The new Northwest. (Portland, Or.) 1871-1887, May 19, 1871, Image 1

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FTC. ., " ,'" '
- Th-proprieior of the Democratic Era
In a and dlleirina. .II doean't want
women to vote! Of our he doen't
S5TTiTfir-TTTy! 'We FecoWOil
the. Importance of the mofvment, but
Irt-g ).f li rl..n.l from any partkJi
tion Iff IU accoi
mpUnhment. NJIow
like man!,- lie rtinw back and al
low tha womc n to do the work,fig gl ng
to lx f xcutt4 from IliuIIihj a lulling
hand, though "'lie "reooguixe the lm-
irtanc of the movement." BOd or
wHinm ill expee women,
ikv fought th bttle and gained the
victory, to give n wnmai tw
lion's abnre of the spoil, expecting thle
. . . . . i i i i
ijecauae-a man' a good fellow, you
.. know."-', Tl -' ,1' T .'
f He further aaya: . "Our estimate of
' v U wonianliood la too high to warrant na
In aldlngjji an effort to drag her down
tin the filthy -pool of party politic."
"Now, we are not going to aay one
In extenuation of the null that
mk from -partyrpolttlea. -It-hr-th
presence of that" fllth which
outrage ua. We have waited long for
our brothers, who have madeth fllth, to
arise In their boasted might and cleanse
pnrify-their polltlca. Alas, alaa, we
wait In vain. Tlte reeking political
me In which they dally writhe ratlrrt
- have hearkened to tlie rail, and we ask to rejoice, Oh, Era, for woman, with
' lie scrubbing brusliea, ber dust-pan, her
aoap aude and Jier ready-waiting rai-
meht of cleanliness, la baring ber arms
and fortifying "net Constitution,' to
come to the retcue. ' Woman" does not
. rejoice In this dirty work. ,.81i U nery
r ing hr soul and body to aeooinplUh an
Important duty; and though she would
gladly avail herself of Jhe help of tier
brother In tills trying ordeal, alnee he
won't help hlmalf7slie must do tlie
' work alone. ' - "
: AVe will quoU the Era further:, fit
Is a mistaken notion that her presence
' and participation In the scenes of party
jtrlfc wUl tend to purify and t levate the
franchise right. On the contrary she
will lose that moral- power and. Influ-
ber nearer approadt to the angeia
has always been accorded to her by our
E nation over man. -
' Great Heaven I .Are men so bad as
thatT And mwt women submit to the
presence a ml embrioe of auch reeking
z. iium tn Jheir aliodca of - deanllneaaf
- Ah7Trother Hicks, If we were to aay
auith deaperate things about yoq aa yon
y Toqrself yon;wraildKieTni for llbeu.
But we don't believe one word of that
too are tne-amr ana nas
T band of a woman.
Their Influence has
wMHraiermciea so mucn ojr your natural
depravity that we have hopee of even
political purification. ...ttt-
Here followa theunklndesi rut of all :
( "Howeyer, our attention to other, and
what we dwm more linportautaubJeoU,
wlil prevent ua from devoting our eol
- umna to thedlscMslon of this question."
'ow that la awful f. If women, atand
" Ing right upon the verge of this political
' vortex,' making needful preparation to
purify, ,r AUuut' eVen have 1
theiurther benefit of free dhwnasUin to
tlie Democratic Era, they are Ifdeed un
done. But what shall we aav of the
cotujlUlon of the party-beHllmed men of
tlie period who are determined to con-
! tlnue reeking In their own pollution?
V : Brethren, j-ou can't mean It. You are
rno"1io flltbyasbuTpiteiiiVour
" " " present state of corrution will um
"-away-wlien virtuous woman rushes lo
tlie rescue. - 1 . fc " - "yr i "
T ' Women have always done tbercleans
- Ing work of the world. Sad Indeed
would be fate of Incipient jniaiihood
If It were never purified by the work of
. woman. Hlie owns that this work la
not pleasant, but,-alas! 'tie neceiwary,
' , : Hhe haa been willing, during the ages
- of the past. In trust men W toutlnuu Ue
' worVtrWcp' In their early life she nn
heMtatinglyperfornied for them.btit they
- prove theninelvea Incompetent tothe
r task. -"r"- "' ' .: " " ; .'J . .i
Wltneaa the confeasiona of the Heina
T" - ' eraiie Era concerning the "lllthy pool of
-IwrtyTljClIllcsrtbat man has fostered.
- Woman's work .will nurifr your twllt
. leal fllth, O brother, ami she will ever
teach you to ahun pollution and cleave
to that which is good. . . .. .
llifcPJdliiaDfe. hlrh pmvl.fas ft.r th
Impounding of all eowa found within
certain jsvUona of the city in strictly
enfurredrBB many poor men can testify
to their mat but the ordinance whkh
provble ft the inippreaMion of bawdy
; -'.- ; nouweii mil Ins a d.ied tUeTr 1 1 tt-r-
letter,- It ,
talulv iiays very well to euforee the
"p pnwnd , law, or a majority of those who
are poor keep rowa and are in the hand
, V- m, "y jrnariey." Hut would it pay
' wwnj iioune ortiinaiwe j
-My"be It j'aiya bwi to let that iUuif t-
1 ! ' . -v-t V r -: -i
. Sure, we dWt ' know wlm fflaaav
JUiarleyM la, but we do know thai there
BMr tnUB lnn Petry In the iliove
41 MsertUma. , A rwpecULIe familyll vlng
, .... , Vrgr oi ine city limits re-
tb "pounr la wr reccully. and
- . we learn Were Ancd. There seems to be
T. no desire upon the part of tlte eltv rcr-
emmetit; to sujprnw bawds; neither do
. ney aeein tusposea to make a tew re
atrtetlng the privllcgea of their nuiiier
- maaruline arcomnUcee W.JU.
of growing anna, are we going" U sub-
) itouoncssT we cannot, bauidi
"step! which take bold on hell" from
oar r(r limit unlc we rote, and by
wteeaiid prudent legteUtlon tore men
from very ahame to put thi growing
ertl fmjr away from them, that thereby
daughteratuay run-tun
rUk of being ana red by the Birch or
in .whnn wi now meet on every nave-
r ... , ,..i.nchnlv atonr that
thelriborrkl lAia'inea -"J." We
must wBHumt from tlie aisUhy.whk
shroud us If we would aave our sons
from tomntatlon. ruin and moral death,
IToMtltuUon la owe of toe crowing vice
engendered and fostered by the "filthy
pool .of pert politic. rTt ua away
with the abouiluatlon rum the land,
la ua cease throwing by our Indiflar
enc a cloak of acemlng respectability
over thin damning ahame.. Let ua take
such peridsteut Interest la public af-.
fair that men will MuhIi to show their
(urea when these wretched ouioasta
oar Bister, despite their fall undertake
to practice theit wily arte upon tfeeuv-f
Then will thlwr hellish-trade lose it
upporViid,UnguUh and die for want
of sustenance. . ' ' "
"iortUind and Palemlouk41er have
received - largo pamphlei eonUluing
rly four humlred Pg?L!l?d,,f
port "f all tlte -'evidence, documents,
omguinpiments nf counsi-l, ami ntlier pro
ceedlnga In the celebrated trial of Mrs.
Fair for the murder of A. P. Crittenden,
in 8au Francisco. It also contains por
traits ot CritteiMWn -aud Mrsyalr.';
Ko aay the papers. Time waa When a
private debauch was a national shame.
Everybody waa interested I o keeping
from the eyes of the young and the pa
alone of the lewd, the amoniwof guilt
and the outrages of decency But that
waa long ago, ? it is Jiow .he fuxhlon to
ftner up anyining ami everytniwg(
however denioralUIng, that can be col
lected . from the debris of dead honor
and spawn It broadcast over the land,
baeaaas, forooth the carnal appetite
demands it, and the publlshera: and
vendnra thereof make money.Tt
Our' present issue contains a graphic
picture fron the pen of Tfrs, Victor,
copied from the Democratic Era. Ws
have took ad In vain over all of our -ex
changes for anything that will compare
with Its literary expellenoetibcauty of
farcy or originality of conception. Wear
prt ud of MraYU-torrbut we arfiorTy
thi it she usee her magic power to lend
grace and Interest-to the columns of a
Journal -which diarlaima the rial m of
woman to the free exercise of her InheHmed with ruchln of Uvendr alia, ana
eni immumuea, ami men aeoara dia
cussion from bis journal because he
haa Wore important topics to talk about
than the beat Interest of the human
family.- ' i -m . " - '
vou man tha vlvlnr tit
Ue ballot to women 7" asked a Utly the
other evening of a confirmed bachelor.
"Kxcuae me. madam." renlied he. "but
1 have not sufficient eonndence In their
rapacity to conduct eovernmeut a flairs.".
"What eviilence of their mental Infe
riority to mankind can yon advance?"
asked the lady. ... "A simple fact Is
enough te satiafy niy mind, and that hi
the friithtful way In which they do up
the back hair." Ejecting. -
When tlie Utiles are matte to feel their
moral responsibility as citizens of the
United-Htates we expect tliem to ex
hibit better taste and more' good sense
In the matters pertaining to their per
sonal adorometitr'"" ?.
, , , - . 4
A ood r u.-The" Oregon city
Council liaased an ordinance prohibiting
lioys untler 18 years of aa front-frequenting
aaloonai Many an Albany parent
would be hap-py IfTJie same law. were
enauted here. The EntrrprU truth
fully Bars: "Tlie saloon keepers do not
dtaire these boys to rUit-their place, aa
they are of no profit, and only a nuia
ance, ret tliey are unable to keep them
out. It will beaguodUwae bothparv
elite aud saloon keepera,",
. . The abort la from an Albany pa prkt
Kow, whyj In the.nanie of all that la
sensible, may a boy not go to theaaloon
If lUs father goes i fv3--V t irr
I This drtntent of the N aw Vokth
wawr Is to be a. general vehicle far ex
change of Ideas' concerning any ami all
matters that may be legitimately dis-'
cussed In our column. .Finding it practl-
cally ImrMMBlbte to answer each corres-
"t n rnraUi letter, we thle
mode -of .communication to save our
friends the disappointment tliat woukl
otherwise accrue from our Inability to an
awertheirlquerlea. Weennliall Invite
rV?4y 111,1 " 'IVeathHt'to aak, a
-"aa"""" tw.maae, oraacoitiing to give
to contributl to the CorrMpomlents'
eeptj our thanks for the remembrance.
W Ihave 'aunplclon thaf-you are al
read f launched onhe oceanmatrimo
nial If ao, why make fuch Inquiries
conorrnlng a certain bwjly? Tlie lady
you jeak of is still enjoying the sweets
of aingle bleasedneaa. If you are not
married and wish to make a proposal,
our eulumna are at yonr sfervtae. There's
notlOn like trylng,
We eanrkttexpi
gratification. Our Angers tinffttU tune
tnemaervea to numhers In reply, but
preesimr duties ' wrbkl the. attempt
at. A. ialetnl
onen." i 11
Your rdrai are exl
eeliemV' Hhall took tot aoUU vora fre-
quently. you're, a host In 'yourarV.
Glad to have euuh alilea ,.
. "Mrs. M. Mr, CorvaUU: ' The popqlar
shapea of mllUnery have almost doubled
In price alnoe the spatojc, ,-ficnina
Choice colors aud shadee of ribbon have
anw advanced, hut, the morn foimixiu
colors are cheapas ever. The way to
boy cheap la to buy early; before the
styles am "settlott" for the season' ' Ke
tpotrfM'dWtipt, just like straw, ex
copt thai you cannot Join the1 ends
ef thebraid In the as me way, and
yon must wash out the glae.Wore
pressing. Tlie" hat will then be clear,
like tlie' new ones. Xiong'oversklrta,
very much over-trimmed ajajjeing
worn. - Weaee ne tendency to abandon
the loads of ruffling, fringing, , fraying,'
niching, puffing,. Adding aud 'pleating,
AU are- fashionable. Broad 'saslies are
Mrs. I A. ii., Oregon Cltyi Make
your black allk dress with a plain nn
dentklrt, Juat clearing he floor. Make
a long oversklrt, trimmed with fringe
and looped up behind, to form pulls.
liong flowlnr .sleeves, finished with
fringe and ornamented with bowa of
Uk.Coat ubd
odcwleevcs, sah.anl .bowpFinanc'lal abUiry Js Uw. jwwec. whkh
at the back;: guch a dress will be'faab
kmably niaiU.'', : ..) "
"A Irlend to the needy" writes; "How
long will it be br fore you beoome ho
elated by your auoeeaa that you will for
get to gjve the sound aitvtce to strug
gling women (whe wjil always be be
hind you In the race of life), that haa
made your paper o popular? ffuoceaa
makes people heartless." To which last
assertion we would reply,' tot neccsaar
Uy, . Our friend will also lake consola
tion In the bam u ranee that newanapec
business Isn't apt uTmake women too
hyTiufy jlon:t getaubsidleafrom
rich coijoratlbna. .Wo litigant law
cornea to then aid, and railroad moa
arena Wre not ready yei to hack tbeaa
with ready money, Intlie good that
coming, when your vote and onr own
will count, as of right it should, las
muoh las any other person's we may
get paesee to travel) but we expect no
other terrrnliritea. ''''. '..
You bridalault may be made of
peaIrey-mpreaa cloth, trimmed with
lavender allk. ' .Yea need not make the
skirt t tit a Irala Hope you are going
to be a sensible help-meet to your fu
ture husband, and, 1 ao, you, muat be
gin by dressing A tralTthg
dress U an emblem of degradation. -Your
hat may be a pearl grev a-lneev. trim.
tied with lavender ribbon. A'traillnir
aprayof orange bloasoma, the hat.
win .uenoie your ciaaaincauon. Wear
lavanneT-gtevML- Kor arr.,n.
I In bridal toura. Rnend raurhniwr.nuvin
Ppend your honey-moon
with your bereaved hwtlier, whoae pres
ent hoart-aclie you will never realise
until your own daughter stands In your
present situation. The bridal troaseau,
which' usually claims ao much atteu
tlon,. should be tlie least and last tliougfat
of a woman who Is thua stepping into
the solemn a nd retnsIblo dutlos of life;
an act which will bear fruit of an Im
portance which she cannot fathom, and
which are destined to, he felt throughout
Iha .Ml til I II it mmm . . (' - - . .. - '
Mary! , JWe ifc not see how you could
do otherwise. A youi'vand piquant and
sprightly glrlwho la a general favorite
with the gentlemen, la aura to be a tar
get for jealous girls. Don't mind them.
Don't noUce, .what Iheyaay.. If they
misrepresent you,1 live -so tliat nobody
will believe them. :::'. --.;..
Farrncr's daughtor; You
near beds of lettuce and radJabtw every
two or three weeks by Uklng a little
trouble, IMg vi a bed in the a-arden:
pile the dead limbs from the pruned ap.
H tree upon it, mn& net-them on fire.
Then, after the ground haa been burnt
over, rake It up loosely, let It He Until
morning tocool, and aow'the Bated thinly.
If frequent rain doe not 01 it la hast to
Water the bed. i Make three or four auch
lettuce and radish bed at different in
terval, and you will eijoy the fruiU as
your labors until August. ; '.-: -
Mollle: A beiicry on a furm need not
,vrT expensive aflaljr. We've
made coope that, auswercl every, pur
pose by purloining fence ralbvland
building long and narrow pen, of.' thcm.
numg MOV0 Wood from the wood pile fur
the enda of the coops, and tbatcldng the
whole with straw. If fyou can't 'get
your father or brother to build you a
chicken roont, ask your mvr to do It If
he won't bulk! It, give-him tlie mitten
and build it youriwlf. -' - ; i
Mr, ki r' We think It good economy
to cook ftwid for both pig and ctdckenii.
It li auiiie truUtdelrr ttrr it, farmer
wive sell lorn hav- eonvenrences fnr
these thing, but you can build a fur
nace with brick-Leta, apon which to Bet
a kettle where the Are will not heat op the
house, which la a woman' orstobjeo
tion to cooking mod for pig and poul-
Other letter wiav)w answered next
week.. -: v"-iv -s-t ,-i t,-r' is
Our. editor went to netting ty pe on
day thte week. - Following is tWreMU
or her labor : . .''.-.-,., .
I Lr ihM!ancn art In
j-ijinj i.i jw. wur rurwMuaa s aick aud
w are niuu hi place Anydoby can do
ritxioif roi LADIES
! J t BBHfc 4 . .1 . I . - --
vy nrVrwrf "P I WW wlejrvTal VIII
la about the same a ,141 week. Mrs.
Levy, i'aucceMvful dry good and mil
linery merchant on . Frontstreet, dls
play ome U-mpting pougee and excel
lent poplins, -Her pique are beautiful,
(tljawl-wf; Lamalaoa wlU be mwh
worn, Also wblt fililaad aharnla a
fleecy material,1 snowy white and Very
stylish and ' inexpensive, WaaoIa of
brown linen are much i yogee. .Their
cheapness and utility entitle Uwcu to
special farot : toe ooym km parasols
are used by those who want and can af
ford them. j t -.- --':.:aL ...
' Wamat u a M eaaj-afakM
Yt has tieen renerallv taken for r ranted
Uiat women were almost Invariably
dcMtiUite of what- a queer genius caltt
"tlie lowest order or uieut-tHtoriuou
er-maklngj ' i .""T!!" .
Now we are bv no means ureoarvd to
admit that this tatetit Is of so mean an
onler. Financial ability Involve not
only ludimtry; energy, fixity of purpose
ana integrity, run a near orain wuicn
la capable or originating plana, of form
ing combinations to further Uxie fdaus, 1
aud even of tumtng what miirht aeem
in motion an trie niaciiiuery of
active life. It hi tho hauls ou which tlie
supcrwtruetureof society rents. Without
it, all liuiustriab emOiaiileal-yhiUvn-throptoj-edupaUitwaVcaiigioMB
atid troy
emmental enterprise must come to a'
stand-still. Witliout it,.. human-life
would be retucel to mere animal exist
ence, for flnanc'al ability Is the mairio
wand wnicn maxea ine eartn yield tier
treasures for the nae' of. man; which
briugs all triles and iieople of tlie world
Into close and brotherly relations of intri(
dependence;' which so dlMtributes UAor
that the aclenoea, arts, and tasteW winch
minister to mau'e hhruer imwIm
cultivated; In -atiort it is to tlie body
politic wliat the circulation of tlie bLiod
Is trt be human mrys nlTnltnn Tlil !
prlnciatote mhovn reeoKUiaed by our
familiar phrase iloevi we sneak, T the
circulating medium, the atagiuUion of
business, unconsciously payinirourtrib
ule tothls vital fact In ouraoclalernnnnv
rormd which languaew haa wound itself.
With these hieas of the Importance of
business talent, we should be. very sorry
to admit that women were Incapable of
adding their part to thls great motive
toemcrWomerr have hewn 'set aside
from participation in this tdenartiaent
of labor by cuiatotn. 3'Uey have.beeu
eramiieti in the exercise of UieJr exeo
ill I ve qualities by edoeatloa.: Yet, unde-
VeiOpvU ffMPWU P"y -trrl-n
their power, every now and tiMaaoui
woman, turown iy, siren oi- circum
stance Into a' neeesmty for elf-liel,
haa ebown a txtMiness rapacity quite
equal and antnetimea sererlir to that
poiweasca uy average men. , -
Every such cxperi incut andevery such
auoeeaa, on the rt of women; Is of 4m-
menaevaiae, notoniyioau women, but
to the world. For the-eid idea that there
i lust o much to be done' lallie world.
and that a pew set of Isborer In the
Held mean rhereiy a subdivision nf the
work and It reward is new exptmloi.
It-baa been discovered tluil lUe world
want are inAidte-rthat tlie uiultlplica-
tlon of machinery for aupulylng tmise
wanta, stimulato .Invention of fresh
needs, and give the leisure and oppor
tunity to create other demands, ami
consequently now employ satlxfy ,
tlie new iiccccshiihw. -ine savage lias
few absolute iieeda, but a man emergee
from barbarism ln) civlliaation his
wanta must become more aud more
numerous; and although it Is the faithlon
to call thi an age of pmgrvsH, we are
only, nrgiiining lo riream x ine uemaiids
which man wilt make upon the earth,
and tlie gvueroua response which he will
receive from our bountiful mother. .
But woman 'must join him In-tliene
reaulHltlona.' Hlie miMt no lontrer be
contenr to eit b hi sid slmuly.a a
rrcimeuk cue .niunt recKuiw uvr
duties to herself and to the world. Cus
tom and society must unite In enforcing
the performance of -those- dutle upon
her. The world 'mast dediand of her
that she do hex part of tlte world's work.
If, by clrcunmtanoe, -temperament ami
organlaathm, that work lie In tlie fam
ily circle atone, let her do her part there;
but If, a often happens, a womau lia
taste and capacities which- lead her
outside that circle,' let her not hesitate
to obey their dictate. The possession
of power to not only a warrant from
God. but an obligation luipoeedby Hint
for their ... ,. .. . .
-A woman who can alujfTlk Jenny
Und owe It to tlie workl to use that
divine rift ft the world' service. A
woman who can palu like- ltona Bon-
heur would be recreant la lier dotv. did
he fail to use the talent which ChI haa
bestowed upon her. A woman who can
Writ like tieoraw Kllot, or ( kiorre Hmid,
would be guilty of.taithiuaanea to her
own self did she allow her pen to lie Idle.
A -woman who can speak like Anua
Dickinson, or Mr. Htauton, ha no right
tobeeilenfcy .. -.: '. :-..
' And ao w might go ou, to enumerate
rntl'XvU g
the women who, In toe beatowal of va'
exercise nf them, and who, did they fail
to obey thi call, nwuld aiii-against iiod
andtheirown avaturea.
i The women who have entered theleOr
ture Held, tlie Jegal or medical profes
sional, or tne- ministry, ami who, by
their Bueeea iat their varioua callinga,
have proven their ntike fur - the ioni
tlons which they have aiu lived, hare not
been false but true to the blithest Ideal
of wBnianheoih . ; . . -....:....
- Nor have the women who liav enter
ed: upon -mercantile lire- over-stepped
their sppnipriatc sphere.- That oiagi.-al
circle I continually wideninir, bikI the
enone inai women aremaxiiig Tor inde
pendence, which" a few years alnce
would have lieen mcireil tinfcnilnine,
are now greeted with Brmfiuiso.
of oar ltraakryn patter rhrnrilelca.
In the fchxicH spirit, the.hrave art of
Mr. Clarke, who was k-ft a widow soon
after her hastiand had etahllhed a Bust-
J neaa Colleco if emraokl it to any rn
le aria would have lci ahle to reallxe
very"' little for It, althooKlnt had cost
Mr. Clark years of toll to estaMlnh lt.t
Uoanigeonijy she resoved to carry ftr
ward her-nuslmnira preets, ami the
L - TeJi
result has been an abundant success.
Blbllltlea, she develonct such buslnea
talent a to retain ami Increase the prm
marityjof the Institution. Her 1 the
first inatanoe of a woman having Ailed a
poMtKin or tin sort, aud Hnwiklyu may
well tTOilffBraucT. i clllxenl
Fruin HosUhi we learn that Mr. K. O. f
Steven haa tbrmeil baninM eopart
aendiip with til-diughter a uvey.
amer and for tlie exaudnstion of the
title of real estate. Mis- Htevemi ha
been far eitrhteen yeara employed in the
ltgitry Offlee in tamtriiKi' aud I
perfectly compvteiiFlo the task she ha
Ho one after another lire ojienlng new
Sath nir women toward iMtsmiary iin
epeniem, that Arst great -rtep which
every American boy feels is tlie U rIih
nlngofau individual and free life, which,
like the assumption of the Hornan totrar,
is the proof and badge of true, man
hood., , .., ... . . .,.'u,.
Till aelf-Mlance detuaiuled by society
of aroung man, and cheerfully acqul
esced in by every youth, I one of tliepe
euliaritle and gkvrte of our, republican
iUHtltutioua. i .-. . ,
We have outgrown the Old World
Idea tliat to be a bwdneas man ts to fir
feit all claim to bo Called a gentleman.
With us. even the sons of rich men hwie
caot If they are mere Idler. ( It remain
ror u to reeognlxe tlie trutlu tliat as no
man cad lxlrulv manlv without takiliir
hhr part trrthe wof k of nfe,"o mr wom
an can be truly womanly unles ah
obey the same law. ., -u v .'"
... 1 1 ,i hi i .
- . - ' . .'-
Tie Eomaao aad Poetry ef Oregou. .
I have thought tf 1 were a painter liow
I - would nersouate . California rh
shohld be a girlish Cleopatra; larKt sup
ple-limbed,, dusky-brown; fiery, yet
Indolent: voluptuous, vet unconscious;
lnlell actually a queen; really adwmipg
Mwifiio maiden. , He" tr"u w"ltlt
he the russet colored hills; hur mantle
the violet bate. Her girdle should be
gold; her scepter silver, and her crown
the native laurel, mingled 'With -wild
oat. Behind her throne Mirould, tower
tlie grand Sierras; at her feet should
murmur the blue Pacific, t retch Ing far
away to where on tlie horixon a white
winged fleet Axed the dreamy look In
the lustrous dark eye of my girl-queen.
A fnlr and tam'liiaJtlng picture, i it not?
At to fill a niche of our Western Art
(lalierv. v- -
' H
e to it I would Lave mv
ATffiSSfr TourvgTiitheT
eautiful, with empire writ-
stronir. and beautlfu
ten on hi brow, and power tempered
mildna beainlng from hU eye.- Of
mv complexion tie, with tawny blonde
hair and curlip golden board. His
ro)e should be of the richest purple,
embroidered with wheat ears, and hi
crown -of burnished gold. " HUT throne
should tie amldHt the niKxed uiouiitalius, Ci. yea;, what a frightl-Hive-had on
With rolling yellow plain on one liaml, t4 last year" bonnet, done up, a poa
and Bmlllng green valley on the other, rreen ilk, a black lace mantilla, brown
Ilia aocptre, shsped like .the tapering gaiters, Imitation Houiton collar alava
flistnshouMlieofBiiverjietwithoiHiU, braceU-t," ber old ear-drps, ami such a
garnet aud diamond. At hi itlfnl Oil, myl oh, myl"
"""" mafrniiu-i,n immnma, i
wnue in iu uiannrv HugijF-iiw
shduld Seek it eutrance, ami over hi
houlder the white creat of Mourn? 4iood
atand bluMhimr in a rosy suiixct. Hp
Would Iwrmuiate the youna 'rtahtr
ORKOoyJYr. rieiw, in the iJririir
eratkrErm. v' "v : " 7 -iV .): .
Dktkcitio! or tiUtix Faurkh.
According to Mr.Hiller. silk can al way
otheranlnml or vegetable' fibre bx mans
of concentrated hydrochloric acid, which
dissolves It completely and Immediately
without apprtM'lalily affecting any,
woolen or woody fllire with whieh the
silk may have been Interwoven. Htmng
sulphuric acid baa also a powerful, . oi-
vent etlect uu snx, and is iiaywinc
much more destructive iiiltsnetlon Hilton
cotton than the other a-Id. KlnKild itbe
deslred-to itetermlne tlie nature of any
filter remalniug after tu,,lutloii of
the silk. It Is first neceasary Ut wasir aiM
colliH tJheiivwlien they wllXiiMtially be
found - ilest it ute of '"color To divide
whether wool W pre sent" -or aHUHit, a
Mklntinu tA tilerlAax-ld'uiav lie iumloveil.
which instantly ,lMiprt a full velloTjli
trot to ine wool,, iwt uoe mi m iiie
least affect ottoit,lliH'n, or llilna gra;
so that It U nnly'riot'caNary to luinicrse the
rahrto in tlie dye, wrmg it out, and wasni
weU wim water. - ruiouid any pmiun
remain V a yellow color tlie preaence ,of
wont Is rrtdlcated. Dtlier met lux M can
he cmiitoyed similar- in prineliile, but
the picric acid la believed to ne liest.
IMscrimiuation, IsHwecn the- dillernt
kliMl of woody fibre can ie lie proMr
eutetlhy means of the microscope.
vNTfOKii. DKaTB. Mr. It. Dwlrey.
Baxter, in? a iwiier read before tlie BrbV-
h AsHoviatiun for the Advancement of
Helen', gave the amount tx ma na
tional", delrt of tlie dlfl'ereut nations,
which .we liave reduced to Fatleral
mmunr. aatiuilluar 'Llk . uound aterlln
at H M, gold value. Brltixh F-mpire,
fW.BJJVnio uut); United ftUte. 2,n,ol,.'
WHk Holland ami Belgium, aj17,Mli;
France. i.iWn.lAd,Miiu J4orth and Mouth
Oermany, $I2MWU,000; Austria, JZ-A- J
6H0,0mi; Itussia.CZ.e.AOuo.'1'"'; npaiii, 1,
)W,iO,ia; Italy, f l,24.1,H70,oiRk -
The I'nitol Htatea Hcdland and Brl-
rlum are'the only nations that are
liquidating their obligations; the rest
are adding more or less rapidly to their
del t. t ranee owed in ?.i.f',v",
Austria, hut 4hii,W,ik, Ituwla, (Wj'
am.tMi, Hpaln, H,(Mt,ti),JtalyjtA-
uiai,ut.' , '. .,.-. '.-Urv;':T'
: At a receiit meeting of tllie Natural
History fitoclet'y, of Montreat,Vthe dl
eoveHr waa announced, by Mr. llrllliiga,
of the nearly complete sluJeton tof- fv
sil whale at Cornwall, Ontario county, at
aout idxty feet above the- level of .the
KU Lawh-nce. It I believed by Mr.
Iltllinr that this fossil Is Identical with
one otitaineit to Vermont by lrotVwr
Thnmiann. In a rail war cutting aluut
Im-elr ml lea auulh of fatirllnrton. and
callediifeii7f vrrttumtana. Thi I
etosely allied Wthe white- whaWr'nf the
HU lAwrenee, inougn uintryij mumtm
rpecbil point. : . . .,. ,f
'tdy"Amberly(w-Ho rlUerlng lev
Ium In Kmrtand on Woman's rn fir fre,
recently jiaid a hanttsncae and Just tfio
ntxt lMcretU MottjUie noble champion
f.rtlu, him of Woman's Knflrst'v in
Aueri.a. . - Mra. Mott waa.mi of the
first assli wasonoof the ablest of the
leader of the Wonuta' Itighla iiMive
ment. but to FJIlHh Catly htanton
must lie awarded the honor of being the
first to demand. line eWUve franchise
for woman. ,! A step which even .11
r ret la Mott dpreeatel, Utougb, ahe af
terward gave it her hearty spproveal
-Oeorre FrancU Train has Marlet
paper at Oswego, N. Y., to idwMtr hi
; ' 01ilnr. "': .
. nrTC -. w .. , - 1
'oiucn arttkehore-th gayer tbo
narnesM tney nave on ine better tltey
i A chap In 1mIil advert i
mr a
ielf-siipp.krtlng" wife, "itrrtty and well
cIiMaieO." Mwlest, that! '
. A ri Kaltern l'a.1 ad vert I e for a laun-
JlUH alio Will be U-niik to fak' hM
payu tossonsontheguuar.i-,, t . -t
"Intervlcwlns" kothln .i i
ex Med In 4war Time. nr did .a
great J uliu ask, "Who is it in the pre
tliat callr -' . .
W ell. m V t'ftftl liar nnlLn.. .hj km.
would you like your hair cutr', "Oh!
like papa's, pleke with a little round
hole at the top." t . -.. . . , k
An n-ronaut has dlNcovered that a
woman's voir I audible' at a hlght of
two bun anil a man's voloe baa
never been beard higher than a mile.
A disturbed nraaeher reaiarkixL "If
that croas-eyel latly in the aide aisle,
with red hair and a blue Ism net. d.m'1
stop talking, I must point her out to the
coiigregatlott.'' -..- t a t t -
A rough Wtemyewiiivlvnln once
said of the late John CV.vo.le: "He
hasu't much learulng,but he know a
heap.", Tlie criticism was ahrewdlv
correct There la another clan of men
who-are the exact opposite of Mr. Co
voUe. Tliey havea heanof learulmr. but
doii't kiww niiii'h, x .
A " triurerrc4)t rn lha-anordlriar
ruller rule ou tlie table; took it un. and.
on Inquiring Its use, waa answered, "It
is a rnie mrenunung-nousea." - TH well
bred, a he construed politeness to ask
unnvcsary queMt iona, he turned it over
aud over, up and down, reneaiedlv. and
at last, In a paroxysm of I filed curloa-
tty, he Inquired, "How, lu the name of
wtd-dor, do you count houaea with this?"
A 0iivia elltor Is In luck. Twentv-
four 'heathen Chinese walked In his
sanctum the other day, and, through
the medium of an interpreter.' Mid caah
down for twenty-firtjrsuWriptlons to his
paper, i ne euiior wondered greatly
wiiattiicy wanted or an lJig4lBb paper,
oil ucuK-Bw to reai is sihi was iiii-
the rwier ha vim- a rat
catarrh rut, a ruauo trade-
mark, arst an umbrella" picture." -
can you remember1 the text
th la morn I ng ?'r "So,
pap': I can
never remem tier tne text, I've awn a
bad memory." "Mary," aald her moth
L I've such
er, 'Hid you notice Haran urownr'
imp, yiMir-mi.nuiry ia iinpmv)!.).,"
-B0lptfc ',.-!.
Ifutk. Three ' coiTee-cun new milk.
three eglra, one tea-cup but tee, one tea
cup sutrar, one of yeast, ami flour enough
ror ttaiicr. , nen in natter nas well
risen, r work" in more flour, but mix It
ight, tnit he careful that It doe not I
wuFf KHlH iiHir it iv toiit on
cults; let it stand again a short time, and
bake In a moderately hot oven; fifteen
or twenty minute lionld cook tlicnu,
Vunkina iVtce. Pick over ami wash
m . a , . . . wm. .1.1 pi ....
set where it willCook slowly. When
...... I.t... M.1,1. A..I.I U. -... I
1 lie rice lias attKoriieti all tlie water, Mir
In a clip of milk: stir-often, and conk
slowly; in ten or fifteen minute it will
take no all the milk: then add another
x-iiS sdo 011, till tlie rice 1 wrft, then
add a little salt, fi dlMli. rjit witn
meat, or as dessert; if Uie latter, awceton
aud use aa sauee to tliftjHif Idlug.
f?tr Jfe. Take ctihl rice, ciaik like the
alMVe: ami suflU-ietit' cream to make
iiirito thin; mh it with a wooden or
hdlver smmhlU1I free from lunqm. Ileat
up tour egg ;vcry llglit yelka and
white separotely, sweeten the rice to
suit your laMtivaiid pour In the egg
the whites lastLatlr well: grate a little
iiutniea; overall; cover a deep custanl, or
imrripkln pie-plate with pastry, pour In
the rice and but not long enough
to make the custard watery.
.. "f; a
Tub CajsaDUs Costix:xtal Baii
WAV. Tlie-Ottowa Citiirn xnreme tlu
following view On thi great project
. .. i ' .
Our own view of the matter haa been
that a political uu!6n with British Co
lumbia would be dead letter utile
aoiue engageiueuta were entered Into
for sccuriiiir a eoinmemial union a un
ton wf 1nteiv-t a well a oFloval ami
patriotic feeling that the bciit way of
ooiaining ma wouni ne mmugn an in-tor-uoeaiiie
railway, and. if need be.
borrowing Mr. McKenxie's.rxrviiloii,
"at almoHt any mcritkm." -.-The uiuler
Uklng to secure the1 const ruction of the
rsitwar within ten yeara I tlie key
stone of the bond of.union.' , n may be
a very serious utHlertaking. but the
railway i a necesMlty w must have
It, and must ccitaiulvmake au ciTort to
secure ik - Wt must protest, against the
mn ion, apparemiy neid ny some people,
lhal the railway is a British Columbia
aflair, g'Hop to Induce that Colony to
eiiitj ine i nion. itisobviouaiyawork
of Dominion necewtdty, without which
in grand srnemeof ion federation cou Id
nut be practicably completed.
8ir. AtD pRnntf-rtoxs or Prort
HotTTrn. To what degree of exultation
tlie mind of a man accustomed to aauer-
krautaa a dit.and bedded In the faith
that sauer-kraut' Is a Man" of life, may
he rained by a vision of Immortal and
perpetual -caMjagr,- I know -not. But
tho-HoBVT K ttorflehle, of-Oivmnta.
dnutded me wholly up with a statement
which I found had a voucher In th ex-
T-rterice Tif many other resit lent of that
ptaee. ne illustrated tne ravorabiem-ae
of th el i mat of .Olympla. and the
rtrhne- of it noil, by telling that be
soweti a inch of cabbageHd In the
qrirg and cut th In the fall.
J fie nejet near, and for Im wetrn th.
'ler to mtccemHrm,rom0U toMaeavi
Uf perfoH cowyo pre on A old
rUilitt The puldwatlon of . thi. fact
ought to deiiopulate ther saiwr-knmt
cou n trie of KiirotWv .VamwW WUhemm,
If a bee stlno you.' will you go to the
Ihtve M-dediy-ltT--WouU mil a
tiiousand com, upon your ir you re
ceive a trifling Injury, don't be. anxious
vr-i.Tj.ji iii.iaiii uy.ii
toltvemre iL ; Let it drop.
!! that vlad aa4 water taea
'k'' , I emalauoa,-;
f'in Aauwf la hill ptars kldVaatUsaak
- -.--Willi riuitloa. : , .
WHh maajr tarty am i .
Ta mim .,.fyJ hjj .,
Hefcad ilw hills m4 rornidikskaull
II sly ly pWtl M. -
Bin tv'rr Book btm)-d aia lair;
; .aTi leaves smand ,llmw
'. 'rmt nmie St (lU rirkrh,' anaTM
ms prayi bmim an
' ThMi-taacwlBC, erep th water MUi. Vr--'.1
. . Aad iiS ta mallowa n i . ...
v lb trM4 aimwU, aa bftfi pmrt,, , ,, , .
! la rwuatlcwi atuillo. - , ' .
, i -. -- : . : .
- The (ua crnaji BI4 alaailve airaaJu, t. .....
TJMnlcoalal aim;
Thrdronplnc wHIowa hrlpod 1l tlM"r "
; KoaUa reveals hhw- , ' ' . ,'
' ; '. -; M ..u
JPlll.rn htaronMeaee stsie,; ,
WHk vlcnraua sally --iJ iu
' , II ip a rook, and a wMaab4 -
;.Tt Wtifciatii valley. . j.iii ' '.,...
. KamlPMl lUalr mM' i, : ,,. , . , ,, , .
Tkat ita nhnlil tak Bis Mra, sit '
- ' The Mf-aam tale. " ..'r
! But repalatlna aaswercw atowi . .
Though I Inelrurd ine "
Ti prl, Ifaaee hide mrmt ' '
, May, who shall Bad ateT J ,
Willi H.r maalnc ikul Is rala, .
taaMBaavor-s f
If I huttiwsBirwiriroai kw
I'm (on BHwrarr'
Tiin BvirtaK'a - Isdiokhtiov. Old
ftmireTI-li'a aCTyTIUCceasftirand J
suuutantlal farmer la an Interior town of -:
MaawachiisettA and a more amaxinx eat
er never lived In any town anywhere; .
and especially much did he eat when
rresn porx was to tie 111 nourishment. -Well,
at a certain time one of hi hnfrs
had been killed. The next morning ,
there wa fmdi pork for breakfast, and
the old man ate most woudrousty. In
the course of the. forenoon he ate hi
luncheon, consisting of bread and but
tcr. ml nee-1 le and cheese. - At noon hla
di n ner cUMlstel ef fresh pork, pickle.
mince-pie, and the usual accouipam
menta. Hi afternoon luncheon wa
tike that of theirenoon. When bo '
came homo to supper hla favorite dlah
had not lieen pre Bared as a part of that
meal.' The old man fretted ami scolded
till fresh pork waa adiled to the substan
tlals. He ate voraciously aa usual. In '
the evening he toastod oin cuee, but
teredaind at It,-.. Just before going to .--
tied ne roasiei a couple or apple and ale
them. In the night he wa taken with- t
a severe colic. . 1'he doctor waa with him;-c
till morning, ami nearly wrought a .
miracle in t he old man' life. The next ... '
day Ihdh1 W?t, one of titanet(fhhor," "
went In toeomlole-wltrr-trlw old -rWiutrer-
on his Ulnes. "Faithful Boll," aald
the Old worthy, "I liked to have died
last niirht. I'Urnever eat another roast-' '
ed apple aa kug as r live. I never did '
love them Very well; laxt night I ato :
only two, ami Uiey nearly.kllled me.M -
- , i ,1.. L ....TiT.
C. Ja'kson, a uocesful jihystclan ami
wputar writer on die law m .ine ana
tea it h. In sneaking of dyspepsia of It '
cause, and lianeful resuita, aayst "Our ,
meat, -our drink .aud our drug keep j
the ' rank of tlie smitten full. . Tlies
constitute the empire of glutton, and '
retirn. without a rival. To eat. drink '
and smoko i the divinest way known -'
among men of illumluatlng character,
until one's face shine a that of a god.
To calculate to speculate, to work fbr i'- -
tbegratincation or the lower natur
hiature uot a whit loftier or more refined
than tlist of a bullock--i an exemis
divtiinit .eminently-worthy of those for
whom Christ died,' and whnae home at '
last 1 to lie In Heaven. '' W are a na-
tloniof B-lutton. . Our. Drcaelwr are or- -
dained, glnttons, visiting their parish-
loner to koK a ner itieir spintual wel
fare, and to take tea. Our Christian ,
are liaptiaed glutton. Our dortor are
glutton by - imroaiou; . ami trie eio a
qucmoi tne liar and me wisdom ot tne
Bench anlack oftmlled beef and mua- -
tanL Our private Uble dally attewt to
frluttonou rioting; and ur Tbankagtrr
ng toOod for Hi goodne, announced -by
proclamation, are consecrated or
gies hut little better than feast of Bao 1
chua." ,. vjl -. '. .
A ladies' Insurance company,-w umler-,.,
staiut, I being formed In Ix.ndon, wlthf
a guarantee capital of 1 100, Odd, deposited
witn mo I'Wrt.M cnancery aaecunty .
for policy hohler. la mUitlon to thia i
ruaraiiteefusid, an -ample capital w to
lie ralsnL The live of women are to he '
Insured for their own benefit, and one
Iwwviaion. la tliat all employee are to bo-1
WUHMWI. .v S;.- - 'lis : . --'w ?;-.l-.i r-r"
81 x hundred year gv under Arab ;,
dominion, the unlversltle of Filn were
the resort of students from aupartaof"
Knrnpe. 'New more, than three-rourth '
of all her pcopla-can neither read nor
write, and we are told tliat even In aom ,
of the larger village the Alcade, who
unite In himself the office of Mayor
and Justice of the Peaor, us fbr a lg-' '.
nature th aign ot rroa. -.- . t? .-
By th latest reiort It appcariLf hat
ther 828 convict In the Han Uueutln
I Vnltentlarv. Allowing the term of
a term of . i
ra, it iMhV " .
Peniton---, vty-V
.dd to UU , . ,
tor pettv ..
l rekultia ' ,
aentonce to average two year, it indi
cates the existence of a larg
tlary class in California. A
the numerous convictions
crime In tliat Ktate. and the
not very gratifying to our California
I " Th Japanese rarpentt r are Ingenious
worxmen, ana tnir wrx -is none wun
marveloua neatness. A curious feature
of their houaea is that they do not
tain a nail, all their Joist and timber
being dovetailed together by many
ingenious devices; and th whole work, '
even to the rafters, I a smooth a If H
had been poliabed down With snd-pape.
r. ,i, . ' ff-.-i
The Kwind 7W ya t " If any
woman' bead grew Into aueh mon. t
idroua shape a may now be secivio all
directlona wnerever wonirn arw ),
wtod. together, It would bl .of .,
mourning to her family, of cociurt
aiaonr eminent urron. and ahr 1T
would probably siiend tb greater Irt
blaaBT l I laaaw 1 an I HI 1 1 '
'wTgae WI Bwwwaaw-araw ysawr
4 r.. if t. ..-r-: , . : ,, - .
i r mmm ' - " . I
New York spervla f,M0 a ray
bread, and 10,uuu a day tor elrr.
- -' " t
' '
ri : r1
claim to the rrcsUlency. , i ' i
-. X"' ":
. a.
v - .4'. "IV -j..:.