The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, July 21, 1881, Image 1

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    Fbbb HriM-H, Fbbb Prkm, Kbeb VPeoi-lb,
r "
' PER YEAR $3 00.
'."''... T dLiMVMe'or 11 ai'Ms'tii b iiKHf." jrwi-rio,
r .A""Vh PAI.I.BS, 'l TUB MXAKKj mi.l'NHIA Al
: PoB.TL.ANn, July IS, 188 1."
:,To TUB JlEADCKS Tttr' r 'iibtiihT; .,"
Imagine scow of' the largest dimensions,
-rigged will steam engine and plkt-houe,-wlth
room enough on its ample floor for three ordinary
s tea in ferryboats, and you will have a tolerably
correct idea of the accommodation packet Fred
Billing, that plies between Alnworth and a new
landing diagonally opposite, which travelers have
designated as Hades, in polite conformity with
lerevlsed edition of the Holy Scriptures. Hades
-la prettler placethan-i-Ainworth7nd If irhad
8hull'a hotel and the new school-house, a store or
two, our friend Mrs. Kahlow ad, the machine
shops, it would .discount the latter by long odds.
Aa it i, the sight of its green grease wood lawn is
decidedly refreshing after a two days' sojourn
among the Hying sands and rolling cobble-stones
peculiar to its Important predecessor. There are
no buildings here yet, except the old Wallula
wharfboat, on which we spy; (but cannot get to
speak 16 him, for he dodges) our old friend Pea
body, who is madder at us than ail fury :. because,
' we wrote a story once, entitle!, "AJleml
of TrayelIn which a certain gentleman who had
performed one of the noblest deeds Italian ever
-falletrtatrar-lot to-chTOniiderWBsBTiitablyajnled
for his magnanimity, and over which some foo
ha made h I nr-Imagine, he. has been m-nmlaltzcd
Instead of- honored. Down goes another one of
, bur rapidly perishing-pet prejudices in favor, of
: the average man's comprehensive Judgment.and
reputed coimnou ,sene. We-recall (hat "Rem
iniscence" and muse UMn the noble deed of the
. gentleman who Inspired It, and canrt find It in our
heart todlsllke him, even if he did stop his wife's
. paper. Ieeause he got unstinted praise In its col
umns wheu he richly deserved It.
A' The change from t lie-immensely fertile uplands
of Northern Idaho and Washington Territories to
: these -sandy, sagey deserts, through which , the
Northern Pacific runs fromAlades to Walluhr
Junctlon,l8"a"deiressfng one, it recalls long-ago
scenesnf oxen and wagons, of emigrants weary
and worn, of loved ones that lie buried In the
blistering plains, of youth and hope and thwarted
.expectations. Rut it is also suggestive of progress,
-of-new and once undreamed ambitions, and the
fruition of hopes not then imagined. ,4
... The Columbia River greets us like an old
and valued friend. .''The tortuous Snake hides
us mourn in me Columbia's Dosom as
derslgued another proof of -her theory that a man
when : 'employed as chambermaid Is entirely but of
his sphere. That Pullman' car proved a genuine.,
'rockaway. If we were to-rear forty new isible,
not one of them should ever be rocked after that:
night's experience. . No wonder babies retch and
cry. 'They are always sea-sick t No' matter how
fine the cradle, or how humble; how big or how
little fwli palace car7,H . JyJke- '-pljcJ-rojuiliiheffeitLl
the rocking Is the same in adult and Infant alike.
. Whether that Pullman car, for which we ceased
to thank heaven long before the controversy over
the washing was, settled, Jwaa strapped beneath
with thoroughbraces or tilted on elliptic, springs,
we know not; but we are painfully aware that It
rocked like a ship In a gale, and so was everybody
Je-who 1 tried to-sleep -In -ltrrThi" forward
cars did not rock like this one, so it must have
been the springs, Instead of the road-bed, that
caused the constant oscillation,. -r
' JIalf past four A. M., and The Dalles. Here the
part of our company that were left all the previ
ous day on the sand at Wallula. Junction sallied
forth a-foraging. One lot tried a restaurant,
where they were half fed at a dollarper head ; an
other crowd tried the Umatilla House with better
success and half the money; a third posted off for.
the Cosmopolitan and returned sAtUtled, ..-Rut
you r jojrrejKpfmdeiit L repa) rjojhejteanierji nd a
slale-roomTand after a bath and a two hours' nap
was ready for a breakfast tliat settled sea-siekness
stomach and In harmony with all the world.
How familiar the scenery apiears, aud how re
freshing to the eye -are the tree-clad. slope and
rugged steeps that stand eternal guard over the
nck-rlbhed fastnesses of this mighty river, 'that Is
smoothing away tlx? original raggedness of every
wind orwaler-seameluttrne with the unceasing
erosion of theages. We haltfur a minute at Cas
cade Locks, aTT are Jrapsferrcd .-without waiting
from steamer to rail.. The portage of Ave miles Is
soon made, and we "change again; for steamer at
the Ixwer Cascades. Hearty handshakes and
familiar faces greet us at every turn. It seems as
thouirh evervbodv reads theno lotting' of our lour-
neylugs and keeps up with us as we traye4.'
-KTerybody-1spleased at the-progress "of the"
Human ouiiiBjc inuvciiiciii. jiirii biiw wyiiivu
who a few years 'ago had not 'given. It a thought
except In opposition are -'found In every locality
and on all transortatiou lines, wTrdlake decided
bountiful . supply ' of its never-falling foster
mother. .. A few fertile ' patches, oases In
thls Lybian desert," greet the "eye. here;.;and
lim pidrfdacld, winding creeklet now, but a foam
ing torrent when the snows are melting. Along
-itsfeinks arestunted-willows4:a.nd on'lts tolers
are a few cultivated farms and occaslohal lonely
farm-houses, from the doors cf which solitary
women are gazing at the moving train In silent
.curiosity, while groujm of barefoot children sit
astrl je the shaky-feiices and wave their "raggetl
hats and soiled sunbonnets at the panting loco
Yonder is Wallula Junction. The old town, the
"""gale-torn Wallula'JLof a former"4ecie, is dead
Dow, and In its stead has sprung up this' bastard
apparition, consisting of a ticket office and a flat,
uncovered platform. Not a tree or shade of any
kind was to be seen. A car-load of wayfarers
from Walla Walla had reached here just in time
In the morning to see The Dalles bound train
-shoot out of sight and here we, found them at
"Dlghtfallpiiad7 IiU ngryand nieateQTngaiuf
faring as badly as auys:hlpwrecked sailor walt
zing for a sail.'," 86ineuoty, evidently, was to
blame, but nobody knew who to growl at. --The
' strandel crowd were overjoyed at the little diver
"Vlon createl by the advent of the Northern Pacific
train. Rut if they expected food they were disap
pointed, for nolnxly had any. ' There was nothing
to be had but sage brush and greasewood, and
such Is the perversity of the human stomach that
nobody cared for these available delicacies.
. The Ot II & N. Co's Houtii bound train came
along an hour later. All were hustled aboard in a
hurry, and Ihe iron horse went snorting down the
grade and through the gorges, waking the echoes
In the rocks above and casting shadows In the
river below. - - ' , ' .. .: -
A Pullman car; thank heaven t We engage
a section lor the night, with a wish to re
tire early, and are kept up till nearly midnight,
with half a score of other growlers, because the
porter and conductor are engaged In a prolonged
eontroversyover the soiled bed Unen they are wasn The miTiailty with which
not a few who were Its old-tjme enemies have for
gotten tliat they ever were aught but friends.
With these pleasing reflections as a meet re
ward for long years of arduous labor, we drift on
lamette, and at four I'. M. take everybody by sur
prise at home. A. H. D.
In look In ir ovr exchanires from all itarts of the
m ft m m m m m s& 1 '
that the accounts- of comwencenu'iit exercises
teem with descriptions 'of the equally honorable
parts i enacted by matriculates of both sexes. Time
was when a girl who ventured to sjHak front the
platform, even on commencement day, was stig
matized in the public prints as "h Amazon, des
titute of womanly-delicacy, and ready to wage a
war with her Creator because she was not born a
An Eastern Journal says that a young lady In
Massachusetts writes to Durango, Col., to say
that she will head a force of one hundred volun
Durango If they can find god, honest work there
which will pay them, ami In the Interval of work
they will be agreeable to such suggestions as
"adorning a good man's home", and "enriching
and embellishing his life," and all thai. Rut
what they want first Is good, honest work'at pay
ing wages. This young .woman 4s( not of the
11 arfr,y Magazine order or the gushing style.
J 8he.H.that especially admirable representative
who lelleves life Is business and that' sentiment
butters no parsnip and doesn't get parsn1is to
butter. ' -----p- .'tj. .:,',..,;
Massachusetts Woman HufTragists are desirous
that Governor Long should be renominated for
the office by the Republicans. He Is the onlr
Governor In the "Union who has had the courage
to, unequivocally recommend to the Legislature
the' passage of a. Woman Suffrage law, though
others have favorably mentioned the subject
A. "female editor from. Portland," while travel
ing on the Northern Pacific Railroad, took no
more notice of a polecat's proximity to the train
than aha did ,nf the presence tf-w'coIogerf'wTi6
. . ; Canyon City, July 10, 1881 '
It may Ih a matter of some Interest to the
friends pf.M'oman Huffrage' elsewhere to know
something of the doing of their o workers in
tills far-away place. ..-r . .. ' .
Although were liviny In country that boasts
of being "the land of the free and the home of the
blesf7et we can norbuf realize that at least half
of those who find a home and an abiding-place
here are not numbered among the free. Notwith
standing the fact that woman 'has not been ac
corded the right of citizenship In this land of
freedom," and can hall the anniversary of Ita In
dependence day as the day In which men alone
became a free and Independent people, yet, with
all honor to the day which made her brothers If
not her sisters free, does every woman welcome
Its return with sincere gratitude to God, thankful
that the van of progress has reached even thus far,
extending its ameliorating influence .'over the
condition of mankind. .
Considering this, the Grant County Woman
Suffrage Association did not deem It premature or
out of place to celebrate this day, which stands
preeminently first In the history of our country
and first in the heartrof the people. The exer
cises were opened by a short address by the Chair
man7MaJofMagone7who sfaledTirtrlefheob
Jeetof the meetings mentioning that this Inde
endenee day of men was to be" celebrated under
the ausplcestoTlheir sister, -not-yet free. Rev,
Mr. Willcox, ar stanch friend and: advocate of
Woman Hutfrage, was then Introduced- ch
lulu, and offered a prayer full of fervor and initios,
ladened with earnest supplications for all the co
ple. Following came the rea4llngof the Declara
tion of Indcendence by Mrs. p. Kuhi,' President
of tin; Association.; Aiul then came the crowning
effort of the occasion, the oration by t Mrs. Har
rlette H. I)ean, which was unanimously pro
nounced one of t lie best and ablest ever listened
to. The audience proved their high appreciation
of .it by requesting that it should be given to the
public Kcnerally through themetllum of the press.
And as It la now Jwlag imMUhml hy- ibiirmtxl
pleasure of reading it. : 9
Tfe wYorkTlH ToTdlliaFir Thej' r wish tb puriue llie
profesHion of-dentistry they must emigrate to
Pennsylvania in irder to enjoy collegiate advant"1
agen?. While the Crown Prince of Germany
employs a woman dentist educated In Philadel
phia, shall the Ktate Rom-oe C-oitkllug has so long
jahd so aldy . 'represcntdjbejleivit'd the right tu
k'nd women dentists to the royal families of the
Oltl World? Here, where the property of women
Is taxed in. build and supMrt dental colleges, arid
dentists live niainlyjuyjlttlng and filling teeth
for them, shall-the trustees of the only college In :
the State presume to say that It nvxtr ahall be..
opened to women? . .A.
Whether the w omen of this State shall be rro-
Jjccteii InthttKjlght to pursua-wltat -lwnoralU- :
That this . celebration was an entire success,
none can disjHHe; and that Its success under the
management of women will da much to further.
doubt. Wiien women, accustomed to follow only
the dally rou nd of duties Jn-their secluded homev
come before the public for the first time and de
port themselves as our worthy readier and orator
have done on this occasion," H it not safe to hope
that the time Is near at hand when,, the heads of
tills nation may exect help and enoouragment
from the laundry and the kitchen as well as from
the work-shop and the field? ...
t o wt not -stsfatuiftrth.j republic brtgrrt
even than our brilliant past, when its women c:in
I at onw lay aside thehoineIlec. occupations, and
step Into the places of men, JoiTjpuccustonied to
such duties, anil fill their places honorably to
themselves and acceptably to the public ?A Wheii
the homes ot this eojle are guanll by womenzif
such culture and iutelllgeucc,can they-fR tlwa
great and prosperous -nation ? , Womun may not
Hold trie destiny oi nations In her hands, but she
man;" Now all this Is changed '"and even the
New Xatk.7'rittHH, the oldest fogy of them all,-lrtalnly controls the destiny of their sons and
says: " hen the the aforesaid matriculates are
able to lay aside their natural timltlity and mount
the rostrum to speak, they teach a lestton of self
sacrifice which has an excellent effect."-
daughters, aiiil while we ( find the grow Lug men
and women In the hands of mothers like theses we
may rest assured that this republic will stand, for
it Is built as upon a rock. ... Ma ky U I),imiiT.
ThepaKrsof tlra Ktate have lately been pub
lishing a "funny story" to the effect that, when
Relva A. Lockwood and a "witty fellow" were op-pohiug.couujicluJawMultr-t'h-wikM
about the way to refer to her; that he couldn't
say 'my brother,' a he did when shaking of law
yers wlio wore pants ; that fie didn't like to say
my sister out of resjHH.t for that expression ; and
that he finally sent a wnlle over the room ly re
ferring to her as 4niy Mlater-riu law.' Why Mrs.
Ijockwood' should te regarded w Itli contempt by
"the "witty fellow" because she earned a livelihood
by practicing her professlop, we cannot se',' unless
for the reason that she was forced to meet as. a
"brother In law" such a halr-hralnMl and ill
bred slmpl-ton as the opposing counsel;
Tlie Secretary of the Treasury, has awarded a
gold life-saving medal to the famous Ida Lewi,
now-Mrs. Ida Lewis Wilson, In recognition of her
services In rescuing a number of persons from
drowning since.the passage of the act authorizing
such awards. - ; . . . ,
Mrs.' a M. Churchill, editor of the Colorado
Jntetope, asks the following conuudrum: "If t
will blacken a woman's character to go Into aa
vivun - ...
- (Krurn lh N..Y. Hun.)
NkwYokk, June 15, 1881.
JIoHonvt .SrAI have always had an Intense
admiration for any maiii who dared to stand alone. .
To tight valorotisly and persistently for a principle
month after nieivth-and year after year,-ridiculed
and denounced by press and ..politicians, Indicates
a' lofty self-reliance of' character that few men
Now that you have your armor on, and your
patriotic steel is trembling In the air, ready to
new down all enemies of republican government,
I would call your attention to an article that ap
peared In the .Vin June 14th, entitled "Women as
I)entlsts," In which the writer says thai an appll
cat ion by a young woman admitted to the
New York Deutal College was peremptorily re
fused by the Dean. He sald Ai'I advise all appli
cants to go to Philadelphia. There are three den
tal colleges there, and one open to women. Oar
college Is the only one In New York, and we do
not want 'women students." Injustice to this
woman Is an insult to every other one In the Em
pire State, whose Interests you" represented; for,
remember, womcn are counted in the basis df
representation. -----
On what principles of justice, and common sense
shall one-half of the citizens of the great State of
profession they may see fit, is a far more mo
mentous question than whether.Mr. Roliertson be
colle'tor of. the port, or Messrs. DeKw and Jacobs
he returned In place of Senators resigned. Henoe
I call onyrou to hurl your lance, at this monstrous
Injustice.... rJ - " -
. .The ersonaI insults of President Garfield and
Secretary Rlaine are trifles compared with this
wholesale humiliation of your countrywomen.
iTrustlng tijat my apical will meet with a ready
retonse in your chivalrlc nature, and that you
will seitlil.v transfer the siege from the Capitol
to the Dental College of New York, I remain re
spectfully your. CajyHtanto?i.;
A corri'spoiident of the Woman' Junrnat, over
the pseudonym of "Iteth," relates an experlen
whlch'tlie. proprietors id" this Joiirnal can fully
corroborate, when she says that In being counted '
a a suf! racist yu place yourself In a xmtlon
where very many Impecunious tcroii exject you
to tide them over every.. financial lobntacle that
stands In their ambitious way. Many of these
aspiring Individual do not ask this of suffragists
because the)' are sufTragiids themselves. On the
contrary, they often say, "I dout are anything
ntiout voting! It's only HH-unlary lndeHnlence
that I want." ' Ask them to take an agency for
the Nkw Noktiiu'Kht or the "History, of the
Woman Suffrage Movement," and they, will at
once give you to understand that they "prefer a
more jstpular svm-utlon." All of which means, In
plain English, thnt they are reay to enjoy the
SrulUut yuur Mlnit willing to hare any
of Its responsibilities.
A corresfsrfident of the Orrroninn, writing from
Caii3on City under datejnf July lCfli, says that
Major Jseph Magone had startel several days
In'fore for an elk hunt, and becoming separated
from his rty, no trace could In? found of him,
and it was thought be had either got lost or met
,wlth an accident. A largi iMirty was search lap
for hlinyand it is iohI that their efforts have ere
thjs Imh'II crowneil with success, and the Major
found alive and well.-He is a well known friend
to the Woman SuffiMge movement, and his death
would be an Irreparable toss to the cauc. '
M.' C George at Albany lias been printed fn foil
In the Herald ot that city. Instead of the sample-spread-eagle
oration of former times, Mr. George
has laid before J he jteople a feast, of facta con
cerning the. great Northwest, which every one
should preserve for future reference. A.
CovoruorDiogUy.iUnwbllean nominee;
sianch Woman Sutfragis. , '.
.' 1 '.
I -