THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL SALEM, OREGON. Tuesday, October 21, 1919. PAGE THREE U.S.SUPRH1E COURT ; ASID TO DISMISS INCORPORATIONS $ E Attorney General George M. Brown and Gilbert, Hedges, district attorney of Clackamas oounty, have made ar raneements for counsel to appear be' fore the supreme court of the United States and ask formal dismissal of the case of Julius Wilbur, formerly - In charge of the Friars club of Milwau- kie. ! Wilbur was charged, convicted and sentenced to jail for having sold liquor on September 23, 1916, In violation of ' the etato prohibition law. He appeal ed to the state supreme court which sustained the conviction, and he then appealed to the supreme court of the United States. . : The case was set for hearing In the federal supreme court for October 24 but inasmuch as Wilbur is gone from thkte'and his attorney is in France, It will be moved that the case be dis missed. ' IS HELD INEVITABLE (By United Press staff correspondent) Mitau nnt. 18. Colonel Bermondt, leader of the newest anti-bolshevik fiu-tion In Russia, today declared a Ruaso-German alliance is lnevtiable and hinted that. America can-pre vent a future war ir she alas imme riiatniv fn Russian reconstruction. "Nothing can prevent a coalition of TCunala. and Germany." said Ber mondt, who formerly was known as Prince Avaloff. - "w nm hound' to come toerether. 'America ought to see clearly the ad vantage of winning Russia's sympa thy. She should Join this coalition and aid In Russia's reconstruction, thus preventing a future war. "America, ought to see her moral in fluence and power , upon England, hn fa flo-v.tlni hr former allies. The . Baltic is still Russian territory.. This Hull, who wish to exmoit this area economically. . This attitude prevents "We are not' reactionaries. We con sider a constitutional monarchy, sucn as England's, to be the best govern' Bermondt said he was grateful to flia Holdiers of General Von Der Goltz's command for comnig to Rus eia's assistance. New Dormitory At Feeble Minded School Accepted Thfl nospitai dormitory tti man. institution for the feeble minded was accepted conditionally by the state board of control Monday. The condi tions are that $250 be withheld from the architect's fees and $250 from the contractor's fees until the heating plant is made satisfactory. The ar rangement of the heating plant was held unsatisfactory by the board and will be changed. The contract price Of the building is $26,602.75. The Swiss Lumber company of Portland, with a capital stock of $180,000 filed articles of Incorpora tion Monday. A general logging and timber business will be done by the concern. Incorporators are E. W. Mer sereau, Albert Ridgway and E. A. Johnson. ' - Other firms filing articles of Incor poration were the following: Shotgun Lumber company, Mable, Lane county; $60,000, E. R. Leeky, A. E. Volck, George Englesby. Huntly Covington - Lumber com pany, "Portland; $6000; J. W. Huntly, G. L. Covington, A. E. Kidd. Rogers & company, Incorporated, Portland; $3000; J. C. Green, E. A Christensen, Grover Rogers. The buying, selling, manufacture, assembling, repair, operation and handling of airplanes and flying boats of all kinds of parts and supplies therefor is the purpose of the Oregon Washington! & Idaho Airplane com pany, capitalized at two hundred thousand dollars, which filed articles of Incorporation with the corpora tion commissioner's office' yesterday. The company will maintain its princi pal office In Portland. Chester G. Murphy, A., D. Charlton and Emery Olmstead are named as the incorpo rators. - : i ; : ' BRIGGS AUTO WOOD-SAW Attachment Om man cuts IS Mtdat I mam, 98 card. Goes Anywhere Any Auto. BRIGGS BURPEE CO, be. Manufacturer! m Hawthorn At., Portland. Sad far Intonation nd niwtraud Circular WATER PERMITS ASKED Application for the appropriation of 600 second feet of water from the Deschutes river for the irrigation of 100 acres of land, the developmnet of power and for domestlo uses, was filed Monday -wjlth. State Engineer Percy A. Cupper ty Albert 8. Roberts of The Dalles. Mrs. A. M. DeWitt of Austin, filed application for the ap propriation of water from Big Butte creek for the irrigation of a small tract. ;' Plans are being made for the crea tion of a park on the summit of Spen cer's butte, a mountain 2000 feet high, six miles south of Eugene, as a mem orial for Lane county soldiers who lost their ives in the great war. n2E3GllHilll2;Illllil300CZ2C Applications for educational' aid for American soldiers call for expenditure of $130,000 more than the $200,000 pro vided by the last legislature, and the state board is worrying about how the deficit is to be met. Weather? Rain! I HAVE AN ALMOST 1 NEW FORD SEDAN Just the car for wet weather. ' Will trade for Ford touring car. ; What have you to offer? "' Or, I would sell for cash at a reasonable price. SEE J. W.JONES 162 North Commercial Street STARTS TODAY 3 DAYS If m 11 ilMM Spanish War Veterans Back Up American Legion Drive At a lively meeting last night of the Hal Hibbard Camp No.'B, Spanish War Veterans, resolutions commending the Action of American Legion posts in certain cities for their activity in erad icating disloyalty were , adopted. Fledges to suport the world war vet erans in their work for Americanism ' met with unanimous favor. ID in "Daddy LongLegs" 7 ReelS of Fun and Pathos Also VAUDEVILLE This Will Astonish Salem People The tjuick action of simple witch hazel,' hydrastis,. camphor, etc., as mixed in Lavoptlk eye wash, will sur prise Salem people. One girl with weak, 'Btrained eyes was helped by a single application. Her mother could hardly sew or read because of eye pains. In one week she top was benefited. We guarantee a small bot tle of Lavoptlk to help ANT CASE weak, strained or inflamed eyes. Alu minum eye cup FREE. J. C. Perry, druggist, 115 South, Commercail. (Adv) lie Tee Howard Foster Players Thursday, Friday aire f-f LJ V I n 1 - ' i "v (W ,"L! V?1 1 v m n . Pis f'ffl S 1! II ill sfs' t M ' I mm J :t H w'i -Y if In V - ' P fii mm m ;'f5ff,J m A ht j Introducing New fall Suits PARTIC ULAR men who observe the. smallest det a i 1 b of dress because they desire a correct s ap pearance, as a business as set. - BISHOP'S Clothes area decided help to you. NO MAN need compro m i s e on clothes that are "nearly right" for in BISHOP'S assortm e n t of Suits and overcoats he will find the garm e n t s .that will fill his needs. THIS is an especi ally ogod time to stock up on your clothes for Winter, as the cold foggy mornings demand heavier and warmer cloth- ing. ' , . Bishop's Clothes Await Your Inspection v ; "Every Family In Marion and , Polk Counties a Patron" Salem WOOlefl Mills Store Copyright 1919 Hart Scbaffner & Mars m mi m Pi r m m I i il u QnsaiBDiQiiiiiiiDmDc: Berkeley Women Seek Reported , Perfect Youths Berkeley, Cal., Oct. 21. Girls at the University of California are giv ing the freshmen the "once over" to day in an attempt to ascertain which ones are physically perfect. The girls are disgruntled by the ac tion of Professor Kleeberger, direc tor of the men's gymnasium, First the professor aroused their Interest j by announcing 25 of the. men of the new Class were physically perfect. The girls by committee asked him to publish the names, but he refused. Kleeberger said war training re sulted in arrival of more physically perfect men at the campus, ' ; One hundred tons of cull apples were sold at Estacada to the Henry Welnhard plant in Portland this week at $10 a ton. ! November 12 has been fixed as the date when bids will be opened at Hepp ner for the sale of $125,000 worth of road bonds. f We must close out at once Dad Your Hair t Is Falling Fast "Dandertne" ' will check that ugly Idandrpff and stop hair coming i ont n if To stop falling hair at once and rid the scalp of every particle of aana nt rnt b. small bottle of "Dander ine" at any drug or toilet counter for a few cents, pour a little In your kand and rub it into the scalp. After several applications the hair usually stops coming out and you can't find any dandruff. Soon every hair on your scalp shows new- life, vigor, brightness, thickness and more color. (Adv) Keitlx Konqueror Shoes for Women So'as to have room for our new line of Ladies' Shoes. To move them quick we make the following prices: $13.50 Brown Calf Shoes to go at $10.90 $13.50 Brown Kid Shoes to go at : $10.90 $13.50 Golden Brown Kid Shoes for only ...$10.50 $15.00 White Washable Kid Shoes to go at .........$11.50 $9.00 Oxfords and Pumps at only .............$7.50 J&K NO BETTER JULIUS KOKENGE SHOES RUDE OUR FUTURE LINE tr QUALITY HIGHEST . M LI. - ' I I Cbmfnrtahle warmth 'A good oil heater filled witH Pearl Oil gives real comfort with out dust and dirt. Steady, com fortable heat for many hours on one filling with Pearl Oil, the ever obtainable fuel. Oil consumed, only when heat is required no waste. Portable. Ecpnomical. Pearl Oil is refined and re-refined by our special process which makes it clean burning. For sale in bulk by dealers everywhere, the same high quality kerosene as the Pearl Oil sold in five-gallon cans. There is a saving by buying in bulk. Order by name Pearl Oil. We recommend Perfection Oil Hcaten STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) AM, It (.KEROSENE) HEATAND.LIGHT VEST--'