Tri-weekly Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1873-1874, October 02, 1873, Image 1

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Yol. 1.
Astoria," Oregon, Thursday Morning, Oct. 2, 1873.
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THE A S-T 0 S I A F.
Monitor Building, Atoiia, Oregon.
. C. yctEX-AXI)
Subscription 22iite:
Ono Copy one year. So 00
One Copy civ month5 9"
Ono Coiv three months 1 50
j$" Single dumber, Ten Cents. ui
AZvrt:iJijr Kales:
Ono Insertion pci square, 10 line? or less...S2 oO
Bach additional Insertion, per square 2 00
Yearly udv'ts per month, per square 1 ol)
Agents :
L. P. FisnTR, 20 and 21 Xew Merchants "Ex
change, is aathorieu to act as Agent for tho
Astokinn in i?an Francisco.
Any fi iend who feels an intorc in the pros
perity of this region, is authoiizod to act as
Ageit for this paper, inprocuiing ub'ciibei'.
The Rival from Columbia river
arrived at San Francisco on the 28th.
The Farmer Company's pile driv
er is at work on the new wharf.
That new show case at Dr.
Kinsey's was made in this city "by Mr.
Stoll. "
Dr. Kinsey has a little the best
liquors in this market, for medical
purposes. '
Sounds of hammers and saws are
increasing in this vicinity. There
is yet a demand for more houses.
Van Dusen has the celebrated
Hurricane lantern. .Call this even
ing at his store.
"We hear of several important
real estate transactions this week, in
Astoria. .
Two of the San Francisco sailors
for the Wctterhorn, deserted imme
diately on their arrival here.
Capt. Reed has removed his
market to Chenamus street, near Mr.
Boss' place. The old corner will be
occupied by A. J. Donaldson.
George Trenchard, who has been
very ill of late, has again resumed
his place at I. W. Cases7 Store. Mr.
Case now has three attendants at his
place of business.
Geo. W. Warren Co. are pre
pared to supply any quantity of fresh
oysters. They have this peculiarity,
that they never fail, and always con
tinue in trade until the end of the
Ship Privateer and bark "Wetter
horn and "Windemere have been
completing their cargoes -at this port
for the past week. If they had stop
ped here instead of going to Portland
for a part of their cargos, they would
have been to sea long since. Ship
owners would find it greatly to their
advantage to charter diroct for Asto
ria and refuse to go above.
An excursion for farmers and
their families is proposed, from Al
bany to Astoria and return, to. trans
pire about the 20 inst. The 'fare by
xail and boat Trill be $12 for the round
trip, without meals. This will be a
very cheap ricle, and the small
amount of money required will en
able everybody to go and enjoy,them
selves in sight-seeing.
With this isie begins the second
-quarter of the Astqiuax. That we
have been of some service to this
community, and to the State of Ore
gon, is attested from the support we
are receiving. The Astorian is not
a local papers althougli Astoria is
the principal theme for the present.
We are working" for- Oregon. Many
-of our friends who have been receiv
ing the paperfor ,thr,eev months will
not offend us in the least by remit
ting a year!! gibcr5ptibn rSendCbw
money order oaAstojia, or legal tend
er nr ordd -nnfpR. -rptristered. Never
eendMfear in,mpiey-tiy mail!wth13
"- . v,i - :"4T ,. . 7.l
L - SJJ1
in d ward is to load for
J. G. Coe has returned from the
Albany fair, and reports himself
well used.
The. farmers excursion to Astoria
this month will be a big thing for
both ends of the route.
Mr. McMerrick, now of Albanj'
was once a chief among bar pilots
here. v
The steamship John L. Stephens
arrived Tuesday morning from San
"We invite special attention to
the Meteorological reports from Mr.
Louis "Wilsons pen, published in our
2s". Koefoed is now supplying
oysters at the Globe in every varie
ty. Charles Binder is also supptying
parties single, or by the dozen plates.
II. Wing & Co. of Oyster ville
have instituted an Independent Oys
ter Company of this title at Oyster
ville, and will put oysters in the
Portland market at the lowest rates.
They now have 3000 baskets of the
best in the bay, ready for export. e
The.silver-headed cane awarded
as the third prize at the late regatta
on Shoalwater Bay, was won at last
by Elder,-. E. K.Patterson. It is a
very handsome one, and paid a visit
to Astoria last Monday in the hands
of Inspector S. E. Barr, who came
over on a visit to his family on Gray's
George Coggan, the "Dan Hib
bard'' of the Pacific Northwest when
staging is considered, was at the
American Exchange in Portland on
the 2Sth. George is paying attention
to routes on Puget Sound now, and
from Tenino. Where this hemis
phere is a corydon of railroad-bars,
he will transfer his operations to Af
rica, in the region now being explor
ed by Dr. Livingstone.
The British ship Privateer, Capt.
Cox, left Astoria on the 30th of August
in ballast for Portland. Towage and
pilotage up and down amounts to
about $700. After suffering delays in
getting out of the Wallamet, drag
ging over shoals, etc., he"r lighterage
amounted to G3S tons or about one
half the whole amount to load her.
She cleared on the 29th. Now if this
vessel had stopped at Astoru. in the
first place for her cargo she coald
have been off, fully loaded at less ex
pense, by the loth of September,
besides avoiding the extra hazards of
grounding the vessel on shoals where
her insurers would not have her go.
There is not a single exception to the
rule: that every ship master leaving
the Columbia river assert they would
not like to repeat the dose. There is
a saving of at least from sevdn to ten
smiiings a ton on every cnarter tor a.
load at Astoria and the sooner ar
rangements are perfected for bring
ing tlie crop here, for slypment, the
better it will be not only for the far
mers, who may then get San Fran
cisco prices, but better also for - the
A plant ought not to be watered un
til it is in a fit condition to receive a
liberal supply of that element, hav
ing previously secured a good drain
age, in order that all superabundant
water may be quickly carried off.
Those who are constantly drippliug a
moderately small quantity of water
upon their plants will have them in
a flourishing condition for any length
of time. '. t f $
-"--The atmosphere in the oil regibhs
of Pennsylvania, heavily' charged as
it is with petrQjeum,a?ctJnilm,pst , a,s a
specific for the relief-of asthma, and
at the sametime as arepnte-e of
Post orficq Notice.
The General Delivery at the Astoiia
Pobtoffice will be open daily, (except Sun
days), from 8 o'clock a. sr. until 7 r, m.
On Sundays from 1 to 2 o'clock Pt m.
Money Orders issued horn 8a.ii, to 4,
For Portland and intermediate offices,
at 5 o'clock a. r. daily.
For Skipanon, Seaside house, and Tilla
mook, daily on arrival of the mail from
ForForts Stevens and Cape Disappoint
ment, "Unity, -Oyster ville, and Olympia
Tuesdays and Thurfcday-, at 7:30 a. m.
ForKnappton, Grays river, IClabkanino,
Youngs river, Lewis and Clarke, Neha
lem valley, etc., irregular.
New School Books. I have just re
ceived all the different kinds of New School
Books required to he used in this State, that
can now he found in San Fiancisco. Also,
Slate pencils, Blotting pads, a good as
sortment of Stationery, Drawing paper,
CARD BOARD, Perforated hoard, Ink,
(Carmine, Purple and Black). Likewise a
new stock of Crockery, Clocks and a large
assortment of Lamp Chimneys, all of
which "will he sold cheap for.caah.
Beaver Lodge r o. 35. 1. 0, 0. 2
lMcet every mummy evening.
jtSSSfeai x o ciocK, 111 uiu vjim x'uuows
Hfe25Haircornerof Pji and ,Tofferon
r- r i s .-i -i- ii. rv.T .1 t.iii
sheets, Astoria. Members of the
Older are invited to attend. Byoidcr, N. G
Temple ILodg-e :&"o. 7 A. F. & A. M.
Ptegular Communication51 fir.'t mid thiid Q
Saturdays in each month, at 7 o'clock f
p. 3r., at the Hall in Astoria. Membeig V
of the Ordoi in good standing are invited to at
tend. By ordei of tho Y. M.
A substitute for ivory and bone
veneers has recently been discovered,
made froni( goat and sheep's bones,
the fleshings of deer skins, parch
ment parings, etc. '
MM. Magitot and Legros have made
some interesting observations with
reference to the grafting of teeth.
The teeth grow in a "small bag or
poucli named the dental follicle, in
which are distinguished the organ of 1
the dentine, or the bulb, and the
organ for the production of enamel.
Having grafted on an adult dog an
entire follicle from a pup, these ex
perimenters observed a regular de
velopment of this germ, and the pro
duction of a complete tooth.
A correspondent of the Rural New
Yorker tried an experiment last sea
son with raising potatoes by .hilling,
and by leaving the surface Hat. The
summer waa&vet, giving the hilling
the advantage, if any. The result
was about the same quantity for each,
but the potatoes from-' the part not
hilled were larger, fewer in number,
and finer in quality. He thinks
much labor, worse than useless, is
expended in hilling potatoes.
A German experimenter, Herr Har
vath, in studying the plrysical effect of
cold on fiogs, claims, to have made the
singular discovery that the immersion of
the human finger in alcohol at a tempera
ture of 25 Fah. renders the finger insen
sible to pain, hut not insensible to contact
with other bodies. He also claims to have
discovered that upon immersing wounds
and burns in cold alcohol the pain imme
diately ceased; this effect being very re
markable in the case of burns, the subse
quent pi ogress of recovery being greatly
pcceleratcd by this means. 25 is below
the freezing point of water which is 32.
At night a person is not quite so tall as
in the morning. A French physiologist
says his son lost an inch by a single night's
dancing. The action of oxygen, so des
tructive wasting us away constantly from
birth to death is yet essential to our exis
tence. Whys this? Here is the glorious
paradox of life. We live only as wo die.
The moment we cease dyin, we cease liv
ing. xOiY lives are perpetuated by the de
struction of our "bodies. Hence the neces
sity of food and sleep to repair constant
material losses - k
-Decorators use for gilding, what is
known as" rh'osajc gold,' a bisulphuret of
tin. 4 Thiyis mixed twith varnish and an-
Cnsase or Jay Coo3s:e Fnllsire-Ko 'II
Wia at jLnst Oystering Generally.
Ovsterville. Sept. 2S, 1S73.
Editor Astori v: :
News from this quarter at present wri
ting is somewhat meagre. The Louisa
Morrison, Peterson Master, arrived in the
hay on the 22d, with merchandise for T.
& J. Crellen, and departed on the 24th
with a cargo of Oysters for San Frauckco.
The necessity of having to chaiter a pilot
boat to take oysters of the Independent
Company from Baker's hay to Astoria re
cently, will cause the Artimesia to go a
rouud into Baker's hay, to convey freight
and passengers from Unity to Aitoria and
hack at least such is the talk here now.
The Artimesia is a splendid boat, and will
cut quite a figure in 'that trade. She will
he very apt to make things rather lively in
your vicinity for a small craft.
As soon as Woods & Co. get their saw
mill running at Brnccport, there will he a
schooner built at this place, to put on the
San Francisco trade. The wind-work ia
already done.
It is reported that the failure of Jay
Cooke is in consequence of having taken
too largely ef Oyater stock in this bay. It
is also said in business circles, that by the
time their young growth is ready for mar
ket the hank will be able to resume opera
tions, and he on a better basis thamever
the whole thing amounting to no more
than a change of base.
Respectfully yours, ' X.
Fashionable milliners inform us
that the Winter bonnet wrill be a
" charming modification" of the head
gear now worn.
Cane fans are one of the latest nov
elties. They are of ebony, with
knob handles, out of 'which springs a
small silk t fan edged with lace and
handsomely decorated.
Lobe, or stud ear-rings, continue
in fashion. Those of diamond or
pearl are, perhaps, the most in favor.
Pendent ear-rings have by no means
gone out of fashion, aud never will,
so long as ladies imagine that they
are becoming to their style of beauty.
Tortoise shell jewelry increases
slowly but steadily in fashion. No
fashionable lady's jewel-box is con
sidered complete- ''now-a-days with
out a set of tortoise, especially the
necklace and monogram locket.
These ornaments are always genteel
and stylish, and can be worn with
almost any toilet appropriately.
Ladies may be interested to know
that over-skirts are to be discarded
for promade costumes and indoor
toilets, next Winter. Skirts will be
trimed with puffing, etc., to simulate
over-skirts, and for this purpose lace
will be much used. Worth,' we be
lieve, originated this idea. To him
the ladies anxiously look for a prac
tical illustration of the novelty.
Feathers form the chief, and often
times only trimmings, ' on the hats
now fashionable among ladies.
Brown, black, and purple are the
popular colors. A graceful cm-ling
and long drooping feather over the
crown of the hat is very stylish.
Some of the hats are very elegant.
The ladies all know that, handsome
feathers, like .handsome birds,, are
very expensive.
Narrow gage passenger cars, as
generally constructed, stand thirteen
inches nearer the rail, and have
about Jifteen inches less overhang at
the side; hence, the center 6f gravity
is considerably lower than on the
standard gage, making the car ride
verv steadilv, and with less oscillat-
mg motion tnan is usually ODservaoie
upon the wijde gage. The seats, thir
ty-six fco a car, are arranged" double
onone sjde and single on 'the, other,
w;it,h the order reversed, imidw'ay of
toWbutoaitho, weight
thje ar,
TIae Price of Golrt.
Portland, Oct. 1st. GoldHn'New t -York
to-day, 112&; Portland Legal
Tender rates, 87i buying, and SSM
Seven banks suspended in Louis- "j
ville Kentucky, on the 27th, causing ,
much excitement. .-
Secretary Richardson says .the
statement of Jay Cooke fe Co. is much
better than was expected, and that
advices received at the Treasury ""
showT a decidedly improved condi-
tion of affairs throughout the countr'.
The. Pacific Mail Company has,
hauled off the steamer California
from th'e Mexican route. The Color
ado Steam Navigation Company will -perform
the service with the Mon- !
tana and Newbern. - '-'
At a late Cabinet meeting,
which Mr. Richardson and Attorney i
General Williams were present, fi
nancial troubles were discussed four ,
hours, and it was determined that
the policy of the Government could
not bechanged, and it -win tlrerefore
remain as announced last evening.
The Pittsburg (Pa.), Post-office
was taken possession of this after
noon by.Major Pithbridge, Chief of
tho Special Service Bureau .of the
Post Office Department. Col. John
H. Stewart, Postmaster, has been ar
rested1 as a defaulter. ' It is believed
the defalcation will amount to $-30,000. r
Reinforcements for the Spanish',
army in Cuba will be forwarded by( ,
the steamer sailing from Cadiz, for
Havana, next weekj. Dissensions in
the ranks of the Carlists continue. .
Don Carlos has ordered General Sa
ballo to present himself at headquar
ters to answer to a charge of disobe
dience of orders.
By the Collision on the Midland
Railroad on the 26th, the engines
were nearly torn to pieces and th'e '
cars badly wrecked, while few of the
passengers escaped injury. The ac-
cideut was occasioned by the care
lessness of a freight conductor, who
was running eight minntes into the
time of the passenger train.
4 New York dispatch of the 26th
says the first failure nt the Produce
Exchangers reported. Several par-
ties are short of gold, and refuse to
pay one half of one per cent, for bor
rowing, consequently there is a hitch
in the clearence of Gold Exchange "
Bank. There was extra excite-1
menfc in the Gold Market to-day,
which at one time promised disas
trous results. The price moved from
14 to 14, against at the opening.
The general feeling in financial cir-t
cles' has decidedly improved. The
day's record closes with some confi
dence in the belief that the bottom
of the panic has been reached and
there is a fair prospect that when tho
Stock Exchange is opened there will "
be litcle to avoid in the way of settle
ment between brokers, so that there
will be no new failures.
" '- '.n'
When, color on a fabric has heen,
accidentally or otherwise destroedh.
by acid, ammonia is applied to nau-
tr,alize the same, after which an ap-
plication 9 chloroform, will, in air -most
all, cases, restore the original.,
color. 'Tlie application of ammonia
is cbinirioif, buff that of chloroform is
but KttWJtnoWn. '
The .celebrated upas tree of .Java seein
due o the foci tliat it is located in a deer
valley about a hali-inile m. circumference.
iri BicH carbonic acid ienvplved in qu'an-'
titi68Bier.t t6 'Contaminate the entire5
atmjwrr. (Ch, vahey is aid to. ,fo
not xo pe auogetner laouious. .uie poison
is Mt qerivea from the tree itself, but if-
out registering.". It is .not safe
consumption., ,,
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