Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 22, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    THE DAILY CaPITAI JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. Wednesday, October 22, 1919.
Paris, Oct,. 22 EsMblishmen if
' municipal cold storage plants In vl.lcn
alleged lit Blvlnjt Interstitial pli.nrts
could b kept on Ice to supply h
emaml for renewing; human twii
-. ic advocated by Dr. Serge oronoff.
" said to be the originator of the oper
' atlon. '''''''
"If w receive the body of a bopa
" lessly Injured man while he Is stir
; alive, certain vital organs, especial
ly the Interstitial glands, will M for
' -weeks In Ice boxes." said Voronoff.
" "In large cities, where there ore,
(? many accidental deaths daily, wttv n.
take out the organs if the Injured -
A-lfulnir thv halnif? to Hade
. v .t .-----r. - j
persons and put them it refritjeio
lion for use when needed? Kvi-ry city
should have a hospmU where
t operations could be pwf.jrmi'd. I'lifnr
....,,.t,.w thorn atlll ia non-il.-ir iirt'lu-
dlce, against such practices, hut th.u
natural evolution or sewn! inu oh
. :,n.nt.llv otiontimllv will be repiae
w vil bv the concensus that helping
. mankind after death is a sacred task,
urii.t aama tinw a bold concdpr'on
' will become a current thing. Intlll
" gence will be given to those who are
lacking and strength to tho3 nho
have lost it through deterioration of
their organisms. Life will be made
longer, more pleasant, ani more nar
inoniouH for all."
" Voronoff said that even the dead
"can donate an immense treasure, for
t when the heart ceases to beat the or-
., gans of the body do not die Immed
iately. The bones keep their Vitality,
for 18 hours after death and various
glands from three to six hours.. If a
gland is extracted Immediately after
death and transferred to another body
, It may continue to accomplish its
To the Roosevelt Memorial Association,
W. Carlton Smith, County Chairman, .
Salem, Oregon. ...... ......
I herewith subscribe the sum of
to the Roosevelt Memorial Fond.
Name -
Address "- ' - :
The above amount is inclosed herewith.
. , . -
'- ' "
Arrardlnc to the plans at the Roosevelt Memorial Association, the Roosevelt ;
Memorial Fund of U.ooo.ooo.eo to to be utilised to erect a National Monument in
WaJwnrton" C.i to acquire and maintain a public park at Oyster Bay, N. Y,
and oltlm.tely to Include Sagamore Hill, the RoceveK home, therein, to be
reserved like Mount Vernon and Lincoln's home at Pprim-neld; and to endow
J National Society to perpetuate the principles and ideals of Tkeodore Roosevelt.
Each contributor to the fund will receive a certificate of membership In the '
Rooaevelt Memorial Association. A certificate will also be presented to every
school contributing to the fund. v
The name of every contributor will be placed on the list of names deposited
In tbe National Monument to be erected at Washington, D. C
Gypsies Confess
To Wife Barter
And Are Jailed
The campaign for funds for the
Roosevelt Memorial opened Monday in
Marion county. Reports from all sec
tions indicated that Interest is being
shown in the movement, and it is ex
pected that the county's quota of $1700
will be raised long before the drive
ends October 27.
State Superintendent of Schools
Churchill has been asked to set an
hour next Thursday for the discussion
in all schools of Interesting Incidents
in the great statesman's life. Teach
ers have ben equipped with booklets
UUltLailllllB nvui'o" v " ... .
Uvities as an American leader, and an
Portland, Or., Oct. 22. Confession
of gypsies In municipal court that
they were buying and selling girls
caused fudge Rossman to order 18
year old Bakouche Mark, her father,
Steve John and her . niother-ln-iaw,
i Rosle Mark, placed in Jail to await
action of the grand Jury.
Mra Mark swore to a complaint
asglnst John yesterday for the al
lAcrfrt kidnaping of his daughter after
i,. ha wild her to Mrs. Mark for
John and Mrs. Mark admitted thiB
transaction In court today.
The father recently made a trip to
California, where the gypsies are said
to be more prosperous. While In Sac
rmnto he is alleged to have received
an offer of 12000 tor his daughter.
Returning to Portland he is said to
have forcibly taken, BaKoucne away
from Mrs. Mark, who bought the girl
s a wife for her son, according to
' the admissions of all parties concern
ed. ; -""
John and his daughter were arrest.
,i Mnndav while Daesing through Sa
lem, enroute to Bacramento In a high
powered automobile.
At Ye Liberty
extensive campaign in his half will
be carried out.
Each person subscribing to the
memorial fund will be given a hand
somely engraved card, making them
a member of the Roosevelt Memorial
association. Their names will be
placed in the corner stone of the struc
ture to be erected at Oyster Bay, New
York, as a memorial to America's.
greatest statesman.
Among the first subscriptions re
ceived Monday was that of 15 school
children. The amount was small, but
It indicates the Interest taken by young.
America In Roosevelt's life.
Big Employer Gives Reasons
For Favoring Proposed Plan
of Collective Barganing
NOTE: The TJnited Press asked
Paul L. Pelsa, Cleveland manufac
turer and big employer of men, to
explain his resons for supporting
the collective bargaining resolution
before the national industrial con
ference. Most of the big employers
oppose it. Feiss, a member of the
, publie group, aod John D. Bocke
fellar, Jr., spoke in favor of it.
Feigg in the following article de
clares his faith in collective bar
gaining is based on experience and
not on theory.
By Paul L. Felss
(Written for the United Press.)
Washington, Oct 21. I am in favor
of collective bargaining because, we
have tried it out successfully in the
business organization with which I am
associated. While wo have not a union
Bhop, We have an organization of our
employes which gives them an oppor
tunity not only to participate and as
sist in the determination of all matters
relating to wages, hours and other condi
tions of employment, but it has givon
thorn also tho opportunity to assume a
morn definto obligation and responsibil
ity in their own work and business in
which they are working.
My belief in this resolution and the
efficiency of this plan is based, there
fore, not upon theory, but experience.
It seems to mo that thn time has long
passed when wo can quilihlu about small
things when great principles are at
stake. The important thing is that we
roe.ogiuzo that if democracy means any
thing in industry or in any otho element
of fife, it means the right of a personal
determination of those things which it
is right that we should determine for
ourselves. The obedience to law is lib
orty and that means not only tho law
of the land, but the law of morality,
and the principles of ethics. I could
not conscientiously face my associates
in business and by that I mean the
men who run the works, who toil at the
machines and the women who work with
tholr hands any ' more than I" eould
have faced my fellow citizens If I do-
niod them a right which I myself pos
sess. . . 1
I not only support the resolution in
its present form, but would have gone
still further and urged every employe
to assist in organizing his men so that
they might have a coherent and colleo
tive voice in the determination of eon
dtiions of employment in which they
must always be interested. With the
modifying phrase which has been added
to tho first clause, the right of the in
dividual to orgairlzo or not to organize,
to choose his method of organizing,
whether through labor anions, Bhop un
ions, employers organization or any oth
er, it seems to me it is safeguarded.
I don't know what has been in the
minds of the labor union representa-
Iivii. nrkntha thmr Vawn maA irTAfi.t
..., ........ -
Btorifice in making that concession or)
not. I do not know what is In the mind
of the employers in opposing it, but it
seems to me that we have the basis of
an understanding and as good citizens,
and U of "s representing the publie,
we should get together and accomplish
thiB end by supporting this resolution
Harold Bell Wright's picturlzatlon
of his Immensely popular novel, "The
tihephei'd of the Hills." supervised dv
the author personally is now showing
at the Liberty theater In this city.
The film version brings to vis
ual life the lovable characters dear to
' readers, and those who see this master
the hearts of more than lS.OOe.OO"
niece of fictional photography will be
able to follow the adventures of the
' quaint folk of the Osnrke as they were
related In prose.
In nutting his novel Into film form,
- th author insisted that the book
' should be followed page by page, re
fusing absolutely to allow a profes-
' alonal scenarlolst to recast his story.
The result Is a portrayal true to life,
m.A wxtremely Interesting for those
who have rend the book, and extreme
iy fascinating for those who have not
perused the printed pages, as the story
la absolutely OJliereni rrora nj m-
tlon picture that has ever been flashed
n. local screen.
A east of unusual talent, that lives.
rather than acts the various roles, was
cbosoa by Mr. Wrigni m
Interpret fait story for the allversheut.
Seattli, Wash., Oct. 21. Entombed
In everlasting Ice near Point Barrow,
Alaska, the bodies of 80 Eskimos of
prehistoric days, their hutB and imple
ments and clothing have been discov
ered according to W. B. Van Valln,
field expert of the University of Penn
sylvania who Is In Seattle after two
years of explorution In the great white
alienee .
What fate overcame the Eskimos
of antl'iuity or how long ago their
village was covered with Ice Van Valln
would not venture to say after his ar
rival in Seattle Sunday from Nome.
Van Vulln was unable to find an Eskl
mo legend which even hinted at th
existence of the Ice encased village
he uncovered. In the oldest folk lore
of the north the explorer Was unable
to find even a hasy tradition which
pointed to the village or Its Inhabi
Whits expressing reticence as to de
t.vUs of his discovery Van Valln as
serted that the bodies show the pres
ence of black hair. Among scientists
this assertion wilt go far to disprove
the "blonde Eskimo theory" that the
original Inhabitants of the far nortb
probably were Caucaalana
Although ho Is certain that the Es
kimo village and Its ;wple belonged to
a prehistoric age. Vtn Valln wou.d
not attempt to give the number r
years ice has covered them.
"All I can say Is that these me
i;'e.d yea ad years ago and I think
thousands of years pco." Van Valln
said. ' ,
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Cloverdale, rO., Oct. 22. Cloverdale
school opened last Monday with an
enrollment of 12 pupils and Mrs.
Pearl Kelly as teacher.
The Summit 'Hill school taught by
Mrs. Loretta Farris began last Mon
day with six pupils enrolled.
Mrs. Myrtle Grayblll and son lis
ter of Salem spent the week end here
with her mother Mrs. W. Wright.
Mm C. H. Kunke was taken ill
with neuralgia of the heart last Sun
day, but In greatly Improved now.
Miss Ethel Craig, a teacher from
Clear Lake spent the week-end here
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, J as.
Mr. Orb Garner and Johnnie Craig
left Thursday for Aisea u hunt for a
few days.
Little Ethel Craig has very se
vere attack of Inflamatory rheuma
tism. We all hope for her speedy re
Mr. Butsl -? has recently purcnasea
the Wm, jtinke? place of 10 acres tor
Mr. W. H. Wilson's sister from Neb
raska arrived here last Monday t-
visit for a few weeks. Mrs. Calhoun
stopped on ht-r way for a visit wiHi
her daughter In Idaho and expect!!
to return bj wax of C-i.l.'ornla.
Los Angeles, Cal.. Oct. it. Marie
Jewell McDonald and Helen Fay Wil
kinson, sisters, charged with the mur
der of William McNutt. wealthy Spo
kane realty dealer, today were denied
a writ of habeas corpus which they
had asked, and were ordered taken
Immediately to Spokane to face the
charges before them, ;
- Friday - Saturday
WW 1
i it
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1 1
"Stepping Out"
mm. "el vermis our-ajnd maiul
Thostt Ince preset
Enidbennbti HIS HAPPY HOME,
(111 .jv
-v.1 v
( i
ylTto.H.lsc.'fL-.'i sttl
ss5 QCD EENNErr l00
III Mil -111111 HI
a Gel this straightw
says the Good Judge
The tobacco that gives
you the most lasting
chew is the kind that
saves you money. You
don't have to take so
many fresh chews. The
rich tobacco taste staya
right with it. That's
why you take a smaller
pui up in Ian styles '
RIGHT CUT is a bhort-cu tobacco .
a- W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
Vf '.f ' Know what you giv
, iflOt netS your chUdren. :
-' TW man nmhlished formula aDDearS on every bottle
t The Infanta ' nd ChiWren ' Keguiator
UblecatliBiuc. qontly with other mgredients
. RkinYen,0r 01 tre"U
r 8 BhMfco-hihly TOlnh' " treating
sever aaatri&iacngesUoa in chiktren.
Oil of Anise, Fennel, Caraway, Coriander, Glycerine, Surm
Syrup, of which help to make this formula the very best that
Sal skill can devise. If it were '"L
mula it would be done regardless ef the fact that a bottle of
Mrs. Winslow's Syrup now costs twice as much to make as any
XrSaTpreWatioa: .... Yet it costs you no more than ordi
nary baby laxatives. .' .
At Druggfsts
ANGLO-AMERICAN DRUG CO, 215-217 Fulton Street, N.Y.
Cmml StUint Aonir. H4J F. Bfkl. C... Ik. RM T"-C
J. C. Perry
The Popular
Table Drink.
is sold &t the same faijh V
price as be fore the wafi
this beverage is often
preferred to coffee after
trial for It is pure and
wholesome. Better health
to the coffee drinker usu
ally follows the change
from coffee to Postum
"jfoerete a Reason"
HM by rV Cereal Co. Battle Creefc.Micri$i,
At Grocers
For Long Distance Auto Trucking
Willamette Valley Transfer Co.
To the People of Polk and Marion Counties.
We are opening a produee market and will be prepared to purchase
all kinds of produce. ' , " ,
This will give the people one of the greatest opportunities for eu
ine and buying, oar place will be in operation at once. '
g We are already now for Poultry, Veal, Pork, Hides, Pelts, Wool,
Potatoes, Onions, Beans, Hay, etc. ,..' .i,.
We are connected with an eastern firm and are prepared to pay tM
highest prices.
Give us a trial and you will be convinced
A market price will be published in the Daily Capital Journal to
you may know every day the latest quotations.
Our place is located at 255 Ferry street in rear of the American
Automobile Garage, Temporary Phone 399.
BEN. MORRIS, Manager. '
Seven Big Specials
Dress Goods Suitings
Woman's Reward For Her -Everlasting
Fabrics like these are seldom found on bargain tab
les now-a-days. All wool Serges, for instance, with
the good old time quality in them that makes one
forget there ever was a war and high prices. If you
don't need them yourself , buy a dress for mother or,
some oneyou can't afford to pass them up.
At Yard 50c:
Several pieces of 36-ineh heavy cotton
Checks und Plaids, also one piece of all
wool, black dress goods. .
At Yard 65c:
Four pieces of 33-inoh high finish cotton
Gabardines in plain colors of brown, ;
green, gray and wine. . '
At Yard 75c:
A good collection consisting of mixed
Granites and Mohairs nlain and stripes
several pieces of all wool serges in
brown, red and black, all 36 inches
wide. There . is also a 42 -'inch binek
Mohti-ir that sold regularly at $1.45 a
yard and an all-wool black crepe of $1.23
value, all 75e
At Yard $1.25:
Two pieces of 40 and 42-inch blaek
Crispino Suiting of excellent finality.
At Yard $1.45:
JUl wool Uack English Serges, 50 inch.s ,
-: wide, nll-woel black coating serge 54
inches wide, also one piece in Mahogany . .
shade 48 inches wide. - t
: At Yard-$1.85: ;
- . Two pieces 56 inches ia r.ll wool black
and white cheek Vclour. A 54-inch all
woll extra heavy black coating serge
end a ofi-inch black, Suiting Serge that
" ' couM not be duplicated in colors at
nearly double this price. Also a 42 inch
black aerco with white hairline.
At Yard-$2.65: .
Two pieces of 52-inch gray striped Tail- -or
Suitings, a- 54-inch olive drab herring
bone and a 56 inch brown Serge Suiting,
make up this lot of h;"h class fabrics.
See Our Coating Plushes