THE DAILY CAPITAY JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON; Monday, October 20, 1919. PAGE NINE. atSm esu SJBSB .WSW WPF Its VtfSivWto Xas- CMSSTFJEDAI) RATES. Rate! .per ferP-JCach -insertion lie cent, six insertions 5 cents, one month, 20 insertions,: JJ ccntB, Hine )(, pet month, 9 cni; JHaiuiurn per ad ' 25 cents..,- N .".' , v ', . , First insertion only in Nejr Today. City ads cash Jn Advance anjl not $ai en over .phone,, uuless jidvenis? r Juts pvnthlp atfco.unt. iowajioe JEor phono error?. New Today. IF you want a home cheap, phone J393. WANTED When iii need ot carpen ter, nll mm... .251 FOB SALE Oak wood fox sale. Phone 900. , " ' -260 BIRD dog for sale. 1 093 A". St. Phono 9508:. Summer 250 GIRLS wanted at the .Hove factory. Steady work, 1455 Oak .J9t. , 253 FOR 8ALB 150 Wtate. Leghorn, hens. O. ,W. Baynard, Brooks ."Ore. , 853 FOR SALE Thoroughbred .Rhode Is land Red cockorels. (Phone 93F2: 250 FOB ...SALE-Two dozen ng grown, hens -for sale. 2030 St.,.: - - X. "4th ' 249 1 FOR .SALE Oiie Jersey cow giving 3",i' gallons of milk a day. Call 224 ' Center St.. 249 WANTED To rent farm, cash or share, will buy stock and equipment Rt. 6, 'box 146, Salem,. Or-.. - 30 LOST-s-Double elk took ehann with K; of P. emblem mounting. Finder plpase leave at Elks club. - 249 FOB RENT Large front sleeping room, near high shool; .price reason able. 493 Center (St., comer of High. " ' 'I'.-- i'49 WANTED Men of good character, to board. $8 week; .please call at Pv S. 13th and Oxford St. 1 'block off -depot car line. 253 HOB SALE 1920 Studobakcr light $, oversize cord tires, spot light, cut out, lock. Perfect condition. Cheap with terms. Party leaving city. Phone 1384 or 828 S. 12th St. 50 FOR jSALE Pigs from five to six weens oiu. xt, 'vv. launiKin, pnone 3F13. ' ' . . - 203 WAITED To buy house in north Sa lem, also some hens. Address Bouse cave Journal. 249 WANTED Lady fliakwasbeiy nie clean place. No Sunday wages. 128 S. Liberty... work, good ".4 248 GOOD .single harness and top buggy f 6r gale. John ,iW. fates, MC i' box 120A. Salew,- Or. -r 253 FOR SALE Ifoung male calf, Holstein Jersey. Corner Locust . and 3road way. B. u 'Frazier. , 249 LOST Sunday' flight lfif f hand sheep skin corduroy lined mitten, 50c for reward eave at Journal . office. 249 WAXTED To .biiy . good second hand bicycle. Call 104F3 or address box, 444; Capital Journal. . 250 FOB SALE Strawberry plants, Im proved .Oregon. Several -thousand ifor immediate "delivery. Phone 2502W2. .... .250 MOTHiER -wjith) ..tiyo small eMUKreln, wishes Work "as housekeeper near school. Mrs. Alice Cook, lit. 4, box 54B, Salem, Or.? 250 FOR SALE-r-Extra fine fresh Jersey cow, 5 years old, test 6 pereent, very gentle. Late model IFpi'd cheap. 715 S. 12th St. upstairs. 24S "WANTED Husband and wife engaged in business, desire suite of rooms and table-board, first class accommo ' dations only. P. O. box 120, city. 5 " ' " " 250 WAXTEDV-r-To buy a lot not more than 10 blocks from state capitot building suitable .for removal o .house to it... Oive location and price. Address C, P.: O. box 136. 249 FTRXITtT? E - for sale, Mission style oak dining room rtaible, six chairs and buffet good as new. Call fore noon 70S State street. 50 For Rent FOR KENT Nice room, close in. 255 front sleeping Center. 249 FOB BENT week. 257 N. bleeping . rooms, $2.50 Liberty St. . 24S FOR BEXT Sleeping rown and apart ment to parties without children. 152 S. Church St. . ' . 218 FOB RENT Good farm for rent, eith er cash or shares, immediate posses sion given. See J. H. Lautennan, Argo hotel. " Help Wanted WANTED 'Woman or work. Phone 11F13. girl for house .. 251 WAXTED-Honse maid at state school for the deal. Phone 640. 252 WAXTED Maid, good wages and lunch. Apply to Housekeeper, Hotel Marion. 248 W'vfTED Middle aged, single man Hot !! round work in general mer chandise store, Polk county. Perma nent home for right man. State wag es expected and experience had in this line. V J care Journal. 252 Safety Razor Blades. SAFETY razor blade sharpening ma chine, first installed at A, B. Stew art's Bepair shop, 347 Court St. For Sale. FOR SALE- -Baled alfalfa liay. Phone 8F5. 249 FOB SALE Full Wood O. I. C. boar. Price reasonable, -phone 40F4. 249 ROB SALE Few cord ,pf stove weed. Phone :754. , : , , -ja? FOR SALE Carrots for sale at Brooks fin M, i, Jonej .place. H. J- Mesa. 24? FOB SALE Tomatoes, extra quality, 3e lb. 735 N..ComJl St. Phone 403B. ' ' '" ' 248 .FOR SALE -r- IFord touring -injgood gnupe anu running oruer, f-tzo. iij 8. C oin 'I. " 249 FERNS and palms and othef potted flants for ale. Maruny's green ouse. 211 Miller St. Phone 91J3. ' -- - - - v. 10 29 FOB SALE Beaiafeted Jersey bull .calf, 0 weeks old, $30. Phone 48F21. 250 FOE SALE Fo r e ash, house with base ment and garage, on paved street and carliue. Call 674J. 24S FOB. SALE Close in, 17 acres, prune and berry land, 3 acres young trees II. J. Spi,1?bart, Bt. 2, .box 5.1, Salem. Or. ' 248 FARM FOR SALE On Battle creek, 5 .miles .south, 64 acres, some build ings, 359 Center St. Phono 1303M., FOR SALE 2 good mares, 950, 1000 lbs., suitable for orchara worn, cheap; Phone 'fl"l)B; or ee Beiniftg ton at Valley Motor Co. 251 LUMiBEB for sale cheap, all sizes suit . able for houses, iiarna or dryers. I'ni.- versity campus (opposite sanatorium. Inquire for William Ndehol. 2-18' FOB SALE-Or take touring car in exchange', almost new Ford sedan with self starter. Salem Velie .com pany, 162 sN. Coin '1. f 248' FOE SALE-H10 acres ibest soil, all un der cultivation, some orchard, stock and implements. 6 miles north, $10, 000. T-44 care Journal. - 208 FOB SALE Furnished 11 room, mod ern bungalow, clear of all incumV ranee. -Will sell for .cash only. Fix 3 care Capital Journal. J53 FOB SALErr-Five ,room iouse, private .water system, 1 acre good land, barn, chicken houses, all kinds of fruit and berries, ; cheap if t.aken: at once. .See O,wnor, 17,00 'Waller street. 48 FOR SALE The , very finest New Zealand rabbits -tjo be liad. Buy . pair , male and. ;f einile ' ready for breeding. Cherry City Babbitry, Sa lem, Or. Phone 1332J. , 253 FOB SAiLRH30 acres on Salinoff river, part under icuttwation, -uour Otis, Oregon easily accessible -to seliooL On proposed Roosevelt nighway. Mrs. Etta Burns, 1125 S. 13th, Salem. 252 FOB SALE-Deliyery wagon for sale, one 2-horse . wagon, extra . wide, roomy body, heavy ' canvas top, alj completely overhauled one light 1 norse grocer wagon, Jiew body and top. Good condition.1 Ward K. Eich ardson, 2395 (Front St. , 249 FOB SALE 4 room bungalow and 8 Jots, containing walnuts, fruit trees and all kinds of-berries, 4 blocks from 8. Commercial street car line. ' Ideal home- for some one, am leav ing. Address 3r -P M care Capital Journal. 248 FOR SALE A harness shop in Salem, Or., good location, good business: must be sold t once on account of death of' proprietor. Terms, cash. For further information phone 76 JF6 or write D. J. Cummins, ,Slem, Rt. 3, box 274. . 248 FOR SALE 100 acres mile east of Waconda, O. E. B., ten nile from Salem, 94 acres in cultivation,: re mainder oak brush. Good buildings, fnmily orchard. JsllO per acre. Ap ply owner on premises, -or write A. Lawson, Gervais, Et. 3, 248 PUBLIC SALE October 23, 1919. Hav ing sold my farm I will sell 8 noises, 3 mules, 12 cows and heifers, 6 hogs, .chickens,' implements and few household goods. J. W. Woodruff; 5 miles north of -Salem ' on bottom road, 249 FOB SALE .Fine 5 room modern bun- galpw with sleeping porch" garage, f ireplacej cement -basement,, well lo cated. 6 room house not modern, 3 fine lots, good location, terms. H. E. Boliuger, 32S Oregon bldg. . FOB SALE A good orchard consist ing of 25 acres, half in Italian primes, 5 acres Lambert and Royal Anne cherries, 1 acres pears, 1 acre apples, 2 - acres -Denver dam, excellent for garden; 8 room house, " barn and other buildings, $450 per acre, terms. Also 10 acre block bcar- ing Italian prunes, no buildings. $450 per acre, terms. Rt. 4, box 101, Sa- "lem. Phone J1F2. 250 Wanted Houses. Some modern bungalows and np to date houses.. If II have, something to sell, let us do it for you. We have pros. pective buyers. We are reliable sales agents that get results. John H. Scott Realty Co., 228: Oregon bldg. - A Snap'. IS acres at Sunnyside, small house and barn, 11 acres cleared, 7 acres of prunes, 3 acres logans; 1 aere family orchard, .strawberries set throughout the entire prune orchard. This is real bargain. $5500. ,. -: ; CLOSE IN ll',2 aeres, 3 acres family orchard, 5 acres oats, 1 acre potatoes, balance stump and timber pasture, easy to clear fair improvements. If- eold soon $3500. John H. Scott Realty Co. 229 Oregon bldg. . . Wanted." - L MARRIRl) bibb wants work on farm. Addiras Ji H cato Jouroiol. , .25. WAXTKU Carpenters on roller skat", ing rinit, east end of State St. Scale. .. ' . 248 WAlXTEO Auto truelt hauling of .all kinds. -Phone. 1608J4 A. H. Bieder man. : - . -248 WANT to (borrpw -$500 goqd real es- te-secury, win pay 1 per ceni. r ,0. .box S33, Salem. 250 WANTED Ford, or other light tow ing ir wanted for ash, ' 1916 or later, in good condition. Vicar Kron, , Bt. -7, box 74. : . . ,. 252 WANTED Experienced farm bund. Steady work by jBonth. 50 vond board Eagle Cress Orchards, 93F23. , ,249 WANTED Girl .or woman for" ihouse work, all or part of the time. . No cooking. ,401 N. itfigh treot. Phone 1627. ' .. . 248 WANTED Wood saw. Frank Day .will run the Sproedg .boys wood saw the rest of the season. Phone mornings and .evenings, 1098 W. .- .249 WANTED .By genUenian, room and two meals per day, in private home bit carline. Phoiie 22 after seven, evening. -- ; - --: . - - - 50 WANT.ED--T0 rent "a -modern fonnga low or cottage. Prefer locayonwith in walking distance of state- house. Reliable party, P houe J.009. . ; 249 WANiTEDTo buy modern ibiuigalow from owner. Prefer locution north of State and close in. Will lay up to :$3500. No rtindown or reliuilt I'op-a erty wanted, i'hone .802, connection No! ,7 office hours. 249 WANTED To rent, .six ' or seven ... room modern houe, close in,.firn isjied or Hnfurnifihed by reliable par ty. No children. Wm. Neimoyer, 44 State St. Phone 167. .... WANTED -r- Ladies ajid gents gar ments to remodel, no alterations too difficult. Mis. C. Ezra Sparks, lady tailor, C. Ezra" Sparks, man tailor. Call room 2, A42 State St. - .. 252 WANTED Hello, Hello! Another new and secondhand fnrniture-store, 415 S. 12th, n Wock from. S. P. de pot. If you have anything to' offer coil for rl. m. tjanon. fiione un. - 260 WANTED TO BUy W.hy lot sthe moths spoil those ,pld clothes, I jmy from $5 to $15 for men and .wonteus suits and from $3 to-$15 for. .oyer coats and ladies coats. J also buy most all kinds of house dpessc's, shoes, men's, women's and children,' if they are any good at all. (Call jne. and if my price doesn't doesn't need not call any more, , and Hand men. The $2 for $1 Store, 279 N. Com. St. Pfcono 675. . .252 Lost And Found, WILL .person fiinding surveyor's steel chaiu return 4o B, Xyle, .engineer, box 90, Jefferson road. . ; 249 FOUNI) Shotgun. Owner may have same by proving property. 175 N. 8? at. St. ... ' ". .249 Automobiles. FOB auto truck hauling, try the Bied ernian transfer stand at Smith's ci gar utore, State and Commercial :St. Pkoae 100. - 252 . Stove Repairing. Stoves rebuilt and repaired. CO-year experience; Depot National and Ameri can fence, sizes 26 to 58 inches high; Paints, oil and -varnish .etc; logan berry and hop hooks. SALEM FENCE AND STOVE WOBKfc 259 Court Street, Phone 124 Why Sell For Less? ' We will pay you more cash for yur household goods. Get our hid before you sell. Peoples Furnir ture and Hardware Store, 71 N. . Commercial Street. Phone 734. , . Federal Farm Loans 5 per cent interest. Prompt service 34'-. years time, Federal farm ' loas bonds for sale. A. C. llohrnateat, 401 Masonic Tempel 'Salem, Oregon. Real Estate Houses! . f , FOR SALE-r-Furnishcd 11 room, mod ern bungalow clear of all incurs brance. Will sell for cash only.- Boi B care Capital Journal. 24) Optometrists. Dr. L. HALL WILSON Spe VU cialist in the Modern Scientif ic Application of Glasses for the aid of. -vision and the relief or uyestrair and Headache. Office closed Sstur days. Office 210-211 U. S. Bank build ing. Phones, office 145: r. JS44., . Wood Saw. :- r PHONE 10P0R. Our prices are right W. M. udler( proprietor, 1255 N. Sumsper treet, halern, Or. ; ; . Used Cars' for Sale. ' TO Oakland owners, we are fully pre pared to take eare of your cars no matter In what shape they are' in and ean guarantee absolute satisfac tion. We tit also prepared to do first class repair work on any make of ears. American Automobile Co., 185- 197 South Commercial St., Salem, Or Phono 399. D. H. MOTHER DOES , HIGH CLASS LADIES m TAH.OEING as .' . Miscellaneous. . LEAVE -your ehildren"With m -while yoa work. 2751 Lurel Avei w." L1BRABIES onght nd sold. rSims, 143 N. Bigh. Pbon 840. .. 266' HAVE buyers for houses and -small tracts. List your property with -. F. L. Wood, iBayne blag. . 251 JR. SOaH 3j. lix"iftni--Osteopathic physician and surgeon, 404 Oregon toldg.- Ees phoiurjSat'S.. Ofiwe phone v 1394. . : aro OWN your own iome nl secure building loan (srhicn yon n pay off like eut, from A. C. Bohrnstcdt, 401 Masonic -Temple. - 248 SPIREjLLA corsets sold by Mrs. Alice A. Miles, 431 N. filst. Measures tak en, lit .guaranteed- Home Thursday aftewoan. Plwne ; 1902J. sat tf BtlUE FOR SEBYfCE-r-Youug Nu bian proven grade sTock, from 9 qt. milking strain,-Servico $5. Call at 1580 N. Capitol St. after 4 p. ni. 250 ALL kintts of wood' given away. Take ' Silverton road up to Walker sohol House, then urn east on McKilluP tobu, wm": . " "U7.S I place. AUTO PAlNTINGrr-We will open for business on and after Oct. 1st ut. 156 8. 12th St, We are in a position to give you good ae.ryice in auto, painting and . laundry. You- patron age will be -appreciated, bll work guaranteed. X3uUe,tt Bros. 10-29 Scavenger, Salem Stvngor-TCftrbage and -refaa of nil kinds removed on monthly con tracts At veasonable rates. Ciw -nnir cleaned. Dead niuials removed. Offics phone Main J.67, , , ' .:,f Farm And Fr.uit Lands --"'. -'f'-JWanted. . If ,vour farm, or is for sale list it flwta ns. -We eett aigniy im prover nronerties (With prunes or W- gaaberres, , Buyers on; waiting list. us for atifitao.tory resuits.-rJou a. Scott Realty Co,, 828 Oregon bldg. " Second Hand Goods. No .-.Cash. .; Rco;uijcd ?lood overcoat shoes and suits, all kinds of musical iustrumeats,. jdiattuns, rifles heating stoves, gas stoves, it" cases and 1900 other, uaolui articles 10 sell or traue What have-yout The Capital Ex change.' 337- Court Syeet. Phone 493 AT . 1-1.1 i' " u ' " Auctiorijefrs; Q. SATTEBLEE Office 124 " South C liberty Street Phone 937,. J211.. Seal Estate and , ".- W. ' F. "WIBHCrT, Turner ..aurtioneer, Why not get him He only charger js percent. . ; . . ; - -Buy Land Now, s I,,will soil and givf iuinicdiato pos session of the followiiift properties: 40 acres 3 miles east ot toalem, an tillable. - iust off paved .road. Price S175. Terms. .137 acres' in Polk county. Salcm-Indo niuidence road. 105 acres cultivated, Vi ver- bottom. ood !buiidiugst stock and equipment goes $135 per acre. 54 area close to Sulcm, 8 room house barn. silo, windmill, hoc house and other out buildings: small fruits, f am ily orchard, black loam;; uiiie off of paved road. $200 per aere. Terms. 25 acres, all in cultivation on Pa Yt of mlle Pm station, way be tween Albany and Jefferson. Bargain at $125 per acre. ; ' s Hawkins & Roberts 205 Oregon Wdg. -. . 249 Some Real Bargains. 24 acres one mile from town with about 8 acres in prune, lOacres in cherries, -some pears and apples, sot farm buildings, near school. Big snap for $5500, half cash. .' . 6 acres just outside city limits near car line, 5 acres in bearing cherries and apples, buildings, well, graveled road. ?3rtuu. Terms. 10 acres bv .Garden road all in high state of cultivation, first dans logan berry land. Price fi.m. terms. " acres 3 miles out in, high, state of cultivation, fine soil and buildings. Snap $1850. 30 acres river bottom : lana, larra buildings, .orchard, near school and B. K, station, www, easy terms. 40 acres close in and in eultLvatioa and best dark loam soil, near school and fine road, $225 per acre. Fine large modern bungalow, close in, fin location, $4000, $500 eah, bal ance $25 per month. 7 room, house good lot, near car line, paved street,' fine bargain for 41600. 'For jthe best bargains and invest ments see Perrine & Marsters 212 Commercial elub bldg WOODS' BARGAINS 5 room :bungalow, basement, good ' plumbing and gas, all ready to move . in, $1650. ' 5 aeres loganberries, good buildings, $3500. ; . 10 acres bearing orchard and logan berries good road. $3000. 5 room Souse, good location, $850, easy terms. Bsyne bldg- , 248 Oleson's 'Auto Exchange 349 N. GOM. - t. U. O. A. BLO Buys sells and exchanges new ears. Universal tractor attachment fits anv car, $273, puns z i-in. piows. 20 used cars for sale or trade:: 3 Fords, $375 to $475 2 1917 Saxson sixes $850 and $750 5 Studebakers $00 to $1300 2 Chevrolets $375 and $625 1 Ford truck, fine condition, $625 Many other good buys. We sell oils, grease, gasoline, used euto arts, tires and aecessories. LODGE SIKEOTQBT jw -CilEMUKETA lodge No. J . eyening ot 7:30 at I. O. O. F. haUi KNIGHTS OF PyTHIAS JJEET AT . MdCornack -hall on every Tuesday t'. Harry Levy) C. C; P. J. Kuntz k. b. s. KOl'AL Neighbors of America, - Ore gon Orape uamp No. 1360 aneeU every Thursday ivening in MilCornack nail. : Elevtor- .service. .Oracle, Jirs. Cat rie E. Buon, GiS Union St.; teordi Mrs. Melissa Persons, 1415 JX. t St. Pfrone. 1436M. ,; .UNITED ART1SAINS Capital Assem bly No. 84 meets every Thursday at 8 ip. in, in Masonio Temple. Glenn C. NUea, M. A.; C A. Vibbert, secre tary, 340 Owens street. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMEBIC . Oregon Cedar Camp No. 5246 meets - every Thursday evening at 8 'cloe in MoCornacfc building, Court -and Liberty streets. W. M. Persons, V. fl. "Frank A. Turner, clerk. : Ruraely .Oil' P,ull str.actors. "11 Plowing, discing and threshing on, their farms near Salem with jtumeiy uu Pull. . '.'t .- Win. H. Trumn, local agent, Salom, 263 N. Commercial. Phone 413. " . Best Buys. . ' 5 room hone on -North Capitol 'St.,; modern; Lot 52x110. $3009, , . 8 roam strictly modem house on 0. Liberty stteet, , .garage A ood buy.; $4200. )':- : ' 5 room wodora iwuse on, South ltr.. street. -Uood fruit, chicken house. ;Lot 51x100. .$1Q0. Good tosms.. ., !5 acres near Aumsville, ' 10 acres prunes, H acres apples, some tunocr. All well fenced. iU00. 2 modern five room cottages tthlvon street, Portland, 1 block from car; $6. SOO. or will trade for Willamette vs.1- iey -oropcrty. '-v. .,' t i.'v . . 10 acres 1 nnle. trom raus yy on eood road. iBottom land, 8 ftcroa culti vated, 2 pasture. Good .5 room house. .tiood ibarn uL out uuupiinss.. opnng end creftk on place and good well. .Near achool. $1450, or will trade for Vty iopcrty. ... C W. Niemeyer Everrthuig in real estate and high dass investments. 215-216 Masonic bldg., Salem. Phones 1000, 1014. .248 Best Buys. 173 acres, 87 cte cleared, balance Ltuuber. 21 crcs prunes, J to 20 years old, good condition; e acres peacftos 8 years old, 12 aeres lagans, 1 acre "family orchard, all the best ,of berry or fruit land, '5 room house, largo barn dryer,, stow house, Jiog nd . .chicken houses, fenced, one half mile of town. IPrice- fr a short time .$180 per ave, . 219 acres, 125 river bottom, balance second foottom,l25 cultivated ,of which 50 is bottom land, all fenced and cross fenced larae barn, fair house, hop house, ,f ally- eguipped on place, fine chance for hop ranch,.. personal prop erty with place 2 horses, ! cows; one heifer. 1 one iinale, 2 brood sows, Jfl shoats. 13 ewes, all hay in barn, f)0' bnsbols wheat, 50 bushel, .oats, 8 .yx corn, .1 Deering fonder, hay rake, 2 plows, 1 3 shovel cultivator, , harrow, disc. 2 buaaios Peering mower, 1 sul ky plow,, wagon, . disc .cutter, lot of small 'tools. This place is worth $125 per acre, 'but owing to iinaneiai conai tions, owner has ag-recd to take $80 per acre cash. .., 247 acres, 157 cultivated, 90 timber, 20 prunes 12 years old, 8 room house, barn, out .buildUigs, new woven wire fence, one mile of school, lMi miles of town; $20,000 terms on part. 20 acres all in cultivation, Vj acres loffiins.' 5 room house, barn, chicken houses, family orchard, best of valley soil, suited to loganDernes, gravel road, personal property ;o go team, cow, ichickens, hog, all tools. $6500; some terms. 22 acres, all sandy loam bottom, 9 cultivated, balance, timber and brush, new 4 room plastered house, barn, oth er out buildings, mostly woven wire fence, I'j utile?' from station, finest of running water. If taken soon, $3000, term 'lf balance 6 per cent five years. 200 acres, 140 cultivated, 3U timoer, 30 slashed, 3 acres family orchard, best soil, 8 room house, large barn, woven wire and ran tence, d- mne rrom goou town, only $12o an acre,, half casn. 178 acres, 145 cleared, 9 apples, jrood condition; . Vfo Royal Anne cherries and acre other cherries, uaiit 10am, slightly rolling, 10 room house, good condition, large barn, plenty of neces sary outbuildings, also tenant house; fairly well .fenced, 1 mile of town; spring and creek water, rock road, $150 per acre $6000 cash, balance 6 per cent. ; 5 -acres good loganberry land,-all in cultivation, closo to'paved road, $1200 J2 acres all in cultivation, acre family orchard bearing, good condition best valley loam, 5 miles from center of Salem, 6 room house, barn, other outbuildings, well fenced, . , close to school, personal property horse, 2 cows, feed on place, chickens, separa tor, -wagon, linen, buggy,, all hatRs. 2 cultivators,.;! plows, narrow, uu tools,; $5500; half eah, balance 6 per cent. . . HV, acres all in cultivation, good lo ganberry land, on paved, road, mile from city. $2100. 23 acres, mostly all bottom land, 20 cultivated 8 timber, 8 room bouse, barn, paved road, l'j miles from town all the best berry laud, only $1400, terms en $2000. 30 acres, all in cultivation, all woy- en wire fence, mom fenced, good barn, 2 roads, 3-4 mile of town. For a short time. 23SO. : . Have several eastefn jOregon farms J to .exchange for Jaalcni business or res idence property. , . 20 aerfs, lots of piling and tie tim ber." Vt mile from town, 3 4 mile of paved -road, will exchange for Salem residence t gooa vacant jot. ?i.". For best buys and exchanges, see ; Socolof sky. 341 State street Look at This. 5 room well located, modem bunga- om with una furniture. 20O(). torm.. ;. ; Socolof sky 341 State St. tf Water Company. SALEM WATER -OOMPAIO; Offic corner Commercial nd Trade streets Bills payable monthly in advance. Phone 606. We Want. : ; :1 Tour used 4urnituxe, - staves, ; carpets and tools, as we pay fii prices tor everything. .Call 64.?. CAPITAL HABDWARE FUKNI TUBE CO. . , . , 85 North .Commetcial 8t. Money To Loan. On good roal estate security THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd t Bush Bank; Salem, Ore. " Everything Electrical. SALEM Electric Co., Masonio Temple, 127 North High. Phone Main 1209.. Houses 4 U 2 Buy. A rooms. dit.riAtlv modern.' bent loca- tion- in city, close in on improved strec-t, fine'lot, mixed family fruit and nice shrubbery. 4309, 130 cash, bal- ance lone time. - - 8 rooms, fine, niouern House, io 60x175, nuts and all kinds of fruit, Un- proved streets. $4(100, one half cash 6 rooms, modern., a lots. 18-60 . ft Chureh 8t. $2300.' ; , ! 0 room cottage, modern, large lot, fruit and iborries,'jooa location. $22oU, $.1000 cash, balance to uit. .4 room .modern, full se- pient, largo lot,' fruit, large chicken house. "It 's ajvop. 1400, one half eash We have many others, See us first. Johh H. Scott Realty Cof ,1 228 Oregon bldg."- , Grain: Wheat, soft white- No. 1 $2; feed oats 80c; milling oats 80c; hay. cheat, new $17; hay, oats,, pew $18 20; mm run $4344. ,,;;, Butterfat: Butterfut,.-69c; cream ery butter, 67C8c. . , ,s - Pork, weal and mutton 1 J'orK on foot Umitte; .vonl fancy "c; teen ,78c cows .57Mie; spring lambs 10c; ewes 45c; sheep, yearlings, c. . Jiiggs mi poultry: ggs casn cue; hens live 22,28c; ld roosters 15 ibc; springs aac. Vegotbles:: Onions, ' per eack $3; colory do. )90c tomatoes 0e; potatoes 3c; sweit potatoes 6c. '. 1 -Fruity Oranges $7(&T.50; lemons' $9 bananas 10c; honey" extracted . 20c: bunch beets 45c 1 cabbage 2'c; head lettuce- -60c; .carrots 5c; grapes, .M- Ificnu 10i! rrrnnnn. Tokn.VB 9e. RaHOl prices: Eggs bea fio70s; creamery butter 75e; country butter 67c; flour, hard wheat .$3.103.25 POBTLAMO makketh Portland, Or., Oct. 20. Butter, city creamery 6667c; Eggs eleeted local ex 6270c; hens 2628c; brtfilors 22 (Si27.c; gese 15c: cheeaeSSSoc, live Stock Cattle: ' Receipts E300; tone of mar kot steady: good to choice atoers $9.00 $9.50; fair to medium ateora $7.00 8.00; common to fair steers, $o.506.&0 ; choice to good cows and heifers $6.50 7.50; canncrs $34: bolls $56.50; ci ve fI4. H-;, .Receipts 800; tone of . market. hither; v'-ime mixed $14.5015.00; me- dium mixed iJ14.2514.75; rough heavies $'; pjgs$t.ta;'i4. Sheept Receipts ISO; tone of markat steady; print lambs $11.5012.00; fair to medium lambs $10.00cW11.00; year- lings $S.00(ff 9.00 ;( wethers $7.598.50; ewes, $5.QO7.00. folk County Pioneer And . ' Native Dies At Tillamook Dullas, Or., Oct. 20. Mrs. Lueinda Eleaiior Lucas, daughter of Judge S. T. Burch of Bickrenll, tried Thursday t.Rll. , arrived at Booscvelt rield. tho Tillamook city hospital xt the ago j Min(,omi at 10:30 a. m. today. Ho was of 57 years. . . 'the second aviator to comiileto the en- Mm. Lucas was born in Polk county, 1 (luranee fj; ,lt from MiBeo!ll to Sa Or. November 1,1861. Hhe wa ' married .Kranciw!0 and rcturn, Licutensint B. W. to Tha.Ulcus Lucas, October 10, 1880, Mayna,d having rrived hore Saturday and to this union six children were bom, ft- namely, Leslie Oren and Ralph Lucas, Mrs. Kami, Diehl, Mrs. Marv Mupes and I H0LDTJJp bluFFED; MONEY SAVE Mrs. Verena Ward, all of whom now five . ' in TiUa.nook county. gpokaue, - Wash., Oct. 20.-When Mrs. Lucas . survived by her kus-l vnXA iuto tll8 of band s.x chHdren and five grandchil- ' here last night sh. dren, a father, four sisters aul t, ca8h Wi, five brothers liv'ing. locked. ' Worse "And it's no me breaking it upea," Ladv-IIcre, mv roor fellow, is a,she said. "Thit's nothing in t." Muurter for you. It must be dreadful io I Bluffed, the h.Hdup left. The register he lame, but I think -it must be worsa .contained about $100. . t0TramJ'''It is, mum. When I was' Albany to Portlaud vit the Paeifi blind thev was always handing mo coun- , highway will be possi e by tlu' end oC terlcH diivrtera." Tho American Le- this week, according to Engineer Uu gion Weekly. . (field. in charge of the work. , WE LOAN MONEY FOR FIVE YEARS. WE AL IjOW YOU TO PAY $100.00 OR MULTIPLE ON THE PRINCIPAL ON ANY INTEREST DATE. ' WE CLOSE OUR LOANS PROMPTLY. . HAWKINS & ROBERTS 205 Oregsa Edldbg !PilfF rFF?FQ 1( I ,4 111 ill 111 lAlVJ i' - V..W 1 y fROIHMMIT ! "Washington, Oct. ?0.--Se(retjr ft War Baker today .refused a jrequeet oi Mayor JIvlan ,of New Xork to with draw troops jfrooi the waterftont, ect there to replace .striking Jongshocemesi so that Army transports way lie unloboV ed. i-New Jt'ork, Oot. -20.- ( United Press.) Announced determination of ship-pins; interests to operate steamship lines to day whether union longshoremen jretura to work fix ivot and arrival here .of 500 men of the Twelfth infantry on tths George Washington, to aid iu -moving; congested -transport cargoes, indicated crisis in the -work workers-' stiike. Meanwhile, Mayor Hylan, who yester day met with John H. liiley, chairmaa of the strikers' committee; Immigration Commissioner Hughes of Philndolidue and fifty heads of local longshoremen 'f , unions in an effort to .effect a et.tle- "M,nl - announced lunoer maoougs wwa nel today. -"ltr eunu-renocs yesieiuiv, uw mj telegraphed Secretary Baker tequeat- ; me soiuiers uut sere wuiuia n u used in place of tie longahoremon t further efforts at conciliation had bec inaae. . Jjyian ua lie fieuevctt a sotue- . ..wept was m sight today. OVER ESTACADA TETJl -Salem high defeated Estacada high . 40 to 12 op the Willamette field Satur day afternon in an irregular dmon stration of football. Both teams vera very week on defense the possessor f the ball making yardage at apparent will (throughout the contest. Both elev ens plunged the line at will and mads ' i gyardage around the putts, -ana tn local team, -used the yss to goea a- . vantage. The EsiUcada, boys were ut weiifhed ten pounds .to the man., 1UK back Gene Gill was the big factor i most of the a.-tion of the contest. Be ' was Halem's big man on defense and carried the .ball more than any mast on cither team. Estacada started the game with ap parent non-stop drive, carrying h pigskin, down the field to ftalem's p5 yard line, where they stowed siwy place kick.. From then on to the end of the game their attack was iw ular,' and they seemed unable to imtk up their good tea rework -with fight. The visitors .did not eeore again until the third period, when they -made their only touchdown but failed to kiuk f,ui. The Halem lads played .the last .quar ter ad most of the .third with second string men in line positions. . Salem high wil probably iourney t Vancouver, Wash,, next Saturday aid dash with .one of the military teams. -. ML4TE,e5 dies su:;day i;;g!1t William Fugate, 68 years old, a rcsi Aeni of .hiu-.iv for mnv vears. Dfm'd at bin home. 1187 South UutV un,v nliht. Heart faihirn was stt,ja to i the .cause of death. The body lWIs removed to Radon's undertnkine ',mon. " -jq, w,dow, Mrs. Edith M. Fugate, and tnre aaughters, Mrs. A. Tyner Woolpcrt, Seim; Mrs. P; A. Fugate, Aberdeen, Idaho, and Miss Grace Fugate, survive Mr. Fngate. Funeral arrangements have eot yet been made. DONALDSON SECOND W. Vnrlt On 8fl Clll)tllin J. O- n Mon -iintinir c sinirlo senter 8.H I ,.