Clackamas County record. (Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or.) 1903-190?, March 09, 1903, Image 3

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Jipril, May
There is a best time for doing
everything that is, a time when a
thing can be done to the best ad
vantage, most easily and most ef
fectively. Now is the best time
for purifying your blood. Whyf
Because your 6ystem is now trying
to purify it you know this by the
pimples and' other eruptions that
have come on your face and body.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and Pills
Are the medicines to take they do
the work thoroughly and agreeably
and never fail to do it.
Hood's are the medicines you
have always heard recommended.
.l cannot recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla
too highly as a pring mpoicine. ben we
take it in the spring we all feel betterthroueb
the summer." Mas. S. H. Nuu McCrays, Pa.
Hood's Sarsaparilla promises to
cure and keess the promise.
That Would Never Do.
Bhe Why don't you go oat occasion
ally, dearest, and enjoy yourself, say at
the club?
He But I don't want to get into the
habit of having a good time. Life.
For bronchial troubles try Piso's Cure
r Consumption. It is a pood cough
medicine. At druggihts. price 25 cents.
Ending the Dissertation.
"Would you call a cat herbivorous
or carnivorous?" asked the man who is
learned but tedious.
"Neither," answered the man who
yawns, "merely vociferous."
Mothers will fina Sirs. Wlnsloff's Sooth,
tng Syrup the best remedy to use for then
Bhildren during uae teething period.
Home Discomforts.
"No," grumbled the husband in a
epasm of confidence to a friend, "I
tiave no place at all for my oookt,. The
storage room ia kept exclusively for
my wife."
"And what does she use it all for?"
"Oh, she puts away the things that
ore a trifle too good to be destroyed,
yet scarcely good enough to be of use."
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That
Contain Mercury, .
As mercury will surely destroy the sense of
smell and completely derange the whole sys
tem when entering it through the mucous sur
faces. Such articles should never be used ex
cept on prescriptions from reputable physi
cians, as the damage they wiU do is ten fold to
the good you can possibly derive from them.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J.
Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury,
and is taken internally, acting directly upon
the blood and mucous surfaces of the system.
In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get
the genuine. It is taken Internally, and made
In Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney i Co. Testi
monlals free.
Bold by Druggists, price 75c. Ter bottle.
Hall's Family Pills ate the bert.
The Influence.
. Jerry How do good clothes make a
man a gentleman?
Joe They make him feel as if he
was expected to act like one. Detroit
Free Press.
To Break in Mew Shoes,
Always shake in Aliens Foot-Ease, a powder.
It cures chilblains, damp, sweating, aching,
swollen feet. Cures Corns and Bunions. At
all druirglsts and shoe stores, 2Sc. Pon't accept
any substitute. Sample mailed FRKL. Address
Allen B. Olmstead, LeKoy, N. Y
Back Talk.
"I shall never marry," said Miss
Ann Teek, with an air of determina
tion. "Perhaps not," replied Miss Pert,
"but everyone admits you have made a
brave light against the inevitable."
Brooklyn Life.
When the cold wave flap; is up, freezing weather is on the way. Winter
k here in earnest, and with it all the miserable symptoms of Catarrh
return blinding headaches and neuralgia, thick mucous discharges
tom the nose and throat, a hacking cough and, pain in the chest, bad
taste in the mouth, fetid breath, nausea and all that makes Catarrh the
most sickening and disgusting of all complaints. It causes a feeling of per
l6nal defilement and mortification that keeps one nervous and anxious while
.In the company of others.
In spite of all efforts to prevent it,
the filthy secretions and mucous mat
ter find their way into the Stomach
ind are distributed by the blood to
every nook and corner of the system;
the Stomach and Kidneys, in fact
every organ and part of the body, be
come infected with the catarrhal
poison. This disease is rarely, if ever,
even in itsearliest stages, a purely local
disease or simple inflammation of the
nose and throat, and this is why sprays,
trashes, powders and the various in
haling mixtures fail to cure. Heredity
is sometimes back of it parents have
It and so do their children.
In the treatment of Catarrh, anti
septic and soothing washes are good for cleansing purposes or clearing the
Head and throat, but this is the extent of their usefulness. To cure Catarrh
permanently, the blood must be purified and the system relieved of its load
of foul secretions, and the remedy to accomplish this is S. S. S. which has
membrane and is carried through the circulation to all the Catarrh infected
portions of the body, they soon heal, the mucous discharges cease and the
patient is relieved of the most offensive and humiliating of all complaints.
S. S. S. is a vegetable remedy and contains nothing that could ipjure the
most delicate constitution. It cures Catarrh in its most aggravated forms,
and cases apparently incurable and hopeless. Write us if you have Catarrh,
tad our physicians will advise you without charge.
Mis 1 neorj.
"There's no doubt that colored men
ofbn make good soldiers."
- "Course dey doee." answered Mr.
Erastus Pinkley. "You put a cnllud
man along of a purenssion an' he's
gwine ter toiler it to de finish, no mat
ter wbut de danger is." W ashington
Star. -
' The Hotel of 2003.
Clerk Michael, are you about
through moving those trunkb?,
"Yes, sorr; in a few minutes."
"Well, when you've finished, stretch
the life net over the front pavement.
Mrs. Hibawl has just telephoned from
the top floor that her husband has
fallen out of the window." Smart Set.
At Delhi.
PcBterity will look upon the picture
of a vast and utterly barbaric popula
tion numbering nearly one-fourth of the
human family, subdued, governed, ed
ucated, Christianized and led np to the
dignity of self-government by a handful
of strangers who come from an incon
siderable Island 15,000 miles away."
An old prophecy about India. New
York Press.
No One Need Neglect Their Teeth Any
More No Pain, Small Cost.
The two great reasons why people
used to neglect their teeth were: Fear
of being hurt, and the expense.
When you come to think it over now,
it is truly remarkable what a revolu
tion has taken place in modern dental
methods. Wise Brotheis, the famous
Portland dentists, are among the fore
most in the United States in this re
spect. ' Their announcements that there
is not a particle of pain connected with
any dental work done in their office is
literally true. And it is also literally
true that every person who goes to
these dentists is greatly surprised at
the small coBt of having the teeth put
in fine older. A whole set of teeth
now costs less than some time ago it
cost to have one pulled or filled. There
is no excuse whatever for anyone to ne
glect his, rr her, teeth. Even the man
or woman receiving the lowest wages
paid in this Northwest can well afford
to have the teeth looked after and be
gin to enjoy life.
Again, a word about the children.
When a young person has second teeth,
fathers and mothers should see to it
that their son or daughter goes to the
dentist and has the teeth examined.
Oftentimes just a little work before it
is too late saves the teeth pure and
beautiful for a lifetime. Take time by
the forelock and consult Wise Brothers,
Failing Building, Portland, Oregon.
Mike's Poodle.
Hogan An' is he a blooded dog,
"Blooded? I sh'd say he wuz. W'y,
when he wuz a pup th' doc had ter
bleed him to kape hinf from bein' a
blood hound, faith!"
It You Don't Know
How much different a can of Monopole
peaches or pears or corn or other vari
ety of fruits and vegetables taste from
the ordinary brands we hope you will
instruct your dealer to send you a can
of Monopole today. We know Mono
pole brand is better than any other be
cause we have compared them with
all other so-called high class ones.
Most dealers handle Monopole goods.
If yours doesn't send us his name.
Wadhams & Kerr Bros., Monopole
Grocers and Dry Coffee Roasters, 81-83-85
Front street, Portland, Ore.
White Tailed Eagles.
Although the golden eagle has dis
appeared from Wales, white tailed
eagles are still to be lound in north
Wales and Shropshire.
Manchester, Va., Meroh 6, 1001.
Oentlen. n: I had all the symptoms
that aooompany this disease, suoh aa
mneua dropping in the throat, a eon
stant deatre to hawk and aplt, feeling?
of dryness In the throat, cough and
splttinr upon rising- in the morning-,
soabs forming- in the noae, whioh re
quired mnoh effort to blow out, some
times earning the nose to bleed and
leaving- me with a sick headache. Z
had thus Buffered for five years.
X eommenoed to take B. SJ. I. and
after I had taken three large bottles,
Z notioed a change for the better.
Thus encouraged, Z eontinuedto take
it and in a short while waa entirely
Main and Vine Sta., Biohmond, Va,
mi . m
no equal as a blood purifier. It restores
the blood to a natural, healthy state and
the catarrhal poison and effete matter
are carried out of the system through the
proper channels. S. S. S. restores to the
bfbod all its good qualities, and whea
rich, pure blood reaches the inflamed
-H--? V-M--J-H
Briehteat end Best.
Brightest and host of the suns of the
. morning, . '
Da n il on our darkness ' and lend us
thine aid. .
Star of the east, the horizon adorning,
Guide where our Infant Ilt'deemer is
laid. I
Cold on his cradle the dewdrops are
Low lies his head with the beasts of
the stall;
Angels adore him in slumber reclining,
Maker and Monarch and Savior of all!
Say, shall we yield him, in costly , devo
tion, i
Odors of Edom and offerings divine?
(Jems of the mountain and pearls of the
ocean, ;
Myrrh from the forest, or gold from
the mine?
Vainly we offer each ample oblatioli;
Vainly with gifts -would .his favor
Richer by far Is the heart's adoration;
Dearer to God are the prayers of the
Brightest and best of the sons of the
Eawn on our darkness and lend us
thine aid.
Star of the east, the horizon adorning.
Guide where our Infant Redeemer is
Reginald Heber.
Dixie's Land.
A way down South in de fields of cotton,
L'iuiiamou seed and euudy bottom;
Look away, look away,
Look away, look away.
Dea 'way down South in de fields of
, cotton,
Vinegar shoes and paper stockings;
Look away, . look awoy.
Look away, look. away.
Den I wish I was In Dixie's land,
Oh oh! Oh oh!
In Dixie's Imid, I'll take my stand,
And live and- die in Dixie's land,
Away, away, away,
Away down South in Dixie.
Pork and cabbage In de pot,
It goes in cold and comes out hot;
Look away, look away,
Look away, look away.
Vinegar put right on red beet,
It makes them always fit to eat;
Look away, look away,
Look away, look away,
Den I wish I was in Dixie's land,
Oh oh! Oh oh!
In Dixie's land I'll take my stand,
And live and die in Dixie's land,
Away, away, away,
Away down South in Dixie.
Called Znto a Tough Section in the
Dead of Night.
At a meeting of women physicians
In Philadelphia not long ago the after
dinner speaking took the form of per
sonal experiences. One physician told
of her first and only fright. A rough
looking man had come for her to visit
a patient In one of the worst quarters
of the city. It was past midnight, and
the doctor told the man that he need
not wait; she would go as soon as
possible, meaning to call a cab. But
when the doctor reached her door the
man was waiting for her outside, and
insisted upon escorting her. ,
I found it difficult to get rid of him,
she said, and so walked on with him.
I soon decided that it would be better
not to offend my tough-looking escort
by taking a cab and going alone, and
I dared not ride with him; so I walked
the whole way.
I found my patient In a dangerous
condition, and the squalid room where
she lay was occupied by ten or more
other persons. I said they must go
out, and all left save one burly negro,
who declared that he would not go
out In the cold. I Insisted, however,
and the other lodgers forced him to
It was an hour or more before I was
ready to take my departure, and then
I planned to walk up to 8th street and
take a car. My former escort offered
to go with me, but I declined his offer
and set off alone. I had not gone a
block before I discovered that the big,
surly negro, whom I had driven from
the sick-room, was following me. I
walked steadily on, but my heart beat
faster than ever before In my life. I
hadn't a doubt that -he meant mis
chief. I missed the car I meant to take, and
I knew that at that hour of the night
It would be a long time before anotner
would come along; so I hurried on,
hearing those pursuing footsteps Just
behind me. At every shadowy place
I expected an attack. In fancy I felt
the man's breath on my fac and the
grasp of his ugly hand on my shoul
der. Hav I longed to see a police
man, but no one was In sight. Bo I
waited on and on to my own door,
and when I was within Its shelter I
was too overcome to stand. '
The next morning I went back to see
my patient, and was received like a
princess. It then came out that the
negro had followed me to see that I
reached home In safety; and It further
transpired that two men physicians
had refused to go to the patient the
night before because of the dangerous
character of the neighborhood. A mur
der had been committed there the pre
vious week.
There le No Accounting for the Wis
dom of the Woodcbnck.
That keen observer of nature, John
Mulr, tells In "Our National Tarks" a
pretty story of a woodchuck. , In the
spring of 1S75 he wag exploring the
peaks and glaciers about the bead oi
the middle fork of the Suu Joaquin,
and when passiujr round a frozen lake
where the snow was ten feet deep,
was surprised to tUid the fresh track
of a woodchuck. '
What couM the animal be thinking
of to come out so early while all tbt
ground was miow-burietl? The steady
direction of his track showed he had
a definite aim, and fortunately it was
toward a mountain thirteen thousand
feet high that 1 meant to climb. So 1
followed to see If I could liud out what
he was tip to.
From the base of the mountain the
track poluted straight up, and I knew
by the melting suow that I was not
fur behind him. I lost the track on a
crumbling ridge partly projecting
through the suow, but soon discovered
It ngalu.
Toward the summit of the mountain.
In an open spot on the south side, near
ly enclosed by disintegrating pinnacles
among which the sun heat reverber
ated, making a Isolated patch of warm
climate. I found a fine garden, full of
rock cress, phlox, silc-ne, draba, and a
few grasses; and In this garden I over
took the wanderer, enjoying a fine
fresh meal, perhaps the grst of the
How did he know the way to this
one garden spot, so high and so far off,
and what told him that It was In
bloom while yet the snow was ten feet
deep over his den? He must have had
mpre botanical, topographical and cll
matologlcal knowledge than most
mountaineers possess.
Eample of the Delusions Which He
Occasionally Harbore.
Here Is a remarkable Instance of the
credulity of the Hindu, and the wild
kind of delusions which he occasion
ally harbors. The writer Is described
ns a Hindu gentleman of standing and
reputation, and this extract Is taken
from a letter written to a gentleman In
"We are having awfully serious news
circulated in the papers here. Extracts
purported to lie from the Morning
Leader, of London, and La Bon Guon
dla of Spain, Impress us that the em
peror on the coronation day was dan
gerously 111, and was never really
crowned, for the ministers caused him
to be personated by a beggar of White
chapel. We are really very concerned
to hear it, and we firmly believe the
news to be a false creation, but won
der why the government is still Inac
tive as regard to taking any steps to
punish the author of so foul a calumny.''
The gentleman who sends me the
above extract gives some other quaint
examples of the amusing fictions which
gain currency among the natives of
India, says a writer In London Truth.
The bigger and the more preposterous
the He, he says, the more readily It Is
believed. When the Jubilee bridge over
the Hooghly was being built, the story
got about that the government required
a thousand heads of natives for-the
foundations of the bridge, and ' bad
given orders that all natives walking
over the maldan after dark were to be
seized, and taken to the "Shaltan
Khanu" the native name name for the
Masonic lodge--where their heads were
to be cut off for use In this uncanny en
gineering operation. The natives, it Is
said, were afraid to walk In that direc
tion after dnrk for this reason. Again,
at the time of the lust Indian frontier
war, a fat Babu clerk disappeared from
one of the government offices and could
not be found. It was flrinly believed,
says my correspondent, by his fellow
clerks and neighbors, that he had been
seized by order of the government, to
be made Into ointment for the benefit of
the wounded soldiers. Happily, the fnt
Babu turned up again safe and sound;
so no serious consequences resulted
from this delusion. If an Idea like this
can be seriously accepted, as my In
formant soys It was, by the class of na
tives who pass examinations and hold
public appointments, nothing that may
find acceptance with the "lower orders"
can be wondered at.
So Bintdrly.
"Did he really and truly say that
he loved you?"
"Well, I should think he did. He
swore It in four different languages."
"Dear me, can he swear In four lan
guages? He talks so dreadfully In one.
Well, I'm glad to know It."
"What do you mean by that?"
"Why, I was Just telling Mame Mc
Geuchey that I didn't believe he had
a talent of any kind. And It remain
ed for you to discover his only one.
How proud you must be."
"Of course, you oulj say that be
cause you didn't catch him. But he
saw through your tricks."
"He couldn't see through anything.
He Isn't bright enough."
"You're a minx!"
"You're a lady!" Cleveland Plain
Mr. Spnrfteou'e Compliment.
"Do you know, dear," the late Mr.
Spurgeon once said to bis wire, be
tween the puffs of his cigar, "I gome
times wish I had never married you."
"Why do you wish that?" Mrs. Spur
geon asked, In alarm.
"Because, my dear," came the flat
tering answer, "It would be so nice
to have the courting days over again."
Not that Kind of a Boy.
"Little boy, do you read these cheap
and demoralizing works of fiction?"
"Me, ma'am? Assuredly not. Just
now I'm reading Emerson and Spencer,
ma'am. If I ever have any of those
cheap stories, ma'am, I always gives
'em to me little brother." Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
Pumps Blood Fast.
All tht blood in a' man's body passes
through his heart once in every two
"One of my daughters bad a
terrible case of asthma. We tried
almost everything, but without re
lief. We then tried Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral, and three and one-half
bottles cured her." Emma Jaue
Entsminger, Langsville. O.
. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
certainly cures many cases
of asthma.
And it cures bronchitis,
hoarseness, weak lungs,
whooping-cough, croup,
winter coughs, night
coughs, and hard colds.
Tsrat slits : 25c, Sfc., $1. All arstflitt.
Consolt yoor doctor. If ha ays take It,
than do as ha says. If h uls you not
to take It. then don't uk. it. 11 knows.
Lmh it with him. Wo re willing.
J. O. AYKB CO.. Lowell, Mass.
r.x. v.
11 I OS.
TTHEN writing; to advertisers please
I '
mention tills paper.
The family was discussing the high
prices of provisions generllay, when the
email boy butted into the conversation.
"Jam hag gone up, too," he re
marked. "Ma keeps it on the top
shelf now."
And' then it auddenly dawned on his
youthful perceptions that he had in
jured his case by talking too much.
batavia News.
,7, j,J.huini..,lil'i,,l. ,H
Vegetable Preparationfor As -slmilaling
ting thcStoinachs andBoweis of
Promotes Digestion.Cheerfur
ness andRest.Contalns neither
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral.
fampkm Sail'
Aperfecl Remedy forConstipa
Tlon. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Fcvcrish
ness and Loss OF SLEEP. -
Facsimile Signature of
The Oroat Conditioner end Stock Pattener. HORSES de
More Work on Leas Feed. COWS rive More and Richer
Milk. MOOS Fetus Quicker If given thU Food.
Package, BOo and tt.OO.
PaussiAN Rbubdt Co., St. Paul, Minn.
Gbntlkuun : I have betn feeding your ParasiaH Stock Pood to m
thoroughbred swine. It gives them an appetite, and makes the pine
grow. I also tried It on stunted calves with satisfactory re.ulta.
P. W. Ghoomb. Bhrln. Neb.
fOBTLAXD BUD CO., Portland. Oregon, Coast Agents.
fiwisiA"'! J
-arrssr; I
McCAULEY & BURBANK, General Machinists
Mine, Mill and Marine work. Oeneral repairs. Printing Machinery repaired and rebuilt
Poole Bid?., Foot of Morrison St.
Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencing;.
Portland Wire & Iron-Works T P
Foot ef Morrison Street.
Can rtve yon the best bargains in Butlers
and Engines. Windmills, Pumps and Gene
ral Macninerr. Wood bewlna Machines a
specialty. Kee us before buying.
ff Austin
h A Well Machinery;
H " or Water any
Ifi- V, Write (or catalogue.
! i- BEALL & CO.,
ti Yv Oen'IAftm.
jji fjyfH73L . 813 t'ommer
J,.,gf "H Block
Are sold subject to ap
proval and at a price
tbat will enable you
to make a good profit
on a few cows. The
cleanest, fairest ma
chine in all the vorld.
Strongest in ALL tbese points that', any
otber, vis:
Close Skimming. Easy Cleank g.
Light Running. Durability.
. Write for free catalogue.
Won Medal, Paris, 1900.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
For Over
Thirty Years
fnj 1 1 Cyi irfi h Irj 1
'u nJa M IL rJl
the t
Poultry Netting
Wlreand Iron Fencing