Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 20, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    THE DAILY CAPITA! JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. Monday, October 20, 1919.
Th approach of winter and the long
er and darker 'wights sow t 'hnd, i
attracting attention to the street lights
ierc. ' " -
The arty onaeiI is eonsi tiering enter
ing into a new contract with the F. B.
L t f, company and several of the
eouncilraen are trying to take action
that will insure that Q of the lights
burn as regularly as possible,
In a recent conference between the
council and X. Hamilton, divi.
m m picm
. Suleta eopl win be given an appor
i -nw Mm new Thos. H. Inee
l UIll . .T tV
.;., nroduotion on fire pre
WWH. I' " I ,,
vention next Wednesday when the film
win fee shown at a local picture l"ue
under the auapices of the state fire mar
shal's office. This is a part of a state
wide daioaal -campaign now under
way in an effort to reduce fire hazards
in Oregon to a minimum,
Tn.Oii.loA in the nartv whieii W con
ducting the eampalirn are Horaee Cykes
of the Oregon fire marshal's office; Jay
Stevens sad J. H. Bhively of the fire
prevention buroau of the Pacific coast.
ned will be a big banquet for the men
and a dance afterwards at he armory.
t" 1
anageraf the company, ha stated that Stevens was formerly city fire marshal IL-rj7e0 -ta.t5.:u
it mi his idea that if the public will at Portland where he made for himself T - ; ' ""B
M4nit with Mmnuf hv nnttfv- '-.(irl. rimiitfttion DV TOQUCing w I "'""
Jnfg the latter promptly of ail lamps fire hazards in that ctiy to a miuimiuu
that do not burn, that it will be possible and Shively was formerly state insu:
to maintain rood street lishtms service. ic enmmiaaioner for Washington.
He explained that the company was The program for Salem will include
desirous of having as few lamps out as lectures in several of the public school
possible, us each lamp that fails to burn during the day. These lectures win do
is a reflection on the character of the
service furnished by the company, but
that it would .add 10 per eent to the
cost of the service to the city if the
company was to employ a man to drive ,
over the eight or nine miles of streets
each night to learn which lights wen
out. The public can therefore, save them
selves this additional expense and ob
tain equally Rood service If they will
comply with Mr,,. Hamilton's suggestion
and notify the company at phono 55 of
lamps that do not burn.
If by any thanoe no response is re
ceived when telephone 55 is called, Mr.
Hamilton suid he would appreciate be
ing called personally at phono 84 and
advised of any street lights that are out
that has not been attended.
The company's employees have boen
instructed to got the names and ad
dresses of persons reporting street lights
that are cut. so "follow-up cards" muy
be mailed to such persons after thj
lamps have been, fixed asking if they
have "bet a attended to eatisfactorily.
.: .: ' -r " "
"Bidja" -ever seen a Van;
, that weighed nine poundst
Well, thera is such a thing.
There 'a one over at the post-
office, subjected to the wondering
Ke of all the employes there.
. Its grower, a modest gentle-
man, who blushes when he
thinks of publicity, and asked
that lis name not be mentioned,
calls it a Guinea Bean,
. He sto's that they art sup-
posed to grow to a length of
about four feet and some of the
best specimens, he soys, will
weijzh 23 pounds. '
It appearance, It resembles a
gourd. ,
" m ''' " '
ihiarntil with sterconticon views. At
niriit the big fire prevention film will
be shown at a local theatre, there being
no charge made for admittance.
From Salem tho party will go to Al
bany on Wednesday, then to McMinn-
ville, Kugone, Boseburg, Urants rass,
Mcflford and Ashland where the pres
cnt sa-mpa'ign will end on October 31.
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Tlrilltti.. Or.. Oct. 18. The 11th of No
vernber, or Armistice day as H is to be
known hereafter. oronrises to be the big.
gest day in the history of Dallas if the
Diana of the amusement committee of
the Dallas Commercial club and the Carl
B. ronton post of the American Legion
are carried ont.
Tt. t. !. ulan of the committees
make this day one of noise and oelebra
tion equal to the Fourth of July and
ifV. in view th American Legion
j proposes to ask the merchants of the
I citv tn close theSr places of business at
least one-half of the day of November
11 and to also have the schools dismissed
so that oil enn join in the celebration.
The committees from the club end the
I Legion are being ably supported in the
movement by the Indies of Company I.
auxiliary. '
S mantim nf thfl lotal OOSt of t'-
Legion has been called for the 24th Inst
at which time the plans for the celebra
tion will be completed. A call has been
issued from the pout asWng all ex-service
men in tho eounty from all branches
f the service during the late war to be
the guests of Dallas on the date of No
vember 11th.
Among the entertainments so far plnn-
Seven Big Specials
Dress Goods Suitings
Woman's Reward For Her
Everlasting Vig3ance
Fairies like these are seldom found on bargain tab
lea now-a-days. All wdol Serges, for instance, with
the good old time quality in them that makes one
forget there ever was a war and high prices. If you
don t need them yourself, buy a dress for mother or
some one you can't afford to pass them up.
At Yard 50c:
Several pieces of 36 inch heavy cotton
Checks will Plaids, also one piece of nil
Wool, black dress goods.
- At Yard65c:
Four pieces of 33-inch high finish cotton .
a Gabardine in plain colors of brown, ,
;.. . green, gray on d wine.'
At Yard-75c:
A good collection consisting of mixed
tlrunites and Mohairs nlain and stripes
; several pieces of nil wool serges in
brown, red and black, all 36 inches
wide. There la H a 4-'iui'h black
J " Mohair that sold regularly at $1.43 a
, yard and an all-wool black crepo of fl.23
value, all .. 73o
At Yard $1.25:
Two piece of 40 and 42-ineh Hack
Crispiue Suiting of excellent quality.
At Yard $1.45:
' " All wool black Eugiisb Serges, CO inches
; j " ; wide, oil-wool blank coating serge St
i Siiches wide, ulso one piece in Mahoganv
aliatlo 48 inches wide. " ,
'Xy '': .1';';. ' At Yard $1.85: ;
Two pieces CG iuehes iu ull wool black ,
and white check Vtlour. , A 34 inch all
wU extra heavy bladk cuatiug serg--V
... . Bd a Jilinch. black Kuitiiig 8rge that:
. could not be duplicated iu colors nt.
nearly double this nrlce. Also a 4a-inch
black serge with white auirllne.
At Yard-$2.63: ;
Two pieseg of K im-h
01 8uitiss, a 54 isch olive drab herring
'"" Md a Oti-Hnch brown Hence Uniting,
nmkc up this lot of hi"h class fabric.
See Our Coating Plushes
T wish to state that I am new la
cated in Portland with oflieea
at 414 Failing Building. My new
offices are fully squipyoA wifh
all modern appiiuncss foi the
scientific fitting tl gUtte and .
correction of eye troubles. Sa
lem people are aauiauy invited
to call on ma when la Pertiamd.
"It's Granlest On
t. Earth," She Says
Mm &aiew Oaina
That'. Dr. King' New Dis
covery for fifty -jremr
w fc cold-breaker" .
NOTHINa but sustained QtiaHty
and unfailing effectiveness eaa
jiroune such enthuiiiasin. Noth
ing but sure relief from stubborn
old oolds and on rushing stew ones,
grippe, throat-tearing roughs, and
croup could have made Ir. King'
New Discovery the nationally popu
lar and standard remedy It is today.
Fifty years old and always reli
able. Good for the whoht family.
A bottle in the medicine cabinet
means a short-lived cold or cough.
60c. and (1.20. AH druggists.
Regular Bowel h Health
Bowels that move spasmodically
free one day and stubborn the
next should be healthfully reao
lated by Dr. King's New Life PlUs.
In this way you keep the Impurities
of waste matter from circulating
through the system by cleansing ,
the bowels thoroughr? and promo
log the proper flow of bile.
MHO, comfortable, yet always re
liable, Dr. King's New Life Pills
work with precision without the
constipation results of violent pur
gatives. 23e. .as usual at aU drug
"Tbtwaaiaicauldat liv more than
sis maths longer," said Mrs. Mary
Daley of 330 Oak St., San - Francisco,
-Gal., seaatiy, "Jut I'm till fcese aa
am feeling fine.
"1 taw. actually gained aeventeea
pounds sad Jialf ainee I Shegan tak
ing Tanlae, ehe continued, and to
leak at me new as tot could suppose I
had eea siek at ai). But for several
mentha previsoe te the time I got Tan
la I cul(la t de my honsewonk. 1
suffered front gastritis all the time,
would bloat terribly, and always felt
misecaJble. sty appetite wa gone and
my atemeen weak that I felt nause
ated xooet at cbe time. I was so nerv
ous the least unusual noise would
startle nee. I could hardly sleep ai all,
had night sweats, and so run down and
weaki that tie least exertion would ex
haust me completely. I lost weight and
kept .getting worse until I was'told I
eould not live more than six months
at the rate I was going down hill.
"I honestly Delieve Teniae the
finest medicine in the world. Nothing
helped me until I began' taking it and
now X am just like a person made ever..
My appetite ia just splendid and I can
eat anything I want without the least
trouble from it. And I don't think I
have ever enjoyed sleeping so well and
I always get up mornings feeling thor
oughly rested and refreshed. My house
has eight rooms but I can now do all
the work with ease. Tau'lac bas cer
tainly keen a aodeend to me and I feel
that I would be ongrateful ni. tell
others about it."
Tanlae is sold in Salem bv Dr. S. 0.
Stone, in Hubbard by Hubbard Drug
uo., in Mt. Angel - JBea Uooch, in
Oervais y 3o'uH KeLy, in Turner by
H. P. Cornelius, in Woodbnrn by Ly
man H, anorev. in Bilverton by Geo.
... Stealhaavmer. ia Gates by Mrs. 3.
P. McCnrdy. la atayton by C. A.
Beaaehamn, in Aurora by Aurora Drug
etcre, ia tn. feu by Groceteria Stores
Co., ui Donald fey Jd. W. Johnson, in
Jefferaoa by .Teahav A Mason and ia
Mill -City hj Marketer! fir". On.
Tell The V03LD
This Woliaii Says
That Lydim E. Pinkham'i
Vegetable Compound made
j a Weu woman.
Los Angeles, Cal."1 toffered wfth
female troubles for years, was sicK
tost 01 tne time,
as not able to do
knj own nonaemrork,
land 1 oonia not get
Ihela from doctors.
h saw LydiaE. Fink.
ham's Ve get bis
Compound adver
tised in the newspa
pers, and took six
botUM, and am a
well woman. Toil
can nss my name to
Ken the world the
4 .
'Pape's Diapepsin" at once
ends Indigestion and
Sour, Acid Stomach
good your medicine has done me as I
ahall praise it always." Mrs. A. Iu
DeVine, 617 St Paul Avenue, Los
Angeles, Calif.
women wno suiier irom any iorm 01
weakness, as indicated by displace
ments, inflammation, ulceration, irreg
ularities, backache, headaches, nervous
ness or "the blues,' should do as sirs.
DeVine did, and give Lydia E. Plnkham's
Vegetable Compound a thorough trial.
For over forty years this famous
remedy, which contains the curative,
strengthening properties of good old
fashioned roots and herbs, has been
correcting just such ailmeaita, If you
have mysterious complications write fot
advice te Lydla EL Pink-hem Medicine
Co., Lynn, Mass.
Lumps aad undigested food eauee
pain. If your stomach is in a revolt.;
if sick, .gaaey and upset, and what you
just ate ha fermented and turned sour
head dizzy ad aches; belch gases and
acids and eraetate undigested food
just take a tablet or twa f lpe 'a Di
apepsin 4o help (tentraliae acidity and
in five minates you wonder what be
came of the fain, acidity, indigestion
and distress, '
if year atemaeh doesn't take care of
your liberal limit without rebellion; if
your food ia a damage instead of a
help, nememoer una quiesest, surest,
most iuvmtoas mosnaoa antacia
Pape's Unapepsia, wtoa costs so lit-
tio at orag wore u.
Uric Acid In Meat
Clogs The Kidneys
Take a glass sf Salts If roar Sack
Aorta or Sladdnr bstoera yon
Oak mom water
H yon motet kave your neat every
day, aal it, ut flnsh your kidneys with
salts aecnwoaally, ays a noted authority-
was telle as that meat forms uric
acid which almost paralyzes the kid
aeye in tae -efforts to esroel it from
tike lilood. They beeome sluggish and
men you. sutler with a dull
misery in she kidney zegioa, sharp
pains in the back or siek headache, diz
ziness, your stomach, sours, tongue is
coated and when the weather is bad
yea have rheumatic twinges. The urine
gets etoney, run oraeoimenx, the chan
nels often get sore and irritated, oblie-
yen to aesk neUef iwe or three
times during the night.
To neutralize these irritating acids,
to cleanse the kidneys and flush off
tho sradyw urinous waste etet four
ounces of Jad elt fsoss any pharma
cy here; take a taspeonfoi in a
glass f water before breakfast tar a
few days and your kidneys will then
aci nne. TLHis ramons sarta a made
from the acid of grapes and lemon.
J -vW l.UU , .UftU 1MB
been used for generations to flush and
stimulate sluggish kidneys, also to neu
tralise the acids in urine, so it mo long
er irritates, thus ending Madder weak-,
Jad Salts is inexpensive.; cannot in
jure, and makes a delightful efferves
cent litbia water drink. 4Air)
An Emergency Excuse. .
Tarmer Ton yonng rascal, wTiat are
you doing bp- in my apple tree! ' i
Boy: Please, sir, I m frightening
away the birds; they're such awful
thieves. Boston Transcript.
San Francisco, Oct. 20. Miss Gene
vieve Johnson was kidnaped at mid
night while strolling with Eobert Brace,
a cnauffenr. Two men sobbed Bruce -of
$10, she told police today and then took
her to a secluded spot wheve they as-
eiailted Iter. - '
6 Bell-ans
Sure Relief
Tobacco Habit
says Dostor Connor forraerly f Johns
H.vnVin. hnanitKl. Vhousands of BSVnr-
soffering from fatal diseases wooM
in perfect healtn toaay were n noi ir
the deadly drug Nicotine. Stop tfce-
k.Ul haWa it'm tlM IstB. It's a '
uaui. vw-v.u
simmle process te rid yourself ef t
eooaeeo namix in any jjorm. v w -
.A At-.... .1am MtA flt IMMi'
Niootol tablets; take them as directeA
and lo; the pernieions habit quickly ,
vtanishea. Druggists refund tie ssoney 1
if they fail. Be sure to read large and
interesting announcement by Doctor
Connor soon to appear in uus pajw.-;
r taiu nt tha Inncnr of nicotine nois-
oning and how to avoid it. In the mean, ,
tim tr-r jsie.nial tablets: von will
surprised at the result D. JF. Tty.
To the People of Polk and Marion Counties.
We are opening a produce market and will be prepared to purchase
all kinds of -produce. '
This will give the people one of the greatest opportunities for sell
:ing and buying, our place will be in operation at once.
We are already now for Poultry, "Veal, Tork, Hides, Pelts, Wool,
Potatoes, Onions, Beans, Hay, etc.
We are connected with an eastern firm and are prepared te pay the
highest prices. ' -
Give us a trial and you will be convinced
A market price will be published in the Daily Capital Journal so
you may know every day the latest quotations.
Our place is located at 55 Ferry street in rear of the American
Automobile Garage, Xemporaxy Phone 399.
BEN. MORRIS, Manager.
Coats, Suits, Dresses
And other Ready-to-Wear Merchandise for Women,
. Misses and Children
Your opportunity is here in many ways of renewing your
s , , . winter outfit as well as obtaining the full value of your
money expended. The showing is complete. The prices ' ;,;
are must less than you might expect to pay for garments
worthy of your consideration in quality of workmanship
and materials as well as the late season's styles.
r.. 'Cr "
Do you know what
tannin is? It's the stufl
they tan leather with. I
There's a lot of tannin
in common tea.
Skip the tannin. Get
Schilling Tea. the fine tea
.with an abundance of rich
tea-flavor and no tannin-sunless
you let it stand too
long. .
Cheaper than common
tea, toocosts more per
pound, but less per cup.
There are four flavors of Schilling
Tea Japan, Ceylon - ludU, OoSonr,
tnplish Breakfast. All one quality. In
parchmyn-hncd motur-probf package.
At grocers everywhere.
A Schilling & C Sun Fmncisea
.: lO cents ' i
li and the Blend can't be copied ' LI
Turkish and Domestic Tobaccos "Blended
and the Bland can't be copied