Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 20, 1919, Image 1

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Only Circulation i Salem Guar
anteed by the Audit Bureau of
Circulations. " "
Weather Report
Oregon: Tonight and Toes- j
day fair; cooler tonight mat
portion; moderate winds, mostly
westerly, : -t
-t '- . - i '"- .-;.' .. w ' '
- .
, I I
Full Investigation Demanded
By Senator Watson In
Resolution Today
.it' -
Washington, Oct. 20.Investigation of charges that
employes of the federal trade commission are engaged in
"socialistic propaganda" is called for in a resolution in
troduced by Senator Watson, Indiana, today.
Watson accompanied his resolution j it only to call attention briefly to the
with tho statement that he is not asking
this investigation in an effort, to aid
the "big five" packers, who have hen
under fire from the federal trade com
mission. He said he was seeking to
learn the truth of statements that mem
bers of the commission were engaged iu
socialistic activities.
The text'of the resolution follows:
"Whereas, there is ready to believo
that a number of the employes of tho
federal trade commission havo been and
now aro engaged in soeialisfic propa
ganda and in furthering the organiza
tion and growth of socialistic organiza
tions; and
"Whereas, if bolshevism with all that
it implies is to be met and overcome iii
our country, it must be done by first
ousting all its adherents and advocates
from public office; therefore, be it
"Resolved, in the senate of tho tfni
ted States, that the committee on inter
state commerce of the senate is hereby
authorized and directed bv sub-committee
or otherwise, to inquire into and
rejWl to the state at the earliest prac
tical date upon the truth of these
charges, that said committee may con
duct such inquiry, by. sub-committee or
otherwise and shall be empowered to
hold sessions during tho recess of the
senate and for this purpose the commit
tee of any sub-committee thereof is em
powered to scud for persons and papers,
to employ whatever assistance, either
clerical or legal, -they deem necessary
to aid in conducting the investigation,
to administer oaths, to summon and com
pel the attendance of witnesses, to con
duct hearings and have reports of the
same printed for use; and any expense
in connection wfih such inquiry shall
be paid out of tho contingent fund of
the senate upon vouchers to be ap
proved by the chairman of tho commit
tee" In a speech accompanying this reso
lution, Watson declared ho is "astound
ed at tho number of adherents to social
ism holding government office." He at
tacked tho federal trade commission's-
method, of investigating thopackers.
"What I say ia support of this reso
lution is in no wise a defense of, the
packers," Watson continued. "Their
activities are being investigated by an
other committee of this body. I mention
The staf us of Ben W. Olcott as gov
ernor of Oregon has again been brought
into the limelight in a letter by Sam A.
Kozer, deputy secretary of state, to at
torney General Brown asking for an
opinion as to whether provision should
be made for including the office of gov
ernor of Oregon as ono of the offices
to be voted upon at the 1920 election.
Kozer 's interest in tho matter is
prompted by tho approach, of tho time
when his office must begin preparations
of the necessary blanks and ballot forms
for the coming primary election next
May, these including official certifica
tion to the county clerks or tho variqus
otficcs to be filled at such election.
Aitiiouun tno supreme court, stter a
lengthy deliberation, ruled on the status
of the govornship in an opinion handed
down early last June there was no pre
dominating opinion bearing on tho
length of Olcott 's term as executive and
the problem, therefore, has been as per
plexing since the rendition of the opin
ion as it was before. -At
that time three members of the
supreme court Justices McBridc, Bean
and Johns declared, unqualified that
Olcott was governor in fact to serve out
the remainder of the unexpired term of
the-latc Governor Withycombe. Justice
Bennett, although refusing to express
any opinion on this pbaso of the ques
tion, because he claimed it was not prop
erly before the court, did say that if he
should don his oficial robes and giv?
utterance to his "half baked street opin
ions" he would acre -with Chief Justice
McRri.lf nn thia nnint Thn if wan
contended, 5n effect if not in -actuality,
four of the seven members of the court plant here, explained the use of the regular session in uecemuer.
expressed it as their opinion that gov-, materials, and quoted their relative.! House leaders and chairmen of lm
ernor Olcott should sewe out the unex-' prices with those of products they sub- portant tenate committees are still urg
pired term of Governor Withvcombe. stitute. the necessity of passing on import
ant domestic legislation, .
- T
socialistic activities of some of the mem
bers of the federal trade commission
who were chosen to investigate the op
eration of these corporations.
"My theory is that, no matter what
businoss is subjected to investigation
by the federal trade commission, it is
entitled to fair and decent treatment.
Tho agents of tho .government should
be sent out to investigate and not to
persecute. They should imparinlly col
lect the facts and transmit them to the
fedoral trade commission in order-that
that body may como to just conclusions
concerning the questions involved. But
in these cases, that courso has not al
ways been pnrsutd." .....
Senator Hitchcock asked Watson if
he meant to infer that employes were
advocating socialism as part of their
official duties.
"Only in a private, capacity," Wat
son explained. Hitchcock then attacked
the language of Watson's resolution,
declaring Watson appeared to confuse
bolshcvism and socialism.
.' Watson read a list of the commission's
employes who worked on tho packer in
vestigation. "Allf these employes are not social
ists nor have they been involved in so
cialistic activities, bnt some of them
have been to a most amazing degree,"
ho said.
In aspcecli before the business. men
at their regular noonday luncheon to
day, City Superintendent bf Schools
John W. Todd declared that a disband
ment of the public school system in
this city is threatened unless teachers
salary us raised. He said that the school
board has found it necessary to re-es
tablish the system here four times be
cause of this failure of tho people to
keep teachers, and he sounded a warn
ing prediction that tho same will occur
this spring unless steps are taken to
prevent it.
That practical learning ds fast tak
ing the place of "theoretical studies'
in schools, and that children are more
eager to attend school betau.se of this
fact, was stated by Mr. Todd. Great
emphasis is being given to tho teach
ing of the "three K's , he sand, in
Salem's 'city schools.
Superintendent Todd lauded tho
boari of directors. He said that he
hoped the city would "maintain such
men on the board, arthcy have abso
lutely no axe to grind." The body ia
purged of all personal conquests and
politics, he declared.
Briefly Mr. Todd recounted the activ
ities of the school authorities fin the
itr. He told of the interest shown by
girls in the much improved domestic
science work, and declared that their
cafeteria system was a profitable un
dertaking. The work being carried on
by the carpenter class was also ex
plained by the superintendent. :
Prophesying that "a bomb will ex
plode" in Salem soon. Mr. Todd assert
ed that something must be done to al
leviate the shortage of rooms in the
Washington junior school, and in the
grant and Lincoln schools. The only
togieal solution of this serious problem
nw, he told the business men, wag to
remove some of the classes to less con
gested schools. In doing this, he said,
criticism Ss sure to come. And he ex
pressed the hope that the people would
realize the situation, and know that
this must be done.
Three classes are being taken up in
night-school, he said. They are: me
chanical shop, mechanical drawing and
-shop drawing. A big attendance at this
school is anticipated, he naid.
A "substitute ' meal was served
this noon. Products from the Tacom
plant of tho Steward SVod Products
comuanv. were ulaced on the table, and
'eaten with a relish by the many men
nrnt J. -O. RtMrnrd. resident of the
! company, and founder of the proposed,
Four Hunters In
Oregon Pay Fines
For Law Breaking
Portland, Or., Oct. 20. -Four Oregon,
hunters were arrested during the week
end for violation of the state game
laws, and paid fines amounting to
$181.45. . i .
Robert Breeding and J. W. Steward,
both, of Wolf Creek, were arrested
near Wolf Creek Iby Deputy Warden IV
B. llernington. The men pleaded guilty
of dogging and killing a doe and were
eaah fiiuc4 ol ana costs at uranis
Pass. .-!-
O. J. Clossett of Portland was ar
rested at Bucher by John P." Adams,
deputy game warden, charged - with
shooting ducks unlawfully. Clossett
pleaded guilty at Gold Beach and was
fined $45 and costs:.
S. Speaker of Speaker, Or., was art
rested for hunting without a license
and was fined $25 and costs.
President Spends Good
Night; Comfortable today
, Washington, Oct. 20. "The
president 's digestive disturb
ance has subsided almost conn
plctely," said a statement is
sued by his physicians at 11:23
a. m.' today. ,.
After a fairly good nSight,
he is comfortable tiiis morn
lug, '" the bulletin continued.
The statement was signed
Jiv Doctors Gray son, - Ruff in -
and jStitti" . .
In an exciting race late Sunday night
with two youths who had stolen Coun
cilman Henry Vandervort 's auto from
ia front of the Methodist Episcopal
church. Motorcycle" "Of f iccf Mofitf sus
tained a sprained ankle whon he leaped
from his machine, -and five shots were
fired at tho floeting auto.
-Two youths, both wearing caps and
dark suits, one tall and tho other short,
were seen by Officer Moffit o mount
Councilman Vandervort 's big car; when
ho ordored them to halt as they hurried
east on Stato street, thoy turned oh tho
speed, the car dashing up (State street
at a rate of speed cstunated by the of
ficer as leing 60 miles an hour. "":"-
When the machine turned north on
Winter street, Moffit fired. The speed
of the car increased. Then he fired four
more shots, which, apparently took no
effect. As Officer Moffit hurried after
thorn he saw one of the boys leap from
the racing car. soon followed by the oth
er. The machine, still speeding, ran off
the street, hit a tree near the Washing
ton school, and rebounded back into
the street. Officer Moffit was hurt when
he leaped from his motorcycle onto the
racing machine and brought it to a- stop
Officers White and JMoreloek were
summoned by Moffit, and a" thorough
search in the wooded territory around
the school building was made. It
believed that ono of the boy was hurt
When ho leaped from the car.
Stove Johns a gypsy, wanted by
Portland police on a chargo of kidnap
ping, was taken into custody here at
1:30 p. m. today by Officer Moffit, as
he was making his way south through
the 'eity. Word to arrest John was re
ceived shortly after noon from Captain
of Detectives Circle of Portland. The
gpysy made no attempt to cseue, and
accompanied Moffit to jail without re
sistance In the auto he was driving was the
girl he is charged with kidnapping. He
was also accompanied by a man and
two women.
Portland Or., Oct. 20. Mrs. Rosa
Mark today caused a warrant to be is
sued for the arrest of Steve John 6u a
charge of kidnaping his uvrn daugh
ter. They are gypsies. .
' Mrs. Mark alleges that John,' some
time ago, sold his daughter, Bakoerche,
17, to her foT $(KK, with the under
standing that the girl should become
the wife of Mrs. Mark's son when
she became of legal marrying age.
Congress To Adjourn Soon
After Acting Upon Treaty
Washington, Oct. 20. Adjournment
of congress will follow elosely on the
final treaty vote, according to plans
of senate leaders today.
Hope of enacting th program of do
mestic legislation outlined by President
Wilson has been abandoned until the
Attorney General Threatens
. Legal Action Against Refin
- ers Who Sell Above Set
Price Of Government ;
Release Of Stocks In Storage
At Basic hgure Ut 10 tents
Sought To Relieve Present
Serious Shortage, '
ashington, Oct. 20. Attorney Gener
al Palmer today threatened prosecu
tions against beet sugar refiners who
ask higher prices than those set by the
sugar equalization board, t The whole
sale prices fixed by the $ugar equali
zation board, Palmer 'a announcement
revealed is ''ten cents- cash less two
percent seaboard .basis."
Palmer s warning wlfich was tolc-
graphed to Ibeet sugar refiners thru,
out the country showed that tho sugar
equalization board and the department
of justice have been cooperating to get
the 'beet sugar supply on the market
at a. fair price to relieve the .present
shortage, r- - r'v W-' :
ufalmer in his telegram to Termers,
quoted tt telegram whlich Iho equaliza
tion board has also sent to ref iuors. 1
This message revealed that the beet i
sugar factories were failing to . selllcan be set, according to Chairman Buch
their products as produced because of
uncertainty aioont. prices, i :
.Palmer s telegram tollows: ,
'.'After a thorough investigation by
the recognized authorities on sugar, the
United States equalization board has
notified the department of justice of
the following tacts: -
" i'As a considerable part of the
country generally supplied afe this time
of the year with beet sugar may be
embarrassed 'because . of Wio beet su
gar faetories failure to sell beet ugar
as produced and this condition in turn
is due to uncertainty regarding price,
our judgment is that no higher price
than ten' cents cash less two percent
seaboard basis is 'justify! ied and we
hope you will decide at once to begin
marketing your Sugars on this basis
and relieve the very serious Brtuation.
The price of ten and one half cents
net cash f. o. b. plant which has been
offered by the sugar equalization
board for sugars in excess of require
ments iu your territory as shown by
your 1917 deliveries as a minimum up
to 50,000 tons for INovemlrer ana ic
cember shipment to relieve an acute
shortage among the manufacturers east
is not to be consSdercd a precedent or
bosis for local prices.'
"I ask you to make your announce
ment of (oriceg based on the above,"
Palmer continued. "The department of
justico will treat as an unjust charge
any price in excess of this and consid
er such a charge a violation of section
i of the Lever food control act as
amended. Pleas wire tday your con
currence in the above.
Bligh Joins In
Drive To Provide
More Homes Here
The ejection of a new and
modern one story cuttagc, on
his place at 159 North 24th
street, was begun Monday by
T. G. "Bligh, the theater man.
'The house will cost approxi
mately $2500. Mr. Bligh said
that he has already received
several offers for the home;
and that upon the completion
of this house, he would build
A building permit was is
sued Saturday to B. M. Kand-.
all, 1845 West Nob Hill street,
to Tepair and alter a one story
cottage. Costs of this work will
be approximate $1000, Mr.
Randall said. -
Resident Wifl Not AEow
Conference To "Pass Buck"
Washington, Oet. 20. (United Press.) j
President Wilson will not permit the
national Industrial conference to break
up in a disagreement.
This was learned on high authority at
the White House today.
If any delegates quit tho conference,
the president will name substitutes or
cause them to be named, it was made
clear. Even should an cofi group walk
out the administration would make .an
effort to have it replaced. The indus
trial conference is here "to see this
thing thorugh," according to the atti
tudo taken at the executive mamnon.
8o much is at stake that the govern
ment cannot afford to-let the confer
ence go to pieces.
.Tnlin W Gniner. irpoloeist from Miin -
nesota, has arrived to take up his du -
ties as professor in the school of mines
at Oregon Agricultural eollege.
Seven Phone Companies
Opersag In Towns of
- Seven different independent telephone companies op
erating in Lebanon,- Newburg, Forest Grove, Dallas Hills
boro, and Silverton join in a petition for increased rates in
an application filed with the public service commission
this morning through Jay Bowerman of Portland, attor
ney for the companies.
The recent increase in wages to oper
ator and linemen as well aB incrca-scs
in the price of material and equipment is
given By the applicants as the cause for
the 'request for a rate increase which
they ask to bo mado similar to those
granted to the Pacific Telephone & Tole
graph company under like conditions.
The companies joining in the blanket
application are the Lebanon Mutual
Telephone company, Newbcrg Telephone
company, Interurban Telephone com
pany of Forest Grovo, Dallas Telephono
company, Independent Telephone com
pany of Forest Grove, Hillsboro Tele-
pnone company ana tno mterurDnn leie- j
pnone company or cmvenon. to visit her Sunday, Mrs.. Edna, W.
Th Independent Telephone company , Moore, inmate at the state hospital,
of Pilot Bock .is another application esriy Monday morning took her life by
filed with the eommisson this morning, hanging horliolf in her room. The body
asks for -on increase in rates sufficient wa9 found suspended from the cxtin
to cover the actual cost of batteries 1 RUi8her plug at tho ceiling by two bed
which tho company is required to fur-' Blleotg ken from her cot, at 6 o'clock
nish subscribers. I this morning whon attendants visited
-The Electric System of the city of nor apartment to rouse her for broak-
Sutherlin, owned by Kiornan, Tcon and fB8(;, , .,
Polman ask for an increase in rates fori . Mrs. Moore was taken to tho institute
electricity., ; ;,, ..; . November 13, 1918, for treatment. She
Members of the commission stated this . was afflicted with frequent attacks of
morning that tho present congested con- eloncholia. On at least one occasion
dition of tho docket, due to innumerable ( before, Dr, L. A. Griffith, in chargo at
applications and complaint precluded the hospital said, she had made an at-
ju-uj HuiMiuuivy ui uu uun.y .iinimx uu j
any of these applicatins. It will be at
least sixty days before ny new hearings
tel, and in the meantime the presont
ates must continue in effect. :
London, Oct. 20. The various anti-
bolshevik forces continued their crush
ing pressure upon Trotsky 'g armies on
all fronts of the rapidly narrowing ter
ritory aominatod Dy tho latter, accord
ing to advices received here today.
While tho fall of Potrograd, 'unof
ficially renorted last week, had not
oeen officially confirmed, tho city
was said to be completely isolated and
Uonoral Yudcmtch's forces were on tho
outskirts, according to a Holsingfors
A news agency dispatch from Hol
singfors today said Yudenitch, Iby a
rapid stroke east of Gatchiua yester
day, succeeded an blowing up tho Tail
way bridge over the Tosna, cutting
communications betwepn Pfitrnffrad nnd
Moscow. A Copenhagen dispatch, said
it was officially announced that Yu-
denitch had taken Ligovo, nino miles
from Petrograd.
According to the Copenhagen Tiden-
do, a dispatch from Keval declarod the
bolshoviki aro prepaied for a desper
ate defense of PetTOgrad. It said the
city had been divided into ten defens
ive sections and that all streets had
been barricaded, with 250 soldiers at
each barricade. Admiral Kolchak was
reponea louay to nave capiurca xno
important railway junction at Liski,
commanding communications between
ho bolshevik fronts on the Don and
Tsaritsin. At the same time General
Shkuro was said to have occupied
Grafskaya Junction.
Much interest was manifest Monday
morning in the opening of the trial of
the Balcm Kinu Products company
against a number of loganberry grow
ers of the county, who arB being sued
for alleged violation of contract with
the company. Many persons flocked to
department No. 2 of the circuit court
long before tho. session began.
It is said that a number of growers,
early in the season had contracted with
the company to furnish berries at a rato
less than four cents. The price ad
vanced this summer, and many of the
growers demanded the market price ot
nine cents. The company offered five
and a half cents. But this being un
satisfactory, the growers cot an In
junction against the company July 14.
compelling the payment of the differ
ence between four and a half cents and
tho market price, or three and a half
cents, into the hands of the count.,'
The controversy now, which may last
three days, is to determine whether the
company or tho growers will get the
three and a half cents deposited with
the county clerk for each pound of ber-
tries delivered,
; judge rercy a. cny is setting
through tho vase with. Judge George
Ia a fit of mcloncholia, caused by th0
failure of her husband, Frank C. Mooro
tempt to take -her life. Tho first time
she flung herself from her bed attempt
ing' to strike her head on- tho floor.
This failed, Mrs. Moore sustaining only
a sprained wrist.
Shortly after midnight, It is bolievefl,
she tiod the bed sheets togother, fasten
ed them to the fireplug, placed them
n round her neck, and stepped off tho
bed. Death was caused instantly.
Although she had received no word
from her husband that he would visit
her Sunday, Mrs Moore folt ho would.
His failure to come is thought to have
caused great disappointment that turned
to deep melancholia.
Mri" Moore was notified by hospital
authorities. The body will be hold
pending receipt of word from him, .,
Coroner Clough investigated, and de
cided that- there wero no facts that
would warrant further investigation.
Due to her rapid recovery, Mrs.
Moore would have been released soon
from tho institution. She has, gained
25 pounds in weight during the past few
weeks, and had showed marked improve-
meiuai conamon.
ceauiy, wasn., uct. ku. ouiiy mur-
dcred, the body of a comely young worn
en ubout 25 years old, was found lying
underneath a shrub near Lake Washing-
ton this morning. The body was still
, warm when discovered.
Somo articles of tho murdered young
woman's clothing bear the trade mark
of Seattle furnishers, others wero pur
chased from Tacoma firms.
Tho body was found by Dan Fnrri
t Italian caretaker for tho Bogcr Browj
Last night a woman called the police
on the telephone and said she had scon
a man leap out of an cutomobilo on
Bixth avenue shortly before midnight
and grnpplo with a young woman whom
he overpowered and threw into his ma
chine, driving away at a fast speed.
Tho police believo tho kidnaping mt-y
bo connected with the murder. .'
Notice To Subscribers
Increased cost of oaDer and increased wage scales
make it impossible to longer
the old subscription price.
The cost of production
paper 100 peprcent. Printers wages have advanced oO
percent. AH supplies used in the making of the news
papers have so advanced in cost tnat tne paper is soia at
a loss at its present price.
We can either cease publication; reduce the size and
make a poorer paper; or divide the additional cost
between readers, advertisers and ourselves. As we intend
to make the Capital Journal a better newspaper, one
worthy of . Salem and the Willamette valley, we have
chosen the latter course, and ask the continued cooper
ation of our subscribers.
On and after November 1, the price of the paper will
be 50 cents a month by carrier and $4 a year by mail.
Until November 1, paid in advance mail subscriptions can
be renewed at the old rate.
The Capital Journal has had the cheapest subscription
rate of any paper in the Pacific coast states. It is among
the last to raise its. rates and only does so because it is
compellled to. We willl exert every effort to give value
received for the money. . 4
Salem, Ore., Oct., 20, 1919.
Steel Corporation Head Tells
Industrial Conference Ih
Compromise With Strikers
Can Solve Problems.
Claims Interests Of Public
Must Be Considerel First
And That Open Shop Prh
ciple Cannot Be Recognized.
Washington, Oct, 20. "The pcndmff
steel strike should not be arbitrated nor
compromised," said Elbert H. Gary,
chairman of the United States Steel
Corporation, in a spoech today boforo
the national industrial conference.
Gary's statement follows,: .. ,. , -r
"I desire' to make A brief Statement
in relation to the question under dis
cussion as well as others submitted to
this conference.. Further explanation of
any vote I may register will probably
be unnecessary. . . . , :,,..".' '
' ' Like other members' of the confer-,
ence, j rccognizo that ' the publie inter
est must always be considered as of
the first importance, that all prlvato in
terests miist bo subordinated. '
"I. .am- heartily in accord, with th
desire of the president to firmly estab-,
lish proper and! satisfactory relations
between ull groups of citizens connoeted
with industry, including, Of course, what
has been designated as capital and la
bor. . . . .
"I beliove In conciliation, coopera
tion and 'arbitration whenever practica
ble without sacrificing principle.
"I nm of the fixed ODinion that tft
pending strike against-the stent industry ..,
of this country should not. bo arbitrated
or compromise:, nor any acuon iaen u.t
the conferecwbieh, bears upon thai
subjeft,. " " " ; .'."''-V.T!' " " . ;
"Also that there shsulrt be maintain- .
o din actual practise, without interrup
tion, tho open shop as I understand it
namely, that every man whether be doe
or does not belong to a labor union shall
havo the opportunity to engage in any
line nt legitimate employment on terms
and conditions agroed upon between em
ploye and employer. , ' v-
"I am opposed to a policy or practiea
which unnecessarily limits production,
increses costs, deprives the workman
from receiving the highest wage rates
resulting from voluntary and reasonable
effort, hinders promotion or advance
ment in accordance with merit, or other
wise interfers with the f reodom of in
dividual action. '
"As unorganized labor, which em
braces tllo vast majority of working pen
pie, has no special representation in this
conference, I deem it appropriate to say
that all labor should receive due con
sideration and that it is the obligation,
and ought to be thlt pleasure of employ
ers at all times and in every respect to
treat justly and liberally all employe
whether unorganized or organised."
Alleged Slayer Of Portland
Woman Returned For Trial
fienttli Wash., Oct. 20. Captured"
in Nome, Alaskn, after a long chsse,
Clarence Johnson, alleged confessed
slayer of Mrs. Unis Freeman, his bene
factress passed through ' Seattle, last
night en route to Portland where tho
crime was committed last Angust 13.
Johnson was in custody of Dotectivea
John A. Golta and Robert U Phillips
of Portland. '..
print the Capital Journal at
. ,
nas advanced uie price oi