Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 17, 1919, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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flbeDoihjfli Journal
Bate per word New Today:
Each insertion
On week (8 insertions)
On - onth (26 insertions)
One year, pe month ...
.Minimum per ad 25 seats.
Casn "in advance, except where ad
vertisers have monthly accounts.
New Today.
1""0R SALE (Few ?ord" of stove weed.
Phone 75,."" :. ' -" ''""- 248
MARRIED man wants work on farm.
Address E B care Journal. ' 251
TEAM for Bale, 0 and 8 years old,
weight 35(10 lbs. 2330 X. 4th 'St. 247
FOR SALE Registered Jersey bull
alf 0 weeks old, 30i Phone 4SF21.
FOR SALE A late model Ford in
good condition, $285 cash. 170 S. .12
. St. Phone 458. 47
FOUND Shotgun. Owner may have
annic bv proving1 property. 175 N.
21st St.'" 1 249
WANTED When in need of a carpen
ter, call 80F2. ; ' 251
FOB BENT Bleeping" room and apart
ment to parties without children.
S. Church St. - 248
WANTED -Oirl or woman for house
work, all or part of the time. Ho
cooking. 461 N. High street. Phone
1627, . 248
HXR .BENT 2 room apartment, also
front sleeping worn. 365 X. High, St.
Phone 645. . 240
FOB RENT 'House -.for rent, $15 per
hionth. "Possession Xov.v 1. Box 89
(Capital Journal. , f 247
FOR SALE-For cash, house' witii base
ment and garage, en paved street
ivnd carline.-Call 674J. . 248
EXPERIENCED truck dityer wants
'work driving truck or delivery car.
Call 1345 botweea 7 and 8 p. tn. 246
FOR SALE 2 good mares,- 930, 1000
-, lbs., ".-suitable for orchard work,
. cheap. Phone 671R, or sec Bcining-.'-ton
at Valley Motor Co, ... ,251
Iil'MBEB for gale cheap, nil-sizes suit;
able for houses, -barns or dryers. Uni
versify campus opposite sanatorium.
Inquire for William Niehol. " 248'
iFOB SALE 8-4 acre, modftrn 8 room
house with garage, located at 480 N.
24th St. Price $5250. W. H. Graben
horst & Co., "275 Slate St. 247
FOR JJA&E (Baldwin, apple. afc..50o a
Iox on the troei'and 40c a aaok wind
falls'! Mrs. Oscnr Meyers, Bt. 1, bo
28, phone 04F21 evening. 247
FOB SALE Home for sale "by owner.
On terms. 8 room house, hot water
' ficat and every convenience, beauti
ful grounds. Price $6500 Phone 2440
or call at 1805 Market St. 24C
IXR SALE 8 room house near ear and
;sehool, All kinds of fruit, berries
'and garden. On reasonable terms. Ad
,'clress LG M care Journal. 240
A SNAP 11 3-4 acres two miles from
Salem, gravel road, 6 room house and
burn, 3 acres of orchard, balance in
cultivation. .Price $3500. W. 11. Gra
henkorst & Co., 275 State St. 247'
WANTED Mcii, women, 'boys and
iauiiues wanted for tipping logan
berries, (toed wages, light 1 work
il'earcy Bros., 210 Oregon (HtibbaTd)
Dividing. .Phone 603. 240
FOR SALE A harness shoo in Salem,
Or., good location, e-ood business;
must be sold at once on account of
death of proprietor. Terms, cash,
for further information phone 76
IF5 or write D. L.-Cummins, Salem,
Bt. 3, ibox 274. 248
FOR SALE 100 acres mile east of
Waeonda, O. E. B., ten miles from'
Salem, 94 acres in .cultivation, re
mainder oak brush. Good buildings,
family orchard, $110 per acre. Ap
ply owner on .premises or write A.
Lnwson, Gervais, Rt. 3, 248
"FOR SALE Saw mill fully equipped,
30,000 capacity, edger. planer, black-'-
smith tools, Denby truck, contract on
two million feet of timber at $2 per
thousand. Price $4000. E. B. Gra
bcnhoist, 275 State St. 247
IW SALE 108 acres, 100 in cultiva
tion, balance timber, 7 room house
, and good barn, family orchard, grav-
' el roud, seven miles from Salem.
. Price $12,000, ensh. balance 3 or
Si years, (i per cent interest. W. H.
' Grabenhorst, 275 State street. 247
FOR SALE 10 acres of -ood cultivat
ed land, 3V4 miles from Salem on
gravel road. "Would be excellent 'lo
sauberry land. Ptice $1GOO. E. B.
Grabenhorst, .273 State St.,. 2-t
. 205 Oregoa Building
A'lXTtOX SALEIwill sell at auc-'
Hon atsmy Jsriii ono mile south east
of Turner, on Tuesday, Oct. Slst,
commencing at 10:30 n. in,, 7 head
off cows, all milking, one just fresh,
others -to freshen m two or three
months, heifers to freshen in .early
spriDg; one registered bull, 2 years
old, JorseyJa head of horses,- 40
.. head of pigs and- shontes farm ma
chinery consisting of plows, harrows,
manure spreader,, buggies etc., up
right piano and household furniture,
J. 'X. Duncan. . 247
"" For Sale. '
FRESH cow for sale. Call 107F32. 247
FOR SALECalf 2 months old.
X. Capitol St.
WANTED Two carpenters.
1332M evenings.
WOOD Choice old fir delivered $8.
Box 218, Rt. .3, 247
FOB SALE Molino gang plow. I. II.
Moore. Bt. 7, 'box 203A, Salem.
VOR SALE Fine building lot in Mel
wood addition, $250. Phone 113F23.
. . ' 247
FOB SALE Buttercup cockerels, from
prize winning birds. Salem, Or., Bt,
5 box 37. 246
FOB SALE Etterberg strawberry
plants. Miles Ottawny, Hilverton, Or.
lit, 2. 240
FOE SALE Tomatoes, extra quality,
3e lb. 735 X. Com'l St. Phone 403R.
. ?4S
FOB SALE 4 room furnished house 2
blocks irom car line. Phone 85.8M,
evening. - - -240
FOR SALE 5 , room .bungalow, full
basement, bath '.and. Dutch kitchen,
at a bargain. Paons. 302. - 240
OWN your own home nd secure a
building loan wnicn you can pay otr
like ront, from A. C, Bohrnstedt, 401
Masonic Temple. 848
FOB SALE-7 7-8 acres ' east "of fair
grounds, Rt. 7, bot 50, at a bargain.
Scott. 1 247
FOB SALE 40 acres best soil, all.ua-.
der cultivation, some orchard, stocK
and implements. 6 miles north, $10,
000. T-44 care Journal. : 268
FOB. SALE i3ood 4 room Jiouso-.and
55x125 Joot .lot, : 1030 Norway St;
Price $800, Owner, E. A. Slover, 1960
Marion St. aor. 21, Phone 1773, 247
FOB SALE Household, furniture,
stoves, mahogany office desk' with
chair, tent s single and double har-
ness and buggy, cheap for cash or ex--changc.
415 8; 12th St. "". -"147
FOB SALE Furnished 11 Toom, mod
ern bungalow, clear of all incumb
rance. Will sell for cash only. Box
3 care Capital Journal. , . 253
11 ACRES close in, all1 in cultivation,
fruit and berries; sacrifice lor quick
sale. Information 4 H. at 167 X. Com
St. Address JRt. " 2, box 81, Salem,
Or. - 240
FOB SALK Apartment and rooming
house, Well furnished, good building,
including heating plant; fine loca
tion, full of tenants. A good piece of
income property. Investigate. Ownor
at 645 Ferry St. Phone isoow. itto
FOR SALE Six room house close in
ou paved street, oil car line. Cheap
if taken soon. Box T S Capital Jour
nal. . 247
FOB SALE 1917" model Ford car.
good as new. 445 S. Capitol St. Call
from 9 a. in. to 2:30 p. in. 247
FOB SALE 1915 Studebakef touring
car, extra good tires and in first
class mechnnicnl condition. Call 1F15
This is a bargain. 246
FOB SALE 5 room modern bungalow
wilh sleeping porch and full cement
basement. Prico $2500; $1000 down
6 percent on balance. E. B. Grabeii
horst, 275 State -St. 246
LIVESTOCK for wnlc. Registered
Hampshire ewes and rams; team of
black horses, young end weigh 13v0
each; two grade Jersey cows, now
milking. Phone, 3F12. Box 57,,. Bt. 2,
Gervais, Or. 247
Auto Repairing
TO Oakland owners, we are fully pre
pared to take care of your cars no
matter in what shape they are in
and can guarantee absolute satisfac
tion. We ri also prepared to do first
class repair work on any make of
ears. American Automobile Co., 185-
19i South Commercial St., Salem, Ur.
Phone 399.
Federal Farm Loans
5V4 per cent interest. Prompt-service
34 Vi years time, Federal farm -loan
bonds for sale. A. C. Bohrnstedt, 401
Masonic Tempel Salem, Oregon.
FOB SALB-Ba1odl3llfalfit hay. Phono.fi
FOB SALE, Heed baby buggy, 2010
cherry ave. . " . o
FOB SALE Full blood X I. C. boar.
Price ' reasonable. Phone 40F4. 249
ABOUT 60; WyandotfcS and . Leghorn
pallets for sale. Win Jy m January.
John Kuhukc, fit. 4, box 79 A. 246
FERNS and palms and Other potted
plants for sale. Maruny's green
house, Ell Mifler St. Phone 916.
FOR SALE Ford sedan A-l condition,
good.tiresf shock" absorbers, Yale
lock, or trade for Ford, touring car.
See Wood, Bligh hotel-. , 240
FOB SALE Or trade 1917 8-cylimler
If. 5 passenger, fine condition, 4 new
tires, 1 extra tire. Will trade for
good truck. Come and seo the car at
270 X. Com'i St.
EDISON (Diamond disc phonograph,
cost when liew $1500, with about $40
worth of fine records, will sell out
fit for $100. The Wiley B. Allen Co.,
519 Court street. 246
BEAUTIFUL piano of very fiue qual
ity and splendid condition. Will
mako bargain price for quick gale.
The Wiley B. Allen Co., 519 Court
street. ......".' .. v., . 246
FOB SALE The very finest Xew
Zealand rabbits to be had. Buy
pair male and female ready for
breeding. Cherry City Babbitry, Sa
lem, Or. Phone 1332J. 253
FOB SALE Fivo room house, private
water system, 1 acre good lana, tarn,
chicken houses, all kinds of fruit and
berrien, cheap if taken at once. See
owner, 1760 Waller street. 248
FOB SALE By owner, seven room
modern house. Well located. .Immedi
ate possession given. "Terms to suit
purchaser. Phone 122 between 9 and
11 a. m. - - -; '.- ; 346
K)K -SALErfeamson 12-25 tractor, 3-
. bottomr.14rin. gang plow, 8 foot tan
i dem disc - with eutaway rear, one
f team of horses and harness";' one sur
. rey, one heavy hack. J.. P.: Aspin1
aUV- Brooks, Or. , . 248
FOB SALE Delivery wagon for sale,
ona 2-horne wagon, extra wide,
, roomy body,' -heavy canvas top," all
i , completely .overhauled; .one light 1
;.3iorse grocer "wagon, aew body and
Mop. Good condition. Ward K. Bich
s rdsoa, 2395 JFront St. 249
FOB SALE By owner, 10 acres g;ood
j , valley land, -fine eoiL for fruit or
1 Jierries, 'all in cultivation, partly im
v Troved, good well, inew . buildings,
ined Pacific highway and railroad
Natation. ' $2700, . 1-3 cash, ""' balance
: easV terms. Address Owner 10 care
i' Jonrnal. ' : 247
FOB SALE 5 room house, good barn,
, ; 2 lots, one block from street car.
; $1800, terms, reasonaoie.
, 6 room house good lot, one block
! from street ear line. $1600, half cash
, 130 acres. 120 under cultivation with
modern bungalow, good barn and
hog house, -with water piped to all
buildings. Price and terms -reasonable.
Square Deal Realty company.
U. S. Nat. bank bldg. 246
FOB SALE A good orchard consist
ing of 25 acres, half in Italian
prunes, 5 acres Lambert and Royal
i Anne cherries, 1 acres pears, 1
acre apples, 2 acres iDeaver dam,
excellent for garden; 8 room house,
barn and other buildings, $450 per
, acre, terms. Also 10 acre bloik bear
ing Italian prunes, no buildings. $450
per acre, terms. Rt. 4, box 101, Sa
lem. Phone 11F2. 250
Help Wanted
WANTED A janitor for store work.
hours a day. Jiafoury Bros. Z4
WANTED-Middlc aged,- single man
for all round w4rk in general mer
chandise store, Polk county. Perma
nent home 'for right man. State wag
es expected und experience had in
this line. V J care Journal. 252
For Rent
FOR BENT Good farm for rent, eith
er cash or shares, immediate posses
sion given.
Argo hotel.
See J. H. Lauterman,
FOR RENT Three room modern bun
galow completely... furnished. To
adults only, $20 a mont, 6 months
rent in advance. Will rent for 1 year
706 S. 18th. 246
Lost And Found.
LOST Teachers Bible on river road
south of Salem, Sunday p. m., return
to this office and receive reward.
FOUND Old bicycle. Owner may have
same by proving property and paying
for advertisement. -246
LOST One 30x3 Firestone cord tire
lost on River road Monday evening.
Phone 1106. Reward. 247
LOST 8uit cage with owners name
and address on same, on road be
tween Salem and Aewberg. Leave at
Marion hotel. Reward. . 246
FOB auto truck hauling, try the Bied
ertnan transfer stand at Smith's ci
gar store, State end Commercial St.
: Phone 100. 252
Stove Repairing.
Stoves rebuilt and repaired. 50 yean
experience; Depot National and Ameri
can fence, sizes 26 to 58 inches high:
Paints, oil and varnish etc; logan
berry and hop hooks.
250 Court Street, Phone K4
LEAVE your children with me while
you work. 2751 Laurel Ave. 10-22
LIBRARIES bought . and sold, Sims,
143 N, High.. Phone 340. ; 206-
EXOELLENT territory open for livo
salesman, with roadster. See- Ktnoaid
at 337 State St. : .,..'. 2.47,
DR. JOHXt Ia LtYNOH Osteopathic
physisian and surgeon, 404 Oregon
, bldg. Be, phone 58F5. 2.70
' ' 1," ' ' ' ,,' . . . . , i i.i '
biun proven grade sToeir, f mm; fit qt.
milking '8trnin,';Servaoe $5. Call at
1586 N. CapitoV'St..'ftei 4 p. mr-250
AUTO' PAINTING Te will be open
for business on and after Oct. 1st at
156 S. 12th St, We are in? a position
to give yon good service in auto
painting and laundry. "?ou patron
age will be appreciated, fall work
guaranteed. Qullett Bros. 10-29
WANTED Men wanted on- the road
at Eola. . 246
WANTED Auto truck hauling of all
kinds. Phone 1608J, A. H. Bieder
man. 248
WANTED Work by experienced of
fice girl". Good references. Write
B 90 care Journal. '.; 246
WANTED T6 rent front 3 to 5 acres
with good improvements. Frank A.
Smith, Stayton. Or., Rt. 2. 247
WANTED Experienced farm hand.
Steady work ' by month. $50 and
board. Eagle " Cress Orchards, 9DF23.
WANTED Wood saw. Frank Day will
. run the Sproedg boys wood saw the
" rest of the season. Phone mornings
and evenings,. 1698 W. - 249
WANTED By gentleman, room and
two meals per day, in private home
off carhne. fhone arter-seven,
evening. . .
WAITED To rent, six or seven
room modern house, chise in, furn
ished or unfurnished by reliable, par
ty. No children. Win. Neimeyer, -444
" State St. Phone 167. - ?
WANTED Ladies and gents gar
Mnents to remodel,-no alterations too
difficult.. Mrs. C; Ezra Sparks, lady
tailor, C. Ezra Sparks, man tailor.
Call room 2, 442 State St. 252
WANTED Hello, Hello! Another
. new and secondhand furniture-store.
415 S. 12th, a block from S. P. de
. pot. If you have anything to offer
call lor a. Jtt.'Vnon. rnone urn.
... ; - - 260'
Will Stand Investigation j
Fine 5 acre tract in high State cul
tivation, some fine cherry " trees and
other fruits, close in,'' fine location and
fine road. $2500. ' '. -: ."
13 acres in bearing fruits, 7 prunes,
4 loganberries, 2 pears, set farm. build-:
ings, close in; big snap, $6500.
Fine large bungalow cipse in, line
location, $4000; $500 cash, balance
' 6V6 acre fruit tract, 80 rods from par
line, farm buildings; most all in fin
orchard, fine soil; $3500, term.
5 acre tract 3 miles from Salem,
near paved highway,- family orchard,
house, first class soil; snap $1850.
- Fine1 230 acre farm, near Salem, 200
acres in cultivation, 50 in clover, 70
seeded to grain now, J, mle from car
line and "stution. Tractor, fine horses,
all kind machinery, farm buildings,
fine bunch .sheep, hogs, cattle-. Extra
fine bargain at $135 per acre; terms.
10 acres 3 miles out. D acres logan
berries, nice bearing prune orchard, all
other fruits, nice bungalow, good barn,
fine soil. Snap, $6500.
If you want a good bargain or in
vestment see us
. Perrine & Marsters
212 Commercial club bldg
DATED DEC. 1, 1915.
Notice is hereby Riven, pursuant to
the provisions of the mortsage to Ger
mantown Trust company, ' dated De
cember 1, 1905, that the undersigned
company as trustee will receive sealed
proposals up to twelve o'clock noon
on Saturday, October 25, 1919, for the
sale to it of bonds, a described above,
at a price not exceeding one hundred
and five per cent, ( iw percent) aim
accrued interest, sufficient to exhaust
as nearly as possible the sum of $9,
160.74. now in the sinking fund.-Pref-
erence- to be given by the trustee to
bonds offered at the lowest price.
COMPANY, Trustee.
' Treasurer.
Oetober 9th, 1919. Philadelphia, Pa.
Oleson's Auto Exchange
49 N. COM. Y. M. C. A. BLOfB
Buvs sells and exchanges new ears
Universal tractor attachment fits
an-' car, $275, pulls 2 14-in. plows.
20 used car for sale or trade::
3 Fords, $375 to $475
2 1917 Haxsotf sixes $050 and $750
5 Studcbakers $200 to $1300
2 Chevrolet $375 and $625 ,
1 Ford truck, fine condition, $625
Many other good buys.
"We sell oils, grease, gaoline, used
auto parts, tires and accessories.
STJCt. CHEMEKETA lodge Xo. 1
-J ; meets every - Wednesday
evening at 7:30 at I. O. O. F. hall.
MeCornack hall s6n every Tuesway
at 8. Harry Levy, C. C.; P. J; Kuats
K. R. t & .... .., v.. v-
ROYAL Neighbors of America Ore
gon Orape camp No. ,1360 moots every
Thursday evening in MeCornack hall
Elevitor service. Oracle, Mrs. C
Trie E. Buun," 648 Union St.j recorder
; Mrs. Melissa Persons, : 1415 ," N. 4th
j St. Phone 1436M. T .u.
TJXl-TED ARTISAXS--Capi'tal Assem
bly No. 84 meets every Thursday at
8 p. m. in "Masonic Temple. Glenn C.
Nilcs, M. A.; C. A. Vibbert, seCre-
, tary,,340 Owens street.
; Oregon'Cedar Camp No. 5246 meets
. every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock
' in MeCornack building, Court and
Liberty streets. W. M. Persons, V. O.
' Frank A. Turner, clerk.
Everything Electrical.
HATuEM Electrie Co., Masonic Temple,
127 North High. Phone Mam 1ZU.
5 room bungalowj, basement, good
plumbing nnd gas, all ready to move
in, $1650. '
5 aeros loganberries,, good buildings,
10 acres bearing orchard and logan
berries, ood road. $3000, .
5 room house, good location, $850,
easy terms. Bayne bldg. 48
Good Buys., .
17 acre tract. 10 acres bcaTrnjr otch'
ard, mostly prune's, some apples, cher
ries and walnuts three room, house,
barn, well, on main Pacific highway,
4 miles south. Price $5500, .
353 cr tractr 80" acres cultivated,
SO acres timber, balance -pasture, fair
IbUldings. Price $37 per acre.
20 acre tract, all cultivated, 4 acres
of logans, 10 acres of cherries and ap
ples, 5 room plastered cottage, barn,
well. Price' WOWi'- : .-,... . . .
320 Oacre-farnt, 24d aeres plow land,
pStlauco pasture, running water, best
ot-sou. good ttuuaings, on maw -uiju-way.
Price $135 per acre.
' Well improved 1.0- acre tract, good
buildings all in -prunes, located close
to Salem. Price $9o00.
' S acre tract, house, and barn,, well,
100 bearing prunes. Price $2750; $750
down, balance $800 per-year, 6 per
cent interest.
; Good, improved 80 acre farm located
4 miles east of Salem, 72 acres cul
tivated, balance pasture and timber,
family ore Jfird. good, plastered aousc,
best of'rfoii.' Price- $16,500. j
' 10 acres of good soil, nil cultivated
and 4 miles from. 8alem. Prico $1600.
W. H, Grabenhorst & Co.
- 275 State street ., 246
Best Buys.
56 acres. 14 acres cleared, 20 acres or
more Dartlv cleared, 22 acres timber,
mostly river bottom, 3 room house,
barn, on paved roaa, mues irom gjoa
town. $60 per aero. $1000 cash, bal-ance-at
5 per cent,
219 acres, 94 timber,, 125 cleared, 80
valley Ian, 139 rivet bottom, 7 room
hause, large barn, 6 miles from good
town, $80 per acre.
200 acres, 140 cleared, 30 slashed, 30
timber, family orchard, best of soil,. 40
acres bottom, 8 room house, large barn,
fenced, 3.4 mile from sign scnooij ad
joining town. Price $125 per acre, half
cash, bnlunce 5 per cent.
29 acres, 21 Cultivated, 8 stumps
ail brush cleared- up and hnrnod, fam
ily orchard fair house and barn, all
fenced, on good macadamized road, one
half milo from school. A real bargain,
137 acres. 90 cultivated, balance tim
b'er, family orchard, house and barn,
fenced, one nnd a half miles from Sub
limity. $80 per acre, terms if desired.
' 316 acres, 100 cultivated, oaiance
timber and pasture, new house, large
barn, 5 miles to town, $65 per aero.
Terms to suit. '
64 acres. 52 cultivated, 12 timber,
good 7 room honse with basement and
water system, good barn, close to school
4 miles from Salem. $250 per acre, half
cash, balance' 6 per cent.
20 acres, 15 cultivated,, 10 ocaring
prunes, 5 pasture, all good soil, house,
barn, on 2 rock roads, only $7250.
5 acres, 4; bearing logans, ratios
out, $2250. This can be worked from
the -city and is a good investment.
10 acres, 6 in logans 3'a cherries
and prunes, half acre oak grub. $4250,
easy terms. '
105 acre farm lor rent, iw casn
rent. $75 must bo paid in money and
$75 to bo paid in clearing work on the
1 room modern house, cast front, ma
ndlimized street, 2 lots, bearing fruit,
5 room modem bungalow, macadam
ized street, car line, $2000, easy terms.
5 room cottage, 5 lots, lots or fruit.
$1800, $200 down, Ibalaoico $25 per
7 room house, well built, paved
street, 75 foot front, lots of fruit, $2,-
350. $700 cash, balance to suit at 7 per
6 room modern, plastered ltou9C, $1,
275, half cash, balance to suit at 6 per
6 room bungalow, cait front, $lu00,
$500 down and balance to suit at 8 per
5 room welt built plastered modern
house, lots of fruit, eastTfront, close to
school, $1750, terms on $U0.
Socolof sky.
For best buys see
341 Stale street
Salem Scavenger Garbage and refus.
f all kinds removed on monthly eon
racts at reasonable rates. Cew ool
'.leaned. Dead animals removed. Offlc
phone Main . 167.
- " 80 ACRE FARM '
Located 5 miles north east of Salem. 70 acres culti-'
vated, balance timber and pasture. Good 7 room
plastered house, 2 barns, orchard.
Price: $16,500.00.
275 State Street
Look at This.
5 room well located modem bunga
Ow with some furniture, $2000, terms.
Socolof sky.
341 State St. tf
Water Company.
corner Commercial and Trade streets
Bills payable monthly in advance.
Phone 606.
We Want.
Your used furniture, Btovea, carpets
and tools, as we pay fair prices for
everything. Call 947.
- 285 North Commercial St.
. Money To Loan.
On good real estate security
Over Ladd ft Bush Bank; Salem, Ore.
Best Buys.
& acres close" to paved road, all in
cultivation. $200 per acre, easy terms;
5 acres half mile from street ear, all
rin cultivation, well fenced, black (Trav
el soil, the best of berry mad. SluUU,
$500 cash, balance to suit.
10 acres, 5 cultivated, a brusa ana
timber, -running water, lota of Ever
green blackberries, the best of logan
berry soil. $2250,' half cash, balance
leasy terms.
: . 10 afliws, rair .improvements, an in
cultivation, all the best of valley loam,
family orchard, fenced, two miles from
city limits; $4500. Terms tf desired.
15.38 acres, lu cultivated, .as timiocr,
good house, barn,, family orchard, good
well, roek road,, mail route, two miles
from city, stock and equipment lnclud-
ed. $5500,.. terms if desired.
20 acres, 5 acres Italian prunes, O
Petites, 2Vi loganberries, balance
stumps pasture,, all the best or son, on
macadamized road, old house and bam
eight miles from Salem. $7250. Terms.
, .20 acres, good 7 room bun galowt ten
ant house, all necessary outbuildings,
well fenced and cross fenced with. wov
en wide, 13,aoie inMUt,: tjjMa bear
dosr prunes, batancsi walnut's, apples,
peaches, -on -rook road close to oaiem.
$10,500j if sold soon. Price subject to
change without notice.
20 acre, ell cultivated, well drained.
the beat of soil,' 8 acres logans, fair
house at barn, family orchard, stock
and equipment included, close to paved
road on rock road, 5 miles out. $6500,
terms en $3000. ; ,. T .'..
36 acres. 28 clear, family orchard,
all the best river bottom loam, on rock
road, close to Behoof 0 room bungalow,
fair barn and necessary outbuildings,
woven- wire lem. Price $6500, half
cash, balance terms" riix tier cent.
5 acres 4V4- bearina loBftrls. rocky,
close to &alem. A splendid investment.
Only $2250. -'. - -
320 acres, 290 cultivated, good sou,
fair improvements, , and 4" miles from
best town in Folk county, oniy u:
per acre.
92 acres,. 70 cleared, bamnce pasture,
family orchard.' Old honse and bara,
fenced, 4 miles good town, school on
place. $10,000.
14G acres. 50 cleared. 96 timber, 4 lo
gans, 1 peaches, 1 family orchard, alJ.
river bottom soil, old house and barn,
well fenced, 3-4 mile from school. $85
per acre, half cash, balance 6 percent.
37 acres. 14 bearinir prunes, 10 in
cultivation, balance timber, rock road,
4V miles of Salem. C200 per acre.
Will acoept house as part payment.
For best buys see
341 State street
. Real Estate Bargains
7 room fully modern bungalow. Trade
and Winter streets. 35UU.
ii room strictly modern house on Un
inn street. $4000.
6 room strictly modern house-on Bich
mond avenue. A first class home. ni,
750. .- .' -.. . i
8 room strictly modern house on N
Summer St. Garage. Fine corner lot.
42 acres on river road iaar rhaw.
acres nruiies. rwlHiice in cultivation.
Good house and barn; some stock in
eluded. $12,500.
3 acres on Garden rond, all cultivat
ed. Good orchard, 5 room modern house.
Uood well, tank and engine. -Near
school. $5500.
372 acres, 0 miles from Stayton on
2 main roads, 175 acres cultivated, all
bottom land; balance timber. 7 room
house, 2 large burns and other out
buildings all new. Woven wire fences;
good water. $25,000.
C. W. Niemeyer.
215 2I Masonic building, Salem.
Phones' 1000, 1014. 240
Located 5 miles south of Salem. 75 acres cultivated,
balance timber and pasture. Good 8-room. modern
house, barn, water system, family orchard
Price: $165.00 Per Acre
275 State Street . ' .
Office 124 South Liberty Street.
Phone 937, 1211. Real Estate and
Stock Sales.
W. F. WIRHGT, Turner auctioneer.
Why not get him He only sharge
2 percent. . tt
Why Sell For Less?
We wilf pay you more cash for
your household goods. Got our bid
before you Bell. Peoples Furni
ture and Hardware Store, 271 X.
Commercial Street. Phone 734.
eialist in the Modera- Scientif
ic Application of Glasses , for the aid
of vision and the leliof of Eyestrain
and Headache. Office closed Satui
days. Office 210-211 U. S. Bank build
ing. Phones, office 145: r
Wood Saw.
PHONE ltfPOtt. Our prices ar vlghtk
W. X, handler, proprietor 12515 N.
; Bumiwr street, Salem, Or.
, Rumely Oil Pull Tractors:
. Come' and !' tell you of the" me
who are making such great' records)
plowing, alsein&t and threshing on thaw
farm aear Salem with Bwnely Oil
Pull.-; ; 'v ; ; '
iWm. H. Trumn, local agent, Salem,
263 N. Commercial. Phone 413.
Machine Shop Work
Rmtwrt machine shoo service by Mr.
Bergman at high school maohine shop.
12 yoart experience, uear cutciug
specialty. High claas maefcine tools
Quick service. Phone 446. u
v Buy Now.
urn. 4 miles east of city, gooo
family orchard, 5 room house and Bar
$2500. . . ....
0 acres on BHverton yoaa ?
5 room cottaae, bartt, chicken hons
and tool house. Thi is a fine place;
$3000, cash. , ' f !
12 acres tt miles out, small house an
barn, 7 in cultivation. $1730; ;.
' 'Irk snfH 3W, miles east, of city, 64
aerca of fruit. S room house, barn,
chicken house, good water system.
dandy buy at $4000.
130 acres of land, good family or
chard, largo barn, chicken house and
it buildings, 10 edwa,,, X bull, 3 horses,
5 hogs, 200 ehiekens, all grain, hay.
wood ana maensnery, iwo
acres in cultivation; $17,300,,
100 acres, 38 la cultivation, honse
barn and cnickett house, good water,
39 acres of pasture, balance good tim
ber, mile off Faeifio highway, elev
en miles ont. This 5s a fine buy; w
will sell all or Hlf $73 per aero. .
W. ham houses from $1000 up t
$6000 on. godd terms. Call at our offica
and let us tell you about them.
John H. Scott, Realty uo.
"-. 22 Oregon bldg
More Bargains.
un i.rc wtti extra eood buildings.
all in cultivation, near school, on How- '
ell Prairie.
30 acres with fair farm ouiiuinga,
all in cultivation, four mues irom m
lem. Price $6080.
10 acres, 8 acres in cultivation,
acros in timber, well and creek water, ,
,r school and rauroaa town,
$1500. . . ....
10 acres with good nouse ana nar, .
half cleared, nice berries and fruit,
four miles out. Price $350C.
12 acres of land located on Pacifi
highway, 9 acres in prunes (bearing),
I acre loganberries', 3Vj miles front
Bush's bank. Price $8000. Terms.
5 acres with good buildings and
abundance of fruit, all in cultivation,
3 miles out. Price $2750. I
ft onra with fair buUdinzs, mcs) ,
prune orchard in bearing, 3 miles ont !
1'rice if-'.wv.
Also the Judge Slater property om
tho corner of Church and Chemeketsi
St. aud the fine modern home at 640
Chemekcta St., both for sale at a oar-
gain and on exceptionally efl; fae-V
tor particulars call oxt
tt. A. Liston.
484 Court St. 840"
Safety Razor Blades.
SAFETY razor blade sharpening ma
chine, first installed at A. B, Stew
art's Bepair shop, 347 Court St.
(Continued on page six)