PAGE TWO. THE DAILY CaPITAH JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1919. both prominent matrons of Dallas were Salem visitors yesterday. . Muscles Were Tied In Knots By Gertrude Robison lira. F. A, Martin of Emmett, Idaho. . mho kas been visiting with Mr. and - JCn. B. T. Salmon, will leave tonight for Beach, California, where she will spend the winter as the guest of bar sister; Mrs. Chapman. She- will be .Accompanied fcy Mrs. Salmon who will 'pass several weeks In California. Mrs. Rov Bishop of Portland is a truest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. l Bishop. Mrs, Bishop ia en route to her home after attending the confer e of the Oregon federation of wo fen'a clubs in Corvallis. .- Justice and Mrs. A. S. Bennett are entertaining as their guest the latter ' fcrother, 8. D. McCauley of Walla Wal la, superintendent of the jute mill at the- Washington state prison. Tuesday; Mr. McCauley visited the Oregon pris on for an inspection of the institution and ita industries. Mrs. E. E. Waters is entertaining as Iter guest over the week end her son, i'rcd R. Waters, of the Evening Tel egram, Miss Let ha Weiss was delightfully surprised last Friday evening with a miscellaneous shower given by the girls of the eecretary of state's office. Those present wore Mrs. L. A. Kezar, Mrs. E. G. Patterson, Mrs. E. Bergman, Miss Jemie Miller. Min Edith Wel lborn, Miss' Tiolet WelboTW, Miss Geor gia iJroylee, Miss Irtcla Bolter, Miss Ruby Welsh, Miss Florence Esch, Mist Dorothea teusloff, Miss Opal MeDan- lel. Miss Mary flullips, Miss Maude Savage Miss Alice Baach, Miss Maimi Victor.' At a meeting of the 'North Salem Im provement association this evening a program Will be rendered, some of the leading musicians of the city offering their services. The program will in clude a piano duet by Miss Elma Well er and Isola Smith; a violin solo by Miss iWinona Bmith; a 'cello solo by Lilliam Stongl with Miss Isola Smith at the piano, and a selected reading by Orville .Crowder Miller. Mrs. William iCummings of Vancouv er, B. iC., is visiting with her sister, Mrs. A. Bordner of "Jefferson Way. Mr. and Mrs. Bordner and daughter leave soon to make their home in San Diego California. Miss Amelia Durbin of Harrisbure, Pennsylvania, was a visitor at the sec retary of state's office Wednesday, gathering data relative to the state. www Mrs. Rao Craven and Mrs. Esch, TO GET INSTROCTIOnS De Moines, Iowa, Qt. 17. (United Press.) Bepresehtativcs of 14,000 Iowa coal miners meeting in Dos Moines Sat urday will receive instructions for a strike in connection wtih the' national walkout ordered November 1, J. C. Lew is, president of the Iowa United Mine Workers announced today. Lewis de clared centre! western miners were fi nancially prepared for a long, hard struggle Bad said the strike was unavoidable. Demoralization of industry and cities in darkness will result from a twenty d&y mine ticup in Iowa, mine officials declared. Railroads, thev said, will be unable to stand the siege longer than nine or ten days," while most electric plants, factories and hotels in the state buy fuel from week to week, dealers said. Officials estimated most Btcte in stitutions today had a 30 day supply on hand. MEM Ua Ned For Cold or Damp Feet, Wend Your Frost Tingling Toes To This House of a Thousand Yea, two .thousand pairs and then some, are . . , in waiting for the men about Salem. Wool- -" en sox--all of them that afford the warm, dry, comfy feeling when the rains begin to pour. Warm feet and a cool head, you know, ia a good rule to stick 4o and here are the sox to help you put. Sox in white, black and various shades of blue or grey sox that are light for dress or medium and heavy for workmen, hunt ers, sportsmen indeed sox of all grades from those that have but a shade of wool to the all-wool and the many, variations be tween. Make your purchases now at, pair c to Dc There's Strength in Grape Nuts food -the sturdy strength that comes from the heat wheat and malted barley is the ideal cereal food for young folks; a Wilder of muscle and mind for everybody. There's a Season" MMnwawM GAME TODAY CARRIES MIR LEAGUE M Los Angeles, Co.., Oct. 17. The minor league championship will be settled on Los Angeles' ball yard today. St. Paul made the junior world s ser ies stand four games for all concerned by beating Vernon 3 to 1 yesterday. Weiser Dell started for Vernon and lasted in the pitcher ' box less than one inning. Willie Mitchell was called in and he did fine until the eighth when a pinch hitter was needed. Joe 'Finneran went in and pNtched half a dozen balls before he got into a- fight with Umpire Hurray and was chased after being fined $25. Boss went in next and finished the game. Griner was St. Paul's' winning pitcher and by his performance- yesterday es tablished for himself a record of 27 In nings against Vernon with just one earn ed; run. Th-Is Tao Wf KciBoy Says EU w nerrmatifM JSo Him reel. a , "Tanlss pot au back en the ion again and 2 'm ten pennds heavier than 1 wan when I started taking it," said H. McCoy, a well knows plasterer liv ing at 506 Sixth avenue south, Seattle, wasft. - ... fStomaea trouble and rheumatism had kept a fief me for six- years until I had to quit work entirely." 4m continued. ''From the back of my neck aown into my arms and shoulders the pains would strike me and it seemed that all my muscle were tied in knot I couldn't lift my hand to my head and instead of. getting relief I got worse ail the time. In my right hip the rheumatism" settled and I got so I couldn't move without being- in such pain that biff beads of sweat would form on my forehead. I would take a catch in my back and for days I wpuld- n t be able to turn my head, and when ever I had to look to one side or the other, J would have to turn my whole body. My stomach was in a terrible shape; Alter every meal, my food would sour and form gas which crowd ed up into my throat and choked me until I eouMn't get a deep breath and my heart would skip and flutter until I was afraid I had heart trouble. I was dizzy all the time and my head would swim nntil I couldn 't walk along the street without holding on to some thing. I was half starved because I couldn 't eat anything to build me up and was going down hill all the time. "I actually believe Tanlac has sav ed my life, for I couldn 't have kept up much, longer like 1 was. I Saw Tanlac advertised in the papers and started taking it and commenced to improve before I had finished the first 'bottle. I have taken eight (bottles so far and am back on the job feeling fine. I can do more work in. a day now than I have been to tor years and am just- like a new man. My meals are a pleas ure to me for -1 can eat anything I want end I sure want for my appe tite nam coma back in full force. The fluttering spells 'with, my heart have disappeared, gas doe not form in my etomaea and X haven't a pain left. I can almoaf ran up a ladder when X am at wort, for my arms- and legs are as good as now since the- rheumatism has. COLLAPSE OFBOLSHEYLK RULE CERTAIN, RETORT , (Ooatinned from pags oas) front along the Dwlna rivet and astride the Pripet valley, where the Poles are advancing slightly. On the Poles' right ia General Pet lura's Ukrainian amy. The situation there is uncertain owing to Petlara's clashes with the Poles and his disagree ment with Deniken. ... ... Continuing the battle lines across the great plains to the east is General Deni ken 'a f Ores, estimated at 200,000 to 300,. 000 men and supplied with allied muni tie-.', i Deniken-V front stretches over 450 miles, covering the richest regions of southern Jtuama. Since the opening of his campaign In May Deniken has advanced over S0O miles, capturing 220,000 prisoners and huge Quantities of spoils. He now holds the,, most important owns of the south and is within 200 miles of Moscow. FurthM eastward are Cossacks in me urai region and completing the cir cle are Admiral Kdlchak 'a Siberian ar mies, stretched serosa Siberia, ' As a result of the formidable align ment, thi) menace of bolsheviam appears to be nearer a collapse than at any ftm since it reached its aseendeaey. What will bo the new Russian, power That n the question that allied diplomats arc beginning to wrestle With now. Ordnance For National . Guard Doe Ia Portland The ordnance for the Third Oregon regiment or national Uuard is due arrive in Portland from tli .Mml Ponies, Oal., today, according to advices receivea py me adjutant general's of fice Thursriav. Thn nhlnmn vrill 4m. elude 2000 rifles with bayonets and scabbards, 20 machine guns, SO auto matic rifles and 300,000 rounds of am munition, the uniforms for the regi ments are also expected soon. Th Obaar hotel and The Dalles feed barn, two of the oldest landmarks at The Italics, have been purchased by W, A. Gervais of Sherman county. Try Magnesia For Stomach Trouble It, Neutralizes Stomach Acidity Pre vents rood fermentation. Sour Gassy Stomach And Acid Indigestion, Doubtless if you are a sufferer from indigestion, you have already tried ixm sin, bismuth, soda, charcoal drugs and various digestive aids and you know these things will not cure your trouble in somo cases do not even give re lief. Hut before giving up hope and de ciding you aro a chronic dyspeptic just try me erreet or a little bisurntcd magnesia not the ordinary commercial enrbnuntr, citrate oxide or milk, but the pure bisuratod magnesia which you can obtain from practically any drug igst in either powdered or tablet form. Take a teaspoonful of the powder or two compressed tables with n little water after yonr next mest, and see what a difference this makes. It will in stantly neutralise the dangerous, harm ful acid in the stomach which now cuuses year food to ferment and sour, making ags, wind, flatulence, heartburn and I ho bloated or heavy, lumpy feel ing that stems to follow most every thing you eat. You will find that provided yyou take n little bisnrnted mnguesia im mediately after a meal, you eat al most anything and enjey'i" any dancer of psin or di.n-omfort to follow and moreover, the continued us of the Disunited magnesit cannot injure the stomach in eiiy way so long as there are any symptoms of acid indigestion. It Ajc you trouble m&yoursldn? : llyottbavoteiem, rirkzworraot aim : ibr itching, brwiv slp-destroyrng, lkin-erupUO,try lUainol Ointment and . Resinul Soap an ae how quickly the itching stops sad tha trouble disappears, ri - Sa awhil O'MwMwt an wM t Ul wren", rt wMslMi 111, n wi nepi. -k Haiti, a-SlI. .- . MHWir-r- gfl tick ldn well PS?! a . Ladies' w rr a Arrv At And nLAY II Wrt: n.aWi Prices . VUMUl VU W We are now offering a substantial reduction in the prices of all hatsThe season's latest models are included. Here is an opportunity to secure a beau tiful fall and winter hat at a reduced price. SATURDAY SPECIAL SPECIAL SALE Outing flannel, per yard ............28c . On flannel night dresses. Ladies' Gingham, per yard ...28c and Children s ; . . . HOSIERY A LARGE STOCK For meri) WOmen and children. Best Of knit goods and yarns. Also quality. Low prices. A big lot of stamped goods for embroidery men's wool socks. .... ., A FULL LINE Of toilet articles, soaps, face creams, perfumes, etc. SAI1PS0II m . c I nw PRICES mi 7 r MS ffl ML Dry Goods Notions Millinery 152 North Commercial Street gone. I ean swing my arms in a cir cle like a school hoy at play and never feel a catch or a tinge of pain, and am just simply a well man, so it's no wondfr I praise Tanlae, for it's, -the onVy medicine thai ever helped mo." - Tanlas is sold ia Salem by Dr. 8. a Stone, in Hubbard by Hubbard Drog Co, ia Mt. Angel b- Ben Gooch, in Gervaia y Join JCehy, in Turner by H. F. CornoBos) in Woodburn by Iy maa it. cnorev. in Silverton by Geo. ; Stoelhammer, in Oatas by Mrs. X P. MoCurdy. in otaytoa by C. A. Heausbamp, in Aurora by Aurora Drug btoro, in Ht. Paul by Groeeteria Stores Ce., in Donald by Jl W. Johnson, in Jefferson bv Foshav Mason and in Mill City by Karaeteria Or". Co. .! ,!' ' (Adv.) TTnleaa more- refrigerator ears are re ceived soon, warehouse will be forced to dose down in, Hood Biver Catarrh Vanishes. Hay IS On Treatment That All Buf ' ferert Oku Klr Uon. If you wont to drive eatarrh and all hs disgusting symptoms from your sy t in h shortest oossible time, go to your druggist and ask for a Hyomei outfit today. Breathe the air of Hyomei and let it rid you. of cataTrhi and chronic, head eolds; it gives such quick relief that all who use it for the first time are astonished. Hyomei is a pure pleasant antiseptic, which is breathed through the nose and throat deep into the head and lungs: it soothes the sore inflamed membranes, reduees swelliing and quickly- heals all inflammation. Don't puffer another day with-cat-. arrh; the diseare is dangerous and of ten ends in consumption. Start the H- omei treatment today.- Jfo storaacB. dosing, no sprays or douches, no Aao gerous drugs ov narcotics." Absolute harmless. Jnst breathe it that's atk At D. .1. Fry - and loading drnggist everywhere. ' ANNOUNECMENT To the People of Polk and Marion Counties. : We are opening a produce market and will be prepared to purchase ' all kinds of produce. ' , , : : - This will give the people one of the greatest opportunities for sett ing and buying, our place will be in operation at oncev - .- We are already now for Poultry, Veal, Pork; Hide,' Pelts, WoV Potatoes, Onions, Beans, Hay, etc. . - We are connected- with an eastern firm end are prepared to pay tM highest priees. .. ; - Give us- a trial and you will be convinced A market price will be published in the Daily Capital Jouraal so you may know every day the latest quotations. Our place is located at 255 Ferry street in rear of- the American Automobile Garage, Temporary Phone 399.- BEN. MORRIS, Manager. j d-J WTurkish and Domestic Tobaccos "Blended L "ana the Blend can't be copied ..A