Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 17, 1919, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    .. . v
Washington, Oct. 17. (United Press.)
Domination of the whole grocery
trade by the "big five" Chicago meat
packers is threatened, the federal trade
commission charges.
More than two hundred foods the
commission declared in a report to the
president, are handled by the packers
though they are unrelated to the ma'in
industry of meat packing either as pro
duets or by-products.
Unless the packers are curbed by leg
islation, the "commission intimated, they
rnav dominate whole grocery trade "in
pra-ctically all the moi'o important "Cen
ters of distribution."-
The 'bie five" the commission
charged, have divided the food special
ty field, each concentrating to obtain
control of particular lines.
The 200 foods unrelated to meat
handled by the "big five" the commis
Washington, Oct. 17. (United Press.)
.Industries throughout the United
States will be paralyzed a month after
the coal strikes goes into effect Novem
ber 1, government experts estimated to
day. Most of the country will feel the
strike seriously lone before a month ex
pires, it was said, even with good weath
er. With cold weather two weeks was
given as the minimum before the public
feels tho strike. -
C. E. Leaner ,a coal expert of the
geological survey, estimated the present
production at from 11,000,000 to 11,500,
000 tons of coal a week. There are on
hand about 30,000,000 tons. This, Lesh
er said, probably would last a month.
Railroad reserve coal is variously esti
mated. Figures subnjitted to the senate
recently show ten days supply on
hand. Other figures, also given to the
inn said, include noultrv ana came pro- "ie, snow a montns supply in re-
ducts, dairy products and groceries, serve. ,Thn latter figures show 12,500,-
Some of them are
Coreals. lard and butter substitutes;
canned and dried vegetables, fruits and
preserves; canned, cured and frozen fish
condiments and. relishes.
Armour & company, it was stated, inlwas declared here
addition,' handle one hundred and eigh-
ty-four preparations and 19 soda foun
tain utensils.
000 tpns on hand and an average yearly
consumption or i3U,uuu,uuu tons.
.Because of unequal distribution Of
coal, many sections of the country would
be hit bv the strike within a week, it
Pendleton, Or., Oct. 16. J. D. Mor
row, Umatilla county farmer, lias been
adjudged bankrupt, with liabilities of
$705.83. Morrow professed essets of $23,
'including two suits of underwear, one !
pair of sox, a pair of shoes but no cash
More than 100 young men who are
interested in foreign trade lines have
registered in tho University of Oregon
extension classes in foreign trade.
A new mill for the East Oregon Lum
ber company is being built at Enter
prise to replace the $150,000 mill
which burned September 1.
Chemist Wins Lasting
Gratitude .
"I tried several doctors and all
kinds of medicine, and had about giv-
, en up all hope of getting better. I did
not think it possible that any medi
cine could be so wonderful in its ef
fect as Mayr's Wonderful Remedy has
provoir in my case. You sure have won
jny lasting gratitude. I could not work
t all Bad had constant pain in my
stomach before taking your medi
cine. "It is a simple, harmless prepa
ration, that remove the .catarrhal mu
cus from the intestinal tract and allays
the inflammation which causes practie-
.jblly all stomach, liver and intestinal
ailments, including-, appendicitis. One
, dose wBl; convince or" money refunded.
J. C. PejPrry and druggists everywhere
Washington Oct. 16 (United Press'
Determined to prevent the threaten
ed coal strike by bringing about an
agreement between the miners and op
erators, secretary ol iiobor Wilson to
day prepared a olan of settlement for
submission to the representatives of
both sides in the dispute when they
meet him tomorrow.
John Li. Lewis, acting president of
the United Mine Workers of America,
is on hia way to Washington and is
expected here late this afternoon. Lew
is has just called a strike of approxi
mately 400,000 coal miners for Novem
ber 1. The labor secretary, Lewis and-
u nomas T. Brewster, president of the
Coal Operators association will eonfer
Friday in an effort to reach a basis of
Comb Sage Tea In
f Hair to Darken It
Grandma kept her locks daxi"s glossy,
and youthful wits Sage Tea
and Sulphur
The old time mixture of Sago Tea
and Sulphur for darkening gray,
atreaked and faded hair is grandmoth
er's recipe, and folks are again using
it to keep their hair a good, even col
or, which is-quite sensible, as we arc
living in an age when a youthful ap
pearance is of the greatest advantage.
Nowadays, though, -wo don 't have
the troubleome task of gathering the
aage amd tho mussy miring at home.
All drug stores eU the ready to- use
product, improved by the addition of
othe ingredients,. . called . '. ' Wyeth 's
Bags' and Sulphur Compound. It is
very popular because- nobody can dis
cover it has been, applied. Simply moist
en your com'b or a soft brush with it
and draw this through your hair, tak
ing one small strand at a time; by
morning the grav hair disappears, but
what delights tho ladies with Wyoth's
" Sage and Sulphur Compound, is that,
besides beautifully darkening the hair
To due a Cold in One Day
(Tablets.) It stops the Cough and
Headache and works off the Cold. E.
W. GROVE'S signature on each box.
30c. (Adv)
Girls - Ladies-Women
HOLLISTER'S ROOXT MOUNTAIN TEA a great laxative mild, pleas-.
ant, certain ao thoroly cleansing and purifying that COMBTIFATION dis
appears, and when your CONSTIPATION Koes your COMPLEXION im
proves you work bettoreat better feel better.
Give it a thoro trial and you will recommend it to all your women friends.
35c a package, D. J. Fry. - ', (Adv)
Steinhock Junk Co.
'. : WANTS . '.
All kinds Scrap Iron, Junk, Metal, Rubber, Rags
Sacks, Hides.
Highest Cash Market Price
Don't Forget the Number
If you are growing hard of hearing
and fear catarrhal, deafness or if you
have roaring, rumbling, hissing noises
in your ears go to your duggist and
got 1 ounce of Pamint(douible strength)
and add to it pint of hot water and
a little granulated sugrrf. Take 1 table
spoonful four times a day.
'This will often bring quick relief
from the distressing head noises. Clog
ged nostrils should open, breathing be
come easy and tho mucus stop dropping
into the throat. It is easy to prepare,
costs little and is pleasant to take.
Anyone who is threatened with ca-,
tarrhal deaflness or who has head nois
es should givo this prescription a trial.
No Cooking
A Nutritious Diet for All Ages
after a few aplicafciomi,! it also pro-! Quick Lunch at Home or umce
nil lusiro .uu .fpv. ...... J CL.tU..
attractive. I Avoid imuauuus pa
duces tht
itl abundance which is eo
Largest and
Best Selected
Stock in the
City .
Combination Coal and Wood Heaters $22 to $38
Wood Heaters ... ........$10 to $22
Airtight Heaters -$2 to $6
Frank f. Richter
Buster Brown Shoes
Are always in the lead. In wet weather they protect ;
the feejt and in dry weather they develop the feet.
They come in all styles and all sizes but in only one
Qualitythe very best. We have a full stock.
Bring the children to us for proper foot care.
All are rightly priced. !
$2.95 Up
Buster Brown Shoe Store
125 North Commercial Street -Shoes
that wear and fit and are fit to wear.
At prices which cannot be duplicated at the factory at the present time cn ac
count of the fact that we cannot buy any high heel Shoes of this make we are
going to close out this line at the following prices:
$13.50 Brown Calf Shoes to go
at..--.-- $1050
$13.50 Brown Kid Shoes to go
.at- - ; $10.90
$13.50 Golden Brown Kid Shoes
for only $10.50
$15J0O White Washable Kid Shoes
to go at -
$9.00 Oxfords and Pumps at
only ........ $7.50
Come early if you want your correct fit as this . line will not last long.
Shoes are well-known all over this county as
the highest grade made, for durability, style, fit
'and comfort.- This 'line will replace the Keith
Konqueror Shoe. Come in and see this new line
as there are none better made at any price.
Flit Ju Arch
Bitro-Phoephate Is
Good For Thin
Nervous People
' . A Physician's Advice
Frederick . Kolle, M. D., editor of
New Tork Physician's " Who's Who"
says that weak( norvous people who
want increased weight, .strength and
nerve force,, should take a 5 groin tab
let of Bitro-Phosphate just before or
during each. meal. : '
This particular phosphate ie the 'dis
covery of a famous- French scientist,
and reports of remarkable results from
its use have recently appeared in many
medical journals.
If you do not feel well; if you tire
easily; do not sleep well, or are too
thin; go to any good druggist and get
enough Bitro-Phosphate for a two
weeks' supply it costs only fifty cents
a week.
Eat less; chow your food thoroughly,
and if at the end of a few weeks you
do not feel stronger and hotter than
you have for months; if your nerves '
are not steadier; if you do not sleep :
'better and have more vim, endurance
and vitality, your money will ibe re-!
turned, and the Bitro-PhOBphate will !
ost you nothing. (Adv) 1
For Sick lledada
Constipation, Indigestion, Sour
Stomach, Biliousness, Bloating,
Gas, Coated Tongue, take that
wholesome physic
Act promptly. Never disappoint. Mild
and gentle in action. Do not gripe or
nauseate. No costive after effects.
Mn. Sweet Clary, Ante, Vt.i "1 hid a bad
headache end took two Foley Cathartic Tablet.
In a abort white, my head itopiyd ashlas." .
Us rem indiqcstio
Sure Relief
Salem King's Product Co.
Front and Market Streets.
Tobacco Hardens the Ar
teries, Overtaxes the Heart
and Shortens Life
Says Dr. Connor, Who Suggests a Simple Test to Find If
Is Hurting You. Can You Stand It?
New York Dr. Connor, formerly of
Johns, Hopkins hospital, says: Hund
reds of- thousands of men who smoke,
and chew and who believe themselves
healthy are suffering from progressive
organic ailments. They would never
have been afflicted had it not been for
the use of tobacco and most of them
would, soon get well if they would
stop the use of tobacco.
The best known habit forming prin
cipal of tobacco is nicotine, Ibut the
mo8i deadly and demoralizing as fur
fural. Both are deadly poison, which,
when absorbed by the,, system slowly,
hut surely, affect the nerves, .mem
'branes, tissues, vital organs and vital
ity of the body.
The harmful effect of tobacco ' var
ies and depends on circumstances and
the individual.. In some it causes gener
al debility, others catarrh of the throat
indigestion, constipation, extreme nerv
ousness, sleeplessness, loss of memory,
lack of will power, cowardice and fear,
mental confusion, etc.; in others it
causes heart disease bronchial trou
bles, hardening of the arteries, palpi
tation of the heart, tubereulosis, can
cer and the common affliction known
as tobacco heart. -
If you use tobacco in any form you
easily detect its harmful effects by
making the following simple tests:
Read alond a full page from a book.
If your voice becomes muffled, hoarse
nd indistinct end yon must frequently
Tlear your throat, the chances are that
rour throat is affected by catarrh and
it may be the beginning of very seri
ous catarrhal trouble. Next, in the
mornini' before taking your- usual
smoke, walk up three flights of stairs
at a regular pace, t&en stop, if you
find that you are out of breath, if your
heart beat is forced, trembling or ir
regular, you may be the victim of a
functional or organic heart trouble. If
you feel that vou must smoke or chew
to quiet your nerves, you are a slave
to the tobacco habit and are slowly
poisoninir yourself with the insidious
deadly drugs, nicotine and furfural.' In
either case, you have just two alterna
tives keep on with your self poison
ing process regardless of the dangers,
and suffer the consequences, or nd
yourself of the habit and escape the
Yon can overeomo the craving ana
stop the tobacco habit in a very short
time by using the following inexpens
ive formula: Go to any drug store and
ask for Nicotol. Take one tablet after.
each meal and in a comparatively- short
time you will have no desire for tobac
co. The eraving will .have rt you.
With the nicotine poisoning out of
your system your general health will
quickly improve.
Note: When asked about Nicoto!,
one of our leading druggists-said: Xi
cotol is truly a wonderful remedy for
the tobacco habit. It ig way ahead of
anything we have ever sold before. We
are authorized by the manufacturers
to refund the money to every dissatis
fied customer and we would not per
mit the nse of our name unless the rem
edy possessed unusual merit." Nieotol
is sold in this chv under an Iron elad
money back guarantee by all up to
date druggists. ' (Adv)
And we are going to show our appreciation of the patrons of Salem and
the surrounding territory by quoting some very special prices on the neces
sities for the table at your home. ;
At this, store, every day in the week, as well as on Saturday, patrons receive
the "No-Vary" price and at that price all orders-are taken and filled.
Eggs, per dozen . 64c
Butter, per pound .. ..... 72c
Swift's side bacon, lb. L..- 42V&C
Back bacon, pound 1 - 38c
Swifts Bricket, pound 35c
Sunny Monday Soap, 5 for.. .....30c
White Navy Soap, 5 for 30c
R. C. Coffee, 3 lb. can $1.49
Hills Bros, red can, 2 lb. can $1.10
Quaker Corn Flakes, 2 for ............25c
Cherry City Patent Flour $3.00
Olympic flour $3-05
Swift's Pride Wash Powder 23c
A Good Broom 95c
Holsum and Dixie Bread, 9c and 14:
Heinz Spaghetti, per can 25c
Wheathearts, pkg 25c
Veribest Milk, per can 15c
Shasta Tea, per pkg 35c
Folger Golden Gate Tea, pkg..:.... 45c
Folger Baking Powder, 1-2 lb.
pkg 25c
Folger Baking Powder, 1 lb. pkg. 45c
White Seal Coffee, pkg 47c
P. A. Tobacco 15c
Velvet Tobacco - 15c
Camel Cigarettes, 2 for 35c.
Star Tobacco, per lb 85c
Horse Shoe Tobacco, per lb. 85c
383 Court Street
We Deliver
Phone 409