Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 22, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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THE DAILY CAPITAY JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, Wednesday, October 22, 1919.
8 mQ
For Sale.
Look at This. .
... Rate per .word Each hi?rHoB one ' TOR. SALE
cent, six insertion S cents, 01:0 month. . a
if! insertions, 17 eentH, rs .jismw i
jacinth, i'" cents. Muumuut pvv ad i'o
cents. . .- ..- '
First insertion only in yaw Today.
.City ads cash. In advance aud not t;tv
6n over phone, unless advertiser has
monthly account. Nu allowance for
phune errors " -
New Today.
WANTED Plain sewing, Phone 1198
- 254.
FOR' SALE Milch -cow. 169 N.
St. Phone 694. , ;,.
FOR SALE 6 room bungalow, mod
. em except heat. G B care Joiif
nal. - : ' 251
FOR SALE 7 room modern bunga
low, close to car line. 3i Hoyt- St:
.... 1.252
FOR RENT Furnished sleeping
room with fireplace. Call at 636 N.
Front St. 260
FOR SALE Good quality old lum
ber, $10 to $20. Phone 1689. 250
YOUNG pullets and hens for sale,
ready to start laying. 257 Believue,
. 261
FOR ' SALE 4 room house, nearly
new, all plastered, $800, cash or
terms. Inquire 1230 Ferry St. 255
-Atlich cow. Phone 34F2-' WANTED When in need of a carpen- 6 room well located modern bugalow
. 2il ! ter. call 80F2. . ' 251 with some furniture; $2000, terms'..
341 State street.
Phone 966,
SALE Oak wood'foi) i sat. MARRIED man wanst work on farm
i. -. v " ' - 2
Address K B care Journal.
BIRD do. for sale. 163B N.V Summer WANTED t- Cabinet phonograph,
St: Phone 950R.-
PIANO for sale or rent. 1248 N. Front
St. Phone 584J. .
FOR SALE Maple, wood for . sale.
Car just in. Phone' 1489; .. , 850
FOTt SALECow giving; about 2 1-2
gallons rich .man daily. 1'none iu
F2.- .. ... . . . ' 261
must be bargain.
E care Journal
FO ft SACK Pigs from five to six
i.weks-oJd. G W. Thurman, phone:
3F13.- . . . . . 263
WANTED -Housekeeping rooms- or
small furnished house. Address F
J care Journal.' 251
FOR SALE Ford touring in-, good
shape and running. order.;, $4.26.. liu
S. Commercial. -249
GOOD suifclp harness and t$i bugtis
for sale. John V. Yates, Kt, , box
1 20 A. Salem, Or. - -25S
FURNITITRE for sale. Mission style
oak di'ng room table,, six chairs
and buffet good as new. Call fors
noons 768 State street. 250
FERNS and palms anil other potted
plants for sale. Maruny's green
house, 211 Miller St. Phone 916.
. 10-29
FOR SALE Shetland pony buggy,
, in good condition. Inquire 2644 Ha
zel ave. evenings. 251
WANTED Woman to work by the
hour. Call Mrs. Todd, 345 Believue
ave.. Phone 666. --. - 250
FOR SALE Thoroughbred Rhode is
land Red cockerels. Phone 93FJ.
SINGLE-man ' wants Aboard and room
with -private family. State charges.
Address 12 Journal. . .251
WANTKD-rTo, buy a good second
hand.Hcycle. Call 104F3 or address
box 444 Capital Journal. 259
WANT to borrow $500, good real es
tate security, -will-pay 7 per cent.
-. P. O. box 333, Salem. . 250
Water Company
corner Commercial and Trade Sts.
Mills payable monthly in advance.
Phone COS.
We Want.
Your used furniture, stoves, carpets
and Hools,. as we' pay fair price for
- everything, Call 97. '
. ,TURE. CO. . ,- , :
- 235 North Commercial St.
Money To Loan.
WANT ED-To rent, farm; cash or
share, will buy stock and equipment
Rt. 6, box 146, Salem, Or.- 250
A PRACTICAL nurse from the east,
' wishes position as nurse for inva
lid or elderly person. Phone 2129R.
. . . 3511
FOR SALE Registered Jersey bull
calf, 6' weeks old, $30. Phone 48F21
FOR SALE Heavy work mare, five
years old. A. TUrnbull," Rt. 4, box
76. Phone 66Flir. 7 " 251
WANTED One or two room apart
. meiit. close in, by young lady. Box
F Capital Journal. 258
FOR SALE Prune trees $50 per 100
if taken at once. One mile from
Liberty. Phone 88F31. W. R. New.
FOR SALE Three houses offered
for $490 0, one on paved street. Own
er, 243 14th street. 251
WANTED Tlhree or four common
laborers at $4.50 per day. Apply to
C. S. Gardner, 175 N. Front St. 250
.' 1 i ' "'
LOST Between North Salem and
Kosedale, a 2-in.. auger with 6 ft.
shank.- Finder please notify, phone
.. 324, 684 or 11F11. Reward.. 250
FOR SALE By owner. East Salem,
ft room house, barn, chicken house
east front, large lot, paved Sti
.Phone 1685J. ' 261
..r o i osn i on n I WANTED Husband and wife engar
1 r?"-7SZ. "r;; -nVk, ed In business, desire suite of rooms
and table board, first class accom
modations only, P. O. bos 126, city.
. ... t , . 250
EXCHANGE Late model Studebak
er 4i good as new, for house. F. L.
Wood, J3ayne bldg. 252
CHOICE Poland China pigs for sale,
9 weeks old-; also 10 rhettd-of, goats.
Phone 68F12.. .. i .. . . ,252
FOR SALE 5 passenger BUick 1 ih
running condition; would - Jiiake
good bug. 1915 model for $275.
1561 Market St. 252
FOE-SALE 2 acres. 6 -room bunga
low, good well, chicken park and
nouse, garage, some fruit; 10 nun
ute walk from car. E. L. Mcintosh
Rt. 7, box 19,. Salem,, Or. . 255
FOR: SALE A small house and lot
on S. lth St. Will sell for $800
cash if sold1 within the next 10
" "turM i nee"d "'the nioney. Write J
C. Wilson, 1190 S. Com'! St., 262
FOR SALE Double set of driving
harness, nearly new, and two-seat
"ed haok, or would exchange for
chickens. 2866 Brooks ave., near
fairground. . 251
FOR SALE Three houses. for sale by
owner, 180 24th street. 1008 South
12th; $2000 each. 438 South Mill
street, $1000. Room 14, Ladd and
Bush bank. 261
WANTED Ford, or other light tour
ing car wanted for cash, 191 or
later,... In good condition. Vicar
Krom, Rt. 7, box 74. 252
. On good real estate Beeurtty
Over Ladd & Bush. Bank, Salem, Ore.
Everything Electrical.
Temple, 127 North High. Phone
Main 1209.
ciallst in the Modern- Scientif
ic application of glasses for the aid
of vision and the relief of eye strain
and headache. Office closed Satur
days. Office 210-211 U. S. bank build.
ing. Phones, onice nt; res. iz.
Lodge Directory.
HEM EKETA Lodge No. t
: Good Buys.
68 acre tract of first class prune
and berry land, 11 cultivated, good
" " j r " .a house and- barn, well, rook road,
meets every ! Wednesday , . unu tt. hui... -
ving at 7:S0 at I. (VOK.-teM. ! , - t mtere8t. , , " f
KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS MWH ,AJ- . 88, acre farm located in Polk coun-
McCornack halt on every iuesaay 'jy 43 acres in cultivation, balance
at 8. HarrxLeyy, C. C.;je, J. KupU paatnre- ana timber, house and barn,
K. . & a.
I well and spring, close
iPrioe t508.
to railroad.
ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA, j 6a acre tract, itt acres of 5-year old
nr.mi)i nmnB R&mn No.- 1360 meet !,k.nnaa imaH HmmA harn. welt: will
every Thursday evenum i. muv.
nack hall. -' Elevator servioej Oraelf.
Mrs. Carrie E. Bunn,. 618 Union St
recorder. Mrs. Melissa Persons, 1415
N. 4th St. Phone 1436M.
bly. No. 84 meets every Thuraay at
8 p. m. in Masonio Temple. Glenn C.
Niles. M. A.; C. A. A'ibberti seoro
tary, 340 Owen. street.- ;'"
Oregon Cedar camp -jno. obi"
meets every Thursday evening at 8
o'clock in McCornack building,
Court and Liberty streets. W. M.
Persons,. V C. Frank Ab Turner,
clerk. .
DR. JOHN L. LYNCH: Otseopathlc
phvsician and surgeon, 404 Oregon
bldg. Res. Phone 58F6r , Office
phone 1394. , ... 270
WANTED Men of good character, to
hnnpH1 wppk : Tlpnse call at
lava uxn ana usiuru oi. x uitoh - fc
off rteot car Tine. 265 '' 8-rooms, fine modern house, lot 6ex
DR. WM. B. MOTT, formerly of Port
land, has located in Salem occupy
ing the offices of his late father,
Dr. W. By Mott, 407-408 Bank of
' Commerce bldg.- Office phono 883,
residence phone 696.. ... ''
Why Sell For Less?
WANTED Wood saw. Frank Day,
will run the Sproeds boys wood
saw the rest of the season. Phone
mornings and evenings 1678W .252
OR SALE Strawberry plants. Im
proved Oregon. Several thousand
for immediate, delivery.. Phone
2150W2. 250
WANTED By gentleman, room ana
two menls per day, in private home
off oarline. Phone 22 after seven,
evening. 250
MOTHER, with two small children,
jvishes work as housekeeper near
school. Mrs. Alice Cook. Rt. 4, box
54B. Salem, Or. 250
178. nuts and all kinds of fruit, im
proved streets; $4000. one-half cash. "
rooms, modern, z lots; istio. Hi
Church St.l $2300.
6 room, cottage, modern, large ion
fruit, and berries, good location; $2250,
1000 cash, balance to suit.
4 room modern cottage, full base
ment, large lot. fruit, large chicken
house, - It's-a snap, $1400; one-half
Buy Land Now.
WE will pay you more cash for your
household goods. Get -our oiu i
fore you sell. Peoples Furniture
and Hardware Store, 271 N. Com
mercial street. Phone 734.
Federal Farm Loans
5 1-2 per cent interest, Prompt serv
ice, 34 1-2 years time. Federal
farm loan bonds for sale. A. C.
Bohrnstedt, 401 Masonio Temple,
, Salem, Oregon. t ' v
Rumely Oil Pull Tractors.
.' cheau, Phdhe 71R. or see EeminK
tim-at Valley -Motor, Co.
FGR SALE 40 acres best soil, all uni WANTED T& renti sIX or seven
and implements. miles north, $10,-
T-44 care Journal. ' ' 268
FOR SALE: Furnished 11 room mod
em bungalow, clear of ail incumo-"rahce-
Wlll sall for cash. only. Box 3
care CiiDUal JournaJ. - , 253 ,
room modern housef close in, furn
ished or 'unfurnished by reliable
party." No. otlildrn. Wm, Nelmeyer,
444 State St. Phone 167 . i
Come and let's tell you of the men
who are making sucn great nii
plowing, discing and threshing on
their farms near Salem with a Rumely
Gtt Pull. "" ''. rr. ,' ."
Wm. H. Trunin; looai aau, oaiwu
FOR SALEFthe, all - wool, tailorr
made overcoat, , unused. A- bargain.
Size about 42. Address H V care
Journal. 260
WANTED Ladies and; gents gar
ments to remodel, no alterations ' n r-n. Torma
too difficult. Mrs.. (J. . Kzra i)arKs,
lady tailor. C. Ezra sparks, man
tailori Call room 2, 442 Stllte St. 260
I will sell and-give immediate pos
session, of the -following properties:
40 acres 3 miles east of Salem, alt
tillable, - Just , off paved road. Price
5 1 7 h . -. "rtmij
137 acres in Polk county, Salem-In- 288 jj. Commeroial. Phone 413
uepeiiuHiict uku, iui nuio, vuuiraiDu
1-2 river bottom ,good buildings;
stock and, equipment goes $136, per
acre.... ',
64 acres close to Salem, 8 room
house, . barn, silo, windmill, hog
house and other buildings; small
fruits, fa.mtlv orchard, black loam.:
1-2 mile 'Off of ptfved road. $200 per
FOR SALE Truck and trailer cheap.
will take Ford or light car as part
payment, terms on balance. See M.
-4eter -14- -Gente-Sfc- -260
WANTED : Hello, -hello! Another
new and., secondhand furniture
store, 415 S. 12th, a block from .
P. depot. If you have anything to
offer call for H. M. Canon. Phone
. .... r. . .... - ?0
25 acres, all in- cultivation on Pa
cific Tiighway, 1-4' of a mile from sta
tion, 1-2 way. ' between Albany and
Jefferson. Bargain at $125 per acre.
Hawkins &' Roberts
206 Oregon bldg. 849
FOR SALE Extra fine span mares,
well matched. 5 and: 6 years oia,
weight,-32X10-, IbSn Inquire F. - E.
Loose. 226 State St.. Salem. 251
FOR SALE General store, 15 years
standing. Good live town, tor saie
at invoice or trade for property.
Address Store care Journal. 254
FOR SALE The very finest New Zeae
land rabbits to be had. Buy pair
male a-i female ready for breeding
Cherry City Rabbitry, Salem, ore,
Phona 1332J.
WANTED TO BUY Why let the
moths spoil those old clothes, 1 pay
from $5 to $15 for men and wo
mens BUits and front $3 to $16 for
overcoats and ladies coats. I also
buy most all kinds of house dress
es, shoes, men's, women's arid chil
dren, if they are any good at all.
Call me and if my price doesn't
suit you need not call any more.
2nd hand men. The $2. for $1 Store.
279 N. Com. St., Phone 675. 262
Help Wanted
FOR SALE 1920 Studebaker light
six, oversize cord tires, spot light,
cutout, lock, perfect condition;
cheap with terms. Party leaving
city, Phone 1384, or 828 South 12th
St. 250
opened a first class shop repairing
and refinishlng of all kinds, up
holstering a specialty .Will call and
estimate your work. Phone 1742:
M. Brown, 1201 S. Commercial St.
FOR SALE Or trade, on a' good
standard range, slightly used, rub
ber tired, single seated, top buggy,
including robes, side curtains and
whip. Phone 362 Marion garage,
ask for W. J. Trudgen. ' 252
FOR SALE By owner, seven room
modern house, well located, imme
diate possession given. Terms to
suit purchaser. Phone 122 between
9 and 11 a. m. - 252
WANTED Woman or girl for houaei
work. Phone 11F13. 261
Some Reai Bargains.
2 4 acres one mUe from town with
about 8 acres in prunes, 10, acres in
cherries, some pears ana- apples, set
farm buildings, nr.:scbool.. Big snap
for $6600, half cash.
6 1-2 acres justioutsioe city limits
near car line, 5 acres in bearing cher
ries and apples, buildings, well, grav
eled road. $3500. Terms.
10 acres by Garden road' ail in
high state of cultivation, first class
loganberry land. Price $3500, terms.
5 acres 3 miles out, tn high state of
cultivation, fine soil and, buildings.
Snap $1850.
30 acres river bottom land, farm
buildings, orchard, near school and
It. R. station. $6000, easy terms.
40 acres close in and in cultivation
and best dark loam soil, near school
pnR SALE S room modern bunga
low with sleeping porch. Price
500, $1000 cash, balance to suit at
6 percent interest, w. n. umunu'
horst & Co.. zt estate tn. ... m
nmT.H wnntod at the Glove Factory, land fine road, $225 per acre
Steady work. 1455 Oak St. zs3 I Fine targe modem Dungaiow, ciose
' in, fine location, $4000, $600 cash.
I WAITED House maid at state balance $25 per month.
FOR SALE An excellent hom.e 7
large rooms, barn, water,, lights,
' basement, walks, fruit; 3 acres cen
ter of town. No better for money,
$4000. J'." Id, Green, Woodburn. 254
school for the deaf. Phone 646. 252
WANTED Middle aged, Bingle man
for all around work in general mer
chandise store. Polk county. Per
manent home for right man. State
wages expected and experience had
In this line. V J care Journal. 252
, For Rent
7 room house, good lot, near car
line, paved street, fine bargain for
For the best bargains and invesu
ments see. ,. .
Perrine & Marsters
212 Commercial club bldg
Best Buys.
173 acreSf 8T ore cleared, balance
91 on.-on nrune..7 to 20 years
old, good -condition; 8 acres peache
8 years old, 12 acres logans, 1 acre
family orchard, all the best of berry
or fruit land, 5 room nouse. iarii
dryer, store- house, hog and chicken
houses, fenced, one-half mile of town.
Price for a short time, inu per
oio 125 river bottom, balance
second bottom land, all fonced and
crossed ftneed, large barn, fair house,
hop house, fully equiped on place, fino
chance for hop ranch, personal, prop
erty with place 2 horses, 6 cows, one
heifer, one male 2 brood sows, 10
chuiht ill ewes, all hay Jn barn, 60
bushels vheat, 60 bushels oats, 8 acres
corn. I Deerlng, binder, hay rake, 2
plows. 1- 3 -shovel cultivator, harrow,
disc, 2 buggies, Deerlng mower, 1 sul
kev plow, wagon, disc cutter, "lot of
small tools. This place Is worth $125
per acr but owing to financial condi
tions, owner has agreed to take $80
247 acres, 157 cultivated, 90 timber,
i-n nmnu-i; vH.rs old. 5 room housu,
,..- .,t hnildinm. new woven wire
fence, one mile orschom. 1H miles of
town; $20,000, terms on part.
20 acreB all in cultivation: itk acres
logans, 5 room house, Darn, curcireu
houses, family orchard, best of valley
soil, suited to loganberries,, gravel road
personal property to go leara, cow,
chickens, hog. all tools. t6500'; some
terms- ...' ..
22 acres .all sandy loam bottoms, 9
cultivated, balance timber and brush,
new 4 room plastered house, barn, oth
er outbuildings, mostly woven wu
fence, l.fc miles from station, flnent
of running water. If taken soon, $3000,
tfrms on half, balance 6 per cent five
exchange for smaller acreage close to
Salem. Price iu,uuu.
25 acre- tract, 2 acres cultivated.
balance pasture and' timber, house
and -woodshedi .-oprlngr waters . Price
$2160. - -
3S aore tract located in PolK eoun
ty, 16 acres of Italian prunes; 18 aores
grain land, balance timber and pas
ture. Price Sll.OOO. .
66 acre tract located two miles
from town and railroad, t room house
barn, well; 35 acres -cultivated. Prioe
$6000, 1-2 cash, balance 8 percent in
terest.. ,
49 acres located east of Salem, good
house and barn, well; 43 acres culti
vated, some timber. Price $10,600.
108 acre farm located east of Sa
lem, 100 aoree in cultivation, balanoe
timber and pasture, good 7 room
house, barn, spring and well, gravel
ed road, 2 1-2 milea from Maereay.
Price $12,000.
15 1-2 acre tract. 1-2 acre cleared,
balance stump pasture ' and timber,
fine spring, 5 miles- south of balem
Price $1000.
16 acres bottom land, 12 acres cul
tivated., some cheap buildings, some
fruit; 5 miles from 8alem, olose to
railroad-station. Price' $2400.
20 acres of best of prairie soil, good
house and barn," family orchard, good
gravel road. Price $7000.
10 acres of bearing Italian prunes
6 and ft years old; rook goad, 4 1-2
miles Boutti. Price $5500; ,
320-.acre red hill farm, 80 acres
plow land, buildings, 200 acres of fine
timber. Price $40 per acre.
2 acre tract, 1 acre loganberries,
family orchard, 6 room house, good
gravel street. Price $2300.
17 acre tract located on -main Fa
oifio highway 4 miles south of Sa
lem; 10 aoretv .bearing orchard, mom
ly prunes;- some apples and cherries,
3 room house, barn. Prioe $5600, $1,
600 down; balance 6 per cent interest
30 aores of first class land, 10 acres
of bearing logans in first class condi
tion, 8-l--2 acres of prunes, located 4
miles from Salem. Price $15,000.
1-2 acre tract located? cIobo-. in and
three blocks from- ear - line, small
house, . family orchard, i Price $900
$300 down, balance 6 per" cent inter.
IS acre tract located on main Pa
cific highway, 10 acres Italian prunes
located 1 3-4 miles from, car line.
Price $8500. - -
98 acre farm located on Howell pral
rle, 60 acres cultivated balance pas
ture and timber, 6 room house, good
barn, family orchard. Prioe $13,000.
20 acre tract located east of Salem,
all cultivated, good plastered house.
fbnrn, gravel road. Price $5000, $3000
down, balance 6 per cent Interest. -
18 7-8 acre tract located 1-2 mile
south of the pity limits, south Salem,
nearly all cultivated, house and barn,
close to car line. Price $8500.
6 acre tract located close in, house
and barn, 100 bearing prunes. Price
$2750, $750 down, balance $300 per
year, 6 per cent interest.
320 acre farm located on main Pa
cific highway, 240 acres cultivated,
balance pasture, .good modern build
ings,' best of soil. Price $136 per acre
W. H. Grabenhorst & Co.
2.76 State street 260
Pleading guilty to a charge -of vio
lating the traffic ordinance by speed
ing, Homer D. Xacpley, who was ar
rested Tuesday on complaint of Coun
cilman A. H. Moores was ftne $S Wed
nesday by Police Judge- Earl Raoeu,
Tarpley admitted that he waa goin
32 miles an hour east on State street.
This ie the first earn plain for viola
tion at the traffic ordinance that haa
been taken, iefore- Judge- Raoe tht
month, according to the bench's dopk
et. , ... :--;.; . ?-'" .
Copies of Oregon- laws relatiw
the distribution of oils and gaeetiM.
are asked hy the commissioner of ag
riculture of Florida, in a, letter receiv-.
ed yesterday by W. A. DalsieL. dfpu-
ty state sealer of weights and men
ores. Mr. Dalzlel states that requests
of thlB character from distant states
are not .Infrequent In his department. .
All members of the- Salem polio
department, except Chief Varney, wi'.
is out of the oity, -and the. police ma
tron, have, signed the acceptance- o
the workmen's compensation act. .The,
policemen who will come under thU.
benefit are: Day Sergeant Harry 'N..
Rowe, Patrol man A. L. Morelooki P-
trolman. W.. T. Thompson, Night Sen
geant Elma G. White, Traffio Officer
V: M. Moffltt, Patrolman O. K. Viotoji
and Patrolmen W. "Jack" Whitei JL.
W. -Ganiard.. T. Branson.. - , . ".
A number of business men and wo
merf of the city gathered at Ye Lib,
erty- theater at Jl o'clock thisimom
lng and. saw the Thomas H: I nee film'
pointing out the numerous fire haz
ards in every home. Several spoke C
the necessity of eliminating fire haz
ards in .the varoua buildings, and urg
ed greater interest. In. fire- preventtoa.'
Governor Olcott and other state offi
cials were at the meeting, which a
called tjy State Ftre Marshal Barber.
Writing In thi Intereste d the Hlir
Yard university directory, T; H. WelUr
of the alumni association et that in
stitution htiB asked r Olty : Jteoerd.
Race for any available Information
concerning the present address of a .
oertaia Frederick Rioherd Pow- kAo-
cording to Mr. Wells Mr. Pow Ib
former student of Harvard and wa.
at one time employed In the Fin
National bank of Salem. He was bor'
in this city and Is the son of Richard..
and Ellen N. Pow.
FOR SALE 80 acres on Salmon river,
HOME for sale. One acre on paved
street near car line aud school.
- Fruit,' garden and berries. 8 room
house with ""every convenience.
Price $6500. Terms. Address Owner
1805 Market St., Salem, or uhone
Black 1621, Silverton. " 250
KIOHT school will Open at the Capi
tal - Business College on Monday
evening Out. 27. The principal will
be in his office Friday and Satur
day evenings of this week to regis-
" ter pupils. See -advertisement else
where in this ssue. We plan to start
a new class in shorthand n the day-
school next week also. J50
Buys That Pay.
room -strictly modern' house on
North Commercial. Two fireplacest
rvmler" cultivation; tielr Otis, I FOR RENT Good piano to P; ,
Oregon, easily accessible to school.! nent renter. Phone 2135J. 251 Lot r,0l0'!1;-UK'enu(
On proposed Roosevelt highway.
Mrs. Etta Burns. 1125 S. 12th St.,
Salem. 252
FOR SALE Large round oak Gar
land heater, size 18, for large house
hotel or office. 1 nice large ward
robe. 1 malleable, 4-plnte , range
with reservoir or coil. 415 South
FOB RENT 2 unfurnished rooms,
273 N. High. Ladies only need to
aoulv. . 251
FOR RENT Ten acre tract close in.
F. S. Lamport care U. S. Nat.
bank. 251,
fil" pnp rpnt-Good farm for rent. eithled- An fenced, good granary. $8
254 FOR KNT Good farm for w""! 640 Mml near Square Butte, IV
FOR SALE Fine 6 room modern
bungalow with sleeping porcn, gar-1
age. fireplace, cement - basement i
well located.
6 room house, not modern, 3 flno
lots, eood location, terms. H. Js.
Bolingi-r. 328 Oregon bldg.
sinn given.
Argo hotel.
See J. H. Lauterman
South Commercial
good, corner lot. $3000.
7 room fully modern house on N.
19th St. Garage and cement walks.
$3000. easy terms.
8 room modern house on Marlon
street. Lot 50x60. $2600.
320 acres Canada land, 4 miles N.
of Seven .Parsons. 160 acres cultivat-
tana; 400 acres cultivated. Good build
ings. ' All fenced .and cross fenced.
$41,000. Will trade for valley farm.
10 acres near Sirverton on good
road. 96 English walnut trees, bear
ing; 7 acres orchard. Good house,
80 ACRES east 'of the city a few
. miles, all in cultivation, adjoining
the state lands. ou will never
again buy this land at the price 4t
is offered at $165 per ncre; ir you
want land see this. Terms to suit.
You can buy this on installments, 3
24-litt' outside of the city limits.
River bottom, facing a good road,
price much less than, any adjoin
ing and terms to suit.
Uo vou want a home? Lot 90x107.
Goi locationhas a large new barn
that vould be easy to remodel and.
- mnk Into a bungalow. Don't need
' anv money, owner will give terms
' If buvr will remodel' the building.
A snap at $1250. . .
' If you have, property of any kind
for sale see me, I am wanting hous
. es and small tracts. H. S. Itadoliff,
Bayne bldg. : -251
Wanted Houses. " -
FOR SALE A good orchard consist
ing of 25 acres, half in Italian
prunes, 6 acres Lambert and lloyal
Anne cherries, 1 hi acres -otsivs. i
ufm: aonles. 2 acres beawr dam,
excellent for garden; 8 roon: none,
barn and other buildings, 1450 per
acre, terms. Also 10 acre block bearing-
Italian prunes, no biddings,
$450 per acre, terms. Rt. 4, bo lol
Salem. Phone 11F2. 260
Real EstateHouses.
IF you want a home cheap, phone (ham . and fences. $4250. Cash $2500,
1393. a a 3 I good terms.
C W. Niemeyer
' Just real estate. . 215-216 Masonic
Ibldg., Salem. Phones 1000, 1014. 249'
Some modern burgn'.ows and up to
date houses. If U havn sentcifclng
to sell, let us do it for vou Ve have
prospective buyers. We arc roH&Hti
sa.-L-n ugents that get reHjit Ji-hn
H. 8co-t Realty Co.. 52S Ofv-i-Mi Wig
18a-197 South Com mercal St. , Sa
lem. Or. Phone 399.1 . ' '
Used Cars for Sale.
TO Oakland owners, we are fully pre
pared to take care of your cars no
natter in what shape they are in
and can guarantee absolute satis
faction. We are also prepared to do
: first class repair work on sny make
or .cars. . American Automobile Co.,
Stove Repairing.
STOVES rebuilt and repaired. 60
years experience; Depot National
and American fence, sizes 26 to 68
inches high. Paints, oils and yarn"
ishes. etc.. loganberry and hop
hooks. Salem Fence and Stove
Works, 250 Court Btreet Phone 124
Safety Razor Blades.
SAFETY razor blade sharpening ma
chine, first Installed at A. B. Stew
art Repair Shop, 347 Court St.
Wood Saw.
LEAVE your children With me
while you work. 271 Laurel ave.
Salem Scavanger Garbage' and re
fuse of all kinds removed on month
ly contracts at reasonable rates.
Cess pools cleaned. Dead animals
removed. Office phone Main 167.
, Second Hand Goods.
I HAVE buyers for houses and small i0 Cash 'RedUlred, Good overcoats,
tracts. List your property witn me. shoes and suits, all kinds of musical
F-. L. W ood, Baj ne-bldg. -"t I instruments, shotguns,- rifles, heating
" 1 " " staves, ru xtoves. suit-cases and 1000
BILLIE FOR SERVICE Young Nu-1 other useful articles to sell or trade.
PHONE 109011. Our prices are right
W. M..Zandler, propretor. 1255 N.
Sumther street, Salem, Or.
LIBRARIES bought and sold.-Sims. :
143 N. High. Phone 340, zeo
Office 124 South 'Liberty street.
Phone S7, 1211. Real estate and
stock sales..
' 200 acres, 150 cultivated, 30 timber,
30 slashed. 3 aores family orchard,
best soil, 8 room house, large barn,
woven wire and rail (encc, 3-4 mile
from good town, only . $12 5 an acre,
half cash. ... hk
200 acres, liu cumvuieu, ,uv,
ood condition; 1 Royal Anne cher
ries and tt acre other onernes. umr.
1-am. slightly rolling, 10 room house,
r d condition, large barn, plenty of
ne-essary outbulldlnirH. also tenant
house; fairly well fenced. 1 mile of
town: soring and cree ,"VV-
road. 160 per acre;
ance 6 per cent.
5 acros good loganberry land, all in
cultivation, close to paved road, $100.
12 acres all in cultivation. V4 acre
f rally orchard bearing, good conditio i
best vallev loam, 5 miles from center
of Salem. 6 room house, barn, other
outbuildings. ' well fenced, ' close - lo
school, personal property home, i
cows, feed on place, chickens, separa
tor wagon, hack, buggy, all harness, t
cultivators. 2. plows, harrow, all. tool,
cn. h,;f nuh. balance 6 per cent.
' a u. 'noi-.n hI! in cultivation, good lo
ganberry land, on paved road, Vt mile
from city; $2100. '
28 acrus, mostly all poiiom mu, 4v
m.Uivated. 8 timber, 8 room nouse.
barn, paved road, 1 W miles from town
all the best berry land, oniy n
terms on $2009.
30 acres, all in cultivation, an wur-
r .. A .... ...1 hu,H
n r r renne. cruna iciii-cm, -
2 roads, 3-4 mile of town, ror a snon
Huve several eastern Oregon mm
to exchange for Salem Business or r
idence property. .' ,
n nn lots of oiling ana lie um
ber, niile from tnwn, 3-4 n.He ff
paved road, will exchange I'jr no.imu
resldenco or good vacant miw.
For best buys and oxcha'-us, sen
. Socolofsky.
341 State Strct
' Grain: Wheat, soft white No. 1 $2i
feed oats 80c; milling oats 88c; nay,
cheat, new 17; hay, oato, new $18(g)
20; mill run 43Ca)4.
Butt erf at: . Bulterfat, 69cj cream'
orv butter. 67e9o, ' -
Pork, veal and mutton: pork on root
I4(ffl4Vjc; veal faney 83e; steers 78e
cows sprirtf; lambs lOcj ewes
4(u5c: sheep, vearhnirs, 6c.
l'-Kts aud pou.trr: figg casn ouc;
light hens, 22c; heavy hens 25c; old
roosters 15 16c; springs 1 2c '
Vegetables::- Onions, per sack $3
celery doz. 90c; tomatoes 90c; potatoes
3cj. wctt -potatoes Be.
' Fruiti .Oranset 77.50; lemons t)9;
bananas 10c: honey extracted 20c
Wednesday was naturalization day.
in the district court. Petitions of 1
foreigners, including four honorably
discharged soldiers, were to he heard1
during the day. '
rn to noon- one had bewa, passea.
thatr of Frederick Maylor Drmkhalt
an engineer inr the state highwar
commission. ' '
A -class- of 40 children; studym
civics in local schools, were permltte
to hear the proceedings, a-nd shewed
great interest In the operation of ot
ficlals admitting cltisens to the un
ited States. " ' , ''
The hearing of evidence in thw
Salem Kings Products company
against Maribn county lbganberry
growers, will be resumea m
court Thursday morning. The trial
was temporarily halted Wednesday
because of naturalization day. As th
case Btood Tuesday evening plaintifl
was submitting evidence, tending tv
show' that the growers were not en
titled for the raise in price that hu
caused the controversy.
County Judge Bushey Is absent from
his office at the court house, and wIH
w. nntil Thursday, His honor lav
bian proven grade stock, from 9 qt.
milking strain. Service $5. Call at
1586 N. Captol St. after 4 p. jn. zso
AUTO PAINTING We will be open
for business on and after Oct. 1st
at 156-S. 12th St. We are in a posi
tion to give you good service in auto
painting and laundry. Your pat
ronage wrll be . appreciated. ' All
work guaranteed. Guilett Bros.
' , . 10-2
What have you? The Capital Ex
change, 337 Court St. Phone 493.
W. F. WRIGHT, Turner auctioneer.
Why not get him. He only charges
2 per cent. .
Sunday on the trip. District Judge
Bingham is acting in Judge Bushey av
A decree granting Henry M. Baker
a Judgment covering eosts and, dis
h,.m,.ni of the suit, was delivered
Portland. Or., Oct.' 22,-Butter, city I Monday by p'f '"'J
creann'ry euwovc; riggs seieccen lucui . -
exC2'70e; hens 26 8286; broilers, 22
laaas IQc; cranes, Tokays 9c
Bofcil prices: Eggs dozen 6570e;
creamery butter 75c; country butter
87c; flour, hard wheat 3.103.25
27c'; geese 15c; cheese 83 36c.
Live Stock.
Cattle: " Receipts 39; tone of mar
ket steady; good to choice steers $9
W9.50; fair to medium stoers $7 8;
common "to fair steers, $5.50(B6.60
choice to good cows and heifers $6.60
7.50; canners $34; bulls $56.50:
calves $8B 14. '
Hogs: Receipts 300; tone of market
lower; prime mixed $14.60 1 6.00;
medium mixed $l4.00i14.5O; rough
heavies $12.50'g13.00; pigs, $12.75
13.75. '
Sheep: Receipts 1048; tone of mar
ket steady; prime lambs $11 Oil. Id;
fair to medium lambs $10.00 011.00;
yearlings $8.009.00; wethers $7.60
8.50; ewes, $5.00 7.00.
),,.v, l,ni 4r,n, i-nhhaoA BWn: head i.,.r.otinir bridges and otner irapruio-
lnlhin flOc.t parrots 45c: srnDes. Ma-1 .nt In Linn county. He loft Halenv
and Mrs. J. A. Adams, anu
Johnson. Mr. Baker claimed irreg
ularity in the execution of a deed" ex
changed m the party; and alleged,
misstatement of facts regarding pro
perty lines. ,
Of the oity of Salem, Oregon.
Notice is here-by given that on No
vember 1, 1919, there will be money o
hand and applicable to tha payment td
the following Jmpiovement bunds of
sue "1," numbers 1 to 53, both in
clueive. . - . 4
Holders of these honds win presrnt
tlicm for payment at the office of th
city treasurer, as interest wUl ceas
Nov l'iel9- C O ElCB,
Oity TreasoTcr..
Lost And Found.
Oleson's Auto Exchange
349 N. COM. ' Y. M. C. A. BLOCK
K room house, barn, chicken house,
garage, 2 acres of ground, on street
car; this is a real buy. $3800.
8 rooms, modern, full cement base
ment, bath, toilet, electric lights, 3
lots, all kinds of fruit and berries.
i : 7 . I
1 1 i
i '.
LOST--Key ring with two keys and
presto light key, on State or North
Com'l. Phone 159. 432 State. 2fr0
FOR auto truck hauling, try the Bied
.rmtn transfer stand at Smith's Ci
gar store. State and Commercial
St. Phone 100. ."
D. ft. MOSIIEtt
Buys, sells and exchanges used cars $3500.
Universal tractor attainment ins
any ear, $275, pulls 2 14-in. plows.
20 used cars tor sate or traae:
3 Fords, $375 to 47S
1917 Saxon. Six $6.75
ibis OvrrlaiiaT. 'f ine condition, an
exceptional buy $450
6 Studebakers uu to siouv,
1 Ford truck, fine condition, $625
Many other good buys.
W sell oils, grease,, gasoline, used
lauto parts, tires and accessories.
u rnnma riirht in close. . fine lot.
fruit, nuts, on Improved street. $3000
7 rooms nesr capltol ouuoing, a
great buy. $2710.
4 rooms, pissierenj eirv-ino b""
hath, toilet and basement. $900.
S reoms. plastered, larg lot, some
fruit, "od barn, iiuoo.
See the
TnVin W Rontt Realtv Co.
228 Oregon bldg. 2501'
205 Oregon Buil-iag