PAGE TWO. THE DAILY CaPITAX JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, UCTOBER 18, 1919. By Gertrude" Eobison ' NEXT week's social activities will open with a formal dance by the members) tie Monday Night dancing club, at the Moose hall, Mon day. Thift will be on of the most elab orate affairs of the season and the plana that hare been ma3e for its de velopment give promise of its being fca undoubted success. The decorations will be carried out with the Hallowe'en idea in the fore ground, prettily set off with a banking of autumnal leaves and flowers. Black cats stad jack-o '-lanterns, - witches Astride flimsy brooms and pumpkins filled with fallows 'en goodies, all will hare their place in the order of things. The committee on decorations is com posed of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duncan, . Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. William Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Stiff and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glover. The Swarts, orchestra has ibeca engaged for the occasion. Miss Engelbart will preside at the punch bowl. . - Officers of the club are Dr. W. H. Darby, president; Walter Kirk, secre tary; Henry Compton, treasurer. The Personnel of the Monday Night Danc ing club i Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Brown, 1r. and Mrs. G. C. Bellinger, Mr. and "Mrs. John Brophy. Mr. and Mrs. Boy Burton, Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Comptou, Mr. and Mrs. . S. Geer, Mr and Mrs. Ralph lover, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. drier, Mr. and Mrs. C. ti. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Harding, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. (Paul Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Kirk, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lcrchen, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mangis, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Marvin, Mr. and Mrs. -Roy H. Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MoGilclirist Jr., Mr. sad Mrs. W. W. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Frank 1. Myers, Oliver Myers, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Perry, Mr. and Mrs. H. I. PHehford, Dr. and Mrs. O. A. Ol aen, Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Riches, Mr. nd Mrs. Paul Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. V. Q. Shipley, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Stiff, Mr. nd Mrs. C. H. Webb, Mr. nd Mrs. Harry Wcnderoth, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weddmer, Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. alton, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. McKiouon, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T. Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Miller MeOilchrist, Dr. and Mrs. 41. B. Bates, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Hall, ICr. and Mrs. Frederick Lamport, Dr. od Mrs. Oh as. T. Robertson, Mr. and Mrs. kee Page, Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Oarnjobst, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick ftctmidt, C. B. Clancy, Mr., and Mrs. Bolbert B. Duncan, Dr. and Mrs. VT. H. Darby, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. D. Bvsni, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Galloway. Tiny pumpkins hollowed out and fil ed with, white and purple grapes mark ed the places of the guests at the pret tily appointed luncheon at which Mrs. William Boot entertained tho Bridge Luncheon club, Wednesday. Autumn leaves in gay profusion were used as a decorative scheme throughout' the rooms. Mrs. Fred Thiclsen graciously mated the charming hostess and : Jtr. Ben W. Olcotrt, Mrs. iDan Fry, Jr. ad Mrs. 0. C. Iioekc were additional '- gaeat. .;'- . v: - . . Members of the Bridge Luncheon elub are Mrs. William Boot, Mrs; W. H. Kidrldgc, Mrs. H. W. Meyers,, Mrs. T;r A. Iaivealey, Mrs. John J. Roberts, Mrs. William Burghardt, Jr., Mrs. John MaXary, Mrs. Walter licDougal, Mrs. a Doren, Mrs. W. M. Plimpton and Mrs. T. . Smith Jr. Mrs. Burghardt will entertain the elub on the 9'b. Plans are going merrily on for the Guild dance next Friday, October 24. The committee in charge is hustling bout with much evidence of rush. Tiokets are being sold by the members of the guild, assisted by a largo num ber of hearty supporters, who not be ing members are just as enthusiastic h- reason of thoir love for gooj whole some pleasure. big orchestra, comprising some of . Salem's. best. mugieal talent, are keen aboirt tlia nvrnit A mittfe T.ftllan MeElroy Hunt as leader they expect to j win the sweepstakes from the crowd ior real joy manipulators. Many little parties are forming among the younger element and chaperons are busy assist ing shy young maids and bashful lads. From the very beginning tho commit tee has met with much encouragement in the' promotion of their danee and Salem society is promised a . happy event.. I With Mrs. U. G. Shipley and Mrs. ! William Stousloff acting a joint host esses, members of the Leisure Hour club gathered at the home of the for mer Thursday asd enjoyed a social af- eruuvn. uare rose rouug ana brilliant rose bits were U9ed in n pretty deco rative motif, and a bowl of the for mer centered the prettily appointed table where a delicious luncheon was served. The personnel of the elub in cludes twenty prominent matrons, sev enteen of whom -partook of the hns- I pitality of the gracious hostesses Thurs From Roseburg comes the following interesting details of the wedding of Miss Ethel Tooze, only daughter of ;Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Tooae Sr., of .this city, to Walter 6. Fisher, nephew m 1 TT J -J!.- ul vuurii-g , icivuer, xuruier vuiiur ox the capital Journal: 'Surrounded by a group of intimate friends, and amid colorful autumn fol iage and blossoms. Miss Lilla Ethel Tooze -and Walter 8. Fisher plighted their troth last night promptly at eight o'clock. "The wedding was the opening so cial event of the fall season, and no more beautiful season could have been chosen for this happy culmination, of a romance begun in collego days. No more delightful spot could have been round than Edlygcngo Lodge, the at tractive country home of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Skinner, Sr., Irhkh has been the center of so many happy associations of the younger set of this city. ,?"GTee and yellow were sed ex clusively' 'for 'the. decorations in the living; room. An aisle made of green pedestals, surmounted by baskets of deep yellow African marigolds and sinniaa, with 1 graceful training 'vines alternated with toll gilt cathedral candles -and yellow tapersYellow rib 'Ixjoa .'connected the! aisle that load across the room from the stairway to a bower of greenery. "Mrs. A. K- Oreutt sang Cadman's 'At Dawning;' and as the soft notes died away the strains' of Mendelsohns wedding march swelled. Ts this beau tiful march the bridal party descend ed the stairs. Miss Dale Coshow, maid of honor, lead the party. She earried in her arms a shower of yellow rose buds, and her dainty frock of yellow tulle and satin, with a picture hat of tulle, enhanced her brunette beauty. Miss Tooze was a lovely, winsome brido in a short girlish gown of tulle over silver eloth, with a long tulle veil wreathed with orange blossoms.- sue carried a shower bouquet . of brides roses. Hon. 0. P. Coshow escorted her to the altar and gavo her into the groom 'a keeping. Leon MeClintock was the groom's only attendant, and tho impressive and beautiful ring service was used by Kev. J. . Spencer. . "The glow from the many candles shed soft light upon the wedding party during the ceremony, which lent to the dignity of the service. "In the receiving line were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fisher, Miss Coshow, Mr. MoClintock, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Skin ner and Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Coshow, A large rceeption and dancing followed the marriage to which 150 to 200 guests motorea out 10 xroai tu caij. Amus ing about the rooms during the eve ning were, Mrs. George Johnson and XT- ' llwwUt...i Un TLnv fti'l- Ws presided at the punea bowl, and was assisted by Mrs. F. W. Poorman, Misses Bess Wharton, Anna Bryan, Grace Lloyd, Jane Wharton and Mabel Bryan. ' .; "Miss Ada Collier, amid much ei riment, captured the brides bouquet. "Mr. and Mrs. Fisher, both popular members of speei&l circles left for the south where- they will spend a short" honeymoon. Upon their return they will be domiciled for the present at the Umwraa hotel. , "The good washes 'and congratula tions ef the host of friends are ex tended to the happy couple." 4 . Sslemites, partienlarly the younger social set, a MQoieing in tho return - H - DlX.B OTteill STATE P, STREET r: o OPTOHETRIST-OPTICIAN 1 add 6 Bush Bank Building Xlrffa Slate a&L v ft I.: mm ractiTEiR announces iTHE Man DEL The LatestThe Bestand the Greatest of all the talking machines. i: " You Must Sec It The Mandel cabinet machines comes in all the newest creations tf the cabinet makers art, while the mechanical parts of (the Jfandel are far in advance of many of the popular makes of talking machines. , , .., A Dsmonsiration By a factory specialist commences Monday and you are particularly invited to call- and see this latest creation. ... FRANK F. RICHTER "RICHTER MAKES GOOD" Trade in Your Old Machine COURT STREET v PHONE Complete House Furaishing. Home of the "Charter ; Oak" Stoves and Ranges 5T $ NORMA TALMADGE 1 ti V. :tp "THE 'AY A VOMAh" Tomorrow - Honday Norma Talmadge IN "The Way of a Woman,, Norma Talmadge rises to ne;w heights of Artistry in "The Way of a Woman", adapted from Eugene Walter's famous stage . play, "Nancy Lee." "HOME SWEET HOME" WITH LARRY SEMON ? (By Request) IT'S ALL LAUGH S, NO GIGGLES" . VAUDEVILLE IF IT GETS HERE IN TIME tin mm nil iniww "i in j i 'raatxrg-rir.rys PATHS . NEWS of Josephi W. Chambers, Jr., after an absence of two years in the navy. He made two trans-atlantic trips and was on the "Idaho" whea. that vessel took the president of Brazil to Bio da Jani ero. Returning- by vay of the Panama anal the- "Idaho" joined the Pacific fleet off the. 'alif oruia coast aad went with, it to Seattle, later making a trial trip from the. Mound to Sas - Pedro where Mr. Chambers reeerved his dis ehae srfter serving for three months on the -ship. His numerous friends are busy welcoming him to the capital city - - - . - - . . Th Knights of Oolumbas and Daugh ters Isabella opened their aoeial pro gwn for the season with an informal dance , at the Moose hall last Monday evening, at which wtnrned .soldiers, sailors and marines were honor guests. A beautiful patriotic note was earried out in the deeo rations, in direct keep ing with: Colambus day. the occasion of the affair. Red, white and blue stream ers, entwined with gay festoons of Vir ginia creeper, hung from the corners of the room, meeting above the chan deliers in the center and forming pret ty shades for the lights. Flags were used in abundance around the hall, and a large picture of Pershing and anoth er ef Columbus were on opposite walls. Unlimited credit is doe to Cyril Suing, chairman of the committee on arrange ments, who managed the entire affair with a master ability. His able Hen tenants were Mrs. A. A. Michel, Miss Leona Weidmer and Joseph Albrich. Miss, Mary Heenan, Miss Mnrdette Heenan and Miss Mary Lebold pre sided at the punch bowl. , Patronesses for the danee, whiioh was an astounding success, were Mr. E. Bck erHn, Mr. S, P. Boise, Mrs. T. K. Ford, Mrs. Frank Durbin, Mrs. Frank Jus-, koski and Mrs Etta Squire Seeley. Marigolds in gay -prof asion will form the artistio decorations for the infor mal dinner party at which Mrs. Ray E. Pomeroy will preside this evening at the beautiful Pomeroy residence on North 'Winter- street. The occasion is Mrs. Pomeroy's birthday anniversary and one Of the pretty features will be Fooling With Health Serious I have frequently asked druggists 1 ' :W hot. An van -niifdi in m mo cinef" The answer usually eame 'The j rau uuute ins most money on. ' My answer has always been ""No me.' I have succeeded pretty -well and I have always recommended the one that I had found by experience to be the beet and the one I would be willing to take myself or give to members of my own family. I have never offered the public a medicine that we do not use at home. This is why I can offer 'Nom ber 40 for the Blood," with a clear eea science; we have not only tried it om thousands of others, but on ourselves. We take it in all eases where a blood medicine is needed no matter in what form it shows itself and we get splen did results in constipation kidney, stomach and Kver troubles. I firmly believe if every one would begin is the spring and take "Number 0" they would escape malaria and fevers in all fermg. J. C. Mendenhall. 40 -sears a druggist, Evansville, Ind. " Sold by Schaeferj drug store. (Continued oi pa;e three) At all times we en deavor to deport our selves in a Wnner that will cause us to be remembered by those whom we serve Our business conduct is beyond cavil. it I ff''liilWtJiUAW .10 I .. ret - it ANNOUNECMENT To the People of Polk and Marion Counties. We are opening a produce market and will be prepared to purchase all kinds of produce. . This will give the people sue of the greatest opportunities for sell ing and buying, our place will be in operation at once. We are already now for Poultry, Veal, Pork, Hides, Pelts, Wool, Potatoes, Onions, Beans, Hay, etc. We are connected with an eastern firm and are prepared to pay the highest prices. Give us a trial and you will be convinced . A market price will be published in the Daily Capital Journal so you may know every day the latest quotations. Our place is located at 2S5 Ferry street la real of the American Automobile Oarage, Temporary Phone 399. BEN. MORRIS, Manager. Autumn Suite and Coats Here are many to choose from captivating in their soft colorings and very satisfying on intimate and personal inspection of the quality of the fabrics and interesting way in which collars, belts, pockets and other details add dis tmction and beauty. . ''-.''' r Tiie present assemblage of garments in our ready to wear department is so comprehensive as to leave little to be desired. An early selection, however, is advisable as costs are mounting daily. c consider tne SUITS $29.75 to $85.00 Consider well the quality of the cloths to which we have given very careful atten tion, as well as the tailoring that lifts even the plainest suit to the high pinnacle of elegance. Consider the COATS $16.48 to $95.00 Examine closelv. for uoon them depends they lend themselves to the buoyant lines to a large degree the beauty and grace of j, an autumn coat. Note how delightfully they lend themselves to the buoyant lines 1 of the Season's approved fashions. 3 Iv'i t 'ft: n 0 !f T. . Si w 'f IIIIMM i'T--""'-" i ii t Ml1 SSS Si Quality Merchandise Prices to Suit Every Purse Popular Prices X" j8?