Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, October 14, 1909, Image 7

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the Chest
Ask your doctor the medical
name for a cold on the chest.
He will say, "Bronchitis."
Ask him if it is ever serious.
Lastly, ask him if he pre
scribes Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral for this disease. Keep
in close touch with your
family physician.
W pabllah our formulas
vvo oamaa aieonoi
from our niedioinea
We urga you to
oonault your
When you tell your doctor bout the btd
taste in your mouth, loss of appetite for
Breakfast, and frequent headaches, and
when he sees your coated tongue, he will
say, " You are bilious." Ayer's Pills
work well in such cases.
Made by tu J. C. Ayr Co., Lowell, Man.
It llllht Da Wra.
Restleas Roger It always makes m
ad, old pal, to think that this earth la
two-thirds water.
Sandy Pikes O, cher up! Suppose
the rest of it was soap instead of land."
Ally Eloper's.
Nothing 1VI I rnon la.
"You had rheumatism In your right
If; for years and were cured of il In
an Instant? How?"
"Ry beins; acclrK'ntally mixed up in
a train wreck. My right leg is a cork
leg now."
T'.lKhtj la Plenty.
The other morning we saw a man 80
Kears old geing into a doctor's office.
It seems to us that if we were SO we
would have enough. Lacon (111.) Jour
nal. HOWARD K. Bt-RTOH - Amayer and Chemlrt,
Irf-udville, Coloruiio. Hpt'C-imen pricpa: (inld,
Silver. Lead. il. li.il.l, rilher, 70o: Gold 60c: .mo
or Copper, SI. .Mnilina envelopes and full prireliat
aunt on application. Control and Cmnirn workeo
liciUxL Boference: Carbonate National Bunk.
C. Gee Wo
The Chinese Doctor
This wondeful man has
made a life study of the
properties of Roota,
Herbs and Barks, and
is (riving the world the
benefit of his services.
No Mercury, Poisons
or Drugs Used. No
Operations or Cutting
Guarantees to cure Catarrh, Asthma. Lune,
Stomach and Kidney troubles, und all Private
Diseases of M n and Women.
Just received from Pekin, China safe, sure
and reliable. U..failinir in its works.
If you cannot call, write for symptom blank
and circular. Inclose j cents in stamps,
The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co.
4C1I' n..a C U:.An Prvellnrl flm
y :
r N tit
Learn to play some musical instrument. Musicians make money and make it easy. We
tearh Cornet, Clarinet, Saxopnone. Flute, I'iccolo, Slide Trombone Valve Trombone.
Alto or Mcophone, Tuba and Baritone, direct from Conservatory to pupil at home.
Faay to learn. Courses simple, thorough and complete. Endorsed by United States
Government and famous musicians. Results guaranteed. Write us now for free sam
ple lessons for instrument you desire to learn. Trices and terms reasonable.
They wear best where the wear f r&'S
TT l-f-Vl irvvii
They wear best where the wear
is hardest.
leather specially
exactly the kind of
boy or girl will give
Two layers of leather are
the tip instead of one, to prevent the
toes kicking out. The soles
of extreme toughness.
Mayer Special Merit School Shoes
are made to fit a child's
that will prevent foot
stylish and good looking. Only the genuine have the
Mayer Trade Mark stamped on the sole.
FREE If you will send us the name of a dealer who does not
nandle Special Merit School Shoes, we will send you, free, post
paid, a handsome picture, size 15x20, of George Washington.
We also make
Leading Lady
Comfort Shoes,
Work Shoes.
I I 'J
Vlaltlng Day.
Mrs. A. was more (shocked Chat
amused when. In reply to hor question
"Who was at Sunday school this morn
lng;" her 4-year-old daughter said
"Everybody but Jesus."
"Why, my dear," said Mrs. A
"wherever did you get such an Idea;'
"He was out visiting this morning,'
the little lady confidently said.
"Daughter," said Mrs. A., "who told
you such a story?"
"Nobody didn't tell me, mother, but
they Just kept singing It over and over
again: 'Jesus Is calling. He's calling
to-dav.' " Sucre Magazine.
"Loogy yuh, Brudder Tump!" said
Parson Hagster while the congregation
was assembling In Ebenezer chapel
"I un'ersrood yo' to nouiernate dat yo
would bring our Hrrin Brudder Borai
Smith to de revival yuh to-night."
"I done did muh beat to 'complisb
muh prognostication, pahaon," replied
Brother Tump, holding forth an ob
Ject which markedly resembled a dark
complexloned oyster,. "but dat 'ar gam
blin' man. our nrrln' Brudder Bora
Smith, was sawtuh reluctant an' handj
wld his razzah. I dess nach'lj
couldn't bring de gen leman pussonly
hut dls yun am one uv his cars!"
Waat of Material.
In process of time It was Qbserved
that the multimillionaire philanthropist
had ceaa'ed giving costly library build
ings to towns and cities.
"Why is this, Mr. Canaggy?" the re
porters asked him.
"Young men," he said, "what Is the
use of building great houses for li
braries when aJl a man needs for an
education is Ave feet of books?"
Whereat they marveled, but they
could not answer him. Chicago Trib
une. Another llnn.a Turn bo Jlnsle.
(Contributed by a depraved outsider.)
A lion then sprang into view.
And roared, "There's no use flyln'!
I'm going to make a meal of you!"
But he caught the Hon lyin'.
Fly In the Ointment.
"As to this polar discovery," said the
distinguished naturalist, "I have only
one regret."
"And that le "
"That the ship In which Peary sailed
for the arctics bears the name of a
tropical explorer and wild animal kill
er." Chicago Tribune.
I Restorative
Treatment for
i Nervous Men ;
Coming from a source of unquestioned
fi authority on the ailments of men, it is j?J
J? presumed to be infallible, while the pro- g
A fession generally endorse the ingredients
j and prescribe them in m-iny diffirent g
a) forms of various diseases. The followind
ii formula is highly efficient in quickly re- (
ii storing in nervous exhaustion, melancho- ii
'; lia. anxiety, timidity in venturing, dizzi- G)
i) ness, heart palpiiation, trembling limbs. A)
insomnia, thinness, cold extremities, tired (m
all-in feelimr and general inability to do
those natural and rational acts upon which (;
i; depends a man's success and happiness in (yj
$ social and every-day life.
) The instructi jns for mixing at home se-
cretly so that no embarrassment may be m
) felt are as fol ows: r'irst (ret three ounces m
) of syrup sarsanarilla compound and one w
t) ounce compound fluid ba'mwort; mix and
w let stand two-hours. Then add one ounce g
m compound essence Cardiol and one ounce
) tincture cadomene compound (not carda-
) momt, and mix alltotrether. The din e-
tions are to take one teaspoonful alter
each meal and one when retirinsr, until
bounding: health and full strength are re-
stored. Even a few weeks will witness ()
most wonderful results.
Astonishing nervous force and equili- ()
brium follow the treatment, no matter (a)
how serious the ease.
This contains no opiates whatever and
may also be used by women who suffer
S with their nerves with absolute certainty (a)
of prompt and lasting benefits. S)
Cures the sick and acts as a preventive for others. Liquid
g'vrn on the tongue. Hale for brood mares ami all others, llest
kidney remedy; 60 cents and $ 1 a bottle; $5 and $10 the dozen.
Hold riy all druggists and horse goods houses, or sent, express
paid, by the manufacturers,
SPOHN MEDICAL CO., ChfemisU, Goshen, Ind.
Made of selected
tanned to resist
wear a healthy
sewed In at
foot in a comfortable, natural '
trouble in later years, yet they are
Honorbilt Shoes for men.
Shoes, Martha Washington
Yerma Cushion Shoes and
sSkTM..a- Mf- "a"
"I find Cascarets so good that I would
not be without them. I was troubled t
great deal with torpid liver and headache
Now since taking Cascarets Candy Cathar
tic I feel very much better. I shall cer
tainly recommend them to my friends as
the best medicine have ever seen."
Anna Bazinet,
Osborn Mill No. a, Fall River, Mass.
Pleasant, Palatable, Potent, Taste Good.
Do Good. Never Klcken, Weaken or Gripe.
10c, ZSc, 50c. Never sold In bulk. The enu
ine tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to
cure or your money back. 928
Latest Consumption Cure.
British and American physicians and
students of tuberculosis are much
Interested in the claim authoritatively
made in London concerning the sue
cess of a new treatment for tubercu
losis discovered by William Doig, a
layman. The nature of the treatment
Is a poultice containing acite and chlO'
ride to be placed on the body near
the affected membrane or bone. In
about a week an ulcer Is formed, con
nected -by what Is called a ray of In
flammation with the diseased organ
This forms a duct through which the
pus is drawn out. The ulcer needs
to be carefully dressed twice a day
with a certain salve. The cure of the
diseased lungs is said to be effected
In from four to six months.
Pettit's Eye Salve for Over 100 Years
has been used for congested and in
flamed eyes, removes film or scum
over the eyes. All druggists or How
ard Bros., Buffalo, N. Y.
Ilia Summer Game.
A summer game my fancy suits
It Is the game of picking routes.
Ah. often has ambition soared
To routes that I could ne'er afford.
I study folders, and the trains,
And find rare pleasure for my pains;
And yet. 'tis strange. I never use
The routes that thus I pick and choose.
Cleveland News.
Left a Nanae Rehlnd Him.
Daniel Hello, Jim! Who be yew
a-digglng that 'ole for?
Jim Old Lawyer Skinner 'e died
Daniel Oh. what complaint?
Jim Not a" word o' complaint. Fam
Ily rather pleased than otherwise.
Ally Sloper's.
Stiff neck! Doesn't amount to much,
but miehtv disagreeable. You've no
idea how quickly a little Hamlins Wiz
ard Oil will lubricate the corda and
make you comfortable again.
nnlil Men In Dans".
A ladv in Clavton. N. J., was caring
for her hair when the tonic exploded,
iadly burning her and rurnisning more
xritement in 'the neighborhood than a
croupy baby. The pure food people
should look into this, for as long as explosive-hair
tonic is sold the bald man
is sitting on a confined volcano. Min-
eapolis Journal.
For the baby often means rest for
both mother and child. Little ones
like it too it's so palatable to take.
Free from opiates.
Al) DniReiata, 25 centa.
Raises the dough
and complies with
all pure food laws.
Makers of MAPLEINE
(better than Maple).
Means an unfailing- water supply. It
means that you will have the noat practi
cal Domestic water su ply system now in
use. No elevated tank, no frozen pipes in
winter, no statrnant water in summer, no
water supply troubles of any sort. Tank
placed In basement, out of siifht and way.
made of pressed steel, will not rust and
will last a lifetime.
You will be pleased with the LEADER
ytem of furnishing- Domestic Water
Supply. Ak for our catalogue and free
booklet, "How I Solved My Water Supply
Portland, Ore.
Spokane, Wash.
Boise, Idaho.
i' " immrs
Old Favorites
Katie I.ee and Willi (iray.
Two brown heads with tossing curls,
Red lips shutting over pearls,
Hare feet white and wet with dew,
Two eyes black and two eyes blue;
Little boy and girl were they,
Katie Lee and Willie Gray.
Thoy were standing: where a brook,
Bending like a shepherd's crook,
Flashed Its silver, and thick ranks
Of green willow fringed the banks;
Half In thought and half In play,
Katie Lee and Willie Gray.
They had cheeks like cherries red;
Ho was taller 'most a head;
She, with arms like wreaths of snow,
Swung a basket to and fro;
As Hhe loitered, half in play,
Chattering to Willie Gray.
"Pretty Katie," Willie said
And there came a dash of red
Through the brownness of his cheek
"Hoys are strong and girls are weak.
And I'll carry, so I will,
Katie's basket up the hill."
Katie, answered, with a laugh,
"You shall carry only half."
And then, tossing back her curls,
"Hoys are weak as well as girls."
Do you think that Katie guesses
Half the wisdom she expressed?
Men are only boys grown tall,
Hearts don't change much, after all;
And when, long years from that day,
Katie Lee and Willie Gray
Stood again beside the brook,
Bending like a shepherd's crook,
Is It strange that Willie said,
While again a dash of red
Crossed the Brownness of his cheek,
"I am strong and you are weak;
Life Is but a slippery steep,
Hung with shadows cold and deep.
"Will you trust me, Katie dear7
Walk beside me without fear.
May I carry, if I will,
All your burdens up the hill?"
And she answered with a laugh,
"No, but you may carry half."
Close beside the little brook,
Bending like a shepherd's crook.
Washing with its silver hands,
Late and early at the sands.
Is a cottage, where, to-day,
Katie lives with Willie Gray.
In a porch she sits, and lo!
Swings a basket to and fro,
Vastly different from the one
That she swung In years agone;
This is long, and deep, and wide,
And has rockers at the side!
A Comfortlnif Theory In Itetfurd to
IJozliiK In t'hnrch.
The French scientists are the most
consoling people in the world. They
are always working out some explana
tion that affords consolation. Here
comes one with a theory about sleep
ing in churches that will be a relief to
both pastor annd sleeper.
According to this French psycholo
gist's theory, persons are inclined to
doze" In church because of the de
vout attention they pay to the services.
In endeavoring to fix every word in
their minds they put themselves into a
sort of trance. It is about the same as
what is called self-hypnotism, and the
more closely one follows the minister
the more likely he is to find himself
unable to remain awake.
For a good many years the pert par-
agraphers have had a great deal to say
about church sleepers, and usually the
preacher has gotten the worst of the
argument. A-ll manner of devices have
been suggested by the humorists as
aids to lengthy sermons, even to the
placing of electric needles in the cush
ions to awaken the sleepers at the pres
sure of a button by the minister. But
now that the inclination to slumber in
hurch has been accounted for upon
purely scientific grounds, the remedy
for the evil will probably be abated in
a practical way perhaps by encourag-
ng the employment of pastors who are
incapable of holding one's attention at
all. Dayton News.
The ew Milkman.
Good-morning, madam," said the
slender, solemn-faced man with the pe
culiarly unnatural looking hair. "I am
ntroducing my new butter, which 1
sell at a much lower price than that
charged by other refiner I mean
It has a strange smell," says the
housewife, sniffing at the package. "It
smells as if it had been close to coal
"Petroleum, madam, is one of our
greatest health-giving agents," explain
ed the stranger. "Besides, when the
butter gets old you can melt It and
burn It In your lamp. Two pounds?
Thank you, madam. We should all re
joice in doing good. Here are $10,000,
000 for your husband to build a college
And the new milkman stepped
blithely out of the yard. Life.
In New England.
Mr. Bauld What do you want to be
when you grow up, Johnny?
Johnnie I want to be a musician.
Mr. Bauld A musician! Why?
Johnnie Yes, slr-ee; I wanter be a
pied piper. Just think of all the pie
he must get! Boston Herald.
What He Wanted.
"Say," said the country resident to
the city clerk in the furniture store,
"1 want to look at one of them there
information bureaus. I understand
they're the latest things out." Detroit
Free Press.
A theatrical star Isn't bright enough
to Illuminate the stage.
i:-W"'. MADK PGi5Ttrl
A Good Llalener.
The Mistress Katie, you should not
talk so much.
The Maid No. ma'a.m.
"No; you should understand that It
Is your place to listen."
"I do that, ma'am."
"I never saw you when you were,
"No, ma'am; you never saw me
when I was listening because I was
on the other side of the keyhole,
ma'am. Yonkers Statesman.
To Breal: n New Shoes.
Always shake in Allen's Foot-Ease, apowder.
It cures hot, sweating, arhing, swollen leet.
Cures eornn, ingrowing nails and bunions. At
ill druggists and shoe steres, 2.rc. Dont accept
any substitute. Sample mailed FREE. Address
Allen S. Olmsted, Le Koy.N". Y.
On on the Old Man.
"Grandpa, how many letters In the
alphabet have more than ona syllable?"
"Let me see. Tommy; a, b. c, d, e,
f "
"You didn't learn your letters very
well when you were a boy, did you,
grandpa ?"
I.eaaon from the Past.
Horatius wan holding the bridge.
"The boss of the ward," he gasped,
"told me this was an easy job, and I
wouldn't have anything to do!"
The discovery of the fact, however,
that he had been tricked into belipving
the position to be merely, a saloon
keeper's perquisite had only the effect
of making him fight all the harder to
hold it. Chicago Tribun.
Cures Any Cough in Five Hours.
Here is sriven the most effective cough prescrip
tion known to the medical world, it is a mild
laxative, too, and this is what a body needs when
Buffering with cough and cold on the lunfrs. A
cough or cold indicates poisons in the Fystem,
causing inflammation and congestion. Nearly all
cough syrups relieve, but make the trouble worse
by their constipating effects. This prescription
not only relieves quickly, but it cures any cough
that is curable. Get one-half ounce fluid wild
cherry bark, one ounce compound essence cardiol
and three ounces syrup white pine compound. Mix
in a bottle. Take for acute cough or bronchitis
twenty drops every half hour for four hours.
Then one-half to one teaspoonful three or four
times daily. Give children less according to age.
A few hours' treatment will cure and heil the
throat and lungs of all but consumpiives. Cut
this out and give it to some friend who may need
it to be saved from an early death by consump
tion. Merely Postponed.
Mrs. IlewIiiTus (having freed her
mind) Why don't you answer me, if
you can?
Mr. Hewligus (helping himself to
more meat) It's unwholesome to quar
rel while eating dinner, madam. I'll
have good and plenty to say to you
after a while.
my rm u
Aege(ablc PrcparafionforAs
similaiinStlicFflotfaiKlRcgda ling Utc Siociafis amlBowis of
Promotes DiSestionflieerfii
ncss and Rest.Contains neither
Opiuni-Morphinc nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic.
Qcritkd Jtqyr
AuerfcctRemcdv forConsflpa
Hon , Sour Storaach.Diarrla
Worms .Convulsions Jcverisli
ncss andLoss or Sleep.
fee Simfe Signarare at
Exact Copy of Wrapper. errca ID.MUX, Nt. TORI CITY.
Makes the
Baking Sweeter, Lighter
Always works rl&ht
Costs YOU Less
25 Ounces for 25 Cents
or your money back
wear well
and they keep you
dry while you are
wearing them
Tower Canadian Co. umiteo. Toronto.
at . !l:i.V1
l hi I
Latent Achievement of Science.
. The young man bent forward.
"Wait a moment, Herbert." said
Amelia, producing an implement a few
Inches long, shaped like a tennis rack-,
et, made of silver and specially pre
pared silk gauze, and holding It up be
fore her lips. "Now, Herbert."
Then they took their first disinfected
kiss. Chicago Tribune.
Growth of the Idea.
"Remember, my son, there is no short
cut to learning."
"O, yes, there Is, dad. All you hav
to do nowadays Is to read five feet of
Painless Dentistry
3 Out of town oeonlO'
i can have their plata.
ana DriugeworK nn.
lahed in one iaf
If necesaarjr.
We will ?iv you I rood
22k sold or porcelain
crown for $3.50
Molar Crowm 5.00
22k Bridge Teeth 3.50
Gold Filling! ' 1.00
Enamel Filling! 1.00
Silver Filling! .50
Inlay Fillings 2.50
Good Rubber nM
Plates 5.00
Best Red nRud-
I if if
,u . . u...... oer rme i.ww
un. !, ri"i p.i,! CA
12 mm tnuniHn mmae Painless txtr tion ,gu
Painless Extraction t ree when plutee or bridge work
ieordered. Oomultation Free, Voo cannot get bettoa
nDtni,.1 vnrir rinn Rn-where. All work tullre-uar-
aiiteed. Modern electric equipment. Boat motnoUa.
Failing BniDna onD-r, n wn nr)F( M
OjriCE E0U&3: 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. fundi", ttoi.
No. 42-09
TIIKI'f writing- to advertisers please
lutein i n tins im-r.
r. . j
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
xts m pi
i ww m a.