The state Republican. (Eugene City, Or.) 1862-1863, March 07, 1863, Image 2

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    STATE 11 E P t II L I C A
'lis Struj go of t j-day is not altogether for
lo-aay, u is ior me vast iuiure aiso.
Till: OltlMlllKRX.
Tho secessionists, or the "Democracy of Ore
gon," a they pompously style themselves, have
dwindled down to a little faction of negative,
grumbling, faultfinders. When "Democracy"
espoused tho cause of secession nnd rebellion, nil
the intelligent nnd patriotic members left the
party, or rather refused to follow it into tho
haunts of treason. So the fiction is now made
up of the ignorant rabblo, who do not know tho
difference between loyalty and treason, between
liberty and despotism, and of unscrupulous vil
lains, who naturally prefer vico to virtuo and
falsehood to truth, as a thief prefers darkness
rather than light.
Tho time was when Democrats commanded
respect, even from their opponents. They ndvo
cated principles, and whether they wero correct
or not, they evinced some ability in maintaining
them. They did not entirely confine themselves
to finding fault with the principles of other inch,
nnd the policy of other parties, but advocated
their own principles and their own policy. But
since the division and death of the old Democrat
ic party, the miserablo faction of ignoramuses,
that split off from tho genuine Democracy, and
still persist in claiming its name, nro destitute of
every one of tho characteristics which so distin
guishod their predecessors. They have no na
tional policy, nnd no settled principles to contend
for. All they do is to find fault with what others
do, without doing or trying to do anything
themselves. They do not even attempt, in any
of their papers in this State, to set forth nny
policy which would bo better than that which
Government is now pursuing. Like spaniels
they growl at everything they see and hear,
without pointing out "a more excellent way."
True, they say they would compromise with tho
rebels, nnd save the Union without further loss
of life and treasure But thoy know that to be
an utter impossibility, even if tho Administration
and peoplo desired to compromise, for the rebels
liave all along declared most emphatically that
they would never conscr.t to any terms with tho
Government which does not recognizo the inde
pendence of tho South. This, then, is not a ra
tional proposition, as it is beyond the rango of
possibility, to say nothing of tho evils which
would surely result from such n policy.
As compromise is, with tho "Democracy," the
panacea for nil the ills that flesh is heir to tho
only remedy which they havo ever proposed to
heal tho ravages which treason and rebellion
havo inflicted upon this nation, the only remedy
which they ever will, in nil probability, propose
for anything and as it is utterly impracticable,
we may truly sny that they have not yet pro
posed nny substitute for tho policy pursued by
the Administration in the present national diffi
culties. They find fault with everything that is
done, without showing wherein, or in what man
nor, tho condition of things could bo improved.
They never mako an argument in favor of any
principle which they claim to bo correct, but
quibble nnd find fault with the "abolitionists,"
nnd the "radicals." Tho mere faet that they do
not explain some better way of conducting pub
lie affairs, is sufficient proof that they could do
no better than, and probably not as well as, those
of whoso actions they nro continually complain
ing. They sny that Lincoln ought to have concili
ated tho rebels in the first placo by kind entreat
ies to tho erring brethren, and by avoiding nil
show of force, nnd by disavowing nny intention
to "coerce" theim Tho knowledge that Lincoln
wasTioins to force them to obey iho laws of
their country, they think only irritated tho hot
blooded chivalry, nnd brought on tho war, so
that Lincoln is responsible for it nil. Then,
ngain, theso same fellows declaro that if Lincoln
had manifested tho decision of Jackson, nnd had
let these people understand that "by tho eternal"
the law should bo obeyed, thero would have
been no war ; so he is responsible for it nil.
And so they continuo on nil other subjects con
ucctcd with the war. They contradict and dis
prove their own assertions, nnd find fault with
everything, without tho slightest regard to
whether it is right or wrong. Henco wo can
eomo to no other conclusion than that they nre
either ignoramuses who do not know what they
nro talking about, or knaves that have no regard
for truth or justice.
Fro Mr. F. II. Hill, of Wilbur, wo learn
that the examination and exhibition of tho I'nip
qua Academy passed off very pleasantly, and
elicited tho general admiration nnd approval of
the audience. Mr. Hill remarks that there were
"a few seccsli who did not like 'Uncle Sam's
Family' nor the 'Union songs,' " but adds, "we
did not expect to please those who think moro of
darkness than of light." Hint institution de
serves to prosper.
Wk nro iiiuler obligations to J. W. Sullivan,
f San Francisco, for a buJget of papers contain
ing late copies of tho Irish American, New 'I ork
Herald, Wilk's Spirit of the Times, Baltimore
Sun, Boston Journal, Imisville Journal, Missou
ri Repulse, Harper's W'ttlhj, Frank Leslie's
Illustrated Xetcyxiper and the Ixuidon Index,
the organ of secession in England.
Si icsbt Sam Cox, a peace shrieker, favors a
reconstruction of tho Union with New England
left out of it.
Failed to Connect.
It is now certain that the efforts of the Salem
faction to unite with the secessionists and get up
a "great Democratic parly," in Oregon, will
fail. And nil the abuse of tho Statesman, un
gratefully heaped upon the heads of those who
elected H State Printer has not been sufficient to
appease the wrath of tho rebels, and having lost
the confidence of Union men by trying to concil.
iato the secessionists, it can havo the pleasure of
"going in a gang to itself." The rebel organ- at
Corvallis, gives the views of the "Oregon Democ
racy," on this subject, in the following emphatic
language :
The. hissing Puritan viper of the Salem Vam
pire finds fault with the Argus at Oregon City,
ir us iiinuiiciivo aooimomsm I I
Well, it is better to be something positive.
than to bo either pig or puppy, just as occasion
may demand. This Salem viper belongs to the
inlaiiious "Ueast JJutler' School of Alassnchu
setts politicians, who can accommodate itself to
either condition for pay. The onlv incentive to
action the scholars of that school have, is the
scent of prey whoever will be Butcher for the
time being, they Jl be Dos, so as to get the of-
fill. That is all the. principles they have feed
is nn tne ioui nnd nitiiy buzzards in the political
world, care for. They can be fawning syco
phants to "1 lie islKve Tower, so called to-day ;
and adulators of Abolition the next ; nnd wheth
er tho country goes to Jeff or to Abe whether
it declares for "Proslavery. or for "Antislavo-
ry," for loyalty, or for treason these fellows
"don't caio a d d," for they have establiscd an
interest in both !!
Then after citing some quotations from the
conservative" organ, Pat exclaims:
And the diabolical scoundrel, who deliberately
pens and publishes such sentiments, talks about
'Billy Adams Radical Abolitionism.
Even old Newell declares that he is slandered
whenever "his nntno is used in connection with
Mr. Bush," nnd solemnly assures his readers
that ho won't even speak to that unfortunate in
The Yreka Journal of Fob. 25th says
that on the mountain, in the vicinity of the prin.
cipal mining sections of tho county, thero is at
present from eight to ten feet of snow which
will be the means of furnishing n largo supply
of water for mining, ns soon as tho cold weather
is over.
. . .Tho Sierra Nevada, which sailed from
Portland on tho 20th ult., for San Francisco,
caricd away about 3,000 boxei apples.
Gen. Wright has received orders to es
tablish a military post at Klamath Lake. Gen.
Alvord says that tho post will bo estab
lished accordingly the coming season.
Tho Oregonian says, that Capt. Welles
of Shoalwater Bay, nnd a stranger from Albany
Oregon, a potter by trade, namo unknown, wero
both accidentally drowned while endeavoring to
cross from Oystcrvillo to Capo Shoalwater, on
the 20th ult.
Tho Surveyor of tho Port of San Fran.
cisco has seize I $200,000 worth of foreign
goods for violation of the revenue laws. The
goods belong to about ten importing houses.
A system of fraud has been diccovered extend
ing back several years, whereby the Govern
ment has been defrauded of one half its revenue.
Officers have been placed in every freo waro
houso to prevent the delivery of foreign goods
until after inspection.
The Times of the 20th ult. says, S. A.
Woodard's pack train of forty-seven mules, will
leavo tho Dalles in a few days for the Northern
mines with a full load of provisions. Their des
tination is Warren's diggings.
The steamers from San Francisco to
Victoria will hereafter touch at Port Angclos
and land the mails. An appropriation of $24,
000 lias been made for that purpose by Con
gress. Recently tho steamer Col. Wright
made the trip up to Wallula and back to Celilo
without any difficulty. Navigation on the upper
Columbia may bo considered open for tho sea
son. Tho Odd Fellows of Oregon City nre
fitting up a spacious hall for tho uso of tho Or
der, nnd it is said will be a credit to tho frater
nity of that place.
Col. Columbus Sims, of the Second
California Cavalry, has risigned his office. Ho
had been before a Ccurt of Inquiry, but was not
Tho total subscription to the Sanitary
Fund up to Feb. 28th, amounted to $21,795 05.
A fire occurred, nt Virginia City on
10th ult., destroying nbout $.10,000 worth of
The Sentinel says a correspondent in
Josephino county rather knocks the ring out of
the silver lead reported to havo been discovered
on Althonse creek. The copper ore, however,
is the genuine article.
Tli Constitrtion on the lllh took two
millions, one hundred and ninety thousand and
seventy dollars treasure. More than ono mill
ion of this lclonged to the Government.
Tho commission of Senator Conncss
was made out on parchment, signed by Gover
nor Stanford, and delivered on Wednesday,
February 18th.
Chas. E. Chcnery, of San Francisco,
has been appointed Paymaster in tho United
States Navy.
One hundred and fifty dollars have
been pnid for window glass broken in Sacramon
to, in firing one hundred guns over th election
of Mr. Conncss to the Senate.
The people in Southern Oregon are up
and doing, nnd urging the building of a wagon
road to tho Boise minesjfrom Jacksonville,
They make the distance 325 miU's from that
The jury in the case of Portland nnd
Milwaukie JVIacademized Road Company vs,
Thomas Stevens, returned a verdict in favor of
Sevens yesterday, of $1 1,025. Times, 28th ult.
.The schooner Alpha went nshore at
Seabirds Island, about twelve miles obove Vie
toria, on tne I Zlu or last month, nnd sunk in
shoal water. After considerable suffering from
exposure, the passengers were got ashore the
next day.
A mail lino has at last been estttbliahcd
between Waldo, Josephine county, Oregon, and
Crescent City, California. The people in that
region have long submitted to great inconvenience
for want of mail facilities.
The Washington Standard, of the 28th
ult., says that Frazer river is now free from ice,
and that the Enterprise reccnt'y made a trip up
to New Westminster.
The citizens of Portland have petitioned
for the removal of the office of Superintendent of
Indian Afiairs from Salem to Portland.
The steamship Pacific, four days from
San Francisco, arrived nt Portland, on tho 3d
inst., bringing Eastern dates up to the 27th ult.,
four days later than had been received by stage.
Chicago, 23. In consequence of a violent storm
Eastward, last night, the dispatches were mea
gre and contained nothing of importance.
New York, 23 The Herald's Washington dis
patch says that it is understood that ns soon as
the conscription Bill shall have passed the House,
there will be a call made for from 000.000 to
800,000 volunteers.
The Times says wa havo private advices con
firming, to some extent, rumors of trouble in
Gen. Banks command, growing out of the intro
duction of negro troops. Some of the officers of
tho 133rd INew I ork volunteers had resigned.
The Richmond Enqnircr says there nre ru
mors of the advance of the Yankees upon Mid
dle Tennessee. Cannonading was heard Wednes
day last in front. General Forest has crossed
tho river with cavalry and artillery.
Tho Texas Floq of tho 2 J, has account of the
invasicnof rebel soil by Mexican banditti, who
were stealing horses. About 500 Mexicans had
been raised for the purpose of plundering our
frontier ; their acts wero approved of by the
Mexican authorities.
Memphis, 21 Advices from tho fleet nt
Vicksburg to the 18th, furnish the agreeable
information that steps have been taken for the
inauguration of hostilities. On that day our
mortar boats were towed to the pass, above the
city, nnd opened, with what effect is not known.
Tho firing was responded to by the Confeder
ate batteries. Our losilion was soon louna to
be too much exposed for effectual operation on
tho rebels, nnd was finally changed, and the
bombardment renewed. The gun boat ludiauohi,
which run the blockade, hadthreo months sup
San Francisco, 24. The steam tugMerrimac
was capsized on the bar in Humbolt Bar, on
tho 23d. About fifty persons were on board, but
it is not known whether any escaped or not.
Washington, Feb. 23. At tho unanimous ro
quest ofthe California Congressional delegation,
the Hon. Stephen Field, now Chcif Judgo of
California, has been appointed U. S. Circuit
Judge for that State, vice McCallister resigned,
Latham introduced n bill in the Senate yester.
day to establish a branch mint in Nevada Terri
tory. Rcfered to Committee on finance.
Louisville, 24. Authentic accounts say that
the rebel army is in tho vicinity of McMinnville
New York, 2 4. Gold exchange nt 71. The
sudden rise in gold is probably a speculative
movement based on tho belief that the three
hundred million dollars legal tender clauso will
be returned in the finance Bill.
Fortress Monroe, Feb. 23. The Richmond
Enquirer, of Feb. 18, savs the Confederacy was
duped by the recent account of the breaking of
the blockade nt Charleston. It says the account
was untrue in every particular.
Washington, Feb. 2 4. The Richmond Exam
iner, of Feb. 21, by dispatch from Fort Hudson,
reb. 18th, announces tho capture of the iron
clad gunboat Queen of the West, with her officers
and crew.
Cairo, 24. Tho last boat from Vicksburg
says the rebel batteries on both sides of the
river nro not considered formidable.
New York, Feb. 2 4. Tho steamer Pacific
has arrive from Havana. A Biitish steamer
had arrived nt Havana, from Mobile, with 800
bales of cotton. Sterling exchange 1S5 ; gold
very much excited, closing at 72.
New York, 25. A Washington special dis
patch says Hooker has nrrested thirty deserters,
who have been tried nnd sentenced to bo t-hot.
Hooker npproves nnd will execute the sentence,
thus inaugurating a system in our army lot g
and sadly needed.
The sudden rUo of seven per cent, in gold yester
day was by the conviction in Wall st. that action
onthe Finance Bill was likely to result in a fur
ther issue of legal tender notes. The rise was
increased by rumor of misfortune to our vessels
below Vicksburg, and culminated in a combina
tion of the lending Wall street banks to run pri
cos up. Tho effect of the rise is to render a fur
ther issue of legal tender notes less probable.
Tho prevailing belief in financial circles most in
sympathy with the Administration, is that Thad-
deus Stevens' original suggestion of ''interest
bearing treasury notes, made legal tender for
their face," is expedient and nmt in favor with
the Committee, and the gold panic increases the
chancs for its adoption.
Louisville, 25. Many statements have been
in circulation for the last seven days. All re
gard the stories as having arisen from 600 rebel
cavalry, under Lerov Clark, entering Richmond,
Ky. on Sunday. They staid two hours, then
hastened through to Winchester, where skir
mish occureJ with slight loss, after which the
rebel cavalry cleared out in tho direction of
Mount Sterling. .Everything quiet in tho vicin
ity of Frankfort and Lexington. No npprchen
sions nre entertained.
New York, 25. A dispatch per steam ship
Glasgow, says that a new rebel steamer was
lying nt anchor in the Merstty on tho loth, and
was expected to sail in a few days for the rebel
Washington, 25. The Postmaster General
has issued instructions to the largest PostofTices
ofthe Country, to collect, on nnd after March 1st,
in specie, all postage due on unpaid letters from
foreign countries. Tho reason for this is, that
under present postal arrangements all postage
on foreign letters must be accounted for by tho
department in coin orits eqivalent.
Jefferson City, 2 4. Gamble sent to tho House
to-day a communication accompanying certain
resolutions recently adopted by tho New Jersey
Legislature, asking Missouri to send delegates
to a National Convention, (or the purpose of effect
ing an armistice. The Governor announced the
resolution. A spirited discussion ensued. The
resolutions were unsuccessfully handled by mem
bers. Resolution will neither concent nor sub
mit to a pence without the entire submision of
traitors, to any nrmistice without subjugation,
nor to any foreign powers, nnd thanking the Gov
ernor for the loyal and patriotic view he express
ed in his message.
Cairo, 25. A large fleet of boats left on
Sunday morning for below. Ono of our gunboats
has passed into Lake Providence. She found the
rebels with a largo number of negroes fulling
trees in narrow passes to obstruct the passage of
our boats. We are assured by ollicers direct
from Young's Point that the health of our army
is slowly improving.
Washington, 25.'! he House discussed the
Conscription Bill yesterday, and at midnight
agreed that tho debate should terminate today
nt one o clock, to be voted on without further
New York, Feb. 25. The following is from
rebel sources :
Fort Hudson, 18. Cptain Connor from Red
River, brings intelligence of the capture of the
Federal staamer Qeen of tho West, tit Gordon's
Fort Taylor, Red River. Later intelligence
reports that the Confederate steamer Webb had
followed and captured tho Erie. The Queen of
tho West wasbut slightly injured, and will soon
bo in fighting trim under Confederate collors.
The Port Hudson and Alexandria Democrat
contains tho official report of Captain Kelser,
commanding fortifications at Red River. Ho
saw two gunboats make their appearanco in
front of his position at 12 m. last night. At
2 o'clock that evening, after a brisk cannonading,
the gunboat Queen of the West struck her
collors. Capt. Hunter was ordered to go on
board nnd demand her surrender. IIo reports
thirteen officers nnd crew on board, the rest es-
caping under cover of night. There wero cap
tu red one 32 pounder, three 12 pounders, besides
a large quantity of side arms, n lot of quinine,
two cases of amputating instruments, clothing
and provisions. The victory was complete and
Sacramento, Feb. 20. The Senate passed
concurrent resolutions complimentary to Col.
Connor nnd his troops for their victory over the
Indians on Bear river.
In Assembly, Collins introduced a bill to pro
vide for taking the vote of volunteers in the L'ui
ted States' service.
can r rancisco, i'eo. i. l lie state 1 rensurer
paid the Assistant U. S. Treasurer fclS8,00(5 in
greenbacks on account of California s ouota to
the National Tax, yesterday.
Washington, Feb. 25. Judge Watts of New
Mexico, has received advices from El Paso, say
ing that the French had captured Guay mas, nnd
wero marching on the Capital of Sonora,
Washington, Feb. 25. In tho Senate, the
Conscription bill was taken up. An nmend
ment confining the term to tho present rebellion,
not exceeding three years was adopted. Colfax
moved to con fin o to two years rejected. Cox
moved to confine tho conscription to white i iti
zens ; also rejected. Other amendments wero
offered nnd disagreed to. Finally, the bill pasSed;
ayes, 1 1;, noes, 41).
INew I ork, reb. 'o. A .fortress Monroe
letter states tho reports of the people rendered
to Gen. Veilc, at Norfolk, all concur in staling
that Gen. Price has been reinforced by troops
under I ettigrew and (.trover, giving him a force
of 30,000. Riimorsalso come from many quar
tcrs that nn attac k will be made on Norfolk be
fore the 4th of March. Price, a week ago, with
drew his pickets between Snffilk and Blaekwnter
making a circuitous route in a southerly direc
tion ; lie crossed the Chowan river and turned
up on the 22J in Princess Ann County, twenty
miles south of our lines.
The Tribune's Washington correspondent
states that tho gunboats Freeborn and Dragon
made a reconnoisance on tho 21st up tho Rap
pahannock, a distance of sixty five miles, and
were fired on by a rebel battery. An engage
ment ens'nd, in which the battery was silenced.
Hits gunboats received insignificant injuries,
and had two or three men slightly wounded. The
reconnoisance was nn entire success, lhe expe
dition contained a great deal of information.
Nashville, Feb. 25. Gen. Whee'er's com
mand of four brigades of Cavalry is on this
side of Columbia, Tennessee, nnd is reported
carrying offnll able bodied contrabands. A por
lion of his command was within four miles of
Franklin. There is a largo Federal force under
Gilbert nt that place. The report of the death
of Gen. Forrest is not believed here.
We Uke the following from the Portland
Times, received by the steamer Pacific, which
arrived there on Tuesday, tho 31 inst.,
New York, Feb. 27. A Fortress Monroe
correspondent states" that ho learns, by private
advices from Richmond received nt Norfolk, that
the small pox is making frightful ravages in
Richmond. The disease has assumed tho form
of a plague, and almost every one who could
was escaping from the City, which presented the
appearance ot a huge hospital.
The Tribune has the following :
Stafford, Vs., Feb. 20. About noon yester
day Stuart's cavalry made attack on part of Av
erill's division of Cavalry, near Hart wood
A skirmish ensued, resulting in the
repulse of the enemy. Our loss in killed woun
ded and prisoners was nbont 40. A rebel cap
tain and lieutenant were among tho hilled. An
other captain was taken prisoner, nnd a number
of privates. Tho rebels nro now at Deep Run,
nbout 4 miles above llartwood Church. Firing
was heard in thnt direction this afternoon.
Hilton head,S. C. letters of tho 10th say that
reports of heavy firing from tho direction of
Wilmington river had been heard all day. No
official news of nny engagement was received
up to a Into hour this evening, but it is supposed
that the Passaic had opened upon Humbolt bat
tery, in order to draw attention from the opera
tions of tho land forces sent to erect a battery
and place obstructions in the river, in order to
shut in the ram Atlantic, nnd relievo the Passaic
from blockading duty.
Cincinnati, Feb. 27, Various rumors are in
circulation respecting the rebels in Kentucky,
One report is that Breckinridgo is advancing on
Lexington with 20,000 men. We nre unable,
as yet to determine how much truth thero is in
this. Tho Commercial's Frankfort correspon
dent says that a gentleman from Richmond re
ports our troops retreating towards Lexington,
pressed by double their number. These reports
must be taken with many grains Of allowance.
Cincinnati, Feb. 27. Cluker's rebel forces
are leaving Kentucky, by way of Mount Ster
ling and liazel Green, pursued by Col. Kuukel
with 1,800 cavalry nnd infantry. Tho excite
ment in central Kentucky has partly subsided.
Trains on tho Kentucky Central Rrailroad are
running hs usual, nnd refugees nre returning home.
Washington, Feb. 27. Simon Cameron's let
ter of resignation is published. It contains no
particulars further than an expression that in a
private capacity at home he can do more good to
the country than if abroad.
Cairo, Feb. 27. A detachment of tho .3d
Michigan Cavalry left Lexington, Tennessee, on
tho Si h, for tho purpose of routing and captur
ing a band of rebels known to be in cump at
Clifton. They succeeded in completely surpri
sing them, and captured tho whole force, num.
bermg sixty men, including one Colonel. Aeon
siderable quantity of ammunition was destroyed
and the town burned.
Trenton, N. J., Feb. 20 William Wright,
Democrat, was elected United States Senator
to day, for six years from the 4th of March.
New York, Feb. 27. The steamer Augusta,
with dates from Hilton Head, S. C, to the 20tb
has arrived. The rebels in Savannah are strain
ing every nervo to complete their new iron clad
in which they express ninth confidence. The
rebels announce that four steamers ran the block
ade in ono day, viz: the Ruby, Leopard nnd
V agner, from Nassau. The fourth not named,
was bound to Liverpool with James B. Clay of
Kentucky on board.
Washington, Feb. 27. Senator Wilson, yes
torday introduced a substitute for tho IIouso
bill to raise additionnl soldiers. It provides for
mustering in, enrolling nnd organizing by com
manding officers in the several departments, of
as many Africans, liberated by certain laws, by
the President's oroelaiiiatiiin, or bv nny other
legal constituted uiithurity exercised in Mippres
sion of tho rebellion, as the President may from
time to lime derm necessary, to be tinned, equip
ped and musteded inlo service, tu serve tlm ing
tho war. It contains a proviso that no person of
African descent shall be appointed lo exerciso
authoiity over white ollicers and soldiers, or men
in the nriiiy or navy.
Oini old friend, li. M. M iv, writing to ti,
from San Francisco, under date of Feb. 23 !,
speaks very ftvorably of llm resources of Nov i
da Tt rrilory. lie has been in Virginia City, fir
the past year, engaged in the business of liunber-
ing, and is now in
S-in Francisco procuring
machinery to go
more exteus'volv
into tho
$300. The remains of the Oregon Democrat
have been dug up nnd galvanized into something
like life, with James O'Meara (Ah! Jammy,
wo know you, don't we ?) ns editor. Wo hope
"the printers will be secured by the first mort
gage this time." Cumtux ? Washington Stan
dard. Tho Statesman says Jimmy diddled Mnrphey,
of the Standard, out of $800, w hile he figured
nt Portland. Ho is up to such littlo tricks.
Wooi.ex Factoht at Fohest Grove. Tho
people of Forest Grove mid neighborhood nre
striving in the matter of building a Woolen Fac-
tory nt that place. A meeting has been held,
and steps taken towards surveying the water
privilege. They expect to obtain n fall of fif
teen feet by digging a race three quarters of a
mile in length. The citizens are in earnest
about it and intend to push it through. Orego
Tub Oregonian of the 28ih ult., says :
Wa notice that the Eugene lie view heads the
first column of its general news with tho appro
priate words : "Budget of Rebel War News.'
e would suggest that this heading be substitu
ted for the present name of that paper, ns it
would be tmquwtioably appropriate, besides sav
ing tho trouble of having to find a suitable head
for the various treasonable paragraphs found be
neath. Tub steamer Relief arrived nt Eugene last
Saturday, three days from Oregon City. This
was her second trip to this place this winter. As
the river was falling rapidly, she returned on
Saturday evening, with several of our citizens
and a considerable quantity of freight on board.
We learn from Rev. E. P. Henderson, Princi.
.pal of the Harrisbrg Academy, who was in town
this week, that the r.ext session of that institution
wiil commence on Monday, tho 10th inst. The
school has been very successful since its com
mencement, and lht name of the teacher is a
sufficient guarantee that it will be well attended
during the next term.
Personal. Captain Noble paid us a visit
yesterday (Friday) evening. The Captain is up
on business connected with recruiting- for the
Oregon Cavalry Regiment, and looking out for
L'K.!e gaIU-, iulercsts generally.