The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 23, 1913, Section One, Page 2, Image 2

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Chileans Told Judges Are in
Reality "Irresponsible Law
4. makers," With Bias.
In Address Before ScJiolarly Audi
ence In. Santiago, Colonel Reit
erates That "Bg Business"
I Come to Stay.
SAXTTAjOO, Chile. TTov. 22. Theodore
Roosevelt today addressed one of the
most scholarly audiences he has faced
since he came to South America. Ilia
toplo was "The Democratic Movement
In a Republic," and he spoke before
the oldest Institution for hlgrher edu
cation on the continent the University
of Chile.
The university was founded by the
Jesuits in 1743. Colonel Roosevelt re
minded his audience that, although
Chile, as a nation, was younger than
the United States of America, Its colo
nial history was far longer. Chile's
history," he said, "as known to people
of European stock, 'began three-quarters
of a century before the PLuritans
landed at Plymouth sTtock."
His review of the democratic move
ment In the United States was con
fined mainly to the 12 years since he
first became President. During this
period, be said, "the political move
ment In the United States has rep
resented chiefly the effort to put into
actual and concrete performance the
principles which in the abstract all
intelligent men admit to be true."
Judges Declared Irresponsible.
Colonel Koosevelt explained. his
views regarding the Judiciary and "big
business." During the last half of the
19th century, he asserted, "the leaders
of reaction in the United States, polit
ical and financial alike, gradually grew
to recognise in the Judiciary their most
powerful potential ally." The Judges,
he said, by their training and aloofness
of their position on the bench have
little real knowledge of or sympathy
with the lives and needs of the ordi
nary hardworking toller. The Judges,
he declared, were In reality "irrespon
sible lawmakers, with a strong natural
bias against every species of reform
legislation for social and Industrial
relief and fair play."
He. repeated his campaign declara
tions that "big business has come to
stay" and that the problem was "so to
control It arid supervise it as to pre
vent there being any improper advan
tage taken by big business at the ex
pense of small business."
Speaking of the Republican party.
Colonel Roosevelt said: "There was in
the United States a historical party,
the one to which 1 then belonged,
which if true to its origin would have
championed without exception every
single one of the reforms which the
Progressives have championed."
Colonel Repudiates Socialism.
"We are not Socialists, for we do
not believe In class consciousness, and
we as little believe In mere doctrinaire
dogmatism Rbwut collectivism as we
believe in mere doctrinaire dogmatism
about individualism," he said In conclu
sion, "but we do believe that the only
way to prevent the growth of a party
founded - on class consciousness is to
secure the triumph in the community
of a party founded on the Ideal of so
cial consciousness.
"Such a party must In good faith
assume that each man is in very truth
his brother's keeper. It must act In no
spirit of vindictive hostility even to
ward wrongdoers. When necessary It
must punish them. But where this can
be avoided It must be avoided, and the
end sought for obtained by changing
the conditions which have brought
bout the wrongdoing.- We believe in
property rights as indispensable to the
advancement of human rights, but
where they are twlBted Into an obstacle
to the advancement of human rights,
then we are for human rights as
against them."
National Guard Must Meet Regular
Army Requirements.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 22. The legal
ity of "Circular 8," putting Into effect
the Dick law for the reorganization of
the militia, was upheld in an opinion
by Brigadier-General Enoch H. Crow
der, Judge-Advocate-General of the
Army, made public today by Secretary
, Garrison.
The circular, the legality of which
was challenged by the National Guard
Association, holds that the Federal
Government will recognise National
Guard officers and organizations only
when requirements of the Regular Army
are complied with a to organization,
equipment and discipline.
California to Vote on Measure Ap-
plloable to Every Occupation,
i i
SACRAMENTO. Nov. Si. An lnltm
tive petition containing 12.878 names,
filed today with. Secretary of state
Jordan In favor of the universal elirht.
hour law, makes It almost certain this
measure will find a place on the ballot
at the state election next November.
The total signatures now are only 1980
short of the required 30,000.
The proposed Initiative provides that
no employe in any occupation can be
required to work more than eight hours
a day, and also provides flneB and im
prisonment fis penalties for employers
violating tnis rule.
Wilson Xomlnntes Tacoma Man to
Collect Washington Revenue.
Ington, Nov. 22. The President today
nominated David J. Williams, of Ta
coma. to be Collector of Internal Reve
nue for the State of Washington, sue
ceedlng M. T. Hartson, of Spokane,
whose resignation had been received.
Williams was recommended by the
uemocratlo state leaders and his ap
polntment la acceptable to both Sena'
John F. Pugh, of Alaska. -was nomi
nated to be Collector of Customs for
VmaUlla Land Sale Ordered.
Ington, Nov. 22. Secretary Lane has
ordered a public sale at Hermlston,
December 27, of several hundred acres
of Maxwell land on the Umatilla irrlga
tlon project. All the lands to be Bold
are centrally situated and each tract
has an adequate water supply.
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Wedding Preparations Engage
Attention of Everyone.
Handiwork of Bride, Her Mother and
Sisters, However, Said to Be
Feature of Wedding Finery.
Aides Are Chosen.
(Continued From First Page.)
occasions, a dozen blouses touched off
with French handwork. Several utility
costumes and some wonderful dlnnei
frocks are among the special articles
Washington is gossiping about.
One of the exceptional garments In
the collection is a dinner gown of soft
white chiffon velvet and tulle, the
filmy bodice and the draped skirt
trimmed with embroideries touched
with gold.
List of Aides Announced.
Colonel William W.' Harts, U. B. A.
chief aide to President Wilson, an
nounced tonight the. list of aides for
the wedding as follows: Lieutenant
Commander Needham I Jones, U. S.
N., naval aide to the President and
the Secretary of the Navy; Dr. Cary T.
Grayson, TT. S. N.; Lieutenant Richard
S. Galloway, U. S. N.; Lieutenant F. A.
Todd, U. S. N.; Lieutenant John J.
London, U. S. N. Lieutenant Harold F.
Wirgrnan, VS. S. M. C; Lieutenant H.
P. Claggett, V. 8. A.; Lieutenant
Charles K. Rockwell, U. B. A.; Lieu
tenant Beverly C. Dunn, TT. S. A.; Lieu
tenant Joseph O. Mahaffey, U. 8. A)
Lieutenant Joseph J. Aleshlre, XT. B.
A., and Lieutenant James A. Dorst,
U. 8. A.
The aides will be In attendance on
the diplomatic corps and official guests
Washington hears that the 12-room
house at Wllllamstown, Mass., where
Mr. Sayre will take his bride after a
short honeymoon trip, has been fur
nished by the President. Mrs. Wilson,
who has great skill in the arrange
ment of a home and a wonderful gift
both in landscape gardening and in'
terlor decorating, had the quaint old
house done over under har direction.
Young Man Accused of Leaving
Home Witliout Explanation.
cial.) Mrs. Ruth Merrill Hammond
sued Leonard Coombs Hammond for
divorce today, charging, neglect. She
says that her husband, to whom she
was married on September 11. 1908, has
been in the habit of leaving home for
days at a time every month. On his
return he generally refused to give an
accounting of his absence, but some
times would plead business.
' Mrs. Hammond Is a daughter of Mrs.
John S. Merrill, and is now with her
mother at Menlo Park. Hammond is
at the new home he recently built In a
fashionable section here.
The wedding of Mrs. Merrill and
Hammond was a society event. Ham
mond's sister, Miss Edna Hammond,
was married last week to- Frank S.
King, son of Homer S. King, the bank
er. Mrs. Hammond Is a sister of Mrs.
Parry Bates and Ralph and Charles
Hammond Is a son of A. B. Hammond.
the lumber and railroad man, and is
secretary of his father's business.
Indian Policy Declared Wrong.
GREEN BAY, Wis., Nov, it. The
United States Government does not
know how to handle the American In
dlan. This will be the substance of
the report which Dr. Joseph E. Dixon,
President Wilson's special envoy to the
Indians of North America, will give to
the Executive on his return to Wash
ington. , . .
VS f . - , i TS in -"WWii. T.....V.-.V
Top Francis . B. Snyre find Jessie Woodrow Wilson, the Bridegroom and
Bride. Second How, Left to RlRht Dr. Wilfred T. Grenfell, of Labra
dor, the Best Mill Miss Mary G. White, of Baltimore. (Photo by Mrs.
Bennett, of Vndcrvrood A Underwood.) MlM Margaret Wilson and Miss
Eleanor Wilson. Bottom Row .-Rev. Sylvester W. Beach, of Princeton,
Who Will Perform Ceremony; Miss Angellne Thayer Scott, of rrinceton.
Another of BrldesinnidH. (Photograph or Dr. Grenfell, White, miss
Scott and Rev. Mr. Beach Copyrighted, 1913, by Underwood A Underwood,
New York. Photograph of Miss Jesale Wilson Copyrighted, 1013, by Ed
monaton, Washington, D. C. )
Borah Says House Currency
Measure Is Objectionable.
Idahoan's Opinion Is That Govern
ment Should Control and Stock
of federal Bank Bs Owned
Entirely by Public.
ington, Nov. 22. Senator Borah, of Ida
ho, will not vote for the currency bill
in the form in which it passed the
House, nor at all unless It is materially
amended. Recently he received a let
ter from one of his constituent urg
ing him to vote for the bill as it
stands. In his reply he explained why
tne Din ts objectionable, saying:
"This bill creates . 12 Federal reserve
banks. The stock of these Federal re
serve banks la owned exclusively by
me oanKs or ine country the publio
is excluded from ownership. The banks
are also to have the exclusive right
to eiect six out or nine Individuals,
who art to oonstltute the board of
directors. In other words, the banks
own exclusively the Federal reserve
bank and have also in practical effect
complete control of the board of di
rectors. ,
"Rank Control Volume.
"No currency can be Issued exceDt
upon the Initiative of Federal reserve
banks. That is to say. the Govern
ment must wait for action upon their
request. if, on the other hand, the
ourrency Is once issued upon their in-
lauve, tnen upon their initiative,
also It may be oontracted. for
as soon as the Federal reserve banks
cease to offer more collateral as a
Dasis or issue, the banks must begin
to collect in the money to pay off
the collaterals that are already up, and
contraction thus begins. The power
to Increase or decrease circulation Is
absolutely within the control of these
"To state it another way, this plan
is in all substantial and vital things
one of private control. I am aware
that there has been an effort at what
is called semi-public control, but I
assert tnat in the vital things this f
fort will be Ineffective so far as the
Dili as It now stands Is concerned
Senator Favors Public Control.
"If I could have my way I would
like to vote for a bill which would
provide a bank control exclusively by
the Government and the stock of which
was to be owned exclusively by the
public I think it Just as wise and no
wiser to place the control and regula
tlon of our currency and thereby our
credits In the control of the banks as
it would be to place the regulation and
control of the railroads In the rail
. "I am tor a sralght publio control.
The question with me is, shall the vol
ume of publio currency of the country
and thereby, in my Judgment, the
manipulation of the credit of the coun
try, be in the hands of private inter
ests or of the public? I have no doubt
upon this subject, and do not feel that
anything could induce me to vote for a
privately controlled plan."
Damages for Imprisonment at Time
of Coal Strike Demanded.
CHARLESTON, W. Vi, Nov. 33.
Another damage suit growing out of
the detentions under martial law in the
Cabin Creek district during the coal
strike has been instituted by Mrs. Ba-
rah Spinello. The plaintiff asks $10,
000 damages from William E. Glass
cock, Governor of West Virginia at the
time of the strike, and members of the
military court. -
Mrs, Spinello avera she was arrested
for an assault on a negro, held five
days in the "bull pen" and sentenced to
serve one year in the penitentiary by
the court. She states she was par
doned on acoount of her physical con
dition before the order of the court
was carried out.
Government Sends Expert to Aid in
Obtaining ByProdVacts.
ington, Nov. 22. At the Joint request
of Senator Brady and Dean Carlyle of
the University of Idaho, the Depart
ment of Agriculture Is sending Marron
T. Donk to Idaho to co-operate with
the State University In seeking to de
vise methods of obtaining the by-prod
Is the most important element in
the body. It may bo a fountain of
health or a distributer of disease.
Troubles include scrofulous swellings
and sores, eczema, bolls, pimples,
eruptions, rheumatism, catarrh. Indi
gestion, dyspepsia, neuralgia, anemia,
humors, that tired feeling,, loss of ap
petite, etc. For Impure
In any form or degree,' take HOOD'S
SARSAPARILLA. Its formula is
made up of the best ingredients
known to physicians, and It has a
record of successes unequalled by.
any other medicine. It is the stand
ard remedy to purify, vitalize and
enrich the. blood. - "
ucts of burned stumpage. When Dean
Carlyle was In Washington recently he
called on Senator Brady to enlist his
support in securing Federal co-operation
and with- the Senator he called on
Mr. Alsberg, chief chemist, and Was
successful in Interesting him in the
work. The detail of Mr. Donk re
Senator Brady believes the by-products
from stumps on cut-over lands,' if
properly Utilised, will more than pay
for the cost of clearing.
Experiments thus far conducted show
that every stump, properly treated,
will produce from 20 to 2S0 gallons of
crude distillate, and this, when refined
yields wood alcohol, ethyl alcohol, tur
pentine, tar and oils.
That Christmas piano or player piano
this year owing to the greatly reduced
prices and terms of the Graves Music
Co. removal sale. See- advertisement
page 18, section 2. Adv.
Police Band May Be Disappointed.
ington, Nov. 22. The Portland Police
Band, which aspired to go through the
Panama Canal on the battleship Ore
gon, will be disappointed, in the opin
ion of Senator Chamberlain, who has
taken the matter up with Secretary
Don't Throw Your
Favorite Pen
No matter how badly
it may be broken, you
will be surprised how
perfectly it can be re
paired, by the OKIiY
Northwest or liberal
allowance made for ex
change Portland Agesey
354V2 Washington St.
Morgan Bldg., Near Park St.
pen Specialist.
The art of proper Lighting In
stallation Is to be acquired only
by infinite study.
You must either pursue the ne
cessary education or depute the
installation of the LIGHTING
FIXTURES in your homes to
competent hands.
The facilities of our firm for the
competent executing of all Elec
trical work are unrivaled in any
other establishment in the city.
311 Stark St. Both Phones.
These Guaranteed Clothes
WHY wear clothing that you take a chance
on being satisfied with? Some clothing
is made to look well for a short time
the goodness and shape-retaining qualities are
not tailored into its every seam.
Then there's the kind that's built to give last
ing satisfaction like
When you buy a suit or overcoat at this store
you can be certain of making a good appearance
for a whole season. Suits and. overcoats at
15 . $18 $20 $22.50
$25 $30 $35 $40.00
Fourth Street at Alder
Successors to Salem Woolen Mills Clothing Co.
Wall Paper
"We are showing 1914 "Wall Paper in the most
exquisite designs and colorings ever placed on the
market. Every pattern and coloring is ours exclu
sively. We have beautiful designs and colorings
at 25 a roll good enough for any home.
Cretonnes to match paper for bedroom, at 45
yard, that are truly wonderful. Art Shadow Silk
entirely new, in fast colors, in all the new shades.
F. A. Taylor Company
Interior Decorators
Mr. Hill has not yet
returned from San Francisco and we
are not yet able to make the con
templated special announcement
concerning another big money
saving event, which will in
clude reconstructed trucks
Watch for Developments Soon
In One Minute Your Stuffy Nose and
Head Clears, Sneezing and Nose Run
ning Cease, Dull Headache Goes.
Try "Ely's Cream Balm."
Get a small bottle anyway, just to try
It Apply a little In the nostrils and In
stantly your clogged nose and stopped
up air passages of the head will open;
you will breathe freely; dullness and
headache disappear. By morning! the
catarrh, cold-ln-head or catarrhal sore
throat will be gone.
End such misery now! Get the small
bottle of "Ely's Cream Balm" at any
drug- store. This sweet, fragrant balm
130 Tenth Street
The White Company
Broadway, Near Oak
In tho Business District for . Tour
dissolves by the heat of the nostrils;
penetrates and heals the Inflamed,
swollen membrane which lines the nose,
head and throat; clears the air pas
sages; stops nasty discharges and a
feeling; of cleansing, soothing relief
comes Immediately.
Don't lay awake tonight struggling
for breath, with head stuffed; nostrils
closed, hawking and blowing. Catarrh
or a cold, with its running nose, foul
mucous dropping Into the throat, and
raw dryness is distressing but truly
Put your faith Just once In "Ely's
Cream Balm" and your cold or catarrh
will surely disappear. Adv.