Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 15, 1919, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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1 "P'9. Ml, Hi i.
Wednesday 'i "program for the annual
convention of the Oregon federation of
women's cluba, being held in Corval
li is:
9 o'clock, "call to order ; invocation,
Dr. G. B. Varneyj community, sing, .Dr.
1). V. Poling; minutes, unfinished bus
iness, new tnistness, president's rec
ommendation bulletin; ro ports by
I Mr. Roy .Bishop, Mrs. P. L. Campbell,
lira. O. H. Horton, Mrs. G. J. Frankel,
) Mrs. Millie Trumbull, Mrs. O, B. Sinv
' to oos, Miss A. Grace Johnson; 12,00,
convention to be guests of domestic
. aeience department of Oregon Agricul
tural college.
:' 1 o'clock, convention guests at col
' lege convocation; Dr. W. J. Kerr, pres
ident of O. A. C, to speak; 2:15, mus
t i, M.rs. Katherine Glenn Kervy, in
ner own compositions; 2:30, govern
ment program on social hygiene for
.women, Mr. Lola G. Baldwin; 3.;30,
inspection of college buildings and cam
pus; auto ride by Commercial club and
it auxiliary.
8 o'clock, cad to order; invocation,
'Kov. G. L. Clark; piano solo, Mrs. May
Uabbitt Bossier; "A task for Oregon
club women," Prof. J. Franklin Thom
as university of Oregon.
Mrs. P. W. Selee will entertain the
meiMbers of the P. E. O. sisterhood to
morrow at her. horn on Liberty road
and Hansen.
Mr. and Mr. Burton A. Myers leav
today for California whore they will
attend the wedding lof Mr. Myers'
- brother of Orange. Mr. and Mrs. My-
' era plan to spend the winter in the
southern state, while the former com
pletes his course at a Los Anfroles med
ii'al school. Both young persons have
made a host of. friends in Hnlom by
whom thoir departure is being greatly
rcgroltcd. .
- Lieutenant Oscar I. Chenowith of
. Da 11a was a Balera visitor, vostordav.
Lieutenant Chenowith has received the
Croix de Guerre from the French war
department and th distinguished ser
vice. cross front' the American. He ar-
. rived in the states on October 1, after
nearly two years of foreign service.
' The Ladies CentTal Circle of the
'first Methodist Episcopal church met
'. (his Afternoon at 2:30 with Mrs. Dlrr,
120 Myers street. The circle is taking
for it study this year "The Vision
f Christ in the Poets" and Whtytler
was choson as the poet of the day.
lira. N. T. Hellyer conducted the les-
on. ...
The many friends of Mr. and Mrs.
John Fields ('Florence Schaefer) will
lie sorry to learn that they left today
for Albany where- they will make their
. boui& Mr. .Shields: has been depot
gent or the American Express and
has aeeeirted, a position as cashier for
the same company in Al'buny. Mrs.
Shields is ibmie of three months and
ill be greatly missed in. the younger
act where he 1 extremely popular,
, ...
Ti Members of 'the PrUeilla cltfb
will be entertained by Iff. 0. H,
Hppley tomorrow afternoon.
Ta numerous social organisations
wit am tne mgnacbool are resuming
teejr activities and in many cases on
By Gertrude Robison;
larging their personnel. Last evening
Miss Margaret Griffith entertained the
members of the finikpoh Dramatic so
ciety with a delightfully informal eve
ning and the. name of the following
were listed for entrance in the organ
ization: Mis Buth Ross, Miss Junette I
U...JUL i i . nw;A iin.
and games occupied the evening which
culminated with the serving of dainty
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Junz of Silverton
were Salem visitors Tuesday and Wed
nesday, coming to spend brief visit
with thoir eon who is recovering from
a minor operation at the Balem hospit
Mrs. Mark McCallistor will enter
tain the members of the Golden-Hour
club tomorrow afternoon at her home
on South Liberty street. The Golden
Hour is one of the most important so
cial clubs of the city and its person
nel includes a number of prominent
1 .
Among the Salem women attending
the women's convention in Corvallis
ore Mrs. F. A. Hutchnson and Mrs.
Myra Shanks, who went as delegate
irom ine Ttortn JSaiom Woman's club.
Mr. and Mrs. George Jeffrey and
children, accompanied by the latter '
sister from Iowa, motored from Port
land Sunday and were the guest of
friend in Bailem. ,
Guests of Dr. and Mrs. H. H. ding
er are Mr. and Mrs. Kalph Watson of
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pettit, who
have been visiting with friends in Port
land, returned nome last evening.
Ozro Cox, prosperous rancher of
Elwood, Indiana, is visiting at the
home of his cousin, Mrs. Kact Seed
er. r.
The Ladies Aid f the Scandinavian
Methsdist church met this afternoon
at the horn of the president; Mr a. An
drew J. Anderson, 497' South Capitol
No More Catarrh.
Thi Simple Home Treatment hag Stood
the Test of Time
Every fall and winter, for more than
twenty years, thousands of people have
made it a daily practice to breathe the
air of Hyomei and bo keep themselves
iree irom catarrn, coughs, colds, bron
chitis, sore throat and influenza.
This fs certain and you should trv it.
If yon will breathe Hyomei daily, as
uireeiea, u win rree you and keep you
iree rrom au those troubles or it won't
cost you a cent.
' Daniel J. Fry or any reliable drug
gist can supply yon -with the complete
Hyomei outfit, including a hard rnb-uer-
pocket inhaler. The inhaler' will
last a lifo time and extra bottles of
the liquid Hyomei cost but a few -cents.
A few drops of oil n the nhaler will
last for days and its pure, soothing,
antiseptta, healing air, breathed deep in
the air passages of your nose end
throat; should keep you. free from
coughs, colds, influenza and catarrh all
winter Jong. Pleasant to use. takes but
a few minutes daily and is guaranteed
io saiisry or money loac. (Adv) 1
It's Easy-If You Know Dr.
..Edwards' Olive Tablets ,:;
, tr- !"i
The secret of keeping young is to feel
young to do this you must watch your
liver and bowels there's no need of
havings sallow complexion dark rings
under your eyes pimples a bilious
look in your face dull eyes with no
sparkle. - Your doctor will tell you '
ninety per cent of all sickness comes
from inactive bowels and liver.
Dr. Edwards, a well-known physician
in Unto, perfected a vegetable com
pound mixed will olive oil to act on
the liver and bowels, which he gave to
his patients for years
Dr. Edwards' dive Tablets, the sub
stitute for calomel, are gentle in their
action yet always effective. They brine
about that natural buoyancy which all
should enjoy by toning up the liver and
clearing the system of impurities.
Dr.Edwards' Olive Tablets are known
by their olive color. 10c and 25c.
The total prune production of Doug
las county this year is said to be 8,000,-
000 pounds, which will bring, approxi
mately $1,200,000.
The daily payroll for upple picker in
the Hood Biver section is more than
$8000. Receipt in wages for the season
will exceed $325,000.
Sacred Heart
Under the direction of the
Sisters of the Holy Names
Salem, Oregon, Boarding
and Day school
Elcst Approved Hetkois
Primary, Grammar and
High School Departments
Complete Courses in Harp,
Piano, Voice Culture, Violin
and Harmony
Elocution and Physical
Culture Classes
Uodern CoBTesissccs Aid
Domestic Ccdfcrts
Scholastic year begins
September 8th
Sister Ssserior
Two discoveries have added greatly
to human welfare. -
In 198$ Newton originated the vac
uum prom for condensing milk with
cane sugar to a trm-liqnid form.
In 1683Horlick at Racine.Wis., dis
covered how to reduce milk to a dry
pmnitr form with extract of malted
train, triiAarf eai ,e sugar.
Thi product HOfHJCK named
Malted Milk. (Name since copied
ty others.) Its nutritive value,
digestibility and case of preparatior
(by simply stirring i:i water) and tlk
fact that it keeps ii any climate,,
lis prowl Of much value to rminkiut'
ci an Idt-iil food-drink frroa infant
to old age.
tilth Vr t".M5w-..k.- 'Tr.itmfj . .
't Cheat YburselF
ay the Good Judge
There's nothing saretf
by chewing ordinary
tobacco. A little chew
of that good rich-tasting
and its good taste lasts
all. the way throujh.
Little chew lasting,
satisfying. That'a why
it's a real saving to buy
this class of tobacco.
Put uf in two styles
RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
' 3
We carry a very good line of
Children Underwear includ
ing Nazareth Waists, Rubens
and Dr. Denton's Sleeping
Means Fit, Comfort-A Better Grade of Un-der-Garment
for Women to Buy.
While it, is almost impossible, under pres-.
ent conditions, to meet all demands, you will
find here a very complete line of this high
grade Underwear. Also the cheaper grades,
under the "North Star" label, which are
thoroughly reliable. These winter weight
union suits are all ankle length but come
with elbow sleeves, no sleeves and high, low
or Dutch neck with plenty of variations to
choose from.
All Winter weight cotton I'nioa Sims,
regular iso 85c to $1.95
Extra sizes ,. SI 00 to 82.85
Wool Ribbed Suits ..., -42.00 to $6.00
Silk auU Wool Suits -...$2.95 to $4.45
Extra Sizes .....$3.25 to $4.8i
Women's White Wool Mi'x
ed Kihbod l'auts in bih-s
3t to. 38 only, reduced
to .. , $1.10
Boys' -heavy S'andaH
Fleece Shirts auj Drawers
eaeh 40e to 60e, according
to size.
To the People of Polk and Marion Counties.
Wa sje opeaiiig. a prodnee market and will b prepared to purchase
all kind of produce. .. .
This will give the people one of "the greatest opportunities for sell-
inf am4 UuyiBg, otw- ptoe will be. i opwatioa at one.
W are already now for Poultry, Veal, Pork, Hides, Pelts, Wool,
Potatoes, Onion Sr Beans, Hay, etc.
. - W aia-onnGiei.wita aa eatftra firm and are, prepared, to pay tae
' highest prices. '
' GW as a trial and yon will be convinced
'' A market price will be published in the Daily Capital Journal so
yon msy know every day the latest quotations.
Oar place is located at 255 Ferry street la rear of the American
Automobile Garage, Temporary Phone 399.
BEN. MORRIS, Manager.
Harvard Prepares For Big
Crowd At Annual Gassic
f!nmhrid2ft. Mass- Oct. 15. Harvard
is araru'jiug for & monster crowd here
Th Story tit a Turrtt Captain -
Praraotloa in the Nsnr comes quickly to
tbaae who qualify for higher rating!. In
March 1899 A. P. NUnoo cnUated in the
Navy a an Apprentice. Seaman, 3rd claaa.
In April 1907 be waa rated Chief Turret
Capbna. Hi pay today i $16.76 per,
man's lib? among riien !
Seel them off "Rio",Gibraltar,
Ceylon, yokohama aH the great'
port of the world are they only
pUcsi oo the map to you or are
they ports where you've cone sail
ing ta from the high teat with
every eye along the shore turned
tatoiirtntly on your big ship
your ehlpt Every ocean ha a
tbitett States ship sailing for
one port worth seeing, ,
IfyAaVe any call In you Car
Iu8 We Join, and color all your
yeara ahead with, memories of
thamwoilh seeing with kaomU
edge worth having with an ine
.kaustlble fund of sea tale and
'adventures picked up ashore and
afloat that win make you'a wel
come man in any company. ,
. Work? sure, and a man's worS
it Is, among men.
Play? well, rather, with a bunch
of men who know how to play.
These comrades of yours carry
in their ears the sounds of great
world cities, of booming guns, of
washing seal sounds you will
hare.' with them and that will
never die away.
And when you come home, youH -face
life ashore with level eyes
for Uncle Sam trains in alf
rstfenc as welt as self-respect.
The Navy build straight aiena,
no mollycoddle.
on November 22 when Coach Bob Fish
or's clo'-en goes against Tale in their
annual battle.' The stands will be en
larged to accommodate 48,000. Ercc
tion of temporary stands will be nnde-taken-
by the Harvard athletic associa
atanrt for two'yeara. Kxetltart opportmitiea for adranoamcilt. .
our wek bolidaya with pay each year. Shore leave to aee in-'
hwlrisauat porta visited. Man alwaya learning. Good food
and n uniform outgt trtm. Pay besina the day yon enti.t. Oe
ftlB Inhumation Ircanyour nsnitMincruWiiestoticn. UyonSa
f lumm wAnr tan nearert mrnitane sMtioa is, si
suanows. .
iSiov off ! - Join fbe
TheNatioris Shine
Nation-wide appreciation has led to a
nation-wide distribution.
ShinoiA can be bought in every city, town
and hamlet, and the price is as always
Nation-wide popularity is due to the
MERIT of ShinoiA.
Users everywhere appreciate the quick,
easy shine, convenient, key-openings box,
leather preserving qualities and economy
in use.
ShinoiA HOME SET .
makes shining a matter of seconds. l
Genuine Bristle Dauber cleans the shoes
and applies polish quickly and easily.
Large Lamb's Wool Polisher with felt
cushion brings the brilliant shine with a
few strokes. Useful to remove dust and
renew the lasting ShinoiA Shine.
Although the buying power
of your dollar has shrunk,
fe 10 CENTS
still buys ShinoiA
any luiui. 1-
WHITE W ip7heIhmeSel
OX-BLOOD BROWN J tor Conienieaa-
h Turkish and Domestic Tobaccos 'Blended
i?..Pend can copied m