
her III therapeutic doses, mid thereby
Inducing In her the morphine habit.
I'ho doctor wus accused of negligence
nnd n desire to get rid of a trouble
some patient. It I lo the credit of
the Jury Hint, having I trim I the plain-
tiff's side of the case, they stopped the
rial, mid expressed Ihe opinion Hint
the action ought never to havo been
Tho case suggests some rather curl
on rellectlous We do not doubt that
somo physicians lire sometimes rather
cureless ln prescribing such drugs ns
morphine mid cocaine! hut it. would be
llllleult to apportion Ihe exact degree
of responsibility nnd thu exact amount
of dninugcs, If every morphlno llend
wero to havo redress In court from
every physlclmi who htul ever pre
scribed u dou of such drugs for him
or her. The precedent established by
ono such enso would bo rather dis
quieting to every doctor In active prac
tice. In this lhiglish ensu tho fact
that tho plaintiff was n nurse, and
know well tho dnngcrous effects of
tho drug which sho continued tnUIng
of her own accord, should hnvo been
enough to satisfy her lawyers that slro
had no claims either In justlco or In
lnw. Such remote consequences nre
hardly to ho npprnlscd nt n money
value, or to ho ascribed to tho fault of
n physlcinn who hnd merely given the
drug In therapeutic doses. Philadel
phia Medical Journal.
(Irent Droughts in lOuglnnil.
Tho first great drought ou record hap
pened hi U78 aud tho two succeeding
years, wiien, accoriuug to mo recorus,
there wns practically no rainfall In
iiRland, In 870 tho springs In Kug-
land wero dried up nnd It wa linpossl-
ilo for men to worU lu tho open air.
n 00.1 and 001 tho nuts on tho trees
wero ' rousteu as u in uu oven.
After a man weighs 170 pounds, a
day novor pusses thnt someone docs not
toll him thnt no is getting rat. This Is
llm nxncrlcnco of a mini who linn not I
gnlucd two pounds In ten years.
In koIiir Into a store to 111c a Ulck,
sny. "iiiero wns n mtstnuo mniie," lu
stead of "You made it mistake."
The Bisiy
of Mofflaer&0
What siiffirlnff frcfticntly results
from n mother's Igoornnco i or mors
frequently from n, mother's neglect lo
proiiorly Instruct her dnughter I
'J radl'tliiii says " woman roust stif
It," nml young vromoei are so taught.
Micro Is ii 111 Ho truth and a great denl
t exaggeration In this. If n you ig
rDiiiiin Niiffurs Sflvorely she nncds trruV
lent, and her mother should sco thai
the gel It.
Muny mothers hesitate to lake their
daughter Ui ft physician fur exmnlria
tloo : but no mother need hmUU to
write freely nlniut her daughter or
hrriujlf to Mrs. I'luhham's haUirnlory
at l.ynn. Mass., and M-curo from a
woman tlie most eQIclent advice with
out charge.
Mrs. August I'fslzgraf, of South
llyron. Vu mother of tho young lady
whoso portrait we hero publish, wrote
in .January. MKW, saying hrr daughter
hml siil?i id for two years with irreg
ular menstruation had headache all
tin- time, and pain in her side, feci
swelled, and vras generally miserable.
Khe received an answer promptly with
advice, mid under date of March. 1899,
tiie mother writes again that I.ydia K.
1'inlilum's Vegetable Comounil nured
her dnughtcr of all pains and Irregu
larity. .filhinif In the world equals Lydia E.
i I'mUmm
great mcuiaiue lor regu.
latin iviimui
peculiar monthly
Anolhcr Kcsion,
"I thought lliffkins said liu was
ing to church this morning."
"No. Tlio minister asked him to
givu his reasons for not going, and ho
is staying at homo to writo thorn."
Clevelund I'lain Dealer.
Whit lie My Hive MeinL
Miss Smith Thu doctor told mother
that I'll never reu forty. Do you think
that ho means that X havo a (ut
MissJndson Not nt nil; ho means
that you'll never gut through being!
Clou Call.
I Clara I had an awful tlino when I
' refused him.
I Maude How do you mean?
; Clam Why, tie took it in earnest,
and I had to explain that I didn't
menu it. Town Topics.
j The Neighborly Quillty.
I Mr. Asctim Sho is a very neighbor-
; ly woman, isn't sho?
Mrs. Snapiie Yes; she's forever
poking into other people's business.
l'hlladelphia Press.
A Pecuniary Fitijue.
"Don't forget," said the willing
nnrln. "ll,nt irmnnt- Inlb. " I
"Yes." nnswered Senator Soighum, a
little cloomv. "lint I can't heln ui'hlne
you boys would select another phono
graph occasionally." Washington
At Mr. C Undcrilindi.
Mrs. Crimsonbeak Before she was
married, I understand, she usad to
dance for money.
Mr,. Crimsonbeak And now, I
understand, if she don't get money,
plie makes Iter husband dance. Yonk
ors Statesman.
The liability to disease is greatly
lessened when the blood is Incoodcon-
dition, and the circulation healthy and
vigorous, ror men all reiuse matter
is promptly carried out of the system;
otherwise it would rapidly accumulate
fermentation would take place, the
blood become polluted and the consti
tution so weakened that a simple
malady might result seriously.
A healthy, active circulation means
good digestion and strong, healthy
As n blood purifier and tonic S. S. S.
lias no cental. It is the safest and best
remedy for old people and children
because it contains notnlnerals, but ia
tnadc exclusively of roots and herbs.
No other remedy so thoroughly and
effectually cleanses the blood of im-
purities. Attne
same time it builds
up the weak and de
bilitated, and reno
vates the entire sys
tem. It cures permanently all manner
of blood and skin troubles.
Mr, E. D. Kelly, of Urbarm, O., wrtteei
"I had Eoioma on piy hands and f aco for ,
nro years, It would break out in llttlo
droD off. inavlnn- thn akin rod and inflam
ed. Tho dootors did mo no good. I used
Kit tho medicated eoapi ami salves without
benefit. U. B. B. cured mo, and Ely akin
is as oiear ana smooin as any one-s.
Mrs. Henry Siegfried, of Capo May, N.
J aara that twenty-i
cured hor of CJanoer
rat not twenty-ono botllea 01 U. tl. b.
tors and frlonds thought her caao hope-
oureu ner or cjanoer oi ino oreaat. jjoo-
Ittohard T. Gardner, Florence, 0. C,
suffored (or jears with Jlolls. Two bot
tlea of U. H. H. nut hla blood In rood con
dition and tho liolla disappoarod.
Send for our free book, and writo
our physicians nbout your case.
medical nilvico iree.
LICE on Poultry. flSSS&fflS
kill the lice, Kerer falls. Sold by dealers, soc and Jl.oo per can.
Albert Dlockrr tf lltkahaiiMn. kllnii., bouyhl a cam of lniMl.n Lice Killer and
uied II thoroughly IhrM tlmrt and clMord hla poultry houaa entirely fie from
lloe and Diltea. IKfero using, the poultry uouee ae allre with red lioe aud lulte.
J. II. Valone, of Ail.l. Uo., eye the TniMlau UuelUller U Juil the thing for Uoe
on Uog and ll worth Are timet lu ceat.
I is. j.
IHIVrUN, Couat .Igentt,
Xo Staples, No Tacks. OnenslUe a paper box, ready (or use.
Ask for tho best om
broctxlion, you'll lot
St. Joccobs
This is tho sign.
It dives confidence.
Ask for St. JolcoLs
Oil. You will tfot
tho Best. It h&s
Conquered Pain for
Fifty Years.
A Stretch.
Ilronrho liill So you've lynched th'
wrong feller?
Kougli Itubc Yes. We Imagined
he was tlx feller that stolo tlx hots,
hut ho wasn't.
, Ilronrho Dill Uuhl You should be
careful how you stretch your imagina
I tion. Life.
She Did.
"I'll get even wid 'em, for dis--hargln'
me!" mumbled the cook lady,
lifting up tho register nnd dropping a
pair of her old tlioci down thu hot air
p!M!, just before sho went away.
And thow! old shoes avenged her for
nearly a week before the family found
out what was thu matter. Chicago
Twice Rejected.
Wederly Wns that jour slter I saw
you with laft evening?
I f-ingleton Yes; one of them.
Wederly Why, I watn't aware that
you had mora than ono of them.
Singleton I havo three. Ono by
birth and two by annexation. Chi
cago Daily News.
"" w" B'ooK'yn.
"-o sir!" exclaimed tlio loud
I mouthed drummer in tlio smoker,
i "I'm proud to eay that no house in the
country has moru men pushing its line
of gooils than ours."
"What do you f-ell?" asked a curious
iKiuy carnages. cyrututu uera.u.
Wanted to Try It
Farmer Yes; I work from daylight
to dark.
City Man You're not troubled with
ennui, are you?
Farmer No; I've heard of the
blamed thing, and Bometlmes I feci as
if I'd like to have a little of it, for u
change. New Orleans Times-Democrat.
tile Turn Next.
Kind Gentleman Why are you cry
ing, my little man?
Littlo IJoy Because my ma Is lickin'
my little brother for something wot I
Kind Gentleman What a contcien-
' lioIu,a 1,it,l,, Rentleman.
1 Boy But my
Little Boy But my brothcr'll tell
her It nuz me, and then I'll ketch it.
Boo-hoo. Ohio State Journal.
The Onei to Avoid.
Old Man If you would select a
good wife, my young friend, you must
avoid the descendants of a ccratin fam
ous woman.
Young Man I shall certainly heed
yoru advice. Who was she?
Old Man Evo. N. Y. Weekly.
Out of a Knothole.
Ho (just introduced) What a home
ly person that gontleman is near the
ptnno, Mrs. Black.
She Isn't he. That's Mr. Black.
"How true it is, Mrs. Black, that the
homeliest men always get tho prettiest
wives." Tit-Bits,
Uttle Liver Pills.
Must Doar Signature of
5c PacSlmlU Wrapper Below.
I Vcary oaaall emd as easy
to tales as ngaxv
.JcSJti Pnrelr TemtaMe,wiJ
i . . tuiueiiXTnl uuttMvieiAMAtutif.
I'lirlliiud, Ore., mill Smttlc,
Oold Croat One of Ml Clnrn Unrton'a
Moat Valued Hotiveiilra.
Ono of tho moat beautiful of Mis'
Clnrn nation's foreign nolivcnlrs hi a
tentltiionlal sho rccclvcil on the eve of
her departure for (Icncva ns dclcgato
to the I ted Croup; lutorniitlotinl Con
vention In 18.SI from Nntlmlle. then
Queen of Hcrvln. It In a mnsilre gold
cross, tho body of which Is red en
amel, with tho Servian cont of nrmn In
gold on otic side nnd the date of their
accession to the brotherhood, 1870, on
tho other. Hut Iho moat delicate part
of thin compliment renlili-n In the fact
thnt the rrons In mounted on our own
red, white, anil blue rllition, thus en
nbllng Minn Ilarton to wenr tho colors
of her country even when ilonnlng the
badge of tServln.
A diploma creating her a member of
tho Hervlnn Hoclcty came with thli
ci-om from the president of thnt nHn
clatlon, together with a letter declar
ing them a recognition of her service
to tho brotherhood and the Kervl.m
wounded during the Kranco-Prustlan
war, Mlas Barton's reply to the
queen In so very symliollcnl of tho
truest republican dignity that It Is
transcribed here:
Iter Most Kieccllcnt Majesty Nathalie,
Queen of Hervla.
Madam: I hasten to acknowledge
the very unexpected honor conferred
by your majesty In transmitting
through the Servian Ited Cros So
ciety the diploma and beautiful deco
ration of that nsHocIatlon.
This recognition of tho Interest I
have taken In measure tending to
mitigate the calamities of war Is pe
culiarly gratifying as coming from a
country that, although old In history.
Is still young In tho freshness of Its
natural resources and the brave, hope
ful hearts of Its people. That their
hopes may be realized In a long ca
reer of liberty and prosperity must bo
the sincere wish of every American.
I am on the point of sailing for Ku
ropo to attend the Ited Cross and
peace conventions, which assemble nt
Oeneva. In the bcglnulng of September,
when I hope to have the pleasure of
meeting the representatives of Servla.
That your majesty and royal consort
may long continue to promote the hap
piness and welfare of your beautiful
country Is tho hope and desire of your
majesty's most obedient servant,
President American Ited Cross Asso
ciation. The address "Madam" at the begin
ning of the above epistle, the sonorous
title that belong to every American
queen. Is In perfectly good form ac
cording to the authorities, and also a
most concise and dignified declaration
of stalwart Independence.
Monkey and I'nt of Jam.
A sweet little story concerning a pet
monkey and a pot of Jam Is vouched
for hy a Johns Hopkins University
It was In the country and all on n
summer's dny the family monkey was
seen scudding homeward literally
drenched In raspberry Jam. lie was
pursued by an Irate neighbor with up
lifted broom, but once safe on to the
home plat he swung himself lightly
Into the nearest tree nnd pcncefully
listened to her tale of wrong.
It seems the neighbor had some
hours before been making Jam, a great
bowl of which sat cooling on a table
beneath the trees. Tills the monkey
spied, but had scarcely started liberal
ly helping himself to It when he was
discovered. With loud outcry and tho
broom the lady started toward him,
when the mischievous beast, knowing
his minutes were numbered, hastily
overturned the bowl ou the table.
Then rolling himself Joyously In It sev
eral times from head to heels he scam
pered beyond her reach. During the
recital of her woe, and, in fact, for tho
remainder of the dny, the monkey snt
scooping the sweetmeat from his body
and licking his paws with glee.
A Curious Tip.
A certain little Flemish watering
place, which Is much frequented by
English and American visitors in the
summer, possesses two attractions In
the shape of a Presbyterian place of
worship and a roulette table. One of
the "faithful" bad qulto recently a
most Ingenious Idea, says the London
Times. After the number of tho hymn
succeeding the sermon was given ha
stole away, made bis way to the table,
and Invested ull he was worth on the,
number of the hymn. Needless to say
the number turned up, and tho lucky
coup became tho talk of the village for
the rest of the week. Next Sunday
the church was crammed to the door.
The pious pastor was rejoiced In heart.
After a powerful address he gave out
"Hymn No. 27." The moment the
words left his lips, to his consterna
tion there was a rush to the door, nnd
be was left with a faithful handful to
upraise their agitated strain of praise.
As for tho rest, they made a bee line
from the house of prayer to the bouse
of play. We are happy to relate that
their little adventure cost them very
No OlTonao Intended.
A regular customer of a certain coal
company dropped Into the otllco of tho
Arm one morning to make a complaint.
"That coal you sold me for my fumnc
a few weeks ago," he said, "Is thf
worst I have had In ten years. There's
a great quantity oi state in it, ana
what Isn't slate runs to clinkers."
"Sorry to hear It, Mr, Williams," snld
the man Inside the railing. "I'll make a
memorandum of It, Perhaps the com
pany will give jou a rebate on It."
Taking a sup or paper, no wrote a
few words on It and hung It on a hook,
Tho customer, happening to glance nt
the slip of paper, saw this: "U, O,
Williams. Bad egg."
"So I'm a bad egg, nm I?" he asked.
reddening with Indignation.
"Oh, not at all, XIr. Williams," hasti
Uy explained the clerk. "That menus
tho egg coal we sold you turns out to
bo bad."
And the customer reddened again,
hut not from Indignation.
.Some men nre so mean that lvhcn
ihey attend n ball game, they want to
see the home team beaten.
Some people ko to great trouble to
acquire foolishness.
A Judge's Wife.'
Mrs. Judge McAllister writes from
1217 West 33rd St., Minneapolis,
Minn., bs follows:
'I suffered for years with a pain In
the small of my back and right side.
It Interfered often with my domestic
and social duties and I never supposed
that I would bo cured, ns tho doctor'
medicine did not seem to help me any.
"Fortunately a member of our Or
der advised me to try I'cnina and gavo
It such high praise that I decided to try
It. Although I started In with llttlo
faith, I felt so much better in a week
that I felt encouraged.
"1 took It faithfully for seven weeks
and am happy Indeed to be able to say
that I am entirely cured. Words fall
to express my gratitude. Perfect
health once more Is tho best thing I
could wish for, and thanks to Pcruna
I enjoy that now." Mlnnlo E. McAl
lister. Tho great popularity of Tcruna as a
catarrh remedy lias tempted many pco
plo to Imitate Peruna. A groat mnny
so-called catarrh remedies and catarrhal
tonics are to Lo found In many drug
stores. These remedies can be pro
cured by the druggist much cheater
than Peruna. Pnrjna can only be ob
tained at a uniform prhe, and no drug,
gist can get it a cent cheaper.
Thus it is that drtigignts nro tempted
to substitute tho cheap imitations of
Peruna for Pcruna. It is done ovcry
day without a doubt.
Address Dr. Hartman, president of
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
A Keeper ol Secrets.
Lady (to the dressmaker) Did you
tell Mrs. Do Pcyetcr Gurlingamo what
my costume for tho ball was to be?
ilodisto Oh, no, madaml I novor
divulge professional secrets.
Lady What is hers like?
Modiete It's in colonial style,
madam. Boston Herald.
His Stories.
"Bunklns takes life very easily."
"But he is always telling hard luck
"Yes; but that shows his shrewd
ness. If he put in all the timo telling
funny stories people would say ho was
loafing. Washintgon Star.
) An inalrsls of Mono pole UkHtr Plow m
der made by Chemist Jes. II. Fink. shori )
It to be pu;er and stronger than any 0
other powder In thU market, bar rime ()
none. If you want the beat Hakini ()
low der Insist on Mono pole. Ml Myth
class grocer handle Mouopole groceries. )
Founded 1070
A Honta School tor Boy a
Military nnd Manual Training
Write for llluatrated Catalogue
dive brtttr satisfaction than anjrthlnf on
the market at anything lilta the price, be
cause tliry are niaile of pood material, to
stand Oregon romls" Iron corners on
bodies, braces on shalts. heavy second
Krowtli wheel., screwed rims. If yon want
to reel sure Hint you are getting your mon
ey's worth, .k for a "Bee Una" or a
"Mitchell" (iienncy) Buggy. We guar
antee them.
Mitchell, Lewla S Stnvor Co.
Seattle, Bpokaue, llolse. rortlond, Or.
Milwaukee Mowers
and Victor Rakes
Wo want to semi you n Catalogue FHEK,
Just drop us a lino.
J. A. FREBAlAN.Oenl. Ajt.
200 Cast Water St., ,
Walter A.Wood and Minnie Extras
Summer Resolutions
Ban relief from liquor, opium an I tobacco
habits, etni for particulars to
Keeley Institute yyjVJ:,2;;..vJ,'.'iV.V4
J. P. M,
So. 33-ll03,
HEN writing to advertisers pleai
an.ntlon tuis papor.