Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 22, 1919, Image 1

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Only Circulation is Salem Guar-
anteed by the Audit Boreas of
. '
Wea&er Report
" Oregon: Tonight and Thura-
day probably rain; moderate
: winds, mostly westerly. -
; .-
I If 7 yfl 1 1 iv 1 1 . V7 1 i I t vr 1 A II li ill 1
f j - J t I II J I I II I I - . ,. . II I 1 I E .LU-1 T il II 'Till!
use mimfimm
Conference Called. Upon to Set
tle Differences and Also
Break Deadlock
Wilson Better,
Watches Round
; Table Closely
Washington, Oct 2. (United
Press. The statement issued . by
President Wilson's physicians this
morning said:
"The president had one of the best
nights since his illness began. His
temperature, pulse and respiration
rate continue normal. His digestion is
more satisfactory-"
President Wilson today immediately
aftr his breakfast sought information
on the state of affairs in the national
industrial conference, it was learned at
the White House. Mrs. Wilson tele,
phoned Secretary Tumulty and obtain,
ed a full report from him.
The president, it was said, will keep
in close touch with all proceedings,
with the object ot preventing dissolu
tion. of the conference by any means
in his power.
, Washington, Oct. 22. President Wilson today warn
ed the national industrial conference it must find some
common ground of agreement, in a letter read to the con-
: ference by Secretary Lane. The letter follows:
"To the ladies and gentlemen of the
industrial conference:
"I. am advised by your chairman
that you have come to a situation
"It is my understanding that you
Ihave divided upon one portoin only of
a possible large program which has
not fully been developed. Before a
1 which appears to threaten the life of severance is effected, based upon pres.
your conference and because of that
I am presuming to address a word of
very solemn appeal to you as Amerl
jeans. "It Is not for me to assess the blame
i for the present condition. I do not
' speak in a spirit of criticism of any
Individual or of any group, but having
called this conference, I feel that my
. temporary indisposition should not bar
.' the way to a frank expression of the
; seriousness of the position in which
: this country will be placed Bhould you
adjourn without having convinced the
: American people . that you had ex
hausted your resourcefulness and your
patience in an effort to come to some
common agreement.
"At a time when the nations of "the
j wona are enaeavoring to rina a way
; of avoiding industrial war, are we to
confess that there is no fnethod to be
Jound.for carrying on industry except
win the spirit and with the very method
or war? Must suspicion and hatred
and force rule us in civil life? Are
our industrial leaders and our indus
trial workers to-live together without
faith id each other, constantly strug
gling for advantage over -each other,
doing naught but what is compelled?
"My friends, this would be an in
tolerable outlook, a prospect unworthy
of the large things done by this people
on the mastering of this continent; in
deed ,it would be an invitation to na
tional disaster. From such a possibil
ity my mind turns away, for my confi
of mil us
Men Joining Timber Workers
Union Protest Alleged Dis
charge Of Employes Who
Jom New motement
Progress of Attack Against
Petrograd Uncertain; Reds
, Regain Oreland, One Report
Question Of Strike Depends
On Results Of Arbitration
. Move; Spal& May Make pX'
Statement Friday,
ent differences, I believe you should
stand together for the development of
that full program touching the many
questions within the broad scope of
your investigations. .
"It was in my mind when this con
ference was called that you would
concern yourselves with the discovery
of those methods by which a measur-
able co-operation within industry may
have been seoured and if new machin
ery needs to be designed by which a
minimum conflict between employers
and employes may reasonably be
hoped for, that we should make an ef
fort to secure its adoption, It cannot
be expected that at every step all par
ties will agree upon each proposition
or method suggested. It is to be ex
pected, however, that , as a whte, a
plan or program can be agreed upon
which will advance further the pro
ductive capacity of America through
the establishment of a surer and heart
ier co-operation between all the -ele
ments engaged in industry.
"The . public expects not lesj , than
that you'shalt' have "that, one end
View and stay together until the way is
found leading to that end or until It is
revealed that the men who work and
the men who manage American indus
try are so set upon divergent paths
that all efforts at co-operation are
doomed to failure.
"I renew my appeal that with a f ulH
com prehension of the almost incom
parable importance of your task to
WasliliiRton, Oct. 22. The na
tional Industrial conference late
today voted down Samuel Gomp
ci'S collective bargaining resolu
tion. ,
The employers group voted no
and the public and labor groups
voted yes '
dence is abiding that in this land we this and to other nennlea anA with rn
have learned how to accept the general faith In the high patriotism and good
Judgment upon matters that affect the faith of each other, you push your
Yllihlln Brcnl AnA ta ta . 1. T, . A i . '.
. in uc voi j- iicai k tu a. nappy conclusion,
and bouI of democracy. i (Signed) "WOODROW WILSON."
A big public mass meeting, at
which several good speakers, includ
ing E. B. Fish, who will speak on
"One Hundred Per Cent American
ism," was planned by members of
the Salem Rotary club at its regular
noonday meeting at the Marion ho
tel today. The date of the meet
ing has not yet been decided, and
all arrangements have not been com
pleted. Oscar Price, of the Price Shoe
company, talked at today's meeting.
He said that he f ould hold forth no
hope of a reduction in the price of
shoes. Dealers in India of kid leath
er animals have already contracted
for kids not yet born, he said. The
situation in this country is equally
acute, he said, with cattle men con
tracting for leather on cattle yet at
large in the big western pariries.
C. B. Bishop, "clothier, discussed
the league of nations, and the stands
of President Wilson and Senator
Several insurance men, guests of
the club, gave brief talks.
A meeting, backed by the Rotarians
will be held tonight at the Congre
' gational church in the Interest of
prevention. A film, depleting the
many hazards in American homes,
will be displayed. The meeting be
gins at 8 o'clock.
With the announcement of Mason-
i.hrman company , here Wednesday
that a carload of sugar is expected to
reach this city some time this. week,
tear of a complete sugar famine in
Salem was blasted. - Additional ci
will follow this one, it was said,
and "officials of the wholesale estah
lishment said that they believed the
worst of the shortage will be c
when the cars start to arrive.
several local retailers said today
that they were completely out of su
gar. Others, who have small supplies
on hand, were apportioning it out In
small parcels. Two merchants said
that they had been promised susrar
last week, but did not get it
The sugar shortage was caused pri
marily by the longshoremen's strike
in San Francisco, which tied up all
Boat shipments. Refiners, however,
have beaten this disadvantage by
routing sugar north in cars.
Washington, Oct. 22. President
Gompers, ot the American Federation
of Labor, introduced a hew collective
bargaining proposal in the industrial
conference immediately after the
opening of the afternoon oesslon.
I shall make no argument for the
resolution unless the convention
maes it clear that it wishes me to
uo so, uompers saiu.
. Although the labor group is report
ed to have decided to withdraw un
less the resolution is adopted by the
conference, Gompers delivered no
suoh ultimatum In beginning his
speech.... ' ,, .
His manner lnmcatea, however, tnat
the labor group has decided to take
dractic action in the event the reso
lution is defeated.
Gompers began by praising the
work of President Wilson and expres
sing a wish for his recovery. He de
clared the labor group had decided on
its present action in deference to the
wishes of the president, expressed in
his letter read to the conference by
Secretary Lane at the morning ses
sion. 1
Gompers' resolution reads: -"The
right of wage earners to or
ganize with discrimination, to bargain
collectively, to be represented by rep
resentatlves of their own choosing In
negotiations and adjustments with
employers In respect to wages, hours
ot labor and relations and condition
of employment is recognized,"
Oompers" resolution differs from
collective bargaining resolutions voted
down yesterday chiefly in that it
makes no mention of trade or labor
union, .
-Charles Edward Russell, socialist
member of the public group, immed
iately seconded Gompers' resolution
and Chairman Lane permitted the
waiving of the rule by which all reso
lutions must be submitted to the cen
tral committee of 15 before being die-,
cussed by the conference.
These tactics asured the Gompers
resolution immediate consideration by
the conference.
Hostility toward thfChas. K. Spald
ing Logging company was growing
Wednesday among members of the
newly' organized Timber' Workers Un
ion because of th discharge again thle
morning of more mi from the mill.
Company officials would not state the
reason for leasing the men; but union
men claim that it is because of their
joining the organization, ;
Promise of action to check the com
pany from discharging men was made
by Philip Holden, organizer for the
Timber Workers. ? ' ;
We cannot have this," he declared
this morning.: "It has also been re
ported to me that the .company is hir
ing scabs in the place of the men who
were let go. We cannot tolerate this,
and while I anticipate no trouble, and
hope that none will arise, something
must and will be done to stop this.
Strike Action Pends. .
When asked if strike action would
be taken, he said:.
That lays entirely with the arbitra
tion board. If no decision can be
reached by that body, it will be taken
up to the state, conciliation board
Their action governs what may be
done by the Timber Workers,"
Mr. Holden made it plain that no
demands are being flcde-of the k-r.as,
K. Spalding Logging company. ;
Under the American constitution
we have the right to organize," he said
"and the company cannot stop us."
I wish to emphasize," he continued
that I am in no way connected with
the I. W. W. Rather, the American
Federation of Labor is fighting the I.
W. Wi more than any other body In
United States." s
Organization Contlnnbs.
The organization of the union con
tinued today. About TO employes at
the logging mill have lolned, Mr. Hold
en said. A meeting will be held Thurs
day night when others are expected to
take out membership In the Timber
Superintendent Meyers, at the mill,
speaking for the company, said that
they stand ready at any time to sub
mit the controversy to the arbitration
board. Upon the return of Mr. Spald
ing from Portland Friday it is said he
probably will state hia side of the af
fair. Mr. Holden placed the matter be
foreseveral members of the board this
noon. No announcement of any action
was made.
Xiondon, Oct. 22. (United
Press.) -General Yudenltch has
halted his advance on Petrograd,
to await reinforcements before at
- tempting to enter the city, accord
ing to a dispatch received today
from Hclslngfors. -'
London, Oct. 2. (United Press.)
Conflicting reports were received here
today regarding progress of the anti
bolshevik attack against Petrograd.
A Berlin dispatch quoted the Rus
sian paper Prisyw as saying an official
communique from General Yudenitcu
declared he had reached the city prop
er from the south and that street fight
lng was going on in the outskirts.
Other dispatches, however, reported
the bolshevik! not only successfully re
sisting the: attack on Petrograd,' nu
victories on other fronts.
While the red armies were keeping the
antt-bolshevlki forces from the city
gates by frequent sorties, it was said
both Denlken and ' Kolchak ' received
setbacks.- .. - - '
' Oreland Recaptured.
; In the south the bolshevikl were
reported to have recaptured Oreland,
driven Deniken back to the 'outskirts
of Kiof. On Kolchak's front, the bol
shevikl were said to have advanced 14
miles in the Kurgen region, taking
1O00 prisoners andto have won other
victories in the Trottsk and Kutanisk
sectors. ' ' ; -
The Polish effort has let down, ow
ing to lack of munitions, causing the
supreme council to decide on handing
over large quantities of French sup
plies to the Poles. - -
Red Army Large. ;
Near Luga, about 60 miles south ot
Petrograd, indecisive fighting was re
ported.' Near Pskoff, 100 miles fur
ther south, the Esthoniana were said
to be advancing.' "
The bolshevikl, according to reliable
estimates, are in no present danger o
munitions shortage becauao of the
large quantities they captured In Kol
chak's recent retreat.
, They are said to have five armies
opposing Kolchak, six opposing Den!
ken and three on the western front. -
Foreign Relations Ccnx&ee
Decides Clauses Of Inter
pretation Must Be Ratified
By Other Powers. y
Preparations to
Try Kaiser All
-- Ready, Report
Washington, - Oct, 22. While the
senate today ' debated Senator Wat
so'n's charges that the federal trade
commission employed "reds" the com
mission made a reply to the Indiana
cenator's statements in his speech
Monday. . ' - ' i
The commission made public tele
grams said to have passed between
the packers and their agents in an
attempt to show Watson's alleged re
latons with, certain . Chicago packers
and challenged proof - of Watson's
The commission's reply also alleg
ed that Watson had acted as a con
gressional lobbyist and declares that
Watson's statements as well as those
made recently by Senator Sherman of
Illinois, are a part of , the warfare
against the commission by the.- big
"The charges made against the fed
eral trade commission by United
States Senator James E. Watson . of
Indiana, coupled as they are with oth
er And sorlous charges made against
the commission by senate resolution
by , Senator Sherman of Illinois, re
quire an answer," says the commis
sion's statement.
fc London, .Oct. 22. (United
k Press.) Andrew Bonar,Law,
. government, - spokesman, an-
nounced in the house of com-
mons .this afternoon, when
st parliament reconvened that all
preparations had been made
for the trial of the former kai
His extraditien will not be
demanded, however, until all
nations have signed the peace
treaty, Law said. i
Drafting Of Resolution Of Rat-
mcahon Commenced Today;
Democrats Still Hope Fcr
No Revisions.
Bill Smith, 20, and Lloyd Zachery,
IT, inmates at the state training school
escaped from that institution at noon
today. A reward of $5 has been offer
ed by authorities for .their capture.
Zachery was sent up from Salem and
Smith was committed from Marshfield.
At the time of their break for liber
ty both wore dark citizens coats, kha
"kl pants and caps. Smith is described
as weight 176 pounds, black hair,
brown eyes, dark complexion and five
feet, 10 inches tall. Zachery is five
feet nine inches talft weighs 155
pounds, has light hair, blue eyes and
light complexion.
Denton Truax, 28, trusty of the
state penitentiary, made his escape
from a gang working at Lake Labial),
five miles north of Salem, at 1:40
o'clock this afternoon. Truax, who
was engaged in picking up potatoes
in a field near the lake, seeing an op
portunity, made a run for nearby
timber and effected a complete geta
way. A possee of guards. from the pen
Herniary started in pursuit.
Truax was sent up to the state
penitentiary July 1, 1919, from Ba
ker county for rape, to serve from one
to seven years. He is not regarded as
Governor Olcott will not recede from
his previously stated position relative
to a special suffrage ratification ses
sion of the Oregon legislature in order
to join the group of governors pro
posed by Governor Stevens of Califor
nia in an effort to secure immediate
action on the federal amendment by
western states.
The governor has stated his readi
ness to call the Oregon legislature as
soon as Oregon's vote is needed to
complete the ratification of the suf
frage amendment to the federal con
stitution or. as soon as a majority of
the members of the Oregon legislature
voluntarily petition for the Bession,
waiving their claims for per diem and
mileage. This position still holds good
the governor stated this morning.
Real action' on the part of North Sa
lem residents toward the beautiflcation
of their property and other building is
noted by the city recorder' books
which show that about all of the build
ing permits issued the past month
wore to persons living In that part of
Tuesday a permit to alter his resi
dence at 1110 Norway street, was
granted John Collins. Cost of this al
teration to his home, Mr. Collins, said
will be $1000.
Benjamin R. Perkins, also a resi
dent of North Salem, secured a permit
from City Engineer Skelton to con
struct a five-foot cement sidewalk
around his property at Fourth and
Hickory streets. When this is com
pleted, Mr. Perkins said, he intends to
beautify the front of his property by
planting shrubs and flowers In the
curblngs. ,
Alleged Donald Forger Is
Brought to County Jan
Joe Burdene, arrested on a charge
of forging checks at Donald, was.
brought to the county Jail here Wed
nesday by Marshal Allle Engle, of
Woodburn. Burdene Is said to have
forged " - name of hla employer to
a check and attempted to pass It at
the Donald Starte bank. He waived a
hearing before the court there, and
Sixteen cases will be ready for the (was bound over to the grand Jury.
supreme court wheir it meets in Pen-1 Burdene has served twice in the
dleton October 27 for the semi-annual state penitentiary 'or forgery. It Is
session there. Two of these only tuo'said. The last time he was "up" was
from Umatilla county. In 1914.
. Washington, Oct. it. (United
Press. ) Efforts of the senate agricul -tural
-committee to effect a fair price
agreement between sugar producers
and the United StateB sugar equaliza
tion board have thus far failed, Sena
tor Ransdell, Louisiana, a member of
the committee admitted today.
Plantation owners in Louisiana told
the committee that because of exces
sive rains less than a fifty per cent
crop would be raised this year and that
owning to the Increased cost of pro
duction, the price of sugar would hae
to be doubled if the producers were to
break even.
Both producers and refiners opposed
the McNary bill, which would renew
the license ot the sugar equlllzatlon
board and regulate the price of sugar.
When asked to what they attributed
the high price of sugar, members of
the Louisiana Sugar & Rice Exchange
declared that "the president was di
rectly responsible" and that "he made
a mistake when he refused to permit
the sugar board to buy the Cuban
C. A. Spreckels predicted that if the
McNary bill was passed the people
would have to pay from 150,000,000 to
$00,000,000 more for their sugar this
B rowers of New Tork control the
sugar of the United States, Spreckles
said, but assured the committee that
if the government, would "take Its
hands" the prices would go down.
Portland, Or., Oct. 22.--Two mask
ed bandits entered the jewelry store
of M. L. Smith at 9:20 o'clock this
morning, held up the proprietor at
the point of a gun, secured $1200 in
cash and diamonds - worth several
thousand dollars and escaped In an
The bandits had a partner in an
automobile at the front of the store
all ready for the getaway.
Smith rushed from his store follow
ing the hold up and fired five shots
at the automobile as it speeded away,
but apparently none of the Bullets
had an effect.
The Smith jewelry store Is a small
establishment located in the Helllg
theater building on Broadway, one of
the main business thoroughfares.
Smith says the two robbers walked
into his store while he was alone and
immediately overpowered him, bind
ing his hands behind his back and
then ransacked the place. He asserts
he kept his hands far enough apart
while they were being tied so he
could work himself free as soon
the bandits departed.
The holdup men had a lead of 100
yards when Smith opened fire. He
describes them as apparently 20 and
35 yeara old.
Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. J2. Several
persons were Injured in a riot soon
fternoon Tuesday in Braddock, near
here, according to- police. -
Two Bolshevik Destroyers
Sank By British Tuesday
London, Oct 22. (United Press.)
Two bolshevik destroyers were sunk by
British and Esthonlan destroyers
Kaporia bay yesterday, the British ad
mlraltr announce today.
"On Tuesday four bolshevik destroy
ers attacked Esthonlan and British de
st rovers in Koprla bay," the official
communique said.
"Two bolshevikl destroyers were
sunk. We suffered no casualties.'
Washington, Oct. 22. Reservations)
to the peace treaty would have to b
accepted by the other allied powens,
the senate foreign relations committee
decided today. , , ' :
-The vote came early in the special
meeting of the committee called today
to begin drafting the resolution of rati
fication. The committee took up th i
question of whether American reserva
tions should require the assent of other
powers and the vote was ten to seven
in favor of this as condition ot ratifi
cation. McCumber, republican, North
Dakota, voted with the democratic
senators and Shields, Tennessee, demo- ,
crat, voted with the republicans. , f
Three Must Assent.
At least three of the great power
must assent to the American reserva
tions before ratification by the Unite
States becomes effective, the commit
tee declared.
The committee repeatedly votea
down amendments to the reservation
offered by Senator Hitchcock and otkw
er democrats. -.
The steam roller was well greasei!.
Senator Pomerene said, as he left thej
meeting..:.-.; v''- V. -; "
The committee approvea tne juoagsi
from the league, article 18, mandate
reHervatlons"tegardlng " withdrawal
from the league, article 10, mandate
which would be accepted only with ap
proval of congress, Jurisdiction over
domestic questions and : t,he Monro
doctrine, . . , -"-,-- " '
The vote ran eleven to. six on moat
amendments and ten to seven on olH-
ers. i
There was a bitter fight over aruei
10, three or four democratic amenu
ments being rejected in succession.
The vols on the reservation regarding
the Monroe doctrine waB 11 to . TM
decision to require approval of reser
vations by three of the great power
was an unexpected development.
Washington, Oct. 28. Presi
, dent Wilson today signed the
amended food control act.
This gives the attorney gen
eral power to proscute profi
teers. The president also sign
ed three other measures of mi
nor importance.
Washington, ' Oct. 22. The senate
today passed the house bill extending
war time passports restriction over
entrance of aliens to the United States.
Regulations will continue for one year
by the provisions of the bill.
By Raymond Clapper
(United Press Staff Correspondent
Washington, Oct. 22. With treaty '
friends and foes prepared to clash at
the outset, the foreign relations com
mittee today took up the work of
framing a resolution of ratification.
Strong reservations as part of in -resolution
was the program of Senator
Lodge and republican member o th
Unqualified acceptance, or. If that
cannot be secured, mild reservation
was what Senator Hitchcock and other
treaty supporters sought. Compromise
proposals of all sorts were befor tb
Hitchcock, leading the administra
tion forces, today outlined his plan of
battle. ' -
Lively right Jiooms. j,
Reservations to be agreed upon bj
the republican majority of the foreign
relations commltte will be fought bT
administration forces, unless unexpeet-
ed concessions are obtained. '
Comparatively quick work was) ex
pected from the committee In fram
ing Its ratification resolution. By tb
time it is ready the Johnson amend-
(Continuod on FnK 8
Complaints Against Triple
Positions of Mrs. Trumbull
Not Understood by Officers
Inasmuch as the services ot Mrs. are.oontemplated by ' the ,ut law aad
Millie Trumbull of Portland In her , that tnere was
three secretarial positions for only ! tion ot the law. -
two ot which she Is oompensateo Mrs. it.. ----
mean, a material saving to the state board of I
arrangement previous to tne - draws a aa.arjr .Aa-ttiul
New Bedford. Mass., Oct 22. An
unknown steamer is ashore off Nan
tucket, according to a telephone report
received here today. The report stated
that life saving crews had gone to the
(assistance of the vessel. '
nver the
consolidation of a year ago unaer
which Mrs. Trumbull is now serving,
state officials are at a loss to under
stand the attack which is being waged
against her by the war auxiliaries com
mittee of Portland at this time.
The second protest of Mrs. ueorge u.
Williams of Portland, president of the
war auxiliaries committee, cnargmg
Mrs. Millie Trumbull with a violation
ot the state law relative to "lucrative
offices" has been referred by the secre
tary of state's office to Attorney Gen
ii I Ttrnwn for consideration.
In the letter from the secretary of
state's office to Mrs. Williams, Satur
day, it was explained that the offices
which Mrs. Trumbull occupies are not
regarded as such lucratlce offices as
: industrial
as assistant Ktnmuj -welfare
commission is paid an addi
tional $50 per month. This arrange
ment was perfected under a voluntary
consolidation of the secretaryship, of
these two boards and that ot state la
bor commissioner about a yea.- ago th
combined salary now drawn by Mrs.
Trumbull being approximately equal t
v,. i.inrv nrovided previous to ho
consolidation- for the employment of a
secretary tor one office. '
The third polstlon occupied u
Trumbull and to which Mrs. William
also objects Is that of acting secretary
to the recently created child welfare
revision commission which position I
.nM in ha merely temporary and for
'which Mrs. Trumbull draws no salary.