The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, November 03, 1871, Image 1

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    rirti lUfWff uurf
A Journal for the People.
Devoted to the Interest of Humanity.
Independent In Polities and Religion.
ttve to all Live Issues, and Thoroughly
TUuHeal In Opposing and Exposing the Wrong
ol the Maws.
Oonwpondeuu writing over assumed signa
ture mtut nmke known their names to the
Editor, or no attention will be given to their
MBS- A. J. DO'IWAY, Editor and rroprletor.
orric'K-for. Third nml Wslilntoil Sti-
t Si
Oney,.?!?MS' K 'ASOB:
Six months -
Three months-..."
Free Speech, Free Paras, Fhee People.
tUI f HI 1 111 Itfl mm II IFSi Hi isBI
I'or the New Northwest.
Line to n Friend.
BY WOUA woirrir.
You wwitto know what UkUU have played
Atesslbo pathway of my lire
Amid what sonny paths I've utraycd,
And it Vn mingled In the strife
WMeh -we ure told Uy aged friends
Kadi heart on earth will surely meet,
Ere wHu it kindred earth it blends
And passes thus to resting sweet.
And twilight surely is the hour
When memory relgnsas Fairy Queen,
Who, with a gentle, mystic power,
PfttaU vividly the sights we've keen ;
And III tell you, truly tell you,
Something of the ebb and flow
Of the inner, stronger current
Where life' shadows come and go.
My childhood was, like mairyvothers,
(arelems, liappy, light and free.
Tilt I inlawed my gentle mother.
When she crossed life's troubled sea;
Oh! when childhood misses mother,
Lonely wilt lm portion be 1
And I've tried long years to smother
Tills great grief that came to me.
Yet my youth knew many hours
That were filled with pleasures fair.
As I it rayed mkl the flowers.
And, like them, was free from euro ;
1 felt the tide of life doth ever
.Swiftly, surely, bear its on,
And youth's golden days or treasure
Are, alas! too xm all gone.
The Honrs of life which memory holds
Moatsacredare those when harmony blends
ThoiioMer thoughts whteh the mind unfolds
t those of our ehoen and on-tried
And many brijht pictures doth memory lirln
Of bans thus eptut with tltose I hold dear.
IMghtly crowned with the halo affection doth
0r the pathway ol llfe.wlileh without It were
Of tbefttoiHU whom I have trusted
Soma are dead, and some there be
Whom heart the eares or earth hntli rusted.
And theae are worse than dead to me,
for the bitterest, keenest sorrow
That lay luart hath e'er received
Ik when I have trusted otlters,
AHU haw found myiself deceived.
Now you know that I have tasted
OriMtAs Joys and sorrows too,
MtHfttetl as tltey are and must be
AH of nty life's jmth way through ;
Ratafee heart grown warm and tender
Through the sorrows we may see,
Ah I ftwl that God in wisdom
Senas life's changes thus to me.
A Plain Story of a Plain 'Woman.
Entered, aeenrdlng to the Aet or Congress, In
tho aar 1S1, by Sirs. A. J. Dunlway, in the
Office of the Librarian or Congress at Washing
ten City.
Sleep did not visit my weary couch j
that night A presentiment of some
coming calamity seemed to Fettle upon
mo like a pall. Minnie, who shared my
bed, was frequently awakened by my
icy touch. My brain wa3 vividly awake
and seemed illuminated by some airy,
indescribable substance that filled the
whole apartment. Never before had I
experienced anything like it, and I men
tion it here in the hope that science may
some day explain it. If the impressions
upon my brain on that nevcr-to-bc-for-
gotton night could have been gathered
in a volume as they occurred, the com
pilation would be a marvelous produc
tion of ideal fancies. A livid line of
light ran through the fast receding
years. I was a morbid, listless, nervous
child again. In the little log loom-house
I saw my mother toil as in the olden
time, and at the mountain of burr-be-
matted wool I pulled and picked, while
the interminable Indian summer days
dragged on their drowsy lengths.
Again, as in the days agone, I repaired
to my little room and listened through
the live-long night to the silent breath
ings of my sleeping parents and the te
dious tickings of the old hail clock.
xicK, iock, tick pick, pun, pick no
body loves me and I'm siok tick, tock,
tick." All this was heard again and
again, and seemed as tangible to my
senses as though I was really living over
all the long-gone years.
Again I arose from my childhood's
couch and wandered out into the frosty
air. Again I sought the foot path lead
ing to the Fails, and again I listened to
the walling miserere of the autumn
Then came before me the long years
of life at Dr. Armstrong's, the fretful
wife, tiie heavy babies and the whole
souled, philosophical benefactor of my
childhood the man whose early indis
cretion had wrought the ruin of a trust
ing heart and the desolation of an un
fortunate son.
Many things I saw but dimly, as the
lines of light were often so vivid as to
dazzle me. But I saw so much that I
henceforth knew intuitively of many
things that will be made plain as I
proceed. I no longer groped in mental
blindness, and when the morning came
and brought witii it the natural light of
uay, l was endowed with such percep
tions oi tuc post and present as astonish
mo even to this time. As I said before,
these things surpass my understanding.
a cast, mem lorcu upon the sea of public
investigation with the frank admission
that I know not whence they came or
where they wont. I only know that with
out inetr aiu x would to-day be flounder
ing in darkness.
"Mother! mother! "Where's Nanette?
rm Hungry as a tiger, and it's high t-,me
that I was off to work!" said Ben. i i.
came bounding against the door and
into my room with that vigorous dis
play or exuberance for which hcalthv
1 1 .i . , , -
cimureii are rcmarKaoie.
Tjliad forgotten the irate domestic and
Irer' angry threats. Suddenly the bright
boy's words recalled tliem, and I hur
riedly arose, explaining to the children
that the girl had been impertinent and
I had discharged her. Luckily wo all
knew how to wait upon ourselves, so we
soon had a comfortable breakfast.
If I only had been wise enough to
have taken my children into full confi
deuce, explaining to them my meeting
in the grove with Dr. Armstrong and
the fact that he had commuinlcated to
me a secret and important matter, I
would have saved us all much trouble.
A child's perception of right is gener
ally safe; but while people are so un
philosophical as to shut themselves out
from the genial counsels of these blessed
monitors they will make just such mis
takes. Ah, me! The world lias many
things to learn.
Unused to the fatigue of housework
as I had recently become, I was nervous,
fretted and tired out when the last disli
was washed, the last floor swept and all
my children safely off to school or busi
ness. I dropped myself ail weary and un
strung into my easy chair to flnish up
a promised article for my publisher.
The most up-hill drudgery I ever under
take to accomplish in my life is this
compulsory composition. After prodig
ious labor, which exhausted brain and
body, I finished my task and threw my
self back in the chair to rest. Again an
unaccountable lightness illuminated the
apartment, and I sat there seeing tilings
of which I feel to-day that it is not meet
for me to speak. I wondered if I were
sane. I knew my mother would have
allied me crazy.
A post boy entered, bringing a letter.
Aslbrokcthe seal the limpid light rest
ed on my hands and settled upon the pa
per. 1 knew just wlicre tne letter came
from and tiie news it would contain, and
when I read, it seemed but n repetition
of what I had known before.
"My Dear Judith: Do you remember
how and where I first beheld you? What
an untamed, fiery, yet odd and crudely
beautiful creature you wore, witii your
gazelle-like eyes, your grotesque dress,
your originality of thought and your
glorious face! I had no thought that
day that you would become to me at
once my hope and my despair, my bless
ing and my curse, my joy and yet my
grief; but all of this you have long been
to me, and yet, after all these years, I
love you with that fervor and purity
which would cause me could I but be
come worthy in your eyes once more
not to die for you, for that sacrifice
would avail you naught, but to live for
you, which, in my estimation, is a much
more sensible way for a man to show his
"Your letter is so strange and remark
able! Just exactly like you, howevor,
and just what I might have expected,
yet it did not please me. Tltore is not
one spark of tenderness in its pages, and
yet how could I look for such an exhibi
tion when I reflect that after all my con-
duet may yet be a mystery and you may
yet regard me as a convict, worthy of
the gibbet.
Now, Judith, if I do not meet you on
the plane of sentimentality it is not be
cause my love is cold, but because
know you will not be wooed like other
women, and I must talk with you here
after on the plane of common sense.
"Through an unfortunate compilation
of circumstances I once did you a great
wrong, which I explained to you months
afterwards in n letter that I caused to bo
left under the boulder which made our
scat in the dear bower by the Falls. Did
you get that icttter, Judith mine? As I
fear you did not receive it I will tell you
"I have a nephew, a near relative of a
man who has been to you both friend
anil enemy. This nephew is n child of
shame, the unfortunate victim of ad
verse circumstances. He is publicly
disowned by his father; his unhappy
mother died in an asylum, and in my
young.days he dogged my steps antl de
pended upon me for money. He is very
nearly my own age and his resemblance
to me is, or rather was, so striking (my
hair has been for many years as
white as wool, while his is black and
coarse) that he was easily mistaken for
mo whon he chose to so represont him-
"On the evening of that never-to-be-
forgotten day when you became my
wife he came to me in great trepidation,
saying the officers of justice were upon
his track aud he must have some mon
ey. 1 felt a constant fear that he would
bring the family disgrace prominently
before the public by some reckless act.
His father had often given him money,
but he had grown obstinate, he said,
and refused further remittances. So in
his lost resort he came to me. Said he :
"They've got up a discussion about
you and old Reid's "Wild Cat down at
the corner grocer'. Two fellows have
offered to bet a handsome sum that you
could go and marry her.'
" 'Well, what of it?' said I, indignant
ly, for you know that our elopement had
been all arranged.
" '"Well, I told 'em I'd bet five hund
red dollars that, if you did niarry her,
you'd take her back to the old man's
gate and ride off and leave her. John
Smith lent me the money and we've put
up the stakes.'
"I am ashamed of all this, Judith, hut
was then a moral coward. I was weak
enough to yield, as by winning this wa
ger I could furnish the poor boy with
means sufficient to leave the country,
which he promised faithfully that ho
would do.
"I meant to explain the whole mat-
to you, but was in the power of the men
who accompanied us in the sleigh
One of the previous conditions of the
wager was that you should receive no
previous knowledge of the final turn of
the affair, but were to be left alone in
blank amazement. O, Judith, it was
cruel to treat you so, but I had made a
resolve that on the morrow I would
come and claim you as my lawful wife,
and command your father's esteem and
your mother's good will.
"Your wistful face as you stood watch
ing me in that bleak moonlight air has
ever haunted me.
"When wc readied the village the
wager was paid. My unhappy nephew
left the country, and when morning
dawned I found myself a prisoner, ac
cused of forging an order for ten thous
and dollars at the bank of ! The
money had been drawn by my nephew;
but the case was plainly made, the forg
ery was attributed to me, and I was sen
tenced to ten years imprisonment at pe
nal servitude.
"For several months I lived as a con
vict, and when at last through Dr. Arm
strong's interference I was se'l-ut liberty,
I learned that you had married poor
John Smith and gone to the Pacific
"Oh, if I then had known that in
stead of being married to him you were
waiting wearily for me, how gladly
would I have gone to you with my soiled
name and bitten soul and urged this ex
planation !
"John Smith told me that he had
married you, and I wa3 deceived by the
poor no, Judith, I will not call him
"As I have told you, I hired one short
letter of explanation placed under the
boulder by our dear bower door. That
was all. You did not reply, and when
the man who afterwards became your
master told me that you were already
his wife, I gave you up all for lost.
Now, Judith, after all that I have
told you, will you let me come to you?
Can you meet the man who once served
for months as a convict under sentence
which belonged of right to another, hut
whose soul is pure and knows no stain
of guilt?
I have lived for man- years In for
eign lands. I was in Italy about two
months ago when, by some mysterious
accident, I picked up a newspaper and
found a graphic description of the great
explosion by which Joint Smith lost his
life. The incidental mention made of
you in the newspaper skctclt decided me
to return and seek you out. I have
seen you often, but have never felt that
I could meet you face to face until I
could come knowing that your confi
dence in me as a man of honor was no
longer dimmed by shadow of a doubt. I
await your answer with dreatl and ex
pectation. Your faithful
The post boy was waiting. Hurriedly
I penned the words, "Your loving Ju
dith waits." Dispatching the note I sat
down to wait, alone in my great happi
(To be continued.)
The Night-Blooming Lily.
The following pretty legend is related
and devoutly believed by the inhabi
tants of the Harts Mountains, of the
nigut-biooming my or Laucnbcrg:
Beautiful Alice dwelt with her mother
in a small cottage at the foot of Hartz
Mountains. Her principal occupation
was that of gathering forest straw that
is, tlic foliage of the fir and pine tribe,
which is very much used in certain parts
of Germany as a stuffing for beds, etc
Thus was the maiden's occupation when
the Lord of Lauenburg Castle rodo by.
"With wily words ho cxtrollcd her
looks, and swore that she was too pretty
to be hid away in a peasant's cot, and
begged her to come aud dwell in his
lordly castle, wlicre she would have
nothing to do but command, and where
ail would obey her. Tiie simple girl
was dazzled by the brilliant prospect,
but, true to her simplicity, flew to her
mother, relating all that had transpired.
The terrified mother wept bitterly over
ncr darling's communication; lor too
well she knew the character of Lauen-
burg's dissolute baron. Hastily packing
up a few household treasures, she carried
oil her wondering and sorrowful child
to the shelter of a neighboring convent,
within whose sacred walls she believed
poor Alice might rest in security. Not
long, however, had the simple girl becu
immured in the holy edifice before the
enraged noblo discovered her retreat;
and, determined to obtain his prey, as-
scuiujtu ma vassais, lorceu an entrance
to the convent, and seizing the object of
his passion, bore her, half dead with
fear, to his castle. On arriving at mid
night in the garden in front of his cm
battled dwelling, ho alighted, with his
senseless burden in his arms; but, as he
auempicu to enter tne castle, the guar
dian spirits of the place snatched the
poor maiden from his grasp, and on the
very spot where her feet had been,
sprang up the beautiful lily of Lauren
burg. The annual appearance of the
lily at midniglttjis anxiously looked for
ward to by the inhabitants of the Hartz;
nnd manv of them are said to perform a
nightly pilgrimage to sec it, returning
to tnelr Homes overpowered uy nsuaz
zling beauty, and asserting that its
splendor is so great tliat it sheds beams
or light on tne valley below.
"Woman Suffrage Is making progress
even In the "West Indies. The Governor
of the Island St. Vincent has put his
radical Ideas into practice by appointing
a Madamo Checkly to the position ot
Register General of the Island.
Mrs. Lincoln's health has been failing
ever since the death of her son.
Between you and I, Mrs. Editor, if
the above heading docs not catch them,
I do not know what will. I refer to the
men. How they will settle themselves
in their chairs aud give their feet an ex
tra hoist over the mantle-piece in antic
ipation of a solemn and elaborate dis
cussion of the popular text, "Wives,
submit yourselves unto your husbands."
The affable Capt. Wragge will sec it aud
chuckle, and likely break into his wife's
reverie with : "The Nkw Northwest
is not so bad after all. I think if you
can manage to stive up the money we'll
taku it next year." Tito gentle lady's
nerves arc thrown into a state of confu
sion, and siie suddenly remembers that
she is "down at the heel." Some broth
er will be kind enough to open the Bible
and find the verse preceding the text
quoted above and read in a voice like
the balm of a thousand flowers: "Breth
ren submit yourselves one to another in
the Lord."
In the new social aud political revolu
tion man must not be entirely lost sight
of. I do not speak for the rest of women,
but as for me I cannot but feel some of
the old sentiments of regard and admir
ation for the sex.
When I behold man in the pride of
his strength and the glory of his free
dom my heart ic7i pulsate in sympathy
with the pride aud glory. And one of
the sentiments which I feci towards
man, and first among all, is gratitude. I
cannot but confess that man has dono
much in the worltl that is commendable
and deserves our just appeciation and
thanks. To them we owe the great In
ventions aud improvements of the age
and the discoveries in science and in art.
To him we owe the gradual leniency of
our laws, the growth of charity and be
nevolence In our religion, and that de
lightful chivalry and ostentatious regard
which men have always shown and still
show towartls pretty women.
While man has been making law,
fighting battles, writing books histo
ries, poems and precepts winning
glory and progressing in the arts and
sciences, woman has stood erect and mo
tionless in the middle of home, branch
ing out neither to the right nor left.
But In all this I hold that man lias
not been to blame. It is the nature of
things and of people that Inherent
worth and excellence will develop Itself.
The fault is not in our stars (translated
wiciil, but in ourselves. In the olden
time men were as much held down and
trampled over by men as women have
ever been by men. But there is a time
In the existence of every people and na
tion when the spirit of an individual or
a class rises up and asserts itself. That
j time has come with womanhood.
But as I said beforo wc do not wish to
make of ourselves a sombre cloud, over
spreading and obscuring the refulgent
glory of manhood, but rather a new
Hood of sunshine brightening and re
vealing all that is noblest aud best in
Ids natnrc.
Believing or imagining ourselves that
sunlight, wc would like to shine upon a
certain clement of man whom we now
behold in a most trying dilemma.
Reading "Notes Taken at the State
Fair" in the Farmer I came to a para
graph headed "The Badgo Rule," and
read as follows: "Considerable hard feel
ing was caused by the absurd rule re
quiring all who attended to wear their
badges or season tickets pinned on their
coats. There would be more
reason in the rule if the badgo were a
'tiling of beauty.' If the
badge be a neat one no one will object to
wearing it in sight,"
Now, if I were one called upon, which
I am not, to decide tills question between
man aud man I should feci a timidity
nnd hesitation whieh I think would be
eminently proper under the circum
stances. Having looked upon man all
along as the arbiter of his own destiny
and the judge of his fellow man, I should
not dare venture an opinion as regards
the practicability of this, that or the
other plan or rule in regard to the man
agement of the State Fair or any other,
I am not prepared to say whether it is
law or justice to compel men to wear
badges upon the lappels of their coats
under any circumstances. I am utterly
unable to say how I should feel If I were
a man with one of them pinned upon
my coat. I am not a man, and have
never worn a coat of any description
whatever; but I do bellevo that if the
men showed the moral heroism that wo
men have shown in wearing, pinned In
conspicuous places, knots, hands, cush
ions, excrescences, and indirect adver
tisements, they would fasten those tri
fling little badges to the lappels of their
coats without a flinch or a murmur.
In the last sentence quoted above is
Involved a principle which ought to be
discussed. "If the badgo be a neat one
no one will object to wearing it in sight,'
It seems to me, weak and obscured as Is
my intellect, that the justice and pro
priety ot wearing a badge Is here admit
ted, but the quality and style are all that
is objectionable. Man, proud man,
dressed in a little brief authority, wants
that "brief authority" to be as pretty as
its brevity will admit a "tiling of
beauty" and a Joy through all the Fair.
Here then Is only a matter of taste.
Tastes differ.
Now when I got ready for the Fair, af
ter tucking my locks under a jaunty cap
and arranging my apparel with every re
gard for beauty and neatness, I fastened
upon the drapery which enveloped me
neat, pretty, tasteful bow of multicolo
rum and stood expectantly before a
male connisscur. "Go to your room and
take off that bow," he said contemptu
ously. "Do you imagine a Fair Ground
a fit and proper place to wear anything
nice? "Who do you thinkcan tell what col
or that ribbon is after you have worn it in
the dust and disorder of tho Fair Ground
for two hours ? You should wear at this
Fair the plainest clothing aud some
thing that will wash."
Only the writer of "Notes Taken at
tho Fair" can imagine my feelings of
regret and sadness as I took off my bow
and laid it mournfully away. Sympa
thy is sweet, and it is a splendid thing
to meet kindred spirits, but I must con
fess that I was surprised to find in any
man living that distaste and horror of
wearing things unbecoming, which I
had always been led to believe was felt
only by frivolous woman. I would just
as soon have looked for a Bengal tiger
to step from ids native forest aud lace
my boot string as to have expected man,
with his lofty scorn of trifles, to come
forth from his labyrinth of grand
thoughts and defend, or indirectly up
hold, woman in her petty vanity.
But wc properly appreciate all these
things aud, as I said before, wc must
not, in tho new regime, utterly neglect
man. Wo must remember that he has
rights that must be respected. I do not
like to see a man imposed upon by a
woman. It does not seem in the order
of things for tho weaker to oppress the
stronger; aud to see a vine runningovcr
an oak now here I am afraid my logic
is erratic, for vines do run over oaks in
the woods and in poetry. Aud right
here, apropos, let mo say that a little
scientific investigation in regard to these
"clinging vines" discovers the fact that
they must be allowed to twine in one
certain way, and that way they will in
dicate themselves. If you attempt to
train a bean vine to the right or left (I
forget which) you will ruin it, and rice
versa of the hop vine. The poetic "cling
ing vine" I take to be the ivy, but the
everyday domestic vine must be the
bean vine. The oaks of the world must
not Interfere with the tendrils of the
Ivy, and those men who are bent on
making bean-poles of themselves must
be sure they are licnt the right way and
carry it out on scientific principles. If
their vines shall twine about, in a per
fectly natural way, in the direction of
their pockets, absorbing the richness
therefrom, they must not oppose them
lest thereby they injure their beauty and
utterly destroy them.
But, as I said before, I do not like to
sec man oppressed by woman, anil
wherever I know of a single case of this
description I will not stand calmly by.
But with all my enthusiasm what can I
There arc not finer poems in our lan
guage, more rich in fancy or wonderful
in construction than "I am dying,
Egypt, dying," and W. A. Story's "Cle
opatra." But who had been inspired by
the virtues of Oclavia? Not even An
tony. Maybe her children got up and
called her blessed, but tho chances are
that they did not. From this it will be
seen that the sympathies of men of fine
emotion have not been with the Octav-
ias. In the logical course of things our
sympathies would not be with the mas
culine Octavias.
But wc do sympathize with all men
whose wives and female guardians are
obstreperous and naughty and tyranni
cal; but, as I said before, what can we
do? "When a man has everything on
his side, law, custom, divine authority
and physical strength, antl then tamely
submits to tyranny, It looks as though
lie rather enjoys it, anil we feel as though
a tender of our sympathy would be al
most like interfering witii family af
fairs. I should not like to be the one to
attempt to rouse him up to a sense of the
injustice done him any way.
To come back to the affair of wearing
badges at the Fair, since man admits
that it is fair to wear them provided
they arc fair to look upon, although it
concents not the fair sex, it does concern
the Fair people, and my sympathies are
widely awakened. I feel that it I
question that should awaken tiie sympa
thies of my sex. Whether it would be
right to throw my influence as a streak
of sunlight with the man who yearns to
wear a "thing of beauty" on his coat,
and thus encourage a spirit of vanity in
the sex, or whether I should frown down
all such demonstrations of what may
be only petty pride after ail, is a ques
tion which I am morally, mentally and
physically unable to decide; ergo, belt
understood, that I venture no opinion
and say nothing at all about It.
Salem, Oct 25, 1S71.
The following Is the conclusion of an
epitaph on a tombstone: "She lived a
life of virtue and died or tne cholera
morbus, caused by eating green fruit in
the full nope oi a niosseii immortaiiiy
at the earlv ace or twenty-one years,
seven mouths, and sixteen days. Reader,
go thou and do likewise."
An old farmer, who was asked by an
impertinent attorney if there were any
pretty girls in his neighborhood, an
swered: "Yes, sir, lots of 'em; so m any
that they can't all find respectable hus
bands, aud lately some of 'em's been ta
ken up with lawyers."
Black silk aprons are
fashion again.
coming iuto
This department of the New North
wkst is to be a general vehicle for ex
change of ideas concerning any and all
matters that may be legitimately dis
cussed in our columns. Finding it practi
cally impossible to answer each corres
IMMidcnt by private letter, we adopt this
mode of communication to save our
friends the disappointment that would
otherwiseaccrue from our Inability to an
swer their queries. We cordially invite
everybody that has a question to ask, a
suggestioit to make, or a scolding to give
to contribute to tho Correspondents'
Mm, E. A. C, Nehalem : Scut your
premium. Have you received it?
Please let us know.
A. F., Springfield, 111.: Yes. A great
many people are 'now coming to Ore
gon, tne ruture .umpire state oi tins
far-off Western coast. If, as you say,
you're dissatisfied with your present lo
cality, wc think you will very likely
be pleased with our State. Our winters
arc a little rainy on which account our
citzens arc dubbed "Webfect" but not
so much so as is usually represented.
There arc no drouths here, however,
which compensates abundantly for the
little inconvenience some may expe
rience on account of our "Oregon mist."
Our summers are delightful ill the ex
treme. Times are prosperous. Rail
roads arc being constructed through tho
State. The spirit of improvement per
vades everywhere. Farmers realize a
handsome price for the wheat crop this
year, which will bring more money into
our State than ever before.
Miss G. W. C. wants to know wheth
er there is any chance for her to engage
in business or procure a clerkship In
Portland., Certainly, if you are pos
sessed of the necessary business educa
tion. Women must qualify themselves
to fill positions in business circles the
same as men do if they wish to sue
cecil. That women are capable of suc
cessluliy conducting business lias been
abundantly proved, and employers are
well aware of the fact.
Miss J. W. M.: Let him go, and for
get it all. You should be thankful that
you found him out so soon, instead of
'waiting for the disclosure to come when
t would have been too late to have
separated. There are just as good fish
in tiie sea as ever were caught.
AnnoiTLY MKT. A correspondent
of the Herald and Presbyter writing
from Minnesota, tells the following
I have picked un a "little storv"
which I think too good reproof for dis
turbers of the peace in churches to be
lost. A presiding elder of the United
Brethren Church was prcachinsr in tills
same neighborhood, and was much an
noyed by persons talking aud laughing.
He paused, looked at the disturbers, and
said, "I am always afraid to reprove
those wito misbeliavc in church. In
the early part of my ministry I made a
great mistake. As I was preaching, a
ouni man who sat just before me was
constantly laughing, talking and mak
ing uncoutii grimaces. 1 nausea aim
administered a severe rebuke. After
tlte close of the services one of the offi
cial members came and said to me.
Brother , you made a great mistake.
That young man you reproved is an
idiot.' Since then I have always been
:ifraid to reprove those who misbehave
n church lest 1 should repeat that mis
take and reprove another idiot." Dur-
njr the rest of that service at least there
was good order.
Hknkv Ward Bkeciier on Inter
est. No blister draws sharper than
the interest docs. Of all industries none
comparable to that of interest. It
works ail day aud night, in fair weather
and foul. It has no sound in its foot
steps, but travels fast. It gnaws at a
man's substance witii invisible teeth.
It binds industry with its film, as a fly
Is bound in a spider's wed. Debts roll a
man over anil over, bindlnir him hand
and foot, and letting him hang upon the
fatal mesh until the long-legged interest
devours him. There is hut otic thin
on a farm like it, and that is the Canada
thistle, which swarms new plants every
time you break its roots, whose bloss
oms arc prolific and every flower the
fattier of a million seeds. .Every leaf is
an awl, every branch a spear, and every
plant like a platoon or bayonets, anu a
liehi or tliem like an armed Host. The
whole plant is a torment and vegetable
curse. And yet a farmer hail better
make his bed of Canada thistles than to
be at ease upon interest,
Ocr Ancestors. Talk about ances
try! a writer, who seems tohavehad the
time, as well as the curiosity, gives the
livery Human being on the face of
the globe is compelled, by the laws of
nature, to have two parents, four grand
parents, eight great grand-parents, 10 in
the fourth generation back. 32 in the
fifth, 256 in the eighth, 32,7SC in the
uitecntn, almost i,u.u,uuu in tne twen
tieth, and nearly 1,073,000,000 in the
thirtieth. The whole number of one's
ancestors in the fiftieth generation is
5,302,704,914,214,040, a multitude which
no man can number and no mind can
conceive. The blood of this vast host is
running through the veins of everv
mortal on the earth, and that reckoning
uackomy nity generations.
Liver as Food. Tiie California
detenu tic l'rcss says: "Wo cannot too
strongly denounce the use of liver and
kidneys as food for man. These organs
are constantly charged with the worn
out, excrcmentitious matter of the svs-
itiii, iuuiuc;v;iKi;ui WHICH, Wlldl riglltly
understood, are disgustingly offensive
to the taste. Their presence is evinced
by the fact that these portions of an ani
mal are always the first subject to de
composition. They make very good
mujjk, uui,
When a person says "he wouldn't give
a fig for a thing," does he speak figura
Miniature Women.
i3 i '"rtknow when our feolinps
have been so touched with pity as at a
spectacle witnessed a Sunday or two ago.
It was a day to tempt even an atheist
to some recognition of aSnnroir. i,.:
The religiously inclined could not resist
us i.iiiii, uiigut, lilt liuuoil lo o UP tO
the house of God. and eive
him for the beauty of earth and heaven. I
It chanced that the Sunday school vna
still in sesson as we entered the nave 6f
an open church, and while waitinir
through its closing exercises, thero was
an opportunity for tho invitimr studv of
young children's faces. Looking about
among tne rows oi sparkling eyea and
mobile leatures, tne vision was-sutidonly
arrested by the ornate toilettes of a
couple of sisters, for,althoughstrangeni,
tho perfect uniformity of their dressindi-
cated them to be such. Crimped, and
curled, and braided, tho hair of these
misses wasa marvel of intricatearrange
ment, which set one hopelessly wonder
ing how much patient aud irksome labor
before the mirror had been spent in its
adjustment. Mounted above it, -anti low down over the forehead, was
a miracle of the milliner's art of rib
bons, and flowers, and velvet. Thoir
white muslin dresses were elaborately
decorated, and tied with rainbow-hued
sashes at the waist, and enlivened with
scarf, laces, chains and brooches at tho
throat. The faces set in tho midst and
overshadowed by ail this lavish adorn
ment were small, pale and thin, and
had a suspicious suggestion of tiowdor
mil tho puff-box in their elaborate
whiteness. Delicate, dwarfed and pre
cocious, these miniature women looked
of no more usein the world thana couple
of forced, fragile flowers. It was impos
sible to guess their ages from any hint
in their attire or expression, nicy
might be ten or twelve, and they might
be eighteen or twenty, uniy one tiling
about them was positive: they were
The freshness, simplicity and frank
ness of young girlhood was entirely ob
literated. When they arose at tho dis
missal of school aud passed down the
aisle, their bent figures, humped backs
and mincing steps declared the finishing
absurdity ot tight snoes anil nigu neeis,
while their conscious air antl artificial
manner completed the painful picture.
They were girls of the period.
And multitudes of such are growing
up all over our own land, with the ex
pectation of fulfilling tho destiny of.
womanhood, and becoming wives and
mothers ! The men who are to marry
such had far better think twice anu
then decline. Chicago Post.
Babies. We love little babies, ami
love everybody who does love babies.
No man lias music in his soul who don't
love babies. Babies were made to be
loved, especially girl babies when they
grow up. A man isn't wortii a chuck
who hasn't a baby, and the same rule
applies to woman. A baby is a spring
day in winter; a ray of sunshine in frigid
winter, and if it is healthy and good
naiureu, anu yoirre sure it's yours, it is
a bushel of sunshine, no niattor how
cold the weather. A man cannot be a
hopeless case so long as lie loves babies,
one at a time. We love babies all over,
no matter how dirty they are.
Babies were bom to be dirty.
AVe love babies because they are ba
bies and because their mothers are
Ioveable and lovely women. Our lovo
for babies is only bounded by the num
ber of babies in tiie. world. We always
look for babicsj wc do, with anxiety and
parental affection; we do, indeed wo do.
Wc always have sorrowful feelings for
mothers that have no babies and don't
expect any.
Women always look down-hearted
who have no babies, and men who havo
no babies always gamble and drink
whisky, and stay out nights trvinir to
get music in their souls; but they can't
come it. Babies are babies and nothing
can take their place. Pianos" play out
and good living plays out, unless thore's
a baby m the bouse. We've tried it; we
know, and we say there's nothing like a
aby. Exchange.
If wc could only read eaeli other's
hearts, we should be kinder to each
other. If wc knew the woes and bit
terness and physical annoyanco of our
neighbors, wc should make allowance
ror tliem wincn we no not now. e
o about masked, uttering stereotyped
;cntences, hiding our heart-pangs and
head-aches as carefully as wo can; yet
we wonder that they do not discover
them intuitively. Wo cover our best
feelings from the light, but we do not
onccal our resentments and our dis-
Iike3t of which wo are prone to he proud.
Life is a masquerade at which few un
mask, even to their nearest frionds.
And though there is need of much
masking, would to heaven wo dared to
show our real faces from birth to death,,
lor tnen some lew would love oacii
Living Beyond tiirir Mkans.
Bulwer says poverty is only an idea in
nine cases out or ten. borne men with
$10,000 a year suffer more for want of
means than otners witn &ouo. Tiie rea
son is tho nciier man lias artuiciai
wants. His income is 510,000 a year,
and he suffers enough, in being dunned
for unpaid debts, to kiiiascnsitive man.
A man who earns a dollar a day and
docs not go in debt, is the happiest of
the two. ery lew people who rtave
never been rich will believe this; hut it
is true. There are thousands and thous
ands with princely incomes who neVor
know a moment's peace: there Is more
real happiness among the workingmon
of the world than among those who are
called rich.
A gentleman in Iowa who recently
became the father of a fine boy, and who
naturally deemed it the handsomest
child ever born, thought hesaw a chance
to gain a reputation for liberality with
out the expenditureofany money. So he
offered a premium of $100 for the pret
tiest baby that should be exhibited at
the approaching fair, not doubting that
the judges must award the prize to his
own. There were nine entries, compris
ing seven white and two negroes, and
one of the negro babies gained the
"Did you present your account to
defendant?" asked a lawyorj p
cut. "I did, sir." ''AiiSM
say?" "He told me to go toj the J
"And what did you do then . "y
I came to you."
A Pennsylvania jury S
their word.
to the.