The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, April 07, 1881, Image 1

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    Far tirrwH,' F ' l'srss, Frkb PntrLR.
PER' YEAH $3 .
" The thirteenth anniversary meeting of thc.Na-
tional W'oman SflrageAs'sociatlon will be held tu
. Tremont Temple, .Hotoii, on Thursday and Fri
- -day, May 2th atid 7th-ll jH-rsoua Jijerested
in tills great reforiu are invited to le present; '( .
,,Tlie question whether we are' a nation or acini-
TVconlora 1,1 iUmmA the
country from the Inauguration theGovernmenC 1 Imve , fatUnl to .ee -one Hilary valid reason, to Mich heroic action; for to tlud
uiilea entitled to, and that all k(liew whether
firmed by
States cltlzeSisTiTp and suffrage practically synony
mous. Not,v however, having been pressed to
their logical results, the quest lonas to the limits
of State rights and national Mtwer is still umler
discussion ami divides this great political "parties.
1 As the final settlement ;of this principle Involves
the enfranchisement of women, our question I one
of national politic and the real Issue of the hour.
It not only divides the ' political parties of the
country, hut also the leaders In this movement
who are seeking the recognition of their political
riirhts. .
The National Woman Suffrage Association de-.
mauds national protection In the citizens exercise
1 of the right of suffrage to be secured" Fya Six
" teenth Amendment to the Constitution. ' A right
so vital should not be left to the legislation of the
States,. Ho long as woman is ostracized anywhere,
. she Is humiliated everywhere. What would it
- avail if within one State her political rights could
' be secured, if the moment she passed an iniag
' laary line, by the law of another State she could
, be disfranchise! compelled to' exchange 'the seal
of the citizen for the badge of the slave ? - . .
Having declared the theory of' universal suf-
- frage, thejiation must stand or Jail by thaLpxin-
clple. It has not stopped at education or prop
erty or nationality or color; it must not' stop at
r sex. '-'. - ..,
impelled by the con'stantly." growing demand
v among women for a voice in making the laws they
are required to obey, various State legislatures
have extended partial suffrage to them ; but the
. great .-duty still remains that 'of securing to'
- woman by national law the rigiit to have her
opinions counted at the haltot-box uon all ques
tions .of publ ic Welfare. . No mail, no body of men,
no partjyuo Slate, can represent woman or exer-
else this right forher; r , r L v
. -. Tlie highest; judicial authority, the. Supreme
Court of the United States, having decided that
'the letter of the present Constitution Is not ex
. pliclt enough to protect woman in her political
.Tights, we are compelled to demand a Sixteenth
Amendment:-which ,BharHliereaf ter reiideraex-
" legislation an iiiiwsslbl1Uy. Woifieii, .being citi
zens of the United States, if defrauded or Insulted,
the Staw as against a foreign power.- Hut w'hile
the Constitution has been cartful to guanhjlie
irlglits of citizens oiY various minor subjects, such
- as holdiug national control over ieace and war,
trade and commerce,LboUhdaries, ostal affairs,
. etc., it Iras left the great fuiidartiental fight of self
government under the control of States', each sep
.' arate State fixing its limitations accord! ng-to its
own enlightenments, except In the case of the col-
tired Tnale-ritt7.en.The; natural and Inalienable
: " rlght'of self-government thus having -been hut .
partially confirmed by the Constitution of the
. . United States, the pressing of this lniMrtant
phase of our question has become the great duty
"of ther National Woman Suffrage Association.
( The se;urlty liot aloue of woman, but of -all citir
Kens, deiendsUfKm Its final decision.
The speakers will be Elizabeth Cady Stanton,
Isaladla lleecher Hooker , 4terelda (i. Wallace,
Belva A. Iockwood, ltev. Ulympia Drown, .Hew
Fretlerick A. Hinckley, TbVbe WCtMizins, Eliza
beth lloynton Harbert, Hachel Foster, Frederick
-DoughuuIiUi J)cvereux-lHake, May - .W.right.
ewall, Marilla M. Hickfr, Elisabeth L. Saxon, J.
Ellen FosUr, Elwanl M. Davis, F, Ellen Hurr,
Elizabeth Avery Merriwether, Clemence S. lazier,
Rosamond Dale Owen, Iaura De Force fiordon,
llobert Purvis, Susmk ll. Anthony and Matilda
Joslyn (iage. :.:
ELt7!ApKTit Cady, Stantox, President;
. Schan It. Anthony, Vlce-Pres't-at-Iarge.
' ' Matilda Josias.Gaoe, Ch'mn-Ex. Com.
HAC HKI. VtWTKR, Corresponding Sec'y, -!;
c :1W North 12th street, Philadelphia.,
; A determined agitation a'galns,t Increased rents
is going on In Chicago. Tlie late advances fall
very heavily on the worklngiclasses, who also have
to pay high rates fr food and clotlning... Without
Increase In Wages, It la very difficult for them to
. A band of crusaders, fifty itrong, has been or
ganized at Beaverton, W'ashlngtoncounty, for
the purpose Htt suppressing the - tobacco iTnd
. wnisay iramc . .
; ' ; 'MABioNVolTY,pr.fandi,. fwl."
To tii k KiiT(K Tli if Nt:w'Vktiiwkt: , ,';
.During the. two years I have bet'ii reading your
jHcr, my mind has dwelt touch on the subjwt of
woman's enfranchisoment-Airof the argument
for and against this quest ion I have vt)lvrhwlv so.
the twO sexes are,fellow creatures settles the mat
ter at oiice. Hoth, alike are, under thejawj sub
ject to Its 'pa ins and (tei'ialties; and for the ttronyef
to assert tliat they alone. are the law-making
power Is a'proposition too absurd for argument.
; Tlie writer has trailed inucl over the county
of Marioifor the last twelve monthsaud he finds,
that the opposition to the woman movement is
mostly from the"vfelous and the illiterate. The
better classes of society are favorable to the cause,
and when the time, for action comes, they will jilie present writing, seventeen there find a home
attest the sincerity of their convictions in away
which doubted.- .
The seeming indifference 'on the part of 4oelety
ladles'' lsVperhai)sr tlHreatest-obstactehtchlhinjrln
graieiuuy recciveu. v nen cniuiren are imkcii hi
the Home, they are usually destitute )f clothing
other than dirty rags. I might suggest, also, lit
tle chairs, picture-books, children's pajH'rs, toys,
ett anything to gladden their, hearts and lend
an air of home to their temporary alo for it Is
ufulerstood that Mrmanent homes are' procured
by the time they reach the age of twelve years.
True and strict' economy is practiced at the"
Home.: Vegetables, fruits, milk and butter are
raised on theJarm, and soniething oyer, which is
taken to market and sold, sometimes amounting
the friends of the woman.question are called upon
to combat. 4,See," say the enemies s& the cause,
"the educateI and refined ladies of J he land take
no stock In this, thing none but the strong
minded women are favorable to It." It is too true
that these "society ladies are still In bondage to
a base public, opinion ; but many of them,, the
'better jart, are chafing under the chains which
for so long a time have enslaved them: Sbme
time ago, in conversation with one of these ladies
in Portlaiuljxpressedjinyself as a '.'woman's
rights" man. "Are you really favorable to wom
en's voting?" said the lady. " ?So am I; Cut I
liave been afraid t9 avow" my sentlnients." -
It Is a most unfortunate circumstance t)at the
leading paper devoted to-the eayse-of -woman's
enfranchisement In the Northwest should take 'a
stand of oiien hostility to the church. Nothing,
In my Judgment, is-doing samuclr injury to tht
cause aa this fact. Without tjje aid of church
H;oplelnthls;matter, the cause hi hojclesn.
Churchmeu generally know that, without th
cooperation of womenliVcertaiii7m6niTjuestlons,
the' mlliennlum will never be usheretl Into the
world ; hence they will sustain the woman move
ment I iir- spl tifr Of t lie ahiresahl hosfYHfy. - A- Um
weak-minded ieople, however, will let side issues
bias their minds, au'd be lecf to opjose the truth
from insufficient grounds. ; : ' - :
In viewing this, tlie great question, of d"?'
the writer stands ukii an eminence-not -ajpconleil
to all. In a certain organization to which he has
hartf the mmVrishttoTOtloliatT
votLojEhl no novelty. With his ast experience
Land observation in full view, he has no fears as to
the result nay, the iulure wouhl be dark but for
his hopeful anticipat ions of the day when women
will help make the laws which they jalfke wltli
men musfobey. , V j . C.
From a recent nuinlH-r
wf. theA
Atchison Chaw
7o--"A jury in Cincinnati has Jut acuittel a
imr-keeper-Tiaminl Joe Payton, wfo sliot topd
killed his mistress two years iigof'rThe jMor girl's
name was Nellie Stickiiey. (Irowlng tirel of ihe
continued brutality, and neglect of her 'rotee
tor,' she fell Into unfaithful ways. Tlie moral
Joseph was so hocked by her Infidelity that his
noble reason was dethroned fofrulsMit-five in In
utes. " During the time that he was In-reft of his
Intellect, he shot and killed thetoorjjreature,
and a JUryof fools has just declared that he.-was
not guilty of anyoffetise 'against society,. tHca Use
he was Insaue-at the time of committing the mur
der. It Is not clalniel tha 1 'ay ton is crazy now.
On the contraryhe Is quite. BaiiivWhen tl ver
dict, of acquittal was .rendered, he exultlngfy
slioutetl'I beat them.V" r
"Miss Jennie C. SKtirf a native, of 'New .York, J
agel years, cohimittetl suicide Iir Saii Fran
cisco' inn the 21st ult. The deceased- wqs formerly a
school-teacher in Humboldt county, and for the
past three monthsJ&idded at Nori-VK Pine street.
Khe was very religious and frequently attended the,
revival of Moody and Sankey -and other religious
meetings.' She hadjbeen known to remain in her
room for hours praying and reading her Rlbln
A tv autopsy showed that death resulted from sub
mersion; ''
years, ''was
awarded -the prize v for
the best essay at the close' of the school term
-fesoTvlo fight what moant. to nothing lew of Woman inferior to That of Man r was hindled recent disgraceful irwrial I lie. In Congress, It
thtn AKkalf An m4 1 W1lrkavlst fjavl h m Air 111 Wt9ta 1 as a a mm Y 4 tm iKuultu. A I a T
mm ma ivywi VIS UV W V MUUIVIUVt
with a skill beyond her years. It la needless to
say that her mother isanahlewoman and a suffra
gist. . ' " ;.v.-;;.
.ItJs proposed 'to have girls for pages In :
' Tl'KNKH, Or., April 4, 1M, '
T "fur itou or thic Nkw Xi'iiniwm;
- Iu the Autumn ot-l, this benevolent Ms-iety
fr the aid of Jiomely and destitute chlhlren was
fully maturetl. It I but Just to give all honor to
the ladies of Salem, whose love and pity for suffer-
, . Sii vkijton, Marcji 2l, lV
To T5V t? I rr lit . TII Kt N KW NoUTIIU tfT :
' At the annual Silvertou school meeting, scvertil
ladv tax-imvers wife"Tresiiit, evidently h
Interested a the men iu the cause of education iu
1 '
general and tlie kcIkmi! meeting in particular.
for--a slieltef "for Hieir-hotneles. Mrs. Joseph
Wilsn, ilear dearted mother, donatel ttMraiert-s
if land, Usn which the two-stry building iiow
known as the Orphans' Home I located.
And now, fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters and
little children, this Home still needs your aid,
your watchful earu ad sympathy. It Is the out
growth of women's charity" and women's, love.
Then come to their aid. Ltytle children are there
gathered from the ages of two months-to twelve
vears ior. neglected, castaway little ones. .At
The sewing for these; little folks is almost all done
by flic7Board "of "Managers. Redding," clothing,
etc., must le made and the same repaired. Any-
to over wldcli Is a gotnlly sum, considering all
things. The wages paid the matron is $4nO per
annum, everything furnished. She Kcema true
iimthetrki iwlr patient and watchful ; and. my- si
lent thought was, "What a great, loving heart, to
takiT Jii all those little castaways !" The little
ones go to her with. all their childish griefs, cares,
joys and troubles, and are duly sympathized with.
The house and the beddlngarealry and cleanly, and
the cooking wholesonie, plentiful and good. At
present a home Is wanted for one lltUeJboy, aged
alsHit six years, pleasant, well-looking and
promising little fellow. The others, though home
less and destitute, are not wholly under the con
trol of the Itoard, having one or loth parents
living. -
Mrs. Martha M into Is acting Presideut of the
u, b tv. which 1ms twentv-tivi. Ilfi- nimiilinn Tl.
ladle..jnost sincerely hoe all witl take a lively
interest in this Home, ami that the legislature
may Iw moirrraritahtyrrrdrTrett trr-the-futnre4-Vllevwhich might truthfully U called "sowings
auI double Its S'MMMl for the steady increase in
numbers of those homeless little ones demands a
larger buiMing, more extensive grounds, and
more means generally to Increase their comfort
J and help relieve the pressing demands of time and
funds on the members of the loard."" These heljH
less little ones surely neil the care and aid of the-
State as much or more than our convicts, who are
well-fed, clothed and house I. The former are iu-t'
nocent, thelatterTlyed In crime. M us. I;ifc H.
Russia Is U'arlng stine good fruit. Tlie first step
towahl representation of the lHople has lecii
Ltaiteii.' With a vJit.w to restoration of complete
security in the capital, an ukase has been' pro
mulgated, ordering the creation of a temsrary
Council charged to asitlst th cojnmaiidaiit of the
city. This t'ouncil will con'sixt of niemlH-r for
each nf the 1HJS city districts, to be electe.1 bjrthe
votes of all landlords and iiideKudent tenants.
It Is iinderstHMl that the Council will dtcidehya
inajorily vote on all nieasures submitted by the
commandant, and that decisions ,f the niajorlty
will Ih executeil on receiving the Emperor's sane-,
tion. Pe rson Vw; ho vote wiH lte eligible as candi
dates. A fund for carrying out this measure will
he provided from the iuierlal Treasury. The
'Ifff .'AW says that the measure Is juirt of a
scheme for the whole empire uJectel'by itlie lale
Czar.,! "
they were voters or not. Rut, 'for fear thaft some
presiimptuotiH woman might get out of her fphere,
lie added that it had ."not been customary for
women to vote in this deestriet," and that he
"didn't knw alnnit others."
In reply to a lady tax-payer, who nsked whether
we were to be governel by law or custom, the
chairmaiT Informed us "jxtrtty by law and pttrfly
by custom." lie said that the laws with which
the "deestriet" was furnished were silent on the
subject; but that, although the sessional record of
the legislature gave women the. direct privilege,
they were not InmiimI to obey that.
" Itelng Informed that the copy of the law which
he held -was an old one, and that the new ones
gave the rlifht of suffrage to all tax-Hiyers who
had resided in the district the reiiirel time, the
chairman Immedlately.discovered tnuTrr the se-...
tion the old one In regard to widows, and, thoiigti
he refrained from saying It, he strongly Intimnte4
that It would not Ik there if alt women were al
lowed to vote.
Then followed some discussion as to whether the
section Was legal, or not, one "protector" In par
ticular making himself very conspicuous, nnt tm
say ridiculous, by inquiring "why. If nit womeni
were allowed to vote, the section In regard to wil-
nw was there," declaring that "if It hal never
iKfii rHalsl (and he didn't think it bad) that
the other Was not legal." When told by a gentle
men that IT a section were Introduced reading that
alLnne-cyedmenxould vote, that lie jujpposod he,
would hardly' claim thattwo-eyed men were
thereby probiblted.Jie liecame quite excitel, and
declared that "ridicule was not argument no,
Finally the oppristlon, finding fhatthey weta
gaining nothing, iNeam'e quiet, and Jhe ladle
were'lefCto-vote In pace, with tlie feeling that
they had gained a small victory. E. C
Skah, W. T.,. March L1,1MH1.
To tiik Kmtor or tiik Nrw NoitTiiwrr:
tf jour iK'wprip 'mTlnltiiiir tpR'flr-"
lug ill the Nkw'Nohthwkht, we have had almost
a tragical ci-'lc iu our humdrum life in Selah
A t t m m
loiiiewinu. ii came in me siuik or n young
woman, wlio uIIowimI each of two lover to su-'
Me lihifelf the favored one up to the lss mo
ment of the hour set for her marriage Several
guests', invited by Suitor No. I, were already ar
rived atTtre residence of tlie eXKctaiit liridtk,
wherelsii was tlie officiating geiitleiiiau, Jut ar"
rivet from Yakima City. The beautiful and ex
sMislve wuidiling dress had been sent from far
away Maine, a gift from the young man' parents
to the affianced of their son In Washington Tent
Tin. restive and anarcblal enn.lllloii of M.wr- iJ try. I He splen.lM collation and Ihe Jiiuslc for
Owing. to the heavy demand on" the K)pulatloii
of Ohio for Federal officials, It Is fearel the State
cannot furnish hands enough to harvest Us wheat
crop, which promises to be very large. The
women will probably be pressed into service-to
.1.- I 1- . .
Nrh Yamhill, aged .. . - V - ' ?f 1Y- re 1ain"
though their crops rot In the fields.
may be comforting to state that in the Reichstag
of Germany, on the 29th ultJ wo, oocurred a Violent
scene between two members Not that the -German
squabble make our rows any the less shame-
lie splendid collation and the. Jiiuslc
. . 1 . M
i ne uanccrs were pnivnieti iy huh young iiiaiw
Rut promptly hM tiVlm-k Suitor No. 2tim up t
tlie gate, leading a palfrey for hi bride. The girl
mounted iu hot liitcJUridiiig away before the eye
of the wnlting Judge, iuvftel guests, brotliers, sis
ters ami friends, in-inv of whom 'turiwd pale, as
well they might, nt the revelation of deeeR,
treachery and falsehood enacted . a trom -in.
a The-JiidgJ ro.J sowly away, minus bin fee as
we inay iruppose, and iisui I4ie hil-topa few
Milles oil' nut the olfieiatlng clergyman, on his
way toprojioiiiice the marriagi ceremony also.
Roth gentlemen' turned homeward, we luqie tm
raise a question of exedieiiey for our law-makerc
to conider, i. r, : How many licenses can be le
gally Issued to one cron, man or woman, at the
sa life time?
- As (he treacherous plot came to light more than
;aweek lefore the wefig ny arrived, there haM
leen, of course, much excitement and some last
ting on the final ilntourmrnt of the unprincipled
affair. Of course no ptirt, tm wonntn v fo-
otherwise than shudder at thought of the life
built upcfn..such a foundation, and wltfle. abe
blames will also pity the Ignorance and weakness
of adeluledglrl.
Rut did we ever know a man in plot l deceive,
Ixrtray and rulq a trusting' woman ? 1)14 we 1
"-: ih K. F,
The New York Evening iW (Deraecratlc)
thinks the Republican Senators by their caacse in
vpkoldlng Mahppe are1 Impairing the standing of
their party. -It says of Gorhani, nominated for
HecreUry of the SenaU : ' We know him to be
an nnjpri nci pled scoundrel1, ,
M-lAU-MfniiA-mA,. .ikr-im nri'Ytl1l W H-' SSV
. iT- -" '-T? -Sl- ..JU..- Br9SBJSVP -JH
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