THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. Wednesday, October 22, 1919. PAGE FIVE. li 1 Around Town Coming from the cheese district little valley town. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. that m a iIa Curitnlanil tAftlnilM. T. R. tteais ot TiuamooK, enjoyea me noa pitaiity of the Marion hotel last eve ning. l - Mrs. Fred Kirkwpod the day In Portland. J. P. Winter of Portland called on -various state offioials Tuesday. is spending Milton is the home town of Stan ley Armstrong, one of the Marion guests Tuesday. Guests at the Bligh hotel, are Mr. and Mrs. S. Lindsay of Canby. , F. N. DrinkhalI,.of Vale, spent the day Tuesday as a guest at the Argo. Apostolic faith meeting in Derby jadg. postponed; Dallas road closed. Hfnto 51iinrintA.nAant of Banks Will Ih, Bennett is in Portland today on of ficial business. If there is a "B. C. Michigan" on the map, that is the place from which O. J. Wright, who .registered at the Marlon hotel last evening, hails from. " " Ruti-rt nf tha Minnesota citv are In Sa lem tndfur drawing their own eontec- tures about the famous Willamette! valley Industries and taking in the points of Interest in tne capital city. While here they are domiciled at the Marion. J. K. Gill, of the J. K. Gill cora iunv f Portland, is in the citv today looking after his interests in the Sa lem School Book store on ChemeKeia street. Harry K. Spaulding has established law offices with Grant Corby in the Bush-Breyman building. Newton Van Dalsem, state director of vocational education, is in Eugene TiAmitv Kpp.rAtn.rv of State Sam A. . tf ... . 1 O. tkt. ... i... Inn nn A U' u i 1 AAm XV-USt3r IVll HUB itluiiiiiiB " " spend at his home in Astoria and at Seaside. 250 today on official business. J. H. Denison of Medford, is among ' the out of town visitors in the capi tal "city. Representing McMinnville on the register of the Argo hotel today, was Joel R. Benton. Annthur Pnrtlander visiting in Sa lem and residing at the Marion dur ing his stay was F. H. Deshon. - Mm fj. O. Curtis Is giving a sale of beautiful hats at special price of $7.75. 125 N. High St. Portland residents with a number finlm -frtonrin. are Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Mac Donald, and it was for the express purpose of visiting them that . 1 .. d.L.Jm. wamnA , i". .Ma Mnlfa they stayed at the Marion. Th. Ttualniwi Men's leaarue of the PnmmAmlAl club will hold a meeting at eight o clock tonignt at tne ciuo rooms. Several matters of importance will be discussed. ! Dr. W. J. Kerr, president of the Oregon Agricultural college, called yesterday at the office 01 uovernor Olcott to discuss business arrecung the college. Brazier Small returned today from Miss Maude Robertson, who is em ' a combined business and ( pleasure 1 ployed in the Patton book store, was the guest or irienas in utuuus ouu- trip to Baker City. Bead page 151 last week's Saturday Evening Post. 251 From Grants Pass comes C. A. Te-' ; voae, who is attending to business In terests In town today. day. Otto Klett has sold the Electric res taurant on State street to Jack Mat tock, who will conduct the business hereafter. Hailing from Hinton, Oklahoma, Mr. and Mrs. B. . A.. Long and C. A. Long are registered at the- Argo. , Oakland, Cal., was represented pn the register of the Marion today by Frank E. Welch and Roy D. Stewart.' fmm Milwaukee. Wis., came E. R. Bacon yesterday and looked over the business prospects of Oregon s capi tal.. Dance new .Auburn hall Sat. night. Good four Piece orchestra. Take a Jitney, 26c. 252 See Diamond T Farm special at Ma rlon garage. ... iM Advertised as a ."confetti dance" with "onnnk" music a Hallowe en dance will be given in Stayton on the 31st of the month. Among the Portlanders visiting in Kaiom WndnBsrlav were Mr. and Mrs. ; W. A. Wilson. They were domiciled at the Argo. Leather belting. P. E. Shafer, har ness and saddlery, it u . mnunercwi. who F. I.Snodsrrass is not travel hue he lives in Eugene. Today he is at the Bligh hotel. -v onri M Matt Clark of Port land, are visiting professional and so cial friends In Salem today. They are registered at the Marion. . . Mrs. O. Maybell and Mrs. G. Kurtz kA,h Pnrtinnd. were among tne jout of town people domiciled at the Marlon hotel Monday. -Portland is the home city of Mr, and Mrs. J. D. Maddox, guests for .the day at the Bligh. . .. Mr, and Mrs. H. Anderson of Eu gene, are stopping at the Bligh while , visiting in the capital city. The pleasant little town of Bayview is represented on the register .of the Bligh by Frank SooRum. State Treasurer O. P. Hoff left last night for Portland where he will re- main for a few days on business. rvimlnir from Donald for a short visit with Salem friends, Mrs. F. A Mercer is staying at the Bligh hotel tinmhlninn a business and Pleasure trip, Cecil L. Schreyer of Marshfield . Is in the city today. The book at the Marioa flaunts his - signature. Mm.: barton .'Is : In Bah i Francisco this week buying the latest' reading lamps, lighting fixtures and nqyelties for the Salem' Electric Co. 250 Tho Commercial club membership t'ttm m ittM will meet at eiKht o'clock tonight at the club chambers. Work of perfecting the organization for the mat nf the membership campaign will be taken up; and the report of new members heard. The national capltol extended its , 1 greetings to the Oregon state capitol B. A. "Sordal, secretary of the Och wKsn C I,. Kennon of 'oeo Irrigation district, brought 1150, WBahintrton. D. C. reelstered at tne nuu in ucnoco irriKauuii uioun. Marion hotel. " bonds, certified by the irrigation se- curities commission, to tne secretary ht- on Mm T.nthnr Rowland. Of I nf Htnte's of fice yesterday. He was ac the Rowland Printing company, re- 'companied by" Mr. Shuler of Clark, turned teday from Hood River where Kendal & Company, Portland, .v.,.,. wn BTwniilTiff the nAflt sev- t . . " " . . . ... T,,,,,.- eral weeks. . . The iunerai services ui '"" Robert Quincey who died last sun- . , 1,11 J in ' .1.... nrA-A nnnHlintAd VlV RfW6nd spector, and C. T. Kammer, both of Father Buck of St. Joseph's Catholic II HP 1 1 JL vluvA J Iff I ".." in,,' 1 1 nntsJ .AXstms I Special Offer MEET ME AT MEYERS 'sSale ECONOMY SQUARE Auto Robes All wool auto .. robes manufac- " tured by the Stay ton Woolen Mills Neat designs, ex cellent workman ship. Will wear like leather. Tomorrow ffr Only . vf Clean-Up Special This Season's Ladies' Suits In the very newest fabrics and correct Styles To clean up the . lines Less 25 thi ranorai land office in Portland were business visitors at the office of the state engineer yesterday. church at the family residence on the silvArtnn road this afternoon. Inter ment was in the Mount Crest Mauso leum. Dr. fihalmer Lee OeorBe. dentist, 313- 314 Masonitt Wdg. Phone 181. S52 Professor D. W. Graham of Port land, one of the most noted violin ists of the northwest, is in Salem to day. . During his professional visit here he is staying at the Marion. - C. L. Hawley, former senator from Polk county, well known as a rancn er and stockman, called upon Govern Hunting permits were issued to the following yesterday: Frank Lyniff, Robert Came, B. F. Brunk, Eugene Eckerlln, F. A. Gleason, J. W. Young, v a -Biriitnn. all of Salem. R. O. nnnior Shaw: Frank Marlette. Ger- vala A combination fishing and hunt- ino- iinnnao was made out for E. F. Amort of Shaw. ...... Tfe-oirtn Miller has sold his residence er and stockrhan, called upon govern- , gtreet and ha, or Olcott and Dr. W. H. Lytle, state room Dunealow on veterinarian, while In Salem for the day Tuesday. i n irmatrnntr of Roseburg, coun- Ity fruit inspector of Douglas county, called yesterday at tne onice oi nun Engineer Percy a. jupper. -M-ma w TAvwiilicrAr.HnAnAed ladv em hviiu " m t : balmer with TerwiUiger Funeral Home, 770 Chemeketa fit. t-none to. After a long transcontinental trip. W.- E. Owens of Milwaukee, wis., ar rived in Salem yesterday and is a guest at the Marlon hotel. CVioriff o. D. Bower. Who has been enjoying a vacation hunting in the mountains, will return iu d lenv Saturday or Sunday. Ran Francisco was well represented ,. Marinn tndav. Among the vis itors from the Bay city were wiiiara Fay and W. H., Warran, , . - A social visit was the cause of J. L. Sullivan's short sojourn In saiem yesterday. Mr. Sullivan followed up his signature with "Portland" .wnen he presented himself at the Marion hotel desk. HnnorlntATirlBTlt BilllngSlS Who WSS injured In the recent street car acci dent on Twelfth and State streets; and who has since been confined in a lo cal hospital, was sufficiently recover ed to be removed to his home last Saturday, . Of' . "Pa til. Mlnnnnota. is no doubt & great deal better known throughout noui - the states than la our own St. Paul m i.'T'i. t-mmdencs: and in Marion county, but It is doubtful turted to hl. home , 11 ine communis biiiih m ' highly developed there than in the Pendleton. rr...i-i tViA wof and the south Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mark of Chicago atnnned for the day at tne Marion Monday on their way to California PAof! tum lil last week's Satur- Ax, Vuanlnff Pnst. 251 Wanted, loan of $1000 on A No. 1 city property, on long time. SeS Flem ing Realty Co., 841 iitate tst. zox- Claimlng Talbot as his residence, William Krebs placed his siRnaiu,i upon the book at Bligh hotel Tues day. The final account of Paul Marnach administrator of the estate, of John Marnach, was submitted to the county court Wednesday for approval. nttmhnaed it five room bungalow on North Twenty fourth street, where he is now residing. According to jar. Miller there is a considerable amount of activity in real estate matters in the northern part of town. fit At a, Tjihnr Commissioner Gram in Portland this noon on offi cial business. He will remain m tne nAtmnniiii nvr Fridftv when he win ottAxd a aAininn of the Columbia Riv- Ar Ttoin branch of the executive ! board ot the national safety council. Glen McLaughlin, 19, and Arthur Lyons, 1. boys who were arrested hero Monday night as tney luraeu in a jnoinn allev. after an investiga tion, were released and sent to tneir The Delineator This magazine should be in every home. It is of special interest to every member of the family. Valuable Recipes Home Problems Community Life, Thrilling Stories, Authentic Styles, Every page clean and wholesome. Try it one year and you will never keep house without it. A special representative- is now placing subscrip tions at Special Bate Take advantage. Call at our v PATTERN COUNTER The New Kewpie Just received, the cut est, cleverest "Kew- pies" ever designed. They are on display in - the Drapery Department. Advance Shipment Holiday Handkerchiefs Fine lawn, with very dainty embroidered corners. Pcaiitifnl whifp Hsaiip artisticallv embroidered. UVMUV.Ma ' -. V w Mmww - - J Some are plain white, others with cleverly design ed colored borders. . . . , , The shipment includes "MADERIA" and COLOR ED CREPE de CHINE. Make your selections early, while stock is full. - ; New Men's Ties The very newest creations, includ ing the famous line of CHENEY SILKS. The big gest showing we have made. All prices from 65c up. The first person to bring 75 emp- ir Taiilan bottles to Tyler's Drug Store, 157 S. Commercial St., will re ceive one bottle of Tanlac free. 250 r tv,Aif wav to California for a r.iAAAA lannt. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph r ConttlA ntnnned in Salem txavj wj. , - last week end to visit a while with capital city friends. ni,A in th Illness of one of the ma terial witnesses, the ease of the state tD r'hafWP.rundaee'. for non I support, was postponed indefinitely in justice court tms morning. p a TTleftr secretary of the state highway commission, left this noon for Portland to appear in ine uemom .AAA nnnr in nroeress there, as a witness for the government. Eleven deeds, the biggst average for a week, were recorded at the the county recorder's office Wednes day. The rush of transfers continues, the office force being required to -work a little over time to complete the work. . . ' " The board of directors of the SS- iArv 'r"rmm.rr.Ial club will meet to night at six o'clock in the Rose rooiri of the Spa. It is understood that only routine business will come oeiore ine board tonight. v T. -RnMianan U aeent in Marion and Polk counties for the National life Insurance Co., U. S. A. See him for a full return premium poncy on u tli nnlv kind. Phone 1332.T fn IvltAfVitnW. ' . 267 m, funral of Williarri1 Fugate will ha hM at three o'clock Thursday af ternoon at the RIgdon Chapel, High street.-Dr. Avison, of the Methodist Episcopal church will officiate. The Interment will be at the Mount Crest Abbey Mosoleum. Tt A c fUnnwill ibe foun'3 at Ty ler's' Drug Store, 157 South CommeTj cial street. Vashon Island is? Ac cording to Joseph Caster who regis tered at the Argo hotel, Wednesday, i. ia in mil- Binter state. Washington. A close study of the map will reveal tt, settled calmly in waters oi rugei Sound. Good Buys In Houses B room modern tuhgalow With sleeping porch, located at 2080 N. .n,d.w trAt. Price (2500. $1000 cash, balance to suit at o inn Intafaot 6 room cottage, located at 1005 Shipping St., corner lot 60x125 W TrlM- 1950. ! - k mnm hnuaa with basement, located at 1344 Lee St. Price $1250. 7 room house with basement, located at 910 S. 12th Street. Price 1500. ' : :34iS3 6 room modern house with furniture, located at .1370 State St. Price $5000. , . room house, located at 691 S. 17th St. Price $900. g room modern houBe with 3-4 of an acre, loated at 480 North 24th St., good garage. Price $5250. room modern house with large lot located at isbu worm cum mer 'St. Price $4200. 5 room plastered house with bath, toilet and wood snea, locat ed at 1125 South 16th St. Price $950 if sold soon. room modern bungalow at 1040 S. Liberty St. Price sittuu. room house at 1010 Oak St. Price $2650. rnnm house in fine condition with barn, lot 60x133 ft. locat ed at 2162 Elm St. Price $1700,. room house, fine comer lot, paved streets, located at uao . High St. Price $3500. room modern house located at 46S N. Commercial St. Price 14,- 500 6 room modern bungalow at 61.0 8. 18th St. Price $1650. room house at 785 Ferry St.; Price $2000. 8 room modern house at 1760 S. Liberty St. Price $3800. W; H. GRABENHORST & CO. 275 State street ' , Quality First YOU CAN ALWAYS DO BETTER AT OOOj Who Always Does Better By You aLLJJL HA ITTV. V Quality First Tiiunn Tlav. a resident of South Sa lem has returned from the prune sec tions near Boise, Idaho, where ne naB had the management of a large dry er for the past five weens, kit. ivay reports businHS In that section of the country extremely good and says that common labor is much Deuer paid than in this part of the north ' the Salem publlo will have the oppor- tunity oi viewing more man unt val uable collection of paintings. SENATE AGREES RESER VATIONS NEED APPROVAL (Continued from page one) Mr, t. T Rheldnn. art director in the nubile schools of Salem and head of the art department in' the Are League of the city, has returned from Portland where Bhe visitea ine ... Avhihit in the public library there. She is very enthusiastic about the display and plans on bringing it to Salem if tt Is at all possible. Mrs. Sheldon, who is a critic of accepted anility, says that there are a numoer of works in the exhibit that are real iv valuable. exDressing, as they do, the new note in art Many are by ris- I. -' -VrtrV ..11' ing young aruHui v j.,w v If the plans of the league mature, mertt and the two or three minor amendments will have been disposed of and the reservation fight will be shifted to the senate floor. There, Hitchcock plans, with the support f friendly republicans, to vote down the committee reservations, offer a substi tute resolution and from that work to a compromise until the necessary two thirds votes are obtained. For saJer house with 8 rooms, plas tered (-no basement), and barn makes rood" arage, 148 reel ironi. iu; fruit, apples, pears, prunes, cherries, four bearing English walnut trees, cement walks. Southwest corner Mar ket and Fourth Sts., Salem, Or. Phone 2081 J. 26 meeting of Commandrey rm mdiro RnlpiTi their home, Mr. m-o Fiverett Morrow of Daven- t isih arrived here Tuesday eve ning and are at present the guests of Mrs. Morrow's father, w. u. i,ouii, 444 Mission street. Mr. Morrow is an expert automobile mechanic. UDI.CR (Weill SIME 3. STREtT 1 xrt LAST DAY Harold Bell Wright's ' fiSTr No. 6. K. T. this eve pie degree, come. v nine. Work in the Tem- Vlsiting Sir'KnighU wel- BHTAXT WASHBCKV PICTOGRAPH, TRAVELOGL'H I W. T. BIGDOK CO. Undertakers tS2 North High Street rini, iinon the urgent invitation n, nnir nf the Eastern Star, at whose social afternoon, held in the u.iia Tmnl vesterday. she was m. i.niii T). Miller of Port- n ni at the Marion hotel 1U1IU, 1 . ft yesterday. She was aecompameu her assistant, Mrs. Henning Carlson. The county was awarded another additional army truck lor paving op erations by the state Wednesday, t-.h makes two trucks Marion county hat u,a tmm the state, under thi a nt tho invemment granting t truck .to each county in Oregon. Thif makes two trucks Marion county hai receiveu. , .,., in Ha nlana for orenaration of th' paving progranv in the county tier AAAann. th county court Is investi gating the product of the Silica Klnf Mines company, ursu iior tar the asnhaltic surface. Coun- I tv Recorder Culver may make a spec 1 i.i tr-tn in the mines, which are a' I the eastern outskirts of Oregon City . atM make arranerements to secure th- filler. Information thus far receive' by Roadmaster Culver and the coun mnrt shows that the silica filler 1- superior to any other filled- seed- lr. road-making. - STARTS NEXT SUNDAY PUB SLUG SALE I t" ML i :l WE RTAN. ' sapporting WILLIAM DT7NCAS ' in the Great Titagtsph Berial SMASHING BARRIERS BLIGH THEATRE Shows 2, 4, 7 and 9 ye Jberty Prices 50c 25c Having sold my farm I will sell at Public Auc tion at my farm, located 8 miles east of Salem, 7 miles west of Silverton, on the Salem and Silverton road, on - Thursday, October 23, 1 91 9 J black horse, 10 years old, weight 1400 pounds; 1 iron : : grey horse, 6 years old, weight 1450 pounds; 1 bay :: horse, 12 years old, weight about 1100 pounds; 1 :: bay mare, 12 years old, weight about 1100 pounds; : : 1 brown mare, 10 years old, weight about 1200 : 1 head hogs, 3 good sows in pig, 9 head shoats, weight t about 125 pounds. Machinery:! 7-foot Deering Dinder; l o-ioot Advance mower; l b-ioot Monitor i double disc dril1 ; 1 Milbm n wagon; 1 flat top rack; t 1 wood rack; 1 P. & 0.-wiggle-tail cultivator; 1 P. & I 0. harrow cavt; 1 Galloway cream separator; 500 pounds capacity pump jack; 1 2-section harrow; 1 potato digg'r; 1 hack, 1 5-shovel garden cultivator, I 1 single bur gy, about 300 feet of steel cable. Harness $ 1 set do ible harness; 1 set single plow harness; 1 t : set single driving harness; 6 collarsr-and other ar- i ucies too numerous to mention SALE STARTS AT 10 A. M. SHARP LUNCH WILL BE SERVED ON THE GROUNDS TTCRMS All sums $10 ()() and nnrlpr rash All r sums over $10.00 12 months time will be given on r Vnrlro Vvlr. nnfno n onnn1 Q nor nonf vnf iatacf All y rn- I perty must be settled for before leaving premises. A.L STEVENSON F.N.BASSETT AUCTIONEER OWNER. $.