The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, May 19, 1871, Image 4

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liaas So Utm. A. . aWBwiwag.
My MMi I wonld iwrtto yea;
pr Uted Is I i to writ. .
!4rMW4 ksert art kaavy,
" Tlawa wear kM words aowlea;
-- LutasanStofroaar paa;
Ball lltelPil!, W
- Aad Ussr kav chanced si as tkee,
k -
Theealrt still srf baay (kwlM
' Km ather tbraack jr brala.
Bat t7 glkt away Ilk spsrtrto.
Afl sad gbaalljr train.
I tklak of liars krlwttonrBiit.
Of asaakoodw erlr prima;
Of Iww, PSf pak aanralnf, -
Aad Uum ilk roest eabldde
WskrBadBopwrr klddea , .
Of ikes mr maa will wka '
Th liblilriKef ljrra;
Mai tboaa an tbetoes ftjraakea
sMm Bopes Wight tors OSpll.
-1 know, mj Mead, 11a dutr J
Tu labor sad to waM. '5f1f ---'
The word, am tall af krauty. -'-"-
Bat aft Hi sera h
, II ie- ; I'vtti1
'"A Mill sasBttvolee- sneata as
" f toy Bsslaacknly strains;
A Toarv swart, aost, eslratlal, -ya,lmf
UI aataaJ."
til Bead tba Haa real warnlaf,
Ma awM llva UU lurrt '
At noon, at Bltt Bad nilM -
l(- 4lti
-r I'll labarasW
Tbaaa Unas I antd joa graaUaa; .
I tbaabt I coals not wrlla;
Bat Uss sad ll ar laMla-
.Th aaal- alssoat la slakl.
ZZMatyi rsark tha kibwfttl harra
Aad pleek Um fracraat Bowers
" TbpbBw b4ttaMaTi Mo BeT?" JwWa'wWBaa'UB'
la teaasealeettal kawan.
, - Manaljr,
KAin, Mar ta, urfc
. W. A. M.
- n
' PK'rtttra Ibr t aa Xw KoaravaaT.)
r Qam Mana, tkr hnn aa mand ;
2; Oalr aad atoatk a I -i: i
Aad wttk kala arowa
- Hall diaaad la riaaai af mwvw.
- Ta-alht w gaaad aad mnmimt t -J
aadlraaaif.aadaaoat L
- Mow waa tkf tmU akaaa aaadmrd.
: Ok, kaakaa kaarlad Mooat
Wao aa arael aad aold
"-' A to
IkM rank aad
Waa waa laa ko
Attaatwaaaadtaaaawat, r
Walla aka vaadatad Ifcroask lac tkMw,
" Aa w fad a wnwiaa-a imiw
OM af aar tntthfol
TadHr.lnUrajdiHid. , -rjowa
bnaa kcr aUmr akaaaj
Tka apnllar rfcW wi
Tk aweafa amaa waa aaral
J will kfrp ka JBM arer.
" Itold Ika adnata! kaarlad laa.
Aad laa wklla atora aald
O, kwikaa lieatiad Mnaaf
ua af aa yrmtif kriahl
Tkal BMtHaU, aeaka or rMeelac.-
JdlaUaM Uwat ft fcaaaia af llabt.
M. M. MtJ.iC-
A Flail Iter af m Plaia mfta.
(Catetad, aarafdlaa a Mm AfOnaciaa,la
Ike at 171, kr Mra, A. J. InuMwar. la Um
Clark Onto af Um ptatrta Coart af ta ITaltod
ajtotorlkPlatrlaf Orraok.1;
, 1 ,. CHAITKk H,
My pareota, though Illiterate, were
much more intelligent than their Dclgb
bora, aiad aa a oaatter of oouree were
mneh - annoyed ever the Beoeaalty at
-Vtagtng upthelreblldreB without good
edueaUunal adfintaa; but porerty
bad rears before drirea them to one of
tbe newest aettlementa of the then K ew
'West, and there tbe aame atern maater
eompelled them to remain. They bad
Immigrated to that epot when I waa a
tiny Infant, and X bad bo recollection of
any other borne than the one that abel
"tered m.TTbtr bard life bad blunted
- many e their finer eenatbillttoa, and
what with their earea, their porerty
and.motherw poof health, bo wonder
they did not regard with mUafaetioa
the : mental uallUea af their little
- daughter, Who, - In - common Weatem
pariaaee, bad to eat and wear aa well
aa the beet of theam.
Tne my temper waa ae ri
they argued ; and Is the uanagenient
of mr temper they made a julatake
'4 wiu enronirte nere tnai
attentlre reader, aboold U be your lot to
bring Bp a child, may eee the obrtaclee
which they eejeeamtMwd, and ' asetng
wf Broid -tbem. They '" aougbt to
quench my temper, and found the taak
Impawlkli. '
A merry, Boby little rlrer ran by
our fhran, a! eeuM -be aeewiiattnptty
Bay. mtneta door. . . Huge, boh!
roeka and rugged bluff an. the opposite
aide of the etream from our dwelling
would often, during ;'ataanna of high
water, preaent auch obetaclce to the
welling fiuoda that they ' would over
leap their bank and come tearing down
toward eur little habitation aa though
It would be theircklef delight to deairoy
It. Of courae bo effort of bmb eould
quench them, but my father prepared
another channel for the Increased vol-
aine uf uatei, and away It
wtnt on
mlaaloB of good, fortillalng the r alley
ana uprooting tnejunk, greea under.
growth that had been keeping the aua
ZZZl ,,?-ww,f V
mmwMowm. . , .
I did
Bet make thU Vpplkwtloa then:
bug looking back through tbe long.
weary year that are gone, I cannot but
wondat tSot'I oM not then arJy it ; :
But my pualahmeatmuat UeiMlured.
The, tittle log loom-bouM B-nere . niy
mother toiled throughout tbe long, hot
umtner to prepare the winter rlothlne,
and Where hd fthlvered through the
old, bitter winter to manufacture our
Bummer apparel no wtmvW abe slowly
7WDAY. MAY 13-
I I . " .- roan-4p, otnav . . j
AUled, poor tMiiaWwaa toU my priaolBlght.Th ofd weoden clock, .whoa
hirlac the hot teat month of the year,
riearlly the work wept on. IVk, pick,
pick kt the huge pile of Imrr-be-BUtted,
abomlitaltka vaol tliat la b(iHl p
bvbliMl thd (Tim oM tootttT;. - -
M lingera (mr white lmoai in
parent whlU tny Hmka wrul'
praaavd krlU km kiwxd wcUfrk' .1
parfectljr Utlw, ami my motbar would
often chid ma, aajln It would do nt
no fooa ia taopa nyaeir u ki&. ui
tola ataU of kpathetks ladlflWrnra voif
ttnu4 tfaaitoc 4ayHClU aIU
mjr wbold uerroua jratem waa atning
B U ft Uta IiUMa , waArfulBaaa,
Mr ' VMM- orvaniaau asaaawl aiUaf
with acuU rnaatlona. Tb BMMt lm
pU aad ordlnarr atmada jrew iiMwp
Bortabla, and I frequently . frl'
awaka tbnatch ilweBtim fUclaWlln
laf to Um BMNtotonoua tick, tU k, tk k of
tba old ball clock, r 7 ' " "
Or nlgti-I bad bmf Baiiw-' Uuib
uauailx, Brakaful. fTh -flnd da 01
Uat wwkol1 biy"ureariljd tai.Mnuut
waa fona, abd I lay In bed, counting
tba fU ft tb f ra faAlBlng working
days, and aumtulng up Uat aggregaU
with an Intenaa degrc interval, Tbe
naamaUawt cUrad thNNicb tbe uncur
tained window tb . bop-rlB bad
yielded ie tbe ravagea of a rteank iroet
and but little reatlge of ltd abade re
mained' .'-V--
, The BouBd af BJJ parM,t"' '
hairrhlopered onTeraaUoo, arreateo
wy attention. - - '. '
"Tbe child b eitber Milking orabe la
Ick," I heard my mother aay. "She
doren't eat food enough te aw-tala a
mouae." -. - r
am aorrr I acnUntfd her jo g. jqng
puniabment," repUed any lather; "but I
muat kae T-or with kef, Ibougltl
do fori aomewbat eonceroed about the
child. - If I were rich I'd bring her up
dlgereaUy-from the-Othcr . children ;
but abe muat fare like tbe rest of them.
Her genlue won't pay for ber bringing
"She glrea iu nxr trouble than all
the reat of the children put together V
waa my mother empbatle remark.
"I don't eee," abe" preeently reaumed,
w hy you would educate her different ly
from the other chlldrvn-fihe la no
better than they " .
i 44 But If abe bad proper eulUratioti
he'd make aa extraordinary woman.'
"She'e extraordinary enough aa abe
ia, and doean't need rulUvating in any
of .ber notion." , '..., '-...---rr-I
bare erldnm beard euch a retort
from my motber'a lpa Bbe muat bare
been grleroualy rfed witb me.
HI, too, am troubled more about ber
thaa the other rhlUlrrn," aakl my
fatberJTann(t gFre ber the oppoi
tunltlea ber geala thlrate for.- Hbe will
a) way be eompelled to drudge at bouee
work. If ahe had only been a boy I
eould eee aorae tarigbt future BAaprcfaJ
ahead of her. Bui women here, no
ehahee for life nutaUU nf matrlinniix
judithi4! HiCTi-TbTllerTf nm nrti
were dead." y
1 Ai, hatfHrorreaarirl algh waa tbe only
rnVftonaa, and, hearing no more, 1 aank
hack into the JUcd-ctothea with, euca
beart-alck, oppreaalve wall Utat my
mother grew eturmed and came to the
room to are what waa tbe matter.
I waa eubblag conrulaj rely. With
one I band I waa mechanirally
clutching the bed-elothe, while the
other waa tightly cbwped orer my burn
Ing forehead and aching eye.
- "Judith, are you lck V
I eould not apeak, bat forced back tbe
acaldUig team and aaawrrvd with
neratlre aliake of the tieed.
"Tbea what la the matter V
. "Xotblng." '
It waa all I could utter. A awelllng
aob half atlfled mk.
"Well, What ate-Jroa: &&ng .fort
Bpeakl or I'll eee If I can't compel you
to talk n
"Oo away and let me aktne, mother,
pleaae," I managed o say. . . . . r
Uur Ifortre'ltttk'T' wanrto tr
IL" J- .
MUlaarr d-'.tala Jtatat Jarta
me VT . . 1 ' '" :
"Vbat a uueatloB I. Why do you
H r . -' .
"Betnae BoUaly elae lores me.
"WelL Judith. It rou will be ah obe-
dlentiand food-tempered little girl
Jcaue ' will love -you. He.Wea good
ehlLlreo. ' V-
Won't you my that
uat He lore
tf you'ii ft
-"He wW Wvt yew If you'll foraake
yonr wlrked ways BneY pray to Him,
Judith." r 'Jf i.- lO AX'O : U 1
"But I 't pray,.' ' '
"Your brother and aiaters pray."
"But they are gnod.... -xr
"I know they arejwt Jnrbulent and
obatlnaU like you, Judith but Jeau
to full of fjompaaalon. ' lie pardoned the
thief on theeaoaa, you know.'
My aplrit had Me at the word com
pdmion; but the alluaioa to tbe thief on
the ran etunnod-nd-atang me, I Mt
tliat the linpthd romnarlann wad un
just, anil aank qnl wlngliack Into the
VMother, am 1 like that thief?"
"You haren't etotoB anything Ju
dith, but you often do that which la a
bad la the eyed of Jeeue, r .. n
Uh, BotMrr
fro nf my Hp, and I corered my bead
and lay hushed and at 111 la the deep
bittern n of Bnutterable woe. 4
- W$ypnLy, Judith r
ltJSo, mother."
God help me! Whet will become
of tb child ?"
Bh turned herself from Bat with 'a
sigh, and glided silently "ft way ; and
I soon beard ber and my fattier engaged
la whlaared ctmverBatkm.' What they
saying I could hot know; but I
was con fl. leal they were talking of tbe
peat of their We their strange erring
temd Incorrigible daughter. 1 - J
I .Sleep dhf-nbf come to my ye-that
measured tick, tock, tick seemed- a
night-long rcpetKMu of pick, pun, pick
that waa my day-time occupation, had
solemnly tolled the Bouf uroue daring
my mother's rudt to my roont. .
"O-n-e T-w-ol limmtf utyow the
dear, frosty air and pealatl through tbe
old bouse, tearing a faint "echo In piy
ears for a tlaae, and then alt wwe silred
mre th. edeB-ly
pull, ph-k noUtdy !. me, and I m
sick-tick Uwk, : tWk-w hkhT waa
steadily repeated until my.JKvea were
aa wrought upon that I could endure
the sound Bolonger. ' , - - ,
I arose, draaaad hastily, threw aa old
ahawl over myjMa tfaidliig noiae-
leaaly through the bouse, readied the
open air and pauned H allent admira
tion of the beauteous night. A heavy,
white, clear freat corered errery rUlble
earthly thlna ;My mat rwurahsa. aa
tbe aliarp frost caused them to atlng
with painibut Iatuod atUl my
track, and the ground grew warm be
neath them. I looked above me. The
moon wad shedding a li ugni mat
partly eclipsed the vivid brightness
of the stars; but they were every where
risible In th Hiripld-imawn. - ine
creat manle treea were raillant. with
myriads of scau:ilbe orvhard. Hre.
aliM nvihOriBrr -tilwfl TM W-i
chid earthWarprflfuatTy adorned itltUse. -Multiply the area hr the mean
precious stones. ' ' IJUmoixla, rublea,
emerald, iwaria, ehreBd etaHBrfr
parkled beamef i .eiioedabu
aronnd an beneath "f., every
thlngwaseoldaud stony. How strange
ly all this vivid beauty Tpreased me t
How my heavy heart auu.1 under the
Kl n H ajrJ4udatl.gAU
laconiprebenslbk; ditad lread of
wbat ? I knew not, ' Of one thing only
waa I deeply emu red. I waa not Uved,
Jesaa, thetUvloat ef eaer Vrerl Vie
thief upon the cross; m be could not
lover-; MyrrrenU-rhedB dead 1
I sank to my knee.' Tlte jewel-clad
grass crumbled beneath my weight, but
I dared djot for I yeatrurtlon wdelf At
another time would bars annoy
deeply. I louged, Oh I bow Intensely 1
for one word, of IpreJ .Jl Wb(j4 mjiarlf
from-a conviction of moral uaworthl
neaa, but no beam of peace enuhl And Its
war Into my heart Muddenly a light
breeae stirred the top-moat branches of
tba froat-enorutd maple trees that
belted our little river. - The- creaking
boughs swsyerback"And fortbiulu?
gling their dlaoordant note with the
eeaaelees monotaneed; the Jlhefdjiif
in a moaulng, walling miserere so un
like' tbe niellow' wntra-aito llial iiad
alghed all 'summer long through tlie
silken foliage that I could acareely real
Ue that I wan not In the fairy lands of
which I had ao oftenjreadja ith rblk-.
like lutercaC-
I moved mechanically dowji the foot-
why, I went-tbereIeeiiilypro1
wtHwut-retiMoHt anu jm iH
n.iv ..f t w. .L.i.. ....ill I flf"! Iting tbe cnaat of North Amerk-a, prior
think nr what ; was ikuiig lytii tge time of CMumhuarT.y- caferut er
Ml.t M U.M,it.i l
niaitte, wnere tne oem view. or me atu
be olitaiiied. It waa there, that I
and bliaful reverie bya Jyee Uip-
prng,iipon theorTaion jnfmy- bud
vUlt, and tliere I Was a)pii it, without
tba knowledge or consent ofmy parent,
gaiing at the faaminr erBdl hiid
llalenlne tn the wlerd mufMle of tlie cMi-
lnuit I. 'ma 1.1. I-i
, T in
I w'aaiLure's tlillil, aiif re -
joiced with ber at one of ber granileat
entertainments. ' CVbuciilng down with
my bare feet upon the rrbip-forest
leaves, I drew the shaw l tightly around
mhead, leaving ouly an. aperturwi.for
my eye, amy there I aat drmmlng.
The moaning winds sighed through the
leaflets, dtHaiihlag. BayruvdafT jewar.
I UuglidXa low, exultaut, happy
laugh. Tlte morning star fang to
gether, 4jiBJr3 rymmle MtteHo
the muMie at the cataract and tree.
whlteall tlie tiny branches in lw tree
tops danced for Joy.' 1 " f '
IUiust have remained In that criMK'li-
t pnelthm fog twohoursTTbry li'WryUnJ
seeuf fttfmany TiiliiatesT bill Ihe HiTck -
vmnm Lima Ia mdebraA' hutrnln.
jubilee. . byjj exulUnt erowhnf ( that
brought ' me back to dlfo Bilaerable,
weary, plodding life again, and I hur
ried homeward. Kolselesly I lifted the.
latch ; silently I sought my little room.
f untlreaaed la bast and eregit shivering
Into the bed, and again I heard the old
ball clock with It measured 'tick, tnck,
UrkatXpn, pick.-Bobgy Mrsa ,
anTTmalck tick, tocxTTkk, the
Bionoronoua eadenee bringing back the
memory aCJBqg trftaatB datttofBeut.
A gala I grew, O, so miserable Heaven
help you, patient reader, ahpuld such
lemwtlona' ever get w removHtUea bold
en yewtr. - m iWit
a .
An EnglUh writer, while erltleUIng
iHimcwiiat uarnrors,iiyj"p'icwor roey'a
new ebrMiflt'atlon 'xm Tloud 'remarxe
that la bis opinion there arp, but three
way in which It l poanilde far clouds
to be formeo. iiiea are, nratiie cool
Big of a maa of air a tiim by radiation:
Ihi forma frwfM, , Heewiwt, the cnnling
of a mam of air by dininiKlet p erasure
wnen II now in an aaeriwllnr column
iutas eeaafa t A Md.
Id when sublet expansion
takes place above.'ao a hi Uinilulb the
x . . . . 1 1 . . . 1 . ? t ..
rwajiure thrnttrh tbe etrtlir hetht of
theenlumncf air, and, in exwuaiiience
ij ie eold due to the tlinilnutiirn of
preaaure, peotaoos readies a.Uottnf vapor
throuehout the eolsma. . Thi U turn 's
txpianattonef waWr-apout . , lldrd, the
coollnsT of A maa of air by cut ulna Into
-leoniact wun a cooler bum or air than
itself; this
Rxidovftb or l5K JlumiiBf raoM
WamnuK WIm"U ' Ink" bhdi-lte have
heea. Pirwied aver jrlutig arlakh H Is
desired ! decipher, we are ,ad rised to
bruah off the eaArJl'r-'Wel li a Weak
anlutioa ef axalie acid by mean of e
eanM-l'aduilr pencil, la UiU way layer
kfterUyeroftlieaiperlneumttit ink will
be removed, and Dually tlie writing itaelf
will. In moat nam, eume t vk-w. .This
at especially puaalMe where snnie ee
siderable luterral bad ellwL Iweaa
the two applications ef ink. A aaoM aw
the totter are visible tlie bruehing
aliould be roatlBBed for a time wUn
cleaa water, aa ae to arrant the teadeacy
.of tb acid solutioa to make a further
change la thd Ink. . ' - ; , "
: T latdtri lay hiAi Stack Mew."
If It be a aquare or oblong stack, with '
tiiiehed roof, mean re the belxht In
feet from the base to the eaves, ad.l to
ibia half the. hetirht rroaa the earea to
tbe ridge, m Sod the mean height; mid
tliJy Us hebjlit by the breadth, and
the product by the length. IMvide the
irroa product by twnty-even, and the
quotient will be the number of coble
yards in the stack. - Um estimate of the
total weight must depend npon the Hip-
pueed welghkaf a eublo yard; this will
iMjceaaarily vary aeeordlng to time aU
lowed Kw the stack to settle. In an old
stack the bar la More esea pact than one
recently built. A pretty correct eti
taste w ill gained by allow lug eltchty
rhe pouiMht to tin cubie yard In the
new aUok one huaxired wounds In one
that has stand a few (uutilhs, and us
bUnd red and twelve pound If .It ba
stood more than a Year. To a4ertaln
the Weight of hay In the stack, multiply
insTiumiieres euoeByaiqa in sue awea
ly the number of peunda aJlousad, and
the product will give the content of the
tack In pound; divhtei by two Uioua
and, and the quotient will give the
nuuibreof to say Toaarertarn the weight
of hay in a found ateck with a coaicai
ten, DihI the height to the envea, and
add one-third uf the remaliwlcxjlo ob
tain the mean Iriurlit of ,tiie wliole.
Ion (that I, multiply it by Itn-IQ. and
initltlnlr tlie prwluct by- tlie devtmai
U7U&. Till will rive the area of the
helirbt. and tlie nruduct will lie the eon
tout of the stack la ruble feetr dlvbk)
by twenty aevrii and we will hare the
Bumberof cubte yards. MultliUy. tills
as before, by the uumber of pounds al
lowed to the yard, and the product will
give tlie gmas weight In imund. - To
eat i mate the ciHitent of a mow where
the tp surface of tlie hay ht level, tbe
prove ia the aame a With the a tack,
ting tne allowance. - j
Captain Hherrard Oaliorne, well known
asaMArcticei4rer,haalBttdy preaented
, . " - - -
a commaiilcaUon' to the Hoyat tieo
irratibical Mosiety ,wf lytmaun, la reference
to tba Atlantic aea bed. In tals paii
he states that the bottom of the Nerth
Atlantic ta occupied by two waileya, the
eaateru extend in from ten to thirty
degrees weat longitude, and traceable as
lar a tne ej uavwr, -w hi r aa extreme
Ire than . Jeet. The4
weaieru rauey . reacnee iroia ine uur
tieth to the fiftieth degree of west Inajr-
ituae; and tne two are acparated by a
rblgt la thirty degrrea weat huigituth-;
along which the average deth ia ouly
1.600 fathoms, and whiuh can be traceil
northward to IoelamL and southward to
tne.Asoire, ao tbat it la roloaidc ta
character at both extremities, lta ex
trriue brvaUh 1 aomewbat leesthanotH)
enilea, and Uie depth f water tltereaae
on both side of it awording to tlie dis
tance from the axis. t'runt captain
UnboriMi'a reeearcbes lu rrgard to deep
aea-bed at'iierauy, be is inclined to
Here tliat tliere are n rough ridirea, ab
rupt rbjuunis nor bare rix-k. and that tbe
sea iMittom at great depth la not affected
hyeurrent or atreanio, even by tboae of
tbe magnituue of tne uuv Ml ream, ana
that It rather resemble the Americaa
prairiea. in veneral apnea ranee, and I
every where covered by a kind of mud.
r Ahbix HuAra wKiw Bbuxswitk.
Of lata years many discoveries have
been made lw rea-anl tn ther habit and
characteriatlca of tlie aborlgtnee luliao-
UHe'anettis SuiteaT HM "Ktiilu laietTlh
the vicinity of their vlllasree. Tb pub-
Uahed reeat'hea-f Peofrawor Wvmn
A and others have proved fun of Interest:
awl a"tne sunject continue "to- excite
the attention uf American areJtavolofriet.
we doubt not that much uuwhhkten will
yet lie brought to light. Aa tbuaa da
tuit are usually ou.4r .very near tlie
eea.iney.are mun rxpoei Mine wear
ing or tne wave; inoeeo, tiieir uiwiovery
l uauany mn iv exjaMura-rif a section
y h- Ihfllicnce- Jr tliK reanon It I
llBporUllt hk( tlie' examinations In
question aliould be pmaecuted before the
neaps nave entirely flbavppami, as a
laixc Tsoportlonwlll proftabty not out
11 ve 4o acxt half-eutary. Wa learn
that-a careful search on tlie shore of
Kent and Northumberland counties, on
tlMtawter eoast'tif New "Brut wick.
has aim wn, I hat, lit conswriuaiioe of the
Wearing . away of the soft sand -stone
shale of the coast for many ivhIh, all of
tike shell uelnmltM, believed to have once
existed In abundance, have now entirely
Pca BrtTY or rntamrnra HEarrrxrs
I!t TBiiriCAb Amkbica. Wg are In the
habit -of auppoal ng t hat tropical lands
are naturally InrWded with poisonous
serpents of varied srsvle and In great
numbers; and are
led to emadtfer this
eorMlltioB aa awe of the chief
draw-back to reetdt'itre or travel In those
regions, . Till may be the case aa it re-
rarda Asia, and alao a few of the Weat
India Inlander but It certainly does not
apply to Central America, where, with
an Immense multiplicity of species,
those of a venomous nature are com par.
aUvHy rare; In fact, much acarcer than
in Southern Tulted KUIea. A natural
ist, mlaUnghls treent experiences In
Uuatemaht, which Is a fair type of tlie
region gene rally In this rrapect, remark
thatone rnAybeln thaeoawtry long
kind, and much lea frequently a pof
annouaoHe: The bitter Indeed are.- per
haps, pot actually rare on the coast, but
they avoid tlie presence of man, aad at
any rate maw, about but little In the
day-time. . A specie of rattlemake 1
haunt abundant. The writer also re-
marka that the poison of the rattlesnake
spprart to be mucb ice aeauiy tnaa it
Is farther orthi a quite a number of
raees af kites eatne under hla notice.
but ha never heard of one resulting la
Nxw NoaTHWB8T, We are lmk-lted
to A. N. Arnold, agent, for a copy of
the above entitled paper, which has Just
ncea sent artoal uob tne sea at journal
Ism at IWUand, by our former fellow
rJtlaen, Mr. IJimlwsy. Tlietrpngrapli-
k-ai appearance iupen (wuien I lae
ehanlwal aklll nf Mr. laaae
fone) and the paper abounds in orixinal
arwl vigorous article peculiar to it able
editor. )f course W tnrur-mlnled
tirocuviUed pititi-ude-mwnT almoat every
line thrnwa-iMMit tta prtdirreeoitrmna, but
lie- tempera ber rVrt-lstleet eVinantla
with so much amilerathm and apoarenl
eandor tlimt ther am drxol.l of any of
llioae '. -rrnrwlnr pectiiianilc Which
have niade similar. nublleatloaa aa, ou-
lectioaahla la tlte Uisiawa, Tlie latsb
liidtment of the N ew Nokthwkst Is a
bold venture, by aold aad , dauntless
womaik and If w does not pro's a swo
re the failure will b la tM weak lies
pf ibveauseand not la a want of pluck
or ability en the part of it eomlaritw.
ent IrKioeet In lHhm aflonbi a
remarkable llluaf ration af I Im length U
which rairltr wilt carry wwmaa.. A
dometdlcserraitt-aUed anddcidy. -Tlie
aVjrior could not aocouai for tb death,
aiarr-maiie a maa'swjrfcu xaminaUou.
arWtr. .tu II" -tnmmh had
he stee of baby'a, ami
out or
ft proper place.
tight lacing, r The coroner, a
maa af great experience, bad
srea aa aggravated a case ,
of lu
1 . ..
ba" VhABCtMOO AtyvBaTtiiicMKirra.
wtafwPg'a'2sl nr
i :
tolaviir bawMtorkaf --7
iaartcaa, agliah, f rrgch. aad larrmaa
tcitT; rorgrrr crn-TRTi
niLunsaY cooot r
g a 4 - - - -a
. ...!
Kar, ItK, B
BA riiAt'a.
rtnes cJiirenrY. moh-tsi
Brtweta bak and Patter, east Caaaoaj4ltaa
j ull,Maa rrwirwo,
So, at Ks da raabnairalatloanlimrrwrkx
- . .. '
f oituxb cidTKisi rAtreiY
OlotlalaiBT l'aporlum
BETwr.rjf ajccwtD akd third frrajtEra
xmaBaiiia ; .,. .rw
m. CNApturt mm irtti ai trfKt.
Dn. T. a. mAPMAjr TTCTT"T!rrvmt
hla-aMiani. frlmda aad Iha public at
Um Ihal lia haa Marrliawd Ilia llru lUura oa
eaere may lie aund lh ebokvt Prut, ani
avrrr other anIHa aoually fttaad la a diat-elaaa mutrm or mi a I nti.
Mr. faal Trnmaillt. a flrat
Aairthararf, will attend to Mia
cafi. iMMiad i
In of all Preanif
imuiib anu rniiaB,at ail aoara.
. . BirBPMT k KILLT.
-- - ' . kumn- -'
twiiii rmstct.rxtiTi axb Taerrtau,
(Vwsw af Third and Waahlnatna ateaataloa.
imw PreabrlerUa I hurrhk, PnrthuMl.Orvanii,
iKnnU dcliTrviLle all pru of lb rlly i KI.E
J9 UlAIUh a(
BB. J. i.
E. Bk. SaATTTC. ' a. LUX.
BHATrrC-K d HILUI, ''t
OrriTK-I! PARIUNH-H BRICK, aaalh aid
Waahlnetoa atrvat, hatwaca rroal and
Klrst, PiarUaad, Ureeua. alU
Plaaa Piwta at Cabinet Oreaa
Rinrlm, KlneullfMi
eulWMi aad Call
assail rblkls
r ltr.u..
Coltaesaad Mlae-tae
per stasia 1
1 1 m
fVr I
ft 1 M
Pflrat In 11 in IS KlaaitlA
iw la Kiurttttoe rrr htna. Be
t . reS ierm ta tea weeks la kntk; Ik year
W " I I.. II I Ml. p I I .1-1.
rUiMlniia eiMrl nf l.jr Ihanlitf 1$ lroa will k
x pealed la aar tar sark Iismb aa a la rlTra.
HiiHli nla eniarlne by ika Irras trill he as.
pertel lo Bar iTm la
wtadaaia ealartt. to lha will a
par in to aay s ta yaar la a1
HjPw frr(rvWt " " - ". - "
1 T-Mtn Mvn'a 'lass A Moajdays aad Tkara.
dy. tniM a in -jm e. w. .
Ywanc M'a-s Class B-rTBaadajr sad rVMars,
IWimlt.ttl a. w. .
TfMBS Maalrra' Claaa A Maadr aad
ii"ilJ ti fraai In laa fi a. r- r
Y'-ee 11-ilri.i Uh B Taiaday aad rrr
dWjm, t mm t to I r. Bb .-
Iril' ( liux W -Hlnraasr,! Sat-ar-lara.
at II a. . -r-r r-t- -v.
Mi"! taaa-Tueadar. at t:tl Malanlars.
Lat lissp.
Chlldraa'a riaMdsw UfTM iutoi
I'rWxs at
r. a. - '
. oBATuaio asa basal t
B'edaeaday evaalnas, flwas I to :m
. BB. HftBT A. TMMrea. - -
b ketwaaa Kalatoa aad Alala. ska
Publla aj,uaerv
Calls alu-aded la aar eaet af tka ettr.
rlailHa tor aala aad laatraraiin b-Itwb aa
Ika asa af U-rtrV-tljr as a llraie uU Acal. al
. X.mrraa4rwrrttaad. .. .
outr.m rtttM tiiKfv.rKTRT nwMiTLT
. 'arwifarw Afaf fa Ortferv,;
Bead sad rrsn faralag af ketrp
Aad all kins af -Aokhiaa - - with a..l.a
aaa vfenL
Uata I
V-i' '
aWeeeft. : dweweiTa Bewl 'J '- ;'' . -
Bkaltatfts-aV- . -1 -
tvr tana
w. r. wi-M-a-x,' .- a. a. wasT. , fAJkAaoaAisa)
iiiti imsnro in
' - ),- " -1- - t" rT.
umtt 4 IACHUIII,
' , - ....
r-kfuiiiHiirn mokk mnifODioraorAR-
IV ana tur thalr rairtdlr larmwIM aaalavaa.
n run
gTaKCT (TMtaln),
Wreei !y opaoattr tketr M BtaBaV
BATtsa aancB a
Larg CjrilndBC
... i
M aTasTt ftiittTKUi ir ttw nn,
Taaaralraadywell-atarked Katablukmral. we
are awiarJ to aa all eiae at aaaa a w
sTaauiM: r ... :..
' Twe Lewea Uta Wav;
fi emptasm j waei tiltyl
J '
. t
Oa Third Htreet,
Of It article. I MOrn.Y VKW. and aH
wltH aperls! rea-rene lo eserilraee, bi
aow aaarad at Mm ' -
V ru
k:ui tXeTou iXwfisa
Cordlne. Braklln. Hmimlinr. uuIHIb
asklaa, ItuNUae; aad Mat Berlns. -
tan m stumi ssabu tta ima rtu
Banallv enod Ibr ttaa nr Heavy Work-and
tkaaarr Plt.CTICAI. UW'VMCKM Alarhlne
over lajraalad. v
SiB-ss. w. TBAT l:, '-
r.iea atal Aaeat, m rroat at rwnTaadT
ae-TAtX at tfc Onw and en'mlae kewnw
anreaaala. v . . 7-. .
-v I.
- . ataTWArg IMtEatf ITBK,
enraar Third and Wnaklata atraata,
ka wllftalwajra b Bund toady to. iail
of work la bar lta wttk
. Baalaia aaad.Blnr HeB.
lat llnM w, b al 1trwA Hrlrwa.
aer rTnsA.ertj rts.. Xx v
Isaoi, Oretnt, Ploturcsi,
Bav. rtrat atraal tnaar ' Idd Bad TIIVoO'
, .
aw BsBst, Barw a tt
tn lnai'
Jfeag ar Offtor? d Baker
-. . ncTTBia rRAkucu. :
Befweea Bleertoaa dwd TaaahUI.
:; can bk Mad i .J,. .';:-- .TV . -.- "1 . -i
j -- w .: T-y-r- - - " ;; i . .j- 'Z... -' .
tujmnmu, m Mea aa Sara. . , - . r ' ' . '. ''T ',4 -
rrBni B,' we. . . s''- . , . , -
aeaft fnftU.JiL. '" AIX cTStil tF STRAW 'ttOuIM KXACHIH'1;.'.. .f.ZI
- rAWIl.TTBJ)BayV ad Kvery . --fpj
asrlaaiaa. ' .,. Z '-F"- rT '"' -
BJBBTB -ABB BBW BB. a Balsrt. rtea. . ." ": j ' -' '
- VABCT KB B a)B."ta'iraa rasee."-- ' '-,--7 ':; -r- - f l
XZ.-r:r, -ixJ',, I;-. )U wimU aaJBeaaets aUaewed,- ' "t. ' :
" t '
MIlliatlT ITCM. V
tVwaarlalai Mm UbM Kyi at tewaal II Waa.
-.- i UMEI IB
Tiaainae lo arlrct armHea la our line eaa
fcato I heir ardera SI lad BI all tlMM wHfc Ike
aata ear aad aeearaey a to prlea. at neaa aad
aulMT a Ikeaek Utoy war areaeal. tar lwa .
siamiaae la eaterta to tha.waala of eaa-
lomara anallr tta M readltr determine what
la heal salted totheaa aad eaajdestl.Mi aflk
rartiemlarAUaatioa raid UOldXadia1;
Cap tad Bonoata-
arldal or Baaralss Milu ranuakai a ahsrf
At a savin; of fifty pas rat toxh wkaarc.
rBJIrher a5wTf'iaasah
la the montry tow as wll dad II lo la4r ad-vaataa-a
to deal wltk us, as w know Just What '
ikeywerd.Tntid awe-iiritortunllles nr ail orders'
am aasqaallsd IB ftuyIaee aarth of aa -.
Fiaailaea. rr , 1.
L A D D &l J LTO rj ,
J'ai "'s i '1 ' 'k-a gap't' '
iCatiaTItaiUl( iraao;
It k-M suhiarl to
ehark imi Sralt
IXTKItKxf allowed nn TIMK lrr-narranr
TRI'KT ri Nlso, la aatma af (INK 1HJIXAM
AM t'PWAKla I row. data of dt-wialt.
TmoMKY UlAMKb on pmr-JaeeaHly. '
! Biiads, rWneka aad ainvr valaablaa ralrrd
en denalt Sir sale kelnf.
CiHleetluaaaiad and MOnaails proatpUyre-
BtltUHL. " - i - ' -
Investments la Real Estate and oUtaf tooa
art rmatle Bit trartla.
Weht and Tebvranle Kvekanteaa Haa Praa-
elara and laa Allanile Mtalra lur sale,
tloremmenrpireurlilea ImhisIiI and m&.
Arval tor lh tranaartloa of all kinds of
naocutl sad Trust Uuslueaa. . r at
. jsajav . A- ar-rsiKBiiawBk.
BHtBBiaiia st., srr. serosa AsitTMiaoy
I a now PRRPARrn to is MnjjKRRr
Bad Maataa-Makln la all . IM varlyu
kl sin krs.
HUMBida aad Btaklne don to order. BI
..I. .1 1
S. BtataKV,
1AJT BK rot'KIl IV IlKR KTrM oa lb"
tnira mr iiwbeii'a New uuihlin, sua
MA. BLtlllte. earkday
sy. -
LASMCArk rAiirr-
aa tsMruss V1VB
V FwllwaBBJ "
. ark ttoaa a BXANuNAhLB RATKSk
, .1ST. Sinad awdl Waahiauraaai Boa, .
Market, I ssa now reiarrd to sell un raas
nuanla 1ww1M beat At rata IBs reaairr af.,
tueita. al
$i0 A AT-
T8 : yilE AKB FEMALE. A6EiTt l
tli Backer thattla Btwiof XacUna.
atllrk alike an knfk skies,' and fa tne nbljr
Ibwnard hhnt4 M li In In ths I sli-d nun
ar toai Itoan tm It mmm tba lteliraud W II.
a.Mi frwd, and la arfcawlAldbr all la b lbs
brat rsail Maebto lur fcmevy and larkt saw.
to fn Iba awka4, ..-.. .... -.. . .i'Vl
ASSraaa. ' V MtaRB d rKAftta).
al - , naaarsl Atanta, Altaaar.iMvaua.
- ata. j. a. bee:
HIJCACllIWri A!I I'KKMWXO lrnt 'TO'fii
It nlrr, Al0 I'lala and Kaiw-jr lamina, : .
A run ana amiipiaia auva stMUMrk, aw
n band, wltb new allllluna rriy Mtoatli, .
Broaaaima pnt m ius. juir
Albeayorrena.; . 1 V
-1 - mB BBIBAirrABMEB,'
1st a -tw was; srsiwtr -
fcaala. AIIaur.V-B. baa Jut fcelvdr--
aa elreanl IbuMw uf avs sow!, turk s fsb--J'
taMa to.aat aad lla, Vl-, hlllMMs, ;
Trttomlaas, aie.,to wJ.iebNftor torrtl ib at- :
lBlMa of tba ladl af Albasr sad vbtaliy.
Har Bimos will he anld aaabeea M Bot rbraaae
tbaa evar baaara aavrad ia tItH toarket,aad
thrlr aaallly saaaut toll to ! cwnplrtr aatla... a
rUoa.' ' : V ' '' .-.f...
1 k - '
1 .'.a- srir-
"if r
T r
i i
' - I-
.. ,f.
:. -
- V -T
i: .a
. hJs
rk ....