Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 22, 1919, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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THE DAILY CAPITAY JOURNAL, b'ALfiM, OREGON, Wednesday, October 22, 1919.
. By Henry It Fairell
( United Press Staff Correspondent.)
New "York, Oct. 22 Sometmii.
wrong with the 1919 football player.
Eastern coaches have been led to
this belief after star upon star has
- Joined the diHabled list None has been
seriously Injured, but from the pre
ponderance of pulled muscles, tendons
and slight bone fractures, It seemed
that the athletes are not up to their
usual strength to stand the gaff.
The cause is a puzzle. Either the,
hoys returning from France have
brought back too much "Yankee
punch" or the hardships of army ex
perience have undermined them phyii
callr. Yale tops the list with ten star play
ers unserviceable through injuries
Thnrno Murnhv. Braden. Captain Mc-
Callahan, Graham. Welles, Neville, La
Roche, Crane and Aldrlch.
Harvard has a quod In the infirmary
consisting of Captain Murray, Ralph
Horween, Casey, Ryan and several
Princeton lost her star centor, Mur
ray Scureman, two weeks ago and tho
navy has two stars out in Captain
Ewan and Graves.
' Some refuse to consider the army
as a factor and attribute the cause to
overtaxing players In practice. This
has been the chief criticism against the
Sharpe regime at Yale. Followers of
the Elf have been pointing to Pennsyl
vania, where Coach Bob Folwell has
practically abandoned scrimmage prac
tice as an Indication that the Bevero
practice sessions favored by the new
Yale coach are not necessary.
; portland college
The Salem high eleven will play
Oregon City high on Willamette field
Friday afternoon at 3.30 p. m., having
cancelled their proposed trip to Van
couver next Saturday. Coach Rein-
hart announced the change of schedule
Tuesday afternoon.
Although the Salem team is weak
ened by the loss of three ex-service
men, who has been disqualified be
cause of lnsufficent credits, it is bid
ding for only one end of the score in
Friday's contest the big end. "Fleecy"
White, Wilbur Dailey and Roland
Kcinhart were the "vets" who suc
cumbed to the credit sheet. Beryne is
another man who has left the squadr
Outside of these losses, the Chorry City
warriors stand as they did in the alam-
nl game of two weeks ago. !
In discussing the team Tuesday,
Coach Relnhart stated that his line
was still pretty weak as was demon
strated In the Salem-Estacada game of
last Saturday. He further asserted
that the backfield was "operatin' on
high" at all times. Minors injuries
that held up the backfield in Satur
day game will be entirely out of the
way for the coming clash.
Fear of Return
To Prison Made
Johnson Murder
Portland, Or., Oct 22 Clarence
Johnson, in an interview at the coun
ty jail, declared he killed Mrs. Eunice
W, Freeman here August IS because
he was afraid she would cause him
to be returned to San Quentin pen
itentiary as a parole violator.
"1 didn't want to kill her, but hell,
I couldn't help it. I was afraid she
would send me back to prison," said
the ex-convict, without apparent emo
tion and with a show of bravado.
Johnson was arrested in Nome,
Alaska and was brought back to Port
land yesterday evening.
Mrs. Freeman, prominent W. C. T.
U. and prison reform worker, was
killed by being struck over the head
with a gas pipe.
New York, Oct. 22. William F.
Hoppe, champion is the only unde
feated player in the national 18.2 balk
line billiard championship tournament
which entered the third round today.
George F. Slosson will play Ora Morn
Ingstar today; George 15. Sutton and
Welker Cochran will meet; Jack Scha
fer will take on the Jap star Yamada
and the night match will be played be
tween Hoppe and Sutton.
At a meeting of the Willamette
"W" club held Tuesday noon the fol
lowing officers were elected: Presi
dent, Loren Basler, Bremerton, Wn;
vice president, Russell Rarey, Taco-
ma; secretary-treasurer, Rein Jack
son, Emmett, Idaho. The "W "club,
composed of all men and women who
have won their letter in university
athletics, has as its purpose the ad
vancement of inter-collegiate athlet
ics at the local institution. The club,
will be entirely officered by ex-service
men this season. President Basler
did two years in the navy. Vice pres
ident Rarey is an ex-O. T. C. man,
and Jackson served two years with
Company M, Salem, over half of that
time in France.
One thousand pounds of mint oil
was consigned Saturday by different
growers around Eugene to Portland,
and most of them are expecting S10 a
As a result of the decision of tn
: faculty of Reed college to permit inter
, collegiate athletics this season, the
Willamette Bearcats will Invade Tort
. land next Saturday, October 25, to
clash with the Reedltes on Reed field
at 2:30 p. m. Reed was scheduled to
: have played on the Willamette field
. last Saturday, but was forced to can
cel on account of delayed faculty no
tion. Coach Mathews announced Tues
day that most of the thirty men on
the squad would make the trip, and
that he purposed to give most of the
, men a tryout in the Portland contest.
Although the Bearcats have had but
one game this season, the alumni game
of Ootober 11, they are in the best of
shape for a hard game. , All the first
, string men are free from sprains and
: bruises and will trot onto the field Sat
, urday in A-l condition. This game
' will mark the entrance of the tip-town
college Into intcr-collegiate athletics,
and gives the local institution no way
i of estimating comparative strengths of
, the two elevens. Without these com
parative scores and games, both aggre
gations will clash with a big question
mark over their heads In this initial
Dena way park team, which was to
. have played the Bearouta on the Wes
leyan field this Saturday, found that it
had pre-arranged a game with the
Chemawa Indians, and thus had to
cancel with Willamette.
The Reed contest will be the only
.Willamette football game ployed out
Ide the city this season, buj as ft has
been contracted on such short notice,
a varsity excursion 1 snot thought like
ly. After hasty consideration Yell
Leader Flegel and other boosters of
the esprit de corps decided to defer th
varsity excursion until the basketball
Hint of Clark
For President
Brings Cheers
"., Washlntgon, Oct. 21 Champ Clark
. was cheered In the house of represen
' totives when ho Inflleutel he might be
& cand -flute for the presidency.
Claifc was oppralnv an amendment
in the budget bill wh eh retired th',
director of the budget it seventy y-jHrs,
and wih pointing on I'mit many n.mH
men did remailuih.e ork utter thiit
"I'm willing." Clark replied. The
... house apparently took it as throwing
his hat in the ring. floth skies rose
and cheered. Then Clark threw cold
water on that view of his remark by
'But I would wont to know the
- identity of this 09 year old youth," he
' added.
Ratification Sessions In
. Seven States Are Requested
Sacramento, Oal., Oct. 22. In a mcs
Huge sent to the governors of Idaho,
Arizona, New Mexico, Wyoming, Ore
gon and '-Washington, Governor Wil
liam I). Stephens nskeiltliese states to
call special legislature sessions for the
. purpose of considering jind ratifying
the national suffrage amendment.
Governor Stephens urged that the
extra sesHlona.be called before Novem
ber 27, Thanksgiving duy. '
, Calling of tho .California legislation
for extra session is dependent on the
action of the other state. Nothing oth
er than the suffrage amendment will
be considered if the session is called.
Governor Stephens declared. '
. Now have in stock, molasses for feeding purposes
in 50 gallon barrels. Fine to put hay or straw f or
feeding stock.. ,
Now taking orders for future delivery on Zeno oil
spray. Zeno oil spray is far superior to any other
spray on the market for Scale, Blight, Curly Leaf
and Thrip. Also, cheaper and far more convenient
to use. We now have a specialty salesman calling
on the growers or leave your orders at the office.
But be sure and place your orders early so we can
have it ready for you.
Now booking orders for all kinds of fertilizers,
making a specialty of fertilizers suitable for berries
and all kinds of fruit trees. At the high prices now
prevailing, you cannot afford not to spray and fer
tilize your berry and fruit tracts. Marion County's
Horticulturist, says PRUNE, SPRAY and FERTIL
IZE. He examines all the Orchards and he knows
what is needed to bring the best results. Place your
orders now, do not delay.
D. A. White & Sons
'hone 160
255 State St.
Salem, Or
home ri:r.i,s qvakr
Rome, Oct. 22. (United Press.)-
A strong earthquake shock lasting fivo
twonds oeoured In this vicinity at 1
o'clock this morning.
RcvitalUo your blood ami put your
system in condition to resist
. the hardships of winter
It is the strong bodied men and wo
men who are vigorous and healthy
in winter,, and who are not inconven
ienced by the cold, wet days. Wet
feet don't bother . them, sudden
changes cause no Inconvenience, and
even when ft cold Is "caught", because
of contact, in a close, stuffy room,
with some one already Infected, the
trouble seldom lasts over a day or
two, This highly desired state of
health Is brought about by having
rich, pure blood, uucnntnmlnatod by
Impurities of any kind.
You may possibly think your blood
is all right you are not troubled by
outward signs. Yet you have felt tired
and languid, you have lost some sleep
or had some minor ailments at times.
but you regard yourself as in "fair
ly good physical condition." This may
be true, but you should take nothing
for granted, you should not "guess"
that you uro nil right. The thing to do
Is to make yourself right by taking a
good blood tonic and Invlgorator, such
as S. S. S. It is the best known blooO.
tonic on the market today. There ts
hardly n man or woman in this stato
who has not heard of It. It has helped
to restore many people to health. It
has brought relief in thousands of
cases of blood disorders during the
past fifty years.
S. S. S. is a standard treatment for
all blood diso ders. It is a true blood
tonic, that purifies and brings new
vigor and new life to tho blood stream
It is gu ranteed to be purely vege
table, to contain no mercury or other
mineral drugs, hut to be made from
herbs and roots carefully selected for
their known medicinal properties. For
chronic sores, ulcers, catarrh, rheu
matism, ecxema, psoriasis, salt rheum,
tetter, acne and other such diseases
as are due to impoverished blood. S.
S. S. acts promptly and satisfactor
ily. It counteracts the germs and pois
ons, cleanses the system of unhealthy
accumulations, literally washes all for
elgn matter from the blood and re
news its life giving properties.
He sure, to take S. 8. 8, this winter.
Tho reuowal of vigor that it will give
you will be well worth while. One
thing you can be sure of and that is
if you take S. S. S, you will be bene
fitted. Get It today at your drug store
refuse any substitute. For medical
advice address Swift Specific Co., 416
Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Go. (Adv)
Denver, Colo., Oct 22. Lewis Ten
dler lost to. Johnny Noye on a foul in
the thirJ round here last night Ten
dler's backers protested the announced
result, claiming it was to be a no de
cision affair and that examination by
a doctor showed no foul blow.
Jersey Citv. - r- J.. Oct. 2? Tni
Moore, Memphis, and Patsy Johnson,
Trenton, featherweights, have been
matched for An ete-ht rnnnfl hnnt ham
October 31. Charley White, Chicago,
and Mel Coogan, Brooklyn, were also
Signed and efforts are helm? maila tn
sign Ted Lewis and Johny Griffiths tn
complete an all star card.
Seattle. Wash.. Oct. 22. Carl VTnrria
the Oklahoma hpflWWlpht Will m .
his first appearance In a northwest
ring tonight when he tackles Ole An-
aerson, tne Dig Swede from.Tacoma,
in the main event of the show to be
staged at the local arena. It will be
a six round fracas. Willie Keeler, lo
cal heavyweight, will box Harry Wil
liams of Spokane six rounds in the
Grading contracts have been
awarded for a four-mile extension of
the Oregon-California & Eastern rail
way from its terminus at Dairy to
The complexion, digestion and al
most the coniDlete nersonalltv nf wn.
man are dependent upon health. Wo
man s in are Her great enemy, as they
cause bad complexion, dark circles
under the eyes, headache, backache,
nervousness. sleenlpsHneHs dmiri no-
down pains and the blues, and often
totally unnt her for a companion. The
great American remedy for such con
ditions is Lydia E. Plnkham's Vege
table Compound, which has. heon re.
storing three generations of ailing i
women to health, and mav he relief i
upon witn perfect confidence. (Adv)
Dr. King's New Discovery
soon breaks a cold and
checks a cough
. . ,
CHILLS fever sneezes and
then a hard cold develops.
Take a little Dr. King's New
Discovery when the sniffles start.
It will soon check the cold, the
cough-provoking throat-tickle. Used
everywhere by people who know
why It has been on the market for
half a century. Relieves cold, cough,
grippe, croup. No disagreeable
after-effects. ..All druggists 60e.
and $1.20 a bottle. Give It a trial.
Bowels Behind Schedule?
Liver acting lazy? Bring them to
time with Dr, King's New - Life
Pills. Gentle but sure-acting sys
tem cleansers that are tonleky in
i'"'on timl pleasing In results. Still
- bottle at ult drug stores.
. We have just received a large shipment of over stuffed furniture. All
this merchandise was bought months ago, thus enabling us to sell you far less
than the present market price..
t Overstuffed davenports in any shade of tapestry and design that you de
sire. Priced from $75.00 and up. .We can furnish chairs to match if desired.
Trade In Your Old Goods
We carry, the Universal lines exclusively in Salem. The word Univer-
sal means service and best value for the money. 1 ' W V
We have other heaters priced from $2.95 and up. V BlMJIII
Joseph F. Kelleher, formerly state
parole officer, and Benjamin Ludlow,
both of Portland, and both of the Pa
cific Coast Underwriters conference,
were in Salem yesterday. They made
an Inspection of the automobile rec
ords, in the office of the secretary of
state. I
840 Court Sreot
. AT THE ,
Remnant Store
254 North Commercial
u 7-t t.h m mam t mt w mi m
apV -Wh
l8cmtS V jUO"
JL- wbrkish and Domestic Tobaccos "Blended
S an& Blend jcan be pied - j