Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 16, 1919, Image 1

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Weaihcr Report
,;;.., V..,, .,
OregonT Tonight and Friday
fair; gentle variable winds.
Only Circulation re Salem Guar
anteed by the Audit Bureau, of
rrTnT7 mrrrrv rmvTmo ON TRAIN8 AKTS
Ann gi .tiii
- pi
Hale Would Speed Action
pa mm iia am m bm s
'Poaro Part wvc PonnU The disagreement came over a rcso
I CatC I atl, JdVo I CUjJlt S ition which the committee began to
Tired Of Debates.
ote On Amendment Is Held
Probable Before Adjourn
ment This Evening.
Washington, Oct. 16. (United Press.)
The senate today defeated the Shan
tung amendment to the peace t?eaty.
The vote was 55 noes to 35 yeas.
Washington, Oct. 16. (United Press.)
r Demand that the senate hold night
sessions to speed uo action on the peace
treaty was niado by Senator Hale,
Maine, republican, in a speech today. -
"The country wants acton and wants
it now," ho declared.
"I think that everybody in the sen
ate and in the country is dick and tired
of the whole debate. All of us know
exactly how we are going to vote. If
we really want to dispose of this treaty
the way to do it is to hold night ses
sions and force the matter to a conclus
ion." Hale expressed warm disapproval
both of tho Shantung provision and the
-voting arrangement 'in the league of na
tions, but declared he will oppose the
Shantung and the Johnson amendments.
Ho will support reservations covering
fiiem. '.' '
Senator Kellogg, Minnesota, speaking
against the Shantung amendment, held
that our "hands off policy In-filma-tung
for twenty years during Germany's
possession of it should be continued. He
favored reservations withholding Amer
ica's approval of Japan's course. "We
cannot assume the full burden of Per
Eastern adjustments," he said.
"I regret that so many hard things
have been said of Japan at a time when
we are seeking to composo the affairs
of the world," said Senator Townsend,
Michigan, The treaty is tho best that
can be expected at prosent, he concluded
and it will not bear such drastic changes
as tho Shnntung amendment. Town
send would be satisfied with reserva
tions but unless they clearly state
America's position on the Shantung
transfer he will vote against the treaty.
, Sonator Smoot, T.Ttnh, republican, de-
flared that "under no condHion" will
Be vote for the treaty without rcsei-va-
tions. He announced he will vote for a
reservation covering the Shantung
amendment but that he will vote against
the amendment itself.
Senator Jones, Washington, announ
ced he will vote for the Shantung
amendment, and that if it was defeatev
he will vote for the strongest possible
At 2:30 p. m. the Shantung amend
ment had been directly under consider
ation by the senate over 12 hours and
Wfcnore than a score of senators had spok
en. A vote was expected at any time
by senate leaders on both sides.
Senator Johnson, California, denoun
ced the Shantung provision of the trea
ty as "abominable and detestable."
Mr, and Mrs. John Carr, 80 and 83
years old, Respectively, hale, hearty and
hanny, will celebrate their 64th wedding
anniversary this evening at tho Baptist
church, where the annual reunion and
rally is taking place. Mr. and Mrs.
Carr were married at Eliza ville, Indiana.
She was 16 and her gallant husband was
granted the license at the age of 19.
Four children, Mrs. W. W. Cory, 865
South Seventeenth street; Finley, Hud
son and Arthur, of Lebanon, Indiana;
13 grand. children and 11 great grand
children, five of whom are-now dead,
once survived Mr. and Mrs. Carr.
Until six years ago, Mr. and Mrs.
Carr made their home in Indiana. Then
they came to Salem and have resided
here since.
. Despite their years Mr. and Mrs. Carr
both arc active. They worked a month
at a local canning factory this season,
and Mr. Carr tended several lots he had
planted in garden. Both walk about the
i-ity without assistance, Mr. Carr fre
quently strolling down town.
And thev look forward to many more
years of happy married life.
Mrs. Carr, blandly smiling, said Thuis
day. "We're going to celebrate our
70th wedding anniversary, too, I'm sure.
Both John and I think so."
Central Committee Fails
To Agree Upon Recognition
Of Collective Bargaining
naemngton, uct. 18.-
-The central
to asroe On
ommittee of 15 failed
ecognizine the Drincmle of collective
argainin;?, Committee Chairman
lhadbourne announced to the national
iidustrial conference when it convened
bis afternoon.'
consider yesterday. The conimitteo was
in session until nearly midnight and
again this morning. A final voto was
taken just before the conference assem
bled for the afternoon session.
Chadbourne announced that the vote
of the employer' delegates in the com
mittee defeated a favorable report on
a resolution recognizing the right of
workers to organize and bargain col
lootively through representatives of
their own choosing. The proposition,
however, under the rules jame before
the conference for debate and a vote.
John D. Rockefeller, Jr., - expressed
a hope that the conference groups might
"stand together as unselfishly as they
did in settling the problems of the
war." "
Labor, capital, management and the
public, he said accomplished great re
sults during the war by co-operation,
''It is clear," he said, 'tha(; the
Keen Too "Keen"
Cop Thinks; Now
Keen Is "Keener"
A man giving the name of
Keen, about 30 years old, five
and a half feet tall smooth
shaven and weighing probably
175 pounds, Thursday lucked the
flavor nncnt the art of 'vamp
ing women. . For several hours
Wednesday evening, before the
moist fog grew to such den
sity that it hampereft his oper
ations, Keen stood at the cor
ner of the Oregon Electric de
pot and favored passing damsels
with tantalising' glances. Ho
evidently: thought himself
''cute" as Officer Ganiard, who
frustrated, his plans said.
After considerable tpjestjoff
ing during, which the fellow
said that- -he . was going to
''clean it up," Officer Ganiard
ordered him off the streets, and
, warned him that Salem sports
an ordinance prohibiting mash-
Washington, Oct. 16. (United Press.)
government reports showing
ruuicois aro S""'S "'
disorders in all parts of the country,
tne nouse toaay voted overwncimmgiy ho wa9 a ln(,muer of the Christian
to continue for one year after conclusion Seicuco .church. :
of peace to the war timo ban against; na was born at putzfield, Pike
the entrance into the United States of county, Illinois, and crossed the plains
undesirable foreigners. - iu 1H47 with his parents. They settled
At the request of Secretary of State on a farm near Jefferson. After his
Lansing, a bill was passod continuing arrival jn Oregon he became identified
war time passports restrictions, under .with mercantile business in Scio, Leb
which aliens are required to submit their anon, before coming fo this citv.
complete records and undergo a thor-
ough investigation by American consuls
before they are allowed to leave their
native countries for the United States.
The foreigners nmst prove beyond all
doubt that , they are coming to the Uni
ted States for legitimate purposes.
Permits For Two Homes In
ri I i J T J
MUCH! Are ISSUeU iOflay
Progress toward the solution of the
housing problem in Salem was shown
inuiauut, nun mc januauut; ui uuuuiu
permits to two eitizeus for n&w homes.
Thursday, with the issuance of building
Andrew Vercler, 73o .North Comnier-
cial street, got a permit to build a two- j
story frame dwelling, which will cost
approximately $7u0.
M. E. Moore. 1441 North Fifth street,
7 . " Z " : .. ..rc-.ra
Bungalow, mis nouse win cost approxi-
mntelv 2"00.
Leg Irons? Never! Says Sleuth
o o o o o o o o o
Handcuffs? Easy for Yegg
The next time Peter J. Cook, Cleve
land, Ohio city detective, journeys
forth upon a mission which requites thc
return of a prisoner he will no doubt
have a more profound respect for ''leg
Irons' and such other paraphernalia
as as regarded by some as essential to
the tii i jiition of a man in custody than
lie did when he came to Oregon some
thr'i weei s ago. 1
The occasion of Mock's visit to Ore
gon at that time was the return to
Cleveland one Jack.Bochra wanted in
the Ohio metropolis for various and ;
sundry crimes. Boehm 's term in the ! rowed the detective's keys long cnougu
Oregon state prison having expired. to release himself from the detaining
While here. Mock boasted of his 2v ; handcuffs, then dressed in thc detec
years of experience as a detective with- j tive.s ciothes and departed taking with
out having lost a prisoner and with!.. r , , ,
. r j .u- " him the detective s jewelry and ready
never having used anything more for- J '
midable than a pair of handcuffs. ' csa- And according to latest reports
According to press clippings just re- Boehm hasn't been seen -since.
common good cannot be advanced by
the attempt of one party to force its
will upon the other."
Rockefeller made a strong plea be
fore the conference to further the ''es
tablishment of democracy in indus
try." Justice and fairness only, not legis
lation, will solve industrial problems
Rockefeller emphasized.
' ' Workers and employers now are
too often strangers," he declared. He
called for the establisshment of friend
ly relations between labor and capital.
Rockefeller quoted an unnamed in
vestigator who surveyed the national
industrial field and who concluded tho
workers aro domanding not Mgher wage"
Dut recognition as Human beings.
'We have boen called together to
consider the industrial problems "
Bockef oiler said. ' Onlv as each of us
discbres his duties as a member of
this conference in the same high spirit
of patriotism, of unselfish allegiance
to right and justice, of devotion to tho
principles of democracy and brother
hood with which we approached the
problems of war, can we hope -for suc
cess in the solution of the industrial
problems, which is no less vital to the
life of tho nation."
George Washington Johnson, pio
neer clothing man of this city, died at
the rDanconoss hospital late Thursday
afternoon,, iaffter n 5Uness of four
years, at the ago of 75 years. He has
boen at the point of death for sevoral
days, ibut about noon began to rapidly
sink, and the and came several hours
later. iFuneral arrangements have not
yet ibeen made. .'.,- .
Mr. Johnson an to this city 37
years ago, and established the first
clothing stare in the city at the corner
of State ud Liberty streots, now oc
cupied hy IBusick 's grocery store. J. H.
Luun, -who died several years ago. was
associated with him in this venture.
He was actively connected with the
establishment until nine ' years ago
when he sold out to his two sous, Paul
V. and .Clyde E. Johnson, who have
conducted tho business since.
During the 1911-13 session of the
state legislature, ifr. Johnson served as
representative from Marion county.
Death was caused by a stroke of pa
ralysis which came on him last Fii-
I day. He has been confined at the
Deaconess hospital for the past three
r Tnlinonn am a an nniivn matmlinr
of the Masons, of Jefferson, and the
Workmen 'and Woodmen of the World..
Knlisting in 18H3 Mr. Johnson serv-
ed until tho close f the civil war with
I xesiUent Lincoln ' legions,
In 1S0 he married Mary P. Jones
at Jefferson. They had six children,
three of which ' survive. They arc
George W. Johnson, Jr., Clyde E.
Johnson and iPaul V. Johnson, a Sa
enl councilman. Two brothers, S. T.
(Johnson, agent for the Southern Pa
cir'c at Woodburn, and J. C Johnson,
retired merchant of, Corvallis, and
0,16 .hteI: Ml'- J- w- Ha,rit Stt,cm'
Survive him.
The body is at Rigdou's undertak-
. .
Pftr 01 "
R 0ct i5i(Dclnycd)-Foreigii
Mi;n. t;; i ,.i
aued' today, was' appointed as Italy's
representative on the council of the
6agUe 0j nations
ceived by state prison officials here
Mock's record is now broken, for ho
returned to Cleveland minus . his pris
oner, minus his clothes and minus his
jewelry and cash.
According to the press reports, Mock,
together with a deputy by thc name of
Walker and the'prisoner, Boehm were
occupying a stateroom on a Union Pa
cific train eastward bound. Speeding
through Wyoming at night Mock and
Walker occupied the lower l-crth with
tho prisoner in the upper berth hand-
cuffed. During the night Boehm bor
Agitators Working To Gain
Men Now Idle. .
Red Propaganda Responsible
ror Many unauthorized
Walkouts Lately.;
By HughBsUUe
(United Press Staff CdWspondent.)
Washington, Oct. 16.- Radical agita,'
tors are working to gain control of thon
sands of men on strike in America to-
day, aud thousands more;who are threat-
ening to strike according to information ' . Not mnnv of yu people realize the
received by the government from confi.17;';"""
dential emirces. .? '" '; I
The purpose of these radicals U said
to be to lead the strikers in an indus-
trial revolt that would-border on e, po-
Uhcal revolt. ; ! . .
Their propaganda is held responsrow I
for mhny of the. uiiauthorized strikes.
. I'll J-UVIl Limn A A COIUCU, KIIDUU 'O A4,
that his confidential adviser. Colonel
House is ill, and that Samuel Gorapcrg,
prosidont of the American Federation of
Labor and foe of cxtreiHo radicalism, is
in yery poor health and jliablo to suffer
a breakdown, makes thd stiuation even
more difficult for the 'government to
handle. .1
Tho national : industijial conference
now in Festion in Washington was look
ed upon by many officials as a dam
against the flood- of industrial difficul
ties. '""Fvcn now that-tSo' tonference ap
pears to bt having some difficulty In
making progress, great dependence is
being placed in it. Administration of-
t'ioilllu ivr Of4 'friof 0 f f at- nnn .Tr, .Knu
and when it looks as if there were a now under e Including all. post
deadlock, the delegates realizing the vi-roads and forest projects, just prepared
tal importance of bringing forth some-, by A. C. Klein, secretary of tho hichvay
thing constructive, will got together at commission, shows a total of . AC9.95
tho finish and produce a remedy. miles of paving, 234.8 miles of macadam
ftlany strikes are being held up wait- and 686.1 miles of grading, tho total cost
ing for the conference to do something. 1 of which, including contingencies and
Its collapse, therefore, might result in engineering, is $19,824,396.25.
a very grave situation,, in' the belief of The summary as tabulated by the
many delegates. highway department shows that the Pa-
The labor tangle has been placed cific highway tops tho list with VH
squarely before President Wilson's cab- miles of paving, 45.7 miles of macadam
inct. This vjaB done at the last meet- and 103.7 miles of grading under con
ing, it was learned at the White House, tract a a cost of $4,450,120.75. '
Tho cabinet officers are going over itj Othe oroiccts, of which there are u
this wool:. It is likely to be the prin- tfltal of ??. in he summary, are listed as
cipal matter before the cabinet at its follows:
meeting next Tuesday. j Columbia Hiver highway 105.8"
Unauthorized strikes are viewed by miles Oiv:ng, 69.5 miles macadam and
labor olt.cials, cabinet members and
congressmen alike as a bad symptom.
Kail Director Hincs has warned B. M.
Jewell, acting president of the railway
employes department, American Federa
tion of .Labor, that they were "creat
ing the basis for an argument that it is
nonsense to' recognize labor organiza
tions and to try to deal with them."
W. d. Lee, of thc Brotherhood of
Railway Trainmen, sees in these strikes
an indication that the radicals are
breaking the grip of tho conservative
American Federation of Labor on its
own locals. Within the two days Lee
said he ftlt as if he were "sitting over
a volcano " in his own organization.
By Don E. Chamberlain
(United Press staff correspondent)
Yosentite Valley, Cal., Oct. 16. King
Albert and party will picnic this after
noon in the- Mariposa big tree grove,
winding up the royal party's two days
outing in the California playground. '
The king this morning had eoffee
brewed by Ranger James Lloyd, an
experienced forester. On tasting Lloyds
product, King Albert said:
"This coffee is excellent; I want to
meet the maker."
Lloyd was introduced.
"It's just the same as I make every
day, Your Majesty," he replied to
King ' Albert ' praise. "I ain glad,
however, that I can make eoffee 'fit
for a king,' although there are rangers
in these-forests that make coffee lotsJ
better than mine."
The royal party will possibly visit
Pasadena tomorrow at 1 o'clock, de
pending on the time it leaves Los An
geles. A stopover will be made at Gal
lop, X. M., where tho king will view
an Indian cowboy show. Thc party
will reach Al'bcrqucrquc at 2::33 p. m.
Sunday. '
Queen Elizabeth was indisposed last
night, retiring at 5 o'clock. She was
feeling better this morning but did
not leave Glacier Point with the king.
The queen and consort followed the
main party an hour later.
Marion Idea Shows Way
For State Unify Ouayle
Tells Federated Clubs
Declaring that Marion county led the
way for the complete unity of the state,
and promising that the. State Chamber
of Commnice would do all in its power
to urge affiliation of all clubs in tho
various countios, George Quayle, gener
al secretary of the State Chamber of
Commerce, speaking at the meeting oi
the Marion County Federation of Clubs
in Woodbmn last night, expressed much
faith in the work the -organization is
carrying on.
The meeting, attended by delegates
from all parts of the county, was con
spicuously- enthusiastic? Several dele
gates gave brief talks, telling of tho
work of their respective clubs toward
tho general development and betterment
of tho county. Partisan lines wcro
smashed. There was no feeling at the
meeting of individual superiority, each
community';! spirit united in one big
move fo Marion county.
Walter Denton, a visitor from Salem,
gave a forceful talk on the federation's
insignia--keep your money in the circle.
He urged the patronage of the town
merchant and newspapers and pointed
out the benefits the county would reap
Dy Keeping its money within its boun
daries. .
I Secretary Quaylo, attending the .mect
ing without notice, unannounced, aroso
and lauded the work and principals of
the organization.
Marion floi'mtv KUhMm' a MM.. .
lPnfljn ,, - ), nmi. :
., , t .1,1,11 .nmmo
all coutiea follow vour snlenrtUl .
11 .. .
ment to wure ba9ic Kns for all thc
A summary of state highway work
159.2 miles grading, $4,404,131.71.
West Side Pacific highway 11.8
miles naving, 14.6 miles macadam :i:d
46.7 mill"! .irsding, $1,383,118.30.
Salem-IV.as highway 13. miles of
paving r.n:'. grading, $320,742.50.
'I-. rnhi" Ncstaucca highway I', miles
paring, miles macadam anu 17.1
miles rrad;ng, $426,082.11.
John Day highway 20.1 miles ma-
'eadam. 67.9 miles cradinB. 8fi4.155.i:l.
La Grande-Enterprise highway- n.o
miles grad4ng, $12,370.
I Portland - Forest Grove - McMinnvilie
highway 31.4 miles paving, 6.7 rriles
' maendnm 18 miles crrndinir. 817.502..'io.
Ashland-Klamath Falls highway 19
miles g-nding, $177,957.50.
Coos Bay-Boscburg , highway 14.2
miles ceding, $350,092.72,
l.nPinc L&keview highway 12.9 miles
macadam and grading, $141,649.20.
Oregon-Washington highway27 mile
paving, 35 miles grading, $682,569.7 ).
, Old Oregon Trail highway 6 miles
paving. 13.6 miles macadam and 42.5
miles grading, $475,866.97.
Baker-Cornucopia highway 12.6 mile
macadam, 27.1 miles grading, $213,
211.73. McKcnz'u: Biver highway 19.8 miles
grading, 268,1 36.44.
Crater Ltke highway 22 miles grad
ing, $218,900.
Flora-Ertcrprise highway 13 miles
grading, $73,560.
Coast highway 19 miles paving, 8.8
miles grading, $601,054.
Mount Hood Loon highway 12.2
miles grading. $227,507.60.
Grants Pass-Crescent City highway
2.3 milf grading, $62,985.3.5.
Central Oregon highway 16.7" miles
macad: nnd grading. $197,967.
Dallei-Onlifornia highway 2 miles
paving, 3.3 miles macadam, 5.3 miles
grading, 80,888.70.
Portland Police Confiscate
2,000 Gallons of Liquors
Portland Or. Oct. 16. Kalvio nnd
Frederico Pienovi and I-araeotto Vin
cenjo, prominent Portland Italians, arc
in jail following a raid by the pidic.e
on their alleged liquor storehouse. The
police reiiort confiscation of 1400 gal
lon of wine, 600 gallons of grape mash
and eleven quarts of moonshine wins
principnl road crossings in the county
was adopted The county was divided
in tentative districts, with the commun
ities represented in the federation as
central points. Thc committee in charge
of this work made a report of their ac
tivity to date, and was instructed to con
tinue and complete the work. The signs
probably will be ready and placed this
winter, providing th- county, court co
operates .with the federation and locali
ties. Decision to expedite the work of com
piling duta and complete the booklet
that will advertise, all sections of Mar
ion county alike,' was reached. This
booklet will be finished as soon as pos
sible and copies furnished to each com
munity. Delegates to the meeting last night,
with the districts they represent, follow:
Hubbard, L. C. McShnne and L. M.
Scholl; Mt. Angel, J. J. Kebor, Dr. Ap
pleby and' S. O.' Bice j Silverton, T. T.
Eistingor, L.: J. Adams, George Hubbs
aud S. N. Digcrnoss West Stayton,
Mayor -McKinley aud Casper Lathrop;
Gervais, T. W, Laird, G. J. Moison and
A. DeJardin; Jefforson, George Grif
fith; Monitor, A. W. Gillis, C. W. Co
nyno; Donald, C. J. Espy and James P.
Fellor; Salem, L. J. Chapin, W. C.
iFrankKn; Walter Denton, George Put
nam, T. E. McCroskey and Oscar A.
Stoolhatnmer; Woodburn, John Stecl
hnnimec, -W, H. - Broyles and Hurley
Moore. -! 1 '"' ;
Amon3 the visitors from Portland
wttre Secretary Quayle and wife, and
Miss Bartlett, who came with the Quaylo
party, and H. L. Davis, of the Portland
Journal. . ,
The next meeting of the federation
will bo lfeld in Salem, November 17.
Wilson, House
and Gompers
Are All Better
. Last reports from tho sick
rooms ' of tho three American
lenders who have succumbed to
the terrific strain of the last
few months were as follows:
" Woodrow Wilson The presi
dent's genorol condition was un
officially said to bo unchanged.
The awollon gland which trou
; bled him recently has been re
duced. Samtiel Gompers At Gom
pers' home it was stated he rest
; ed during the night." He wa
anxious to gel up, as ho said ho
felt much bettor.
Colonel House Phyiicians re
ported ; House "doing very
well."., ' t, V
Mitau, Russia, Oct. 15. (Dolayed.)
As tho Initio in the Riga district con
tinues with inttmse fighting, the battle
line is extending. Colonel Bcrmondt's
German troops widened thoir fighting
zone Tuesday when they captured Ust
Dvinsk nnd Boldern, according to ad
vices received here.
Lettish troops are holding their po
sitions on thc other side of the Dwinn
river, north, of Riga, which they suc
ceeded i l crossing after persistent fight
ing. Tht) Germans are not answering
tho cannonading, although tho Letts,
continui' heavy bombardment of the
German positions. The Germans repul
sed a Lettish attack with armored cars.
Ksthoi'ian forces have gone to thc aid
of the Letts and aro reported to be con
centrating at Friederichstadt, forty
miles southeast of Riga. Their arrival
endangers the German flank from tho
General Von Dcr Golts is reported to
have left tho Baltic region for Konigs
bcrg, East Prussia.
Colonel Edward E. Ryan, Scrantou,
Pa., American Red Cross commissioner
for western Russia, has not yet returned
from Rice, but it is believed ho is safe.
I Colonel ttyan went to Riga to arrange
ifor the movement of relief supplies, held
up by the Germans.
Handcuffs Removed From
Sinn Fein Prisoners Today
Dublin,. Oct. 16. (Unitud Press)
Through the intervention of the lord
mayor, the handcuffs were removed to
day from the Sinn Fein prisoners1 at
Mount Joy, who have been manacled
for the last ton days as punishment
for wrecking the jail In a recent dem
onstration, .
Jn his protest to Sir Ian MacPher
, chief secretary for Ireland, the
tord mayor declared that several of
the prisoners were nearly dead as a re
sult of their punishment.
Carl Madson, a farmer living near
Kurrnne. MtiMftiincd A (broken lcgr and
. other injuries when an ensilago cutter
flew to pieces.
Accident Forces Lieutenant
Maynard To Land Today;
Near Wahoo, Neb.
Western Flyers Held Back By
Unfavorable Weather On
Eastern Fields.
OmahR,' Neb., , Oct. 1 6.1Lientenirat
B. W, Maynard was forced down by a
broken crank shaft four miles north of
Wahoo, Neb., about noon according t
reports received here today.
Maynard was not hurt. Omaha fieli
sent army trucks to his aid. ,
"I'm not out of the race yet," lieu
tenant Maynard declared over the tel
ephone to Captain Roy Francis, who
was himself compelled to withdraw
from the race' when his big Martin
bomber was damaged near Yutan, Neb.
yesterday.' .. , 1
"Wahoo is 30 miles west of Omaha.
It is the next station to Yutan and.
Lieutenant Maynard has wired Wash
ington for permission to transfer the
motor from the Martin machine to hi
own, so that ne can continue in ma
race. Ho expects to receive an answer
late this afternoon,' ' 1
By Lieutenant B. W. Maynard
(Written for the United Press)
Rawlins, Wyo., Oct. 15. This life oa
the aerial wavo is great. Wo have had
as fine a trijV so far as any ship that
ever sailed ever laud or" sea," '
, The jaunt from reen Rive te 'Raw
lins was but a little jump over smooth
prairios. We felt as safe over them a
we would if we were down n tho
ground. ' :. ' -
Looking back over tho eastward trip
tho hop over the Sierras has been the
only part to make us apprehensive nnd
it wag a distinct relief to land on the
field at Balduro, Utah. The mountain
flying, however, furnished us with
beautiful scenery, except the loat lap
from Bottle Mountain, Nov., to Balduro
which was eevcrcd with fog.
Tho smoky region over Salt Lake
city was annoying. iBut we have no
complaint to make of conditions oa
our tour. It .beats land touring any
time. .
I am getting more and more enthusi
astic for the one stop flight fr6m New
York to California, which wo plan to
make In the old Do Haviland. Judging .
from tho way we are jumping ftlong
now, we could inoko it from New Yotk
to Dallas and then to San Diego in a
two dav flight.
Wo will reach New York as the
flight is going, with but 4 honrn in
the air. And lM-rievo me, I can hardly
wait to get there and join my wife
aud kiddies. Tell them thut for me.
Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 1 At noon
today, Major Hpntzi westbound, wan atiM
at Britten field. It has been raining n
great part, of the forenoon tr.nd tho air
is heavy. It is doubtful if flying will no
resumed today. '
According to unofficial rport nine
bad checks were passed on Salem mer
chants Wednesday. Police have infor
mation of two, 'both for large amounts.
Tho checks were all on the Hansea
Planing Mill, and with the forged sig
nature of A. M. Hansen, president of
tho mill, on them.
'Police say that two men, claiming to
be agents for a check stamping ma
chine, called at the Hansen mill Wed
nesday. They secured the company's
checks without trouble, white display
ing the mechanism of the machine,
stamped in the amounts, and later fill
ed in the names. Police were first -tified
through banks, where the eheeke
had been taken bv the merchants.
A description of the two men were
given to police, and a systematic
search is being conducted for them.
One of the men who forged the
checks went to tho Ed iBlcming cigar
store, 43 State street, Thursday and
attempted to cash it. The clerk en du
ty declined, saving that he would have
to await the arrival of Mr. Blessing.
ppai-fiitly fearing detection, the fol
low departed, leaving the check lying
on the counter. It was made out for
$31.80, the same amount of the check
(cashed by one of the girls at The Spa