Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 19, 1910, Image 4

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    The Heppner Gazette
Ktbliabp4 Maroh SO, 1883.
Fred War nock
Entered &t the f oatoffice at Heppner Oregon, a
ecund-clftM matter.
Thursday. M ay 19, 1910
Order of
A IocbI lodge of the Ancient Or
dei of Hibernians was instituted
in ibis city last Si n Iny tvening,
with a membership of 50.
P E Sullivan, E H Dery, PJ
Burns, John O'flare acd Frank
Collier came np from Portland to
a-tsisi iu the organization of the
BO siety.
After the insli aim of the
lod ;e a banquet wms served.
A large represei. tau n will visit
Foithud during the celebration of
the national convention in July.
The following letters remain un
called for in the poet office at
HeDpner, Oregon:
J B Lrown, Mra Sam Crawford,
' Jaa Carrigall, Herbert Canning
ham, D H Galagher, Lizzy Gay,
Ernest Garlic, Mary Hall, Mrs M
'Johnson. A M Malander, J W
Merrill, Wm Morrol, C T Monroe,
Wni Perry, Willed Pitts. J W
Robinson, A L Smith, Mrs IGeo
Thompson, J F Tuumuaon, Oscar
C TwoDbley, Thank Thanall, Mrs
J L Willia uh, Mrs Mack Wood,
Mr G E rVright.
When calling for these letters
Bay advertised.J
WW SMEAD, Postmaster.
Scorn of Heppner Iteadra i
.earning- In Duty ! Ilia
To filter the blood Is the kidneys
When they fail to do this the kidney
are sick.
Backache and many kidney ills fol
Urinary trouble, diabetes.
Doan's Kidney Pilis cure them all.
Heppner peopl endorse our claim.
Mrs. Mary A. Thomas, Jof Heppner
Oregon, says: "I can epak just Bf
ighly of Do.tn's Kidney Pills at thi
time as I d d when I publicly endorsed
them several yare sgo. Off and on foi
vears my kidneys trouble d me and I
had considerable backache. 1 experi
mented with remedies of various kinds
and Doan's Kidney Pills gave me the
greatest relief. I am certain that any
one alllicted with kidney complaint will
be benefitted by the use of Doan's Kid
ney Pills."
frr sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo.
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
Good Roads.
What ETerybody U'aiiii.
Everybody desires good health which
is impossible unless the kidneys are
sound and healthy. Foley's Kidney
Remedy should be tekeo at the first in
dication of anv irregularity, and a se
rious illness mar be averted. Foley. a
Kidney Remedy wJH restore your kid
deys and bladder to their normal state
.and activity. All druggists.
District Conference.
The M E district conference of
The Dalles district, is now in ees
nion in this city, with Rev, Walter
Skipworth presiding.
The session opened yesterday
morning with discussion and com
parison of methods for improve,
ment of church work, with ser
vices in the evening.
The meeting will close this even
ing. Twenty-five ministers from
different points in the district are
attending the conference.
Portland Livestock
A special representative of the
U 8 Department of Agriculture,
Washington, D 0, Dr. Maurice O.
Eldiidge, best known authority on
good roads in this country, will
speak on that subject at the foll
owing points on the dates shown:
Baker City, May 16: Enterprise,
May 18; Lagrande, May 19;Hepp-
ner May 20; Pendleton, May 21;
Condon, May 23; Moro, May 24;
he Dalles May 25; Hood River,
May 26. Portland, May 28.
In the Circuit Court of the State
Oregon, for Morrow County.
Union Stockyards, May 14. Receipts
lor 'hi week ending today hare been as
folio : Cattle 1329, calves 8. bogs
338.!, sheep 4125 and bores 5.
Toe cattle market bas been strong and
while prices bhve eased i ff from the
h hhn there has been a stiff demand
for everything offered and tbe sellers
have had things pretty much their own
way. California cattle and California
neep comprise foe Dot ot receipts in
those lines and the quklity, ot cattle
particularly, has warranted high prices
The sheep market has recovered
from the wabbly condition that applied
two weeks ago. Good quality of sheep
have brought fair pricts.
Tbe hog market has remained sur
prisioaly strong and high,
Steers, SG 10 to 16.40: cows, $3 to
$5 25; hogs, $10 50 to f 10.05; lambs.
8: wool eheep. 86.50; shep, $5.25.
Notice For Publication.
Department of the Interior,
United States Land Office at Tbe Dal es,
Oregon, May 11th, 1910.
Notice is hereby given that Adam J.
Kooblock. of Heppner, Oregon, who, on
November K'.li 19u4, and additional on
July 2SU, 1900, wadi homestead,;(Se
rial No. 13979) No 05110, for HE4 SEJ
ection 21, S'.V. .vV'j $E ecciion
l2, NW;, XKU. N'a .V.V4' section 27,
and NE' JE!4 section -S, town
towr.sl.if 3 south, range 25 east Wil
lamette Meridian, has ti'ed notice of in
tention to r.mke !.i:,tl five-year proof
to eMa!j!ii-!i i-'aicj to th land above de
ws iSed, l.vfo.e W. O. Hill. County
Clerk, at his office at Heppner, Oregon, ;
on tbe 22J day cf Jane, 1910.
Claimant names as witnesses:
John Dellenbrock, O.'iver J. Cox, Ar
ihie R. Cox and Eugene D. G;lman,all
Ilet'pner, Oregon.
C. W. MOORE, Reg-'eter.
May 13 June lu
In the matter of the ap
plication of Isaac L. How
ard to register the title to
tbe south balf of the south
east quarter and south
half of southwest quarter
of section three; north
half of north west quar
ter and northwest quarter
of northeast quarter of
section ten; all in town
ship one (1) south, range
twenty-four (24) E, W. M. ;
also, commencing at the
SE corner of NEK of N
E, Sec. 9, Tp. 1 S.,
range 24 t,. vv. fll., ana
running theoce West 14.11
chains, thence north 5 55
chains, thence East 3.03
chains, thence North 84
degrees 3ti minutes East
2.83 chains, thence East
1.97 chains,, thence Nortti
49 chains, thence East
3 94 chains, thence North
2.27 chains, thence East
1.52 chains, tbence N"rth
2.27 chains, thence East
.45 chains, thence South
10.85 chains to tbe place
of beginning; save and
except from said above
described land tbe right
of way of the Oregon
Railroad and Navigation
Company's Railroad, con
sisting of a strip of land
100 feet wide, being 50
feet in width on each side
of tbe center, line of the
main track of said rail
road as same is atkd oat
sod located across said
land ; alo, save and ex
cept ClnflTs Sixth, 8enth
aad Eighth Additions to
the town of lone, Oregon,
except Block Ona and
lots 1, 2. 3, and 4 of Block
Two of.,C!iitrs Eighth
Addition to the town cf
lone. O eton; also, save
and except the Right of
Way of the Town of lone.
Oregon, tor-a dyke across
said land, as described in
a decree of -the Circuit
Court of he State of Ore
gon, for Morrow County,
recorded on pages 2G7 and
2G8 of Circuit Court Jour
nal 4 of said Court ; and
said title being snbj ft to
easement of E. A. Ham
mer as recorded in Book
X of D-eds at psire 249,
Deed Records ot Morrow
County, Oregon,
Inez A. Steven. E. A
Hammer, and to whom all
it mav concern.
sbai.J Defendants.
E. M. F. 30
This is the best machine in
America today at the price.
$1500 00
complete delivered in Hepp
ner, top and glass front in
cluded. Call and we will
show you.
20 Horsepower
This car is far ahead of mo6t
cars costing from $ 1000 to
$1250. Its a powerful car
for anywhere, weighs but
1200 pounds because it is
made from . steel instead of
heavy cast iron, therefore
stronger. Price delivered in
Heppner, $890 00 includ
ing magneto, horn and lights
This is the same as above
only for four passengers.
Hear seat can be removed.
Price complete at Heppner
$940 00
No. 7.
For Complete descriptionwrite us, or hetter still call and we will show you
all about it
F. C. MARQUARDSEN, Heppner, Oregon
gon Threshers' Association,Al
bany, Oregon, June 2 3, 1910.."
Bound trip rate of one and one
third fare on the certificate plan
will be made by O R & N and S
P Co's. Tickets on sale May 29
to Jane 3 inclusive, good for re
turn until June 10. Important
subjects will be discussed includ
ing an address by a special repre
sentative of the U. S. government;,
For farther information as to
rates, dates of sale, etc, call on
any O R & N or S P agent. ...'
Notice for Publication.
Department of the Inferior, Un'tel
States Land Office at The Dalles.
Oregon, May 4, 1910. :.
Notice U hereby given that Thontaa
E. McDoodel, ot Lexington, Oregon,
who, ob April. 26th 1905. made diome
stead, (Serial No. 03565 and 05580) No.
14400. for EX 3W section 13 a d KH
NWJi section 24. and additional Decern'
ter 3.1909,for WJi NENENEsec.53.
SE4' 8E. sectiou 14, townvhip 1 North
range 26 East Willamette Meridian, hi
filed notice of Intention to make final
five year proof, to xstablish claim to the
land above described, before W. O
Hill, County Clerk, at bis office at
Heppner, Oregon, on tbe 21st day.of
June, 1910.
Claimant names as witnesses:
B. S. Clark, J. R. Ashinhurst, Royul
E. T)ler and C. J. White, ail of Hepp
ner. Oregon, Gallo'ay Route.
C. W. MOOKE, Register.
May 12 June 16
; For Stomach Trouble, and Constipation
Leave vour orders for wood and
coal at Slocam Drug Co's drag
store. E. E. Beaman,
Heppner Wood and Coal Yard.
That on the 19th day of Aprii. 1910,
an application was filed by said Isaac
L. Howard in the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon, for the County of Mor
row for the initial registration of the
title of the above described land.
Now, nnlexs von appear on or before
the 21st day of May. J910, and show
i.-anee why such app ica'ion shall not be
uranttd, the same will be taken as con- j
fesfed, and a decree will be entered ac-
cording to the prayer of the applicant
and you will be forever barred from dis
pusing the same.
W. O. HILL, Clerk.
S E. Notson, Attorney for applicant.
Apr 21-May 19
Threshers' Association.
Second annual cocvention Ore-
Notlce for Publication.
Isolated Tract Public Land Sale.
Department of the Interior, U. S. Land
Office at LaGrande, Oregon, May
4, 1910.
Notice is hereby given that, as direct
ed by the Commissioner of the General
Land Office, nnder provisions cf Act of
Congress approved June 27, lOQii (34
Stats., 517), we will offer at public sale,
to the highest bidder, at 10 o'clock a.
m , on the 7th day of July. !:i!0. at. this
olfice, the following described land:
The HEli SK!i' section 17, NEJ4 NE4'
section 20 and N'J NW1 section 21, T.
3 S. R 29 E. W. M. Serial So. 0W!).!.
Any persons churning adversely the
above described land are advised to file
their claims, or objections, on or beore
the time deijnated for sale.
F. C. BRAMWELL, Register. j
May 12-Sune 10.
' (Isolated Tract.) Public Land Sale.
Department of the Interior. U. 8. Land
; Offi,- at LaGrande, Oregon, May
. .4,1910.. -
No'ice is hereby given that, as di
rected bv tbe Commissioner of the Gen
1 T n . . .
orai i.anu unci, unaer ins provisions
ot Act 61 Congress,' approved Jnne 27,
1906, 34: State ,- 517). we will offer at
publie e le. to tbe highest bidder, at 10
o'clock a. m.. oathe7tb day of July,
1910, at this office, the following -described
land: TurEJf SWJ section 7.
and EH W section 20, T. 3 8., R. 29
E. W.'M S.iar No. 00094. "
Any persons cluming adversely the
above described land are advised to file
their claims, or objections, on or before
tbe time 1 designated for sale.
F. C. BRAMWELL, Register.
May 12 June 16
The Bay Percheron
Department of the Interior,
U. 8. Land Office at Tbe Dalles, Ore
gon, May 4ih, 1910.
Notiee is hereby ttiven that Bert S
Dark, of Hsppner, Oregon, who, on
January 13th, 1905, made homestead,
(Serial No. 06080). No. 14133, for NW
seotion 27, township 1 north, range 26
bast, Willamette Aleiidian, has 1 led
notice of intention to make final five
year proof, to establish claim to tbe
land above described, before W. O.
Hill, County Clerk, at bis office at
Heppner, Oregon, 011 the 21st day of
June, 1910.
Claimant names as Witnesses:
Thomas E. McDondel. of Lexington,
Oregon. J. R. Ashinhnrgt, Royal E.
Tyler and 0. J. White, all of Henon.r.
C. W. MOORE. Register. ,
May 12-Jane 16.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed bas been appointed by tbe County-Court
of Morrow County, Oregon,
administrator of the estate of Lucy E.
Vooa, deceased, and has qualified for
said trust Alt persons having claims
against said estate are hereby notified
to present same to me. duly verified
with vouchers at tbe office of my at
torney, 8am E. Van Vector, within eix
months from tbe date of the first publi
cation of this notice. '
Administrator of tbe estate of Locr
E. Voce, deceased
Dated and first published this 21at dav
of April, A. D. 1910. t '
Apr .21 -May 19
Belonging to the Farmers'
Breeding Association will
make the following istand.s
this .season:
At L. McMurray's, Mon
days. AtC. C. Flu-a's. Tuesday!
and Wednesdays. j
At A. B. (irover's. Thiirs-j
days. j
At lone livery stable, Fri-
daj's, Saturdays and Sun-!
lays, i j
Terms Insurance Sl.'.OO. !
E. L. Iuiu;i:(;, Pres. J
Everybody waats to
Oreeonlaa nae to eajr.
know waat Tbs
The First National Bank
lEstablished in 1887
As the pioneer bank of Morrow County, we
have been identified with the business interests of
this section for a long period.
New business invited.
Careful attention given transactions by mail
M. S. CokuigalLi, President
J. B. Natter, Vice-President
T. J. Maiioxky, Cashier
Clyde Brock, Assistant Cashier
Directors M. S. Corrigall, J. B. Natter, A.
E. Ayers. T. J. Mahoney.
State Depository