Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, October 15, 1919, Image 1

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t v!5 000 EEADF.T3 DAILY)
,. , , . - t; a
Weather Report
Only Circulation m Salem Guar-
anteed by the Audit Bureau of
sir 1 , . . ' - i r r
, :' - . -? )
; Oregon: Tonight: and Thnrs)
'- , day fair; gentle north to east
is- "winds.' i i.
i. ivxiy-U lliu wuiO STANDS ITVB CSNTW
I ft -?r xri 11
mm M
I J ' lit Uul i y
400,000 ML
Call for.Walkout of Workers
Issued Today by Acting
Union President.
Secretary Wilson's Request
For Postponement of
Call Is Disregarded.
Cottage Grove Minister Is
Named by Presbyterians As
Moderator For Coming Year
WjtK a full representation, and en
thusii permeating till the sessions,'
the iSQannual convention of the Pres-
:byteo f Willamette, being held here
todaS id Tuesday, is a. iwg success,
in ta w pinion or those attending. Al
ter 'SJ Rainess meeting this morning the
visig ejvinade a sight seeing trip thru
the . visiting the plants of the Phez
icon y, the King iToducts company,
ant .Ms Willamette university and the
sui court.
" ,?ht a ibig dinner will be. given
uri,,"? the auspices of the session in
the Hose room at the Spa. The women
of the presbytery gave a luncheon, to
members this norrf and a supper was
enjoyed Tuesday evening jb.y the visit
ing .ministers and wives.
The election of of fieersfwas held
Tuesday. He. D.: A. MacLeod of Cot
tage Grove, was chosen moderator.
Rev. MacLeod just recently returned
after two years' service with the A,
K. P. in- Franco. A temporary clerk and
a reporting clerk were also elected.
Kov. Wallace" H. Lee is retiring mod
erator. ' ' ,
At tonight's session 'Rev. J. E. Sny
der will deliver the principal' address,
"The' church's educational task in all
college work." v
,J?oa, report of the committee on res
olutions 'will' 'be read, and after the
u.-Jia,l lousiness iy.'tcnuynt to compe
tion of the conference the meeting will
adjourn. j
Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 15.' Four
hundred thousand coal miners' were or
dered to strike 'November 1 in a call
issued today by John L. Lewis, acting
president of the United Mine- Workers
of America.
The order affects practically all bi
'tmninous miners in the United States.
It was issued following failure of the
union leaders and operators represent
atives to get together nud settle wage
demands made by the millers. "
Although the order affects only 400, -j
00". men directly, it was announced
at offices of the United Mine Workers
of America that more than a half anil
lion will respond. In fields where la
bor ib only partly organized, it was
predicted miners not union will wal'i
out with their co-workprs.
The strike is the direct result of the
conference between miner and opera-tort
representatives . at (Philadelphia
which adjourned Saturday without
reaching an agreement. At this con
ference nn effort was made to formu
late a new wage settle and working
President Watching Round
Table; to Demand Results
Washington, Oct. 15. (Unit-
ed Press) President Wilson is
in touch with the proceedings
on the national industrial con-
" forence and will act to check
ony move which might moan
its breaking up, it was stated
at the white house today.
The president, it was learn-
ed, will Insist that the eonfer-i
ence accomplish gome of the
purposes for which it was com-
An muni!
Vote on Labors Proposal for
Mediation of Strike 'Is j
Postponed Again. j
Riga, Set Afire by German
Bombardment, Is Burning;
Lett Women Aid Defenders
London, Oct. 15. A part oi Riga is '
burning, having been set afire by the
German bombardment, a dispatch re
ceived from Hclsingfors reported today.
A German attack Monday is reported to
have been less intense than previously
although it included the use of poison
gas and trench mortar shells. - ' '
The Letts resistance has been accom
panied by many valorous incidents. At
ono place a Lettish woman Caroline
Mnzian, seised a rifle and entered the
trench alongside the men.
Reports from Reval indicate General
Yudenitch, commander of tho Russian
northwestern army, is moeting pronounc
ed success in his advance against the
bolshcviki. On Sunday his forecs cap
tured Volosaava and Vruda, 25 mifes be
yond Yauiburg, the town 68 miles
southwest of Petrograd which has be
come Yudenitch 's base of supply. From
Vruda-, tho Russian cavalry dashed 25
miles and seized Gomontova. The Rus
sians also occupied Pskoff and advanc
ed within three milos of -Luga. In 24
hours they gained 15 miles, according
to Reval dispatches.
In tho vast wo days a British destroy
er has brought o Reval six German ships
which were trying to run the block-ado.'.-
'"".' ' '
General Von Per Golti, according to
the Berlin Tagos Zeitung, has resigned
from . the army as a result of the eu
tcnto's latest note.
Owen, Democrat, Declares
For Amendment While
Colt Gves Backing.
Arbitration Issue Threatens
To Disrupt Round Table
Sessions Today
' Washington, Oct. 15- (United Press)
After postponing for the day the
vote on' labor '9 proposal for mediation
of the steel strike,; the national indus
trial conference' todtiy adjourned until
2:30 p. m. tomorrow , J
Tho public and labor groups forced
tho adjournment over the objections
T.c..n!ann Opt. 1 5. Lieutenant
B W Mnynard had gainod 2' minutes if the employers group. They-were n
',i hi. mt bound f litrht. ' abled to do this T ruling of Chair-
according to unofficial figures this af- man Lane that a group voto Was not
jter.ooa Comparing hig fUght from Salt . ncecssary on matter. P"?-"-
Lake Jo the Presidio . with his f ying Z3 'T th
; ... . i ou i ,,!, recxea tne central comoinw or ine
(mm the Presidio to Salt Lake , ouf(Jrnc& to report ,not thaa w
ei. v i.
Flying Westward, Maym.rd s log!euil1e the 0nfer0n(!6 in it. attitude to
ward Collective , 'bargaining. Delegates
Loree and Perkins, of the employers
Contract for tho 32,000 medals- to be I
,.,..AnA l.ir 4lra atl f.. .nil Oppffnil 1
The 'order was signea by ;jonn u. ' men U(i women serving in -any branch
Lewis, president and William Green, ' of tho aimy 01. nuvy during the world
secretary-treasurer . of the. miners or- .WBf. Wg8 awarclcd by, "the State Mpdal I
ganization. It-directs V the .members c.mn,iaj.im. thia morillff to Whitehead
of our orgunifsation employed in and r. - D nr,.:.t n ' t ti,,,..,n u,b
A ll. H, H.:tl.,. "UK v ileum., ,..v-6. ...
iuuuu uc hiiiiuh ui i"ir uul""'ua n,...i 4- l,....i. J! 1...
shows lio mado the following records
Sairtako to fialduro 52:3u. -Baldure
to Battle Mountain. !:19:05;
Battle Mountain to Beno 1:46:15.
Bono to Sacramento 56:41.
Sacramento to San Francisco 52:08, '
Total 5:46:44.
Unofficisl figures on the return flight
show: "- ' "' " J
Presidio to Sacramento 48:12.
Sacrauieto .to Beno 1:02:40. ,
Bono .to Battlo Mountain 1:31:10.
BBattle Mountain to Salduro, 1:27:30.
SalduM to Salt Lake, 54:53. v
Total' 5:44:27." 1 '
around the mines
c.vtil producing districts within tho jur
isdiction of our organization in the
T'nited States to cease the production
of coal at midnight on Friday, Octo
ber 31, 1919."
"Replying ft Secretary Wilson's tele
gram ashing him to come to Washing
ton tomorrow for a conference to which
Thomas T. Brewster, president of the
meduls which will cost tho statu
cents each tro of a design closely re
sembling the American War cross sus
pended from an invisible bar by a
"Victory" ribbon. On the face of the
bronze medal appear tho words" World
War Service", beueuth which - is' an
American eoule with the state seal in
oal Operators' association was also relief on the lower part of. the cross. On
invited, Lewis said: V J tho obverse side of the inedivl appear
"Replying to your, request for my the following wording: "Presented by
presence in Washington for a confer' tho State .of Oregon in grateful recog-
enco with you, I advise J will 'be at nition ot faithful service rendered dur-
youi- office 11 o'clock (Friday morning,
Octoiber 17. Delay is occasioned by my
inability to arrive Washington in time
- for Thursday morning."
The secretary's message asked Lewis
aiot to send out the strike; order until
after the conference. '
ing tho World War." Fight hundred
of the medals are to bear a, gold star
appended to the ribbon, these to be
awarded to the parents or relatives of
those who lost heir lives in the ser
vice. The nit dais are to be delivered within
90 days and will be distributed to those
entitled to receive them through their
respective counties, the distribution to
be ivccompunied by appropriate ceremon
ies, according to tentative planf-nois
under wav. . . -
An intensive statewido educational
campaign to make Oregon first among
the states of the union in fire preven
tion will be launched Thursday when
Jay Stevens, of San Francisco manager
of the Fuo Prevention Bureau of the
Pacific will enter the state with tho
new Tho. H. Ince motion picture pro
duction on fire prevention for a tour
of tho state under tho auspices ot the
state firo marshal's department. Sevens
who will be accompanied by Horace
Sykes; assistant state fire marshal, will
open the campaign at Pendleton where
he will show the fire prevention pic-
turns Thursday, going to La Grande
on Friday and to Baker on Saturday
On. Monday the party will be in Bend
as a Dart of the proposed Fire Preven
tion Day program and on Thursday of
next woek the picture will be shown at
Klamath Falls as a feature of a big
fire nrnvention nrouram scheduled for
- V that city on that date. It 'is planned
Washington, Oct. 15, President Wil-jto show the picturo in all of the prin
son was 1-utter todav. said a bulletin is-lcinal cities in the state during the next
sued by his physicians at noon. The bul-. three weeks, storeoptican views of fire
lctinjaid: hazards and common causes of fires bo-
j "The president had a good night's! ing shown 'in the schools during tho
' rest; cn loved, his breakfast and aside Uay and tho big motion pictures being
..... .... . 4.'..n.H n .l,.Tllt hn.l n.Ha i01l f 1 tl II Of I Tfl Uli.tUfl If) inn IHrifKHL HVH11HU1U UU11M1I1IC
on the streets that the political pot is ,'"" ..-..v-v ..,.... ... ..
commencing to boil, and it had been; 1 make improvement. The condition which at night admission free. The picture,
said that Chief Varney would hurl his caused the restlessness of Monday night: which was shown for th0 tirst time in
i,t ii. ...i, t:.i- i. tni.l nnH nhnut which llr. f owler was consult- ureeon ilunnif rnc conveuiiuu ui iirs
that Chief A:amev would probably be- cd, gave no trouble uuring tne nignt.
While not milking-any direct state-
out that he would become a candidate
for sheriff at the' next election, Ohief
of Police Fercv M. Varney Wednesday
said that "he was considering it." Ini
tunarion that he would probably run
for sheriff is the outcome of a rumor
group declared that such an inYportant
matter should not ibe deiaaea wiimn
so short a time,
The desire of the members of the
public group .to postpono a vote in
steel strike resolution was evident thru
out the day. They feared that an ad
verse vote might bring a break in the
Before adjourning the - conference
adopted a resolution expressing synipa
rhv with Samuel (Joiiiiers, head of tno
American Federation of Labor, who ia
seriously ill at Tils home here.
Chairman Wheeler of the oiwpioycrg
group introduced the resolution- prais
ing (iomoers work for tno - last two
The Dostoonement action eame otter
the conference had delayed convening
all morning to give each group a chance
to so into executive session ana aeior
mine its attitudo toward postponement
After hearing now proposals, Chair
man Baritch of tho public group mov
ed postponement of .tho vote on tne
steel ttnko arbitration proposal uniu
the central committee could report on
collective bargaining. His motion di
rected the committee to report not lat
er than 2:30 o. m. tomorrow.
Secretary Morrison of tho labor
prouD 1 avo ' ' and so uia usarucn.
Chaiilrman Wheeler oi jne capiroi
Igroup voted "no," declaring that the
steel striko arbitration proposal snouia
be brousht to vote lmmodiatciy,
The negative vote of the capital
trrouo waa at first taken to mean that
the postponement proposal was do
fented since the rules provide that
each group must concur if a proposal
m Atifinteii.
John Spargo made a point of order.
coine a. candidate, were profuse in their
exclanwitions of beliof that he will be
the next sheriff should he run.
When Sheriff Noodham was asked
.whether ho intended to run again to
succeed himself, he smiled and said:
' T don't know." It Is strongly hinted,
however, that he would like to retain
the little yellow star.
The bulletin was signed by Drs. O.-ay
son, Buf fin and Stitt.
Dr. H. A. Fowler, Washington physi
cian, who was called in late yesterday
to treat the president for the swelling
of his prostrate gland, did not visit the
White Houso today, it was learned.
Dr. Grayson said Fowler probably will
be asked to visit the president from
time to time. .
A message from the American ambas
sador at Loudon was received today, ex
pressing for the Emir Seisal of the Ara
bian nation the hopo of tho president's
speedy .recovery.
chief in Portland Trt-euted much favor
able comuieut and is said to be the nios.
impressive feature of its kind ever pro
With compilation of the school at
tendance in the. city completed, it was
learned Wednesday that the enrollment
this year shows an increase of 30 per
cent over anv previous year. According
to a report made at the meeting of tho
board of directors Tuesday evening by
The regular quarterly meeting of the
Marion County Grange wag held Wed
nesday ct the Pomona Grange. All see
tiens were well represented, and Htate
Master C E. Spenee was honorary visit1
and spoke to the delegations during
prograu- in the afternoon.
ir. T u... ;.. ll...i ... "" K."v.K ........
, , V- -elected to serve for the ensuing quar-
' Woman Kills Offending Dog
By Hanging From Window ?
battle, Wush., Oct. 15. (United . "
have ended a life bv hanging. How
ever, she was not arrested on a murder
Superintendent John W. Todd, the total charge, only on a cruelty -to animals
tor: J. E. Whitehead, of Turner, mas
ter: C. ii. Taylor, of Huunyside, over
ui.f Mrj Jimnia Van Trumu. of Salen.
srtenuance to aaio is 5,mi uu lucrenw. compiaini, lue auegeo. yiciioi uavjng lccturer- Mrs. Will Jones, of Maeleey
of 152 students over last year. ' been an Airedale dog. ; secretary and Zella Fletcher cf Halerii
.v.fe.... - - . iw.ru. nuuauii in suiu to uuw uucuiiio . treasurer.
.s a oirecroras aiHeua. '. , . enra8e1 at t!ie doK because it killed lho program, enlivened by good
,,: 1 ii n'T, ,,nnpl .he- "er Pot cat- At''f!hbors claim she caught 'speaker and entertainment, was enjoy
V . . . . . ! the dog, tied a cord about its neck and ed ijT aij present,
cfiuso he is coins to move to I'endie, . . , Jt . , J v
" . - tossed the animal from the balcony of,
"The board took a definite and em- her apartment, leaving the dog suspend- A cavalry unit will be established at
.T.T H until it, xtrules ceaed. Then, ac the Oregon Agricultural college, if war
hazing" new members; and action cording to the neighbors, she buried the department plan, are carried out an
,;.t thi was discussed. Airedale in her yard. " arr.ngeu.efft satisfactory to the
(Continued on page eight)
Albert Declines ;
Invitation Sen t
To Visit Salem
Apparently under the influence, of a
strange hallucination that a number of
men are pursuing him to all parts of tho
world where he goes -a man giving tho
name of Jack Byan, age 42, was taken
into cuHtsdyat the Southern Pacific do
pot at nine o'clock Tuesday night, nud
was being held in the city jail Wed
nesday. On receipt of information that
stranger was loitering in the vicinity
of the depot and soemcd afraid that
someone would seo him, Officers Mof
fit. and BrunBon mounted a motorcycle
and hurried to make the arrest.
Chief :f Police Varney is puzzled by
the mim's story. He apparently is rat
ional, and clever, in any other subject.
Byan says that several years ago e
consented to pose as a character for
several men cnghged in writing a book.
The book, however, would novor - be
comnloted until Byan had suffered bod
ily --Injur? and had died. The author of.
the book,, the man sayB, is a tall fel
low with a black mustache, and who is
master of Hindu mystery and tho
occult. '
Much of the book had boon written,
Ryan told police Wednesday, and jthe
timo had ccme when ho must suffer the
nameless torture prescribed by tho tall,
mustiuchod man, and die.
It was to escape this, Byan says, that
he fled from Portland to Oregon City
several days ago. The men who arc pur
suing him, ho says, discovered that he
was in Oregon City, and called at his
rooming house to see him. He crawled
undor the bed, according to his story,
and waited until they had left. Then
he came to Salem, only to discover that
tho men had followed him here in an
Police Inspector Swenncs, of Portland
who was visiting in Salom yesterday,
questioned tho man in his cell. Inspector
Hwennos, who has had lots of exper
ience with criminals, is equally puzzled.
Ho hinted that Byan might have been
implicated in a " job" with other crooks
and that hey were hunting him down
to slay him und insure his silence. But
Ryan denied this. When asked by In
spector flwcnneB if ho was a "lamp-
stcr" the fellow said no. Very tew
know the mcuning of the term "lamp-
stor", whieh means "convict" and the
man's' familiarity with prison vernacu
lar leads authorities hero to believe that
ho might have served "time" some
where. Chief Varney said that his men were
looking for tho "tall, mustnehed man"
and his t;soeiates.
An examination of the man's sani
ty, conducted by Ir. Roy D. Byrd in
the sheriff's office, resulted in his
committment to the state hospital.
King Albert will not visit
Salem while on his tour of tho
United States. Word to this et
feet has ibeon recetvfco. 'oy Pros-
ident Paulus "of the Salem Com-
mercial club f rom tho ' king '
secretary. The wire received
from tho king follows:
"Paulus, Pres. Salem Com-
mercial club: The king thank
you very much for your invi-
tation to visit the city of Sa-
lem, but regrets sincerely that
it is impossible to alter the
program already arranged by
tho state dopartmont. Gorard,
Secretary." : ;
Rhole Island Senator Wo-jM
Substitute Reservations
For Amendments.
OCT. 26 AS GO-TO- i
Washington. Oct. 15. President Sam-
uel Gomners of the American Federation
of Labor is seriously ill at his home
here today and will be unable to attend
sessions of ho national industrial con
ference today. '
Gompers' illness was announced Dy
nnmbers o? the labor grCup which Gom
pers has led since the start of. the con-
The statement announcing' Gompers
illnss said t
'Mr. Gompers returned home rrom
the industrial conference last evening
very wrcatlv exhausted nnd immediately
went to bed. Mis pnysiciau, ui.
Parker, was called to see him. He found
Mr. Gompers in a state of nervous ex
haustion with a temperature or iui uc-
grees. The doctor said it would he au
solutely necessary for Mr. Gompers to
remain in bed."
Gomoers' illness followed a speech
urging adoption of tho resolution to
mediate the steel striKe at me comer
ence yesterday.
Gompers was suffering unusual ne-i
pression yesterday because of the fact
that it WW the anniversary of his
daughter's death. His wife suffered n
e-aralvtic stroke last June and has been
helpless since. Gompers never fully re
covered lis strength since his accident
several months ago in New York. The
cumulative effeet of his cares-and his
own physical suffering have made his
lieutennntu in the labor movement un
jnsy concerning him for some time.
All ' citizens of Oregon adults a)
well as children are urged to observe
"Go to Sunday school day," Sunday,
October 28, in a proclamation issued by
Governor Olcott today.
' "Since its inception tho Sunday
school has been tho instrumentality in
that degree of character development
which has been one of tho outstanding
factors In the greatness of our na
tion." tho proclamation rends. "Thou
sands of the men and women of out
state owe to the lessons which they
have gained in attendance at Sunday
u..lw,nl the fine sense, of catizeasnip
which has sustained them in their lat
ter years and look back to thoso les
sons with a keen sent of grateful ap
preciation. .
"TVi nur ibiw and irirlu and to our
young manhood and young womanhood
ui nwo the best that we can givo. The
environment of tho Sunday school is
such an environment as tends toward
the growth of tho finer and better sen
sibilities. '
"No matter what sect or creed may
. . 1...4.
c'aim our reverence, uuuu- uuv
that tho principles upon which oui
government are founded are in accord
with tho best procopts of a Christian j
civilization and thoso precepts are in
culcated to tho young mind in the los
sons and through the environment of
tho Sunday school. .
"Utenring rncse Tacts in minu ,i u
sire to place my hearty stamp of ap
proval on the plan for tho observance
of 'Go to Sunday school day,' which
has been set for Sunday, October io,
1919, and to urgo that adults as well
as children join in thig movement
which I am certain is such a movement
as tends to the upbuilding of our stand
ard of citizenship."
federatedIbs to
meet in woodburn
Washington, Oct. 15. One democratic;
eenntor today declared for amending
the peace treaty while one republican
came out against amendment.!, . in
speeches in the sonate. ; -
The demoarat was Senator Owen, Ok
lahoma, nd the, republican Senator
Colt, Rhode Island, who said he wa
against amendments,, but , for reserva- ,
tions. ' ' ;-" '1,-: ;'
Owen proposed an amendment to tha
treaty giving freedom to all subject peo
ple when they aro capable of self gov
ernment. ' - ' " - -
Self rni-ernmcnt would be granted to
subject, 'peoples, only .when their ruling"
aovernments decide they arc capable or
it, or when the council nnd assembly or
tho leagiM ordered it by a twothird
vote. Owen's amendment provided ; '
"This contract of November B ean-
not bo neglected or overlooked,". Owen
-leelnrcd nftor readinE WMson's note T,o
Germany informing her that she eouM
havo oeace on the terms of the fourteen
Boenkm!! moiipositio n to the amend
ments-Senator Coll declared they would
rc.-onen.Jreaty' negotiation liy creatine
a."new ,'trcatv.V "While jfeservaHoiM '
would accomplish the desired end with
out Bending tho'document back to othrt
powers'. ;;" - - . -v I
Colt advocated these reservations: '
Exempting the Vnitcd States from tha
Hhnntnne settlement. - ' ' -
Fonalizlnw tho vot'nir stwivth '.nr
the United Stales and Oreat, Britain.
n lf...! .L- -T..!...l Uinl.. mih till.
rtl'Ut'VII-lf HIH UllllPM 'tl.'.n
Kitntion under Article 11 nnd lrnvinn.it
to congress whether thi country wjU
intervene to presrvi the territorial
boundaries or political independence of
league, members.
Making clear that ho ITnited States
can withdraw from the league on two
years notice.
Making plain that each rtat is th
iudge nf whether it has fulfilled its in
ternational obliimtions, this reservation
to bo interpretative. :
Olnrifvimr the article dealing with th
Afnnroo Doctrine, so as to make certain
that the United States IB to be iudgn
of whether a dispute comes under th
Reserving to the TTnit"d States tha
rtrrht to decidn whether a dispute Te-
lates to domestic nucstions.
The schools of Oregon will observe
October 27. the nnniversary of tho
birth of Theodore Roosevelt, with brief
programs calling attention to the lire,
character nnd achievements of the for
mer prcsid.. nt of the United States. J. B(lnrentnive, of Bu clubs. affiliated
l hurehin. Plato suoerimenuuuv m . , , ... .tt,i n.
Six men from this city will leave to
niuht for Woodburn where they will
t, iriirwt.fi nf that own at a meeting of
the Marion County Federation of Clubs.
. n...f f!nn u'ill ntf-nnrl thA meet
....... , . . -i in rni- Ef'iiuiciiii.ii .t.ii -1 --
public instruction i requesting eoumy -- . g-hcduled for each month
mrnnrmlriniirillH to UruO IUC COOIWra. ...
tuon of teachers in their respective
counties in ooservmg iiun mcmuuni - - , .. j
the end "that chorl children of Ore-'nigh ' meeting on proposed county ad
irnn mf.v 1,avc a higher conception of vertisement ana roau sigua.
true Americanism."
"The purpose, of tho program is to
call to the attention of the children in
our public schools, the principles of loy
al public service which were exempli
fied in the life of Theodore Roose
velt," Churchill states in his letter to
the county superintendents endorsing
tho plan of the Roosevelt Memorial as
sociation for the creation of a fund
for the erection of a permanent memor
ial to Buosevelt.
Paris, Oct. 15. Leon Bpurgeois was
today appointed French representative
in the council of the lcaguo of nations.
Gary. Ind., Oct. 15.- The mailed fin
fell today with triphammer spoed on .
Gary reds and bomb plotters.
Forty homes, suspected of revoluuon-
arv activities were rt.-iua "wwro
night and dawn by United Htates sol
diers under tho direction of army intel
ligence headquartera. Kightoen men
were ta"ken into custody nnd held with
forty others taken in previous raids. An
army truck was called into service t
carry away printed propaganda.
These raids aro merely a start tr
what may be expected, according t
hints from army officers. Reports that
today was the day set for tho closing
in on suspcets, have been current for a
week. . . . .
A secret list containing 700 name
of red Mutators fell into the hands of
the intelligence department shortly af
ter the soldiers took control here. TM
list formed the basis for their opera
tions. The intelligence officers havn
now determined to take no chances with
the suspects and will investigate th
activities of each of the 700. .
Senate Seeks Information m
On Sale Of Government Ships
Wo.hln'rtnn. Oct. 1!5. Secretary oi .. . ,, -Mt,
. .""-. t... for 20.. waKiui'gron, yci. rF-.
WWtoWt board for voca- .board ffZt S X
tloiml training in a supplemtnal esti- whether it is making to dis-
mate sent to tne Bcnuie. im u.uuojr ,r v-y -------- - o.f
to be
in different parts of the county,
f 'nmmit ees will make reports at
The delegates from the Salom Com
mercial club aro T. E. McCroskey, Os
car "Hteelhtinmer and Ii. J. Chapin. The
other mm going from this city are
Walter Denton, George Putnam, editor
of the Capital Journal and W. C.
used for rehabilitation of sol- '-resolution introduced today by BcnatM
diers, sailors and marines.
Edge, New Jersey.