Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 18, 1919, Image 1

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Only Circulation is Salem Guar
anteed by the Audit Bureau of
- Circulations.
e Hit
Weather Report
Oregon: Tonight and Sunday
fair; gentle winds, mostly. west- . :)t
" '
- t ' -
' .
E. Hofer & Sons Announces
Construction of from Five to
Fifteen Fine Homes
1 The first bonafide movement toward the'solution of
the housing problem in Salem became known Saturday
with the announcement by tJol. Holer, of E. Hofer & Sons,
' that plaris have been completed, and work will begin soon
on the erection of five, ten or fifteen new and modern
houses on Winona addition. Plots for the proposed
, . homes have already been staked out in the addition, which
is on Center, between Fifteenth arid Seventeenth streets.
to build these homes was
reached by E. Hofer & Sons after a
campaign waged bv The"f ajjSfaUournal
for a solution of the acute problem.
That thev could build a,, number of
homes, thereby selling the property on
which they arc erected, was realized by
Hofer & Sous, and thev immediately
dispatched- a representative of the firm
to San Francisco, Oakland and other
California cities to gather plans and
ideas for the buildings. " '
Homes costing from 2500 to $5000,
w ith lot, arc planned for property front-
ing Center street as fast they can bo
built and disposed of, Col. Hofer said.
The addition, as platted, includes a pri
vate driveway on the creek, which will
be made by the owners; and the bank
of the creek Will bo parked, all the
natural shrubliery utilized and some
flowering shrubs will be planted. This
mill make sites for four beautiful Arcad
iaa.bungalows having a frontage south
with ruiiniiiB water in front of them.
, Hofer & Sons will ask the eitv coun
cil to co-operate by making provision in
the next budget for a concrete bridge
fSeross North Mill creek ojl Seventeenth
sheet, from Center to Chemeketn street.
It was announced that contractor are
now figuring on the fUms',""ttnd several
parties are ready to buy the houses as
soon as they can be built. i
In discussing the proposition Col. j
noter riayccl tne intent capitalists of
the city who offer to take no part in
the solution of the housing problem.
"They linne off," he said, "because
they r.ro afraid they won't be able to
make anything at it. If I can build this
number of houses and make money it
it and I am not going into this to
lose these other fellows with means
can do the same thing, and save the city
in this crisis. "
Ho pointed out that there arc many
vacant lots in the city, desirable; sites
for homes, that cannot be sold because
there are no houses on them.
"These fellows who own such lots."
Col. Hofer said, "ought to know that if
thev nut a house on the property they
. would have no trouble selling the land."
Hofer & Sons, in carrying out their
pinna, expect to sell their new homes at
a rate, acccptlble to the average man.
The terms at which the places Will be
sold, Col. Hofer said, will enable the
workingrr.nn to secure one of these new
homos and pay for it at a non-prohibitive
uiiiihi ouum ui
Work now under way on the Pacific
highway south of Salem will be 83 per
cent completed before unfavorable
, weather compels a cessation of ror.ii
building activities for the winter, ac
cording to J. C. McCloud, district engi
neer for the state highway department
who has just returned from a tour of
5uspection over this stretch of ni'ffcw.y.
The entire highway will be in . pasable
condtiion before work is suspended, ac-
Ording to Engineer McCloiM, who ex
plains that most of the wor- which will
nut ire jiivrusHriHceu wm ue juucauaiu-
& 1.- 1 .1 .1 ;n 1. j
. i;&eu uy mnt nine.
Twenty-three contracts are now under
way in Lane und bougies Counties and
the work is progressing most satisfac
torily, in spite of tho fact that some of
the contractors have luen experiencing
difficulty in maiuta'iuiiig a full crew of
men on road work.
In snjte 6f the court injunction
against anv .work on the Canvonville
ut-off until after & suit broaght against
the highway department in an effort to
compel a change in plans, has been set
tled, the work on this stretch of high
way will be completed before winter
sets in if the court decides the cas? with
in the next month, McCloud stated.
Police Seek Laundryican Who
Threw Iron At Woman Picket
Portland, Or., Cvt. IS. The police
are looking for John Regan, foreman
ar a local laundry, who is alleged to
have thrown a heavy piece of metal at
a young woman who was picketing the
laundry, union employes of which are
President Will Be Unable to
Entertain King Albert Upon
Visii to American Capital
-Washington, Oct, 18 (United Press)
-1'residcnt Wilson Vill not Ibe able to
sea the , Jting and queen o ,r Belgium
when they visit Washington, it was an
nounced today by Secretary Tumulty.
Tumulty issued the following state
ment: ' . ' . '
"It ig much regretted that the ill
ness of the president will make it im
possible for the-president and Mrs:
tt'ilson to receive the king and queen
of the Belgians and the Duke of .Bra
bant as their guests.
"During Their Majesties and his
royal highness visit in .Washington the
vice president und Mrs. Marshall will
act in the plnce of the president and
Mrs. Wilson as hosts forthe govern
ment of the United States. 1
"Their Majesties and his royal high
ness duriug their- visit "to Washington
will occupy tho rjssideiioc of -the third
assistant secretary of state."; ' i'f
"There's no honor among thieves!"
This old statement, founded on ironic
opinion, wm refuted Saturday when
Joseph Mayer, 18, confessed accomplice
in the burglary of Bishop's store, in
this city three months ago, when loot
valued at $924 was taken, gave himself
up to Chief of Police Varney and asked
that he be given "a jolt "i or a con
lidencu long since violated.
Three months ago, Mayer, with Frank
C'elistino, 2'i, who is now serving in the
state penitentiary for the crime, broke
into the rear of Bishop's store. During
the race with local authorities, am
when alayer was caught, -burdened n'uh
the loot and unable to keep the pace,
C'elistino made . U' complete getaway.
Mayer was held in jail.
After relentless search all over the
valley, Chief of Police Varney finally .
located Cclistino in Portland. He was
indicted, ,tried and committed to the
penitentiary for three months.
Before Celistino's capture Chief Var
ney, believing in Mayer's integrity,
took the youth with him to Portland to
aid in the searclrfor Cclistino. While
Mayer was in a certain place supposedly
inquiring, he made a break for liberty,
Chief Vainey returned to Salem with
out his man. This never became known
until Saturday..
Several days ago "Chief Varney re
ceived a mysterious letter from Seuttlo.
Ut said that Mayer was there, walking in
! , i . .. ... . .
suipyuru, una- iraaing a "straight
. Thursday Chief of Police Varney has
tened to the Sound city. . All one after
noon he devoted to tracing the myster
ious missive. Then he located Mnycr
in an apartment house. The fugitive,
hearing that Chief Varney was there,
hurried to meet him and "gave himself
up. .. . ..
In his pockets, at the time of his ar
rest. Chief Varney found a letter ad
dressed, to himself. . Mayer had written
it, and was about to mail it. It told
how he (Mayer) had been suffering
goadin? mental agony ever since be had
taken advantage of Chief Varney 's trunt
in Pottland and broke awny. He said
that he wtnted to see the chief, tell bin,
o fHls of the case, and regretted hii--"unpmdonabls
Today, as he sat 5n the city jail, ho
pleaded with Chief Varney to 'give hiin
a " jult," because "I need it for diii,:
as I did to you."
I.oezl authoiitiis, astonished by
young Mayer' actions, are giving him
the best cf accomodations. He will be
removed to the county jail, a more de
sirablo place. '
Adjournment of :
Congress By Nov.
10 Is Expected
By Raymond Clapper
(United Pros staiff correspondent)
. Washington, Oct. 18. -Adjournment
of congress November 10, provided acr
tion on the peace treaty can .bo speed
ed, was considered iby house and sen
ate leaders today.
Representative Mondcll, house ropu'b
tioan leader, has 'been in conference
with Sonator Lodge in an effort to ob
tain prompt ending of the special ses
sion, No agreement has been reached,
however, owing to uncertainties con
nected with the treaty.
Textual Amendments to the treaty
will ibe diapfosed of within another
week. Then thefight for reservations
starts. Leaders re-fused to predict bow
i meat,
long it will take to reach an agree-
Glen McGouegal, who before the war
was employed here at the Miller garage,
has returned from two year's service in
the navy. He has gone to Eugene to
enter the University of Oregon, after
only a few day 's visit with his parents
lit Woodbrirn. Aurora Observer.
-Washington, Oct. '18. A. statement
iannml hr Proaidniit. Wiiann ' ,,w.;nn
at 11:80 today said: "The president
rested well last night. There is no ma
terial change to note in his general
condition.. No new symptoms have de
veloped." The statement was signed by Ers.
Grayson, Bufifin ond Stitt, ;
Ir. Grayson said Dr. Hugh Young of
Johns -Hopkins university would again
visit the white house today. The. pres
ident's prostatic trouble responded to
treatment, Grayson said, and there are
no indications at present that an oper
ation will Ibe required.
Grayson said the president -showed
improvement today and ho is hopeful
that the gland swelling will not fur
ther .retard hj 'glow progress toward
recovery. . '. U'
Oldest Twins In
Oregon Observe
Birthday Event
Dallas, Ore., Oct. 18. James
Campbell and Thomas Campbell
two of tho oldest residents of
this city und the oldest twins in
Oregon, if not the Padfic North- ,
west, celebrated their cighty-six-
th birthday at the home of J as..
Campbell on Jefferson street Just
week. The Campbell brothers
came to this city more thun 60
years ago and encaged in the
contractins and building busi
ness. A number of tho homes built
by them in the early days are
still standing hero bearing tes
timony of their substauiul con
struction. Both the Campbell brothers
arc still Bpry in spito of their ad
vanced age and are enjoying
good health. .
Portland, Or., Oct. 18 Joseph X. Teal
las returned to Portland from Washing
ton, wheiu he went in the interest of
Portland rate cases pending beforo the
interstate commerce commission.
He says little directly about Jiow
Portlaud ' case is progressing before
the commission. He does say that rate
changes await the return of the rail
roads to privato ownership, and that a
general increase Sn rates at that time Is
an accepted prediction. ,
Teal scents promise of relief from
car shortage very ooa. .
"Car shortage was one of the im
portant matters demanding attention,"
said Teal." "A relative decrease in cm
supply jnd increased busiuoss has led to
a shortage of equipment in many ee
tioas. Owing, however, to being ao far
away Sfrom the aources of car supply,
this section is always the greatest suf
ferer from car shortages. But the mat
ter ha been taken up quite vigorously
by H. B. Allen, secretary ' the West
Coast Lumbermen 's association, with
promise of reiicf In tha ncaj- future."
Washiuglsn, !f)et. 18. Henry P.
Fletcher, American ambassador to" Mex
ico, flatly refused to sanction a ship
ment of arms to the Carraazn govern
ment, according to a letter read today
to the senate Mexican committee.
Mrs. F, A. English Charges
Company With Wilfnl Dis
regard Of Needs.
Enthusiastic t Meeting Also
Considers Questions Of
Sewers And Paving.
A bomb of defiance was hurled at the
eity water company, and a challenge of
superiority, at a meeting last night of
the North Salem Improvement associa
tion in the Highland school. Amid a
roar of enthusiasm, Mrl. P. A. English,
North Salem resident, arose in reply to
a motion of Benjamin E. Perkins that
& committee be appointed 'to wait on
the city council for immediate sewer
construction, arid declared:
ff'It's water that we" need first. If
we get water the sewera will have to
come. "
Then the attacked tho antagonistic
attitude of the council,
!'I have been before them with tears
in my eyes," she said. And they
laughed nnd Sneered at me. "
"Botter be careful, there's a council
man in the room," someone cautioned.
"I don't care! I mean cverv word of
it," Mrs. English pursued heatedly.
'And when I go to tho; water company
and tell them that I have been to the
council jinking for help, they tell mo
rn fact, they told mo today:
J' w" doa't care, whWtV ieity eonn-
cii tninas or ao-wo'.rc 'tho whole
coeeno- iiere nowl ' ;. , .
"It that councilman is here," she
added pointedly, "I'd like to hav0 him
stand. upl" :
Councilman Utter arose.
'; f'I'll say this," and he nodded his
head meaningly. "If the water com
pany said it was the 'whole cheese'
here, I and the council are with Mrs,
English to the finish to fight it out.
"The council stands todav so nm.
gressive element in your community, and
" nos toierate any dictation from
any one." ,; -,
A plea for effort on the part of North
Salem residents to beautify thoir prem
ises, as a balm to personal satisfaction.
it not for the multitude of tourists that
pass through this gateway to the
eity" was mado by Walter Denton. He
dealt a death blow to latent civic pride
nnd elicited repeated apDlauso from the
crowd that thronged the hall.
. In his speech he said that the people
of North Salem send out enough money
to the Sears & Roebuck eompany'and
other mail order companies, to pave
Hickory fjtreet and, nnd clean youi
front yards!" '
"Community interest," he Maid, "h
the basis of Americanism. Any man or
woman who has one of those catalogues
on their tables, is un-American."
He told ofyhis experience in the state
penitentiary. Ninety per cent of t'
delinquency cases there, he said, are
traceable to tho home.
"Ate you, as parents, making your
home so efficiently beautiful as to make
it the best place in the world? I tell
you, friends, any improvement yon
might make that will tend to keep our
boys and girls at home, will justify tho
world over anything you might do."
Concluding, he said:
"Come on! Lets build Salem. 8ho's
the best city in Marion comity, tho
best county in the state and in the bet
state in the Union!"
-Mr. Perkins made a strong plea for
better sanitary conditions a North Sa
lem and urged immediate action for sew
er construction.
The constitution and bylaws were
read by Ward K. Richardson, secretary
treasurer ,and were adopted.
President Tillinghast, ; in a brief
speech, outlined the aims and desires of
tho association, and urged concerted ef
fort h toward the relization of the asso
ciation 'a ideals.
A pretty entertn5nment preceded the
business and talks of tho evening. ,. A
standing- vote of thank to the enter-
taincrs and those responsible for the pro
gram was given.
, The next meetine of the body will be
at Highland school November 7.
Paker May Visit Oregon
On Trial Of Profiteer?
' Intimation that Attornev
Palmer i 'soon to visit Oretrnn nn ffc
trial of tha wilv profiteer, ig contain
ed in a letter .fust received bv Attor
nv Oenernl Brown from Clifford L.
Hilton, attorney general of Minnesota
and president of the association of at
torneys general of th United States
The letter states that Palmer will take
un the matter of a publie meeting in
this state with the governor in a few
days tut so far Governor Olcott ha
not been apprised of any plant to that
Belgian Ruler $
Visit Wonders o f
Grand Canyon
Bjr Son Chamberlain '
- (United 'Press staff correspondent)
With King Albort of Belgium , in
Grand Canyon, Oct. 18. Accompanied
by Prinee Leopold, Count Doltrefont
and J. M. Wright, King Albert today,
went down the Orand Canyon via tha
Bright Angel corkscrew trail. They
traveled seven imiles on burros, de
scending several thousand feet. A pack
lunch was served under the scorching
sun. Tho view here was in extromo cont
trast with that seen in the fertile Yose
mite Valley. Hero nothing but gorgeous
ly colored rocks in the ide of the
canyons and tho sparse rim of trees en
top of the granite walls could be seen
by tho royal party.
The queen, 'beginning to show signs
of fatigue on the strenuous trip across
the United States, planned to remain
at the top of tho canyon riding in a
buggy and motoring.
Glands from
to Fellow
San Qnontin Prison, Cal., Oct. 18.
The old man who yesterday in an oper
ation was given energy glands taken
from a hanged murderer, sat up in
bed today and smoked his pipe.
He complained of a sligTit headache
as the only Jhang over." Otherwise
he was '.''foeling fine" he said. -
He must remain in ibed, however, for
from ten to 12 days, to allow the wound
to heal. He then will be allowed to
walk about. Ho probably will not 'bo al
lowed to exerciso for four weeks.
It 'became known that 'yesterday'
operation: transpantcd two glands to
the old man's ibody, whereas previous
ooeration performed hero transplant
ed only one gland. Because ; of the
doublo nature. of; the operation, the old
man will foe watehod carefully q pro
vent strain. " ' - 'V'-'
He must remain known to the public
as "the old man." Prison officials r.0-
Washington, Oct. 18. (United Press.)
If tho sugar supply is taken from
control of the governments of tho world
a shortage is sure to bo fel$ and prices
will be high. Dr.Alonzo Taylor -told a
senate sub-committee investigating tho
sugar ntiuntion today.
Taylor represented the Secretary of
agriculture at tho hearings. Ho is a
former member of tho war trade board.
Tho people of Europe are protesting
against government restrictions, but the
people of Amesica are consuming what
they please, regardless of price, Taylor
The committee is considering the bill
to continue the sugar equalization board
for a year.
Judge William A. Glasgow, of the
sugar equalization board, told tho com
mittee lhat tho only possible method of
a price control was in tho licensing sys
tem operated during the war. and that
unless the board was given full power
over the wholesale dealers there would
be no use in maintaining it.
Senator Bansdell, Lomsina, favored
purchasing outright the available Cuban
sugar crop nnd fixing pricos by a moth-J
od of publicity, but Judgo Glasgow de
clared prices could no longer-befixed
by public opinion,
Senator Harrison, Missisnipti, told the
committee that he understood Louisiana
planters intended to withhold the cane
crop if the licensing prevailed, prefer
ring to replant rather than accept what
they consider nn insufficient profit.
Judge -Glasgow said ho had heard t
no such proposal ond that he "believed
the licensing system could bo renewed
without terioiw complaint from the su
gar refiners or the sugar interests in
Mr. Mary Catherine McQueen, who
has 'been confined at the Halein ho
pital for wine time with illness, died
Friday afternoon at the ago f 64
years. Mrs. McQueen's home wa in
Portland, end the body willjie for
warded to that city for interrmcnt and
funeral services, by the Kijjdon under
taking company,
Mr. Mnyuocfiwas born in Chicago
Heights lUinoiu, and; cuim to this
slate many years ago. She is a ister
of the late Judge Robert Kakin; and
ig survived by three brothers, judge
J. A. Kakin and Walter T. Eakin of
Astoria, and Herbert of Cottage Grove
One suiter, Mrs. Jennie Hanna of Eu
jjeas, also survive her. .
cross eoiiiicE
Pastor Flyer A rri ves Back
At Mincola Completing
Fast Round Trip
Mineola, L. I., Oct. 18. Lieutenant B. W. Maynard,
famous "sky pilot", won the transcontinental air race
when he arrived here from San Francisco at 1:50 o'clock
this afternoon. He had already won the first leg of the
race, reaching San Francisco from Mineola ahead of a
large field of contestants last week. : ,: 4 " w ; i
of Energy
Executed Man
Convict Success
fuso to divulgo his name, or even his orcod tj withdraw. Nine of the eon- t
numibor. It was "learned, however, that I testants have been Silled, ., ; . .
ho was sont up for 60 year from Ven-, QTtat ti10Uts greeted tho preacher-avia ,
tura county in 1902 for murder. He was tor when hie plane aopearod over tha
paroled in 1913, but 'broke his parole. njlA an(l spiraiea toward the ground. ,
in a few days and was sent iback to I Mra Maynard, with her two children; -prison;
'' . : waited it the edge of the group around -
: He doe not know his exact ago, but the andinK tied. A tho big plana
beat information place it at between camc to Mrtn ,ie, with tho Httto one,-
57 - .. . ' 'rushed toward it, escorted by two offi-
Whether the operation wtll prolong & h hUd carriBd.a big red ap
his life, allowing him to serve more i . "daddy "
Of his long sentence, th doctors would j1;- turned .to-'hi wif. in.me-
not predict.
- The chief result of the operation,
they said, would ibe seen in his sexual
life, but they . desired that undue etu
ohasis ibe not iriven this feature.
i Tho physieian.s had desired to avoid i
publicity at this time in order that )
their experiments might be. fully ma
tured for presentation (before tho Am
erican ilodical society. ,
Kronstadt Falls
Is Reported From
Finnish Sources
Hjlsingfors, Oct. 19. Surrcn-
der of Kronstadt, liolshovik na- ,
val base . dotending l'otrograd,
was Bnnouucod officially today ,
by the Finnish general Btaff. ;
The white flag was hoisted
over Kronstadt at 4:45 yestcr-
day. afternoon, according to a
Finnish news agency.
.. ..... :.....
The Willamctto student body took ac
tive steps towards incorporation yoster
day when it voted tho appointment of a
committee of three to draw up article
of incorporation. Heretofore, the local
university has had considerable diffi
culty in holding other college, especially
the larirn schools, to their athletic con-
tracts, and when it was able to hold
the, contract, oil financial responsibility
fell upon the athletic manager and the
coach. The incorporation of tho stu
dent body will obviato these difficulties
and open uo a bigger fiold of inter-collegiate
activties. - President Robert C.
Story appointed Bryan Conloy, of tse
law school, to draw un the article, while
Bryan McKittrick nnd tho student body
president will constitute tho rest of
the committee for signing purposes.
The forensic council was also elected
at yesterday's meeting, Bryan Conley,
Myrtle Mason hnd Harold Dimick, &JI
of who won the "Bar W" in debate,
were elected to servo on the council.
As there is at present no student In
school, who bus won hi "Bar W" in
oratory, the student body voted to sus
pend the bylaws calling for a "W" man
in oratory to represent the council, in ,
order to elect he three debaters. Pro -
fessor Delia Crowder Miller, head of the
public speaking department and coaeh
of forensic, will be the faculty repre
sentative on the council, and Robert C.
Story, president of "the student ooij!
will be cx-offieio ebaitman of the com
mittee. The student body further voted to
adopt the report of the committee on
the type of glee sonRs to be used in the
freshman glee contest this year, The
rally type, as recommended by Harold
Dimiek, chairman of tho committee, was
unanimously endorsed. -
Profeacor Hersehel Hewitt, of tho
physic department was
elected as the faculty member of the ,
awards committee. )
Fred McOraw, a Junior, was elected
forensic manager by the forensic coun-
eil for the yean -
Lieutenant Maynard left Mineola on
tho first leg of the transcontinental
flight at 9:24 n. m. October 8, and ar
rived at Ban Francisco at 1:27 p. m.
October 11, flying time 24 hours, 38
minntes, fi5 seconds. " ' ,
On the second leg, Maynard left San
Francisco at 1:19 p. m. Oetoberl4, and
arrived at Mineola thig afternoon.' Six-,.
ty-three aviators started in the fare,
fifteen from San Francisco. -, : - .
Tirentv-wnn nf these have , bees .
diatcly when he stenpod from his seat.
He threw his arms about her and thoy
embraced and kisHed each other several
times. She children clamored for their
father's attention and grabbod his legs '
and demanded attention. Ha packed up
each little one and planted a resounding .'
kiss on Its lips.
Mrs. Mhynnrd appeared to be very ,
hnppv and a her husband took her in
his arms, iiho said: . . . . ;,; . , '.
' ' I. knew you 'd do it, ' ' , , 4l
- Photographers and scores fit, other
persons then beseiged the flytafl parson.
He was slapped on the back and his
hand wa pumped by everyone in reach-
ing distance. .... . . . t
: Movie cameras then began to click,
and and the flyor and his little family t
were compelled to peso repeatedly, .
; The checrinir was rammed when th
movie men had had their inning. ;
Shouts of "atta bov" and "oh. yon
Mnynitrd," came from the crowd.
Sergeant W.. ,K, Clino, Maynard'
mechanician, also came in for a warm .
reception. ' , - . ' ;,..: - '.
Maynard ' noarest rivul on the setou t .
leg eastward wa Captain J. O. Donald-
son, last reported en routo from Chi
cago to Bryan, Ohio.
Flying westward oil tho second le,
Captain L. H. Smith was leading. He
was iast retiorted between Des Moines ?
and Omaha. Both Lieutenant E. C. Kiel
and Lieutenant H. H. Queens were e :
cute from Des Moines to Omaha, !
Dallas, Or., Oct. 18. T, O. Armitugo,'
nn employe of the Mountain Htntcs Pow-
cr company, wna instantly killed Into
Friday afternoon when a uuy wiro with '
which ho was working fell across a high
tension wire carrying l.'lOO volts of clee- ;
tricity. The accident occurrod at th '
plant of 'the company in this city. ;
Mr. Armltago wnB endeavoring to r
straiithten a small cable used as a guy ,
wire to one of the big smokestacks wheq '
the cable fell across tho wiro. Eye wit-;
nesses to the accident shut off the pow-:
er immediately but the man wa dca4 ;
when his bodv was removed from tha .
Coroner R. L. Chapmnn was called,
but after hearing th0 testimony of wit- i
nesses stated that no inquest was neees- i
sary. - -
. Mr. Armitage, with his wife and three. 1
small children, came to Dallas about on i
year aan from Colorado and ho had been i
employed at tho power plant since that t
time. Ho was considered a careful work-
er and the accident wasvone of those ;
unfortunate kind. Tho remains may be 'f
shipped to Colorado for interment.
ncDs Coanty Teachers Ask '
$1,000 Miannum Salary?
Teachers of Coos county hay orpin- i
laed for tho purpese of demanding n (
minimum salary ef I1P00 per Tear, ef- :
fectivo next year, aeuudmg to K. T.t
Carlton, assistant siinerintendect m
J'schools, who ha just returned from at-'
tending the county teacntrs' institute nt
North Bend. The teachers will also auk
the school boards to employ none other
than experienced tcacaers, Carlton stat-