Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 20, 1919, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    - THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. Mondav, October 20. 1919.
All Around Town
Hawaiian tonight at the Oregon "
Suit to collect a promissory note, and
for a iudsrment of $500. and attorney
Dance new Auburn hall Tues. night. ! fees of $50, was filed in the county
4 piece orchestra. 249 clerk's office Saturday by O. C Wolfe
against Wattmrand Blanche Gaines.
Bead page 151 Inst, week's Saturday
Evening Post. ' 251
L. H. Cbmpton, state parole officer,
is in Portland on official business to
day. .
Will T. Kirk, industrial accident
commissioner, was in Portland. Mon
day, on offioial business. ,
Hawaiians tonight at the Oregon
D. A. Laffoon of Mills City, was in
the eity Sunday visiting; with friends
and business acquaintances.
Mis Hose Hurst of Las Angeles is
visiting in Salem as. the guest ef Mrs.
Emma Hurst. -
Leather belting. P. E. Shafer,. har
ness and saddlery. 170 S. Commercial.
Born Oct. 18, to Mr. and Mrs, Al
fred Meyers of Pratum, a son. Ha has
been named Ervin Williams,
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Beckett are the
guesta for a few weeks of 1 tho form
er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Beak
ett. '.
. C. K Wilson, until recently a mem-
oer or tlie capital Journal s reportor
ial staff, has accepted the city editor
ship of the Eugene Daily- Guard, and
commenced his work there this- morning.
En route from his home in Dallas to
the Pajeifio Dental college where he is
taking a 'course in pharmacy, Fred
Gooch, sergeant in Company h and vet
eran of the world war, was in Salem
for a few hours today.
See Diamond T Farm special at Ma
rion garage, 256
Miss Clara Albert waa a week end
visitor in Portland as the guest of rel
atives. '
Mr. . and Mrs. : John MsCollongh of
Portland, chose Salem as an agreeable
town in. which, to. spend- a pleasant
week end and registered at the Marion
hotel Sunday morning. ....."..'
Hawaiians tonight at the Oregon
Claiming- no- common- characteristics
with the Shakespearean gentleman, of1
the same- name, &. a. Benedict of fort-
land,, was a Salem visitor yesterday.
Miss- Anna Forres has aoocptad a
position aa stenographer with J. M.
Devcrs, attorney for the state highway
commission.' .
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Adams ot Silver-
ton, were in the citw for- a brief visit
today. Mr. Adams is prominent mer
chant f Silverton and Mrs. Adorns, is
an instructor in the school in that city.
A marriage license was issued Satur
day to Stephen It. McKeynolds, 2, of
Dallas, and Miss. Dsiay Dell Tuel, 18,
rial era.
Norma NVTerwilligerdicensed lady em
balmer with Terwilliger Funeral Home,
7T0 Chemeketa St. Phone 724.
Dr. F. U. Thompson returned Sunday
from Astoria where he had been on bus
incss for the state industrial accident
Dr.. William House of Portland, was
an over Sunday guest of Ir. h. F. Grif
fith, superintendent of the state hos
pital for tho insane. t
J. A. Churchill, state superintendent
of instruction left Sunday for Wallowa
to attend the session of the Wallowa
county teachers institute.
Ia tout, man a ardent as he was
during! the happy days of youthful
enurtshio or is he ' SterPine outT"
Hawaiian tonight at the Oregon
Mildred1 B. Brooks, county recorder,
Tfttnrned to work at her office Satur
day after a three week 's outing in Cal-l
ifornia. sue visitea rrienas at onu
1 Franaisca.
Owing to alterations being made at
Kurtz packing plant, for comfort of
women workers, will not resume- oper
ations until Wednesday, will then have
work for seventy five women. 248
T. A. Albert, 864 Mill street spent
Sunday in Portland as the guest ef
his two sons. He reports the highway
in comparatively good condition.' ex
cept for a short stretch near Aurora
where a dotour was necessary..
Viavi The old original home reme
dy, for men, women and children. Mrs.
Foar, dealer. Hotel Marion.. 248
E. E. BUnehard of Grants Pass, at
torney for the state land board in
Douglas county, dropped in on G. G.
ilrown, secretary or the Board, .Mon
day, on his way home after a visit
with, relatives in Ohio and Chicago.
Archio Montis, a vonth who several
dnys ago ran away from Portland,
was round in this city iatet. ounaay
night by Officer Ganiard. Tho lad had
several dollars, so he was placed aboard
a train going to Portland, and. return
ed to his home. ' " .
Mr. and Mrs. John Dawson of Port
land were guests at the- A-rso hotel
yesterday. Mr. Dawson is a. Christian
Scientist .reader and makes- a- trip to
the capital, city every month..
Business interests were the chief Sa
lem attractions for Mr. and Mrs.. W. A.
Wilsons today. They are koenly inter
ested in. tha- present hop market and
have a number of business deals ma
turing in this part of the valley. While
here they were guests at the Argo.
visiting with friends and business ac
quaintances. ;
Aoconioanyimr Dr. Landrithi who is
ia the city lecturing before enthusias
tic audiences, It B. Mignerey ia pass
ing a few days in the capital city, Mr.
Migneiey writes Westervuie, Uliio, af
ter his name in a characteristic "buck-
eve" scrawt oil tha registers of the
hotels he happens to- visit in the course
of his travals. The book, at the Maraon
was flaunting it yesterday.
The municipal labor bureau Monday
mornang placed rour new comers in
jobsn Salem. Two men were given po
sitions at the Hunt: -.Brothers racking
company plan V and two. were employ
ed! at the Pearcy brothers plants. The
men, who came to this city from Port
land and Seattle,, said that due to
stirikes in those cities laborers are vir
tually forced to- flight f or positions.
'. A 15. cent rise per sack in flour in
Salem is predicted within the next few
days. With the announcement in Port
land that flour raises 60 cents a barrel
today, a rise of at least lo cents a
sack here in a few days lis held inev
itable y local dealers. This will make
three rises in the price of flour in
this city during the past three weeks.
The offer of dealers of from 30 to 40
per cent above the government regulat
ed prices as held the cause or the- re
tail boost.
Dr. Cholmer Lee George, dentist, 313-
314 Masonic bldg. Phone 181. , 252
Mts. J. S. Taylor of Shearers Bridge,
Ore., was spending Saturday visiting at
the home- of her daughter, jars. v. A.
Lewis, 22 North 15thi street Mrs. Tayr
lor went from, here to Eugene, where
she will visit a son, then she intends
to return to. Salem and. spend a lengthy
visit here.
T. A. Elliott, state forester,, loft
Monday morning for Klamath (Falls
whnr ha, is. attending, the sessions, of
the fire patrol associations of Klamath
and Lake counties.
The theft of an auto, bearing Ore
gon license 16027, from Corvallie- late
Saturday night, was reported to local
authorities -early eunoay morning, my
Sheriff Gellatly of Benton county., Po
lice here were- on thet lookout for the
missing car- Monday. . ,
Dn. Si C. Stone will ibe- found- at Ty
ler 's Drug Store, 157 South Commer
cial street. -
Lured by. the open hunting season,
J. C", Steward, of the Steward Food
Products company, and J. H. Lauter
man, real e&tate dealer and proprietor
of the Argo hotel; spent several days
of the past week hunting tor tug and
little game.
CITY 123456.... 6....6........
Manimee licenses were issued Mon
day- to Henry E. StaffordV 2, Uervais,
and Violet I,eltonr'Z3, Gerwus; JSibert
F. Golden, 43, Mill dbv an Ada Lil
lian, 22, Miff City; Danall. Lse How-
ton. 20, 425 S. Winter street, eSty and
Sarah Boss, 191, Salem
' Dr; Carl G. Doney returned Satur
dav ovenins from a two days' visit
at Big Gap ranch, near Fife, where he
called on Bill Brown a trustee of Wil
lamette and a big sheep and stock
owner of central Oregon. To reach the
ranch. Mr. Doney took a 120 mile stage
trip from Bond. While on the ranch he
fared much as a soldier both as to ra
tions and Quarters. Brown has 15,000
sheep and 7000 horses, and a lorce or
thirty men under hum. iresident uoney
said that it was much like a trip to
the trenches- an he was glad to come
back to civilization again.
EmH Eckerlk ML Angel
Resident, Dies Here Sunday
Emit Eckerlin, 75,' a resident of Mt.
AngeL. died Sunday evening at. the Sa
lem hospital, following a- short illness
there. , Tho- body was taken in charge
by Webb &. dough, undertakers and
will be shipped to relatives in Mt. Angel
this- evoninjp. So. far as known, Mr.
Eckerlin has na relatives in this city.
Coming to Salem yesterday on im.
portant legal business, connected with
IT land case, P. W. GookAnghemy proms
inent Portland attorney, is a guest at
the Marion hotel. .
Th. W. C. T., U- will hold their
ilnr monthlw ilver tea. at their hall
on the corner of Ferry and Commercial
streets. Tuesday afternoon. There will
be a program at 2:30.
Owins to alterations feeing made at
Kurta inaekincF plant, for comfort of
women workers will not resume oper
ations until Wednesday, will then have
work for seventy five women. 248
Hawaiian tonight at the Oregon.
Mr. and Mts. Iu D. Simmons of North
Church street, 'ware guests at the home
of the former's sister and brothar-ini-law,,
Mr. and! Mrs. A. F. Janz, of Sil
verton, yesterday.
Mia Victoria. Goodin of New' York
city is registered at the Marion hotel.
Miss Goodin represents a, large eusterii
firm and ia here- on business connected
with: the establishment. .
,C. A. Rrown and J. H. Morenn of
Huron, Kansas; are visiting with Mr.
Morgan's son, Thos. Morgan, here tot,
a few days; They wilt return to Kan
sas toy way of California.
Mrs. William 3, Busiclt will enter
tain the members of the- Amicus- club
Thursday afternoon at he home, 174
Woutt Osttage street. This is the firat
meeting of the club this season.
Owincr alterations beinsr made at
1 Knrta nackine mlant, for comfort. e
women workers, will not resume oper
atiniM lui-til Wednesday, will then have
rlr u amrantv five women. 248
Mir and Mts. C. B. Harper of 1825
Fairmount street, are the proud parent-,
of a baibv daughter. The little
lady made her appearance Saturday a
the Salem hospital end aa yot can
Do ast of no ven name Iby which, to
be introduced to admiring; friends.
Mrs. 6mee E. Hall, whose poetry is
a daiivr feature oe tn mtraiia ure-
iroman. mm. in ajem. lose wees: as tne
truest of her father, D. f. Adams wno
resides on the Wallace road. .While here
Mrs. HalL wasi the gjiest of hononafc a
reception, given, by- her fa'ther's-niece
.Mrs. m.Jr. Adams.
Th: meeting ot the" BusSnes Ifcn'S
league will b held at th txmanevcial
club-at eight o'clock WeAwsdajf night.
Many matters of interest avsxenedui-
edi for discussion. The natnittea mak
ing- a housing surrey prehwbly will
make its report at this meeting.
The seal on a freight car, stan
at Front and State streets, was found.
broken Sunday night ftjr Officer Via.
tor and White, and $400 wortit of
flour removed. Whether thieve took
the flour, or whether- the earelBssness.
of owners is responsible for leaving;
the car unlocked, was not known, to -po
lice Monday. No flour had 'been, re
ported stolen. ' -
Six room bungalow, modern eicept
basement, full lot. 1538 Satnnaw. ffii,
730: haJf cash, balance 6" per cent. See
owners there.
Under direction of Street Commis
sioner Low, a crew of 12 men are "busy
in tho icity repairing! ctobs. walks: and
streets. With the cessation of active
street improvement work early in the
fall, the street commission takes up
the work of repairing.
Police were acting upon suapueiomv
of C. M. Pickens-,. 1693 Nortm Fourth
street. Monday in the search; fon- the
persons who late Sunday night, "broke
into his warehouse neam- rlajrhiand sta
tion,, and stole- 28' sacks, of wheat. Ac
cording to Slt. Pickens there- were
sacks, of wheat stored! there. Ease with
which entrance apparently wa, gain
ed to the warehouse directs, suspicion
to 'business associates, Mr., iriwkans
told police.
Portland, Or. Balph Hughes was on
his; wy tin hia sweetheart with a box
of candy whan, arrested for forgery.
But the airl (tot the candy. Hughes per
suaded the- top to. deliver it.
Cbntemplating the construction of a
new ibuilding soon, the Salvation army
has-ought tie (building, next to Di A.
White and Sons, from J. Bernardi and
George Dunsford, and plans to raze
the present structure are ibeing consid
ered. Consideration in the deal which
was recorded Saturday, was ?ouv. -
Wanted $1400 loan on modern city
property value $3000. See Wm. Fleming
341 State street.
IT. H. Oorey, public service commis
sioner made a tour of inspection of the
fencing along- the- line of the Valley
and Silatz railroad in Polk and Benton
counties; Friday in response to. a. for
mal complaint filed with tie eommis
sioai alleging- that the- road failed to
maintain adequate fencing along its
right off wajrt. -
Owing- to- alterations being made at
Kurtz packing plant, for comfort of
.woman workers, will not resuma- oper
ations until Wednesday,, will then, have
work for seventy 'five women. 24H'
Special meeting, ef Multao
mm.1t cheater- iNo. I. & A.. X.
tho evening. Warw ia h B.
A. degree. A full attendance
is requested by order of the
H. V. P. Visiting pompanions
welcome. j
1916 Chalmers,, first, class, median-
ticat CO R41i VI u u, rim i.j " ugu, n- -er,
all leather upholstered, $850.
Oscar li. tiingricn Motor
& Tire Co.
371 Com street; Bhena 635
i f
' IN
A WOffltAK"
Remnant Store
254 North Commercial
Mrs LLillian Jeffrie Petri, noted
Portland pianist will be in Salem every
Monday to give piano lessons.. Mrs.
Petri has appeared in concert all over
the continent and has been received
both in Europe and the states as a mu
sician of .rare ability. She won a great
deal of favor with- Salem audiences
during her appearance at the state fair
this year.
All persons expecting- to enter the
French classes that open- at the public
.library tonigfit are requested to too- in
the educational: room at 7 o 'clock. The
course of conversational French will
continue until .the middle of February
with Professor Ebsens a instructor.
The text books- are- on- rale- ail the lo
cal book stores.
Miss Laurel Janz, who is- employed
in the Salem school book store,, tempo
rarily located in th Ibmldiirp ndjour
ing the Argo hotel and wtlicb ha been,
leased by the Steward; Food: Products
company,, waa a week end visitor at
the home of her parents,, Mr, and Mxa.
A. T. Janz; of Silverton.
i K L. Buchanan is agent in Marion
and Polk counties for the National' life
Insurance Co., TJ. S. A. See him for a
full return premium poller- on your
life, it's the only kind. Phone 1332.1
for interview, " - 2fl7
A request from the Oklahoma. Thresh
crs association for Quotations of pne-
les m car load lots of Kaffir corn and
Milo Maize was received Monday by
the Commercial club. Manager T. E.
MoCroskey, of the club, said that he
would put. any one having thesa pro-
dusts, for sale in touch with the Okla
homa, house, if they will write or ap-t-1
at the Commercial club.
For this-week's special.
They're made from all
heavy wool goods of the
latest, weaves and de
signs. Buy now It's
going' to be colder.
bed Sacks and Rags
of all kinds top prices
Auto wrecking, a,
made for
this, store
Tomorrow s
Economy Square
Need Some New Blankets?
Were ready with the finest colltttion ol blankets ever broughtto lowii (
They aie-the famoui Beacon BlankeU the cotton kind that look and ltd like wool
We've heai i ao many nicei ihinga id iW them in pteiou yean that we haw bought a
Mill greater variety in all litea and wdnhu, ungle and pain. The) ce:. ;nlyare ttmnry eay
to wash colon are (ait See them brlote buying elsewhere i
Ironclad CcHcn Rib
bed Hose
One of the strongest
numbers in our reg
ular stock
Tomorrow Only
The most dependable line of Underwear Made
This is the underwear the United States government ad
opted for the army during the late war.
Special Delineator Offer
The Butterick Publishing Company is giving a SPECIAL RATE on the
- most AUTHENTIC STYLE and HOME MAGAZINE Pushed-- The De m
eator". We have a Butterick representative withtus who will book yonrmo
sSiption at .-the Special Price. Call on her at the Pattern Counter and take
advantage of this offer. ..
Wbo Always Dew Better By Yoa
Steward Ccoet Contracts
Tfco Steward FoodaProdnota eompany
that recantlv came to Salem and ia- now
a-waitinir the. arrival of. maehinerj! lor
the new plant a Chemeketa. and torn.
nuaitSttl street, Saturday entered into
contract with C. Pettmirill and A.
iB aale axents, for the entire output
nfr th ;iew ulant, M. Btewari presi-
donfc ot the company, gaid that this
will, man a avail f, in 11 V. rAC.mntjI. of OlHlUUB
imately $30,000 monthly tot th pra
j Thn increasing demand for th bbv.K
Iprodtiota mada, by . the., Stewatd- V&
ProducU. toapany,. at its piania m
coma,, will explain, why the output, w
the proposed plant here, has beeni s
rflnrlfl'ir ffOiit.ra'.td for.
. Dont forget the number
Having sold our interest in the So
ciety Cleaners, 544-550 and 1272 State
St. wa will not be responsible for any
tolls contracted by same after this
data. Oct 16th, 1919. Mra, Beatrix Oo
lert, A. A. Cohert. . 8
853 North High, fitreet
340 Court 8reet
Once upon a time he reeiotered from
Caaeview and ropreeented Lake coun
ty in the state senate. He also bore the
offuuoua title, of president 1 of that
body. Now W. lair Thompson merely
inscribes -Portland' after his signa
ture on the hotel register when he vis
its, as- he did yesterday, in the capital
city. While here Mr. Thompson, who
is now a prominent attorney in the
metropolis, was domiciled at tho Ma
rion. -
The Salem Kings Products company
is known all over tha western hemis
phere, at least all over that part of
the western hemisphere where the Sat
urday Eremntc P read. As the
publieKtion claims an authentic circu
lation off some odd million weekly, it
is obvious- that the company's circle
of friends is wide- and variegated. Ma
son Witteobnrg, wha is responsible in
a great measure for tha success of the
firm, was in Salem yesterday looking
after soma commercial interest and.
For the Tailoring of
Men's wear are steadily
mounting upwards and
it is time for you to
make your choice.
Woolen Mills
426 State Street
An EMnonucalDelightful, Light Place: to Trade '
, . t
Dependable Footwcair
for WOMEn and MISSES
One way to be sure that you'll get dependable t
shoes for your money is to purchase them here..
For STYLE, QUALITY and VALUE our branda
are without an equal. You can be positive that
the styles we show are best and that our prices
. are the fairest such good footwear can be sold
for. Our Fall and Winter stoek was purchased
some time ago when, wholesale prices were much
lower and we are selling; these shoes for nearly
what they would cost us today.
A Beaver Grey and Wark Grey Kid in Cov
ered Heels and Turn Soles. A fine shoe for the
particular dresser. Priced at r-$l5
I Some very Dressy Styles in thenew colors, Gold-
t en Brown in both French and Military Heels.
Priced at $11.50 to $12.50
Also Greys in French and Military Heels.
Prices. $11.50 to $12.50
Black Kids, Military Heels.
Prices from $6.50 tot $12.50.
f Brown Calf, Military Heel,, a fine shoe for any
occasion, $11.00.
t For the School Girl Shoes that wear and are
. Serviceable Brown Calf, Elk Skin
Priced $7.50, $7.75, $9.50
Ladies' Store
State Street
Brown Kid, French Heel
Black Kid, French Heel X
$. 0 10 iZ.OU
Men's Store X
416 I
State Street ?
Salem's Exceptional Store